[Debian-Islamic-maintainers] Invitation to Attend: 2nd World Response Conference on Global Outbreak, New Delhi, India 23-24 September 2010
WRCGO Inquiry
inquiry at events-exhibitions.net
Thu May 27 05:41:39 UTC 2010
New Delhi, India - After gaining support of medical groups, first
responders, & legal experts from across Americas, Africa, Russia, & Asia
during the First World Response Conference on Global Outbreak (WRCGO 2009)
in Las Vegas, Nevada, today the WRCGO 2010 continues its support to the
urgent endeavors of worldwide public health, business, & consumers on
pandemic influenza for the advancement of the global community thru the
aspect of Resistance, Resiliency, & Recovery. Applied Biosystems, DHS
Systems LLC, SAS Safety Corporation, Germstar, ProSci, Safe Life, Homeland
Security Television, Homeland Security Today, Community TV Network, Karger,
American Preparedness Inc., and Medical Tourism Magazine, made major
contributions to the success of the 1st WRCGO.
( <http://wrcgo.eve-ex.com/agenda.html> http://wrcgo.eve-ex.com/agenda.html)
Amidst the recent World Health Organization reports of increasing number of
laboratory confirmed cases of pandemic influenza 2009-2010, the WRCGO 2010
Crisis Prevention & Response Management Plan for a Possible Co-Occurrence
H5N1 Avian Flu and A/H1N1 Swine flu in the same area, will be studied as a
model by leaders worldwide at the 2nd World Response Conference on Global
Outbreak (WRCGO 2010) on September 23 - 24, 2010 in New Delhi, India. The
great probability of the co-occurrence of the AIV and SIV calls for
assesstment of the whole operation's environment on the convergence of
governments, partners, stakeholders, and first responders during major
emergencies. Major prioritization of issues and solutions that facilitate
legitimate public health responses will be discussed deeply including
quarrantine powers, international trade restrcitions, and allocation of
available vaccines especially on the Asian Regions where all efforts are
geared towards on controlling the H5N1 and responding to H1N1.
WRCGO 2010 is the second world event to invite leaders representing every
sectors of society from Government, Critical Infrastructure Councils,
Medical & Scientific Community, Military, Justice & Law Experts, First
Responders, Shopping Centers and Establishments, Human Resource, Information
Technology Guru, Media as well other experts to model a community process to
help prepare, respond, and recover from a localized outbreak, as well as
broader pandemic.
Simulation exercise, compelling case studies-scenarios, global partnerships,
and health management emergency structure on H1N1 & H5N1 Influenza will be
presented over the two-day forum, offering new important findings on
headline-grabbing incidents of H1N1 & H5N1 influenza, their cost to society,
and how they have impacted local and global prevention, preparedness,
response and recovery processes.
Summary of Topics to be covered in this timely 2-day event include:
- Balancing Leadership, Authority, & Accountability on Influenza
-Presentation of Safety & Security Equipments during pandemic outbreak
and natural disasters
- Assignment of Military, Courts, & Information Technology on Pan Flu
- Status update of the 17 Critical Infrastructure Councils
- 2010 H1N1+ H5N1 flu guidance on current Investors, Policies &
- Peer networking of Government, Suppliers, Contractors
Detailed Topics Include:
Possible Co Co-Occurrence H5N1 Flu during H1N1 Flu
Anatomy of H1N1+H5N1 Flu
H1N1 Flu Guidance: Investors
WHO Eyed for H1N1+H5N1 Flu Control
On Call for the Next Patient Zero - First Responders (Panel)
Vaccine Development and Distribution Protocol
Military Roles on Pandemic Influenza
Overview: International Law (Courts) & Global Outbreak (Panel or
Human Surveillance of H1N1 & H5N1 Flu
Agricultural Surveillance of Influenza of H1N1 & H5N1 Flu
Country Reports on H1N1 & H5N1 Influenza (3 speakers)
Mutation and Transmission of H1N1 to Humans vs. H5N1 Flu
Serological Analysis Explained
AntiViral Drugs, The Drug Theraphy
Critical Infrastructure (CI) in Times of Pandemic (Panel)
Global Outbreak: The New Face of Information Technology and Social Media
Test your Plan thru Simulation Exercise
Other Included Topics:
Border and Transport Measures
Influenza-like Illness Surveillance in Establishments & Tourist Spots
Hospitals Capacity and Response During Outbreak
Role of Diagnostics on the Spread of H1N1 & H5N1 Flu
Modern Public Health Responses: vaccine and drug development, availability,
safety, efficacy, delivery, access, and equity issues. (Panel of Public
* For any other inquiries, please contact us at:
- Website:
- Email: <mailto:info at eve-ex.com> info at eve-ex.com,
<mailto:wrcgo_2010 at yahoo.com> wrcgo_2010 at yahoo.com
- Tel. 425.996.7102
- Fax. 425.968.7400 or +91 (0)226 6459331
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the intended recipient and may contain confidential information that is
protected from use or disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the
intended recipient, please notify the sender and delete the original
message and attachments without making any copies.
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unsubscribe_wrcgo at events-exhibitions.net
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