[Debian-l10n-commits] r1847 - in /virtaal/branches/upstream/current: ./ bin/ mo/af/ mo/bn_IN/ mo/ca/ mo/ca at valencia/ mo/eu/ mo/fr/ mo/it/ po/ share/applications/ share/mime/packages/ share/virtaal/ virtaal/ virtaal/controllers/ virtaal/plugins/ virtaal/plugins/terminology/ virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/ virtaal/plugins/tm/ virtaal/support/ virtaal/support/libi18n/ virtaal/views/ virtaal/views/widgets/

nekral-guest at users.alioth.debian.org nekral-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Aug 2 22:14:53 UTC 2009

Author: nekral-guest
Date: Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
New Revision: 1847

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=1847
[svn-upgrade] Integrating new upstream version, virtaal (0.4.0~rc2)

    virtaal/branches/upstream/current/mo/ca at valencia/virtaal.mo
    virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/ca at valencia.po

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/PKG-INFO
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/PKG-INFO?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/PKG-INFO (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/PKG-INFO Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 1.0
 Name: virtaal
-Version: 0.4.0-rc1
+Version: 0.4.0-rc2
 Summary: A tool to create program translations.
 Home-page: http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/virtaal/index
 Author: Translate.org.za

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/bin/virtaal
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/bin/virtaal?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/bin/virtaal (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/bin/virtaal Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 from virtaal.support import depcheck
 optional_modules = ['enchant', 'gtkspell', 'psycopg']
 error_messages = {
-    'translate':  'Translate Toolkit >= 1.3.0 is required for Virtaal to function.',
+    'translate':  'Translate Toolkit >= %s is required for Virtaal to function.' % str(depcheck.MIN_TRANSLATE_VERSION),
     'gtk':        'PyGtk >= 2.12.0 is required for Virtaal to function.',
     'gtk.glade':  'Python bindings for Glade is required for Virtaal to function.',
     'lxml.etree': 'LXML is required for XML-based format support as well as AutoCorrection.',
@@ -53,6 +53,9 @@
 # OK, dependencies seem to be acceptable
+#First of all fix the locale
+from virtaal.support.libi18n.locale import fix_locale
 import logging
 import optparse

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/mo/af/virtaal.mo
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/mo/af/virtaal.mo?rev=1847&op=diff
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/mo/bn_IN/virtaal.mo
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/mo/bn_IN/virtaal.mo?rev=1847&op=diff
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/mo/ca/virtaal.mo
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/mo/ca/virtaal.mo?rev=1847&op=diff
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/mo/ca at valencia/virtaal.mo
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/mo/ca%40valencia/virtaal.mo?rev=1847&op=diff
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/mo/eu/virtaal.mo
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/mo/eu/virtaal.mo?rev=1847&op=diff
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/mo/fr/virtaal.mo
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/mo/fr/virtaal.mo?rev=1847&op=diff
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/mo/it/virtaal.mo
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/mo/it/virtaal.mo?rev=1847&op=diff
Binary files - no diff available.

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/.intltool-merge-cache
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/.intltool-merge-cache?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/.intltool-merge-cache (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/.intltool-merge-cache Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -1,53 +1,67 @@
The file contains nothing to translate.In dieser Datei ist nichts zu übersetzen.nl
%s option does not take a valueoptie %s kan geen waarde hebbenca at valencia
_New Language Pair..._Nou parell de llengües…ar
Number of plurals:عدد الجÙ
show program's version number and exitmostrar número de versión y saliren_ZA
_Localization Guide_Localisation Guideca
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Formatgl
_Page DownAvanzar _páxinaca
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?तपाइँले हालै खुलेको फाइल खोल्नलाइ चयन गर्नुभयो । तपाइँ फाइल पुन:लोड गर्न चाहानुहुन्छ ?pt_BR
Translation ToolFerramenta de traduçãoaf
International Development and Research CentreInternasionale ontwikkelings- en navorsingsentrum (IDRC)ca at valencia
XLIFF Translation FileFitxer de traducció XLIFFsw
_Page Down_Ukurasa Chinisw
P_age UpU_kurasa Juueu
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.egin errendimenduaren azterketa eta gorde emaitza emandako fitxategian.ca
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Itzultzen amaitzean, sakatu <Enter> hurrengoarekin jarraitzeko.gl
%s option requires %d arguments%s विकल्पलाई %d तर्कहरूको आवश्यक पर्दछpt_BR
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?هل يحاول فِرتال استيراد الإعدادات والبيانات Ù
ن التطبيقات الأخرى؟sv
Usage: %s
The file contains nothing to translate.In dieser Datei ist nichts zu übersetzen.nl
%s option does not take a valueoptie %s kan geen waarde hebbenca at valencia
_New Language Pair..._Nou parell de llengües…ar
Number of plurals:عدد الجÙ
show program's version number and exitmostrar número de versión y saliren_ZA
_Localization Guide_Localisation Guideca
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Formatgl
_Page DownAvanzar _páxinane
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?तपाइँले हालै खुलेको फाइल खोल्नलाइ चयन गर्नुभयो । तपाइँ फाइल पुन:लोड गर्न चाहानुहुन्छ ?pt_BR
Translation ToolFerramenta de traduçãoaf
International Development and Research CentreInternasionale ontwikkelings- en navorsingsentrum (IDRC)ca at valencia
XLIFF Translation FileFitxer de traducció XLIFFsw
_Page Down_Ukurasa Chinisw
P_age UpU_kurasa Juueu
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.egin errendimenduaren azterketa eta gorde emaitza emandako fitxategian.ca
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Itzultzen amaitzean, sakatu <Enter> hurrengoarekin jarraitzeko.gl
%s option requires %d arguments%s विकल्पलाई %d तर्कहरूको आवश्यक पर्दछpt_BR
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?هل يحاول فِرتال استيراد الإعدادات والبيانات Ù
ن التطبيقات الأخرى؟ca
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.La informació de l'equip emmagatzemada a la capçalera del fitxer. Pot ser una adreça de correu electrònic, o bé un URL.sv
Usage: %s
 Användning: %s
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)tvetydig flagga: %s (%s?)eu
Qt Message FileArchivo de mensajes de Qtpt_BR
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.usa o arquivo de configuração informado.sv
_Update to template_Uppdatera till malles
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)tvetydig flagga: %s (%s?)eu
Qt Message FileArchivo de mensajes de Qtpt_BR
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.usa o arquivo de configuração informado.it
_Update to template_Uppdatera till malles
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
 If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.La <b>traducción</b> es el idioma a cual está traduciendo, también llamado el idioma de destino.
-Si está traduciendo del inglés al francés, el francés sería su traducción o idioma de destino.af
Replace withSubstituír conca at valencia
Virtaal websiteLloc web del Virtaalar
Automatically correct text while you typeCorrige automaticamente texto enquanto você digitagl
This fileEste ficheirogl
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Segundo a tarefa de tradución, a información de plurais podería ser opcional.af
Add Missing LanguageVoeg ontbrekende taal bybn_IN
Wordfast Translation MemoryWordfast Translation Memoryfr
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.I-Virtaal yiprogramu yokuhumusha.ar
ات الترقيÙ
long integerलामो इन्टिजरde
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSymbole und weniger verwendete Satzzeichende
Unreviewed machine translationsOngereviseerde computervertalingenfr
All FilesTous les fichiersfr
P_age Up_Page vers le hautes
Previous translations you have madeTraducciones anteriores que Ud. hizode
Automatically complete long words while you typeAutomatisches Vervollständigen von langen Wörtern während der Eingaberu
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [options] [translation_file]it
Trados Tag EditorTrados Tag Editorbn_IN
Usage: %s
+Si está traduciendo del inglés al francés, el francés sería su traducción o idioma de destino.af
Replace withSubstituír conca at valencia
Virtaal websiteLloc web del Virtaalar
Automatically correct text while you typeCorrige automaticamente texto enquanto você digitagl
This fileEste ficheirogl
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Segundo a tarefa de tradución, a información de plurais podería ser opcional.af
Add Missing LanguageVoeg ontbrekende taal byit
_Update to Template_Aggiorna modellobn_IN
Wordfast Translation MemoryWordfast Translation Memoryfr
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.I-Virtaal yiprogramu yokuhumusha.ar
ات الترقيÙ
long integerलामो इन्टिजरde
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSymbole und weniger verwendete Satzzeichende
Unreviewed machine translationsOngereviseerde computervertalingenfr
All FilesTous les fichiersfr
P_age Up_Page vers le hautes
Previous translations you have madeTraducciones anteriores que Ud. hizode
Automatically complete long words while you typeAutomatisches Vervollständigen von langen Wörtern während der Eingaberu
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [options] [translation_file]it
Trados Tag EditorTrados Tag Editorbn_IN
Usage: %s
 ব্যবহার পদ্ধতি: %s
Words containing uppercase letters onlyPalabras que conteñen unicamente letras en maiúsculapt_BR
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" não é um arquivo usável.it
Please enter your team's informationInserire informazioni sulla squadra di traduzionebn_IN
Language code must be an ASCII string.ভাষার কোড লেখার জন্য ASCII স্ট্রিং ব্যবহার করা আবশ্যক।es
Number of plurals:Número de plurales:af
Please enter the plural equation to useGee asb. die meervoudvergelyking om te gebruikaf
Add _Term...Voeg _term by...ar
Words containing uppercase letters onlyالكلÙ
ات التي تتركب Ù
ن حروف كبيرة فقطbn_IN
invalid number of argumentsউল্লিখিত আর্গুমেন্ট সংখ্যা সঠিক নয়de
Translation memory suggestionsVorschlag aus Translation Memorygl
%s option does not take a valuea opción %s non acepta un valorde
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Sie haben die im Moment geöffnete Datei zum erneuten Öffnen ausgewählt. Wollen Sie die Datei wirklich neu laden?de
Terminology _Files...Terminologie_dateien...ar
The e-mail address stored in the file headerDie e-posadres wat in die lêerkop gestoor wordru
P_age Up_Страницу вверÑ
AutoCompletorAutomatisk kompletteringbn_IN
Translation Toolà¦
নুবাদ ব্যবস্থাes
Terminology _Files..._Archivos de terminología...ca
XLIFF Translation FileÙ
لف ترجÙ
no such option: %sউল্লিখিত বিকল্পটি উপস্থিত নেই: %sit
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Le informazioni sul plurale, in funzione della traduzione, potrebbero essere opzionali.gl
Report a _BugInformar dun _erroes
The following items were migrated:Los siguientes elementos han sido migrados:fr
Lokalize settingsRéglages de Lokalizept_BR
Resource CompilerCompilador de recursosnl
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSymbolen en minder vaak gebruikte leestekenses
Automatically correct text while you typeAutomatisch tekst corrigeren terwijl u typtru
JavaScript error message fileФайл сообщения об ошибке JavaScriptfr
The current file has been modified.
Words containing uppercase letters onlyPalabras que conteñen unicamente letras en maiúsculapt_BR
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" não é um arquivo usável.it
Please enter your team's informationInserire le informazioni riguardanti il proprio gruppo di traduzionebn_IN
Language code must be an ASCII string.ভাষার কোড লেখার জন্য ASCII স্ট্রিং ব্যবহার করা আবশ্যক।es
Number of plurals:Número de plurales:af
Please enter the plural equation to useGee asb. die meervoudvergelyking om te gebruikaf
Add _Term...Voeg _term by...ar
Words containing uppercase letters onlyالكلÙ
ات التي تتركب Ù
ن حروف كبيرة فقطbn_IN
invalid number of argumentsউল্লিখিত আর্গুমেন্ট সংখ্যা সঠিক নয়de
Translation memory suggestionsVorschlag aus Translation Memorygl
%s option does not take a valuea opción %s non acepta un valorde
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Sie haben die im Moment geöffnete Datei zum erneuten Öffnen ausgewählt. Wollen Sie die Datei wirklich neu laden?de
Terminology _Files...Terminologie_dateien...ar
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURL, হোস্ট-নেম ও IP ঠিকানাde
The e-mail address stored in the file headerDie e-posadres wat in die lêerkop gestoor wordru
P_age Up_Страницу вверÑ
AutoCompletorAutomatisk kompletteringbn_IN
Translation Toolà¦
নুবাদ ব্যবস্থাes
Terminology _Files..._Archivos de terminología...ca
XLIFF Translation FileÙ
لف ترجÙ
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSímbols i puntuació menys freqüentbn_IN
no such option: %sউল্লিখিত বিকল্পটি উপস্থিত নেই: %sit
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.In base al tipo di traduzione, le informazioni riguardanti i plurali potrebbero risultare opzionali.gl
Report a _BugInformar dun _erroes
The following items were migrated:Los siguientes elementos han sido migrados:fr
Lokalize settingsRéglages de Lokalizept_BR
Resource CompilerCompilador de recursosnl
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSymbolen en minder vaak gebruikte leestekensbn_IN
International Development and Research Centreইন্টারনেশনেল ডিভেলপমেন্ট ও রিসার্চ সেন্টারes
Automatically correct text while you typeAutomatisch tekst corrigeren terwijl u typtru
JavaScript error message fileФайл сообщения об ошибке JavaScriptfr
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?O ficheiro actual modificouse.
-Quere gardar os cambios?ca
Terminology HelpAyuda de terminologíait
Migration was successfully completedMigrazione eseguita con successoaf
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Gebruik Ctrl+PgUp of Ctrl+PgDn om met groot stappe tussen vertalings te beweeg.ru
The following items were migrated:Следующие объекты были импортированы:gl
_Source term — %(langname)sTe_rmo orixe — %(langname)sca
Qt Linguist Translation FileFitxer de traducció del Qt Linguistbn_IN
Header informationহেডারের তথ্যru
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Для перемещения между блоками с большим шагом, используйте Ctrl+PgUp и Ctrl+PgDown.nl
A translation memory serverEen vertaalgeheugenserverar
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.يجب أن يكون رÙ
ز اللغة Ù
ن حرفين على الأقل.ca
_Regular expressionExpressió _regularca
XML Localization Interchange File FormatFormat de fitxer d'intercanvi de localització XMLit
Language name:Nome lingua:ru
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sБаза памяти переводов KBabel: %(database_language_code)sde
Migration was successfully completedDie Migration wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossenca at valencia
Translation ToolEina de traducciógl
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Para copiar a mensaxe orixinal no campo de destino, prema <Alt+Abaixo>.es
Report a _BugInformar de un _falloca at valencia
Local Translation MemoryMemòria de traducció localnl
E-mail address:E-mailadres:ca at valencia
Plural expression:Expressió del plural:gl
Could not save file.
+Quere gardar os cambios?ca
Transfer From Sourceউৎস থেকে à¦
Terminology HelpAyuda de terminologíait
Migration was successfully completedMigrazione completata con successoaf
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Gebruik Ctrl+PgUp of Ctrl+PgDn om met groot stappe tussen vertalings te beweeg.ru
The following items were migrated:Следующие объекты были импортированы:gl
_Source term — %(langname)sTe_rmo orixe — %(langname)sca
Qt Linguist Translation FileFitxer de traducció del Qt Linguistbn_IN
Header informationহেডারের তথ্যru
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Для перемещения между блоками с большим шагом, используйте Ctrl+PgUp и Ctrl+PgDown.nl
A translation memory serverEen vertaalgeheugenserverar
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.يجب أن يكون رÙ
ز اللغة Ù
ن حرفين على الأقل.ca
_Regular expressionExpressió _regularca at valencia
XML EntitiesEntitats XMLca
XML Localization Interchange File FormatFormat de fitxer d'intercanvi de localització XMLit
Language name:Nome della lingua:ru
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sБаза памяти переводов KBabel: %(database_language_code)sde
Migration was successfully completedDie Migration wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossenca at valencia
Translation ToolEina de traduccióit
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsSpazi doppi e spazi in posizioni inaspettategl
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Para copiar a mensaxe orixinal no campo de destino, prema <Alt+Abaixo>.es
Report a _BugInformar de un _falloca at valencia
Local Translation MemoryMemòria de traducció localnl
E-mail address:E-mailadres:ca at valencia
Plural expression:Expressió del plural:gl
Could not save file.
 %(error_message)sNon se puido gardar o ficheiro.
Language name:Naam v/d taal:pt_BR
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)opción %s: selección no válida: %r (elegir entre %s)ca
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?أأعيد تحÙ
يل الÙ
لف Ù
Ù† آخر نسخة Ù
حفوظة فاقدا لكل التغييرات؟sv
Previous translations you have madeTraducións previas que fixoeu
Placeholders in Python stringsPython kateetako leku-markakit
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
-If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.La <b>traduzione</b> è la lingua verso la quale si sta traducendo, anche conosciuta come lingua meta.
-Se si sta traducendo dall'inglese al francese allora il francese è la traduzione o lingua meta.ru
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Чтобы скопировать исÑ
одный блок в целевое поле, нажмите <Alt+Down>.gl
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Prema Ctrl+Arriba ou Ctrl+Abaixo para moverse entre as traducións.fr
The file "%s" does not exist.الÙ
لف "%s" لا وجود له.ca at valencia
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer de registre «%(filename)s»eu
Qt Message FileQt mezu-fitxategiabn_IN
Trados Tag EditorTrados ট্যাগ সম্পাদন ব্যবস্থাsv
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Kunde inte öppna profilfilen "%(filename)s"af
PROFILEPROFILca at valencia
Import data from other applications?Voleu importar dades d'altres aplicacions?nl
Terms from Open-Tran.euTermen afkomstig van Open-Tran.eufr
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" is geen bruikbaar bestand.gl
"alt" Attributes"alt" Atributosaf
The file contains nothing to translate.Die lêer bevat niks om te vertaal nie.de
AllAllesca at valencia
Poedit settingsParàmetres del Poedites
International Development and Research CentreInternational Development and Research Centrene
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).सफ्टवेयर à¤
नुवाद (स्थानीयकरण वा l10n) मा फोकस गरीएको थालनी हो तर हामि यसलाई कम्पूटरलाई सहयोग पुर्याउने किसिमको à¤
नुवाद शैली (CAT) मा सामान्य कार्य गर्ने उपकरणको रूपमा प्रयोग गर्न सक्ने बनाउने बारे दृड छौं ।fr
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaalzu
_Online HelpUsizo lwase-_inthanethide
no such option: %skeine Option: %snl
Plural expression:Meervoudsvergelijking:bn_IN
F_uzzyফাজি: (_u)es
_Navigation: _Navegació:ar
Placeholders in Java stringsحافظات الÙ
كان في جÙ
ل جافاru
Placeholders (Python)Метки-заполнители (Python)ne
_Source term — %(langname)s_Bronterm — %(langname)seu
Usage: %s
+%(error_message)sca at valencia
A TinyTM translation memory serverUn servidor de memòria de traducció TinyTMnl
Language name:Naam v/d taal:pt_BR
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)opción %s: selección no válida: %r (elegir entre %s)ca
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?أأعيد تحÙ
يل الÙ
لف Ù
Ù† آخر نسخة Ù
حفوظة فاقدا لكل التغييرات؟sv
Previous translations you have madeTraducións previas que fixoeu
Placeholders in Python stringsPython kateetako leku-markakit
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
+If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.La <b>Traduzione</b> è la lingua verso la quale si traduce, anche definita la lingua meta.
+Se si sta traducendo dall'inglese al francese, allora il francese è la traduzione o lingua meta.ru
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Чтобы скопировать исÑ
одный блок в целевое поле, нажмите <Alt+Down>.gl
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Prema Ctrl+Arriba ou Ctrl+Abaixo para moverse entre as traducións.fr
The file "%s" does not exist.الÙ
لف "%s" لا وجود له.ca at valencia
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer de registre «%(filename)s»eu
Qt Message FileQt mezu-fitxategiabn_IN
Trados Tag EditorTrados ট্যাগ সম্পাদন ব্যবস্থাsv
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Kunde inte öppna profilfilen "%(filename)s"af
PROFILEPROFILca at valencia
Import data from other applications?Voleu importar dades d'altres aplicacions?nl
Terms from Open-Tran.euTermen afkomstig van Open-Tran.eufr
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" is geen bruikbaar bestand.gl
"alt" Attributes"alt" Atributosaf
The file contains nothing to translate.Die lêer bevat niks om te vertaal nie.de
AllAllesca at valencia
Poedit settingsParàmetres del Poedites
International Development and Research CentreInternational Development and Research Centrene
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).सफ्टवेयर à¤
नुवाद (स्थानीयकरण वा l10n) मा फोकस गरीएको थालनी हो तर हामि यसलाई कम्पूटरलाई सहयोग पुर्याउने किसिमको à¤
नुवाद शैली (CAT) मा सामान्य कार्य गर्ने उपकरणको रूपमा प्रयोग गर्न सक्ने बनाउने बारे दृड छौं ।fr
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaalzu
_Online HelpUsizo lwase-_inthanethide
no such option: %skeine Option: %snl
Plural expression:Meervoudsvergelijking:bn_IN
F_uzzyফাজি: (_u)es
Placeholders in Java stringsحافظات الÙ
كان في جÙ
ل جافاru
Placeholders (Python)Метки-заполнители (Python)ne
_Source term — %(langname)s_Bronterm — %(langname)seu
Usage: %s
 Erabilera: %s
option %s: invalid %s value: %ropção %s: valor %s inválido: %rde
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [Optionen] [Ãœbersetzungsdatei]fr
Name:Nom :ne
Qt Linguist Translation FileQt भाषाविज्ञ à¤
नुवाद फाइलnl
Lokalize settingsLokalize instellingenbn_IN
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.বহুবচনের (plural) ব্যবহার, à¦
নুবাদের জন্য চিহ্নিত তথ্যের উপর নির্ভর করে।pt_BR
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemoria de tradución de KBabel: %(database_language_code)sar
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareالترجÙ
ات السابقة للبرÙ
جيات الحرة Ùˆ الÙ
فتوحة الÙ
_Case sensitive_Kassensitiefgl
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)a opción é ambigüa: %s (%s?)nl
Terminology _Files...Terminologie_bestanden...es
translator-creditsAlexander Dupuy <alex.dupuy at mac.com>
-Julen Ruiz Aizpuru <julenx at gmail.com>ca at valencia
Missing LanguageLlengua absentit
Tcl Translation FileFaili la Tafsiri la Tclpt_BR
Gettext Translation TemplateGettext-vertaalsjabloonit
Qt Linguist Translation FileFile di traduzione Qt Linguistfr
Placeholders in Python stringsConteneurs (« placeholders ») dans les chaînes Pythonru
Could not save file.
option %s: invalid %s value: %ropção %s: valor %s inválido: %rde
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [Optionen] [Ãœbersetzungsdatei]fr
Name:Nom :ne
Qt Linguist Translation FileQt भाषाविज्ञ à¤
नुवाद फाइलnl
Lokalize settingsLokalize instellingenbn_IN
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.বহুবচনের (plural) ব্যবহার, à¦
নুবাদের জন্য চিহ্নিত তথ্যের উপর নির্ভর করে।pt_BR
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemoria de tradución de KBabel: %(database_language_code)sar
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareالترجÙ
ات السابقة للبرÙ
جيات الحرة Ùˆ الÙ
فتوحة الÙ
_Case sensitive_Kassensitiefgl
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)a opción é ambigüa: %s (%s?)nl
Terminology _Files...Terminologie_bestanden...ca
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Objecte col·locable per als atributs «alt» (tal com es troba a l'HTML)es
translator-creditsAlexander Dupuy <alex.dupuy at mac.com>
+Julen Ruiz Aizpuru <julenx at gmail.com>it
Tcl Translation FileFaili la Tafsiri la Tclpt_BR
Gettext Translation TemplateGettext-vertaalsjabloonit
Qt Linguist Translation FileFile di traduzione Qt Linguistfr
Placeholders in Python stringsConteneurs (« placeholders ») dans les chaînes Pythonru
Could not save file.
 %(error_message)sНе могу соÑ
ранить файл.
Language code must be an ASCII string.El código del idioma debe ser una cadena ASCII.ca
The following items were migrated:S'han migrat els elements següents:ca
TBX GlossaryGlossari del TBXne
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [विकल्प] [à¤
नुवाद फाइल]nl
ISO code:Codice ISO:gl
Translated units from the current fileUnidades traducidas do ficheiro actualru
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsЦелые числа и десятичные дробиca at valencia
Migration was successfully completedLa migració s'ha completat amb èxitru
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.Код языка должен быть длиной как минимум два символа.af
Replace withVervang metnl
Language code must be an ASCII string.De taalcode moet een ASCII tekenreeks zijn.zu
P_age UpPheny_a phezulueu
C++ RC FileC++ RC fitxategiane
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.परिपूर्ति गरीएको फाइल नाममा परिणाम भण्डारण गर्दा लगिङ टर्न वन गर्नुहोस् ।pt_BR
_Recent FilesArquivos _recentespt_BR
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).O foco inicial é na tradução de software ("localização", l10n), mas certamente pretendemos que ele seja útil como uma ferramenta de CAT (tradução auxiliada por computador) em geral.zu
translator-creditsCrèdits de traduccióes
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Objeto colocable para atributos "alt" (como en HTML)pt_BR
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>Etiquetas XML, como <b> e </i>nl
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal kon geen instellingen of gegevens migrereneu
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryHautatu itzulpen-memoriak galdegingo dituen iturburuakca
invalid number of argumentsel nombre d'arguments no és vàlidgl
Remote serverServidor remotonl
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>وسوÙ
ثل <b> و </i>ar
Please enter your e-mail addressرجاء أدخل عنوان بريدك الإلكترونيit
Usage: %s
-Utilizzo: %s
P_revious PlaceableObjeto colocável _anteriorar
Terms from Open-Tran.euТермины с Open-Tran.euar
Transfer From SourceTranférer depuis les sourcespt_BR
translator-creditsLeonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <leonardof at gnome.org>
-Alexander Dupuy <alex.dupuy at mac.com>it
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemoria di traduzione di KBabel: %(database_language_code)szu
The file "%s" does not exist.Het bestand "%s" bestaat niet.de
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" kann als Datei nicht verwendet werden.nl
Transfer From SourceOverzetten uit de brontekstit
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.à¤
नुवादहरूको विच ठूल चरणहरूमा लैजान Ctrl+PgUp वा Ctrl+PgDown को प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् ।fr
Use _Default FontsUtiliser les polices par _défautde
Transfer From SourceTransferir a partir da fontees
Placeholders (Java)Comodines (Java)af
Terms from Open-Tran.euTerme vanaf Open-Tran.eunl
Placeholders in Python stringsTijdelijke aanduidingen in Python-tekenreeksengl
File NamesNomes de ficheiroes
The file contains nothing to translate.Il file non contiene materiale da tradurre.fr
Usage: %s
Language code must be an ASCII string.El código del idioma debe ser una cadena ASCII.ca
The following items were migrated:S'han migrat els elements següents:ca
TBX GlossaryGlossari del TBXne
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [विकल्प] [à¤
नुवाद फाइल]nl
ISO code:Codice ISO:gl
Translated units from the current fileUnidades traducidas do ficheiro actualru
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsЦелые числа и десятичные дробиca at valencia
Migration was successfully completedLa migració s'ha completat amb èxitca at valencia
Could not open file.
+Try opening a different file.ফাইল খুলতে ব্যর্থ।
+একটি পৃথক ফাইল খোলার প্রচেষ্টা করুন।ru
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.Код языка должен быть длиной как минимум два символа.af
Replace withVervang metnl
Language code must be an ASCII string.De taalcode moet een ASCII tekenreeks zijn.it
Translation memory suggestionsSuggerimenti da memoria di traduzioneca
Could not open file.
+Try opening a different file.No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer.
+Proveu d'obrir un altre fitxer.zu
P_age UpPheny_a phezuluit
Use _Default FontsUsa il carattere _predefinitoeu
C++ RC FileC++ RC fitxategiane
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.परिपूर्ति गरीएको फाइल नाममा परिणाम भण्डारण गर्दा लगिङ टर्न वन गर्नुहोस् ।pt_BR
_Recent FilesArquivos _recentespt_BR
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).O foco inicial é na tradução de software ("localização", l10n), mas certamente pretendemos que ele seja útil como uma ferramenta de CAT (tradução auxiliada por computador) em geral.zu
translator-creditsToni Hermoso Pulido - Softcatalàes
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Objeto colocable para atributos "alt" (como en HTML)pt_BR
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>Etiquetas XML, como <b> e </i>nl
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal kon geen instellingen of gegevens migrereneu
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryHautatu itzulpen-memoriak galdegingo dituen iturburuakca
invalid number of argumentsel nombre d'arguments no és vàlidgl
Remote serverServidor remotonl
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>وسوÙ
ثل <b> و </i>ar
Please enter your e-mail addressرجاء أدخل عنوان بريدك الإلكترونيit
Usage: %s
+Uso: %s
P_revious PlaceableObjeto colocável _anteriorar
Terms from Open-Tran.euТермины с Open-Tran.euar
Transfer From SourceTranférer depuis les sourcesit
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memorySelezionare fonti che saranno interrogate per la memoria di traduzionept_BR
translator-creditsLeonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <leonardof at gnome.org>
+Alexander Dupuy <alex.dupuy at mac.com>it
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemoria di traduzione di KBabel: %(database_language_code)szu
The file "%s" does not exist.Het bestand "%s" bestaat niet.de
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" kann als Datei nicht verwendet werden.nl
Transfer From SourceOverzetten uit de brontekstit
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.à¤
नुवादहरूको विच ठूल चरणहरूमा लैजान Ctrl+PgUp वा Ctrl+PgDown को प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् ।fr
Use _Default FontsUtiliser les polices par _défautde
Transfer From SourceTransferir a partir da fontees
Placeholders (Java)Comodines (Java)af
Terms from Open-Tran.euTerme vanaf Open-Tran.eunl
Placeholders in Python stringsTijdelijke aanduidingen in Python-tekenreeksengl
File NamesNomes de ficheiroes
Terms from Open-Tran.euTermini da Open-Tran.euru
The file contains nothing to translate.Il file non contiene materiale da tradurre.fr
Usage: %s
 Utilisation : %s
_Editसम्पादन गर्नुहोस्af
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryKies watter bronne se vertaalgeheue nagevra moet wordca
The file "%s" does not exist."%s" ফাইলটি উপস্থিত নেই।af
invalid number of argumentsargumentu kopuru baliogabearu
Terminology _file:_Файл терминологии:fr
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Récupérer les réglages de KBabel, Lokalize ou Poedit vers Virtaal.af
OpenOffice.org Translation FileOpenOffice.org-vertaallêerfr
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).The initial focus is on software translation (localisation or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).ru
New Language PairNovo par de idiomasbn_IN
Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)sVirtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)sbn_IN
Could not open file.
-Try opening a different file.Impossibile aprire file.
-Provare ad aprire un file differente.fr
Translation ToolOutil de traductionbn_IN
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.es
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsPalabras con mayúsculas internas, como algunas marcas y PalabrasWikigl
ISO code:Código ISO:zu
AutoCompletorFeza ngokuzihambelait
Plural expression:Plural-Ausdruck:ca at valencia
_Update to templateAct_ualitza amb la plantillade
Remote serverAfgeleë bedienereu
Virtaal PreferencesVirtaal hobespenakne
XLIFF Translation FileXLIFF à¤
नुवाद फाइलde
Placeholders in Java stringsPlatzhalter in Java-Zeichenfolgenru
Report a _BugEman programa-errore _baten berrizu
The file "%s" does not exist.El archivo "%s" no existe.de
P_revious PlaceableVo_rheriges platzierbares Elementeu
Qt Linguist Translation FileQt Linguist itzulpen-fitxategiabn_IN
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Kumele i-Virtaal izame ukuthutha izinhlelo nokwaziswa kwamaprogramu amanye?eu
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Para marcar la traducción actual como imprecisa, pulse <Alt+I>.es
_New Language Pair..._Nueva pareja de idiomas...af
ISO code:ISO-kode:nl
InitializationInitialisatieca at valencia
Migration completedS'ha completat la migraciópt_BR
Currently open fileArquivo atualmente abertonl
Command Line OptionsOpdrachtregeloptiesne
_Update to templateटेम्प्लेटमा à¤
धिक गर्नुहोस्es
Terminology _file:_Archivo de terminología:ru
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationnl
ISO code:ISO code:eu
Reload FileBirkargatu fitxategiaar
Choose a Translation Fileاختر Ù
لف ترجÙ
OpenOffice.org Translation FileFitxer de traducció de l'OpenOffice.orgca
Reload FileTorna a carregar el fitxeraf
_Regular expression_Reguliere uitdrukkingeu
Placeholders used in "printf" strings"printf" kateetan erabilitako leku-markaknl
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsDubbele spaties en spaties op onverwachte plaatsenfr
Terminology HelpAide sur la terminologiegl
Number of plurals:Número de plurais:zu
"%s" is not a usable file.Ifayela "%s" ayifayela elisebenzisayo.eu
Virtaal websiteVirtaal webguneade
Local translation filesLokale Ãœbersetzungsdateienfr
_Recent FilesFitxers _recentspt_BR
Automatically complete long words while you typeCompleta automaticamente palavras longas enquanto você digitaes
_Localization Guide_Guía de localizaciónpt_BR
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange Dateiformates
The current file has been modified.
_Editसम्पादन गर्नुहोस्af
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryKies watter bronne se vertaalgeheue nagevra moet wordit
Placeholders in Java stringsPlaceholder in stringhe Javaca
The file "%s" does not exist."%s" ফাইলটি উপস্থিত নেই।af
Error opening fileফাইল খুলতে ব্যর্থeu
invalid number of argumentsargumentu kopuru baliogabearu
Terminology _file:_Файл терминологии:fr
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Récupérer les réglages de KBabel, Lokalize ou Poedit vers Virtaal.af
OpenOffice.org Translation FileOpenOffice.org-vertaallêerfr
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).The initial focus is on software translation (localisation or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).ru
New Language PairNovo par de idiomasbn_IN
Translation ToolOutil de traductionbn_IN
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.es
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsPalabras con mayúsculas internas, como algunas marcas y PalabrasWikigl
ISO code:Código ISO:zu
AutoCompletorFeza ngokuzihambelait
Plural expression:Plural-Ausdruck:de
Remote serverAfgeleë bedienereu
Virtaal PreferencesVirtaal hobespenakne
XLIFF Translation FileXLIFF à¤
नुवाद फाइलde
Placeholders in Java stringsPlatzhalter in Java-Zeichenfolgenru
Report a _BugEman programa-errore _baten berrica at valencia
Terminology HelpAjuda de terminologiait
Add _Term...Aggiungi _termine...zu
The file "%s" does not exist.El archivo "%s" no existe.de
P_revious PlaceableVo_rheriges platzierbares Elementeu
Qt Linguist Translation FileQt Linguist itzulpen-fitxategiabn_IN
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Kumele i-Virtaal izame ukuthutha izinhlelo nokwaziswa kwamaprogramu amanye?eu
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Para marcar la traducción actual como imprecisa, pulse <Alt+I>.es
_New Language Pair..._Nueva pareja de idiomas...af
ISO code:ISO-kode:nl
InitializationInitialisatieca at valencia
Migration completedS'ha completat la migraciópt_BR
Currently open fileArquivo atualmente abertonl
Command Line OptionsOpdrachtregeloptiesne
_Update to templateटेम्प्लेटमा à¤
धिक गर्नुहोस्es
Terminology _file:_Archivo de terminología:ru
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationnl
ISO code:ISO code:eu
Reload FileBirkargatu fitxategiaar
Choose a Translation Fileاختر Ù
لف ترجÙ
OpenOffice.org Translation FileFitxer de traducció de l'OpenOffice.orgca
Reload FileTorna a carregar el fitxeraf
_Regular expression_Reguliere uitdrukkingeu
Placeholders used in "printf" strings"printf" kateetan erabilitako leku-markakca at valencia
Placeholders (Python)Textos variables (Python)nl
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsDubbele spaties en spaties op onverwachte plaatsenfr
Terminology HelpAide sur la terminologiegl
Number of plurals:Número de plurais:zu
"%s" is not a usable file.Ifayela "%s" ayifayela elisebenzisayo.eu
Virtaal websiteVirtaal webguneade
Local translation filesLokale Ãœbersetzungsdateienfr
_Recent FilesFitxers _recentspt_BR
Automatically complete long words while you typeCompleta automaticamente palavras longas enquanto você digitaes
_Localization Guide_Guía de localizaciónpt_BR
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange Dateiformates
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?El archivo actual se ha modificado.
-¿Quiere guardar sus cambios?nl
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useVoer het aantal te gebruiken substantiefvormen (meervouden) in, a.u.b.it
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useInserire il numero di forme sostantivate (plurali) da utilizzaresw
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemória de tradução do Poedit: %(database_language_code)sne
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'लग फाइल '%(filename)s'खुल्न सकेनfr
Select sources of Translation MemoryChoisir des sources de mémoire de traductiongl
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesUnha ferramenta de tradución para axudar a un tradutor humano a traducir ficheiros a outros idiomasne
_Source term — %(langname)s_ИсÑ
одный термин — %(langname)spt_BR
The file contains nothing to translate.O arquivo não contém qualquer coisa para traduzir.nl
Please enter your e-mail addressVoer uw e-mailadres in, a.u.b.de
Language name:Sprache:fr
E-mail address:Adresse électronique :sw
Local TMIM lokalane
Poedit settingsIzinhlelo zePoeditar
E-mailالبريد الإلكترونيgl
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.Die im Dateikopf gespeicherte Teaminformation. Das kann z.B. eine E-Mail-Adresse oder eine URL sein.ca
Please enter your e-mail addressIntroduïu la vostra adreça de correu electrònicsv
Plural expression:Pluraluttryck:ne
invalid number of argumentsतर्कहरूको à¤
वैध नम्बरar
The file "%s" does not exist.Die lêer "%s" bestaan nie.de
_Page Down_Bild abit
Nothing migratedNulla è stato migratode
Placeholders (Java)Platzhalter (Java)ar
_Full Screen_Scrini Nzimanl
Target text:Texto destino:fr
TM SourceFonte de MTeu
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sLokalize-ko itzulpen-memoria: %(database_name)sne
Number of plurals:बहुसंख्यक नम्बरar
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSymboles et signes de ponctuation peu utiliséssw
_Missing Language..._Lugha Inakosekana...eu
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
+¿Quiere guardar sus cambios?nl
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useVoer het aantal te gebruiken substantiefvormen (meervouden) in, a.u.b.it
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useInserire il numero di forme sostantivate (plurali) da utilizzaresw
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemória de tradução do Poedit: %(database_language_code)sne
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'लग फाइल '%(filename)s'खुल्न सकेनfr
Select sources of Translation MemoryChoisir des sources de mémoire de traductiongl
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesUnha ferramenta de tradución para axudar a un tradutor humano a traducir ficheiros a outros idiomasne
_Source term — %(langname)s_ИсÑ
одный термин — %(langname)spt_BR
The file contains nothing to translate.O arquivo não contém qualquer coisa para traduzir.nl
Please enter your e-mail addressVoer uw e-mailadres in, a.u.b.de
Language name:Sprache:fr
E-mail address:Adresse électronique :sw
The e-mail address stored in the file headerL'indirizzo e-mail è salvato all'inizio del fileeu
Local TMIM lokalane
Poedit settingsIzinhlelo zePoeditar
E-mailالبريد الإلكترونيgl
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.Die im Dateikopf gespeicherte Teaminformation. Das kann z.B. eine E-Mail-Adresse oder eine URL sein.ca
Please enter your e-mail addressIntroduïu la vostra adreça de correu electrònicsv
Plural expression:Pluraluttryck:ne
invalid number of argumentsतर्कहरूको à¤
वैध नम्बरar
The file "%s" does not exist.Die lêer "%s" bestaan nie.de
_Page Down_Bild abca
XML EntitiesEntitats XMLit
Nothing migratedNon è stato trasferito nullade
Placeholders (Java)Platzhalter (Java)ca
Placeholders (printf)Textos variables (printf)ar
_Full Screen_Scrini Nzimanl
Target text:Texto destino:ca at valencia
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memorySeleccioneu les fonts que voleu consultar per a la memòria de traducciófr
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationgl
TM SourceFonte de MTit
The name stored in the file headerIl nome è conservato all'inizio del fileeu
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sLokalize-ko itzulpen-memoria: %(database_name)sne
Number of plurals:बहुसंख्यक नम्बरar
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSymboles et signes de ponctuation peu utiliséssw
_Missing Language..._Lugha Inakosekana...eu
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
 If you are translating from English to French then English would be your original or source language.El idioma de <b>origen</b> es el idioma por el que está traduciendo, también llamado el idioma fuente.
