[Debian-in-commits] [hyphen-indic] 02/04: Merge tag 'upstream/0.9.0'

Balasankar C balasankarc-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jan 22 12:42:58 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

balasankarc-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository hyphen-indic.

commit 36f2a5a1586d02b1eb0ba236a1191024500ed287
Merge: 06a8d47 c43db8f
Author: Balasankar C <balasankarc at autistici.org>
Date:   Fri Jan 22 17:40:57 2016 +0530

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.9.0'
    Upstream version 0.9.0

 README.md                                          |   25 +
 as_IN/COPYING                                      |  165 -
 as_IN/ChangeLog                                    |    2 +
 as_IN/MIT-LICENSE.txt                              |   21 +
 as_IN/Makefile                                     |   22 +-
 as_IN/README                                       |    6 +-
 as_IN/hyph_as_IN.dic                               |   37 +-
 bn_IN/COPYING                                      |  165 -
 bn_IN/ChangeLog                                    |    2 +
 bn_IN/MIT-LICENSE.txt                              |   21 +
 bn_IN/Makefile                                     |   22 +-
 bn_IN/README                                       |    6 +-
 bn_IN/hyph_bn_IN.dic                               |   37 +-
 gu_IN/COPYING                                      |  165 -
 gu_IN/ChangeLog                                    |    2 +
 gu_IN/MIT-LICENSE.txt                              |   21 +
 gu_IN/Makefile                                     |   22 +-
 gu_IN/README                                       |    6 +-
 gu_IN/hyph_gu_IN.dic                               |   37 +-
 hi_IN/COPYING                                      |  165 -
 hi_IN/ChangeLog                                    |    2 +
 hi_IN/MIT-LICENSE.txt                              |   21 +
 hi_IN/Makefile                                     |   22 +-
 hi_IN/README                                       |    6 +-
 hi_IN/hyph_hi_IN.dic                               |   37 +-
 inkscape/README                                    |   24 -
 inkscape/extensions/hyphenator/__init__.py         |    3 -
 inkscape/extensions/hyphenator/hyphenator.py       |  249 -
 inkscape/extensions/hyphenator/langdetect.py       |   38 -
 .../extensions/hyphenator/rules/hyph_as_IN.dic     |  100 -
 .../extensions/hyphenator/rules/hyph_bn_IN.dic     |  100 -
 .../extensions/hyphenator/rules/hyph_en_US.dic     | 9784 --------------------
 .../extensions/hyphenator/rules/hyph_gu_IN.dic     |   93 -
 .../extensions/hyphenator/rules/hyph_hi_IN.dic     |   97 -
 .../extensions/hyphenator/rules/hyph_kn_IN.dic     |  100 -
 .../extensions/hyphenator/rules/hyph_ml_IN.dic     |  115 -
 .../extensions/hyphenator/rules/hyph_mr_IN.dic     |   97 -
 .../extensions/hyphenator/rules/hyph_or_IN.dic     |   92 -
 .../extensions/hyphenator/rules/hyph_pa_IN.dic     |   88 -
 .../extensions/hyphenator/rules/hyph_ta_IN.dic     |   76 -
 .../extensions/hyphenator/rules/hyph_te_IN.dic     |   99 -
 inkscape/extensions/text_hyphenate.inx             |   15 -
 inkscape/extensions/text_hyphenate.py              |    9 -
 inkscape/inkscape-hyphenation.zip                  |  Bin 61722 -> 0 bytes
 kn_IN/COPYING                                      |  165 -
 kn_IN/ChangeLog                                    |    2 +
 kn_IN/MIT-LICENSE.txt                              |   21 +
 kn_IN/Makefile                                     |   22 +-
 kn_IN/README                                       |    6 +-
 kn_IN/hyph_kn_IN.dic                               |   37 +-
 ml_IN/COPYING                                      |  165 -
 ml_IN/ChangeLog                                    |    2 +
 ml_IN/MIT-LICENSE.txt                              |   21 +
 ml_IN/Makefile                                     |   22 +-
 ml_IN/README                                       |    6 +-
 ml_IN/hyph_ml_IN.dic                               |   37 +-
 mr_IN/COPYING                                      |  165 -
 mr_IN/ChangeLog                                    |    2 +
 mr_IN/MIT-LICENSE.txt                              |   21 +
 mr_IN/Makefile                                     |   22 +-
 mr_IN/README                                       |    6 +-
 mr_IN/hyph_mr_IN.dic                               |   37 +-
 or_IN/COPYING                                      |  165 -
 or_IN/ChangeLog                                    |    2 +
 or_IN/MIT-LICENSE.txt                              |   21 +
 or_IN/Makefile                                     |   22 +-
 or_IN/README                                       |    6 +-
 or_IN/hyph_or_IN.dic                               |   37 +-
 pa_IN/COPYING                                      |  165 -
 pa_IN/ChangeLog                                    |    2 +
 pa_IN/MIT-LICENSE.txt                              |   21 +
 pa_IN/Makefile                                     |   22 +-
 pa_IN/README                                       |    6 +-
 pa_IN/hyph_pa_IN.dic                               |   37 +-
 ta_IN/COPYING                                      |  165 -
 ta_IN/ChangeLog                                    |    2 +
 ta_IN/MIT-LICENSE.txt                              |   21 +
 ta_IN/Makefile                                     |   22 +-
 ta_IN/README                                       |    6 +-
 ta_IN/hyph_ta_IN.dic                               |   37 +-
 te_IN/COPYING                                      |  165 -
 te_IN/ChangeLog                                    |    2 +
 te_IN/MIT-LICENSE.txt                              |   21 +
 te_IN/Makefile                                     |   22 +-
 te_IN/README                                       |    6 +-
 te_IN/hyph_te_IN.dic                               |   37 +-
 web/COPYING.LESSER.txt                             |  165 -
 web/Hyphenator.js                                  | 1605 ----
 web/example.html                                   |  103 -
 web/patterns/bn.js                                 |   13 -
 web/patterns/gu.js                                 |   12 -
 web/patterns/hi.js                                 |   12 -
 web/patterns/kn.js                                 |   13 -
 web/patterns/ml.js                                 |   14 -
 web/patterns/or.js                                 |   14 -
 web/patterns/pa.js                                 |   12 -
 web/patterns/ta.js                                 |   12 -
 web/patterns/te.js                                 |   12 -
 98 files changed, 564 insertions(+), 15410 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-in/hyphen-indic.git

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