[Debian-Islamic-maintainers] Complement of the day

Mr Jerry Ntail cp930 at dodo.com.au
Sat Aug 21 11:32:34 UTC 2010

Complement of the day,

Although you might be apprehensive about my email as we have not meet
before,My name is Mr. Jerry Ntai  I work with Mevas Bank Head of Operations
.I have a business proposal in the tune of $19.5m to be transferred to an
offshore account with your assistance.

Once the funds have been transferred to your nominated bank account we shall
then share in the ratio of 70 percent for me and 30 for you.Should you be
interested please send me your,

1, Full names,
2, private phone number,
3, current residential address,
4, 0ccupation,
5, Country,

Finally after that I shall provide you with more details,

Kind Regards,
Mr. Jerry Ntai.


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