-Si está traduciendo del inglés al francés, el inglés sería el idioma de origen o idioma fuente.ca
enable debugging featureshabilita les característiques de depuracióru
Machine Translation with libtranslateМашинный перевод с помощью libtranslatear
<b>Fonts</b><b>Tipos de letra</b>ne
%s option requires an argument%s विकल्पलाई तर्क आवश्यक पर्दछaf
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangeaf
Machine Translation with libtranslateMasjienvertaling met libtranslatept_BR
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.habilita o registro, armazenando o resultado no arquivo informado.eu
Command Line OptionsKomando-lerroaren aukerakes
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Para copiar el mensaje original al campo de destino, pulse <Alt+Abajo>.ca at valencia
%prog [options]%prog [opcions]eu
Entity references, such as & and ©الإشارات إلى الكيانات، Ù
ثل & Ùˆ ©ru
invalid number of argumentsневерное число аргументовgl
TBX GlossaryGlosario TBXne
स्वीकार गर्नुहोस्ne
Currently open fileहाल खुलेको फाइलsv
All Supported FilesAlla filer som stödspt_BR
INI FileArquivo INIgl
C++ RC FileFicheiro RC de C++ca at valencia
Translation ToolProgramma per traduzioneeu
Terminology _file:Terminologia-_fitxategia:ne
_Page Downपृष्ठ तलeu
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Fitxategia birkargatu gordetako azken kopiatik eta aldaketa guztiak galdu?ru
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useПожалуйста, введите количество множественныÑ
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.পংক্তিগুলির মধ্যে এক পৃষ্ঠা চলাচলের জন্য Ctrl+PgUp à¦
থবা Ctrl+PgDown টিপুন।pt_BR
_New Language Pair..._Novo par de idiomas...eu
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Ezin da '%(filename)s' erregistro-fitxategia irekifr
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal est un programme permettant de travailler sur des traductions.pt_BR
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Debería Virtaal tratar de importar configuracións e datos desde outros aplicativos?ca
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer de perfil «%(filename)s»bn_IN
Lokalize settingsLokalize সংক্রান্ত বৈশিষ্ট্যnl
Translation memory suggestionsSuggesties uit het vertaalgeheugenar
P_revious PlaceableالÙ
ُدْرج ال_سابقsv
International Development and Research CentreCentre de recherches pour le développement internationalca
_Case sensitiveSensible a les majús_culessv
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Pulse Ctrl+RePág o Ctrl+AvPág para moverse entre las traducciones a pasos grandes.af
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)opsie %s: ongeldige keuse: %r (kies uit %s)es
The following items were migrated:Folgende Elemente wurden migriert:ca
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer de registre «%(filename)s»gl
_Next Placeable_Seguinte intraducíbeles
Header informationHeader-informatiear
Placeholders (Java)حافظات الÙ
كان (جافا)gl
The current file has been modified.
+Si está traduciendo del inglés al francés, el inglés sería el idioma de origen o idioma fuente.ca
enable debugging featureshabilita les característiques de depuracióru
Machine Translation with libtranslateМашинный перевод с помощью libtranslatear
Choose a Translation FileScegliere un file da tradurrees
<b>Fonts</b><b>Tipos de letra</b>ne
%s option requires an argument%s विकल्पलाई तर्क आवश्यक पर्दछaf
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangeca
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsParaules amb majúscules dins, com ara alguns noms de marques i WikiWordsaf
Machine Translation with libtranslateMasjienvertaling met libtranslateit
Placeholders (Java)Placeholder (Java)pt_BR
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.habilita o registro, armazenando o resultado no arquivo informado.eu
Command Line OptionsKomando-lerroaren aukerakes
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Para copiar el mensaje original al campo de destino, pulse <Alt+Abajo>.ca at valencia
%prog [options]%prog [opcions]eu
Entity references, such as & and ©الإشارات إلى الكيانات، Ù
ثل & Ùˆ ©ru
invalid number of argumentsневерное число аргументовgl
TBX GlossaryGlosario TBXne
स्वीकार गर्नुहोस्ne
Currently open fileहाल खुलेको फाइलbn_IN
Migration Assistantমাইগ্রেশন সহায়ক ব্যবস্থাsv
All Supported FilesAlla filer som stödspt_BR
INI FileArquivo INIit
Automatically correct text while you typeCorrezione automatica del testo mentre si scrivegl
C++ RC FileFicheiro RC de C++ca at valencia
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Migrazione impostazioni da KBabel, Lokalize o Poedit a Virtaal.it
Translation ToolProgramma per la traduzioneeu
Terminology _file:Terminologia-_fitxategia:ne
_Page Downपृष्ठ तलeu
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Fitxategia birkargatu gordetako azken kopiatik eta aldaketa guztiak galdu?ru
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useПожалуйста, введите количество множественныÑ
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.পংক্তিগুলির মধ্যে এক পৃষ্ঠা চলাচলের জন্য Ctrl+PgUp à¦
থবা Ctrl+PgDown টিপুন।pt_BR
_New Language Pair..._Novo par de idiomas...eu
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Ezin da '%(filename)s' erregistro-fitxategia irekifr
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal est un programme permettant de travailler sur des traductions.pt_BR
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Debería Virtaal tratar de importar configuracións e datos desde outros aplicativos?ca
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer de perfil «%(filename)s»bn_IN
Lokalize settingsLokalize সংক্রান্ত বৈশিষ্ট্যnl
Translation memory suggestionsSuggesties uit het vertaalgeheugenar
P_revious PlaceableالÙ
ُدْرج ال_سابقsv
International Development and Research CentreCentre de recherches pour le développement internationalca
_Case sensitiveSensible a les majús_culessv
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Pulse Ctrl+RePág o Ctrl+AvPág para moverse entre las traducciones a pasos grandes.af
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)opsie %s: ongeldige keuse: %r (kies uit %s)es
The following items were migrated:Folgende Elemente wurden migriert:ca
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer de registre «%(filename)s»gl
_Next Placeable_Seguinte intraducíbeles
Header informationHeader-informatiear
Placeholders (Java)حافظات الÙ
كان (جافا)gl
OpenTranOpenTranca at valencia
Placeholders (printf)Textos variables (printf)ca
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?S'ha modificat el fitxer actual.
-Voleu desar els vostres canvis?es
_Source term — %(langname)sTérmino de _origen — %(langname)snl
Select sources of Translation MemorySelecteer vertaalgeheugenbronnenaf
<b>Language Information</b><b>Ukwaziswa kolimi</b>de
Remote serverEntfernter Serverfr
Terminology _Files..._Fichiers de terminologie...ru
_Recent Files_Недавние файлыsw
Usage: %s
+Voleu desar els vostres canvis?es
_Source term — %(langname)sTérmino de _origen — %(langname)sca at valencia
Previous translations you have madeTraduccions que heu fet anteriormentnl
Select sources of Translation MemorySelecteer vertaalgeheugenbronnenaf
<b>Language Information</b><b>Ukwaziswa kolimi</b>de
Remote serverEntfernter Serverfr
Terminology _Files..._Fichiers de terminologie...ru
_Recent Files_Недавние файлыsw
Usage: %s
 Matumizi: %s
Please enter your nameIntroduïu el vostre nomca at valencia
Available _Suggestions_Suggeriments disponiblesru
floating-pointс плавающей точкойne
Migration was successfully completedमाईग्रेसन सफलता पूर्वक पूरा भयोes
XML EntitiesEntidades XMLde
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Die Logdatei '%(filename)s' konnte nicht geöffnet werdenit
_Update to TemplateActualizar o _modelosw
Translation MemoryKumbukumbu ya Tafsirieu
Java Properties FileFichier de propriétés Javazu
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Ekugcineni kokuhumusha, cindezela i-<Enter-> nje ukuqhuba endaweni ezilandelayo.ca at valencia
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Depenenent de la tasca de traducció, la informació del plural pot ser opcional.ca
Trados Tag EditorEditor de etiquetas do Tradosru
TBX GlossaryGlosario TBXar
XML TagsوسوÙ
_Online HelpAxuda en _liñapt_BR
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURL's, hostnamen en IP-adressenar
Previous translations you have madeترجÙ
اتك السابقةru
_Regular expression_Reguljärt uttryckzu
All FilesOnke amafayelanl
Replace _All_Alle vervangenaf
Migration completedMigrasie voltooigl
Migration completedA migración foi completada correctamentear
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'تعذّر فتح Ù
لف اللاحة '%(filename)s'gl
The following items were migrated:Os seguintes elementos foron migrados:es
Remote serverExterne serverfr
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Utilisez <Ctrl+Haut> ou <Ctrl+Bas> pour passer d'une traduction à l'autre.fr
Add Missing LanguageAjouter une langue manquantear
ISO code:Código ISO:ca at valencia
Import data from other applications?Faut-il importer les données d'autres applications ?sv
All FilesTutti i filezu
Machine Translation with libtranslateUkuhumusha ngomshini ne-libtranslatept_BR
The file "%s" does not exist.O nome "%s" não existe.af
Add TermVoeg term byne
Gettext Translation TemplateModelo de tradução do Gettextde
Select Terminology SourcesEscolher fontes de terminologiapt_BR
Qt Linguist Translation FileArquivo de tradução do Qt Linguistca
Replace _AllReempl_aça-ho totfr
%s option requires %d argumentsl'option %s a besoin de %d paramètresaf
_Full Screen_Volskermeu
Unreviewed machine translationsBerrikusi gabeko itzulpen automatikoakpt_BR
invalid number of argumentsnúmero inválido de argumentoses
Migration was successfully completedKuthuthwa ngempumeleloar
Local translation filesÙ
لفات ترجÙ
Ø© Ù
%s option requires an argumentl'opció %s requereix un argumentca
AutoCompletorCompletador automàtices
E-mail addressesDirecciones de correo electrónicoru
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Вы выбрали для открытия уже открытый файл. Желаете перезагрузить файл?ne
Header informationहेडर सूचनाit
Qt Phrase BookQt Phrase Bookes
enable debugging featuresactivar funciones de depuraciónar
Terminology _file:Ù
Ù„_ف الÙ
Missing LanguageLingue mancantine
Poedit settingsपिओसम्पादन सेटिङ्सca at valencia
Language code must be an ASCII string.El codi de llengua cal que siga una cadena ASCIIsv
C++ RC FileC++ RC-filru
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Фиртаалru
<b>Language Information</b><b>Ù
ات اللغة</b>es
Please enter your namePor favor, introduzca su nombreca at valencia
Please enter your e-mail addressInserire emailaf
_New Language Pair..._Nuwe taalpaar...af
translator-creditsFriedel Wolff
-Dwayne Baileyne
Poedit settingsPreferencias de Poediteu
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Uneko itzulpena zalantzazko bezala markatzeko, sakatu <Alt+U>.fr
_Target term — %(langname)s_Doelterm — %(langname)sit
integernumero interoca
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Feu servir Ctrl+PàgAmunt o Ctrl+PàgAvall per a moure-vos a grans passos al llarg de la traducció.sv
The current file has been modified.
Please enter your nameIntroduïu el vostre nomru
floating-pointс плавающей точкойne
Migration was successfully completedमाईग्रेसन सफलता पूर्वक पूरा भयोes
XML EntitiesEntidades XMLde
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Die Logdatei '%(filename)s' konnte nicht geöffnet werdenit
Placeholders in Java stringsTextos variables en les cadenes de Javagl
_Update to TemplateActualizar o _modelosw
Translation MemoryKumbukumbu ya Tafsirieu
Java Properties FileFichier de propriétés Javazu
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Ekugcineni kokuhumusha, cindezela i-<Enter-> nje ukuqhuba endaweni ezilandelayo.ca at valencia
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Depenenent de la tasca de traducció, la informació del plural pot ser opcional.ca
Trados Tag EditorEditor de etiquetas do Tradosru
TBX GlossaryGlosario TBXar
XML TagsوسوÙ
_Online HelpAxuda en _liñapt_BR
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURL's, hostnamen en IP-adressenar
Previous translations you have madeترجÙ
اتك السابقةit
International Development and Research CentreInternational Development and Research Centreru
_Regular expression_Reguljärt uttryckzu
All FilesOnke amafayelaca
Transfer From SourceTransfereix de la fontnl
Replace _All_Alle vervangenaf
Migration completedMigrasie voltooigl
Migration completedA migración foi completada correctamentear
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'تعذّر فتح Ù
لف اللاحة '%(filename)s'bn_IN
Placeholders in Java stringsJava পংক্তির মধ্যে সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তুgl
The following items were migrated:Os seguintes elementos foron migrados:es
Remote serverExterne serverfr
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Utilisez <Ctrl+Haut> ou <Ctrl+Bas> pour passer d'une traduction à l'autre.fr
Add Missing LanguageAjouter une langue manquantear
ISO code:Código ISO:ca at valencia
Import data from other applications?Faut-il importer les données d'autres applications ?sv
All FilesTutti i filezu
Machine Translation with libtranslateUkuhumusha ngomshini ne-libtranslatept_BR
The file "%s" does not exist.O nome "%s" não existe.af
Add TermVoeg term byne
Gettext Translation TemplateModelo de tradução do Gettextde
Select Terminology SourcesEscolher fontes de terminologiapt_BR
Qt Linguist Translation FileArquivo de tradução do Qt Linguistca
Replace _AllReempl_aça-ho totca at valencia
Translation _Suggestions_Suggeriments de traduccióbn_IN
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.ফাইলের হেডারের মধ্যে সংরক্ষিত দল সংক্রান্ত তথ্য। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, এই ক্ষেত্রে কোনো ই-মেইল ঠিকানা à¦
থবা URL উল্লেখ করা যেতে পারে।fr
%s option requires %d argumentsl'option %s a besoin de %d paramètresaf
_Full Screen_Volskermca at valencia
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsSeleccioneu les fonts dels suggeriments de terminologiaeu
Unreviewed machine translationsBerrikusi gabeko itzulpen automatikoakca
invalid number of argumentsnúmero inválido de argumentoses
Migration was successfully completedKuthuthwa ngempumeleloar
Local translation filesÙ
لفات ترجÙ
Ø© Ù
%s option requires an argumentl'opció %s requereix un argumentca
AutoCompletorCompleció automàticaes
E-mail addressesDirecciones de correo electrónicoru
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Вы выбрали для открытия уже открытый файл. Желаете перезагрузить файл?ne
Header informationहेडर सूचनाit
Qt Phrase BookQt Phrase Bookbn_IN
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>XML ট্যাগ, যেমন <b> ও </i>es
enable debugging featuresactivar funciones de depuraciónar
Terminology _file:Ù
Ù„_ف الÙ
Poedit settingsपिओसम्पादन सेटिङ्सca at valencia
N_avigation:_Navegació:ca at valencia
Language code must be an ASCII string.El codi de llengua cal que siga una cadena ASCIIsv
C++ RC FileC++ RC-filru
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Фиртаалru
<b>Language Information</b><b>Ù
ات اللغة</b>es
Please enter your namePor favor, introduzca su nombreca at valencia
Please enter your e-mail addressInserire il proprio indirizzo e-mailaf
_New Language Pair..._Nuwe taalpaar...af
translator-creditsFriedel Wolff
+Dwayne Baileyne
Poedit settingsPreferencias de Poeditca at valencia
TM SourceFont de la MT (memòria de traducció)eu
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Uneko itzulpena zalantzazko bezala markatzeko, sakatu <Alt+U>.fr
_Target term — %(langname)s_Doelterm — %(langname)sit
integernumero interoca
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Feu servir Ctrl+PàgAmunt o Ctrl+PàgAvall per a moure-vos a grans passos al llarg de la traducció.it
Unable to load %(filename)s:
+%(errormsg)sImpossibile caricare %(filename)s:
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?Den aktuella filen har ändrats.
-Vill du spara dina ändringar?sv
_Online Help_Hjälp på nätetpt_BR
Placeholders in Java stringsEspaços reservados em strings Javait
enable debugging featuresabilita funzioni di debuggingar
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [خيارات] [Ù
Gettext Translation TemplatePlantilla de traducción gettextru
XML TagsТэги XMLde
_Full Screen_Vollbildes
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsComodines usados en cadenas "printf"eu
New Language PairHizkuntza-pare berriagl
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Non se puido ler o ficheiro de configuración '%(filename)s'ca
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.El codi de llengua cal que tingui com a mínim dos caràcters.bn_IN
Machine Translation with libtranslatelibtranslate সহযোগে মেশিনের মাধ্যমে à¦
নুবাদ ব্যবস্থাaf
All FilesAlle lêersar
Could not save file.
+Vill du spara dina ändringar?sv
_Online Help_Hjälp på nätetpt_BR
Placeholders in Java stringsEspaços reservados em strings Javait
enable debugging featuresabilitare funzionalità di collaudo di programmiar
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [خيارات] [Ù
Gettext Translation TemplatePlantilla de traducción gettextru
XML TagsТэги XMLde
_Full Screen_Vollbildes
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsComodines usados en cadenas "printf"it
Placeholders (Python)Placeholder (Python)eu
New Language PairHizkuntza-pare berriagl
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Non se puido ler o ficheiro de configuración '%(filename)s'ca
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.El codi de llengua cal que tingui com a mínim dos caràcters.bn_IN
Machine Translation with libtranslatelibtranslate সহযোগে মেশিনের মাধ্যমে à¦
নুবাদ ব্যবস্থাaf
All FilesAlle lêersar
Could not save file.
@@ -55,11 +69,11 @@
-اختر Ù
وضعا Ù
Automatically correct text while you typeCorregir texto automáticamente mientras se tecleapt_BR
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IOpções da linha de comando de um aplicativo, como --help, -h e -lru
_Update to TemplateОбновить _шаблонsw
Choose a translation fileChagua faili la tasfirifr
N_avigation:N_avigation :gl
All FilesAlla filerru
show program's version number and exitafficher la version du programme et quitterzu
The following items were migrated:Lezi zinto ezilandelayo zithuthiwe:sv
Placeholders in Python stringsМетки-заполнители в строкаÑ
Replace withউল্লিখিত তথ্য সহ প্রতিস্থাপনru
%s option does not take a valuela opción %s no acepta argumentosar
Virtaal Preferencesتفضيلات فِرتالpt_BR
Migration was successfully completedA migração foi concluída com sucessosv
Qt Phrase BookQt Parlörfr
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryWählen Sie die Ressourcen aus, die bezüglich Translation Memories abgefragt werden sollennl
Poedit settingsPoedit instellingensv
Wordfast Translation MemoryMemòria de traducció del Wordfastpt_BR
_Target term — %(langname)sTermo de _destino — %(langname)ssv
Could not save file.
+اختر Ù
وضعا Ù
Automatically correct text while you typeCorregir texto automáticamente mientras se tecleapt_BR
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IOpções da linha de comando de um aplicativo, como --help, -h e -lru
_Update to TemplateОбновить _шаблонsw
Choose a translation fileChagua faili la tasfirifr
N_avigation:N_avigation :gl
All FilesAlla filerru
show program's version number and exitafficher la version du programme et quitterzu
The following items were migrated:Lezi zinto ezilandelayo zithuthiwe:sv
Placeholders in Python stringsМетки-заполнители в строкаÑ
Replace withউল্লিখিত তথ্য সহ প্রতিস্থাপনru
%s option does not take a valuela opción %s no acepta argumentosar
Virtaal Preferencesتفضيلات فِرتالca
A translation memory serverUn servidor de memòria de traducciópt_BR
Migration was successfully completedA migração foi concluída com sucessobn_IN
TM SourceTM-র উৎসsv
Qt Phrase BookQt Parlörfr
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryWählen Sie die Ressourcen aus, die bezüglich Translation Memories abgefragt werden sollennl
Poedit settingsPoedit instellingensv
Wordfast Translation MemoryMemòria de traducció del Wordfastca at valencia
Use _Default FontsUtilitza els tipus de lletra per _defectept_BR
_Target term — %(langname)sTermo de _destino — %(langname)ssv
Could not save file.
 %(error_message)sKunde inte spara filen.
long integerentero largopt_BR
Choose a translation fileVälj en översättningsfilde
All Supported FilesAlle unterstützten Dateitypengl
C_ommentsC_omentariosca at valencia
long integerعدد صحيح طويلaf
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sذاكرة ترجÙ
ة لوكالايز: %(database_name)sgl
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksOs símbolos son menos frecuentes como marcas de puntuaciónar
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.الÙ
ُدْرجات هي أجزاء خاصة Ù
Ù† النص ÙŠÙ
كن إبرازها آليا وإدراجها بسهوله في الترجÙ
translator-creditsuFriedel Wolffbn_IN
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)বিকল্প %s: নির্বাচিত মান à¦
বৈধ : %r (%s থেকে নির্বাচন করুন)ca at valencia
_Localization GuideGuia de _localitzacióar
Replace _Allاستبدِل ال_كلeu
This fileЭтот файлpt_BR
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangeit
_Recent Files_File recentisv
Migration was successfully completedMigreringen lyckadeses
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)dubbelsinnige opsie: %s (%s?)ne
Add Termأضف Ù
صطلحاca at valencia
Wordfast Translation MemoryMemòria de traducció del Wordfastca at valencia
Report a _Bug_Informa d'un errorru
Words containing uppercase letters onlyСлова, содержащие только заглавные буквыru
%prog [options]%prog [options]eu
Translated units from the current fileПереведённые элементы из текущего файлаnl
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Gebruik <Ctrl+PijlOmhoog> of <Ctrl+PijlOmlaag> om door de vertalingen te bewegen.eu
Entity references, such as & and ©Entitateen erreferentziak, hala nola & eta ©ca at valencia
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Vous avez choisi d'ouvrir un fichier déjà ouvert. Voulez-vous charger à nouveau ce fichier ?gl
CamelCaseCamelCase (maiúsculas intermedias)es
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal (Para el idioma) es un programa para hacer traducciones.af
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal is 'n program om mee te vertaal.nl
Target text:Doeltekst:eu
"alt" Attributes"alt" atributuakit
Paths referring to file locationsالÙ
سارات التي تشير إلى Ø£Ù
اكن الÙ
P_age UpSi_da uppfr
option %s: invalid %s value: %roptie %s: ongeldig(e) %s waarde: %rar
Open-Tran.euOpen-Tran.euca at valencia
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Feu servir Ctrl+PàgAmunt o Ctrl+PàgAvall per a moure-vos a grans passos al llarg de la traducció.ru
_Localization Guide_Руководство по локализацииes
All Supported FilesTodos los archivos soportadospt_BR
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [opções] [arquivo_da_tradução]it
Could not open file.
long integerentero largopt_BR
ApertiumApertiumca at valencia
_Source term — %(langname)sTerme d'_origen - %(langname)saf
Choose a translation fileVälj en översättningsfilde
All Supported FilesAlle unterstützten Dateitypengl
C_ommentsC_omentariosca at valencia
long integerعدد صحيح طويلaf
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sذاكرة ترجÙ
ة لوكالايز: %(database_name)sgl
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksOs símbolos son menos frecuentes como marcas de puntuaciónar
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.الÙ
ُدْرجات هي أجزاء خاصة Ù
Ù† النص ÙŠÙ
كن إبرازها آليا وإدراجها بسهوله في الترجÙ
translator-creditsuFriedel Wolffbn_IN
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)বিকল্প %s: নির্বাচিত মান à¦
বৈধ : %r (%s থেকে নির্বাচন করুন)ca at valencia
_Localization GuideGuia de _localitzacióar
Replace _Allاستبدِل ال_كلeu
This fileЭтот файлpt_BR
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangeit
_Recent Files_File recentisv
Migration was successfully completedMigreringen lyckadeses
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)dubbelsinnige opsie: %s (%s?)ne
Add Termأضف Ù
صطلحاca at valencia
Wordfast Translation MemoryMemòria de traducció del Wordfastbn_IN
A translation memory serverà¦
নুবাদ মেমরির সার্ভারca
Placeholders (Java)Textos variables (Java)ca at valencia
Report a _Bug_Informa d'un errorru
Words containing uppercase letters onlyСлова, содержащие только заглавные буквыru
%prog [options]%prog [options]eu
Translated units from the current fileПереведённые элементы из текущего файлаca
Local fileFitxer localnl
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Gebruik <Ctrl+PijlOmhoog> of <Ctrl+PijlOmlaag> om door de vertalingen te bewegen.bn_IN
File Namesফাইলের নামeu
Entity references, such as & and ©Entitateen erreferentziak, hala nola & eta ©ca at valencia
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Vous avez choisi d'ouvrir un fichier déjà ouvert. Voulez-vous charger à nouveau ce fichier ?gl
CamelCaseCamelCase (maiúsculas intermedias)es
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal (Para el idioma) es un programa para hacer traducciones.af
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal is 'n program om mee te vertaal.nl
Target text:Doeltekst:eu
"alt" Attributes"alt" atributuakit
Paths referring to file locationsالÙ
سارات التي تشير إلى Ø£Ù
اكن الÙ
Target text:Text de destinació:bn_IN
P_age UpSi_da uppfr
option %s: invalid %s value: %roptie %s: ongeldig(e) %s waarde: %rar
Open-Tran.euOpen-Tran.euca at valencia
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Feu servir Ctrl+PàgAmunt o Ctrl+PàgAvall per a moure-vos a grans passos al llarg de la traducció.ru
_Localization Guide_Руководство по локализацииes
All Supported FilesTodos los archivos soportadospt_BR
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [opções] [arquivo_da_tradução]it
Could not open file.
 Try opening a different file.Kunde inte öppna filen.
@@ -67,7 +81,7 @@
 Prova att öppna en annan fil.it
Terminology suggestionsSugestões de terminologiade
Select sources of Translation MemoryRessourcen mit Translation Memories auswählenaf
JavaScript error message fileJavaScript-foutboodskaplêernl
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Instellingen uit KBabel, Lokalize en/of Poedit in Virtaal importeren.ca
Currently open fileТекущий файлnl
XLIFFXLIFFca at valencia
Usage: %s
 Ús: %s
%s option requires %d argumentsa opción %s necesita %d argumentosbn_IN
INI FileFile INIes
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.El código del idioma debe contener un mínimo de 2 caracteres.eu
Machine Translation with libtranslateItzulpen automatikoa libtranslate erabilitagl
Placeholders (Python)Marcadores de substitución (Python)gl
Gettext Translation TemplateModelo de tradución gettextru
%s option requires %d arguments%s aukerak %d argumentu behar ditues
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IOpciones de linea de órdenes de una aplicación, como --help, -h y -lpt_BR
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Você escolheu abrir o arquivo atualmente aberto. Você deseja recarregar o arquivo?ne
Personal Informationव्तक्तिगत जानकारीes
%s option does not take a valuea opção %s não aceita um valorsv
_Recent FilesFichiers _récemment utilisésca at valencia
TMX Translation MemoryMemòria de traducció del TMXru
Local TMЛокальн. TMca at valencia
_Tutorial_Guia d'aprenentatgeru
Header informationИнформация заголовкаnl
Wordfast Translation MemoryWordfast vertaalgeheugende
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaalbn_IN
Java Properties FileSifa za faili la Javagl
Resource CompilerCompilador de recursosaf
translator-creditsEmanuel Feruzifr
Unreviewed machine translationsTraductions automatiques non reluesru
Translated units from the current fileVertaalde eenheden uit het bestand dat momenteel geladen isfr
_Source term — %(langname)sTerme _source %(langname)snl
TBX GlossaryTBX woordenlijstnl
Add TermTerm toevoegenfr
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal kon nie enige instellings of data migreer niept_BR
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)opção ambígua: %s (%s?)ar
XML Localization Interchange File Formatنسق Ù
لف تبادل توطين XMLne
INI FileINI फाइलar
Trados Tag EditorÙ
حرر وسوÙ
Nothing migratedकेहि माईग्रेट भएनsw
_Online Help_Msaada wa Mkondonide
TBX GlossaryTBX Glossarde
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Platzierbare Elemente sind besondere Textabschnitte, die automatisch hervorgehoben und einfach in die Übersetzung übernommen werden können.af
Terminology suggestionsTerminologiesuggestiessv
Migration completedMigreringen är färdigfr
Replace withRemplacer parne
Language name:भाषा नाम:sv
_Recent Files_Tidigare filerbn_IN
Add TermДобавка терминаnl
Could not save file.
%s option requires %d argumentsa opción %s necesita %d argumentosbn_IN
INI FileFile INIes
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.El código del idioma debe contener un mínimo de 2 caracteres.eu
Machine Translation with libtranslateItzulpen automatikoa libtranslate erabilitagl
Placeholders (Python)Marcadores de substitución (Python)gl
Gettext Translation TemplateModelo de tradución gettextru
%s option requires %d arguments%s aukerak %d argumentu behar ditues
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IOpciones de linea de órdenes de una aplicación, como --help, -h y -lpt_BR
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Você escolheu abrir o arquivo atualmente aberto. Você deseja recarregar o arquivo?ne
Personal Informationव्तक्तिगत जानकारीes
"alt" AttributesAttributi "alt"it
%s option does not take a valuea opção %s não aceita um valorbn_IN
Words containing uppercase letters onlyশুধুমাত্র বড় ছাঁদের à¦
ক্ষর বিশিষ্ট শব্দsv
_Recent FilesFichiers _récemment utilisésca at valencia
TMX Translation MemoryMemòria de traducció del TMXru
Local TMЛокальн. TMca at valencia
_Tutorial_Guia d'aprenentatgeru
Header informationИнформация заголовкаnl
Wordfast Translation MemoryWordfast vertaalgeheugende
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaalca
Add _Term...Afegeix un _terme…bn_IN
Java Properties FileSifa za faili la Javabn_IN
Resource CompilerCompilador de recursosaf
translator-creditsEmanuel Feruzifr
Unreviewed machine translationsTraductions automatiques non reluesca at valencia
E-mail address:Adreça de correu electrònic:ru
Translated units from the current fileVertaalde eenheden uit het bestand dat momenteel geladen isfr
_Source term — %(langname)sTerme _source %(langname)snl
TBX GlossaryTBX woordenlijstnl
Add TermTerm toevoegenfr
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal kon nie enige instellings of data migreer niept_BR
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)opção ambígua: %s (%s?)ar
XML Localization Interchange File Formatنسق Ù
لف تبادل توطين XMLne
INI FileINI फाइलar
Trados Tag EditorÙ
حرر وسوÙ
Nothing migratedकेहि माईग्रेट भएनsw
_Online Help_Msaada wa Mkondonide
TBX GlossaryTBX Glossarde
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Platzierbare Elemente sind besondere Textabschnitte, die automatisch hervorgehoben und einfach in die Übersetzung übernommen werden können.af
"alt" AttributesAtributs «alt»it
Transfer From SourceTrasferisci dal testo fontebn_IN
"alt" Attributes"alt" বৈশিষ্ট্যnl
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)"alt" বৈশিষ্ট্যের ক্ষেত্রে সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তু (HTML à¦
নুযায়ী প্রাপ্ত)nl
Terminology suggestionsTerminologiesuggestiesbn_IN
Placeholders (Java)সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তু (Java)sv
Migration completedMigreringen är färdigfr
Replace withRemplacer parne
Language name:भाषा नाम:sv
_Recent Files_Tidigare filerbn_IN
Add TermДобавка терминаnl
Could not save file.
@@ -75,13 +89,13 @@
-Probeer op een andere lokatie op te slaan.sv
_Full Screen_Helskärmaf
Number of plurals:Aantal meervoude:ca
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaalru
Tcl Translation FileФайл перевода Tclaf
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" is nie 'n bruikbare lêer nie.pt_BR
XLIFF Translation FileXLIFF-översättningsfiles
Virtaal PreferencesPreferencias de Virtaalca at valencia
Please enter the plural equation to useIntroduïu l'equació de plural que s'utilitzarànl
Migration was successfully completedMigratie met succes voltooidde
The name stored in the file headerDe in de bestandsheader opgeslagen naamit
Virtaal PreferencesPreferenze Virtaalbn_IN
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.Språkkoden måste vara minst 2 tecken lång.es
Transfer From SourceTransferir desde origende
P_age UpB_ild aufru
P_age UpR_etroceder páginaca at valencia
GeneralGeneralca at valencia
Choose a translation fileTrieu un fitxer de traducciónl
C++ RC FileC++ RC फाइलde
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Angaben zum Ãœbersetzer</b>it
Terminology suggestionsSuxestións de terminoloxíaaf
_Localization Guide_Guia de localizaçãoca
option %s: invalid %s value: %rविकल्प %s: à¤
वैध %s मान: %rit
Migration assistantAssistente di migrazionefr
<b>Language Information</b><b>Informations sur la langue</b>es
%s option requires %d argumentsla opción %s necesita %d argumentosne
Replace withयससँग प्रतिस्थापन गर्नुहोस्af
The name stored in the file headerDie naam wat in die lêerkop gestoor wordca
Local Translation MemoryMemòria de traducció localgl
Qt Linguist Translation FileFicheiro de tradución de Qt Linguistaf
Replace _AllSubstituir _todaseu
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de journalisation « %(filename)s »af
Terminology FilesFicheiros de terminoloxíapt_BR
Add FilesAdicionar os arquivosru
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)опция %s: неверный выбор: %r (выбран из %s)es
Qt Linguist Translation FileArchivo de traducción de Qt Linguistaf
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Kon nie konfigurasielêer '%(filename)s' lees niene
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML स्थानीकरण इन्टर एक्सचेन्ज फाइल ढाँचाpt_BR
Translation ToolHerramienta de traducciónsw
Virtaal websiteTovuti ya Virtaalca at valencia
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationaf
The current file has been modified.
+Probeer op een andere lokatie op te slaan.sv
_Full Screen_Helskärmaf
Number of plurals:Aantal meervoude:ca
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaalbn_IN
Apertium Machine TranslationApertium মেশিন à¦
Tcl Translation FileФайл перевода Tclaf
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" is nie 'n bruikbare lêer nie.pt_BR
XLIFF Translation FileXLIFF-översättningsfiles
Virtaal PreferencesPreferencias de Virtaalca at valencia
Please enter the plural equation to useIntroduïu l'equació de plural que s'utilitzarànl
Migration was successfully completedMigratie met succes voltooidde
The name stored in the file headerDe in de bestandsheader opgeslagen naamit
Virtaal PreferencesPreferenze di Virtaalbn_IN
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.Språkkoden måste vara minst 2 tecken lång.es
Transfer From SourceTransferir desde origende
P_age UpB_ild aufru
P_age UpR_etroceder páginaca at valencia
C++ RC FileC++ RC फाइलde
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Angaben zum Ãœbersetzer</b>it
Terminology suggestionsSuxestións de terminoloxíaaf
_Localization Guide_Guia de localizaçãoca
option %s: invalid %s value: %rविकल्प %s: à¤
वैध %s मान: %rca
Local TMMT localfr
<b>Language Information</b><b>Informations sur la langue</b>es
%s option requires %d argumentsla opción %s necesita %d argumentosne
Replace withयससँग प्रतिस्थापन गर्नुहोस्af
The name stored in the file headerDie naam wat in die lêerkop gestoor wordca
Local Translation MemoryMemòria de traducció localgl
Qt Linguist Translation FileFicheiro de tradución de Qt Linguistaf
Replace _AllSubstituir _todaseu
XML TagsXML ট্যাগru
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de journalisation « %(filename)s »ca at valencia
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Objecte col·locable per als atributs «alt» (tal com es troba a l'HTML)af
Terminology FilesFicheiros de terminoloxíapt_BR
Add FilesAdicionar os arquivosru
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)опция %s: неверный выбор: %r (выбран из %s)es
Qt Linguist Translation FileArchivo de traducción de Qt Linguistaf
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Kon nie konfigurasielêer '%(filename)s' lees niene
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML स्थानीकरण इन्टर एक्सचेन्ज फाइल ढाँचाpt_BR
Translation ToolHerramienta de traducciónbn_IN
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsদ্বৈত শূণ্যস্থান ও à¦
প্রত্যাশিত স্থানে শূণ্যস্থানsw
Virtaal websiteTovuti ya Virtaalbn_IN
CamelCaseCamelCase (ক্যামেল-কেস)af
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?Die huidige lêer is verander.
-Wil u die veranderinge stoor?sv
TMX Translation MemoryTMX Translation Memoryfr
Header informationInformations d'en-têteses
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.activar registro, guardando el resultado en el nombre de archivo indicado.de
Migration completedMigration abgeschlossengl
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsSeleccionar as fontes das suxestións de terminoloxíaar
Replace withاستبدِل ب‍it
_Localization Guide_Guida sulla localizzazioneca at valencia
INI FileFitxer INIeu
_Add Missing Language..._Gehitu hizkuntza...ru
E-mail address:E-mail адрес:ca at valencia
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangede
Placeholders (printf)Platzhalter (printf)pt_BR
_Page DownPágina _abaixosv
%prog [options]%prog [flaggor]eu
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).Hasiera batean software itzulpengintzara bideraturik (lokalizazio edo l10n) dago, baina erabilera orokorrerako tresna bat egiten saiatzen ari gara.ar
Add _Term...أضف Ù
Terminology HelpAjuda de terminologiaca
JavaScript error message fileFitxer de missatges d'error de JavaScripteu
_Recent Files_Recente bestandenes
Lokalize settingsPreferencias de Lokalizeeu
XML EntitiesXML entitateakeu
Replace withOrdezkatu honekinca at valencia
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer de perfil «%(filename)s»sv
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [flaggor] [översättningsfil]es
This fileEste archivoca
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.activa el registre, el resultat s'emmagatzema al fitxer que es proporciona.es
The name stored in the file headerEl nombre almacenado en la cabecera del archivofr
Could not save file.
+Wil u die veranderinge stoor?ca at valencia
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationsv
TMX Translation MemoryTMX Translation Memoryfr
Header informationInformations d'en-têteses
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.activar registro, guardando el resultado en el nombre de archivo indicado.de
Migration completedMigration abgeschlossengl
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsSeleccionar as fontes das suxestións de terminoloxíaar
Replace withاستبدِل ب‍it
_Localization Guide_Guida alla localizzazionebn_IN
Target text:উদ্দিষ্ট লেখা:ca at valencia
INI FileFitxer INIca
Automatically complete long words while you typeLes paraules llargues es completen automàticament mentre escriviueu
_Add Missing Language..._Gehitu hizkuntza...ru
E-mail address:E-mail адрес:bn_IN
Add Missing Languageà¦
নুপস্থিত ভাষা যোগ করুনca
Automatically correct text while you typeCorregeix automàticament el text mentre escriviuca
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaalca at valencia
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangede
Placeholders (printf)Platzhalter (printf)pt_BR
_Page DownPágina _abaixosv
%prog [options]%prog [flaggor]eu
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).Hasiera batean software itzulpengintzara bideraturik (lokalizazio edo l10n) dago, baina erabilera orokorrerako tresna bat egiten saiatzen ari gara.ar
Add _Term...أضف Ù
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IOpcions de la línia d'ordres de l'aplicació, com ara --help, -h i -Ipt_BR
Terminology HelpAjuda de terminologiaca
JavaScript error message fileFitxer de missatges d'error de JavaScripteu
_Recent Files_Recente bestandenes
Lokalize settingsPreferencias de Lokalizeeu
XML EntitiesXML entitateakeu
Replace withOrdezkatu honekinca at valencia
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer de perfil «%(filename)s»sv
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [flaggor] [översättningsfil]es
This fileEste archivoca
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.activa el registre, el resultat s'emmagatzema al fitxer que es proporciona.es
The name stored in the file headerEl nombre almacenado en la cabecera del archivoca
Could not save file.
 %(error_message)sImpossible d'enregistrer le fichier.
_Navigation: _Navigering: fr
Words containing uppercase letters onlyMots contenant uniquement des lettres capitalesgl
Machine Translation with libtranslateTradución automática con libtranslatept_BR
Replace withSubstituir comeu
Previous translations you have madeAurretik egin dituzun itzulpenakru
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsElegir las fuentes de sugerencias para terminologíaca at valencia
_Source term — %(langname)s_Bronterm — %(langname)ses
Could not open file.
