[Debian-Islamic-maintainers] Earn with Coingeneration

Sergio info at selezionatiperte.it
Mon Sep 16 15:49:23 UTC 2013

Take part in a world wide project, and receive daily income as a bonus!
We are a private international organization.
Our main mission is to expand the limits of possibility.
Our goal is to create the most powerful super computer in the world by combining the computational power of all computers (this type of computer is used in climate modeling, calculating satellite orbits, bio-mechanics and other areas)

What do we need a super computer for?

We are supporting this interesting and unusual project so that it has the chance to make life on our planet more comfortable and safer. 
Our main goals are to provide financial support for cutting edge practical research, support developments that for one reason or another will disrupt the status quo (such as alternative fuels or facial recognition software) and to provide support to talented scientists and geniuses. 
This is needed for us now, our children will need it in the future, and the entire planet will benefit in the future!

What we propose:


We propose a working relationship where interaction between participants is both natural and relaxed, and reinforced by confidence in the experience and general competence of the management process. 
We will draw strength for new achievement and progress from the thoroughness and optimism of participants in the project. 
We invite you to become one of us, become a strong member of our team, move forward, and only forward, with us! 
Success loves progress!


We offer you to use the full potential of your computer, which as a rule isnt used as it should be. 
Every day, in every home with an internet connection cyber-power is wasted, with out benefiting either society or the owner of the computer. 
And you can see that the cyber-power of modern technology is so great that not using this potential is a tragic waste. 
We propose using this strength, including using it for development.


We offer you the ability to become a participant in a great, in terms of concept and execution. 
You will also automatically become a full partner of the project.
Just imagine what could happen if your mobile stopped needing a recharger and worked forever with out charging? 
Perhaps you think this is magic? It isnt...think of all the things that have become reality that earlier were thought to be fantasy? 
You must have, at some point, asked the question why, in our high-tech century, we cant create an alternative fuel?. 
Well give you the answer to the question-The world economy has already been mired in energy intrigue. 
The race for resources has become the biggest priority for every government in the world, therefore most of the discoveries and developments have been blocked or suppressed by governments. 
So it turns out that even ingenious ideas like alternative fuels suffer, because they are not good for continuing a cycle of corruption- for the people blocking their development, supporting alternative fuels would be like cutting off the branch they are sitting on. 
Our project was conceived with the idea of supporting innovative ideas and discoveries that could not receive government funding a priori.

How profitable can this be?

The size of your payment will be directly proportional to the time that our application was running on your computer during the previous month.
In our case the more Threads you take up, the higher your income.
The minimum standard award is $1 per day ($30 per month) for one running Thread.
You can find out more about income via our partner program in the "Affiliate" section, where ways of attracting new users and increasing rewards are described in further detail.

What do we get out of it?

We wont tell you that Altruism is our guiding light. 
Commercialization is a large part of our project. 
We should note though that morality, doing whats right, comes first for us, always. 
We are moved by a passion for new discoveries more than the financial possibilities of modern advancements.

How it works

We are free from prejudice and are open to all who deisre to join us. Working on such a difficult and grandiose project requires 100% effort and working with out making mistakes, everything must go like clockwork. 
Our experienced team can solve the problems put to them and has developed unique rules for success:
Take a KISS approach
Flexible when solving problems
Transparency and Honesty in business
Relationships and partnerships
The knowledge that any process and any event takes a certain amount of time to occur
A clear understanding that everything is subject to the rules of a business environment

Join now

If youre smart, decisive, and can distinguish an interesting and profitable offer from a low income "too good to be true" offer that will take all of your free time, well be glad to see you join our project. 
And if you understand the concept of team-work, and if your moral principals leave you considering other things besides how to get rich quick- well be VERY happy to see you join our team. 
Because these principals, teamwork and not being in it just for the money, are the basis of our idea and form an ideological foundation for participants. They tie us all together!
Those who only move forward are truly free. 
Always make informed decisions. Search. Experiment. Solution. And search again. This is the way to success.

How to become part of the team?

For those of you who decide to become part of our project, as well as to receive a stable income for allowing us to use the processing power of your computer, you must:

1 Register
2 Confirm your registration. In the registration mail you will be given a link to follow.
3 Download our application and install it on your computer. Follow the installation instructions and   user guide. If you need to you can find hints on the download page.
4 Buy a connection to a Thread (this is an automated process that is required to completely enter the system and register your payment information, where the money that you earn will be sent). 
You can chose the payment method that is most comfortable for you. Also you will always be able to change this method at your discretion. 
For a full list of the payment methods available, please see the Payments page.
5 Carefully read and learn how to use our program. If you have any questions about working with the system, you can likely find the answers in the FAQ.

Register here for free

 PS. all those who intend to register or were already registered are requested to send me an email with the nick name and registration email
so that it can provide guides and updates



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