[Debian-l10n-commits] r1095 - /dl10n/trunk/pootle/sync-projects.d/10debconf

bubulle at users.alioth.debian.org bubulle at users.alioth.debian.org
Fri Jul 25 12:49:10 UTC 2008

Author: bubulle
Date: Fri Jul 25 12:49:10 2008
New Revision: 1095

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=1095
We can safely commit modified files


Modified: dl10n/trunk/pootle/sync-projects.d/10debconf
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dl10n/trunk/pootle/sync-projects.d/10debconf?rev=1095&op=diff
--- dl10n/trunk/pootle/sync-projects.d/10debconf (original)
+++ dl10n/trunk/pootle/sync-projects.d/10debconf Fri Jul 25 12:49:10 2008
@@ -156,11 +156,14 @@
 echo "  Committing to SVN"
 svn -q up
-echo "   Adding new directories"
+# echo "   Committing updated files"
+svn commit -m"[SILENT_COMMIT] Update existing files for `date +%Y%m%d%H%M`"
 # find . -type d | grep -v \\.svn | xargs svn add -N 2>/dev/null
-echo "   Adding PO files"
+# echo "   Adding new directories"
+# find . -type d | grep -v \\.svn | xargs svn add -N 2>/dev/null
+# echo "   Adding PO files"
 # find . -type f -name \*.po | grep -v \\.svn | xargs svn add 2>/dev/null
-echo "   Adding POT files"
+# echo "   Adding POT files"
 # find . -type f -name templates.pot | grep -v \\.svn | xargs svn add 2>/dev/null
 # Now we need to find out what directories are in $PROJECTDIR but

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