_Navigation: _Navigering: fr
Words containing uppercase letters onlyMots contenant uniquement des lettres capitalesgl
Machine Translation with libtranslateTradución automática con libtranslatept_BR
Replace withSubstituir comeu
Previous translations you have madeAurretik egin dituzun itzulpenakru
Previous translations for Free and Open Source Softwareমুক্ত ও ওপেন সোর্স সফ্টওয়্যারের জন্য করা পূর্ববর্তী à¦
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsElegir las fuentes de sugerencias para terminologíaca at valencia
_Source term — %(langname)s_Bronterm — %(langname)sit
_Source term — %(langname)sTermine _lingua di origine - %(langname)ses
Could not open file.
@@ -89,9 +103,9 @@
-Intente abrir otro archivo.bn_IN
invalid number of argumentso número de argumentos non é correctoes
Resource CompilerCompilador de recursospt_BR
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sMemória de tradução do Lokalize: %(database_name)seu
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsNombres entiers et fractions décimalespt_BR
Please enter your e-mail addressà¦
নুগ্রহ করে নিজের ই-মেইল ঠিকানা লিখুনaf
Replace _All_Vervang almalpt_BR
Paths referring to file locationsCaminhos indicando a localização de arquivosgl
International Development and Research CentreCentro Internacional de Desenvolvemento e Investigacióneu
Migration was successfully completedMigrazioa ondo burutu dapt_BR
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Para marcar a tradução atual como aproximada, pressione <Alt+X>.zu
Language name:Igama lolimi:fr
_Target term — %(langname)sTerme _cible — %(langname)sbn_IN
Gettext Translation TemplateШаблон перевода Gettexteu
Please enter the plural equation to useMesedez idatzi erabili behar den plural ekuazioane
Choose a translation fileà¤
नुवाद फाइल छनौट गर्नुहोस्ru
Reload FileПерезагрузить файлeu
File NamesFitxategi-izenaksv
Available _SuggestionsTillgängliga _förslagsv
Translation ToolÖversättningsverktygit
C++ RC FileC++ RC Filegl
Language code must be an ASCII string.O código do idioma debe ser unha cadea ASCII.gl
_Localization Guide_Guía de localizaciónsv
Language code must be an ASCII string.Språkkoden måste vara en ASCII-sträng.nl
integerinteger (geheel getal)pt_BR
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to usePor favor, digite o número de plurais do idiomade
The name stored in the file headerDer im Dateikopf gespeicherte Nameaf
This fileDié lêerca
Migration completedS'ha completat la migraciófr
Terminology _file:_Fichier de terminologie :ar
Virtaal websiteÙ
وقع فِرتالeu
Remote serverUrruneko zerbitzariaru
_Page Down_Страницу внизbn_IN
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'কনফিগারেশন ফাইল '%(filename)s' পড়া যায়নিes
INI FileFitxer INIaf
XML TagsXML-etikettept_BR
Lokalize settingsConfigurações do Lokalizefr
All Supported FilesTous les fichiers gérésfr
XML TagsÉtiquettes XMLnl
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.De in de bestandsheader opgeslagen informatie over het team. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld een e-mailadres of een URL zijn.bn_IN
The following items were migrated:নিম্নলিখিত সামগ্রী মাইগ্রেট করা হয়েছে:gl
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal non puido migrar ningunha configuración ou datosru
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.осуществляет мониторинг, соÑ
раняет результат в указанном файле.ar
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal‏%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - فرتالsv
AutoCorrectorAutomatisk korrigeringar
Translation Toolأداة ترجÙ
P_revious PlaceableVo_rige plaasbare itemde
"alt" Attributesخصائص "alt"gl
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [opcions] [ficheiro_de_traducion]de
Please enter your nameGeben Sie bitte Ihren Namen einaf
<b>Language Information</b><b>Hizkuntzaren informazioa</b>gl
TMX Translation MemoryMemoria de tradución TMXru
Migration was successfully completedМиграция была успешно завершенаca
Trados Tag EditorEditor d'etiquetes del Tradosde
invalid number of argumentsungültige Anzahl an Argumentennl
Please enter your team's informationVoer de gegevens van uw team in, a.u.b.sv
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSimbole en minder gebruikte leestekensca
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.bn_IN
Available _Suggestionsউপলব্ধ প্রস্তাব (_S)es
%s option requires %d arguments%s বিকল্পের জন্য %d-টি আর্গুমেন্ট উল্লেখ করা আবশ্যকes
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Información del traductor</b>pt_BR
%(match_quality)s%%%(match_quality)s%%ca at valencia
Lokalize settingsParàmetres del Lokalizenl
The current file has been modified.
+Intente abrir otro archivo.bn_IN
invalid number of argumentso número de argumentos non é correctoes
Resource CompilerCompilador de recursospt_BR
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sMemória de tradução do Lokalize: %(database_name)seu
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsNombres entiers et fractions décimalespt_BR
Please enter your e-mail addressà¦
নুগ্রহ করে নিজের ই-মেইল ঠিকানা লিখুনaf
Replace _All_Vervang almalpt_BR
Paths referring to file locationsCaminhos indicando a localização de arquivosgl
International Development and Research CentreCentro Internacional de Desenvolvemento e Investigacióneu
Migration was successfully completedMigrazioa ondo burutu dapt_BR
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Para marcar a tradução atual como aproximada, pressione <Alt+X>.zu
Language name:Igama lolimi:fr
_Target term — %(langname)sTerme _cible — %(langname)sca at valencia
Add Missing LanguageAfig una llengua absentbn_IN
Open-Tran.euOpen-Tran.euca at valencia
Terminology FilesFitxers de terminologiaru
Gettext Translation TemplateШаблон перевода Gettexteu
Please enter the plural equation to useMesedez idatzi erabili behar den plural ekuazioane
Choose a translation fileà¤
नुवाद फाइल छनौट गर्नुहोस्it
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.Le informazioni riguardanti il gruppo di traduzione sono conservate all'inizio del file. Questo può essere un indirizzo e-mail o una URL, per esempio.ru
Reload FileПерезагрузить файлeu
File NamesFitxategi-izenaksv
Available _SuggestionsTillgängliga _förslagsv
Translation ToolÖversättningsverktygit
C++ RC FileFile C++ RCgl
Language code must be an ASCII string.O código do idioma debe ser unha cadea ASCII.gl
_Localization Guide_Guía de localizaciónsv
Language code must be an ASCII string.Språkkoden måste vara en ASCII-sträng.nl
integerinteger (geheel getal)pt_BR
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to usePor favor, digite o número de plurais do idiomade
The name stored in the file headerDer im Dateikopf gespeicherte Nameaf
This fileDié lêerca
Migration completedS'ha completat la migraciófr
Terminology _file:_Fichier de terminologie :ar
Virtaal websiteÙ
وقع فِرتالeu
Remote serverUrruneko zerbitzariaca
File NamesNoms de fitxerru
_Page Down_Страницу внизbn_IN
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'কনফিগারেশন ফাইল '%(filename)s' পড়া যায়নিes
INI FileFitxer INIaf
XML TagsXML-etikettept_BR
Lokalize settingsConfigurações do Lokalizefr
All Supported FilesTous les fichiers gérésit
Terminology suggestionsSuggerimenti terminologicifr
XML TagsÉtiquettes XMLnl
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.De in de bestandsheader opgeslagen informatie over het team. Dit kan bijvoorbeeld een e-mailadres of een URL zijn.bn_IN
The following items were migrated:নিম্নলিখিত সামগ্রী মাইগ্রেট করা হয়েছে:gl
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal non puido migrar ningunha configuración ou datosru
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.осуществляет мониторинг, соÑ
раняет результат в указанном файле.ar
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal‏%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - فرتالsv
AutoCorrectorAutomatisk korrigeringar
Translation Toolأداة ترجÙ
P_revious PlaceableVo_rige plaasbare itemde
"alt" Attributesخصائص "alt"gl
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [opcions] [ficheiro_de_traducion]de
Please enter your nameGeben Sie bitte Ihren Namen einaf
<b>Language Information</b><b>Hizkuntzaren informazioa</b>gl
TMX Translation MemoryMemoria de tradución TMXru
Migration was successfully completedМиграция была успешно завершенаca
Trados Tag EditorEditor d'etiquetes del Tradosde
invalid number of argumentsungültige Anzahl an Argumentennl
Please enter your team's informationVoer de gegevens van uw team in, a.u.b.sv
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSimbole en minder gebruikte leestekensca
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.es
%s option requires %d arguments%s বিকল্পের জন্য %d-টি আর্গুমেন্ট উল্লেখ করা আবশ্যকes
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Información del traductor</b>pt_BR
%(match_quality)s%%%(match_quality)s%%ca at valencia
Lokalize settingsParàmetres del Lokalizenl
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?Het huidige bestand werd gewijzigd.
-Wilt u de veranderingen opslaan?sv
Replace withReemplaça ambit
RCRCca at valencia
Terminology _Files..._Файлы терминологии...pt_BR
Could not open file.
+Wilt u de veranderingen opslaan?sv
Replace withReemplaça ambit
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Informazioni sul traduttore</b>bn_IN
Placeholders (Python)সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তু (Python)ca at valencia
Terminology _Files..._Файлы терминологии...pt_BR
Could not open file.
@@ -105,7 +119,7 @@
_Update to TemplateEg_uneratu txantiloiraeu
Add FilesGehitu fitxategiakpt_BR
_Full Screen_Tela cheiaaf
We thank our donors:Ons bedank ons borge:fr
New Language PairNouvelle paire de languesne
_Recent FilesالÙ
لفات الأ_خيرةru
Replace _AllЗаменить _всёaf
show this help message and exitwys hierdie hulpboodskap en sluit afaf
Language code must be an ASCII string.Taalkode moet 'n ASCII-string wees.sv
Remote serverServidor remotoaf
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Use Ctrl+PageUp ou Ctrl+PageDown para mover-se em passos largos entre as traduções.de
Tcl Translation FileTcl Ãœbersetzungsdateica at valencia
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal ni programu kwa ajili ya kutafsiri.af
TBX GlossaryTBX-termlysgl
Migration completedMigrazioa burututaes
Usage: %s
 Применение: %s
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Informatie over de vertaler</b>es
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.भाषा संकेतन कम्तिमा २ क्यारेक्टर लामो हुनै पर्दछ ।af
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IToepassings se opdraglynparameters, soos --help, -h en -Isv
Virtaal websiteLloc web del Virtaalfr
long integerentier longbn_IN
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?প্রদর্শনের জন্য চিহ্নিত ফাইলটি বর্তমানে খোলা রয়েছে। আপনি কি ফাইলটি পুনরায় লোড করতে ইচ্ছুক?ru
A translation memory serverСервер памяти переводовes
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSignos de puntuación inusuales y símbolossw
Please enter your e-mail addressTafadhali ingiza barua-e yakonl
We thank our donors:Veel dank aan onze schenkers:af
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Formateu
Header informationGoiburuko informazioaca at valencia
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)opció ambígua: %s (%s?)fr
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Faut-il recharger le fichier depuis sa dernière sauvegarde et perdre toutes les modifications ?it
Qt Message FileFile di messaggio Qtaf
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.gebruik die opstellingslêer by die gegewe lêernaam.ne
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Migra as configurações do KBabel, Lokalize e/ou Poedit para Virtaal.eu
Placeholders (Java)Leku-markak (Java)ar
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsحافظات الÙ
كان الÙ
Ø© في جÙ
Ù„ "printf"ru
_Target term — %(langname)s_Целевой термин — %(langname)sfr
Currently open fileFichier actuellement ouvertne
_Case sensitiveकेस संवदेनसिलit
Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)sVirtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)ses
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IOpdrachtregelopties van de toepassing, zoals --help, -h en -Ifr
Placeholders (Java)Conteneurs (Java)ru
Replace withЗаменить наru
Lokalize settingsНастройки Lokalizeca at valencia
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [opcions] [fitxer_traducció]fr
Command Line OptionsOptions de ligne de commandenl
_Next PlaceableVolge_nde placeablefr
Virtaal websiteSite web de Virtaalaf
Placeholders (Python)Plekhouers (Python)es
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Ha seleccionado abrir el archivo ya abierto. ¿Quiere recargar el archivo?de
We thank our donors:Besten Dank an unsere Sponsoren:pt_BR
Local translation filesArquivos de tradução locaisaf
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemória de tradução do KBabel: %(database_language_code)snl
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memorySelecteer de bronnen die als vertaalgeheugen gebruikt moeten wordenes
Local Translation MemoryMemoria de traducción localbn_IN
_Full Screenসম্পূর্ণ পর্দায় প্রদর্শন (_F)nl
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Afhankelijk van de vertaalopdracht kan de meervoudsinformatie optioneel zijn.ca at valencia
OpenOffice.org Translation FileFitxer de traducció de l'OpenOffice.orgfr
TBX GlossaryСловарь TBXaf
P_age UpBl_adsy opeu
_Online Help_Sare bidezko laguntzasv
ISO code:ISO-kod:af
E-mail addressesE-posadresde
ISO code:ISO-Code:ar
Remote TMبعيدةit
Resource CompilerCompilatore delle risorseit
_Regular expression_Espressione regolaresv
option %s: invalid %s value: %rflagga %s: ogiltigt %s-värde: %reu
Lokalize settingsLokalize-ko ezarpenakru
Previous translations you have madeПредыдущие переводы, сделанные вамиca at valencia
Select sources of Translation MemorySeleccionar orixes de memorias de traduciónes
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal no ha podido migrar ninguna configuración o datospt_BR
_Update to TemplateAtualizar com _modelonl
The file contains nothing to translate.Het bestand bevat geen te vertalen tekst.ca
Translated units from the current fileUneko fitxategian itzulita dauden unitateakfr
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsKies die bronne van terminologievoorstelleit
Lokalize settingsLocalizza impostazionibn_IN
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsВыберите источники предположений терминологииar
Add Missing Languageأضف لغة ناقصةar
لف INIeu
Words containing uppercase letters onlyLetra maiuskulak bakarrik dizuten hitzakar
All Filesكل الÙ
Gettext Translation TemplateGettext itzulpen txantiloiafr
Could not save file.
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Informatie over de vertaler</b>es
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.भाषा संकेतन कम्तिमा २ क्यारेक्टर लामो हुनै पर्दछ ।af
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IToepassings se opdraglynparameters, soos --help, -h en -Iit
Terminology _file:_File di terminologia:sv
Virtaal websiteLloc web del Virtaalfr
long integerentier longit
<b>Fonts</b><b>Tipi di carattere</b>bn_IN
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?প্রদর্শনের জন্য চিহ্নিত ফাইলটি বর্তমানে খোলা রয়েছে। আপনি কি ফাইলটি পুনরায় লোড করতে ইচ্ছুক?ru
A translation memory serverСервер памяти переводовca at valencia
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareTraduccions anteriors per a programari lliure i de codi obertes
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSignos de puntuación inusuales y símbolossw
Please enter your e-mail addressTafadhali ingiza barua-e yakonl
We thank our donors:Veel dank aan onze schenkers:af
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Formateu
Header informationGoiburuko informazioaca at valencia
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)opció ambígua: %s (%s?)fr
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Faut-il recharger le fichier depuis sa dernière sauvegarde et perdre toutes les modifications ?it
Qt Message FileFile QT Messageaf
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.gebruik die opstellingslêer by die gegewe lêernaam.ne
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Migra as configurações do KBabel, Lokalize e/ou Poedit para Virtaal.eu
Placeholders (Java)Leku-markak (Java)ar
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsحافظات الÙ
كان الÙ
Ø© في جÙ
Ù„ "printf"ru
_Target term — %(langname)s_Целевой термин — %(langname)sfr
Currently open fileFichier actuellement ouvertca
Unreviewed machine translationsTraduccions automàtiques per revisarne
_Case sensitiveकेस संवदेनसिलes
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IOpdrachtregelopties van de toepassing, zoals --help, -h en -Ifr
Placeholders (Java)Conteneurs (Java)ru
Replace withЗаменить наru
Lokalize settingsНастройки Lokalizeca at valencia
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [opcions] [fitxer_traducció]fr
Command Line OptionsOptions de ligne de commandenl
_Next PlaceableVolge_nde placeablefr
Virtaal websiteSite web de Virtaalaf
Placeholders (Python)Plekhouers (Python)es
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Ha seleccionado abrir el archivo ya abierto. ¿Quiere recargar el archivo?de
We thank our donors:Besten Dank an unsere Sponsoren:pt_BR
Local translation filesArquivos de tradução locaisaf
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemória de tradução do KBabel: %(database_language_code)snl
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memorySelecteer de bronnen die als vertaalgeheugen gebruikt moeten wordenes
Local Translation MemoryMemoria de traducción localca
_Full Screenসম্পূর্ণ পর্দায় প্রদর্শন (_F)nl
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Afhankelijk van de vertaalopdracht kan de meervoudsinformatie optioneel zijn.ca
Placeholders in Python stringsTextos variables en les cadenes de Pythonca at valencia
OpenOffice.org Translation FileFitxer de traducció de l'OpenOffice.orgfr
TBX GlossaryСловарь TBXaf
P_age UpBl_adsy opbn_IN
_Target term — %(langname)sউদ্দিষ্ট à¦
ভিব্যক্তি — %(langname)s (_T)eu
_Online Help_Sare bidezko laguntzasv
ISO code:ISO-kod:af
E-mail addressesE-posadresde
ISO code:ISO-Code:ar
Remote TMبعيدةit
Resource CompilerCompilatore di risorseit
_Regular expression_Espressione regolaresv
option %s: invalid %s value: %rflagga %s: ogiltigt %s-värde: %reu
Lokalize settingsLokalize-ko ezarpenakru
Previous translations you have madeПредыдущие переводы, сделанные вамиca at valencia
Select sources of Translation MemorySeleccionar orixes de memorias de traduciónes
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal no ha podido migrar ninguna configuración o datospt_BR
_Update to TemplateAtualizar com _modelonl
The file contains nothing to translate.Het bestand bevat geen te vertalen tekst.ca
Translated units from the current fileUneko fitxategian itzulita dauden unitateakfr
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsKies die bronne van terminologievoorstelleit
Lokalize settingsImpostazioni di Lokalizebn_IN
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsВыберите источники предположений терминологииca at valencia
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSímbols i puntuació menys freqüentar
Add Missing Languageأضف لغة ناقصةar
لف INIeu
Words containing uppercase letters onlyLetra maiuskulak bakarrik dizuten hitzakar
All Filesكل الÙ
Gettext Translation TemplateGettext itzulpen txantiloiaca at valencia
<b>Fonts</b><b>Tipus de lletra</b>fr
Could not save file.
@@ -113,18 +127,18 @@
-Veuillez essayer de l'enregistrer à un autre emplacement.pt_BR
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Plaasbare items is spesiale dele van die teks wat outomaties verlig en maklik in die vertaling ingevoeg kan word.nl
Remote TMExtern TMne
Migration AssistantAsistente de migraciónde
_New Language Pair..._Neues Sprachenpaar...nl
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Gebruik Ctrl+Op of Ctrl+Af om tussen vertalings te beweeg.sv
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Kunde inte öppna loggfilen "%(filename)s"nl
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.het configuratiebestand met de opgegeven bestandsnaam gebruiken.bn_IN
Nothing migratedকোনো তথ্য মাইগ্রেট করা হয়নিit
Machine Translation with libtranslateTraduzione automatica con libtranslatees
Transfer From SourceAusgangstext übernehmenfr
Virtaal PreferencesПараметры Фиртаалca at valencia
Please enter your nameIntroduïu el vostre nomaf
All Supported FilesAlle ondersteunde lêersnl
E-mail addressesE-mailadressensv
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Tryck helt enkelt <Alt+Ned> för att kopiera ursprungssträngen till målfältet.ru
%s option requires an argument%s операции требуется аргументfr
INI FileINI-lêerde
Virtaal websiteवीरताल वेबसाइटgl
Lokalize settingsPreferencias de Lokalizegl
Choose a Translation FileAuswahl der zu übersetzenden Dateipt_BR
TM SourceFonte TMpt_BR
%s option requires %d argumentsa opção %s necessita de %d argumentossv
translator-creditsDaniel Nylander <po at danielnylander.se>
+Veuillez essayer de l'enregistrer à un autre emplacement.pt_BR
_Edit_Editarca at valencia
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsTextos variables en les cadenes de «printf»af
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Plaasbare items is spesiale dele van die teks wat outomaties verlig en maklik in die vertaling ingevoeg kan word.nl
Remote TMExtern TMne
Migration AssistantAsistente de migraciónde
_New Language Pair..._Neues Sprachenpaar...nl
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Gebruik Ctrl+Op of Ctrl+Af om tussen vertalings te beweeg.sv
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Kunde inte öppna loggfilen "%(filename)s"ca
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsTextos variables en les cadenes de «printf»nl
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.het configuratiebestand met de opgegeven bestandsnaam gebruiken.bn_IN
Nothing migratedকোনো তথ্য মাইগ্রেট করা হয়নিit
Machine Translation with libtranslateTraduzione automatizzata con libtranslatees
Transfer From SourceAusgangstext übernehmenfr
Virtaal PreferencesПараметры Фиртаалca at valencia
Please enter your nameIntroduïu el vostre nomaf
All Supported FilesAlle ondersteunde lêersnl
E-mail addressesE-mailadressensv
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Tryck helt enkelt <Alt+Ned> för att kopiera ursprungssträngen till målfältet.ru
%s option requires an argument%s операции требуется аргументfr
INI FileINI-lêerde
Virtaal websiteवीरताल वेबसाइटgl
Lokalize settingsPreferencias de Lokalizegl
Choose a Translation FileAuswahl der zu übersetzenden Dateipt_BR
TM SourceFonte TMpt_BR
%s option requires %d argumentsa opção %s necessita de %d argumentossv
translator-creditsDaniel Nylander <po at danielnylander.se>
 Skicka synpunkter på översättningen
-till <tp-sv at listor.tp-sv.se>.bn_IN
_Fileফাইল (_F)nl
P_age UpPagina om_hoogbn_IN
Plural expression:বহুবচনের জন্য ব্যবহৃত এক্সপ্রেশন (plural expression):de
This fileDiese Dateiar
Use _Default FontsاستخدÙ
 الخطوط ال_Ù
Wordfast Translation MemoryWordfast-vertaalgeheuebn_IN
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'প্রোফাইল ফাইল '%(filename)s' খোলা সম্ভব হয়নিeu
The e-mail address stored in the file headerFitxategiaren goiburuan gordetzen den helbide elektronikoane
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sपिओ सम्पादनको à¤
नुवाद स्मृति: %(database_language_code)sru
Please enter your e-mail addressПожалуйста, введите свой e-maileu
Import data from other applications?Importar datos desde outros aplicativos?sw
Personal InformationTaarifa Binafside
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsWählen Sie die Ressourcen aus, von denen Sie Terminologievorschläge erhalten wollenpt_BR
Unreviewed machine translationsTraduções automáticas não revisadassv
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesEtt översättningsverktyg för att hjälpa en mänsklig översättare att översätta filer till andra språkar
invalid number of argumentsعدد Ù
لات غير سليÙ
INI FileFichier INIde
_Regular expression_Regulärer Ausdruckca at valencia
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationca at valencia
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Al final de la traducció, premeu simplement <Retorn> per a continuar amb la següent.pt_BR
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaalne
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataवीरताले कुनै सेटिङ् वा डाटा माईग्रेट गर्न सक्षम भएनeu
%prog [options]%prog [options]sv
Translation MemoryÖversättningsminnefr
Language name:Nom de la langue :ar
_New Language Pair...زوج _لغات جديد...af
Trados Tag EditorTrados-etiketredigeerderca
Local TMMT localeru
Lokalize settingsसेटिङ् स्थानीकरण गर्नुहोस्ru
_Regular expression_Регулярное выражениеca at valencia
Migration assistantAuxiliar de migracióaf
Please enter your e-mail addressGee asb. u e-posadresru
_New Language Pair..._Nieuw talenpaar...es
All FilesTodos los archivosaf
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Die gekose lêer is die huidige oop lêer. Wil u die lêer herlaai?fr
_New Language Pair..._Nouvelle paire de langues...fr
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.Information relative à l'équipe de traduction, conservée dans l'en-tête du fichier. Cela peut êtr eune adresse de courrier électronique ou un URL, par exemple.de
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Formatpt_BR
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationfr
Local fileFichier localru
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesИнструмент для помощи переводчикам в переводе файловpt_BR
XML EntitiesEntidades XMLar
Placeholders (printf)حافظات الÙ
كان (printf)gl
P_revious PlaceableA_nterior intraducíbelca at valencia
Qt Linguist Translation FileFitxer de traducció del Qt Linguistaf
show program's version number and exitwys die program se weergawenommer en sluit afpt_BR
<b>Language Information</b><b>Informações do idioma</b>es
We thank our donors:Agradecemos aos nossos doadores:ru
Replace _Allसबै प्रतिस्थापन गर्नुहोस्bn_IN
_Discardবর্জন করুন (_D)ru
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsДвойные пробелы и пробелы в неожиданныÑ
Import data from other applications?Voer data in vanaf ander programme?ca
Translation ToolEina de traduccióbn_IN
_Navigationপরিদর্শন (_N)ca
Remote serverServeur distantbn_IN
_Online Helpà¦
ন-লাইন সাহায্য (_O)ca
show program's version number and exitmostra el número de versió del programa i surtit
_Case sensitive_Case sensitiveru
libtranslatelibtranslateca at valencia
_Online HelpAjuda en lí_niaar
Reload Fileأعد تحÙ
يل الÙ
Migration completedমাইগ্রেশন সমাপ্ত হয়েছেsv
Placeholders in Python stringsComodines en cadenas de Pythoneu
MatchesBat datozenakru
_Full Screen_На весь экранaf
_Regular expression_Expr. regularesgl
Error opening fileErro ao abrir o ficheirode
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Itzultzailearen informazioa</b>gl
Wordfast Translation MemoryMemoria de tradución Wordfastne
Nameनामca at valencia
TMX Translation MemoryБаза переводов TMXar
_Localization Guide_دليل الترجÙ
Placeholders (printf)Метки-заполнители (printf)de
International Development and Research CentreÙ
ركز التطوير والبحث الدوليbn_IN
_Tutorialসহায়িকা (_T)ru
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.осуществляет профилирование, соÑ
раняет результат в указанном файле.bn_IN
ISO code:ISO কোড:pt_BR
C++ RC FileArquivo RC do C++eu
Language code must be an ASCII string.भाषा संकेतन ASCII कोस्ट्रीङ हुनै पर्दछ ।eu
The name stored in the file headerFitxategiaren goiburuan gordetzen den izenade
Lokalize settingsLokalisierungseinstellungenaf
Terminology _file:Terminologie_lêers:es
Local fileFitxategi lokalanl
Resource CompilerResource Compilerfr
Entity references, such as & and ©Références d'entités comme & et ©nl
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.profileren en het resultaat opslaan in het bestand met de opgegeven naam.ar
Please enter your nameرجاء أدخل اسÙ
Ùƒca at valencia
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Per a copiar la cadena original al camp de destinació, premeu simplement <Alt+Avall>.fr
We thank our donors:Nous remercions nos donateurs :af
Lokalize settingsParàmetres del Lokalizefr
Add _Term...Ajouter un _terme...af
Use _Default FontsGebruik _verstekfonteaf
%s option does not take a value%s opsie neem geen waarde niees
Terminology suggestionsSugerencias de terminologíade
ErrorErroreaca at valencia
All Supported FilesTots els fitxers permesosru
_Edit_Правкаca at valencia
_Regular expressionExpressió _regularde
_Page DownAvanzar _páginaar
Mozilla CorporationCorporación Mozillade
Paths referring to file locationsPfade, die die Orte Beschreiben, wo Dateien gespeichert sindeu
enable debugging featuresgaitu arazteko funtzionaltasunakzu
Reload FileVula ifayela futhine
Missing Languageहराइरहेको भाषाbn_IN
Translation memory suggestionsSuggestions de la mémoire de traductionpt_BR
%prog [options]%prog [opções]af
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.Die spaninligting wat in die lêerkop gestoor word. Dit kan byvoorbeeld 'n e-posadres of URL wees.sv
The file contains nothing to translate.Filen innehåller ingenting att översätta.it
Tcl Translation FileFile di traduzione Tclsv
Local Translation MemoryLokalt översättningsminnefr
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
+till <tp-sv at listor.tp-sv.se>.bn_IN
_Fileফাইল (_F)nl
P_age UpPagina om_hoogbn_IN
Plural expression:বহুবচনের জন্য ব্যবহৃত এক্সপ্রেশন (plural expression):de
This fileDiese Dateiar
Use _Default FontsاستخدÙ
 الخطوط ال_Ù
We thank our donors:Si ringraziano le persone che hanno contribuito al progetto:af
Wordfast Translation MemoryWordfast-vertaalgeheueit
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IOpzioni applicative dalla riga di comando, come il comando --help, -h ed -Ibn_IN
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'প্রোফাইল ফাইল '%(filename)s' খোলা সম্ভব হয়নিeu
The e-mail address stored in the file headerFitxategiaren goiburuan gordetzen den helbide elektronikoane
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sपिओ सम्पादनको à¤
नुवाद स्मृति: %(database_language_code)sru
Please enter your e-mail addressПожалуйста, введите свой e-maileu
Import data from other applications?Importar datos desde outros aplicativos?sw
Personal InformationTaarifa Binafside
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsWählen Sie die Ressourcen aus, von denen Sie Terminologievorschläge erhalten wollenpt_BR
Unreviewed machine translationsTraduções automáticas não revisadassv
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesEtt översättningsverktyg för att hjälpa en mänsklig översättare att översätta filer till andra språkar
invalid number of argumentsعدد Ù
لات غير سليÙ
INI FileFichier INIde
_Regular expression_Regulärer Ausdruckca at valencia
Terms from Open-Tran.euTermes de l'Open-Tran.eusv
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationca at valencia
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Al final de la traducció, premeu simplement <Retorn> per a continuar amb la següent.pt_BR
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaalne
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataवीरताले कुनै सेटिङ् वा डाटा माईग्रेट गर्न सक्षम भएनeu
ُدْرجاتca at valencia
Select Terminology SourcesSeleccioneu les fonts de terminologiaes
%prog [options]%prog [options]sv
Translation MemoryÖversättningsminnefr
Language name:Nom de la langue :ar
_New Language Pair...زوج _لغات جديد...af
Trados Tag EditorTrados-etiketredigeerderca
Local TMMT localeru
Lokalize settingsसेटिङ् स्थानीकरण गर्नुहोस्ru
_Regular expression_Регулярное выражениеaf
Please enter your e-mail addressGee asb. u e-posadresru
_New Language Pair..._Nieuw talenpaar...es
All FilesTodos los archivosaf
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Die gekose lêer is die huidige oop lêer. Wil u die lêer herlaai?fr
_New Language Pair..._Nouvelle paire de langues...fr
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.Information relative à l'équipe de traduction, conservée dans l'en-tête du fichier. Cela peut être une adresse de courrier électronique ou une URL, par exemple.de
<b>Translator Information</b><b>à¦
নুবাদক সংক্রান্ত তথ্য</b>fr
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Formatpt_BR
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationfr
Local fileFichier localru
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesИнструмент для помощи переводчикам в переводе файловpt_BR
XML EntitiesEntidades XMLar
Placeholders (printf)حافظات الÙ
كان (printf)gl
P_revious PlaceableA_nterior intraducíbelca at valencia
Qt Linguist Translation FileFitxer de traducció del Qt Linguistca at valencia
Add _Term...Afig un _terme…af
show program's version number and exitwys die program se weergawenommer en sluit afpt_BR
<b>Language Information</b><b>Informações do idioma</b>es
We thank our donors:Agradecemos aos nossos doadores:ru
Replace _Allसबै प्रतिस्थापन गर्नुहोस्bn_IN
_Discardবর্জন করুন (_D)bn_IN
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsপরিভাষার প্রস্তাবনার উৎসগুলি নির্বাচন করুনru
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsДвойные пробелы и пробелы в неожиданныÑ
Import data from other applications?Voer data in vanaf ander programme?ca
Translation ToolEina de traduccióbn_IN
_Navigationপরিদর্শন (_N)ca
Remote serverServeur distantbn_IN
_Online Helpà¦
ন-লাইন সাহায্য (_O)ca
show program's version number and exitmostra el número de versió del programa i surtit
_Case sensitive_Sensibile al carattereru
libtranslatelibtranslateca at valencia
_Online HelpAjuda en lí_niaar
Reload Fileأعد تحÙ
يل الÙ
Migration completedমাইগ্রেশন সমাপ্ত হয়েছেit
TM SourceFonti TMsv
Placeholders in Python stringsComodines en cadenas de Pythoneu
MatchesBat datozenakru
_Full Screen_На весь экранaf
_Regular expression_Expr. regularesgl
Error opening fileErro ao abrir o ficheirode
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Itzultzailearen informazioa</b>gl
Wordfast Translation MemoryMemoria de tradución Wordfastne
Nameनामca at valencia
TMX Translation MemoryБаза переводов TMXar
_Localization Guide_دليل الترجÙ
Choose a Translation FileTrieu un fitxer de traduccióru
Placeholders (printf)Метки-заполнители (printf)de
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksসংকেতচিহ্ন ও স্বল্প ব্যবহৃত যতিচিহ্নar
International Development and Research CentreÙ
ركز التطوير والبحث الدوليbn_IN
_Tutorialসহায়িকা (_T)ru
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.осуществляет профилирование, соÑ
раняет результат в указанном файле.bn_IN
ISO code:ISO কোড:pt_BR
C++ RC FileArquivo RC do C++eu
Language code must be an ASCII string.भाषा संकेतन ASCII कोस्ट्रीङ हुनै पर्दछ ।eu
The name stored in the file headerFitxategiaren goiburuan gordetzen den izenade
Lokalize settingsLokalisierungseinstellungenaf
Terminology _file:Terminologie_lêers:es
Local fileFitxategi lokalanl
Resource CompilerResource Compilerfr
Entity references, such as & and ©Références d'entités comme & et ©nl
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.profileren en het resultaat opslaan in het bestand met de opgegeven naam.ar
Please enter your nameرجاء أدخل اسÙ
Ùƒca at valencia
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Per a copiar la cadena original al camp de destinació, premeu simplement <Alt+Avall>.fr
We thank our donors:Nous remercions nos donateurs :af
Lokalize settingsParàmetres del Lokalizefr
Add _Term...Ajouter un _terme...af
Use _Default FontsGebruik _verstekfonteaf
%s option does not take a value%s opsie neem geen waarde niees
Terminology suggestionsSugerencias de terminologíade
ErrorErroreaca at valencia
All Supported FilesTots els fitxers permesosru
_Edit_Правкаca at valencia
_Regular expressionExpressió _regularde
_Page DownAvanzar _páginaar
Mozilla CorporationCorporación Mozillade
Paths referring to file locationsPfade, die die Orte Beschreiben, wo Dateien gespeichert sindeu
enable debugging featuresgaitu arazteko funtzionaltasunakzu
Reload FileVula ifayela futhine
Missing Languageहराइरहेको भाषाbn_IN
Translation memory suggestionsSuggestions de la mémoire de traductionpt_BR
%prog [options]%prog [opções]af
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.Die spaninligting wat in die lêerkop gestoor word. Dit kan byvoorbeeld 'n e-posadres of URL wees.sv
The file contains nothing to translate.Filen innehåller ingenting att översätta.it
Tcl Translation FileFile di traduzione Tclsv
Local Translation MemoryLokalt översättningsminnefr
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
 If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.La <b>Traduction</b> est la langue dans laquelle la traduction se fait, également appelée la langue cible.
-Par exemple, pour une traduction de l'anglais vers le français, le français sera la langue de traduction ou langue cible.gl
%prog [options]%prog [opcions]ca at valencia
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.El Virtaal és un programa per a fer traduccions.de
_Recent Files_Onlangse lêersen_GB
translator-creditsDwayne Baileyar
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Não foi possível abrir o arquivo de perfil "%(filename)s"de
OpenOffice.org Translation FileArquivo de tradução do OpenOffice.orgbn_IN
ReplaceRemplacerca at valencia
invalid number of argumentsel nombre d'arguments no és vàlides
We thank our donors:Agradecemos a nuestros donantes:es
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" no es un archivo utilizable.pt_BR
XLIFF Translation FileFitxer de traducció XLIFFsv
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
+Par exemple, pour une traduction de l'anglais vers le français, le français sera la langue de traduction ou langue cible.gl
%prog [options]%prog [opcions]ca at valencia
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.El Virtaal és un programa per a fer traduccions.de
_Recent Files_Onlangse lêersen_GB
translator-creditsDwayne Baileyit
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsParole con lettere maiuscole all'interno, come alcuni termini nuovi e le WikiWords (parole Wiki)ar
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Não foi possível abrir o arquivo de perfil "%(filename)s"de
Remote TMTM remotapt_BR
OpenOffice.org Translation FileArquivo de tradução do OpenOffice.orgbn_IN
XML EntitiesXML এনটিটিbn_IN
ReplaceRemplacerca at valencia
invalid number of argumentsel nombre d'arguments no és vàlides
We thank our donors:Agradecemos a nuestros donantes:es
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" no es un archivo utilizable.pt_BR
XLIFF Translation FileFitxer de traducció XLIFFsv
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
 If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.<b>Översättning</b> är språket till vilket du översätter, även kallat målspråket.
-Om du översätter från engelska till franska så kommer franska att vara det översätta, eller målspråk.eu
option %s: invalid %s value: %r%s aukera: %s balio baliogabea: %reu
Add Missing LanguageGehitu hizkuntzaca at valencia
Java Properties FileFitxer de propietats de Javaca
Resource CompilerCompilador de recursoseu
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Ezin da '%(filename)s' fitxategitik konfigurazioa irakurriaf
Local Translation MemoryPlaaslike vertaalgeheuebn_IN
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Formatar
C++ RC FileC++ RC Файлne
Entity references, such as & and ©Символьные заменители, такие, как & и ©nl
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareEerdere vertalingen voor Vrije en Open-Source softwareeu
Resource CompilerBaliabide-konpilatzaileaaf
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.stel 'n profiel op en stoor die resultaat in die gegewe lêernaam.gl
_Target term — %(langname)sTermo _destino — %(langname)sne
Could not save file.
+Om du översätter från engelska till franska så kommer franska att vara det översätta, eller målspråk.eu
option %s: invalid %s value: %r%s aukera: %s balio baliogabea: %reu
Add Missing LanguageGehitu hizkuntzaca at valencia
Java Properties FileFitxer de propietats de Javaca
Resource CompilerCompilador de recursoseu
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Ezin da '%(filename)s' fitxategitik konfigurazioa irakurrica at valencia
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURL, noms de servidor i adreces IPaf
Local Translation MemoryPlaaslike vertaalgeheuebn_IN
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Formatar
C++ RC FileC++ RC Файлru
Entity references, such as & and ©Символьные заменители, такие, как & и ©ne
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareEerdere vertalingen voor Vrije en Open-Source softwareeu
Resource CompilerBaliabide-konpilatzaileaaf
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.stel 'n profiel op en stoor die resultaat in die gegewe lêernaam.gl
_Target term — %(langname)sTermo _destino — %(langname)sne
Could not save file.
@@ -132,25 +146,25 @@
-भिन्न स्थानमा बचत हुन प्रयास गर्दैछ ।nl
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsWoorden die hoofdletters bevatten, zoals sommige merknamen en WikiWoordensv
JavaScript error message fileJavaScript-felmeddelandefileu
Apertium Machine TranslationApertium Itzulpen Automatikoaes
New Language PairNueva pareja de idiomasgl
Language name:Nome do idioma:es
XLIFF Translation FileArchivo de traducción XLIFFpt_BR
Java Properties FileArquivo de propriedades do Javanl
%s option requires %d argumentsoptie %s vereist %d argumentenru
no such option: %sнет такой опции: %sru
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Pulse Ctrl+Arriba o Ctrl+Abajo para moverse entre las traducciones.it
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Utilizzare Ctrl+sù o Ctrl+giù per spostarsi tra le traduzioni.it
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
-If you are translating from English to French then English would be your original or source language.L'<b>originale</b> è la lingua dalla quale si sta traducendo, anche conosciuta come lingua sorgente.
