[Debian-Islamic-maintainers] (no subject)

Susan James susajmes at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 10 12:52:11 UTC 2018

 Dear Beloved,

Compliments of the day to you! By this e-mail, I do sincerely apologize for my intrusion of your privacy. However, I have a serious concern with which I believe you might be of help and for this reason I decided to e-mail you believing in my faith that you will handle this issue with sincere mind. I am Mrs Susan James,

I'm German citizen by birth and I'm married to Australian Mr. Knewl James, Please I am contacting you to let you know my desire to establish a charity foundation in your country with some amount of Euro (€8,800,000.00) which I inherited from my late husband (Mr. Knewl James) It is my desire to see that this money is invested to any charity organization of your choice in your country and distributed each year among the charity organizations, motherless baby’s home, mosques, churches, Schools, supporting destitute aged men and women or whatever you may have in mind that will be to the benefit of the less fortunate.

I asked members of my husband family to donate to charity organization, they refused and kept the money for themselves. Hence, I do not trust them anymore, they are not contented with what left for them and all their wealth. I took this decision because I was raised from a motherless baby’s home and presently, I'm hospitalized where I am undergoing treatment for my up coming cancer surgery operation. Please reply as soon as possible to confirming your acceptance to this proposition so that I will give you all the relevant information that will authorize the release and transfer of the fund to you as my duly assigned representative.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and I look forward hearing
from you urgently.

Best Regards,
Mrs Susan James
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