[Debian-Islamic-maintainers] COMPENSATION FOR YOUR PAST EFFORT,

revphilimathew14 at LIVE.COM revphilimathew14 at LIVE.COM
Sat Feb 11 16:42:37 UTC 2012


This is to inform you that your fund Worth $2.7Million have been 
credited into ATM MASTERED 
CARD which will enable you to make a withdraw of your fund at any ATM PAYING MACHINE CENTER 
around you.

Note that your maximum withdraw is valued at $10,000 per day until you 
finish your total Remittance.Below is your ATM SECRET PIN CODE which 
will enable you to withdraw your fund (5550)

Now you are 
advise to contact Rev.Philip Mathew who is in charge of Delivery your 
card.Contact Rev.Philip Mathew now with your personal information including your 
Delivery Home Address And Your Direct Tel Phone Number and 
instruct him where to deliver your card within 2 days.

Contact Rev.Philip 
Mathew with this Information Below

Rev.Philip MathewEMAIL: philip.mathew58 at yahoo.com 


Director Federal Minister Of 
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