-Se si sta traducendo dall'inglese al francese allora l'inglese è la lingua originale o lingua sorgente.de
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksالرÙ
وز وعلاÙ
ات الترقيÙ
 غير الشائعةeu
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Beste aplikazioetako ezarpen eta datuak inportatzen saiatu behar luke Virtaalek?zu
Target text:Umbhalo wokuhumusharu
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.utilizzare il file di configurazione dato dal file che è stato fornito.bn_IN
JavaScript error message fileJavaScript ত্রুটির বার্তার ফাইলsv
Please enter your nameAnge ditt namnfr
Error opening fileFout met oopmaak van lêerbn_IN
Remote serverদূরবর্তী সার্ভারne
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
+भिन्न स्थानमा बचत हुन प्रयास गर्दैछ ।nl
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsWoorden die hoofdletters bevatten, zoals sommige merknamen en WikiWoordensv
JavaScript error message fileJavaScript-felmeddelandefileu
Apertium Machine TranslationApertium Itzulpen Automatikoaes
New Language PairNueva pareja de idiomasgl
Language name:Nome do idioma:es
XLIFF Translation FileArchivo de traducción XLIFFpt_BR
Java Properties FileArquivo de propriedades do Javabn_IN
E-mail address:ই-মেইল ঠিকানা:nl
%s option requires %d argumentsoptie %s vereist %d argumentenru
no such option: %sнет такой опции: %sru
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Pulse Ctrl+Arriba o Ctrl+Abajo para moverse entre las traducciones.it
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Usare Ctrl+ Sù o Ctrl+ Giù per spostarsi tra le diverse traduzioni.it
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
+If you are translating from English to French then English would be your original or source language.L'<b>Originale</b> è la lingua dalla quale si sta traducendo, anche definita la lingua di origine.
+Se si sta traducendo dall'inglese al francese allora l'inglese è l'originale o lingua di origine.de
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksالرÙ
وز وعلاÙ
ات الترقيÙ
 غير الشائعةeu
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Beste aplikazioetako ezarpen eta datuak inportatzen saiatu behar luke Virtaalek?zu
Target text:Umbhalo wokuhumushabn_IN
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.utilizzare il file di configurazione dato dal nome del file fornito.bn_IN
JavaScript error message fileJavaScript ত্রুটির বার্তার ফাইলsv
Please enter your nameAnge ditt namnfr
Error opening fileFout met oopmaak van lêerbn_IN
Remote serverদূরবর্তী সার্ভারne
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
 If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.<b>à¤
नुवादन</b> तपाइँले à¤
नुवाद गरीरहनुभएको र कल गरीएको लक्षित भाषा पनि एउटा भाषा नै हो ।
-यदि तपाइँ à¤
ंग्रेजीबाट फ्रेन्चमा à¤
नुवाद गरीरहनुभएको छ भने तपाइँको फ्रेन्च भाषाको à¤
नुवाद वा लक्ष भाषा हुन्छ ।ca
_Full Screen_Pantalla completasv
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Kunde inte läsa konfigurationsfilen "%(filename)s"gl
Select Terminology SourcesSelecteer terminologiebronnensv
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Använd Ctrl+PgUp eller Ctrl+PgDown för att hoppa i större steg mellan översättningar.af
Tcl Translation FileTcl-vertaallêereu
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sPoedit-eko itzulpen-memoria: %(database_language_code)sru
The file contains nothing to translate.Файл не содержит ничего для перевода.ar
_Next PlaceableالÙ
ُدْرج ال_تاليnl
Please enter your nameVoer uw naam in, a.u.b.it
option %s: invalid %s value: %ropzione %s: valore %s non valido: %reu
Select Terminology SourcesHautatu terminologia-iturburuakde
PlaceablesPlatzierbare Elementede
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesEin Übersetzungstool, das Übersetzern dabei hilft, ihre tägliche Arbeit zu erledigengl
floating-pointcoma flotanteit
Replace _AllSostituisci_tuttoeu
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal itzulpenak egiteko programa bat da.nl
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.'Placeables' of plaatsbare elementen zijn speciale stukken tekst die automatisch geaccentueerd en makkelijk in de vertaling opgenomen kunnen worden.ar
Placeholders in Python stringsحافظات الÙ
كان في جÙ
ل بيثونsv
Virtaal websiteVirtaals webbplatsgl
Remote TMMT remotanl
Could not save file.
+यदि तपाइँ à¤
ंग्रेजीबाट फ्रेन्चमा à¤
नुवाद गरीरहनुभएको छ भने तपाइँको फ्रेन्च भाषाको à¤
नुवाद वा लक्ष भाषा हुन्छ ।ca
_Full Screen_Pantalla completasv
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Kunde inte läsa konfigurationsfilen "%(filename)s"gl
Select Terminology SourcesSelecteer terminologiebronnensv
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Använd Ctrl+PgUp eller Ctrl+PgDown för att hoppa i större steg mellan översättningar.af
Tcl Translation FileTcl-vertaallêerca
Terminology suggestionsSuggeriments de terminologiaca at valencia
Source text:Text d'origen:eu
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sPoedit-eko itzulpen-memoria: %(database_language_code)sbn_IN
Select sources of Translation Memoryà¦
নুবাদ মেমরির উৎস নির্বাচন করুনru
The file contains nothing to translate.Файл не содержит ничего для перевода.ar
_Next PlaceableالÙ
ُدْرج ال_تاليit
Words containing uppercase letters onlyParole che contengono solo lettere maiuscolenl
Please enter your nameVoer uw naam in, a.u.b.it
option %s: invalid %s value: %ropzione %s: valore %s non valido: %reu
Select Terminology SourcesHautatu terminologia-iturburuakde
PlaceablesPlatzierbare Elementede
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesEin Übersetzungstool, das Übersetzern dabei hilft, ihre tägliche Arbeit zu erledigenca
Placeholders (Python)Textos variables (Python)gl
floating-pointcoma flotanteit
Replace _AllSostituisci _tuttoeu
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal itzulpenak egiteko programa bat da.nl
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.'Placeables' of plaatsbare elementen zijn speciale stukken tekst die automatisch geaccentueerd en makkelijk in de vertaling opgenomen kunnen worden.ar
Placeholders in Python stringsحافظات الÙ
كان في جÙ
ل بيثونsv
Virtaal websiteVirtaals webbplatsca
<b>Fonts</b><b>Tipus de lletra</b>gl
Remote TMMT remotanl
Could not save file.
 %(error_message)sKon het bestand niet opslaan.
Local fileЛокальный файлes
Select Terminology SourcesElegir fuentes de terminologíafr
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsEspaces doubles ou espaces à des endroits inattendusca
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).L'objectiu inicial és la traducció de programari (localització o l10n), però també pretenem que pugui ser útil com a eina d'ús general per a la traducció assistida per ordinador (CAT).gl
Local translation filesFicheiros de tradución localca at valencia
Translation MemoryMemòria de traduccióne
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
Local fileЛокальный файлbn_IN
The e-mail address stored in the file headerফাইলের হেডারের মধ্যে সংরক্ষিত ই-মেইল ঠিকানাca at valencia
International Development and Research CentreInternational Development and Research Centrees
Select Terminology SourcesElegir fuentes de terminologíafr
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsEspaces doubles ou espaces à des endroits inattendusca
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).L'objectiu inicial és la traducció de programari (localització o l10n), però també pretenem que pugui ser útil com a eina d'ús general per a la traducció assistida per ordinador (CAT).gl
Local translation filesFicheiros de tradución localne
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
 If you are translating from English to French then English would be your original or source language.<b>मौलिक</b> तपाइँले à¤
नुवाद गरीरहनुभएको र कल गर्नु भएको स्रोत भाषा पनि हो ।
-यदि तपाइँ à¤
ंग्रजीबाट फ्रेन्चमा à¤
नुवाद गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने त्यसपछि मौलिक à¤
ंग्रजी वा तपाइँको स्रोत भाषा हुनेछ ।de
Choose a translation fileTrieu un fitxer de traducciósv
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Använd Ctrl+Upp eller Ctrl+Ned för att hoppa mellan översättningar.af
Please enter your team's informationرجاء أدخل بيانات فريق العÙ
AutoCompletorOsatzaile automatikoasw
New Language PairJozi ya Lugha Mpyafr
Replace _All_Tout remplacernl
Please enter your e-mail addressAnge din e-postadresssv
Resource CompilerResurskompilatoreu
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sKBabel-eko itzulpen-memoria: %(database_language_code)sfr
TM SourceSource de MTne
Please enter the plural equation to useकृपया प्रयोग गर्न बहुवचन समिकरण प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्fr
Terminology suggestionsSuggestions de terminologiees
_Target term — %(langname)sTérmino de _destino — %(langname)sgl
<b>Language Information</b><b>Información de idioma</b>fr
Automatically correct text while you typeCorriger automatiquement le texte pendant la frappene
Gettext Translation Templateगेट टेक्स्ट à¤
नुवाद टेम्प्लेटca at valencia
All Supported FilesВсе поддерживаемые форматыit
The file "%s" does not exist.Il file "%s" non esiste.gl
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.facer perfilado, gardando o resultado no nome do ficheiro indicado.zu
_New Language Pair...I_zilimi ezibhangqwa ezintsha...eu
Select sources of Translation MemoryHautatu itzulpen-memoriaren iturburuakpt_BR
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)opción ambigua: %s (%s?)nl
All Supported FilesAlle ondersteunde bestandenbn_IN
The current file has been modified.
+यदि तपाइँ à¤
ंग्रजीबाट फ्रेन्चमा à¤
नुवाद गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने त्यसपछि मौलिक à¤
ंग्रजी वा तपाइँको स्रोत भाषा हुनेछ ।ca at valencia
Translation MemoryMemòria de traduccióde
ExtendableEs pot estendresv
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Använd Ctrl+Upp eller Ctrl+Ned för att hoppa mellan översättningar.af
Please enter your team's informationرجاء أدخل بيانات فريق العÙ
AutoCompletorOsatzaile automatikoasw
New Language PairJozi ya Lugha Mpyafr
Replace _All_Tout remplacernl
Command Line OptionsOpzioni dalla riga di comandosv
Please enter your e-mail addressAnge din e-postadresssv
Resource CompilerResurskompilatoreu
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sKBabel-eko itzulpen-memoria: %(database_language_code)sfr
TM SourceSource de MTne
Please enter the plural equation to useकृपया प्रयोग गर्न बहुवचन समिकरण प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्ca
Apertium Machine TranslationTraducció automàtica d'Apertiumfr
Terminology suggestionsSuggestions de terminologiees
_Target term — %(langname)sTérmino de _destino — %(langname)sgl
<b>Language Information</b><b>Información de idioma</b>fr
Automatically correct text while you typeCorriger automatiquement le texte pendant la frappene
Gettext Translation Templateगेट टेक्स्ट à¤
नुवाद टेम्प्लेटca at valencia
All Supported FilesВсе поддерживаемые форматыit
The file "%s" does not exist.Il file "%s" non esiste.bn_IN
C_ommentsমন্তব্য (_o)gl
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.facer perfilado, gardando o resultado no nome do ficheiro indicado.zu
_New Language Pair...I_zilimi ezibhangqwa ezintsha...eu
Select sources of Translation MemoryHautatu itzulpen-memoriaren iturburuakpt_BR
Terminology _file:_Fitxer de terminologia:es
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)opción ambigua: %s (%s?)nl
All Supported FilesAlle ondersteunde bestandenit
Add Missing LanguageAggiungi lingua mancantebn_IN
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?বর্তমান ফাইল পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে।
-আপনার করার পরিবর্তনগুলি সংরক্ষণ করতে ইচ্ছুক কি?ca at valencia
Resource CompilerCompilador de recursosru
Could not save file.
+আপনার করার পরিবর্তনগুলি সংরক্ষণ করতে ইচ্ছুক কি?ru
Could not save file.
@@ -158,17 +172,17 @@
-Попробуйте соÑ
ранить в другом месте.gl
The name stored in the file headerO nome gardado na cabeceira do ficheiroes
Add TermAñadir términoes
_Case sensitive_Distinguir mayúsculasru
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
+Попробуйте соÑ
ранить в другом месте.ca at valencia
Resource CompilerCompilador de recursosgl
The name stored in the file headerO nome gardado na cabeceira do ficheiroes
Add TermAñadir términoes
_Case sensitive_Distinguir mayúsculasru
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
 If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.<b>Перевод</b> это язык на который вы переводите, называется также целевым языком.
-Если вы переводите с английского на русский, то переводом (целевым языком) будет русский.pt_BR
Resource CompilerResource Compilergl
Source text:Texto orixe:de
OpenOffice.org Translation FileOpenOffice.org vertaalbestandca at valencia
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)opció %s: la tria no és vàlida: %r (trieu-ne de %s)de
Select Terminology SourcesAuswahl der Terminologieressourcenca
no such option: %sno hi ha cap opció així: %sca
_Update to templateAct_ualitza amb la plantillade
Replace withErsetzen durchde
Wordfast Translation MemoryWordfast Translation Memoryru
Unreviewed machine translationsНепроверенные машинные переводыsw
_Navigation: _Urambaza: de
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Je nach Art der Ãœbersetzung sind die Plural-Informationen optional.it
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?File attualmente aperto selezionato per apertura. Ricaricare il file?gl
XLIFF Translation FileArquivo de tradução em XLIFFbn_IN
Migration was successfully completedসাফল্যের সাথে তথ্য মাইগ্রেট করা হয়েছেfr
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [options] [fichier_de_traduction]bn_IN
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.বর্তমান à¦
নুবাদের তথ্য ফাজি রূপে চিহ্নিত করার জন্য <Alt+U> টিপুন।it
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsHeelgetalle en desimale breukeit
The following items were migrated:I seguenti elementi sono stati migrati:af
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsDubbelspasies en spasies in onverwagte plekkeca
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.utilitza el fitxer de configuració que es proporciona.bn_IN
Import data from other applications?à¦
ন্যান্য à¦
্যাপ্লিকেশন থেকে তথ্য ইম্পোর্ট করা হবে কি?ca at valencia
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Feu servir Ctrl+Amunt o Ctrl+Avall per a moure-vos al llarg de la traducció.ca at valencia
Automatically complete long words while you typeأكÙ
Ù„ الكلÙ
ات الطويلة تلقائيا بينÙ
ا أكتبfr
Terminology FilesFichiers de terminologieca
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Voleu que el Virtaal provi d'importar els paràmetres i les dades d'altres aplicacions?ar
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.شغّل الأÙ
ثلة، Ù
خزنا النتائج في الÙ
لف الÙ
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal är ett översättningsprogram.pt_BR
Please enter the plural equation to usePor favor, digite a equação de pluralfr
Qt Linguist Translation FileFichier Qt Linguistpt_BR
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?O Virtaal deve tentar importar configurações e dados de outros aplicativos?ca
Usage: %s
+Если вы переводите с английского на русский, то переводом (целевым языком) будет русский.pt_BR
Resource CompilerResource Compilergl
Source text:Texto orixe:de
OpenOffice.org Translation FileOpenOffice.org vertaalbestandca at valencia
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)opció %s: la tria no és vàlida: %r (trieu-ne de %s)de
Select Terminology SourcesAuswahl der Terminologieressourcenca
no such option: %sno hi ha cap opció així: %sde
Replace withErsetzen durchca
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Informació del traductor</b>ca
International Development and Research CentreInternational Development and Research Centrede
Wordfast Translation MemoryWordfast Translation Memoryru
Unreviewed machine translationsНепроверенные машинные переводыsw
_Navigation: _Urambaza: de
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Je nach Art der Ãœbersetzung sind die Plural-Informationen optional.it
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Si è deciso di aprire il file che è già attualmente aperto. Si vuole caricare nuovamente il file?gl
XLIFF Translation FileArquivo de tradução em XLIFFbn_IN
Migration was successfully completedসাফল্যের সাথে তথ্য মাইগ্রেট করা হয়েছেbn_IN
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [options] [fichier_de_traduction]bn_IN
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.বর্তমান à¦
নুবাদের তথ্য ফাজি রূপে চিহ্নিত করার জন্য <Alt+U> টিপুন।it
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsHeelgetalle en desimale breukeit
The following items were migrated:I seguenti elementi sono stati trasferiti:ca at valencia
Words containing uppercase letters onlyParaules que contenen només majúsculesaf
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsDubbelspasies en spasies in onverwagte plekkeca
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.utilitza el fitxer de configuració que es proporciona.bn_IN
Import data from other applications?à¦
ন্যান্য à¦
্যাপ্লিকেশন থেকে তথ্য ইম্পোর্ট করা হবে কি?ca at valencia
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Feu servir Ctrl+Amunt o Ctrl+Avall per a moure-vos al llarg de la traducció.ca at valencia
Automatically complete long words while you typeأكÙ
Ù„ الكلÙ
ات الطويلة تلقائيا بينÙ
ا أكتبfr
Terminology FilesFichiers de terminologieca
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Voleu que el Virtaal provi d'importar els paràmetres i les dades d'altres aplicacions?ar
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.شغّل الأÙ
ثلة، Ù
خزنا النتائج في الÙ
لف الÙ
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal är ett översättningsprogram.pt_BR
Please enter the plural equation to usePor favor, digite a equação de pluralfr
Qt Linguist Translation FileFichier Qt Linguistpt_BR
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?O Virtaal deve tentar importar configurações e dados de outros aplicativos?ca
Usage: %s
 Ús: %s
Migration AssistantAssistant de migrationit
P_age UpP_agina superioreeu
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IAplikazioaren komando-lerroaren aukerak, hala nola --help, -h eta -Igl
Translation memory suggestionsSuxestións de memoria de traduciónne
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)à¤
स्पष्ट विकल्प: %s (%s?)ru
TM SourceИсточники памяти переводовnl
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.El Virtaal és un programa per a fer traduccions.sv
Qt Message FileQt-meddelandefilsv
Virtaal websiteSitio web de Virtaales
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Format (Formato de archivos de intercambio de localización XML)nl
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Kon het configuratiebestand '%(filename)s' niet lezennl
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Gebruik <Ctrl+PgUp> of <Ctrl+PgDown> om met grote stappen door de vertalingen te bewegen.sv
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
Migration AssistantAssistant de migrationit
P_age UpP_agina Sueu
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IAplikazioaren komando-lerroaren aukerak, hala nola --help, -h eta -Igl
Translation memory suggestionsSuxestións de memoria de traduciónne
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)à¤
स्पष्ट विकल्प: %s (%s?)ru
TM SourceИсточники памяти переводовnl
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.El Virtaal és un programa per a fer traduccions.sv
Qt Message FileQt-meddelandefilsv
Migration AssistantAuxiliar de migraciógl
Virtaal websiteSitio web de Virtaales
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Format (Formato de archivos de intercambio de localización XML)nl
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Kon het configuratiebestand '%(filename)s' niet lezennl
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Gebruik <Ctrl+PgUp> of <Ctrl+PgDown> om met grote stappen door de vertalingen te bewegen.sv
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
 If you are translating from English to French then English would be your original or source language.<b>Ursprunglig</b> är språket från vilket du översätter, även kallat källspråket.
-Om du översätter från engelska till franska så kommer engelska att vara det ursprungliga, eller källspråk.ca
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)opció %s: la tria no és vàlida: %r (trieu-ne de %s)eu
International Development and Research CentreInternational Development and Research Centreca at valencia
P_age UpPàgin_a amuntsw
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwarePrécédentes traductions de logiciels libresar
XLIFFXLIFFca at valencia
New Language PairNuwe taalpaarde
Tcl Translation FileArquivo de tradução do Tclgl
Local Translation MemoryMemoria de tradución locales
_Full Screen_Pantalla completaru
_Add Missing Language..._Добавить отсутствующий язык...zu
Report a _Bug_Bika iphuthaeu
no such option: %saukera ez dago: %sca
Tcl Translation FileFitxer de traducció de Tcleu
_Localization Guide_Lokalizazio gidapt_BR
Unable to load %(filename)s:
+Om du översätter från engelska till franska så kommer engelska att vara det ursprungliga, eller källspråk.ca
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)opció %s: la tria no és vàlida: %r (trieu-ne de %s)it
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Gli elementi placeable sono parti speciali del testo che possono essere evidenziate automaticamente e facilmente inserite nella traduzione.eu
International Development and Research CentreInternational Development and Research Centreca at valencia
P_age UpPàgin_a amuntsw
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwarePrécédentes traductions de logiciels libresar
XLIFFXLIFFca at valencia
New Language PairNuwe taalpaarde
Tcl Translation FileArquivo de tradução do Tclit
A TinyTM translation memory serverUn server di memoria di traduzione TinyTMgl
Local Translation MemoryMemoria de tradución locales
_Full Screen_Pantalla completaru
_Add Missing Language..._Добавить отсутствующий язык...zu
Report a _Bug_Bika iphuthaeu
no such option: %saukera ez dago: %sca
Tcl Translation FileFitxer de traducció de Tcleu
_Localization Guide_Lokalizazio gidaca at valencia
Select sources of Translation MemorySeleccioneu les fonts de la memòria de traducciópt_BR
Unable to load %(filename)s:
 %(errormsg)sNão foi possível carregar %(filename)s:
@@ -176,17 +190,11 @@
 If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.De <b>Vertaling</b> is de taal waarnaar u vertaalt, ook wel de doeltaal genoemd.
-Als u vanuit het Engels naar het Frans vertaalt, is het Frans uw vertaling of doeltaal.nl
Migration AssistantMigratie-assistentsv
Nothing migratedIngenting migreradesfr
P_revious PlaceableAu_rreko elementu bereziaru
Mozilla Corporationشركة Ù
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Los objetos colocables son partes especiales del texto que se pueden resaltar automáticamente e insertar fácilmente en la traducción.it
OpenOffice.org Translation FileFile di traduzione OpenOffice.orgit
Tcl Translation FileTcl à¦
নুবাদের ফাইলeu
%prog [options]%prog [aukerak]ne
Local Translation Memoryस्थानीय à¤
नुवाद स्मृतिca
Poedit settingsInställningar för Poeditru
InitializationИнициализацияca at valencia
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Heu seleccionat obrir el fitxer que ja està obert actualment. Voleu tornar a carregar-lo?nl
Virtaal websiteVirtaal websitear
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.فِرتال (Virtaal) هو برناÙ
ج للترجÙ
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
+Als u vanuit het Engels naar het Frans vertaalt, is het Frans uw vertaling of doeltaal.ca
Migration AssistantMigratie-assistentsv
Nothing migratedIngenting migreradesca at valencia
Transfer From SourceTransfereix de la fontfr
P_revious PlaceableAu_rreko elementu bereziaru
Mozilla Corporationشركة Ù
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Los objetos colocables son partes especiales del texto que se pueden resaltar automáticamente e insertar fácilmente en la traducción.it
OpenOffice.org Translation FileFile di traduzione OpenOffice.orgit
Tcl Translation FileTcl à¦
নুবাদের ফাইলeu
%prog [options]%prog [aukerak]ne
Local Translation Memoryस्थानीय à¤
नुवाद स्मृतिca
<b>Original</b><b>Original</b>ca at valencia
Local TMMT localsv
Poedit settingsInställningar för Poeditru
InitializationИнициализацияca at valencia
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Heu seleccionat obrir el fitxer que ja està obert actualment. Voleu tornar a carregar-lo?nl
Virtaal websiteVirtaal websitear
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.فِرتال (Virtaal) هو برناÙ
ج للترجÙ
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
 If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.<b>الترجÙ
Ø©</b> هي اللغة التي تترجÙ
-إذا كنت تترجÙ
Ù† الإنجليزية إلى العربية فالإنجليزية هي لغة الترجÙ
Lokalize settingsIzinhlelo zeLokalizept_BR
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)opção %s: escolha inválida: %r (escolhida de %s)bn_IN
Could not open file.
-Try opening a different file.ফাইল খুলতে ব্যর্থ।
-একটি পৃথক ফাইল খোলার প্রচেষ্টা করুন।ru
Apertium Machine TranslationМашинный перевод с помощью Apertiumes
Add FilesAñadir archivosgl
Could not open file.
+إذا كنت تترجÙ
Ù† الإنجليزية إلى العربية فالإنجليزية هي لغة الترجÙ
Lokalize settingsIzinhlelo zeLokalizept_BR
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)opção %s: escolha inválida: %r (escolhida de %s)ru
Apertium Machine TranslationМашинный перевод с помощью Apertiumes
Add FilesAñadir archivosgl
Could not open file.
@@ -194,16 +202,9 @@
-Ténteo nun ficheiro diferente.nl
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Для перемещения между блоками используйте Ctrl+Up и Ctrl+Down.bn_IN
Currently open fileবর্তমানে খোলা ফাইলde
Usage: %s
+Ténteo nun ficheiro diferente.nl
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Для перемещения между блоками используйте Ctrl+Up и Ctrl+Down.ca at valencia
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsNombres enters i fraccions decimalsbn_IN
Currently open fileবর্তমানে খোলা ফাইলca at valencia
Usage: %s
 Nutzung: %s
Add _Term...Añadir _término...sw
All FilesMafaili yotept_BR
Use _Default FontsUsar tipos de letra _predeterminadosru
Import data from other applications?Импортировать данные другиÑ
Automatically correct text while you typeZuzendu testua automatikoki idatzi ahalazu
The file contains nothing to translate.Kukhona lutho ukuhumusha efayela.de
Replace withVervangen doorru
Translation _SuggestionsП_редположения переводаsw
INI FileFaili la INIca at valencia
Placeholders in Java stringsComodines en cadenas de Javazu
Virtaal PreferencesMapendekezo ya Virtaales
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.بعد إتÙ
ة، اضغط <إدخال> للانتقال إلى النص التالي.bn_IN
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sPoedit-র à¦
নুবাদ সংকলন: %(database_language_code)szu
Nothing migratedAkukho lutho okuthuthiweit
Personal InformationInformazioni personaliru
Automatically complete long words while you typeАвтоматически дополнять длинные слова во время набораeu
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Jatorrizko katea helburuan kopiatzeko, sakatu <Alt+Behera>.es
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationca at valencia
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useIntroduïu el nombre de formes de substantius (plurals) que s'utilitzaràca
%s option requires %d argumentsl'opció %s requereix %d argumentsca
Qt Message FileFitxer de missatges de QTsv
Apertium Machine TranslationApertium-masjienvertalingnl
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Om de huidige vertaling als wazig te markeren, moet u gewoon <Alt+W> indrukken.ar
_Edit_تحريرca at valencia
translator-creditsCrèdits de traduccióes
Currently open fileArchivo abierto actualca
show this help message and exitmostra aquest missatge d'ajuda i surtru
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal is een programma dat bedoeld is om mee te vertalen.pt_BR
_Case sensitive_Dif. maiúsc./minúsc.bn_IN
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationস্বত্বাধিকার © ২০০৭-২০০৯ Zuza Software Foundationzu
Select Terminology SourcesChoisir les sources de terminologiees
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'No se pudo leer el archivo de configuración '%(filename)s'de
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangezu
E-mail address:Ikheli le-imeyiliaf
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useBitte geben Sie die Anzahl der zu verwendenden Substantivformen (Pluralformen) einde
complexKomplexca at valencia
_Missing Language...Llengua a_bsent…pt_BR
Header informationInformações do cabeçalhoru
Poedit settingsPoedit-instellingsgl
Transfer From SourceTransferir desde a orixede
_Target term — %(langname)sBegriff in der _Zielsprache — %(langname)sar
A TinyTM translation memory serverخادوÙ
 ذاكرة ترجÙ
Ø© TinyTMca
Could not save file.
-Try saving at a different location.No s'ha pogut desar el fitxer.
-Proveu de desar-lo en una altra ubicació.pt_BR
Local Translation MemoryMemória de tradução localde
Reload FileDatei erneut ladenne
Target text:النص الهدف:nl
Could not save file.
Add _Term...Añadir _término...sw
All FilesMafaili yotept_BR
Import data from other applications?Импортировать данные другиÑ
Use _Default FontsUsar tipos de letra _predeterminadoseu
Automatically correct text while you typeZuzendu testua automatikoki idatzi ahalazu
The file contains nothing to translate.Kukhona lutho ukuhumusha efayela.de
Replace withVervangen doorca at valencia
PlaceablesObjectes col·locablesbn_IN
Remote TMদূরবর্তী TMru
Translation _SuggestionsП_редположения переводаsw
INI FileFaili la INIca at valencia
Placeholders in Java stringsComodines en cadenas de Javazu
Virtaal PreferencesMapendekezo ya Virtaales
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.بعد إتÙ
ة، اضغط <إدخال> للانتقال إلى النص التالي.bn_IN
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sPoedit-র à¦
নুবাদ সংকলন: %(database_language_code)szu
Nothing migratedAkukho lutho okuthuthiweru
Automatically complete long words while you typeАвтоматически дополнять длинные слова во время набораca at valencia
Placeholders (Java)Textos variables (Java)eu
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Jatorrizko katea helburuan kopiatzeko, sakatu <Alt+Behera>.es
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationca at valencia
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useIntroduïu el nombre de formes de substantius (plurals) que s'utilitzaràit
E-mail addressesIndirizzo e-mailca
%s option requires %d argumentsl'opció %s requereix %d argumentsca
Qt Message FileFitxer de missatges de QTsv
Apertium Machine TranslationApertium-masjienvertalingnl
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Om de huidige vertaling als wazig te markeren, moet u gewoon <Alt+W> indrukken.ar
_Edit_تحريرca at valencia
translator-creditsToni Hermoso Pulido - Softcatalàes
Currently open fileArchivo abierto actualca
show this help message and exitmostra aquest missatge d'ajuda i surtru
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal is een programma dat bedoeld is om mee te vertalen.pt_BR
_Case sensitive_Dif. maiúsc./minúsc.bn_IN
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationস্বত্বাধিকার © ২০০৭-২০০৯ Zuza Software Foundationzu
Select Terminology SourcesChoisir les sources de terminologiees
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'No se pudo leer el archivo de configuración '%(filename)s'de
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangezu
E-mail address:Ikheli le-imeyiliaf
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useBitte geben Sie die Anzahl der zu verwendenden Substantivformen (Pluralformen) einde
Header informationInformações do cabeçalhoru
Poedit settingsPoedit-instellingsgl
Transfer From SourceTransferir desde a orixede
_Target term — %(langname)sBegriff in der _Zielsprache — %(langname)sar
A TinyTM translation memory serverخادوÙ
 ذاكرة ترجÙ
Ø© TinyTMpt_BR
Local Translation MemoryMemória de tradução localde
Reload FileDatei erneut ladenne
Open-Tran.eui-Open-Tran.euca at valencia
Terminology _Files..._Fitxers de terminologia…pt_BR
Target text:النص الهدف:nl
Could not save file.
@@ -211,29 +212,29 @@
-Tente salvar em uma localização diferente.de
Nothing migratedEs wurde nichts migriertde
E-mail address:E-Mail-Adresse:fr
Placeholders in Python stringsMarcadores de substitución en cadeas Pythongl
Migration AssistantAssistente de migraçãopt_BR
_New Language Pair..._Nytt språkpar...ar
We thank our donors:نشكر Ù
ن تبرعوا لنا:fr
show this help message and exitпоказать эту справку и выйтиnl
Placeholders (Java)Tijdelijke aanduidingen (Java)gl
Replace _AllSubstituílos _a todossv
Gettext Translation TemplateGettext-översättningsmallaf
Nothing migratedNiks gemigreer nieaf
XML EntitiesXML-entiteitefr
%prog [options]%prog [options]ru
Select Terminology SourcesKies terminologiebronneru
Select sources of Translation MemoryВыбрать источники памяти переводовar
ال الآليaf
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Het bestand dat u wilt openen, is momenteel geladen. Wilt u het bestand herladen?eu
Could not save file.
+Tente salvar em uma localização diferente.de
Nothing migratedEs wurde nichts migriertde
E-mail address:E-Mail-Adresse:fr
Placeholders in Python stringsMarcadores de substitución en cadeas Pythongl
Migration AssistantAssistente de migraçãopt_BR
_New Language Pair..._Nytt språkpar...ar
We thank our donors:نشكر Ù
ن تبرعوا لنا:fr
show this help message and exitпоказать эту справку и выйтиit
_Target term — %(langname)sTermine _lingua meta - %(langname)snl
Placeholders (Java)Tijdelijke aanduidingen (Java)gl
Replace _AllSubstituílos _a todossv
Gettext Translation TemplateGettext-översättningsmallaf
Nothing migratedNiks gemigreer nieaf
XML EntitiesXML-entiteitefr
%prog [options]%prog [options]ru
Select Terminology SourcesKies terminologiebronneru
Select sources of Translation MemoryВыбрать источники памяти переводовca
_Update to TemplateAct_ualitza amb la plantillaar
ال الآليca at valencia
Unreviewed machine translationsTraduccions automàtiques per revisaraf
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Het bestand dat u wilt openen, is momenteel geladen. Wilt u het bestand herladen?it
Entity references, such as & and ©Riferimenti di entità, come & e ©eu
Could not save file.
 %(error_message)sEzin da fitxategia gorde.
CamelCaseCamelCase (ElkWoordMetHoofdletter)gl
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).A meta inicial céntrase na tradución de programas (localización ou l10n), pero temos a intención de que tamén sirva como ferramenta de uso xeral para a tradución asistida por computador (TAC).ar
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'تعذّر فتح Ù
لف السجل '%(filename)s'fr
%s option requires an argumentl'option %s a besoin d'un paramètregl
Currently open fileHuidige oop lêerru
E-mail addressesE-mail адресаar
TM SourceÙ
صدر ذاكرة الترجÙ
Import data from other applications?Importare dati da altri programmi?nl
XML EntitiesXML–entiteitenne
Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)sवीरताल - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)sne
TermBase eXchangeटर्मवेश एक्सचेन्जpt_BR
AutoCompletorCompletamento automáticopt_BR
_Add Missing Language..._Adicionar idioma ausente...fr
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsConteneurs (« placeholders ») dans les chaînes « printf »de
Report a _Bug_Programmafout meldenru
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksСимволы и менее часто используемые знаки пунктуацииfr
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.परिपूर्ति गरीएको फाइल नामद्वारा दिएको कन्फिगरेसन फाइल प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् ।zu
Please enter your e-mail addressAwunike ikheli lemeyili lakhogl
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsMarcadores de substitución usados en cadeas "printf"af
Migration was successfully completedMigrasie is suksesvol voltooizu
Placeholders (Java)Espaços reservados (Java)sv
Number of plurals:Antal pluralformer:zu
Plug-insAmalunga okuxhumapt_BR
Java Properties FileFile proprietà Javaca
option %s: invalid %s value: %ropció %s: el valor de %s no és vàlida: %reu
_Case sensitiveMaius_kulak/minuskulakne
Plural expression:बहुसंख्यक à¤
no such option: %sno existe la opción: %sar
Usage: %s
CamelCaseCamelCase (ElkWoordMetHoofdletter)gl
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).A meta inicial céntrase na tradución de programas (localización ou l10n), pero temos a intención de que tamén sirva como ferramenta de uso xeral para a tradución asistida por computador (TAC).ar
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'تعذّر فتح Ù
لف السجل '%(filename)s'fr
%s option requires an argumentl'option %s a besoin d'un paramètreit
Local fileFile localegl
Currently open fileHuidige oop lêerca
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Els objectes col·locables són parts especials d'un text que poden ressaltar-se automàticament i inserir-se fàcilment en una traducció.ru
E-mail addressesE-mail адресаar
TM SourceÙ
صدر ذاكرة الترجÙ
Import data from other applications?Importare dati da altri applicativi?nl
XML EntitiesXML–entiteitenne
Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)sवीरताल - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)sca at valencia
TermBase eXchangeटर्मवेश एक्सचेन्जpt_BR
AutoCompletorCompletamento automáticopt_BR
_Add Missing Language..._Adicionar idioma ausente...fr
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsConteneurs (« placeholders ») dans les chaînes « printf »de
Report a _Bug_Programmafout meldenru
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksСимволы и менее часто используемые знаки пунктуацииfr
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.परिपूर्ति गरीएको फाइल नामद्वारा दिएको कन्फिगरेसन फाइल प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् ।zu
Please enter your e-mail addressAwunike ikheli lemeyili lakhogl
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsMarcadores de substitución usados en cadeas "printf"af
Migration was successfully completedMigrasie is suksesvol voltooizu
Placeholders (Java)Espaços reservados (Java)sv
Number of plurals:Antal pluralformer:zu
Plug-insAmalunga okuxhumapt_BR
Java Properties FileFile Java Propertiesca
option %s: invalid %s value: %ropció %s: el valor de %s no és vàlida: %reu
_Case sensitiveMaius_kulak/minuskulakne
Plural expression:बहुसंख्यक à¤
no such option: %sno existe la opción: %sar
Usage: %s
: %s
UsageUtilisationca at valencia
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesUna eina de traducció per a ajudar un traductor humà a traduir fitxers en altres llengüesgl
All Supported FilesTodos os ficheiros compatíbeises
Machine Translation with libtranslateTraducción automática con libtranslatees
F_uzzyCon _imprecisionesca at valencia
Reload FileTorna a carregar el fitxernl
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sPoedit vertaalgeheugen: %(database_language_code)spt_BR
Terms from Open-Tran.euTermos de Open-Tran.eupt_BR
Migration completedMigração concluídade
E-mail address:Endereço de e-mail:sv
%s option does not take a valueflaggan %s tar inte ett värdebn_IN
_Recent Filesসম্প্রতি ব্যবহৃত ফাইল (_R)ca at valencia
The current file has been modified.
UsageUtilisationca at valencia
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesUna eina de traducció per a ajudar un traductor humà a traduir fitxers en altres llengüesgl
All Supported FilesTodos os ficheiros compatíbeises
Machine Translation with libtranslateTraducción automática con libtranslatees
F_uzzyCon _imprecisionesca at valencia
Reload FileTorna a carregar el fitxernl
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sPoedit vertaalgeheugen: %(database_language_code)spt_BR
Terms from Open-Tran.euTermos de Open-Tran.eupt_BR
Migration completedMigração concluídabn_IN
Local TMস্থানীয় TMde
CONFIGCONFIGca at valencia
The name stored in the file headerEl nom emmagatzemat en la capçalera del fitxerpt_BR
E-mail address:Endereço de e-mail:sv
%s option does not take a valueflaggan %s tar inte ett värdebn_IN
_Recent Filesসম্প্রতি ব্যবহৃত ফাইল (_R)ca at valencia
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?S'ha modificat el fitxer actual.
-Voleu alçar els vostres canvis?bn_IN
Resource Compilerরিসোর্স কম্পাইলারit
_New Language Pair..._Новая языковая пара...sv
Import data from other applications?Importera data från andra program?fr
TermBase eXchangeÉchange de termes de basegl
Paths referring to file locationsCamiños relacionados con situación de ficheirosnl
Error opening fileFout bij het openen van het bestandfr
File NamesNoms de fichiersde
Apertium Machine TranslationApertium Maschinenübersetzungfr
"%s" is not a usable file.« %s » n'est pas un fichier utilisable.eu
Please enter your nameIdatzi zure izenaeu
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Recargar o ficheiro da última copia gardada e perder todos os cambios?sv
Target text:Texte cible :ca at valencia
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.utilitza el fitxer de configuració que es proporciona.es
Reload FileRecargar archivode
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
+Voleu alçar els vostres canvis?bn_IN
Resource Compilerরিসোর্স কম্পাইলারit
_New Language Pair..._Новая языковая пара...ca at valencia
"alt" AttributesAtributs «alt»sv
Import data from other applications?Importera data från andra program?fr
TermBase eXchangeÉchange de termes de basegl
Paths referring to file locationsCamiños relacionados con situación de ficheirosnl
Error opening fileFout bij het openen van het bestandfr
File NamesNoms de fichiersde
Apertium Machine TranslationApertium Maschinenübersetzungfr
"%s" is not a usable file.« %s » n'est pas un fichier utilisable.eu
Please enter your nameIdatzi zure izenaeu
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Recargar o ficheiro da última copia gardada e perder todos os cambios?sv
Target text:Texte cible :ca at valencia
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.utilitza el fitxer de configuració que es proporciona.es
Reload FileRecargar archivode
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
 If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.Die <b>Übersetzung</b> ist die Sprache, in die Sie übersetzen, die auch Zielsprache genannt wird.
-Wenn Sie also vom Englischen ins Deutsche übersetzen, dann ist Deutsch die Zielsprache.pt_BR
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>Тэги XML, например <b> и </i>pt_BR
ISO code:Código ISO:fr
Migration AssistantMigrasiehulpca at valencia
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataEl Virtaal no ha pogut migrar cap paràmetre o dadade
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsPlatzhalter, die in "printf"-Zeichenfolgen verwendet werdenne
Translation Memory eXchangeà¤
नुवाद स्मृति एक्सचेन्जaf
Translation ToolVertaalprogramne
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?वीरतालले सेटिङ गर्न र à¤
न्य à¤
नुप्रयोगबाट डाटा आयात गर्न प्रयास गर्नै पर्दछ ?sw
Could not save file.
