[Debian-Islamic-maintainers] Photo Editing Services - Photo Retouching - Photo Cut Out
daviasiqoaoqioaioqas3 at msn.com
Sat Feb 22 09:07:47 UTC 2014
We are one of the best digital images retouching/editing company located in China. We provide all kinds of image editing solutions to different Companies all over the world.
We provide best quality service in best price.
Our image editing services are:
. Cut out/masking, clipping path, deep etching, transparent background
. Colour correction, black and white, light and shadows etc.
. Dust cleaning, spot cleaning
. Beauty retouching, skin retouching, face retouching, body retouching
. Fashion/Beauty Image Retouching
. Product image Retouching
. Jewellery image Retouching
. Real estate image Retouching
. Wedding & Event Album Design.
. Restoration and repair old images
. Vector Conversion
. Portrait image Retouching
You can try us by sending a sample image for free test to judge our quality work.
We are waiting for your reply.
Thanks & Regards,
Kaaoeaaosam Imaging Professionals
Contact: morienzi at sohu.com
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