[Debian-Islamic-maintainers] Att. United Nations Assisted Program

Mr. Raymond Cofer. customer984 at tim.it
Thu Aug 24 23:27:42 UTC 2017

United Nations Assisted Program
Directorate of International Payments
United Nations Liaison Office - Africa
C/LOT 408 Missessin-Akpakpa-Cotonou-Benin.
01 BP 2147 Cotonou, Benin Rep.
Tel: 00229-95116246

Attn: Beneficiary,

This email is to notify you about the release of your outstanding PART payment 
valued Two Million Five Hundred 

Thousand United States Dollars ($2.500.000.00) The
Federal Government has scheduled a time frame to settle all foreign debts which 
includes Contract/Inheritance and other international loans. We are privy of 
the of the past, individual(s) who happen to be impostors (claiming to be 
official individuals, banks and organizations). You have two options to receive 
your payment which is either a Pin Based ATM CARD  or Certified Cashiers Check. 
You are advised to select one out of the two options on how you wish to receive 
your Two Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($2.500,000.00) 
Your ATM card or Check/Bank Draft will be shipped via FedEx Shipping Company 
and would get to you within 2 to 3 working days at most.


The actual fees for shipping your ATM card is $130.99, because Fedex have 
temporarily  discontinued the C.O.D which gives you the chance to pay when
package is delivered for international shipping as stated on their 


We had to sign contract with them for bulk shipping which makes the fees reduce 
from the actual $130.99 to $95.00 nothing more and no hidden fees of any sort!
You are advised to contact Mr. Spinelli Carlo ,Head of Inspectorate, Research 
and Debt Management , with the following information for final accreditation of 
your payment and delivery.

Dispatch Officer: Mr. Spinelli Carlo
Email: fedex.courierservice060 at gmail.com 

And provide him with the following information:
Your full Name...
Your Address:................
Home/Cell Phone:...................
Preferred Payment Method (Check or ATM):................

Below is the payment instructions on how you are to make payment of the $95.00 
only for the shipping of your ATM card or Check and you have to send the 
payment before contacting Tramell King so that you will send him payment 
information same time to enable him do this fast for you. 

Send the fee of 95.00 Dollars Via MoneyGram, Western Union or Wari to the 
broker's name below:

Receiver's name: Moses Ikechukwu
Receiver's Country: Benin
Receiver's City: Cotonou
Amount to send: $95.00
Address: C/LOT 408 Missessin-Akpakpa-Cotonou-Benin. 01 BP 2147

Remember that you are not paying any fees extra money apart from this 95. Once 
again note that the FedEx Retail  

Price: $95.00 Your Price (Because of our contract signed).

Amb. Mr. Raymond Cofer 
UN Envoy (Africa Region)

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