+Wenn Sie also vom Englischen ins Deutsche übersetzen, dann ist Deutsch die Zielsprache.pt_BR
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>Тэги XML, например <b> и </i>pt_BR
ISO code:Código ISO:fr
<b>Original</b><b>الأصل</b>ca at valencia
Translation _Suggestions_Suggerimenti di traduzioneaf
Migration AssistantMigrasiehulpca at valencia
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataEl Virtaal no ha pogut migrar cap paràmetre o dadade
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsPlatzhalter, die in "printf"-Zeichenfolgen verwendet werdenne
Translation Memory eXchangeà¤
नुवाद स्मृति एक्सचेन्जaf
Translation ToolVertaalprogramne
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?वीरतालले सेटिङ गर्न र à¤
न्य à¤
नुप्रयोगबाट डाटा आयात गर्न प्रयास गर्नै पर्दछ ?sw
Could not save file.
 %(error_message)sتعذر حفظ الÙ
Local Translation Memoryذاكرة ترجÙ
Ø© Ù
Add FilesEngadir ficheirosnl
Translation _SuggestionsVertaal_suggestieses
show this help message and exitmostrar este mensaje de ayuda y saliraf
Local TMPlaaslike TMaf
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [opsies] [vertaallêer]gl
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Migrar a configuración desde KBabel, Lokalize e/ou Poedit a Virtaal.de
Remote TMEntfernte TMes
Placeholders (printf)Comodines (printf)es
XML TagsEtiquetas XMLca
Please enter the plural equation to useIntroduïu l'equació de plural que s'utilitzaràgl
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsPalabras con maiúscula interna, tales como algúns nomes de marcas e wikipalabrasnl
_Next Placeable_Siguiente objeto colocableeu
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Kutegemeana na tafsiri, habari za wingi sinaweza kuwa si lazima.pt_BR
Target text:Text do destino:ca at valencia
Replace withReemplaça ambfr
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Selon le type de traduction, les informations sur les formes plurielles peuvent être optionnelles.ar
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)الخيار %s: اختيار غير سليÙ
: %r (اختر Ù
Ù† %s)af
Words containing uppercase letters onlyWoorde wat slegs uit hoofletters bestaande
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURLs, Hostnamen und IP-Adressenpt_BR
%s option requires an argumenta opção %s necessita de um argumentogl
Terminology HelpAxuda de terminoloxíapt_BR
Reload FileRecarregar arquivobn_IN
show program's version number and exitপ্রোগ্রামের সংস্করণ সংখ্যা প্রদর্শন করে প্রস্থান করা হবেaf
The name stored in the file headerالاسÙ
 الذي يُحفظ في ترويسة الÙ
Machine Translation with libtranslateTradução automática com libtranslatesv
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sLokalize vertaalgeheugen: %(database_name)saf
<b>Language Information</b><b>Taalinligting</b>eu
%s option does not take a value%s aukerak ez du baliorik hartzenfr
Please enter your e-mail addressकृपया तपाइँको इ-मेल ठेगाना प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्ne
The file "%s" does not exist.फाइल "%s" à¤
वस्थित छैन ।ca at valencia
%s option does not take a valueلا يأخد الخيار %s قيÙ
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaalne
Nothing migratedEz da ezer migratubn_IN
Gettext Translation TemplateGettext à¦
নুবাদের টেমপ্লেটsv
INI FileINI-filpt_BR
International Development and Research CentreInternational Development and Research Centrear
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.شغّل التسجيل، Ù
خزنا النتائج في الÙ
لف الÙ
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.genomför profilering, lagrar resultatet till det angivna filnamnet.ne
P_age Upपृष्ठ माथिes
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationsw
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesKifaa cha kutafsiria cha kuwasaidia watafsiri wa kibiinadamu kutafsiri mafaili kwenda kwenye lugha nyinginezu
AutoCorrectorLungisa ngokuzihambelabn_IN
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal দ্বারা কোনো বৈশিষ্ট্যের মান à¦
থবা তথ্য মাইগ্রেট করা সম্ভব হয়নিsw
Saveबचत गर्नुहोस्ru
"alt" AttributesАтрибуты "alt"ne
XLIFF Translation FileXLIFF à¦
নুবাদের ফাইলbn_IN
Translation Memoryà¦
নুবাদ সংকলনsw
Language name:Jina la lugha:ca
Migration assistantAuxiliar de migracióit
JavaScript error message fileFile di errore JavaScriptes
Placeholders (Java)Метки-заполнители (Java)gl
%s option requires an argumenta opción %s necesita un argumentoaf
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.'n Taalkode moet ten minste twee karakters lank wees.nl
Placeholders (Python)Tijdelijke aanduidingen (Python)fr
Tcl Translation FileFichier Tclde
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.اضغط <Alt+U> لتعليÙ
Ø© الحالية ÙƒÙ
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Non se puido abrir o ficheiro de perfil '%(filename)s'sv
_Case sensitive_Skiftlägeskänsligru
Please enter your team's informationВведите информацию о своей командеde
show this help message and exitDiesen Hilfetext anzeigen und beendenaf
Placeholders (Java)Plekhouers (Java)ca
Machine Translation with libtranslateTradueix automàticament amb libtranslateca
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'No s'ha pogut llegir el fitxer de configuració «%(filename)s»pt_BR
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsPalavras compostas com maiúsculas internas, como algumas marcas e PalavrasWikifr
_Navigation: नेभिगेसन: it
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.abilitazione registrazione cronologica, salvataggio risultato al nome di file fornito.ne
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.हालको à¤
स्पष्ट à¤
नुवादलाई चिनो लगाउन, सामान्य प्रेस गर्नुहोस् <Alt+U>ar
All Supported Filesكل الÙ
لفات الÙ
E-mailCorreo electrónicoes
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal é um programa para fazer tradução.fr
Report a _BugSignaler un _bogueru
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Не могу открыть лог '%(filename)s'gl
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal konnte keinerlei Einstellungen oder Daten migrierenbn_IN
The file contains nothing to translate.à¦
নুবাদ করার যোগ্য কোনো তথ্য ফাইলের মধ্যে উপস্থিত নেই।de
"%s" is not a usable file.«%s» no és un fitxer usable.gl
Automatically correct text while you typeCorrixir automaticamente o texto mentres escribeaf
_Online Help_Aanlynhulpca at valencia
long integerenter granes
Select sources of Translation MemoryElegir fuentes de memoria de traduccióneu
Placeholders in Java stringsJava kateetako leku-markakar
show this help message and exitonyesha ujumbe huu wa msaada na tokaeu
Target text:Helburu-testua:ar
Source text:النص الÙ
_Recent Files_Zuletzt geöffnete Dateienfr
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryElegir las fuentes que deberían ser consultadas para la memoria de traducciónnl
Usage: %s
Local Translation Memoryذاكرة ترجÙ
Ø© Ù
Add FilesEngadir ficheirosnl
Translation _SuggestionsVertaal_suggestieses
show this help message and exitmostrar este mensaje de ayuda y saliraf
Local TMPlaaslike TMaf
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [opsies] [vertaallêer]bn_IN
Placeholders used in "printf" strings"printf" বিশিষ্ট পংক্তির মধ্যে ব্যবহৃত সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তুit
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Placeable per attributi "alt" (come nel linguaggio HTML)gl
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Migrar a configuración desde KBabel, Lokalize e/ou Poedit a Virtaal.bn_IN
Source text:উৎসের লেখা:de
Remote TMEntfernte TMes
Placeholders (printf)Comodines (printf)es
XML TagsEtiquetas XMLca
Please enter the plural equation to useIntroduïu l'equació de plural que s'utilitzaràgl
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsPalabras con maiúscula interna, tales como algúns nomes de marcas e wikipalabrasnl
_Next Placeable_Siguiente objeto colocableeu
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Kutegemeana na tafsiri, habari za wingi sinaweza kuwa si lazima.pt_BR
Target text:Text do destino:bn_IN
P_revious Placeableপূর্ববর্তী সন্নিবেশযোগ্য লেখা (_r)ca at valencia
Replace withReemplaça ambfr
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Selon le type de traduction, les informations sur les formes plurielles peuvent être optionnelles.ca at valencia
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)الخيار %s: اختيار غير سليÙ
: %r (اختر Ù
Ù† %s)ca
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Migra la configuració del KBabel, el Lokalize i/o el Poedit al Virtaal.af
Words containing uppercase letters onlyWoorde wat slegs uit hoofletters bestaanbn_IN
Terminology _Files...পরিভাষা সম্বন্ধীয় ফাইল...(_F)de
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURLs, Hostnamen und IP-Adressenpt_BR
%s option requires an argumenta opção %s necessita de um argumentogl
Terminology HelpAxuda de terminoloxíapt_BR
Reload FileRecarregar arquivobn_IN
show program's version number and exitপ্রোগ্রামের সংস্করণ সংখ্যা প্রদর্শন করে প্রস্থান করা হবেaf
The name stored in the file headerالاسÙ
 الذي يُحفظ في ترويسة الÙ
Machine Translation with libtranslateTradução automática com libtranslatesv
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sLokalize vertaalgeheugen: %(database_name)saf
<b>Language Information</b><b>Taalinligting</b>eu
%s option does not take a value%s aukerak ez du baliorik hartzenfr
Please enter your e-mail addressकृपया तपाइँको इ-मेल ठेगाना प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्ne
The file "%s" does not exist.फाइल "%s" à¤
वस्थित छैन ।ca at valencia
%s option does not take a valueلا يأخد الخيار %s قيÙ
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaalne
Terminology Filesপরিভাষার ফাইল যোগ করুনeu
Nothing migratedEz da ezer migratubn_IN
Gettext Translation TemplateGettext à¦
নুবাদের টেমপ্লেটsv
INI FileINI-filbn_IN
<b>Language Information</b><b>ভাষা সংক্রান্ত তথ্য</b>pt_BR
International Development and Research CentreInternational Development and Research Centreit
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.شغّل التسجيل، Ù
خزنا النتائج في الÙ
لف الÙ
A translation memory serverUn server di memoria di traduzionees
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.genomför profilering, lagrar resultatet till det angivna filnamnet.ne
P_age Upपृष्ठ माथिes
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationsw
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesKifaa cha kutafsiria cha kuwasaidia watafsiri wa kibiinadamu kutafsiri mafaili kwenda kwenye lugha nyinginezu
AutoCorrectorLungisa ngokuzihambelabn_IN
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal দ্বারা কোনো বৈশিষ্ট্যের মান à¦
থবা তথ্য মাইগ্রেট করা সম্ভব হয়নিsw
The name stored in the file headerEl nom emmagatzemat en la capçalera del fitxerru
"alt" AttributesАтрибуты "alt"ne
Saveबचत गर्नुहोस्ne
XLIFF Translation FileXLIFF à¦
নুবাদের ফাইলbn_IN
Paths referring to file locationsফাইলের à¦
বস্থান চিহ্নকারী পাথbn_IN
Translation Memoryà¦
নুবাদ সংকলনsw
Language name:Jina la lugha:ca
JavaScript error message fileFile del messaggio di errore JavaScriptru
Placeholders (Java)Метки-заполнители (Java)es
Configure...Configurar...ca at valencia
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsDobles espais i espais en posicions no esperadesgl
%s option requires an argumenta opción %s necesita un argumentoaf
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.'n Taalkode moet ten minste twee karakters lank wees.nl
Placeholders (Python)Tijdelijke aanduidingen (Python)it
Select Terminology SourcesSeleziona fonti terminologichefr
Tcl Translation FileFichier Tclde
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.اضغط <Alt+U> لتعليÙ
Ø© الحالية ÙƒÙ
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Non se puido abrir o ficheiro de perfil '%(filename)s'sv
_Case sensitive_Skiftlägeskänsligru
Please enter your team's informationВведите информацию о своей командеde
show this help message and exitDiesen Hilfetext anzeigen und beendenaf
Placeholders (Java)Plekhouers (Java)ca
Machine Translation with libtranslateTradueix automàticament amb libtranslateca
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'No s'ha pogut llegir el fitxer de configuració «%(filename)s»pt_BR
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsPalavras compostas com maiúsculas internas, como algumas marcas e PalavrasWikiit
Terminology FilesFile di terminologiafr
_Navigation: नेभिगेसन: it
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.attivare il logging, salvando il risultato nel nome del file fornito.ne
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.हालको à¤
स्पष्ट à¤
नुवादलाई चिनो लगाउन, सामान्य प्रेस गर्नुहोस् <Alt+U>ar
All Supported Filesكل الÙ
لفات الÙ
E-mailCorreo electrónicoes
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal é um programa para fazer tradução.fr
Report a _BugSignaler un _bogueru
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Не могу открыть лог '%(filename)s'gl
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal konnte keinerlei Einstellungen oder Daten migrierenbn_IN
The file contains nothing to translate.à¦
নুবাদ করার যোগ্য কোনো তথ্য ফাইলের মধ্যে উপস্থিত নেই।de
"%s" is not a usable file.«%s» no és un fitxer usable.gl
Automatically correct text while you typeCorrixir automaticamente o texto mentres escribeaf
_Online Help_Aanlynhulpit
Team:Gruppo di traduzione:ca at valencia
long integerenter granes
NameNomeca at valencia
Terms from Open-Tran.euTermes de l'Open-Tran.eues
Select sources of Translation MemoryElegir fuentes de memoria de traduccióneu
Placeholders in Java stringsJava kateetako leku-markakar
Add TermAggiungi terminesw
show this help message and exitonyesha ujumbe huu wa msaada na tokaca
Words containing uppercase letters onlyParaules que contenen només majúsculesit
Target text:Helburu-testua:ar
Source text:النص الÙ
_Recent Files_Zuletzt geöffnete Dateienfr
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryElegir las fuentes que deberían ser consultadas para la memoria de traducciónca
_Next PlaceableObjecte col·locable següe_ntca at valencia
Migration AssistantAuxiliar de migraciónl
Usage: %s
 Gebruik: %s
"alt" Attributes"alt"-Attributeit
Could not save file.
-%(error_message)sImpossibile salvare file.
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)flagga %s: ogiltigt val: %r (välj från %s)pt_BR
E-mail addressesEndereços de e-mailfr
The following items were migrated:Les éléments suivants ont été migrés :nl
floating-pointfloating-point getal (drijvende-komma-getal)nl
OpenTranOpenTranca at valencia
New Language PairNou parell de llengüesar
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Kon het logboekbestand '%(filename)s' niet openeneu
Placeholders (printf)Leku-markak (printf)ne
Enabledसक्षम गरीयोbn_IN
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesEen vertaalprogramma dat vertalers helpt bestanden naar andere talen te vertalenar
Translated units from the current fileVertaalde eenhede uit die huidige lêergl
PlaceablesObjetos colocáveisru
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.Информация о команде Ñ
ранится в заголовке файла. Это может быть, например, адрес элетронной почты или URL.ar
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.للانتقال بخطوات كبيرة بين النصوص اضغط Ctrl+PgUp أو Ctrl+PgDown.es
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>Etiquetas XML, como <b> y </i>es
Translation _Suggestions_Sugerencias disponiblessw
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sKBabel vertaalgeheugen: %(database_language_code)sgl
E-mail addressesEnderezo de correo electrónicoar
_Online HelpالÙ
ساعدة _على الخطru
Remote TMУдалённ. TMde
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.Der Sprachencode muss aus mindestens 2 Buchstaben bestehen.fr
Could not open file.
+%(error_message)sImpossibile salvare il file.
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)flagga %s: ogiltigt val: %r (välj från %s)pt_BR
E-mail addressesEndereços de e-mailfr
The following items were migrated:Les éléments suivants ont été migrés :nl
floating-pointfloating-point getal (drijvende-komma-getal)nl
OpenTranOpenTranca at valencia
New Language PairNou parell de llengüesar
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Kon het logboekbestand '%(filename)s' niet openenit
Unreviewed machine translationsTraduzioni automatizzate non revisionateeu
Placeholders (printf)Leku-markak (printf)ne
Enabledसक्षम गरीयोbn_IN
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesEen vertaalprogramma dat vertalers helpt bestanden naar andere talen te vertalenar
Translated units from the current fileVertaalde eenhede uit die huidige lêergl
PlaceablesObjetos colocáveisru
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.Информация о команде Ñ
ранится в заголовке файла. Это может быть, например, адрес элетронной почты или URL.ar
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.للانتقال بخطوات كبيرة بين النصوص اضغط Ctrl+PgUp أو Ctrl+PgDown.es
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>Etiquetas XML, como <b> y </i>es
Translation _Suggestions_Sugerencias disponiblessw
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sKBabel vertaalgeheugen: %(database_language_code)sgl
E-mail addressesEnderezo de correo electrónicoar
_Online HelpالÙ
ساعدة _على الخطru
Remote TMУдалённ. TMde
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.Der Sprachencode muss aus mindestens 2 Buchstaben bestehen.ca
Translated units from the current fileUnitats traduïdes del fitxer actualca
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareTraduccions anteriors per a programari lliure i de codi obertfr
Could not open file.
@@ -241,45 +242,37 @@
-Veuillez essayer d'ouvrir un autre fichier.it
%s option requires an argumentL'opzione %s richiede un argomentopt_BR
Terminology FilesArquivos de terminologiait
%s option does not take a valueL'opzione %s non prende un valoreeu
integerosokoaca at valencia
AutoCompletorCompletador automàticde
Virtaal websiteVirtaal Websitezu
Please enter your team's informationPor favor, introduza a información do seu equipoes
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.Exécuter le profilage dans le fichier indiqué.ca at valencia
Remote serverServidor remotfr
The file "%s" does not exist.Le fichier « %s » n'existe pas.ar
Currently open fileالÙ
لف الÙ
فتوح حالياar
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.خصائص الÙ
عدود قد تكون اختيارية، حسب نوع الترجÙ
Language name:Nom de la llengua:bn_IN
Terminology suggestionsTerminologievoorstelleaf
A TinyTM translation memory server'n TinyTM-bediener met vertaalgeheuear
Could not save file.
-Try saving at a different location.Impossibile salvare file.
-Provare a salvare in un percorso diverso.af
The current file has been modified.
+Veuillez essayer d'ouvrir un autre fichier.it
%s option requires an argumentl'opzione %s necessita di un argomentopt_BR
Terminology FilesArquivos de terminologiait
%s option does not take a valuel'opzione %s non prende un valoreeu
integerosokoaca at valencia
AutoCompletorCompleció automàticade
Virtaal websiteVirtaal Websitezu
Please enter your team's informationPor favor, introduza a información do seu equipoes
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.Exécuter le profilage dans le fichier indiqué.ca at valencia
Remote serverServidor remotbn_IN
Previous translations you have madeপূর্বে করা à¦
The file "%s" does not exist.Le fichier « %s » n'existe pas.ar
Currently open fileالÙ
لف الÙ
فتوح حالياar
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.خصائص الÙ
عدود قد تكون اختيارية، حسب نوع الترجÙ
Language name:Nom de la llengua:bn_IN
Terminology suggestionsTerminologievoorstelleaf
A TinyTM translation memory server'n TinyTM-bediener met vertaalgeheuear
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?حصل تغيير في الÙ
لف الحالي.
-أتريد حفظه؟eu
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.erabili emandako fitxategiko konfigurazioa.fr
Translation Memoryà¤
नुवाद समृतिnl
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)dubbelzinnige optie: %s (%s?)ne
Please enter your nameकृपया तपाइँको नाम प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्pt_BR
InitializationInicializaçãoca at valencia
Replace _AllReempl_aça-ho totzu
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sUmphimbo wokuhumusha wePoedit: %(database_language_code)sca
Virtaal PreferencesPreferències del Virtaalde
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Die Konfigurationsdatei '%(filename)s' konnte nicht gelesen werdenes
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sUmphimbo wokuhumusha weLokalize: %(database_name)sfr
Please enter your e-mail addressVeuillez indiquer votre adresse électroniquesw
Translated units from the current fileUnidades traducidos desde el archivo actualaf
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)opzione %s: scelta non valida: %r (scegliere da %s)sv
show program's version number and exitvisa programmets versionsnummer och avslutaca at valencia
Migration AssistantÙ
ساعد الانتقالne
_Update to TemplateActualizar a _plantillait
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Alla fine di una traduzione, premere <Invio> per continuare con la successiva.eu
Terminology _Files...Terminologia-_fitxategiak...ca
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.للانتقال بين النصوص اضغط Ctrl+Up أو Ctrl+Down.af
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Migreer instellings vanaf KBabel, Lokalize, en/of Poedit na Virtaal.gl
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchange (intercambio de base de datos de termos)sv
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" är inte en användbar fil.bn_IN
Poedit settingsPoedit-eko ezarpenaknl
ISO code:Code ISO :bn_IN
P_age Upএক পৃষ্ঠা উপরে (_a)zu
_Viewপ্রদর্শন (_V)sv
Machine Translation with libtranslateMaskinöversätt med libtranslatees
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsNúmeros enteros y fracciones decimalesbn_IN
Virtaal PreferencesVirtaal সংক্রান্ত পছন্দzu
Translation ToolIprogramu yokuhumusharu
Please enter the plural equation to useПожалуйста, введите формулу использования множественныÑ
Language code must be an ASCII string.Der Sprachencode muss eine ASCII-Zeichenfolge sein.ne
Machine Translation with libtranslateलिबà¤
नुवाद सहितको मेसिन à¤
Remote serverServidor remotru
XML Localization Interchange File FormatФайл локализации XMLaf
TMX Translation MemoryTMX à¦
নুবাদ সংকলনes
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemoria de traducción de KBabel: %(database_language_code)seu
Unable to load %(filename)s:
+أتريد حفظه؟eu
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.erabili emandako fitxategiko konfigurazioa.fr
Translation Memoryà¤
नुवाद समृतिnl
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)dubbelzinnige optie: %s (%s?)ne
Please enter your nameकृपया तपाइँको नाम प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्pt_BR
InitializationInicializaçãoca at valencia
Replace _AllReempl_aça-ho totzu
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sUmphimbo wokuhumusha wePoedit: %(database_language_code)sca
Virtaal PreferencesPreferències del Virtaalde
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Die Konfigurationsdatei '%(filename)s' konnte nicht gelesen werdenes
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sUmphimbo wokuhumusha weLokalize: %(database_name)sfr
Please enter your e-mail addressVeuillez indiquer votre adresse électroniquesw
Translated units from the current fileUnidades traducidos desde el archivo actualbn_IN
Automatically complete long words while you typeলম্বা শব্দ টাইপ করার সময় স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে তা পূরণ করা হবেaf
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)opzione %s: scelta non valida: %r (scegli da %s)sv
show program's version number and exitvisa programmets versionsnummer och avslutaca at valencia
Migration AssistantÙ
ساعد الانتقالne
_Update to TemplateActualizar a _plantillait
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Alla fine della traduzione, premere semplicemente <Invio> per continuare con la successiva.eu
Terminology _Files...Terminologia-_fitxategiak...ca
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.للانتقال بين النصوص اضغط Ctrl+Up أو Ctrl+Down.af
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Migreer instellings vanaf KBabel, Lokalize, en/of Poedit na Virtaal.gl
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchange (intercambio de base de datos de termos)sv
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" är inte en användbar fil.bn_IN
Poedit settingsPoedit-eko ezarpenaknl
ISO code:Code ISO :bn_IN
P_age Upএক পৃষ্ঠা উপরে (_a)zu
_Viewপ্রদর্শন (_V)sv
Machine Translation with libtranslateMaskinöversätt med libtranslatees
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsNúmeros enteros y fracciones decimalesbn_IN
Virtaal PreferencesVirtaal সংক্রান্ত পছন্দzu
Translation ToolIprogramu yokuhumusharu
Please enter the plural equation to useПожалуйста, введите формулу использования множественныÑ
Language code must be an ASCII string.Der Sprachencode muss eine ASCII-Zeichenfolge sein.bn_IN
This fileবর্তমান ফাইলne
Machine Translation with libtranslateलिबà¤
नुवाद सहितको मेसिन à¤
Remote serverServidor remotru
XML Localization Interchange File FormatФайл локализации XMLaf
TMX Translation MemoryTMX à¦
নুবাদ সংকলনes
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemoria de traducción de KBabel: %(database_language_code)seu
Unable to load %(filename)s:
 %(errormsg)sEzin da %(filename)s kargatu:
Use _Default FontsVor_gabeschrift verwendende
Automatically correct text while you typeAutomatische Korrektur von Text während der Eingabezu
Migration completedUkuthutha kuqediwesv
Missing LanguageSaknat språkit
Source text:Texte source :ru
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Elementu bereziak testuaren zati ezohikoak dira eta automatikoki nabarmen daitezke modu errazean txertatzeko itzulpenean.es
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal ist ein Ãœbersetzungsprogramm.fr
The current file has been modified.
Use _Default FontsVor_gabeschrift verwendende
Automatically correct text while you typeAutomatische Korrektur von Text während der Eingabezu
Migration completedUkuthutha kuqediwesv
Missing LanguageSaknat språkit
Error opening fileErrore apertura fileca at valencia
Local translation filesFitxers de traducció localsit
Use _Default FontsUtilitza els tipus de lletra per _defecteeu
Source text:Texte source :ru
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Elementu bereziak testuaren zati ezohikoak dira eta automatikoki nabarmen daitezke, itzulpenean modu errazean txertatzeko.es
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal ist ein Ãœbersetzungsprogramm.fr
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?Le fichier en cours a été modifié.
-Voulez-vous enregistrer les modifications ?gl
Placeholders (printf)Marcadores de substitución (printf)nl
Translation MemoryVertaalgeheugennl
Entity references, such as & and ©Entiteitreferenties zoals & en ©nl
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangesv
Language name:Språknamn:fr
The file contains nothing to translate.Le fichier ne contient rien à traduire.af
Translation memory suggestionsItzulpen-memoriako gomendioakgl
Placeholders (Java)Marcadores de substitución (Java)gl
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
+Voulez-vous enregistrer les modifications ?gl
Placeholders (printf)Marcadores de substitución (printf)nl
Translation MemoryVertaalgeheugennl
Entity references, such as & and ©Entiteitreferenties zoals & en ©ca
This fileAquest fitxernl
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangesv
Language name:Språknamn:fr
The file contains nothing to translate.Le fichier ne contient rien à traduire.af
Translation memory suggestionsItzulpen-memoriako gomendioakgl
Placeholders (Java)Marcadores de substitución (Java)gl
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
 If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.A <b>tradución</b> é o idioma ao cal está traducindo, tamén chamado idioma destino.
-Se está a traducir do inglés ao francés, francés sería a súa tradución ou o idioma destino.ar
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'تعذّر قراءة Ù
لف الإعدادات '%(filename)s'de
Qt Message FileQt Datei mit Meldungengl
XLIFF Translation FileFicheiro de tradución XLIFFeu
TMX Translation MemoryTMX itzulpen-memoriapt_BR
"alt" AttributesAtributos "alt"ru
Missing LanguageLugha Inakosekanapt_BR
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareTraduções anteriores de software librenl
Terminology FilesTerminologiebestandenar
Select sources of Translation Memoryاختر Ù
صادر ذاكرة الترجÙ
long integerLong Integerbn_IN
Missing Languageà¦
নুপস্থিত ভাষাde
Translation _SuggestionsÜbersetzung_svorschlägees
Unreviewed machine translationsTraducciones automáticas sin revisionar
All Supported Filesসর্বধরনের সমর্থিত ফাইলca at valencia
Nothing migratedNo s'ha migrat reses
Automatically complete long words while you typeCompletar palabras largas automáticamente mientras se tecleaes
Could not save file.
+Se está a traducir do inglés ao francés, francés sería a súa tradución ou o idioma destino.ar
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'تعذّر قراءة Ù
لف الإعدادات '%(filename)s'de
Qt Message FileQt Datei mit Meldungengl
XLIFF Translation FileFicheiro de tradución XLIFFeu
TMX Translation MemoryTMX itzulpen-memoriapt_BR
"alt" AttributesAtributos "alt"ru
Missing LanguageLugha Inakosekanapt_BR
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareTraduções anteriores de software librenl
Terminology FilesTerminologiebestandenar
Select sources of Translation Memoryاختر Ù
صادر ذاكرة الترجÙ
long integerLong Integerde
Translation _SuggestionsÜbersetzung_svorschlägees
Unreviewed machine translationsTraducciones automáticas sin revisionar
All Supported Filesসর্বধরনের সমর্থিত ফাইলca at valencia
Nothing migratedNo s'ha migrat reses
Automatically complete long words while you typeCompletar palabras largas automáticamente mientras se tecleaes
Could not save file.
 %(error_message)sNo se pudo guardar el archivo.
_Full Screen_Ù
لء الشّاشةit
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Formato file di intercambio localizzazioneaf
Remote serverServidor remotosv
invalid number of argumentsogiltigt antal argumentpt_BR
Local TMTM localpt_BR
Plural expression:Expressão de plural:it
_Online Help_Aiuto onlinear
Command Line Optionsخيارات سطر الأواÙ
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsEspacios dobles y espacios en lugares inesperadoses
Choose a Translation FileElegir un archivo de traducciónde
File NamesDateinamensw
The file "%s" does not exist."%s" fitxategia ez dago.gl
A TinyTM translation memory serverUn servidor TinyTM de memorias de traduciónar
Unable to load %(filename)s:
_Full Screen_Ù
لء الشّاشةit
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Formatit
Remote serverServidor remotosv
invalid number of argumentsogiltigt antal argumentpt_BR
Local TMTM localpt_BR
Plural expression:Expressão de plural:ca
XML TagsEtiquetes XMLit
_Online Help_Aiuto in lineaar
Command Line Optionsخيارات سطر الأواÙ
E-mail addressesAdreces de correu electrònices
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsEspacios dobles y espacios en lugares inesperadoses
Choose a Translation FileElegir un archivo de traducciónde
File NamesDateinamensw
The file "%s" does not exist."%s" fitxategia ez dago.gl
A TinyTM translation memory serverUn servidor TinyTM de memorias de traduciónar
Unable to load %(filename)s:
 %(errormsg)sتعذّر تحÙ
يل %(filename)s:
-%(errormsg)sca at valencia
The file "%s" does not exist.El fitxer «%s» no existeix.nl
Translation MemoryMemoria de traducciónne
_Recent Filesभर्खरैका फाइलit
Currently open fileFile attualmente apertozu
Translation ToolFerramenta de traduciónsw
Nothing migratedHakuna kilicho hamishwaca at valencia
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Per a marcar la traducció actual com a dubtosa, premeu simplement <Alt+U>fr
FileFichierca at valencia
TermBase eXchangeTermBase exChangeaf
Local translation filesPlaaslike vertaallêerssv
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationnl
Apertium Machine TranslationTradução automática Apertiumar
show program's version number and exitاعرض رقÙ
 إصدارة البرناÙ
ج Ø«Ù
Extendableقابل للإضافةbn_IN
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.মূল ভাষার পংক্তিটি, à¦
নুবাদের ভাষার ক্ষেত্রে কপি করার জন্য <Alt+Down> টিপুন।eu
The current file has been modified.
+%(errormsg)sca at valencia
The file "%s" does not exist.El fitxer «%s» no existeix.nl
Translation MemoryMemoria de traducciónne
_Recent Filesभर्खरैका फाइलit
Currently open fileFile attualmente apertozu
Source text:Text d'origen:gl
Translation ToolFerramenta de traduciónsw
Nothing migratedHakuna kilicho hamishwaca at valencia
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Per a marcar la traducció actual com a dubtosa, premeu simplement <Alt+U>.fr
FileFichierca at valencia
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangeaf
Local translation filesPlaaslike vertaallêerssv
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationnl
Apertium Machine TranslationTradução automática Apertiumar
show program's version number and exitاعرض رقÙ
 إصدارة البرناÙ
ج Ø«Ù
Extendableقابل للإضافةbn_IN
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.মূল ভাষার পংক্তিটি, à¦
নুবাদের ভাষার ক্ষেত্রে কপি করার জন্য <Alt+Down> টিপুন।eu
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?Erabiltzen ari zaren fitxategia aldatu egin da.
 Aldaketak gorde nahi dituzu?nl
Local TMLokaal TMca at valencia
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.activa el registre, el resultat s'emmagatzema al fitxer que es proporciona.nl
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
 If you are translating from English to French then English would be your original or source language.Het <b>Origineel</b> is de taal van waaruit u vertaalt, ook wel de brontaal genoemd.
-Als u vanuit het Engels naar het Frans vertaalt, is het Engels uw origineel of brontaal.fr
Unable to load %(filename)s:
+Als u vanuit het Engels naar het Frans vertaalt, is het Engels uw origineel of brontaal.sv
Unable to load %(filename)s:
 %(errormsg)sImpossible de charger %(filename)s:
Language name:Nome do idioma:bn_IN
_Update to templateটেমপ্লেট রূপে আপডেট করা হবে (_U)de
%s option requires an argument%s-Option erfordert ein Argumentar
Import data from other applications?أأستورد البيانات Ù
ن التطبيقات الأخرى؟ca
_Tutorial_Guia d'aprenentatgegl
Currently open fileHet geladen bestandgl
TBXTBXca at valencia
_Case sensitiveSensible a les majús_culessv
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal kunde inte migrera några inställningar eller datapt_BR
_Source term — %(langname)sTermo de _fonte — %(langname)sde
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangenl
Automatically complete long words while you typeAutomatisch lange woorden voltooien terwijl u typteu
floating-pointkoma higikorragl
INI FileFicheiro INIbn_IN
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
Language name:Nome do idioma:de
%s option requires an argument%s-Option erfordert ein Argumentca
Terminology FilesFitxers de terminologiaar
Import data from other applications?أأستورد البيانات Ù
ن التطبيقات الأخرى؟ca
_Tutorial_Guia d'aprenentatgegl
_Add Missing Language..._Afegeix una llengua absent…nl
Currently open fileHet geladen bestandgl
TBXTBXca at valencia
_Case sensitiveSensible a les majús_culessv
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal kunde inte migrera några inställningar eller datapt_BR
_Source term — %(langname)sTermo de _fonte — %(langname)sde
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangenl
Automatically complete long words while you typeAutomatisch lange woorden voltooien terwijl u typteu
floating-pointkoma higikorragl
INI FileFicheiro INIbn_IN
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
 If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.<b>à¦
নুবাদের ভাষা</b> à¦
র্থাৎ যে ভাষায় à¦
নুবাদ করা হচ্ছে।
@@ -287,17 +280,21 @@
 If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.La <b>traducció</b> és la llengua en la qual traduïu, que també rep el nom de llengua de destinació.
-Si esteu traduint de l'anglès al francès, el francès seria llavors la llengua de destinació.bn_IN
Language name:ভাষা:ne
Translation _SuggestionsItzulpen-g_omendioakde
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Soll Virtaal Einstellungen und Daten aus anderen Anwendungen importieren?bn_IN
%s option requires an argument%s বিকল্পের জন্য একটি আর্গুমেন্ট উল্লেখ করা আবশ্যকzu
Local translation filesItzulpen-fitxategi lokalaar
OpenOffice.org Translation FileÙ
لف ترجÙ
ة أوبن أوفيس.أورجaf
translator-creditsAntón Méixome <certima at certima.net>bn_IN
Replace _Allসমগ্র প্রতিস্থাপন করুন (_A)it
%s option requires an argument%s-opsie benodig 'n argumentca
All FilesTots els fitxersca
Reload FileHerlaai lêerzu
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesIprogramu yokuhumusha ukusiza umhumushi ukuhumusha amafayela ngezilimi ezinyeca at valencia
_Recent FilesFitxers _recentseu
JavaScript error message fileDatei mit Fehlermeldungen für JavaScripteu
Transfer From SourceTransferitu iturburutikaf
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Kon nie profiellêer '%(filename)s' open niebn_IN
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.একটি পংক্তি à¦
নুবাদের পরে, <Enter> টিপে পরবর্তী পংক্তিতে এগিয়ে চলুন।eu
_Add Missing Language...Engadir un _idioma...it
Gettext Translation TemplateFormato di traduzione Gettextaf
Please enter your nameGee asb. u naamsv
Qt Linguist Translation FileQt Lingvist-översättningsfilsv
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangegl
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" ez da fitxategi erabilgarria.nl
Qt Linguist Translation FileQt Linguist vertaalbestandsv
Personal InformationPersonlig informationar
Qt Phrase Bookكتاب عبارات Qteu
P_age UpOrri_a goraar
enable debugging featuresفعّل خصائص التنقيحit
TMX Translation MemoryMemoria di traduzione TMXpt_BR
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Impossible de lire le fichier de configuration « %(filename)s »fr
The file contains nothing to translate.El fitxer no té res per traduir.it
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Per copiare la stringa originale nel campo della lingua meta, premere <Alt+giù>.ca at valencia
_Page Down_Pàgina avalles
Entity references, such as & and ©Referencias a entidades, como & y ©gl
long integerenteiro longozu
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
+Si esteu traduint de l'anglès al francès, el francès seria llavors la llengua de destinació.bn_IN
Language name:ভাষা:ne
Translation _SuggestionsItzulpen-g_omendioakde
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Soll Virtaal Einstellungen und Daten aus anderen Anwendungen importieren?bn_IN
%s option requires an argument%s বিকল্পের জন্য একটি আর্গুমেন্ট উল্লেখ করা আবশ্যকzu
EnabledIyasebenzaca at valencia
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Informació del traductor</b>eu
Local translation filesItzulpen-fitxategi lokalaar
OpenOffice.org Translation FileÙ
لف ترجÙ
ة أوبن أوفيس.أورجaf
translator-creditsAntón Méixome <certima at certima.net>bn_IN
Replace _Allসমগ্র প্রতিস্থাপন করুন (_A)it
%s option requires an argument%s-opsie benodig 'n argumentca
All FilesTots els fitxersca
Reload FileHerlaai lêerzu
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesIprogramu yokuhumusha ukusiza umhumushi ukuhumusha amafayela ngezilimi ezinyeca at valencia
_Recent FilesFitxers _recentseu
JavaScript error message fileDatei mit Fehlermeldungen für JavaScriptit
libtranslatelibtranslateca at valencia
File NamesNoms de fitxereu
Transfer From SourceTransferitu iturburutikaf
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Kon nie profiellêer '%(filename)s' open niebn_IN
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.একটি পংক্তি à¦
নুবাদের পরে, <Enter> টিপে পরবর্তী পংক্তিতে এগিয়ে চলুন।eu
_Add Missing Language...Engadir un _idioma...it
Gettext Translation TemplateModello di traduzione Gettextsv
Qt Linguist Translation FileQt Lingvist-översättningsfilaf
Please enter your nameGee asb. u naamsv
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangegl
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" ez da fitxategi erabilgarria.nl
Qt Linguist Translation FileQt Linguist vertaalbestandsv
Personal InformationPersonlig informationar
Qt Phrase Bookكتاب عبارات Qteu
P_age UpOrri_a goraar
enable debugging featuresفعّل خصائص التنقيحit
TMX Translation MemoryMemoria di traduzione TMXpt_BR
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Impossible de lire le fichier de configuration « %(filename)s »fr
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsSeleziona le fonti dei suggerimenti terminologicica
The file contains nothing to translate.El fitxer no té res per traduir.it
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Per copiare la stringa originale nell'area di traduzione, basta premere <Alt+Giù>.ca at valencia
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Els objectes col·locables són parts especials d'un text que poden ressaltar-se automàticament i inserir-se fàcilment en una traducció.ca at valencia
_Page Down_Pàgina avalles
Entity references, such as & and ©Referencias a entidades, como & y ©gl
long integerenteiro longozu
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
 If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.<b>Tradução</b> é o idioma para o qual você está traduzindo, também chamado de idioma destino.
