[Debian-Islamic-maintainers] COMPENSATION FOR SCAM VICTIMS

British High Commission britishhc.abuja at diplomats.com
Tue Jun 7 13:51:37 UTC 2011

Metro Plaza, Plot 991/992
Zakari Maimalari Street
Cadastral Zone AO,
Central Business District, Abuja.
TEL: +234 8063660464
E-MAIL: bhc.abuja at diplomats.com

The BRITISH High Commission in Nigeria,Benin Republic,Ghana and Burkina Faso received a report of scam against you and other British/US citizens and Malaysia,Etc. whom the country of Nigeria/Benin,Burkina faso And Ghana have recompensed you due to meeting held with the Four countries Government and the world high commissions against fraud activities by the Four country Citizens.

Your name was among those scammed as listed by the Nigeria Financial Intelligent Unit (NFIU). A re-compensation has been issued out in cheque to all the affected victims and has been already in distribution to all the bearers. Your cheque was among those that was reported undelivered as at last Friday and we wish to advise you to see to the instructions of the Committee to make sure you receive your cheque of $250,000(Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars) immediately for the claim of your fund.

We have made a concrete arrangement with the Courier Company for a safe delivery of the cheque to your door-step once the beneficiary meets up the demand of the conveyance.

We advise that you do the needful to make sure the NFIU dispatches your recompense on time. You are assured of the safety of your cheque and availability and be advised that you should stop further contacts with all the fake lawyers and security companies who in collaboration scammed you. Call me at: + 234-8-063660464 ,immediately to confirm your delivery date.
Your ID code: BHC/NFIU/COMP/74-A08077HJ/NG.

Note:You are required to send your direct phone and fax numbers to us for easier communication.
Mr. Robert S. Dewar		
The British High Commission in Nigeria

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