[Debian-Islamic-maintainers] 2012 (WCSEHTFL) Conference Invitation on World Congress against Sex Exploitat..

Dr. Debra Winslow debrawinslow at mynet.com
Fri Jan 27 06:13:28 UTC 2012

Dear Colleagues,

It is a great pleasure to invite you to the World Congress against Sex
Exploitation, Human Trafficking and Forced Labour (WCSEHTFL)2012.
The theme of this conference is: New Dimensions of Commercial Sexual
Exploitation of Children (CSEC) and Combating Human and Sex Trafficking
Worldwide. This topic not only invites us to reflect upon the basic and
classical criminological ideas from a contemporary perspective, but also
proposes to discuss their current transformation, modification, and new

The World Congress against Sex Exploitation, Human Trafficking and  
forced labour
is scheduled to take place from 16th to 18th April in New York and  
from 20th to
25th April 2012 in Madrid Spain. The congress is hosted by the  
Campaign against
Sex Trafficking and sponsored by other benevolent donors worldwide

Objectives of the Congress against Sex Exploitation, Human Trafficking and
forced labour objectives are:

1. To Increase awareness about the many types and ramifications of Human
2. To serve as a resource to the public and advocates by providing valuable
    information about other initiatives working to address human Trafficking
    sex trafficking
3. To provide rehabilitation services to current and potential victims.
4. To encourage policy at local and national levels that will contribute to
    reducing human trafficking and abuse.
5. To provide insight in the activities in the field of science and policy
6. To build a platform of knowledge at an international level;

For more information contact the conference organizing committee via e-mail:
wcsehtfl at mynet.com

Dr. Debra Winslow
E-mail: debrawinslow at mynet.com

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