-Se você estiver traduzindo do inglês para o português, o idioma da tradução é o português.de
_Online Help_Online-Hilfede
enable debugging featuresFehleranalysefeatures aktivierenpt_BR
NumbersNúmerosca at valencia
Tcl Translation FileFitxer de traducció de Tclde
<b>Language Information</b><b>Sprachinformationen</b>de
Currently open fileIm Moment geöffnete Dateigl
Add TermEngadir un termonl
Add _Term..._Term toevoegen...es
"alt" AttributesAttributs « alt »fr
The name stored in the file headerNom utilisé dans les en-têtes de fichiersca
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Om de brontekst naar het doeltaalveld te kopiëren, moet u gewoon <Alt+PijlOmlaag> indrukken.pt_BR
All Supported FilesTodos os arquivos com suporteru
Error opening fileОшибка открытия файлаpt_BR
Qt Message FileArquivo de mensagem do Qtit
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal è un programa che serve per tradurre.ne
Java Properties Fileजाभा गुण फाइलsv
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).Fokus ligger på programöversättningar (lokalanpassning eller l10n) men vi tänker definitivt att det ska vara användbart som ett allmänt verktyg för datoriserad översättning (CAT).fr
OpenOffice.org Translation FileFichier OpenOffice.orgne
Virtaal Preferencesवीरताल प्राथमिकताnl
Wordfast Translation MemoryWordfast itzupen-memoriade
_Update to Template_Übersetzung in neue Vorlage übernehmenbn_IN
_Case sensitiveহরফের ছাঁদ সম্পর্কে সচেতন (_C)nl
Virtaal PreferencesVirtaal voorkeurenes
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Moet Virtaal probeer om instellings en data van ander programme in te voer?ar
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.लक्ष्य फाँट भित्र मौलिक स्ट्रिङ् प्रतिलिपि गर्न, सामान्य प्रेस गर्नुहोस् <Alt+Down>fr
A TinyTM translation memory serverTinyTM itzulpen-memoria zerbitzariaru
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)aukera anbiguoa: %s (%s?)pt_BR
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?à¤
न्तिममा बचत भएको प्रतिलिपिबाट फाइल पुन:लोड गरेर सम्पूर्ण परिवर्तनहरू गुमाउनु हुन्छ ?es
A TinyTM translation memory serverMemoria de traducción TinyTMru
Add Missing LanguageДобавить отсутствующий языкgl
The file "%s" does not exist.O ficheiro "%s" non existe.eu
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)خيار غاÙ
ض: %s (%s?)es
Terminology FilesTerminologia-fitxategiakde
Translated units from the current fileÃœbersetzte Einheiten der aktuellen Dateibn_IN
Wordfast Translation MemoryWordfast-র à¦
নুবাদ সংকলনru
Choose a Translation FileВыберите файл переводаgl
Translation _Suggestions_Suxestións de traducióneu
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Itzulpen-atazaren arabera, pluralen informazioa aukerazkoa izan daiteke.ca at valencia
XML Localization Interchange File FormatFormat de fitxer d'intercanvi de localització XMLaf
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).Die aanvanklike fokus is op die vertaling van sagteware (lokalisering of l10n), maar ons beplan definitief dat dit nuttig sal wees as 'n algemene hulp vir rekenaargesteunde vertaling.en_ZA
translator-creditsDwayne Baileyde
_Add Missing Language...Neue Spr_ache eingeben...it
Replace withSostituisci conde
Terms from Open-Tran.euTerminologie von Open-Tran.eufr
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURL'e, gasheername en IP-adressebn_IN
translator-creditsরুণা ভট্টাচার্য্য (runab at fedoraproject.org)ru
Automatically correct text while you typeАвтоматически корректировать текст во время набораgl
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.O código do idioma debe conter un mínimo de 2 caracteres.af
Lokalize settingsLokalize-instellingsru
ISO code:Код ISO:ru
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryВыберите источники, которые будут использоваться как база памяти переводовeu
TBX GlossaryTBX glosarioagl
Migration was successfully completedA migración foi completada correctamentezu
_Full ScreenIsikrini esig_cweleca at valencia
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationar
This fileهذا الÙ
Replace _All_Alles ersetzenit
_Missing Language...à¦
নুপস্থিত ভাষা...(_M)it
%prog [options]%prog [options]gl
_Case sensitive_Distinguir as maiúsculases
JavaScript error message fileFichier de messages d'erreur Javaar
Qt Message FileÙ
لف رسائل Qtfr
Local translation filesFichiers locaux de traductionbn_IN
_New Language Pair...ভাষা নতুন জুটি...(_N)es
_Online HelpAyuda en _líneapt_BR
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURLs, nomes de máquinas e endereços IPnl
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).Voorlopig ligt de klemtoon op software-vertaling (lokalisatie of l10n), maar het is zeker de bedoeling dat het bruikbaar wordt als universeel instrument voor computerondersteund vertalen (CAT, Computer Aided Translation).ca
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangees
Please enter your team's informationPor favor, introduzca los datos de su equipoar
Transfer From Sourceانقل Ù
ن الأصلit
_Target term — %(langname)sال_ترجÙ
ة — %(langname)sfr
Qt Message FileFichier de messages de Qtnl
Qt Message FileQt message-bestandbn_IN
INIINIca at valencia
Language name:Nom de la llengua:fr
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).Son champ initial est la traduction de logiciels (« localisation » ou l10n), mais il est prévu pour évoluer vers un outil généraliste de traduction assistée par ordinateur.ar
AutoCorrectorالتصحيح الآليit
The current file has been modified.
+Se você estiver traduzindo do inglês para o português, o idioma da tradução é o português.de
_Online Help_Online-Hilfede
enable debugging featuresFehleranalysefeatures aktivierenpt_BR
NumbersNúmerosca at valencia
Terminology suggestionsSuggeriments de terminologiaca at valencia
Tcl Translation FileFitxer de traducció de Tclde
<b>Language Information</b><b>Sprachinformationen</b>bn_IN
Currently open fileIm Moment geöffnete Dateigl
Add TermEngadir un termonl
Add _Term..._Term toevoegen...es
"alt" AttributesAttributs « alt »fr
The name stored in the file headerNom utilisé dans les en-têtes de fichiersca
Local translation filesà¦
নুবাদের স্থানীয় ফাইলnl
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Om de brontekst naar het doeltaalveld te kopiëren, moet u gewoon <Alt+PijlOmlaag> indrukken.it
All Supported FilesTodos os arquivos com suporteru
Error opening fileОшибка открытия файлаpt_BR
Qt Message FileArquivo de mensagem do Qtit
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal è un programma per la traduzione.sv
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).Fokus ligger på programöversättningar (lokalanpassning eller l10n) men vi tänker definitivt att det ska vara användbart som ett allmänt verktyg för datoriserad översättning (CAT).ne
Java Properties Fileजाभा गुण फाइलfr
OpenOffice.org Translation FileFichier OpenOffice.orgne
Virtaal Preferencesवीरताल प्राथमिकताnl
Wordfast Translation MemoryWordfast itzupen-memoriade
_Update to Template_Übersetzung in neue Vorlage übernehmenca at valencia
_Target term — %(langname)sTerme de des_tinació — %(langname)sbn_IN
_Case sensitiveহরফের ছাঁদ সম্পর্কে সচেতন (_C)nl
Virtaal PreferencesVirtaal voorkeurenbn_IN
Translation memory suggestionsà¦
নুবাদের মেমরি থেকে প্রাপ্ত প্রস্তাবca at valencia
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Moet Virtaal probeer om instellings en data van ander programme in te voer?ar
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.लक्ष्य फाँट भित्र मौलिक स्ट्रिङ् प्रतिलिपि गर्न, सामान्य प्रेस गर्नुहोस् <Alt+Down>fr
A TinyTM translation memory serverTinyTM itzulpen-memoria zerbitzariaru
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)aukera anbiguoa: %s (%s?)pt_BR
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?à¤
न्तिममा बचत भएको प्रतिलिपिबाट फाइल पुन:लोड गरेर सम्पूर्ण परिवर्तनहरू गुमाउनु हुन्छ ?es
A TinyTM translation memory serverMemoria de traducción TinyTMru
Add Missing LanguageДобавить отсутствующий языкgl
The file "%s" does not exist.O ficheiro "%s" non existe.eu
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)خيار غاÙ
ض: %s (%s?)es
Terminology FilesTerminologia-fitxategiakde
Translated units from the current fileÃœbersetzte Einheiten der aktuellen Dateibn_IN
Wordfast Translation MemoryWordfast-র à¦
নুবাদ সংকলনru
Choose a Translation FileВыберите файл переводаgl
Translation _Suggestions_Suxestións de traducióneu
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Itzulpen-atazaren arabera, pluralen informazioa aukerazkoa izan daiteke.ca at valencia
XML Localization Interchange File FormatFormat de fitxer d'intercanvi de localització XMLaf
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).Die aanvanklike fokus is op die vertaling van sagteware (lokalisering of l10n), maar ons beplan definitief dat dit nuttig sal wees as 'n algemene hulp vir rekenaargesteunde vertaling.en_ZA
translator-creditsDwayne Baileybn_IN
Unable to load %(filename)s:
+%(errormsg)s%(filename)s লোড করতে ব্যর্থ:
Source text:Testo sorgente:de
_Add Missing Language...Neue Spr_ache eingeben...it
Replace withSostituisci conde
Terms from Open-Tran.euTerminologie von Open-Tran.eubn_IN
N_avigation:পরিদর্শন: (_a)fr
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURL'e, gasheername en IP-adressebn_IN
translator-creditsরুণা ভট্টাচার্য্য (runab at fedoraproject.org)ru
Automatically correct text while you typeАвтоматически корректировать текст во время набораgl
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.O código do idioma debe conter un mínimo de 2 caracteres.af
Lokalize settingsLokalize-instellingsru
ISO code:Код ISO:ru
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryВыберите источники, которые будут использоваться как база памяти переводовeu
TBX GlossaryTBX glosarioagl
Migration was successfully completedA migración foi completada correctamentezu
_Full ScreenIsikrini esig_cweleca at valencia
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationar
This fileهذا الÙ
Replace _All_Alles ersetzenit
%prog [options]%prog [opzioni]gl
_Case sensitive_Distinguir as maiúsculases
JavaScript error message fileFichier de messages d'erreur Javaar
Qt Message FileÙ
لف رسائل Qtfr
Local translation filesFichiers locaux de traductionbn_IN
_New Language Pair...ভাষা নতুন জুটি...(_N)es
_Online HelpAyuda en _líneapt_BR
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURLs, nomes de máquinas e endereços IPnl
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).Voorlopig ligt de klemtoon op software-vertaling (lokalisatie of l10n), maar het is zeker de bedoeling dat het bruikbaar wordt als universeel instrument voor computerondersteund vertalen (CAT, Computer Aided Translation).ca
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangees
Please enter your team's informationPor favor, introduzca los datos de su equipoar
Transfer From Sourceانقل Ù
ن الأصلit
_Target term — %(langname)sال_ترجÙ
ة — %(langname)sfr
Qt Message FileFichier de messages de Qtnl
Qt Message FileQt message-bestandbn_IN
INIINIca at valencia
Language name:Nom de la llengua:fr
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).Son champ initial est la traduction de logiciels (« localisation » ou l10n), mais il est prévu pour évoluer vers un outil généraliste de traduction assistée par ordinateur.ar
AutoCorrectorالتصحيح الآليit
AutoCorrectorCorrezione automaticaru
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?Текущий файл был изменён.
ранить изменения?fr
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsMots avec mise en capitales interne, notamment dans les noms de marques ou les noms Wiki.sv
_Localization Guide_Lokalanpassningsguidefr
Available _Suggestions_Suggeriments disponiblesaf
Select sources of Translation MemorySelecionar fontes de memória de traduçãode
Translation memory suggestionsПредположения из памяти переводовca
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
ранить изменения?fr
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsMots avec mise en capitales interne, notamment dans les noms de marques ou les noms Wiki.sv
_Localization Guide_Lokalanpassningsguidefr
Select sources of Translation MemorySelecionar fontes de memória de traduçãode
Translation memory suggestionsПредположения из памяти переводовca
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
 If you are translating from English to French then English would be your original or source language.L'<b>original</b> és la llengua a partir de la qual esteu traduint, que també rep el nom de llengua d'origen.
-Si esteu traduint de l'anglès al francès, l'anglès seria llavors la llengua original o d'origen.af
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>XML-etikette, soos <b> en </i>gl
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IOpcións da liña de ordes, tales como --help, -h e -Ibn_IN
OpenOffice.org Translation FileOpenOffice.org à¦
নুবাদের ফাইলgl
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareTraducións previas de software librefr
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IOptions de ligne de commande des applications, comme --help, -h ou -Ipt_BR
Add TermAdicionar termoca
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" non è un file utilizzabile.ca at valencia
long integerinteiro longoca
Nothing migratedNo s'ha migrat resne
Reload Fileफाइल पुन:लोड गर्नुहोस्ar
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsكلÙ
ات ذات حروف كبيرة في وسطها، Ù
ثل أسÙ
اء الÙ
نتجات وكلÙ
ات الويكي (WikiWords)fr
Add TermAjouter un termezu
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataI-Virtaal akwazanga ukuthutha izinhlelo noma ukwaziswagl
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Para marcar a tradución actual como dubidosa, prema <Alt+U>.gl
Entity references, such as & and ©Referencias de entidades, como & e ©af
Automatically correct text while you typeKorrigeer teks outomaties terwyl u tiksv
<b>Language information</b><b>Språkinformation</b>ru
Target text:Целевой текст:af
A translation memory server'n Bediener met vertaalgeheuegl
Please enter your namePor favor, introduza o seu nomeca
_Page Down_Pàgina avallaf
Plural expression:Meervouduitdrukking:fr
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationar
This fileFitxategi hausv
%s option does not take a value%s-Option nimmt keinerlei Wert anit
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemoria di traduzione di Poedit: %(database_language_code)sca
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemòria de traducció del KBabel: %(database_language_code)sca
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemòria de traducció del Poedit: %(database_language_code)sfr
This fileCe fichieres
E-mail address:Dirección de correo electrónico:es
Command Line OptionsOpciones de linea de órdenesru
Translation MemoryБаза памяти переводовca
Personal InformationInformació personalaf
Choose a Translation FileKies een vertaalbestandnl
_Full ScreenScherm_vullendaf
Terms from Open-Tran.euOpen-Tran.eu guneko terminoakes
Qt Phrase BookLibro de frases Qtgl
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Prema Ctrl+RePáx o Ctrl+AvPáx para moverse entre traducións a grandes pasos.eu
E-mail addressesHelbide elektronikoakru
Placeholders in Java stringsМетки-заполнители в строкаÑ
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemoria de tradución de Poedit: %(database_language_code)sgl
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsNúmeros enteiros e fraccións decimaispt_BR
enable debugging featureshabilita recursos de depuraçãoru
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Фиртаал (Virtaal) — это программа для переводов.af
_Localization Guide_Lokaliseringsgidsru
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Перезагрузить файл из последней соÑ
ранённой копии с потерей всеÑ
Machine Translation with libtranslateComputervertaling met libtranslatear
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Ù
ات الÙ
</b>ca at valencia
Currently open fileFitxer obert actualmentes
Error opening fileError abriendo archivoeu
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsHautatu terminologia-gomendioen iturburuakca at valencia
show this help message and exitmostra este missatge d'ajuda i ixzu
ISO code:Ikhodi le-ISO:sw
Language code must be an ASCII string.Kodi ya lugha lazima iwe utungo wa ASCII.ca at valencia
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sMemòria de traducció del Lokalize: %(database_name)sne
TBX GlossaryTBX शव्दभण्डारsv
OpenOffice.org Translation FileOpenOffice.org-översättningsfilnl
no such option: %soptie bestaat niet: %saf
option %s: invalid %s value: %ropsie %s: ongeldige %s-waarde: %reu
Add TermGehitu terminoaeu
The file contains nothing to translate.Fitxategiak ez du ezer itzultzeko.ru
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationАвторские права © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationaf
Placeholders in Java stringsPlekhouers in Java-stringeaf
no such option: %sniebestaande opsie: %seu
Could not open file.
+Si esteu traduint de l'anglès al francès, l'anglès seria llavors la llengua original o d'origen.af
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>XML-etikette, soos <b> en </i>gl
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IOpcións da liña de ordes, tales como --help, -h e -Ibn_IN
OpenOffice.org Translation FileOpenOffice.org à¦
নুবাদের ফাইলgl
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareTraducións previas de software librefr
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IOptions de ligne de commande des applications, comme --help, -h ou -Ipt_BR
Add TermAdicionar termoca
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationsw
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" non è un file utilizzabile.ca at valencia
long integerinteiro longoca
Nothing migratedNo s'ha migrat resne
Reload Fileफाइल पुन:लोड गर्नुहोस्ar
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsكلÙ
ات ذات حروف كبيرة في وسطها، Ù
ثل أسÙ
اء الÙ
نتجات وكلÙ
ات الويكي (WikiWords)fr
Add TermAjouter un termezu
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataI-Virtaal akwazanga ukuthutha izinhlelo noma ukwaziswagl
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Para marcar a tradución actual como dubidosa, prema <Alt+U>.gl
Entity references, such as & and ©Referencias de entidades, como & e ©af
Automatically correct text while you typeKorrigeer teks outomaties terwyl u tikit
PlaceablesElementi placeablesv
<b>Language information</b><b>Språkinformation</b>ru
Target text:Целевой текст:af
A translation memory server'n Bediener met vertaalgeheuegl
Please enter your namePor favor, introduza o seu nomeca
_Page Down_Pàgina avallaf
Plural expression:Meervouduitdrukking:fr
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationar
This fileFitxategi haude
%s option does not take a value%s-Option nimmt keinerlei Wert anit
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemoria di traduzione di Poedit: %(database_language_code)sca at valencia
Translation memory suggestionsSuggeriments de la memòria de traduccióca
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemòria de traducció del KBabel: %(database_language_code)sca
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemòria de traducció del Poedit: %(database_language_code)sfr
This fileCe fichieres
E-mail address:Dirección de correo electrónico:es
Command Line OptionsOpciones de linea de órdenesru
Translation MemoryБаза памяти переводовaf
Choose a Translation FileKies een vertaalbestandnl
_Full ScreenScherm_vullendca at valencia
_Next PlaceableObjecte col·locable següe_ntaf
Terms from Open-Tran.euOpen-Tran.eu guneko terminoakit
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationes
Qt Phrase BookLibro de frases Qtgl
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Prema Ctrl+RePáx o Ctrl+AvPáx para moverse entre traducións a grandes pasos.eu
E-mail addressesHelbide elektronikoakru
Placeholders in Java stringsМетки-заполнители в строкаÑ
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemoria de tradución de Poedit: %(database_language_code)sgl
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsNúmeros enteiros e fraccións decimaispt_BR
enable debugging featureshabilita recursos de depuraçãoru
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Фиртаал (Virtaal) — это программа для переводов.af
_Localization Guide_Lokaliseringsgidsru
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Перезагрузить файл из последней соÑ
ранённой копии с потерей всеÑ
Machine Translation with libtranslateComputervertaling met libtranslatear
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Ù
ات الÙ
Add Missing LanguageAfegeix una llengua absentca at valencia
Currently open fileFitxer obert actualmentes
Error opening fileError abriendo archivoeu
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsHautatu terminologia-gomendioen iturburuakca at valencia
show this help message and exitmostra este missatge d'ajuda i ixzu
ISO code:Ikhodi le-ISO:sw
Language code must be an ASCII string.Kodi ya lugha lazima iwe utungo wa ASCII.ne
TBX GlossaryTBX शव्दभण्डारca at valencia
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sMemòria de traducció del Lokalize: %(database_name)ssv
OpenOffice.org Translation FileOpenOffice.org-översättningsfilnl
no such option: %soptie bestaat niet: %saf
option %s: invalid %s value: %ropsie %s: ongeldige %s-waarde: %reu
Add TermGehitu terminoaeu
The file contains nothing to translate.Fitxategiak ez du ezer itzultzeko.ru
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationАвторские права © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationaf
Placeholders in Java stringsPlekhouers in Java-stringeaf
no such option: %sniebestaande opsie: %seu
Could not open file.
@@ -309,15 +306,15 @@
 %(errormsg)sNon foi posíbel cargar %(filename)s:
complexcomplex getalne
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsEscolher fontes de sugestões de terminologiaeu
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSinboloak eta oso ohikoak ez diren puntuazio-ikurrakar
The file contains nothing to translate.لا يحتوي الÙ
لف على شيء ليترجÙ
Qt Message FileFicheiro de mensaxes de Qtru
_Update to template_Aggiorna templatenl
PlaceablesPlaceables (Plaatsbare elementen)gl
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)opción %s: a selección non é válida: %r (elixir entre %s)ar
File NamesأسÙ
اء الÙ
ErrorHitilafuca at valencia
All FilesTots els fitxersru
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Спецобъекты для атрибутов "alt" (для HTML)sv
Please enter the plural equation to useرجاء أدخل Ù
عادلة الجÙ
وعca at valencia
Please enter your team's informationIntroduïu la informació del vostre equipes
Placeholders (Python)Comodines (Python)eu
Qt Phrase BookQt esaldi-liburuaaf
Java Properties FileJava properties fitxategiaaf
_Next PlaceableVo_lgende plaasbare itemes
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.usar el archivo de configuración indicado por el nombre de archivo.ru
We thank our donors:Благодарим нашиÑ
Report a _Bug_Relatar um erroaf
Automatically complete long words while you typeVoltooi lang woorde outomaties terwyl u tikgl
_New Language Pair..._Nova parella de idiomas...fr
Wordfast Translation MemoryMémoire de traduction Wordfastgl
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sTranslation Memory von Poedit: %(database_language_code)ssv
Please enter the plural equation to useAnge pluralisekvationen att användaar
Translated units from the current fileالترجÙ
ات Ù
Ù† الÙ
لف الحاليit
long integernumero intero lungoca
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURL, nomes de host e enderezos IPpt_BR
TBX GlossaryGlossário em TBXar
Lokalize settingsإعدادات لوكالايزes
Migration completedMigración completadaes
Local translation filesArchivos locales de traducciónpt_BR
Local fileArquivo localde
Error opening fileFehler beim Öffnen der Dateies
Add Missing LanguageEngadir un idioma ausentefr
Choose a Translation FileChoisir un fichier de traductionca
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Per a marcar la traducció actual com a dubtosa, premeu simplement <Alt+U>ca at valencia
Could not save file.
complexcomplex getalne
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsEscolher fontes de sugestões de terminologiaeu
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSinboloak eta oso ohikoak ez diren puntuazio-ikurrakar
The file contains nothing to translate.لا يحتوي الÙ
لف على شيء ليترجÙ
Qt Message FileFicheiro de mensaxes de Qtru
The name stored in the file headerফাইলের হেডারের মধ্যে সংরক্ষিত নামnl
PlaceablesPlaceables (Plaatsbare elementen)gl
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)opción %s: a selección non é válida: %r (elixir entre %s)ar
File NamesأسÙ
اء الÙ
F_uzzyL_uddigca at valencia
All FilesTots els fitxersru
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Спецобъекты для атрибутов "alt" (для HTML)ar
Please enter the plural equation to useرجاء أدخل Ù
عادلة الجÙ
وعca at valencia
Please enter your team's informationIntroduïu la informació del vostre equipes
Placeholders (Python)Comodines (Python)eu
Qt Phrase BookQt esaldi-liburuaaf
Java Properties FileJava properties fitxategiaaf
_Next PlaceableVo_lgende plaasbare itemes
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.usar el archivo de configuración indicado por el nombre de archivo.ru
We thank our donors:Благодарим нашиÑ
Report a _Bug_Relatar um erroaf
Automatically complete long words while you typeVoltooi lang woorde outomaties terwyl u tikgl
_New Language Pair..._Nova parella de idiomas...fr
Wordfast Translation MemoryMémoire de traduction Wordfastbn_IN
Choose a Translation Fileএকটি à¦
নুবাদের ফাইল নির্বাচন করুনgl
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sTranslation Memory von Poedit: %(database_language_code)sca at valencia
Please enter the plural equation to useAnge pluralisekvationen att användaar
Translated units from the current fileالترجÙ
ات Ù
Ù† الÙ
لف الحاليit
long integerNumero intero lungoca
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURL, nomes de host e enderezos IPpt_BR
TBX GlossaryGlossário em TBXar
Lokalize settingsإعدادات لوكالايزes
Migration completedMigración completadaes
Local translation filesArchivos locales de traducciónpt_BR
Local fileArquivo localde
Error opening fileFehler beim Öffnen der Dateies
Add Missing LanguageEngadir un idioma ausentefr
Choose a Translation FileChoisir un fichier de traductionca
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Per a marcar la traducció actual com a dubtosa, premeu simplement <Alt+U>.ca at valencia
Could not save file.
 %(error_message)sNo s'ha pogut alçar el fitxer.
A TinyTM translation memory serverTinyTM ist ein Translation Memory Serverpt_BR
Import data from other applications?Importar dados de outros aplicativos?gl
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Seleccionou abrir o ficheiro xa aberto. Quere recargar o ficheiro?nl
Qt Phrase BookQt Phrase Bookfr
Add FilesAjouter des fichierspt_BR
XML TagsEtiquetas XMLzu
_Page Down_Phenya phansibn_IN
Command Line OptionsОпции командной строкиca at valencia
Qt Phrase BookLivro de frases do Qtru
Use _Default FontsИспользовать _шрифты по умолчаниюru
URLsАдреса URLfr
Number of plurals:Nombre de pluriels :gl
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.activar o rexistro, gardando o resultado no nome de ficheiro indicado.bn_IN
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.তথ্য à¦
নুবাদের উদ্দেশ্যে Virtaal একটি ব্যবহারযোগ্য প্রোগ্রাম।sv
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Tryck helt enkelt <Enter> vid slutet av en översättning för att fortsätta med nästa.de
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsGanzzahlen und Dezimalbrüchept_BR
Virtaal websiteWebsite do Virtaaleu
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [aukerak] [itzulpen_fitxategia]nl
Trados Tag EditorTrados Tag Editorbn_IN
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).প্রথমে প্রধানত সফ্টওয়্যার à¦
নুবাদের (localization or l10n) উদ্দেশ্যে নির্মাণ করা হলেও, বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্রে à¦
নুবাদের জন্য ব্যবহারযোগ্য Computer Aided Translation (CAT) à¦
র্থাৎ কম্পিউটার সহযোগে à¦
নুবাদ ব্যবস্থা রূপে এটি বিস্তার করতে আমরা ইচ্ছুক।it
Choose a translation fileScegli un file di traduzioneeu
Paths referring to file locationsFitxategien kokapena adierazten duten bideakca
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Feu servir Ctrl+Amunt o Ctrl+Avall per a moure-vos al llarg de la traducció.gl
Reload FileRecargar o ficheirogl
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useIntroduza a cantidade de formas nominais (plurais) que usaráit
A translation memory serverServidor de memorias de traduciónar
New Language Pairزوج لغات جديدpt_BR
JavaScript error message fileArquivo de mensagens de erro do JavaScriptar
Team:الفريق:ca at valencia
Header informationInformació de la capçaleraaf
Virtaal websiteVirtaal-webwerffr
_Next PlaceableObjet _insérable suivantde
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareVorherige Übersetzungen für Freie und Open Source Softwaregl
Please enter your e-mail addressPor favor, introduza a seu enderezo de correo electrónicoca
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Heu seleccionat obrir el fitxer que ja està obert actualment. Voleu tornar a carregar-lo?bn_IN
Personal Informationব্যক্তিগত তথ্যaf
Translation _SuggestionsVertaalvoor_stellear
Machine Translation with libtranslateترجÙ
Ø© آلية باستخداÙ
C++ RC FileArchivo RC de C++it
Header informationInformazioni di testatade
Add TermNeuer Begriffnl
Unable to load %(filename)s:
A TinyTM translation memory serverTinyTM ist ein Translation Memory Serverpt_BR
Import data from other applications?Importar dados de outros aplicativos?gl
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Seleccionou abrir o ficheiro xa aberto. Quere recargar o ficheiro?nl
Qt Phrase BookQt Phrase Bookfr
Add FilesAjouter des fichierspt_BR
XML TagsEtiquetas XMLit
_Page Down_Phenya phansibn_IN
Command Line OptionsОпции командной строкиca at valencia
Qt Phrase BookLivro de frases do Qtca
Local translation filesFitxers de traducció localsru
Use _Default FontsИспользовать _шрифты по умолчаниюru
URLsАдреса URLfr
Number of plurals:Nombre de pluriels :gl
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.activar o rexistro, gardando o resultado no nome de ficheiro indicado.bn_IN
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.তথ্য à¦
নুবাদের উদ্দেশ্যে Virtaal একটি ব্যবহারযোগ্য প্রোগ্রাম।sv
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Tryck helt enkelt <Enter> vid slutet av en översättning för att fortsätta med nästa.de
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsGanzzahlen und Dezimalbrüchept_BR
Virtaal websiteWebsite do Virtaaleu
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [aukerak] [itzulpen_fitxategia]nl
Trados Tag EditorTrados Tag Editorbn_IN
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).প্রথমে প্রধানত সফ্টওয়্যার à¦
নুবাদের (localization or l10n) উদ্দেশ্যে নির্মাণ করা হলেও, বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্রে à¦
নুবাদের জন্য ব্যবহারযোগ্য Computer Aided Translation (CAT) à¦
র্থাৎ কম্পিউটার সহযোগে à¦
নুবাদ ব্যবস্থা রূপে এটি বিস্তার করতে আমরা ইচ্ছুক।eu
Paths referring to file locationsFitxategien kokapena adierazten duten bideakca
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Feu servir Ctrl+Amunt o Ctrl+Avall per a moure-vos al llarg de la traducció.gl
Reload FileRecargar o ficheirogl
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useIntroduza a cantidade de formas nominais (plurais) que usaráit
A translation memory serverServidor de memorias de traduciónar
New Language Pairزوج لغات جديدpt_BR
JavaScript error message fileArquivo de mensagens de erro do JavaScriptar
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsDobles espais i espais en posicions no esperadesar
Team:الفريق:ca at valencia
Header informationInformació de la capçaleraaf
Virtaal websiteVirtaal-webwerffr
_Next PlaceableObjet _insérable suivantde
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareVorherige Übersetzungen für Freie und Open Source Softwaregl
Please enter your e-mail addressPor favor, introduza a seu enderezo de correo electrónicoca
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Heu seleccionat obrir el fitxer que ja està obert actualment. Voleu tornar a carregar-lo?af
Translation _SuggestionsVertaalvoor_stellear
Machine Translation with libtranslateترجÙ
Ø© آلية باستخداÙ
E-mail address:Adreça de correu electrònic:sv
C++ RC FileArchivo RC de C++it
Header informationInformazioni di testatade
Add TermNeuer Begriffnl
Unable to load %(filename)s:
 %(errormsg)sKon %(filename)s niet laden:
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Om die huidige vertaling as wasig te merk, druk bloot <Alt+I>.ca at valencia
Qt Phrase BookLlibres de frases de QTca at valencia
ISO code:Codi ISO:ne
Placeholders in Java stringsConteneurs (« placeholders ») dans les chaînes Javaru
CapitalsЗаглавныеca at valencia
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsChoisir les sources pour les suggestions de terminologiept_BR
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.Activer la journalisation dans le fichier indiqué.af
Could not save file.
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Om die huidige vertaling as wasig te merk, druk bloot <Alt+I>.ca at valencia
Qt Phrase BookLlibres de frases de QTca at valencia
ISO code:Codi ISO:ne
Placeholders in Java stringsConteneurs (« placeholders ») dans les chaînes Javaru
CapitalsЗаглавныеca at valencia
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsChoisir les sources pour les suggestions de terminologiept_BR
The e-mail address stored in the file headerL'adreça de correu electrònic emmagatzemada en la capçalera del fitxerfr
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.Activer la journalisation dans le fichier indiqué.af
Could not save file.
@@ -325,20 +322,22 @@
-Probeer op 'n ander plek te stoor.fr
TBX GlossaryGlossaire TBXca at valencia
"%s" is not a usable file.Нельзя работать с файлом "%s".af
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Aan die einde van 'n vertaling, druk bloot <Enter> om na die volgende een aan te gaan.bn_IN
We thank our donors:Gure eskerrik beroenak babesleei:eu
show program's version number and exitVersionsnummer des Programms anzeigen und beendenca
Please enter your namePor favor, digite seu nomene
_Online Helpà¤
नलाइन मद्दतsv
<b>Language information</b><b>Habari za Lugha</b>it
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataImpossibile importare impostazioni o datifr
translator-creditsDiego Donati <diegodonati [at] yahoo [dot] it>pt_BR
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.skryf na 'n joernaal en stoor die resultaat in die gegewe lêernaam.de
Local Translation MemoryLokale Translation Memoryar
Automatically correct text while you typeصحح النص تلقائيا بينÙ
ا أكتبit
All Supported FilesTutti i file supportatien_GB
_Localization Guide_Localisation Guideca
Plural expression:Expressió del plural:zu
Replace _AllShintshanisa _konkept_BR
AutoCorrectorCorretor automáticode
The current file has been modified.
+Probeer op 'n ander plek te stoor.fr
TBX GlossaryGlossaire TBXca at valencia
"%s" is not a usable file.Нельзя работать с файлом "%s".af
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Aan die einde van 'n vertaling, druk bloot <Enter> om na die volgende een aan te gaan.bn_IN
We thank our donors:Gure eskerrik beroenak babesleei:eu
show program's version number and exitVersionsnummer des Programms anzeigen und beendenca
Please enter your namePor favor, digite seu nomeca
_Online Helpà¤
नलाइन मद्दतsv
<b>Language information</b><b>Habari za Lugha</b>it
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataImpossibile migrare impostazioni o datifr
translator-creditsDiego Donati, freelance translator, Italypt_BR
Placeablesসন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তুaf
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.skryf na 'n joernaal en stoor die resultaat in die gegewe lêernaam.de
Local Translation MemoryLokale Translation Memoryar
Automatically correct text while you typeصحح النص تلقائيا بينÙ
ا أكتبit
All Supported FilesTutti i file supportatien_GB
_Localization Guide_Localisation Guideca
Plural expression:Expressió del plural:zu
Replace _AllShintshanisa _konkept_BR
AutoCorrectorCorretor automáticode
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?Die aktuelle Datei wurde geändert.
-Wollen Sie die Änderungen speichern?ne
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)optie %s: ongeldige keuze: %r (kies uit %s)ca
Could not open file.
-Try opening a different file.No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer.
-Proveu d'obrir un altre fitxer.ne
<b>Language information</b><b>भाषा सूचना</b>ru
Plural expression:Выражения для форм множественныÑ
The following items were migrated:De volgende elementen werden gemigreerd:ru
translator-creditsعلاء عبد الفتاح	<alaa at translate.org.za>
-خالد حسني	<Khaledhosny at eglug.org>nl
_Update to Template_Bijwerken m.b.v. sjabloonaf
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Korporasiept_BR
Machine Translation with libtranslateMaschinenübersetzung mit libtranslateca at valencia
<b>Language information</b><b>Informació de la llengua</b>eu
Source text:Iturburu-testua:fr
TMX Translation MemoryMémoire de traduction TMXpt_BR
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataO Virtaal não foi capaz de migrar quaisquer configurações ou dadosnl
Local fileLokaal bestandde
Virtaal PreferencesOkuthadekayo kwe-Virtaalar
_Page Downص_فحة للأسفلru
Translation ToolИнструмент для переводаsw
Please enter your team's informationTafadhali ingiza taarifa za timu yakoes
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchange (intercambio de memoria de traducción)fr
Report a _BugRapportera ett _problemzu
Virtaal websiteSito web di Virtaalbn_IN
Qt Message FileQt বার্তার ফাইলaf
Translation ToolKifaa cha Kutafsirifr
Apertium Machine TranslationTraduction automatique Apertiumru
C++ RC FileFichier de ressources C++es
Local TMTM localbn_IN
Translation MemoryVertaalgeheueeu
Translation MemoryItzulpen-memorianl
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Op het einde van de vertaling moet u gewoon <Enter> indrukken om door te gaan naar de volgende.gl
All FilesTodos los archivosar
P_age Up_صفحة للأعلىes
<b>Language Information</b><b>Información del idioma</b>fr
Could not save file.
+Wollen Sie die Änderungen speichern?ne
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)optie %s: ongeldige keuze: %r (kies uit %s)ne
<b>Language information</b><b>भाषा सूचना</b>ru
Plural expression:Выражения для форм множественныÑ
The following items were migrated:De volgende elementen werden gemigreerd:ru
translator-creditsعلاء عبد الفتاح	<alaa at translate.org.za>
+خالد حسني	<Khaledhosny at eglug.org>nl
_Update to Template_Bijwerken m.b.v. sjabloonaf
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Korporasiept_BR
Machine Translation with libtranslateMaschinenübersetzung mit libtranslateeu
Source text:Iturburu-testua:fr
TMX Translation MemoryMémoire de traduction TMXpt_BR
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataO Virtaal não foi capaz de migrar quaisquer configurações ou dadosnl
Local fileLokaal bestandde
Virtaal PreferencesOkuthadekayo kwe-Virtaalar
_Page Downص_فحة للأسفلru
Translation ToolИнструмент для переводаsw
Please enter your team's informationTafadhali ingiza taarifa za timu yakoes
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchange (intercambio de memoria de traducción)fr
Report a _BugRapportera ett _problemzu
Virtaal websiteSito web di Virtaalbn_IN
Qt Message FileQt বার্তার ফাইলbn_IN
Translated units from the current fileবর্তমান ফাইলের à¦
নুবাদ করা à¦
Translation ToolKifaa cha Kutafsirifr
Apertium Machine TranslationTraduction automatique Apertiumru
C++ RC FileFichier de ressources C++es
Local TMTM localbn_IN
Translation MemoryVertaalgeheueeu
Translation MemoryItzulpen-memorianl
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Op het einde van de vertaling moet u gewoon <Enter> indrukken om door te gaan naar de volgende.gl
All FilesTodos los archivosar
P_age Up_صفحة للأعلىes
<b>Language Information</b><b>Información del idioma</b>fr
Could not save file.
+Try saving to a different location.Impossibile salvare il file.
+Provare a salvare in un luogo diverso.eu
Could not save file.
 %(error_message)sNo s'ha pogut desar el fitxer.
PlaceablesPlaasbare itemspt_BR
P_age Up_Página acimaru
show program's version number and exitпоказать версию программы и выйтиru
International Development and Research CentreInternational Development and Research Centregl
Local fileFicheiro localde
Qt Linguist Translation FileQt Linguist Ãœbersetzungsdateinl
JavaScript error message fileJavaScript foutmelding-bestandnl
Tcl Translation FileFicheiro de tradución de Tclca
Please enter your team's informationIdatzi zure taldearen argibideakit
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangeca
The file contains nothing to translate.फाइलमा à¤
नुवाद गर्ने केहि पनि समाबेस छैन ।ru
The e-mail address stored in the file headerE-mail был соÑ
ранён в заголовке файлаgl
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Les « objets insérables » sont des éléments particuliers de texte qui peuvent être automatiquement identifiés et dont une traduction  peut être insérée facilement dans le texte traduit.af
Could not open file.
PlaceablesPlaasbare itemspt_BR
P_age Up_Página acimaru
show program's version number and exitпоказать версию программы и выйтиru
International Development and Research CentreInternational Development and Research Centregl
Local fileFicheiro localde
Qt Linguist Translation FileQt Linguist Ãœbersetzungsdateinl
JavaScript error message fileJavaScript foutmelding-bestandnl
Add _Term...à¦
ভিব্যক্তি যোগ করুন...(_T)sw
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -Ià¦
্যাপ্লিকেশনের কমান্ড-লাইন থেকে ব্যবহারযোগ্য বিকল্প, যেমন --help, -h ও -Igl
Tcl Translation FileFicheiro de tradución de Tclca
Please enter your team's informationIdatzi zure taldearen argibideakit
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangeca
The file contains nothing to translate.फाइलमा à¤
नुवाद गर्ने केहि पनि समाबेस छैन ।ru
The e-mail address stored in the file headerE-mail был соÑ
ранён в заголовке файлаgl
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Les « objets insérables » sont des éléments particuliers de texte qui peuvent être automatiquement identifiés et dont une traduction  peut être insérée facilement dans le texte traduit.af
Could not open file.
