[Debian-islamic-commits] [SCM] Packaging for libitl annotated tag, debian/0.7.0-3, created. debian/0.7.0-3

Mehdi Dogguy mehdi at debian.org
Tue May 10 15:06:23 UTC 2011

The annotated tag, debian/0.7.0-3 has been created
        at  d9f2bc2886774283fbecda22db991c190a6a4a59 (tag)
   tagging  4e913df43bbe1cb9097abfbf6352c47690d07955 (commit)
  replaces  debian/0.7.0-2
 tagged by  Mehdi Dogguy
        on  Tue May 10 16:45:33 2011 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 0.7.0-3

Mehdi Dogguy (1):
      Add DMUA field (and set it to "yes")

أحمد المحمودي (Ahmed El-Mahmoudy) (7):
      debian/control: Updated my email address
      debian/patches/01_Makefile.in.diff: Add -Wl before linker options
      Bumped compat level to 8
      Bumped Standards-Version to 3.9.2
      * Updated format specification & copyright years
      Add -Wl only before the -soname linker option (Closes: #624905)
      Release 0.7.0-3


Packaging for libitl

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