[Debian-hebrew-package] Bug#857792: icedove-bidiui needs to become thunderbird-bidiui

Carsten Schoenert c.schoenert at t-online.de
Tue Jan 2 06:48:11 UTC 2018

Control: severity -1 serious

Dear maintainers of icedove-bidiui,

Thunderbird 52.5.2 has entered unstable a few days ago and the source
isn't building any transitional packages (e.g. icedove* or iceowl*)
since 1:52.5.0-1.
By this the package icedove-bidiui is now also preventing the migration
of the src:thunderbird packages from unstable to testing. As written
earlier I raise the severity for icedove-bidiui to serious.

Please update icedove-bidiui so both packages can be used.

On Wed, Sep 20, 2017 at 10:00:32PM +0200, Carsten Schoenert wrote:
> Dear Maintainers of bidiui,
> On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 12:44:20AM -0400, Jonathan Joseph Chiarella wrote:
> > Package: icedove-bidiui
> > Version: 0.9.7-1
> > 
> > Debian is returning to the upstream branding of Mozilla's Firefox and
> > Thunderbird.
> > 
> > Most Thunderbird packages have been renamed from "icedove" to
> > "thunderbird" (and from "iceowl" plugin to "lightning"), but one
> > remaining package is icedove-bidiui, which needs to be renamed as
> > "thunderbird-bidiui.
> your package is referencing to Icedove within short and long
> description. The package has also a Depends on icedove >= 2.0 which will
> be unresolvable with a upload of thunderbird packages 1:52.5.0-1 as we
> planning to remove the currently existing transitional packages starting
> with this version in unstable/testing.
> While writing this report the version in unstable/testing of thunderbird
> is 1:52.3.0-4. Mozilla is planning to release Firefox (Thunderbird)
> 52.5.0 on 2017-11-14.
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/RapidRelease/Calendar
> Please rework the control file for src:bidiui to get the package still
> available in testing.
> I plan to raise the importance to important after preparing and pushing
> Thunderbird 52.4.0 to unstable and to serious with 52.5.0.
> Regards and Thanks
> Carsten (on behalf of maintaining src:icedove)


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