@@ -346,30 +345,23 @@
-Probeer om 'n ander lêer oop te maak.nl
XML TagsXML-tagsit
Language code must be an ASCII string.Il codice della lingua deve essere una stringa ASCII.fr
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Du valde den för närvarande öppnade filen för öppning. Vill du läsa om filen?ar
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
+Probeer om 'n ander lêer oop te maak.nl
XML TagsXML-tagsit
Language code must be an ASCII string.Il linguaggio del codice deve essere in forma di stringa ASCII.fr
Target text:Testo tradotto:sv
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Du valde den för närvarande öppnade filen för öppning. Vill du läsa om filen?ne
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
 If you are translating from English to French then English would be your original or source language.<b>الأصل</b> هي الغة التي تترجÙ
نها، وتسÙ
Ù‰ أيضا لغة الÙ
-إذا كنت تترجÙ
Ù† الإنجليزية إلى العربية فالإنجليزية هي اللغة الأصل أو الÙ
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Al final de la traducción, pulse <Intro> para continuar con el siguiente.sw
option %s: invalid %s value: %roption %s : valeur %s non valable : %rru
_Online Help_Помощь онлайнde
option %s: invalid %s value: %rالخيار %s: قيÙ
Ø© %s غير سليÙ
Ø©: %rca at valencia
Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)sVirtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)sca at valencia
no such option: %sno hi ha cap opció així: %sne
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'प्रोफाइल फाइल '%(filename)s'खुल्न सकेनgl
Select Terminology SourcesSeleccionar fontes de terminoloxíasv
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Per segnare la traduzione corrente come fuzzy, premere <Alt+U>.eu
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
+إذا كنت تترجÙ
Ù† الإنجليزية إلى العربية فالإنجليزية هي اللغة الأصل أو الÙ
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Al final de la traducción, pulse <Intro> para continuar con el siguiente.sw
option %s: invalid %s value: %roption %s : valeur %s non valable : %rru
_Online Help_Помощь онлайнde
option %s: invalid %s value: %rالخيار %s: قيÙ
Ø© %s غير سليÙ
Ø©: %rca at valencia
F_uzzyD_ubtosaca at valencia
Placeholders in Python stringsTextos variables en les cadenes de Pythonsw
INIINIca at valencia
no such option: %sno hi ha cap opció així: %sne
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'प्रोफाइल फाइल '%(filename)s'खुल्न सकेनgl
Select Terminology SourcesSeleccionar fontes de terminoloxíasv
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Per segnare la presente traduzione come "fuzzy", basta premere <Alt+U>.eu
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
 If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.<b>Itzulpena</b> da itzulpenaren emaitzak izango duen hizkuntza baita ere helburu-hizkuntza bezala ezaguna.
-Ingelesetik euskarara itzultzen bazabiltza, orduan euskara izango litzateke itzulpena edo helburu-hizkuntza.ru
Terminology FilesФайлы терминологииbn_IN
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)à¦
স্পষ্ট বিকল্প: %s (%s?)ca
floating-pointcoma flotantit
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Importare impostazioni e dati da altri programmi?ru
Add _Term...Добавить _термин...ar
Target text:Texto destino:sv
XML EntitiesXML-Objektene
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" प्रयोगयोग्य फाइल होइन ।de
Terminology suggestionsTerminologievorschlägees
Terms from Open-Tran.euTérminos desde Open-Tran.euru
Add FilesДобавить файлыpt_BR
Java Properties FileFicheiro Properties de Javaes
"alt" AttributesAtributos "alt"es
Apertium Machine TranslationTraducción automatica de Apertiumgl
%prog [options]%prog [opties]sv
Replace _AllErsätt _allaca at valencia
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemòria de traducció del KBabel: %(database_language_code)ssv
%s option requires an argumentflaggan %s kräver ett argumentne
Resource Compilerस्रोत कम्पाइलरes
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)неточная опция: %s (%s?)sv
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)option ambiguë : %s (%s ?)ca at valencia
XML TagsEtiquetas XMLfr
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)« Objet insérable » pour les attributs « alt » (comme dans HTML)de
Java Properties FileÙ
لف خصائص جافاeu
_Full Screen_Pantaila osoanaf
Transfer From SourceDra oor vanaf bronru
Select Terminology SourcesВыбрать источники терминологииar
Terminology _file:_Arquivo de terminologia:sv
Virtaal PreferencesPreferências do Virtaalsv
Tcl Translation FileTcl-översättningsfilsv
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sPoedits översättningsminne: %(database_language_code)ses
Paths referring to file locationsRutas indicando la ubicación de archivosaf
invalid number of argumentsverkeerde aantal argumentenl
TMX Translation MemoryTMX vertaalgeheugenes
Trados Tag EditorEditor de etiquetas Tradosgl
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Ricaricare file dall'ultima copia salvata e perdere tutte le modifiche?ru
Number of plurals:Количество форм множественного числа:ru
New Language PairНовая языковая параzu
Replace withShintshanisa nge-eu
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesGizakiei fitxategiak itzultzen laguntzeko itzulpen-tresnaca
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Per a copiar la cadena original al camp de destinació, premeu simplement <Alt+Avall>.eu
Add Missing LanguageAdicionar idioma ausentenl
Terminology suggestionsاقتراحات الÙ
Command Line OptionsOpdraglynparameterssw
<b>Language information</b><b>Informazioni sulla lingua</b>bn_IN
<b>Language information</b><b>ভাষা সংক্রান্ত তথ্য</b>af
_Add Missing Language...Voeg ontbrekende taal _by...ru
All FilesВсе файлыbn_IN
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.পংক্তিগুলির মধ্যে চলাচলের জন্য Ctrl+Up à¦
থবা Ctrl+Down টিপুন।af
The following items were migrated:Die volgende items is gemigreer:de
Placeholders in Python stringsPlatzhalter in Python-Zeichenfolgenaf
TMX Translation MemoryTMX-vertaalgeheuesv
Please enter your team's informationAnge information om din översättningsgruppde
Add FilesDateien hinzufügeneu
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Irekita duzun fitxategia hautatu duzu irekitzeko. Fitxategia berriz ireki nahi duzu?ru
Translation MemoryUmphimbo wokuhumushaaf
Choose a Translation FileKies 'n vertaallêerde
The file "%s" does not exist.Die Datei "%s" existiert nicht.it
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangebn_IN
Please enter your team's informationà¦
নুগ্রহ করে নিজের দলের তথ্য লিখুনeu
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsMaiuskulak tartekatzen dituzten hitzak, adibidez WikiWords marka-izenasv
long integerlångt heltales
Please enter the plural equation to usePor favor, introduzca la ecuación de pluralesde
Report a _BugFehler _meldenes
Replace _AllReemplazar _todosbn_IN
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sKBabel-র à¦
নুবাদ সংকলন: %(database_language_code)sfr
Placeholders (Python)Conteneurs (Python)es
_Add Missing Language..._Añadir idioma ausente...sv
Replace withErsätt medca
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.s'habiliten els perfils, el result s'emmagatzema al fitxer que es proporciona.es
E-mail address:Helbide elektronikoa:fr
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMémoire de traduction de Poedit : %(database_language_code)sar
Language name:اسÙ
 اللغة:ca at valencia
%s option requires an argumentl'opció %s requereix un argumentfr
show this help message and exitafficher ce message d'aide et quitterar
Local fileÙ
لف Ù
XLIFF Translation FileXLIFF itzulpen-fitxategiaaf
Previous translations you have madeVorige vertalings wat gedoen isne
_Full Screenपूरा स्क्रिनfr
Gettext Translation TemplateMode gettextit
OptionsOpzionica at valencia
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Erabili Ktrl+OrGora edo Ktrl+OrBehera itzulpenen artean pausu handiagotan mugitzeko.zu
Source text:Umbhalo wasekuqaleniru
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Beroende på översättningsuppgift så kan pluralinformationen vara valfri.sv
_Page Down_Sida nedca at valencia
Number of plurals:Nombre de plurals:ne
TMX Translation MemoryTMX à¤
नुवाद स्मृतिpt_BR
Target text:Zieltext:ar
Translation _Suggestionsاقترا_حات الترجÙ
Translation memory suggestionsSugerencias de memoria de traducciónca
_Localization GuideGuia de _localitzacióaf
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.использует конфигурацию из заданного файла.en_ZA
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localisation Interchange File Formateu
Language code must be an ASCII string.El codi de llengua cal que sigui una cadena ASCIIeu
Header informationAngaben im Dateikopffr
Nothing migratedPas de migrationca at valencia
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaales
A translation memory serverUn servidor de memoria de traducciónes
OpenOffice.org Translation FileOpenOffice.org itzulpen-fitxategiazu
no such option: %sلا خيار كهذا: %ses
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareTraducciones anteriores de software librees
_Recent FilesAmafayela asanda uku_vulwanl
_Localization Guide_Lokalisatiegidsit
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Impossibile aprire file di log "%(filename)s"gl
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsEspazos dobres in posicións inesperadasgl
Nothing migratedNada foi migradofr
XLIFF Translation FileFichier XLIFFbn_IN
Java Properties FileJava Properties ফাইলes
Unable to load %(filename)s:
+Ingelesetik euskarara itzultzen bazabiltza, orduan euskara izango litzateke itzulpena edo helburu-hizkuntza.ru
Terminology FilesФайлы терминологииbn_IN
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)à¦
স্পষ্ট বিকল্প: %s (%s?)ca
floating-pointcoma flotantit
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Importare impostazioni e dati da altri applicativi?bn_IN
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaalru
Add _Term...Добавить _термин...ar
Target text:Texto destino:sv
XML EntitiesXML-Objektene
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" प्रयोगयोग्य फाइल होइन ।de
Terminology suggestionsTerminologievorschlägees
Placeholders (printf)Placeholder (printf)es
Terms from Open-Tran.euTérminos desde Open-Tran.euru
Add FilesДобавить файлыpt_BR
Java Properties FileFicheiro Properties de Javaes
"alt" AttributesAtributos "alt"es
Apertium Machine TranslationTraducción automatica de Apertiumgl
%prog [options]%prog [opties]sv
Replace _AllErsätt _allaca at valencia
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemòria de traducció del KBabel: %(database_language_code)ssv
%s option requires an argumentflaggan %s kräver ett argumentne
Resource Compilerस्रोत कम्पाइलरes
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)неточная опция: %s (%s?)sv
SearchSoekca at valencia
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)option ambiguë : %s (%s ?)it
XML TagsTag XMLca at valencia
P_revious PlaceablePlaceable _precedentegl
XML TagsEtiquetas XMLfr
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)« Objet insérable » pour les attributs « alt » (comme dans HTML)de
Java Properties FileÙ
لف خصائص جافاeu
_Full Screen_Pantaila osoanaf
Transfer From SourceDra oor vanaf bronru
Select Terminology SourcesВыбрать источники терминологииar
Terminology _file:_Arquivo de terminologia:sv
Virtaal PreferencesPreferências do Virtaalsv
Tcl Translation FileTcl-översättningsfilsv
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sPoedits översättningsminne: %(database_language_code)ses
Paths referring to file locationsRutas indicando la ubicación de archivosaf
invalid number of argumentsverkeerde aantal argumentenl
TMX Translation MemoryTMX vertaalgeheugenes
Trados Tag EditorEditor de etiquetas Tradosgl
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Ricaricare file dall'ultima copia salvata e perdere ogni modifica?ru
Number of plurals:Количество форм множественного числа:ru
New Language PairНовая языковая параzu
Replace withShintshanisa nge-eu
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesGizakiei fitxategiak itzultzen laguntzeko itzulpen-tresnaca
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Per a copiar la cadena original al camp de destinació, premeu simplement <Alt+Avall>.eu
Add Missing LanguageAdicionar idioma ausentenl
Terminology suggestionsاقتراحات الÙ
Command Line OptionsOpdraglynparametersca
Terminology HelpAjuda de terminologiasw
_Add Missing Language...Voeg ontbrekende taal _by...it
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>Tag XML, come <b> ed </i>ru
All FilesВсе файлыbn_IN
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.পংক্তিগুলির মধ্যে চলাচলের জন্য Ctrl+Up à¦
থবা Ctrl+Down টিপুন।af
The following items were migrated:Die volgende items is gemigreer:de
Placeholders in Python stringsPlatzhalter in Python-Zeichenfolgensv
Please enter your team's informationAnge information om din översättningsgruppaf
TMX Translation MemoryTMX-vertaalgeheuede
Add FilesDateien hinzufügeneu
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?Irekita duzun fitxategia hautatu duzu irekitzeko. Fitxategia berriz ireki nahi duzu?ru
Translation MemoryUmphimbo wokuhumushaaf
Choose a Translation FileKies 'n vertaallêerde
The file "%s" does not exist.Die Datei "%s" existiert nicht.it
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangeit
Please enter your team's informationà¦
নুগ্রহ করে নিজের দলের তথ্য লিখুনeu
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsMaiuskulak tartekatzen dituzten hitzak, adibidez WikiWords marka-izenasv
long integerlångt heltales
Please enter the plural equation to usePor favor, introduzca la ecuación de pluralesde
Report a _BugFehler _meldenit
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsPlaceholder in stringhe "printf"es
Replace _AllReemplazar _todosbn_IN
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sKBabel-র à¦
নুবাদ সংকলন: %(database_language_code)sfr
Placeholders (Python)Conteneurs (Python)sv
Replace withErsätt medes
_Add Missing Language..._Añadir idioma ausente...ca
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.s'habiliten els perfils, el resultat s'emmagatzema al fitxer que es proporciona.bn_IN
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryà¦
নুবাদের মেমরির জন্য à¦
নুসন্ধানযোগ্য উৎস নির্বাচন করুনes
E-mail address:Helbide elektronikoa:fr
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMémoire de traduction de Poedit : %(database_language_code)sar
Language name:اسÙ
 اللغة:ca at valencia
%s option requires an argumentl'opció %s requereix un argumentfr
show this help message and exitafficher ce message d'aide et quitterar
Local fileÙ
لف Ù
XLIFF Translation FileXLIFF itzulpen-fitxategiaaf
Previous translations you have madeVorige vertalings wat gedoen isne
_Full Screenपूरा स्क्रिनfr
Gettext Translation TemplateMode gettextit
Entity references, such as & and ©এনটিটির রেফারেন্স যেমন & ও ©ca at valencia
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Erabili Ktrl+OrGora edo Ktrl+OrBehera itzulpenen artean pausu handiagotan mugitzeko.zu
Source text:Umbhalo wasekuqalenisv
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Beroende på översättningsuppgift så kan pluralinformationen vara valfri.it
Terminology _Files..._File di terminologia...sv
_Page Down_Sida nedit
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareTraduzioni precedenti per software libero ed Open Sourceca at valencia
Number of plurals:Nombre de plurals:ne
TMX Translation MemoryTMX à¤
नुवाद स्मृतिpt_BR
Target text:Zieltext:ar
Translation _Suggestionsاقترا_حات الترجÙ
Ø©ca at valencia
Translation memory suggestionsSugerencias de memoria de traducciónca at valencia
E-mail addressesAdreces de correu electrònicca
_Localization GuideGuia de _localitzacióaf
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.использует конфигурацию из заданного файла.en_ZA
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localisation Interchange File Formateu
Language code must be an ASCII string.El codi de llengua cal que sigui una cadena ASCIIca
Terminology _Files..._Fitxers de terminologia…it
This fileQuesto fileeu
Header informationAngaben im Dateikopfca
P_revious PlaceableObjecte col·locable ante_riorfr
Nothing migratedPas de migrationca at valencia
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaales
A translation memory serverUn servidor de memoria de traducciónes
OpenOffice.org Translation FileOpenOffice.org itzulpen-fitxategiazu
no such option: %sلا خيار كهذا: %ses
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareTraducciones anteriores de software librebn_IN
_Add Missing Language...à¦
নুপস্থিত ভাষা যোগ করুন...(_A)es
_Recent FilesAmafayela asanda uku_vulwanl
Previous translations you have madeTraduccions que heu fet anteriormentca
Add FilesAfegeix fitxersnl
_Localization Guide_Lokalisatiegidsit
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Impossibile aprire file di log '%(filename)s'gl
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsEspazos dobres in posicións inesperadasgl
Nothing migratedNada foi migradofr
XLIFF Translation FileFichier XLIFFca
_Target term — %(langname)sTerme de des_tinació — %(langname)sca
Java Properties FileJava Properties ফাইলes
Unable to load %(filename)s:
 %(errormsg)sNo se puede cargar %(filename)s:
_Target term — %(langname)s_Teikenterm — %(langname)sbn_IN
_Localization Guideà¦
নুবাদ সহায়িকা (_L)ru
_Online HelpAjuda en lí_niasv
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangede
_Source term — %(langname)sBegriff in der Au_sgangssprache — %(langname)sru
%s option requires %d arguments%s-opsie benodig %d argumentede
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataتعذّر على فِرتال نقل أي إعدادات أو بياناتit
_Page Down_Pagina inferioreru
Terminology suggestionsПредположения терминовru
Report a _BugСообщить об _ошибкеaf
Header informationInligting vir lêerkopes
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'No se pudo abrir el archivo de registro '%(filename)s'it
TBX GlossaryGlossario TBXru
Migration completedМиграция завершенаaf
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Plaasbare item vir "alt"-attribute (soos in HTML aangetref)zu
Trados Tag EditorTrados Tag Editoraf
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Moet die lêer herlaai word vanaf die laaste gestoorde kopie en veranderinge prysgegee word?fr
A translation memory serverServeur de mémoire de traduction (MT)de
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Einstellungen von KBabel, Lokalize und/oder Poedit in Virtaal übernehmen.nl
INI FileINI-bestandru
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Чтобы отметить текущий перевод, как неточный, нажмите <Alt+Н>.gl
E-mail address:Enderezo de correo electrónico:ar
invalid number of argumentsongeldig aantal argumentenru
Please enter your nameПожалуйста, введите своё имяeu
A translation memory serverItzulpen-memoria zerbitzariafr
%s option does not take a valuel'option %s n'utilise pas de valeurar
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationحقوق النشر © 2007-2009 Ù
ؤسسة زوزا للبرÙ
Poedit settingsНастройки Poediteu
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useMesedez idatzi erabili behar diren plural kopuruasv
Migration assistantMigrationsguideaf
Local filePlaaslike lêergl
Translation Memory eXchangeÉchange de mémoires de traductionpt_BR
Previous translations you have madeTraduções anteriores que você fezca at valencia
AutoCorrectorCorrector automàticru
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Не могу прочесть файл конфигурации '%(filename)s'zu
show program's version number and exitmostra numero versione del programma ed escies
Local fileArchivo localgl
Currently open fileFicheiro aberto actualmenteca at valencia
Personal InformationInformació personalit
no such option: %snon esiste questa opzione: %sne
Please enter your e-mail addressPor favor, introduzca su dirección de correo electrónicofr
Migration completedMigration terminéeaf
Paths referring to file locationsPaaie wat na lêerliggings verwysfr
Translation MemoryMémoire de traductioneu
"alt" Attributes"alt" Attributenaf
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Afhangend van die vertaaltaak is die meervoudinligting dalk opsioneel.ne
All Supported Filesसबै समर्थित फाइलgl
Add _Term...Engadir _termo...ne
Wordfast Translation Memoryवर्डफास्ट à¤
नुवाद स्मृतिru
XML EntitiesЭлементы символов XMLca at valencia
Could not save file.
-Try saving at a different location.No s'ha pogut alçar el fitxer.
-Proveu d'alçar-lo en una altra ubicació.es
Terminology FilesArchivos de terminologíagl
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.usar o ficheiro de configuración indicado polo nome de ficheiro.de
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationpt_BR
"alt" Attributes"alt"-attributede
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)%s aukera: aukera baliogabea: %r (aukeratu %s(e)tik)ne
Qt Message FileQt संन्देश फाइलar
%prog [options]%prog [خيارات]af
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Voleu tornar a carregar el fitxer des de la darrera còpia desada i perdre tots els canvis?fr
Automatically complete long words while you typeCompléter automatiquement les mots longs au cours de la frappefr
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.Utilise le fichier de configuration indiqué.de
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Non se puido abrir o ficheiro de rexistro '%(filename)s'de
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
_Target term — %(langname)s_Teikenterm — %(langname)sbn_IN
_Localization Guideà¦
নুবাদ সহায়িকা (_L)ca at valencia
_Online HelpAjuda en lí_niasv
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangede
_Source term — %(langname)sBegriff in der Au_sgangssprache — %(langname)sru
%s option requires %d arguments%s-opsie benodig %d argumentede
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataتعذّر على فِرتال نقل أي إعدادات أو بياناتit
_Page Down_Pagina Giùru
Terminology suggestionsПредположения терминовru
Report a _BugСообщить об _ошибкеaf
Header informationInligting vir lêerkopes
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'No se pudo abrir el archivo de registro '%(filename)s'it
TBX GlossaryGlossario TBXru
Migration completedМиграция завершенаaf
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Plaasbare item vir "alt"-attribute (soos in HTML aangetref)zu
Trados Tag EditorTrados Tag Editoraf
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Moet die lêer herlaai word vanaf die laaste gestoorde kopie en veranderinge prysgegee word?fr
A translation memory serverServeur de mémoire de traduction (MT)de
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Einstellungen von KBabel, Lokalize und/oder Poedit in Virtaal übernehmen.nl
INI FileINI-bestandru
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Чтобы отметить текущий перевод, как неточный, нажмите <Alt+Н>.gl
E-mail address:Enderezo de correo electrónico:ar
invalid number of argumentsongeldig aantal argumentenru
Please enter your nameПожалуйста, введите своё имяeu
A translation memory serverItzulpen-memoria zerbitzariafr
%s option does not take a valuel'option %s n'utilise pas de valeurar
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationحقوق النشر © 2007-2009 Ù
ؤسسة زوزا للبرÙ
Migration assistantMigrationsguideru
Poedit settingsНастройки Poediteu
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useMesedez idatzi erabili behar diren plural kopuruaaf
Local filePlaaslike lêergl
Translation Memory eXchangeÉchange de mémoires de traductionpt_BR
Previous translations you have madeTraduções anteriores que você fezca at valencia
AutoCorrectorCorrector automàticru
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Не могу прочесть файл конфигурации '%(filename)s'zu
show program's version number and exitmostra numero di versione del programma ed escies
Local fileArchivo localgl
Currently open fileFicheiro aberto actualmenteit
no such option: %sopzione non disponibile: %sne
Please enter your e-mail addressPor favor, introduzca su dirección de correo electrónicofr
Migration completedMigration terminéeaf
Paths referring to file locationsPaaie wat na lêerliggings verwysfr
Translation MemoryMémoire de traductioneu
"alt" Attributes"alt" Attributenaf
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Afhangend van die vertaaltaak is die meervoudinligting dalk opsioneel.ne
All Supported Filesसबै समर्थित फाइलgl
Add _Term...Engadir _termo...ne
Wordfast Translation Memoryवर्डफास्ट à¤
नुवाद स्मृतिru
XML EntitiesЭлементы символов XMLbn_IN
Add Termà¦
ভিব্যক্তি যোগ করুনes
Terminology FilesArchivos de terminologíagl
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.usar o ficheiro de configuración indicado polo nome de ficheiro.de
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationca
Configure...কনফিগার করুন...af
"alt" Attributes"alt"-attributede
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)%s aukera: aukera baliogabea: %r (aukeratu %s(e)tik)ne
Qt Message FileQt संन्देश फाइलar
%prog [options]%prog [خيارات]af
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Voleu tornar a carregar el fitxer des de la darrera còpia desada i perdre tots els canvis?fr
Automatically complete long words while you typeCompléter automatiquement les mots longs au cours de la frappefr
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.Utilise le fichier de configuration indiqué.de
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Non se puido abrir o ficheiro de rexistro '%(filename)s'de
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
 If you are translating from English to French then English would be your original or source language.Das <b>Original</b> ist in der Sprache, aus der Sie übersetzen, der sogenannten Ausgangssprache.
-Wenn Sie zum Beispiel vom Englischen ins Deutsche übersetzen, dann ist Englisch die Ausgangssprache.ca
TermBase eXchangeTermBase exChangeca at valencia
Qt Phrase BookLlibres de frases de QTgl
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>Etiquetas XML, como <b> e </i>ca at valencia
Java Properties FileФайл свойств Javaru
enable debugging featuresвключает дебаггерnl
Add Missing LanguageOntbrekende taal toevoegenar
Select Terminology Sourcesاختر Ù
صادر الÙ
Header informationبيانات الترويسةit
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Según la tarea de traducción, la información de plurales podría ser opcional.ca at valencia
enable debugging featureshabilita les característiques de depuracióeu
Number of plurals:Plural kopurua:de
A translation memory serverEin Translation Memory Serverru
OpenOffice.org Translation FileФайл перевода OpenOffice.orgpt_BR
A TinyTM translation memory serverUm servidor de memória de tradução TinyTMpt_BR
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Formatnl
Could not save file.
+Wenn Sie zum Beispiel vom Englischen ins Deutsche übersetzen, dann ist Englisch die Ausgangssprache.ca
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangeca at valencia
Qt Phrase BookLlibres de frases de QTgl
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>Etiquetas XML, como <b> e </i>ca at valencia
Java Properties FileФайл свойств Javaru
enable debugging featuresвключает дебаггерnl
Add Missing LanguageOntbrekende taal toevoegenar
_Source term — %(langname)sমূল à¦
ভিব্যক্তি — %(langname)s (_S)ar
Select Terminology Sourcesاختر Ù
صادر الÙ
Header informationبيانات الترويسةit
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Según la tarea de traducción, la información de plurales podría ser opcional.ca at valencia
enable debugging featureshabilita les característiques de depuracióeu
Number of plurals:Plural kopurua:de
A translation memory serverEin Translation Memory Serverru
OpenOffice.org Translation FileФайл перевода OpenOffice.orgpt_BR
A TinyTM translation memory serverUm servidor de memória de tradução TinyTMpt_BR
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Formatnl
Placeholders (printf)সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তু (printf)gl
Could not save file.
@@ -378,7 +370,15 @@
 Ténteo gardándoo nun sitio diferente.bn_IN
TBX GlossaryTBX শব্দকোষar
Plural expression:صيغة الجÙ
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Mit Strg+BildAuf oder Strg+BildAb bewegt man sich innerhalb der Ãœbersetzung abschnittsweise nach oben oder unten.gl
Trados Tag EditorÉditeur d'étiquettes Tradoseu
translator-creditsPiarres Beobide <pi at beobide.net>
-Julen Ruiz Aizpuru <julenx at gmail.com>nl
option %s: invalid %s value: %ropción %s: valor %s no válido: %rnl
P_revious PlaceableVo_rige placeablesw
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationeu
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Elementu berezia "alt" atributuentzat (HTMLn bezala)pt_BR
no such option: %sopção inexistente: %sgl
Unreviewed machine translationsTradución automática sen revisiónne
Replaceप्रतिस्थापन गर्नुहोस्eu
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.gaitu erregistroa eta gorde emaitzak emandako fitxategian.de
Entity references, such as & and ©Objektreferenzen, wie & und ©af
Terminology HelpTerminologiehulpes
Header informationInformación de la cabeceragl
_Full ScreenPlein é_cranne
no such option: %sतेस्तो प्रकारको विकल्प होइन: %sgl
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.Loggen aktivieren und das Resultat unter dem angegebenen Dateinamen speichern.it
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsWoorde met interne hoofletters, soos sommige handelsmerke en WikiWoordear
Incompleteغير Ù
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -Iخيارات البراÙ
ج في سطر الأواÙ
ر Ù
ثل ‪--help‬ و ‪-h‬ و ‬‪-Ica
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangenl
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangept_BR
floating-pointponto flutuantenl
Source text:Brontekst:ar
Resource CompilerÙ
صنّف Ù
Resource CompilerRessourcencompilerar
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsاختر Ù
صادر اقتراحات الÙ
The file contains nothing to translate.El archivo no contiene nada para traducir.eu
Choose a translation fileএকটি à¦
নুবাদের ফাইল নির্বাচন করুনes
option %s: invalid %s value: %rOption %s: ungültiger %s-Wert: %rsv
Paths referring to file locationsChemins d'accès vers des emplacements de fichiersnl
XLIFF Translation FileXLIFF vertaalbestandnl
A TinyTM translation memory serverEen TinyTM vertaalgeheugenserversw
TMX Translation MemoryKumbukumbu ya Tafsiri ya TMXar
Terminology FilesÙ
لفات الÙ
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Información do tradutor</b>ca
ISO code:Codi ISO:ar
Gettext Translation Templateقالب ترجÙ
ة جتتكستsw
Please enter your team's informationकृपया तपाइँको समूहको जानकारी प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्ne
show this help message and exitयो मद्दत संन्देश देखाउनुहोस् र निस्कनुहोस्ar
Terminology _file:_Ficheiro de terminoloxía:eu
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsDoppelte Leerzeichen und Leerzeichen an ungewöhnlichen Stellenes
OpenOffice.org Translation FileArchivo de traducción de OpenOffice.orgnl
Paths referring to file locationsDe paden die verwijzen naar bestandslokatiesfr
Poedit settingsPoedit সংক্রান্ত বৈশিষ্ট্যca at valencia
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.s'habiliten els perfils, el result s'emmagatzema al fitxer que es proporciona.ar
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Ð’ зависимости от задачи перевода, инофрмация о множественныÑ
 может быть необязательной.fr
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.Le code de la langue doit comporter au moins deux caractères.sw
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.Informações da equipe armazenadas no cabeçalho do arquivo. Por exemplo, isso pode ser um endereço de e-mail ou uma URL.sv
enable debugging featuresaktivera felsökningsfunktionerca
AutoCorrectorCorrector automàticgl
Placeholders in Java stringsMarcadores de posición en cadeas Javade
Could not save file.
+Julen Ruiz Aizpuru <julenx at gmail.com>nl
option %s: invalid %s value: %ropción %s: valor %s no válido: %rnl
P_revious PlaceableVo_rige placeablesw
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationeu
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Elementu berezia "alt" atributuentzat (HTMLn bezala)pt_BR
no such option: %sopção inexistente: %sgl
Unreviewed machine translationsTradución automática sen revisiónne
Replaceप्रतिस्थापन गर्नुहोस्eu
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.gaitu erregistroa eta gorde emaitzak emandako fitxategian.de
Entity references, such as & and ©Objektreferenzen, wie & und ©af
Terminology HelpTerminologiehulpes
Header informationInformación de la cabeceragl
_Full ScreenPlein é_cranne
no such option: %sतेस्तो प्रकारको विकल्प होइन: %sgl
Apertium Machine TranslationTraduzione automatizzata Apertiumgl
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.Loggen aktivieren und das Resultat unter dem angegebenen Dateinamen speichern.it
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsWoorde met interne hoofletters, soos sommige handelsmerke en WikiWoordeca at valencia
Paths referring to file locationsCamins que fan referència a ubicacions de fitxerca
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsSeleccioneu les fonts dels suggeriments de terminologiaar
Incompleteغير Ù
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -Iخيارات البراÙ
ج في سطر الأواÙ
ر Ù
ثل ‪--help‬ و ‪-h‬ و ‬‪-Ica at valencia
ExtendableEs pot estendrebn_IN
Translation _Suggestionsà¦
নুবাদের প্রস্তাব (_S)ca
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangenl
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangept_BR
floating-pointponto flutuanteca
Source text:Brontekst:ar
Resource CompilerÙ
صنّف Ù
Resource CompilerRessourcencompilerar
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsاختر Ù
صادر اقتراحات الÙ
The file contains nothing to translate.El archivo no contiene nada para traducir.eu
_Edit_Editatuca at valencia
Error opening fileS'ha produït un error en obrir el fitxeres
option %s: invalid %s value: %rOption %s: ungültiger %s-Wert: %rit
Local TMTM localefr
Paths referring to file locationsChemins d'accès vers des emplacements de fichiersnl
XLIFF Translation FileXLIFF vertaalbestandnl
A TinyTM translation memory serverEen TinyTM vertaalgeheugenserversw
TMX Translation MemoryKumbukumbu ya Tafsiri ya TMXar
Terminology FilesÙ
لفات الÙ
Terminology suggestionsপরিভাষা সম্বন্ধীয় প্রস্তাবgl
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Información do tradutor</b>ca
ISO code:Codi ISO:ca at valencia
Automatically correct text while you typeCorregeix automàticament el text mentre escriviuar
Gettext Translation Templateقالب ترجÙ
ة جتتكستsw
Please enter your team's informationकृपया तपाइँको समूहको जानकारी प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्ne
show this help message and exitयो मद्दत संन्देश देखाउनुहोस् र निस्कनुहोस्ar
Terminology _file:_Ficheiro de terminoloxía:eu
Could not open file.
+Try opening a different file.Impossibile aprire il file.
+Cercare di aprire un file diverso.de
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsDoppelte Leerzeichen und Leerzeichen an ungewöhnlichen Stellenes
OpenOffice.org Translation FileArchivo de traducción de OpenOffice.orgnl
Paths referring to file locationsDe paden die verwijzen naar bestandslokatiesca at valencia
P_revious PlaceableObjecte col·locable ante_riorca at valencia
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IOpcions de la línia d'ordes de l'aplicació, com ara --help, -h i -Ifr
Poedit settingsPoedit সংক্রান্ত বৈশিষ্ট্যca at valencia
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.s'habiliten els perfils, el resultat s'emmagatzema al fitxer que es proporciona.ar
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Ð’ зависимости от задачи перевода, инофрмация о множественныÑ
 может быть необязательной.fr
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.Le code de la langue doit comporter au moins deux caractères.sw
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.Informações da equipe armazenadas no cabeçalho do arquivo. Por exemplo, isso pode ser um endereço de e-mail ou uma URL.sv
enable debugging featuresaktivera felsökningsfunktionerca
AutoCorrectorCorrector automàticgl
Placeholders in Java stringsMarcadores de posición en cadeas Javade
Could not save file.
@@ -386,43 +386,63 @@
-Versuchen Sie die Datei an einem anderen Ort zu speichern.nl
TM SourceTM-bronca
Migration was successfully completedLa migració s'ha completat amb èxitar
Unreviewed machine translationsترجÙ
Ø© آلية Ù„Ù
_Regular expressionتعبير _Ù†Ù
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.De taalcode moet uit minstens 2 tekens bestaan.zu
The file "%s" does not exist.El fitxer «%s» no existeix.it
Local Translation MemoryMemoria di traduzione localees
Source text:Texto de origen:it
Wordfast Translation MemoryMemoria di traduzione Wordfastit
Import data from other applications?à¤
न्य à¤
नुप्रयोगबाट डाटा आयात गर्नुहुन्छ ?ca
Report a _Bug_Informa d'un errorgl
Terminology _Files..._Ficheiros de terminoloxía...de
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>XML-Tags, wie <b> und </i>ar
ISO code:رÙ
ز أيزو:ca
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesUna eina de traducció per a ajudar un traductor humà a traduir fitxers en altres llengüesca
Gettext Translation TemplatePlantilla de traducció de Gettextgl
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsSelecteer de te gebruiken bronnen voor terminologiesuggestiesnl
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsTijdelijke aanduidingen die in "printf"-tekenreeksen gebruikt wordensv
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sLokalizes översättningsminne: %(database_name)seu
_Next Placeable_Hurrengo elementu bereziapt_BR
Words containing uppercase letters onlyPalavras somente com letras maiúsculasfr
Poedit settingsRéglages de Poeditne
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sLokalize se vertaalgeheue: %(database_name)seu
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal ez da gai izan ezarpen eta datuak migratzekosw
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" non é un ficheiro utilizábel.eu
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareSoftware librean aurrez egindako itzulpenakeu
_Page DownO_rria beherade
Add FilesVoeg lêers byde
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sMémoire de traduction de Lokalize : %(database_name)sfr
Team:Équipe de traduction :bn_IN
option %s: invalid %s value: %rবিকল্প %s: %s মান à¦
বৈধ: %rfr
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesOutil d'aide à la traduction de fichiers dans d'autres languespt_BR
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Para copiar a mensagem original para o campo de destino, pressione <Alt+Abaixo>.pt_BR
show program's version number and exitmostra o número da versão do programa e saigl
The e-mail address stored in the file headerO enderezo de correo gardado na cabeceira do ficheiroar
TMX Translation Memoryذاكرة ترجÙ
Ø© TMXar
Qt Linguist Translation FileÙ
لف ترجÙ
Ø© Qt Linguistgl
option %s: invalid %s value: %ra opción %s: non é válida %s e ten valor: %rnl
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.loggen inschakelen en het resultaat opslaan in het bestand met de opgegeven naam.gl
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchange (intercambio de memoria de tradución)zu
Could not save file.
+Versuchen Sie die Datei an einem anderen Ort zu speichern.bn_IN
Placeholders in Python stringsPython পংক্তির মধ্যে সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তুnl
TM SourceTM-bronca
Migration was successfully completedLa migració s'ha completat amb èxitar
Unreviewed machine translationsترجÙ
Ø© آلية Ù„Ù
_Regular expressionتعبير _Ù†Ù
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.De taalcode moet uit minstens 2 tekens bestaan.zu
The file "%s" does not exist.El fitxer «%s» no existeix.it
Local Translation MemoryMemoria di traduzione localees
Source text:Texto de origen:ca
A TinyTM translation memory serverUn servidor de memòria de traducció TinyTMit
Wordfast Translation MemoryMemoria di traduzione Wordfastne
Import data from other applications?à¤
न्य à¤
नुप्रयोगबाट डाटा आयात गर्नुहुन्छ ?ca
Report a _Bug_Informa d'un errorgl
Terminology _Files..._Ficheiros de terminoloxía...de
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>XML-Tags, wie <b> und </i>ar
ISO code:رÙ
ز أيزو:ca
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesUna eina de traducció per a ajudar un traductor humà a traduir fitxers en altres llengüesca
Gettext Translation TemplatePlantilla de traducció de Gettextgl
Select the sources of terminology suggestionsSelecteer de te gebruiken bronnen voor terminologiesuggestiesnl
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsTijdelijke aanduidingen die in "printf"-tekenreeksen gebruikt wordensv
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sLokalizes översättningsminne: %(database_name)seu
_Next Placeable_Hurrengo elementu bereziapt_BR
Words containing uppercase letters onlyPalavras somente com letras maiúsculasca at valencia
This fileEste fitxerfr
Poedit settingsRéglages de Poeditne
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sLokalize se vertaalgeheue: %(database_name)seu
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal ez da gai izan ezarpen eta datuak migratzekosw
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" non é un ficheiro utilizábel.eu
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareSoftware librean aurrez egindako itzulpenakeu
_Page DownO_rria beherade
Add FilesVoeg lêers byde
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sMémoire de traduction de Lokalize : %(database_name)sfr
Team:Équipe de traduction :bn_IN
option %s: invalid %s value: %rবিকল্প %s: %s মান à¦
বৈধ: %rfr
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesOutil d'aide à la traduction de fichiers dans d'autres languespt_BR
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Para copiar a mensagem original para o campo de destino, pressione <Alt+Abaixo>.it
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsNumeri interi e funzioni decimalipt_BR
show program's version number and exitmostra o número da versão do programa e saigl
The e-mail address stored in the file headerO enderezo de correo gardado na cabeceira do ficheiroar
TMX Translation Memoryذاكرة ترجÙ
Ø© TMXar
Qt Linguist Translation FileÙ
لف ترجÙ
Ø© Qt Linguistgl
option %s: invalid %s value: %ra opción %s: non é válida %s e ten valor: %rnl
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.loggen inschakelen en het resultaat opslaan in het bestand met de opgegeven naam.gl
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchange (intercambio de memoria de tradución)zu
Could not save file.
 %(error_message)sAkugcinekanga ifayela.
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Pour marquer une chaîne comme floue (« fuzzy »), utilisez <Alt+U>.it
Poedit settingsImpostazioni di Poeditaf
Terminology _Files...Terminologie_lêers...fr
Error opening fileErreur d'ouverture du fichierne
Usage: %s
 प्रयोग: %s
Migration AssistantПомощник миграцииfr
_Update to Template_Mettre à jour avec le modèleit
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.Il codice della lingua deve essere di almeno 2 caratteri.bn_IN
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useà¦
নুগ্রহ করে, ব্যবহারযোগ্য বহুবচনের(plurals) সংখ্যা লিখুন।gl
Apertium Machine TranslationTraducción Maquinal Apertiumpt_BR
The current file has been modified.
