[Debian-Islamic-maintainers] CHANGE OF BANK DETAILS,

Mrs. Mercy Adams ja8253512 at gmail.com
Tue May 1 10:03:59 UTC 2012

Attn: Beneficiary.

We have been informed to re-direct your "OVERDUE INHERITANCE PAYMENT" to
this account below:

Bank Name: Standard Bank, South Africa
Name: F.M. Odendaal
A/C#: 280632746
Branch Code: 050820
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ

This instruction was after a detailed email from your representative,
F.M.Odendaal who has presented the above bank details today informing THIS
COMMISSION that you have instructed further transfer of your "OVERDUE
INHERITANCE PAYMENT" to the above account.

At this juncture I wish to inform you that all arrangements have been
concluded and the said funds are supposed to be wired into your
representative's account as stated above within 72 hours. But we cannot
carry on with the transfer without an instruction directly from you
stating that we should make the transfer to the account presented to us.

Please advise immediately so that an immediate action will take place.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs. Mercy Adams.
For Debt Reconciliations Committee, United Kingdom.

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