[Debian-islamic-commits] RFS: UPDATE: zekr 0.7.5+repack-1

أحمد المحمودي aelmahmoudy at sabily.org
Fri Apr 23 17:57:10 UTC 2010

Note: Despite that I have become DM (and the package has DMUA set). I 
still need it to be sponsored because my @sabily.org email address was 
registered in Debian database, and hence I updated my email address in 
the this release.

 ‎أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy)
  Digital design engineer
 GPG Fingerprint: 8206 A196 2084 7E6D 0DF8  B176 BC19 6A94 EDDD A1B7

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