Migration AssistantПомощник миграцииfr
_Update to Template_Mettre à jour avec le modèleit
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.Il linguaggio del codice deve avere una lunghezza di almeno 2 caratteri.bn_IN
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useà¦
নুগ্রহ করে, ব্যবহারযোগ্য বহুবচনের(plurals) সংখ্যা লিখুন।ca
Apertium Machine TranslationTraducción Maquinal Apertiumca at valencia
Terminology _file:_Fitxer de terminologia:ca
<b>Language Information</b><b>Informació de la llengua</b>pt_BR
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?O arquivo atual foi modificado.
-Você deseja salvar suas alterações?it
Remote serverServer remotone
AutoCorrectorस्वत:ठिक बनाउनेar
_Update to Template_Dateer op na sjablooneu
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Migratu ezarpenak KBabel, Lokalize edo/eta Poedit-etik Virtaalera.ru
Local Translation MemoryЛокальная база памяти переводовru
translator-creditsОлег Коптев aka BooBaLoo <koptev.oleg at gmail.com>pt_BR
Translation _Suggestions_Sugestões disponíveisar
C++ RC FileÙ
لف C++ RCeu
Use _Default FontsErabili letra-tipo le_henetsiakbn_IN
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Kon nie staaflêer '%(filename)s' open niear
Could not save file.
+Você deseja salvar suas alterações?it
Remote serverServer remotone
AutoCorrectorस्वत:ठिक बनाउनेca at valencia
<b>Language Information</b><b>Informació de la llengua</b>ar
_Update to Template_Dateer op na sjablooneu
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Migratu ezarpenak KBabel, Lokalize edo/eta Poedit-etik Virtaalera.bn_IN
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsপূর্ণসংখ্যা ও দশমিক ভাগাংশru
Local Translation MemoryЛокальная база памяти переводовru
translator-creditsОлег Коптев aka BooBaLoo <koptev.oleg at gmail.com>pt_BR
Translation _Suggestions_Sugestões disponíveisar
C++ RC FileÙ
لف C++ RCca at valencia
Placeholders in Java stringsTextos variables en les cadenes de Javaeu
Use _Default FontsErabili letra-tipo le_henetsiakbn_IN
Terminology _file:পরিভাষার ফাইল: (_f)bn_IN
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Kon nie staaflêer '%(filename)s' open niear
Could not save file.
 %(error_message)sKon nie lêer stoor nie.
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Ao final da tradución, prema <Intro> para continuar coa seguinte.gl
P_age UpR_etroceder páxinade
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Am Ende einer Übersetzung einfach auf <Eingabe> drücken, um mit der nächsten weiterzumachen.sv
TBX GlossaryTBX Ordlistaaf
%s option does not take a valuel'opció %s no pren cap valoraf
Qt Phrase BookQt-fraselêerfr
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
Configure...اضبط...ca at valencia
Add FilesAfig fitxersgl
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Ao final da tradución, prema <Intro> para continuar coa seguinte.gl
P_age UpR_etroceder páxinade
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Am Ende einer Übersetzung einfach auf <Eingabe> drücken, um mit der nächsten weiterzumachen.ca
Remote TMMT remotasv
TBX GlossaryTBX Ordlistaaf
%s option does not take a valuel'opció %s no pren cap valoraf
Qt Phrase BookQt-fraselêerfr
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
 If you are translating from English to French then English would be your original or source language.L'<b>Original</b> est la langue à partir de laquelle la traduction est effectuée, également appelée la langue source.
-Par exemple, pour une traduction de l'anglais vers le français, l'anglais sera la langue originale ou langue source.af
Virtaal PreferencesVirtaal-voorkeureit
_Add Missing Language...Ontbrekende taal _toevoegen...gl
Qt Message FileФайл сообщения Qtnl
E-mail address:عنوان البريد:af
Language name:Hizkuntzaren izena:de
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IBefehlszeilenparameter für Anwendungen, wie z.B. --help, -h und -Ibn_IN
Qt Linguist Translation FileQt Linguist à¦
নুবাদের ফাইলit
Plural expression:Plural ekuazioa:ne
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useकृपया प्रयोग गर्न संज्ञा फर्म (बहुवचन) को नम्बर प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्nl
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Formatsw
The e-mail address stored in the file headerO endereço de e-mail armazenado no cabeçalho do arquivode
_Regular expressionরেগুলার এক্সপ্রেশন (_R)ne
_Localization Guideस्थानिकरण मार्गदर्शकar
JavaScript error message fileÙ
لف رسائل خطأ جافا سكربتca at valencia
All Supported FilesTots els fitxers permesosnl
International Development and Research CentreInternational Development and Research Centreit
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.profilamento eseguito, salvataggio risultato al nome di file fornito.bn_IN
C++ RC FileC++ RC ফাইলru
Trados Tag EditorРедактор тэгов Tradossw
Reload FilePakia upya failiru
<b>Language Information</b><b>Информация о языке</b>es
Remote serverटाढाको सर्भरzu
<b>Fonts</b><b>Tipos de letra</b>nl
Gettext Translation TemplateGettext vertaalsjabloonnl
Terminology _Files...Ù
لفات الÙ
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
+Par exemple, pour une traduction de l'anglais vers le français, l'anglais sera la langue originale ou langue source.af
Virtaal PreferencesVirtaal-voorkeureit
<b>Language Information</b><b>Informazioni sulla lingua</b>it
_Add Missing Language...Ontbrekende taal _toevoegen...gl
Qt Message FileФайл сообщения Qtnl
E-mail address:عنوان البريد:af
Language name:Hizkuntzaren izena:it
Placeholders in Python stringsPlaceholder in stringhe Pythonca at valencia
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsParaules amb majúscules dins, com ara alguns noms de marques i WikiWordsde
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IBefehlszeilenparameter für Anwendungen, wie z.B. --help, -h und -Ibn_IN
Qt Linguist Translation FileQt Linguist à¦
নুবাদের ফাইলit
Plural expression:Plural ekuazioa:ne
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useकृपया प्रयोग गर्न संज्ञा फर्म (बहुवचन) को नम्बर प्रविष्ट गर्नुहोस्nl
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Formatca
Paths referring to file locationsCamins que fan referència a ubicacions de fitxerit
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaalsw
The e-mail address stored in the file headerO endereço de e-mail armazenado no cabeçalho do arquivode
_Regular expressionরেগুলার এক্সপ্রেশন (_R)ne
_Localization Guideस्थानिकरण मार्गदर्शकar
JavaScript error message fileÙ
لف رسائل خطأ جافا سكربتca
All Supported FilesTots els fitxers permesosnl
International Development and Research CentreInternational Development and Research Centrebn_IN
Unreviewed machine translationsপর্যালোচনা না করা মেশিন দ্বারা সঞ্চালিত à¦
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.creare il profilo, salvando il risultato nel nome del file fornito.bn_IN
C++ RC FileC++ RC ফাইলru
Trados Tag EditorРедактор тэгов Tradossw
Reload FilePakia upya failiru
<b>Language Information</b><b>Информация о языке</b>es
Remote serverटाढाको सर्भरzu
<b>Fonts</b><b>Tipos de letra</b>nl
Gettext Translation TemplateGettext vertaalsjabloonnl
Terminology _Files...Ù
لفات الÙ
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
 If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.Die <b>Vertaling</b> is die taal waarin mens vertaal, ook bekend as die teikentaal of doeltaal.
-As mens van Engels na Frans vertaal, is Frans die vertaling of teikentaal.fr
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURL, noms d'hôtes and adresses IPaf
_Page Down_Bladsy afnl
Apertium Machine TranslationApertium computervertalingsv
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Ska Virtaal försöka att importera inställningar och data från andra program?it
INI FileINI ফাইলpt_BR
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangesw
Please enter your nameTafadhali ingiza jina lakoes
Java Properties FileArchivo de propiedades de Javaca at valencia
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
+As mens van Engels na Frans vertaal, is Frans die vertaling of teikentaal.fr
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURL, noms d'hôtes et adresses IPaf
_Page Down_Bladsy afnl
Apertium Machine TranslationApertium computervertalingsv
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Ska Virtaal försöka att importera inställningar och data från andra program?it
INI FileINI ফাইলpt_BR
Translation Memory eXchangeTranslation Memory eXchangesw
Please enter your nameTafadhali ingiza jina lakoes
Java Properties FileArchivo de propiedades de Javaca at valencia
The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also called the target language.
 If you are translating from English to French then French would be your translation or target language.La <b>traducció</b> és la llengua en la qual traduïu, que també rep el nom de llengua de destinació.
-Si esteu traduint de l'anglés al francés, el francés seria llavors la llengua de destinació.de
C++ RC FileC++ RC Dateiar
Report a _Bugبلغ عن _علّةne
Available _Suggestionsउपलव्ध सुझावहरूbn_IN
Placeholders in Python stringsEspaços reservados em strings Pythonca
<b>Language information</b><b>Informació de la llengua</b>pt_BR
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Objeto colocável para atributos "alt" (como encontrado em HTML)nl
Poedit settingsParàmetres del Poeditaf
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangede
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsGehele getallen en tiendelige breukennl
Java Properties FileJava properties-bestandeu
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>XML etiketak, hala nola <b> eta </i>es
URLsEnlaces URLca at valencia
invalid number of argumentsnúmero no válido de argumentospt_BR
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsEspaços duplos e espaços em lugares inesperadosnl
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Faut-il essayer d'importer les préférences et les données d'autres applications ?eu
Import data from other applications?Inportatu datuak beste aplikazioetatik?de
Wordfast Translation MemoryБаза переводов Wordfastaf
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Om die oorspronklike string na die teikenveld te kopieer, druk bloot <Alt+Af>.ne
%s option does not take a value%s विकल्पले मान लिंदैनar
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sذاكرة ترجÙ
Ø© Poedit: %(database_language_code)sde
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsСлова с заглавными первыми буквами, например некоторые бренды и WikiWordsne
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesà¤
न्य भाषामा फाइलहरूको à¤
नुवाद गर्न मद्दत गर्ने मानबिय à¤
नुवादक उपकरणar
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationeu
_Source term — %(langname)s_Iturburu-terminoa — %(langname)sca
TMX Translation MemoryMemòria de traducció del TMXgl
show program's version number and exitmostrar o número de versión e saírar
show this help message and exitاعرض رسالة الÙ
ساعدة هذه Ø«Ù
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useAnge antal pluralisformer att användapt_BR
Could not save file.
+Si esteu traduint de l'anglés al francés, el francés seria llavors la llengua de destinació.ca
Could not save file.
+Try saving to a different location.No s'ha pogut desar el fitxer.
+Proveu de desar-lo en una altra ubicació.de
C++ RC FileC++ RC Dateiar
Report a _Bugبلغ عن _علّةbn_IN
Capitalsবড় ছাঁদের à¦
Available _Suggestionsउपलव्ध सुझावहरूde
Placeholders in Python stringsEspaços reservados em strings Pythonit
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURL, nome dell'host ed indirizzi IPpt_BR
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Objeto colocável para atributos "alt" (como encontrado em HTML)nl
Poedit settingsParàmetres del Poeditaf
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangede
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsGehele getallen en tiendelige breukenca
Unable to load %(filename)s:
+%(errormsg)sNo s'ha pogut carregar %(filename)s:
Java Properties FileJava properties-bestandeu
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>XML etiketak, hala nola <b> eta </i>es
URLsEnlaces URLca at valencia
invalid number of argumentsnúmero no válido de argumentospt_BR
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsEspaços duplos e espaços em lugares inesperadosnl
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Faut-il essayer d'importer les préférences et les données d'autres applications ?eu
Import data from other applications?Inportatu datuak beste aplikazioetatik?de
Fileফাইলca at valencia
Wordfast Translation MemoryБаза переводов Wordfastaf
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Om die oorspronklike string na die teikenveld te kopieer, druk bloot <Alt+Af>.ne
%s option does not take a value%s विकल्पले मान लिंदैनar
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sذاكرة ترجÙ
Ø© Poedit: %(database_language_code)sde
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesà¤
न्य भाषामा फाइलहरूको à¤
नुवाद गर्न मद्दत गर्ने मानबिय à¤
नुवादक उपकरणru
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsСлова с заглавными первыми буквами, например некоторые бренды и WikiWordsar
Previous translations you have madeTraduzioni effettuate precedentementees
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationeu
_Source term — %(langname)s_Iturburu-terminoa — %(langname)sca
TMX Translation MemoryMemòria de traducció del TMXgl
show program's version number and exitmostrar o número de versión e saírar
show this help message and exitاعرض رسالة الÙ
ساعدة هذه Ø«Ù
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useAnge antal pluralisformer att användapt_BR
Could not save file.
 %(error_message)sNão foi possível salvar o arquivo.
Add _Term...Neuer _Begriff...ne
Tcl Translation FileTcl à¤
नुवाद फाइलpt_BR
The e-mail address stored in the file headerLa dirección de correo electrónico almacenada en la cabecera del archivoeu
Migration AssistantMigraziorako morroiaca
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useIntroduïu el nombre de formes de substantius (plurals) que s'utilitzaràeu
JavaScript error message fileJavaScript errore-mezu fitxategiaar
Nothing migratedÙ„Ù
 يُنقل شيءar
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryاختر الÙ
صادر التي ستستخدÙ
 لبناء ذاكرة الترجÙ
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
Add _Term...Neuer _Begriff...ne
Tcl Translation FileTcl à¤
नुवाद फाइलpt_BR
The e-mail address stored in the file headerLa dirección de correo electrónico almacenada en la cabecera del archivoeu
Migration AssistantMigraziorako morroiaca
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useIntroduïu el nombre de formes de substantius (plurals) que s'utilitzaràca at valencia
The e-mail address stored in the file headerL'adreça de correu electrònic emmagatzemada en la capçalera del fitxereu
JavaScript error message fileJavaScript errore-mezu fitxategiaar
Nothing migratedÙ„Ù
 يُنقل شيءar
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryاختر الÙ
صادر التي ستستخدÙ
 لبناء ذاكرة الترجÙ
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
 If you are translating from English to French then English would be your original or source language.O idioma de <b>orixinal</b> é o idioma desde o que está traducindo, tamén chamado idioma orixe.
-Se está a traducir do inglés ao francés, inglés sería o idioma orixinal ou idioma orixe.pt_BR
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Ao fim de uma tradução, pressione <Enter> para seguir para a próxima.gl
Virtaal PreferencesPreferencias de Virtaalfr
F_uzzyFlo_u (fuzzy)zu
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsEspaços reservados usados em strings "printf"nl
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Kon het profielbestand '%(filename)s' niet lezennl
Words containing uppercase letters onlyWoorden die alleen uit hoofdletters bestaannl
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?De laatste opgeslagen versie van het bestand herladen en alle wijzigingen verliezen?ca at valencia
Migration AssistantMigrationsassistentar
The e-mail address stored in the file headerعنوان البريد الإلكتروني الذي يُحفظ في ترويسة الÙ
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Die Profildatei '%(filename)s' konnte nicht geöffnet werdenes
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsالأعداد الصحيحة والكسور العشريةaf
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sPoedit se vertaalgeheue: %(database_language_code)saf
C++ RC FileC++ RC-lêereu
_Regular expressionAdierazpen e_rregularrasv
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Tryck helt enkelt <Alt+U> för att markera den aktuella översättningen som luddig.en_GB
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsPlekhouers in "printf"-stringeca at valencia
translator-creditsTom Verlindenbn_IN
Qt Phrase BookQt-র পংক্তি সংকলন (Phrase Book)gl
Virtaal PreferencesVirtaal-Einstellungenaf
XLIFF Translation FileXLIFF-vertaallêerar
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesالÙ
سارات، أسÙ
اء الÙ
ستضيفين وعناوين IPar
A translation memory serverخادوÙ
 ذاكرة ترجÙ
Trados Tag EditorTaggredigeraren Tradosar
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURL, имена Ñ
остов и IP адресаbn_IN
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesএক ভাষা থেকে à¦
ন্য ভাষায় à¦
নুবাদের উদ্দেশ্যে à¦
নুবাদকদের জন্য উপলব্ধ একটি à¦
নুবাদ ব্যবস্থা।zu
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sUmphimbo wokuhumusha weKBabel: %(database_language_code)ses
Nothing migratedNinguna configuración migradaru
Resource CompilerКомпилятор ресурсовca at valencia
_Full Screen_Pantalla completait
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [options] [translation_file]bn_IN
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
+Se está a traducir do inglés ao francés, inglés sería o idioma orixinal ou idioma orixe.pt_BR
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Ao fim de uma tradução, pressione <Enter> para seguir para a próxima.gl
Virtaal PreferencesPreferencias de Virtaalca
Translation memory suggestionsSuggeriments de la memòria de traducciófr
F_uzzyFlo_u (fuzzy)zu
_HelpU_sizoca at valencia
Could not open file.
+Try opening a different file.No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer.
+Proveu d'obrir un altre fitxer.eu
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsEspaços reservados usados em strings "printf"nl
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Kon het profielbestand '%(filename)s' niet lezennl
Words containing uppercase letters onlyWoorden die alleen uit hoofdletters bestaannl
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?De laatste opgeslagen versie van het bestand herladen en alle wijzigingen verliezen?ca
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memorySeleccioneu les fonts que voleu consultar per a la memòria de traduccióca at valencia
Migration AssistantMigrationsassistentar
The e-mail address stored in the file headerعنوان البريد الإلكتروني الذي يُحفظ في ترويسة الÙ
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Die Profildatei '%(filename)s' konnte nicht geöffnet werdenes
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsالأعداد الصحيحة والكسور العشريةaf
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sPoedit se vertaalgeheue: %(database_language_code)saf
C++ RC FileC++ RC-lêereu
_Regular expressionAdierazpen e_rregularrait
CapitalsLettere maiuscolesv
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.Tryck helt enkelt <Alt+U> för att markera den aktuella översättningen som luddig.en_GB
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsPlekhouers in "printf"-stringeca at valencia
Select sources of Translation MemorySeleccioneu les fonts de la memòria de traducciónl
translator-creditsTom Verlindenbn_IN
Qt Phrase BookQt-র পংক্তি সংকলন (Phrase Book)gl
Virtaal PreferencesVirtaal-Einstellungenaf
XLIFF Translation FileXLIFF-vertaallêerar
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesالÙ
سارات، أسÙ
اء الÙ
ستضيفين وعناوين IPar
A translation memory serverخادوÙ
 ذاكرة ترجÙ
Trados Tag EditorTaggredigeraren Tradosit
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSimboli e segni di punteggiatura meno frequentiar
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURL, имена Ñ
остов и IP адресаbn_IN
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesএক ভাষা থেকে à¦
ন্য ভাষায় à¦
নুবাদের উদ্দেশ্যে à¦
নুবাদকদের জন্য উপলব্ধ একটি à¦
নুবাদ ব্যবস্থা।it
Select sources of Translation MemorySelezionare fonti della Memoria di Traduzione (TM)zu
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sUmphimbo wokuhumusha weKBabel: %(database_language_code)ses
Nothing migratedNinguna configuración migradaru
Resource CompilerКомпилятор ресурсовca at valencia
_Full Screen_Pantalla completait
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [opzioni] [_file di traduzione]bn_IN
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
 If you are translating from English to French then English would be your original or source language.<b>মূল ভাষা</b> à¦
র্থাৎ যে ভাষা থেকে à¦
নুবাদ করা হচ্ছে।
-ইংরাজি থেকে বাংলায় à¦
নুবাদ করার সময়, মূল ভাষা রূপে ইংরাজি চিহ্নিত হবে।ca
long integerenter granca
_New Language Pair..._Nou parell de llengües…eu
Available _Suggestions_Suggerimenti disponibilizu
PlaceablesIzinhlamvu ezibekekayoaf
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationKopiereg © 2007-2009 Zuza Sagtewarestigtingzu
C++ RC FileFitxer RC de C++fr
Qt Phrase BookLivre de phrases de Qtde
Please enter your team's informationGeben Sie bitte die Informationen zu Ihrem Team einsv
Remote serverخادوÙ
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sके ब्याबेलको à¤
नुवाद स्मृति: %(database_language_code)seu
Tcl Translation FileTcl itzulpen-fitxategiaca
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Depenenent de la tasca de traducció, la informació del plural pot ser opcional.zu
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Ukwaziswa komhumushi</b>fr
Please enter your team's informationVeuillez indiquer le nom de votre équipe de traductionpt_BR
show this help message and exitmostra essa mensagem de ajuda e saipt_BR
Wordfast Translation MemoryMemória de tradução do Wordfastnl
Terminology HelpTerminologiehulpaf
Qt Message FileQt-boodskaplêereu
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.Hizkuntza-kodeak gutxienez 2 karaktere luze izan behar du.ru
Local translation filesЛокальные файлы переводовde
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Wollen Sie wirklich die Datei aus der zuletzt gespeicherten Kopie erneut laden und alle Änderungen verlieren?fr
All FilesAlle Dateiensv
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sБаза памяти переводов Lokalize: %(database_name)sca at valencia
The file contains nothing to translate.El fitxer no té res per traduir.gl
no such option: %snon existe a opción: %seu
_Target term — %(langname)s_Helburu-terminoa — %(langname)spt_BR
The following items were migrated:Os seguintes itens foram migrados:ru
Qt Phrase BookКнига фраз Qteu
long integerosoko luzeane
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationDereitos de autor © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationgl
XML TagsXML-Tagsnl
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Moet Virtaal proberen instellingen en gegevens te importeren uit andere toepassingen?it
Could not open file.
+ইংরাজি থেকে বাংলায় à¦
নুবাদ করার সময়, মূল ভাষা রূপে ইংরাজি চিহ্নিত হবে।ca at valencia
We thank our donors:Agraïm la donació de:ca
long integerenter granca
_New Language Pair..._Nou parell de llengües…bn_IN
Terminology Helpপরিভাষা সংক্রান্ত সহায়তাeu
PlaceablesIzinhlamvu ezibekekayobn_IN
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsমধ্যে বড় ছাঁদের à¦
ক্ষরবিশিষ্ট শব্দ, যেমন কোনো ব্র্যান্ডের নাম à¦
থবা WikiWordsaf
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationKopiereg © 2007-2009 Zuza Sagtewarestigtingbn_IN
C++ RC FileFitxer RC de C++fr
Qt Phrase BookLivre de phrases de Qtde
Please enter your team's informationGeben Sie bitte die Informationen zu Ihrem Team einsv
Remote serverخادوÙ
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sके ब्याबेलको à¤
नुवाद स्मृति: %(database_language_code)sru
Tcl Translation FileTcl itzulpen-fitxategiaca
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Depenenent de la tasca de traducció, la informació del plural pot ser opcional.zu
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Ukwaziswa komhumushi</b>fr
Please enter your team's informationVeuillez indiquer le nom de votre équipe de traductionpt_BR
show this help message and exitmostra essa mensagem de ajuda e saipt_BR
Wordfast Translation MemoryMemória de tradução do Wordfastnl
Terminology HelpTerminologiehulpaf
Qt Message FileQt-boodskaplêereu
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.Hizkuntza-kodeak gutxienez 2 karaktere luze izan behar du.ru
Local translation filesЛокальные файлы переводовde
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Wollen Sie wirklich die Datei aus der zuletzt gespeicherten Kopie erneut laden und alle Änderungen verlieren?fr
All FilesAlle Dateiensv
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sБаза памяти переводов Lokalize: %(database_name)sca at valencia
Translated units from the current fileUnitats traduïdes del fitxer actualca at valencia
The file contains nothing to translate.El fitxer no té res per traduir.gl
no such option: %snon existe a opción: %seu
_Target term — %(langname)s_Helburu-terminoa — %(langname)spt_BR
The following items were migrated:Os seguintes itens foram migrados:it
Automatically complete long words while you typeCompleta automaticamente parole lunghe quando si scriveru
Qt Phrase BookКнига фраз Qteu
long integerosoko luzeane
Translated units from the current fileUnità tradotte dal file correntegl
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationDereitos de autor © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationgl
XML TagsXML-Tagsnl
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Moet Virtaal proberen instellingen en gegevens te importeren uit andere toepassingen?it
AutoCompletorCompletamento automaticode
Could not open file.
@@ -434,17 +454,9 @@
 If you are translating from English to French then English would be your original or source language.Die <b>Oorspronklike</b> is die taal waaruit mens vertaal, ook bekend as die brontaal.
-As mens van Engels na Frans vertaal, is Engels die oorspronklike of brontaal.fr
Open-Tran.euOpen-Tran.euca at valencia
Name:Nome:ca at valencia
_Navigation: _Navegació:de
E-mail addressesE-Mail-Adressenbn_IN
Could not save file.
-Try saving at a different location.ফাইল সংরক্ষণ করতে ব্যর্থ।
নুগ্রহ করে পৃথক à¦
বস্থানে সংরক্ষণের প্রচেষ্টা করুন।ca at valencia
option %s: invalid %s value: %ropció %s: el valor de %s no és vàlida: %res
Usage: %s
+As mens van Engels na Frans vertaal, is Engels die oorspronklike of brontaal.fr
Command Line Optionsকমান্ড-লাইন থেকে ব্যবহারযোগ্য বিকল্পca at valencia
E-mail addressesE-Mail-Adressenca at valencia
option %s: invalid %s value: %ropció %s: el valor de %s no és vàlida: %res
Usage: %s
 Uso: %s
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Use Ctrl+Acima ou Ctrl+Abaixo para mover-se entre as traduções.de
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.Fitxategiaren goiburuan gordetzen den talde-informazioa. Helbide elektronikoa nahiz URLa izan daiteke, adibidez.pt_BR
Placeholders (Python)Espaços reservados (Python)ru
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IОпции командной строки приложения, такие, как --help, -h и -Iaf
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareVorige vertalings van Vry en Oopbronsagtewarenl
enable debugging featuresdebugfunctionaliteit inschakelenar
RCRCca at valencia
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Voleu tornar a carregar el fitxer des de la darrera còpia alçada i perdre tots els canvis?de
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sTranslation Memory von Lokalize: %(database_name)sbn_IN
_Helpসাহায্য (_H)nl
Reload FileBestand herladenne
The following items were migrated:निम्न वस्तुहरू माईग्रेट भए:bn_IN
_Navigation: পরিদর্শন: (_N)es
%s option requires an argumentla opción %s necesita un argumentoca at valencia
The file contains nothing to translate.O ficheiro non contén nada para traducir.pt_BR
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Informações do tradutor</b>es
Language name:Nombre del idioma:gl
_Recent FilesArchivos _recientesne
enable debugging featuresविशेषताहरूको त्रुटि सच्याउँदा सक्षम पार्नुहोस्gl
Qt Phrase BookLibro de frases Qtar
Could not open file.
+ca at valencia
Target text:Text de destinació:pt_BR
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Use Ctrl+Acima ou Ctrl+Abaixo para mover-se entre as traduções.de
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.Fitxategiaren goiburuan gordetzen den talde-informazioa. Helbide elektronikoa nahiz URLa izan daiteke, adibidez.pt_BR
Placeholders (Python)Espaços reservados (Python)ru
Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -IОпции командной строки приложения, такие, как --help, -h и -Iaf
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareVorige vertalings van Vry en Oopbronsagtewarenl
enable debugging featuresdebugfunctionaliteit inschakelenar
RCRCca at valencia
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Voleu tornar a carregar el fitxer des de la darrera còpia alçada i perdre tots els canvis?de
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sTranslation Memory von Lokalize: %(database_name)sbn_IN
_Helpসাহায্য (_H)nl
Reload FileBestand herladenne
The following items were migrated:निम्न वस्तुहरू माईग्रेट भए:es
%s option requires an argumentla opción %s necesita un argumentoca at valencia
The file contains nothing to translate.O ficheiro non contén nada para traducir.pt_BR
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Informações do tradutor</b>es
Language name:Nombre del idioma:gl
_Recent FilesArchivos _recientesne
enable debugging featuresविशेषताहरूको त्रुटि सच्याउँदा सक्षम पार्नुहोस्gl
Qt Phrase BookLibro de frases Qtar
Could not open file.
@@ -464,7 +476,7 @@
 %(errormsg)s%(filename)s konnte nicht geladen werden:
Tcl Translation FileÙ
لف ترجÙ
Ø© Tcles
PlaceablesObjetos colocablesde
invalid number of argumentsnombre incorrect de paramètresne
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [opciones] [archivo_de_traducción]de
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Zum Kopieren des Ausgangstextes in das Zieltextfeld <Alt+Unten> drücken.de
show program's version number and exiterakutsi programaren bertsio-zenbakia eta irtenca
_Missing Language...Llengua a_bsent…ru
Plural expression:Expression de forme plurielle :fr
_Localization GuideIncwadi yoku_lokalayizaar
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsالÙ
سافات الÙ
زدوجة، والÙ
سافات في Ù
واضع غير Ù
%prog [options]%prog [opsies]gl
show this help message and exitmostrar esta mensaxe de axuda e saírnl
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationru
Qt Linguist Translation FileФайл перевода Qt Linguistfr
Translation Memory eXchangeItzulpen-memorien trukaketafr
_Case sensitiveSensible à la _casseru
Could not open file.
Tcl Translation FileÙ
لف ترجÙ
Ø© Tcles
PlaceablesObjetos colocablesde
invalid number of argumentsnombre incorrect de paramètresne
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [opciones] [archivo_de_traducción]ca at valencia
Add TermAfig un termede
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Zum Kopieren des Ausgangstextes in das Zieltextfeld <Alt+Unten> drücken.ca at valencia
Apertium Machine TranslationTraducció automàtica d'Apertiumde
show program's version number and exiterakutsi programaren bertsio-zenbakia eta irtenru
Plural expression:Expression de forme plurielle :fr
_Localization GuideIncwadi yoku_lokalayizaar
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsالÙ
سافات الÙ
زدوجة، والÙ
سافات في Ù
واضع غير Ù
Select Terminology SourcesSeleccioneu les fonts de terminologiaaf
%prog [options]%prog [opsies]gl
show this help message and exitmostrar esta mensaxe de axuda e saírbn_IN
_Update to Templateটেমপ্লেট রূপে আপডেট করা হবে (_U)nl
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationru
Qt Linguist Translation FileФайл перевода Qt Linguistfr
Translation Memory eXchangeItzulpen-memorien trukaketafr
_Case sensitiveSensible à la _casseru
Could not open file.
@@ -472,17 +484,17 @@
-Попробуйте открыть другой файл.fr
P_revious PlaceableObjet insérable _précédentde
TMX Translation MemoryTMX Translation Memoryit
Please enter your nameInserire nomees
JavaScript error message fileArchivo de mensajes de errores de JavaScriptaf
Usage: %s
+Попробуйте открыть другой файл.fr
P_revious PlaceableObjet insérable _précédentde
TMX Translation MemoryTMX Translation Memoryit
Please enter your nameInserire il proprio nomees
JavaScript error message fileArchivo de mensajes de errores de JavaScriptaf
Usage: %s
 Gebruik: %s
%s option does not take a value%s операция не принимает значениеnl
Placeholders in Java stringsTijdelijke aanduidingen in Java-tekenreeksenru
_Next Placeable_Следующий спецобъектgl
Plural expression:Expresión de plurais:nl
%%ca at valencia
Words containing uppercase letters onlyWörter, die nur Großbuchstaben enthaltensw
Number of plurals:Numba za wingi:fr
E-mail addressesAdresses de courrier électroniquefr
Virtaal PreferencesPréférences pour Virtaalzu
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationIlungelo lomqambi © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationne
Migration assistantमाइग्रेसन सहायकar
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useرجاء أدخل عدد صيغ الÙ
عدود (الجÙ
Replace withReemplazar coneu
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationsw
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationHakimiliki © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationpt_BR
_Editসম্পাদনা (_E)ru
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
%s option does not take a value%s операция не принимает значениеnl
Placeholders in Java stringsTijdelijke aanduidingen in Java-tekenreeksenru
_Next Placeable_Следующий спецобъектgl
Plural expression:Expresión de plurais:nl
%%ca at valencia
Words containing uppercase letters onlyWörter, die nur Großbuchstaben enthaltensw
Number of plurals:Numba za wingi:ca
Error opening fileS'ha produït un error en obrir el fitxerca at valencia
E-mailCorreu electrònicfr
E-mail addressesAdresses de courrier électroniquefr
Virtaal PreferencesPréférences pour Virtaalzu
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationIlungelo lomqambi © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationne
Migration assistantमाइग्रेसन सहायकar
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useرجاء أدخل عدد صيغ الÙ
عدود (الجÙ
Replace withReemplazar coneu
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationsw
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationHakimiliki © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationpt_BR
_Editসম্পাদনা (_E)ru
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
 If you are translating from English to French then English would be your original or source language.<b>Оригинал</b> это язык с которого вы переводите, называется также исÑ
одным языком.
-Если вы переводите с английского на русский, то оригиналом (исÑ
одным языком) будет английский.ca at valencia
Virtaal PreferencesPreferències del Virtaalne
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationप्रतिलिपि à¤
धिकार © २००७-२००९ जूजा सफ्टवेयर फाउण्डेसनgl
Migration AssistantAsistente de migraciónnl
SpacesSpatiesca at valencia
Gettext Translation TemplatePlantilla de traducció de Gettextar
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).تركيزنا الأساسي على ترجÙ
Ø© البرÙ
جيات، لكن ننوي طبعا أن يكون Ù
فيدا كأداة عاÙ
Ø© الأغراض للترجÙ
Ø© الÙ
عانة بالحاسوب.ca at valencia
Machine Translation with libtranslateTradueix automàticament amb libtranslatenl
This fileDit bestandes
Tcl Translation FileArchivo de traducción de Tclgl
%s option requires an argument%s aukerak argumentua behar dusw
ISO code:Kodi ta ISO:zu
Please enter your nameAwunike igama lakhoru
XLIFF Translation FileФайл перевода XLIFFfr
no such option: %soption inexistante : %sgl
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Intraducíbeis son partes especiais dun texto que poden ser automaticamente realzadas e doadamente inseridas na tradución.de
Import data from other applications?Daten aus anderen Anwendungen importieren?de
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsEs handelt sich hierbei um Begriffe, bei denen innerhalb des Wortes Großbuchstaben enthalten sind, wie z.B. in einigen Markennamen und WikiWörternaf
XML Entitiesكيانات XMLgl
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.A información do equipo que se gardou na cabeceira do ficheiro. Pode ser un enderezo de correo ou un URL.ar
E-mail addressesعناوين البريد الإلكترونيit
Translation MemoryTranslation Memorysw
OpenOffice.org Translation FileFaili la Tafsiri la OpenOffice.orggl
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryChoisir les sources qui seront interrogées lors des appels à la mémoire de traductionar
integerعدد صحيحnl
Please enter your e-mail addressGeben Sie bitte Ihre E-Mail-Adresse eines
File NamesNombres de archivosfr
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationpt_BR
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.à¤
नुवादन कार्यमा निर्भरता हुने कार्य, बहुसंख्यक सूचनाको विकल्पक हुनसक्छ ।ru
Virtaal websiteСайт Фиртаалpt_BR
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
+Если вы переводите с английского на русский, то оригиналом (исÑ
одным языком) будет английский.ca at valencia
Virtaal PreferencesPreferències del Virtaalne
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationप्रतिलिपि à¤
धिकार © २००७-२००९ जूजा सफ्टवेयर फाउण्डेसनgl
Migration AssistantAsistente de migraciónnl
N_avigation:_Navegació:ca at valencia
Gettext Translation TemplatePlantilla de traducció de Gettextar
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).تركيزنا الأساسي على ترجÙ
Ø© البرÙ
جيات، لكن ننوي طبعا أن يكون Ù
فيدا كأداة عاÙ
Ø© الأغراض للترجÙ
Ø© الÙ
عانة بالحاسوب.ca at valencia
Machine Translation with libtranslateTradueix automàticament amb libtranslatenl
This fileDit bestandes
Tcl Translation FileArchivo de traducción de Tclgl
CodeCódigoca at valencia
%s option requires an argument%s aukerak argumentua behar dusw
ISO code:Kodi ta ISO:zu
Please enter your nameAwunike igama lakhoru
XLIFF Translation FileФайл перевода XLIFFfr
no such option: %soption inexistante : %sgl
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Intraducíbeis son partes especiais dun texto que poden ser automaticamente realzadas e doadamente inseridas na tradución.de
Import data from other applications?Daten aus anderen Anwendungen importieren?de
Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWordsEs handelt sich hierbei um Begriffe, bei denen innerhalb des Wortes Großbuchstaben enthalten sind, wie z.B. in einigen Markennamen und WikiWörternaf
XML Entitiesكيانات XMLgl
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.A información do equipo que se gardou na cabeceira do ficheiro. Pode ser un enderezo de correo ou un URL.ar
E-mail addressesعناوين البريد الإلكترونيit
Translation MemoryTranslation Memorysw
OpenOffice.org Translation FileFaili la Tafsiri la OpenOffice.orggl
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryChoisir les sources qui seront interrogées lors des appels à la mémoire de traductionar
integerعدد صحيحnl
Please enter your e-mail addressGeben Sie bitte Ihre E-Mail-Adresse eines
File NamesNombres de archivosfr
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationpt_BR
MatchesOcorrênciasca at valencia
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaalbn_IN
A TinyTM translation memory serverTinyTM à¦
নুবাদ মেমরির সার্ভারne
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.à¤
नुवादन कार्यमा निर्भरता हुने कार्य, बहुसंख्यक सूचनाको विकल्पक हुनसक्छ ।ru
Virtaal websiteСайт Фиртаалpt_BR
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
 If you are translating from English to French then English would be your original or source language.<b>Original</b> é o idioma do qual você está traduzindo, também chamado de idioma origem.
-Se você estiver traduzindo do inglês para o português, o idioma original é o inglês.es
_Regular expression_Expresión regulareu
Trados Tag EditorTrados etiketen editoreasw
long integernamba ndefuzu
Virtaal websiteIngosi yeVirtaalde
Please enter the plural equation to useBitte geben Sie die zu verwendende Pluralgleichung einsv
Lokalize settingsInställningar för Lokalizeaf
Report a _BugRapporteer 'n _fouteu
Currently open fileUnean irekitako fitxategiaar
Translation Memoryذاكرة الترجÙ
Command Line OptionsOpcións da liña de ordesit
Please enter the plural equation to useInserire l'equazione plurale da usareaf
Java Properties FileJava .properties-lêerfr
_Add Missing Language..._Ajouter une langue manquante...ne
Report a _Bugबग प्रतिवेदन गर्नुहोस्pt_BR
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Recarregar o arquivo com a última versão salva e perder todas as alterações?de
Automatically complete long words while you typeOsatu hitzak automatikoki idatzi ahalapt_BR
show this help message and exiterakutsi laguntza-mezu hau eta irtenpt_BR
All FilesTodos os arquivossv
Could not save file.
+Se você estiver traduzindo do inglês para o português, o idioma original é o inglês.es
_Regular expression_Expresión regulareu
Trados Tag EditorTrados etiketen editoreasw
long integernamba ndefuzu
Virtaal websiteIngosi yeVirtaalde
Please enter the plural equation to useBitte geben Sie die zu verwendende Pluralgleichung einsv
Lokalize settingsInställningar för Lokalizeaf
Report a _BugRapporteer 'n _fouteu
Currently open fileUnean irekitako fitxategiaar
Translation Memoryذاكرة الترجÙ
Command Line OptionsOpcións da liña de ordesit
Please enter the plural equation to useInserire l'equazione plurale da utilizzareaf
Java Properties FileJava .properties-lêerfr
_Add Missing Language..._Ajouter une langue manquante...ne
Report a _Bugबग प्रतिवेदन गर्नुहोस्pt_BR
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Recarregar o arquivo com a última versão salva e perder todas as alterações?de
Automatically complete long words while you typeOsatu hitzak automatikoki idatzi ahalapt_BR
show this help message and exiterakutsi laguntza-mezu hau eta irtenca at valencia
Local fileFitxer localpt_BR
All FilesTodos os arquivossv
Could not save file.
@@ -490,11 +502,15 @@
-Prova att spara den på någon annan plats.af
File NamesLêernameit
Source text:Ausgangstext:ru
long integerдлинное целоеeu
ISO code:ISO kodea:de
Terminology HelpTerminologiehilfear
Apertium Machine TranslationترجÙ
ة Apertium الآليةes
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.hacer perfilado, guardando el resultado en el nombre de archivo indicado.ar
_Add Missing Language...أ_ضف لغة ناقصة...eu
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURLak, ostalari-izenak eta IP helbideakbn_IN
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Impossibile aprire file di profilo "%(filename)s"sv
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sKBabels översättningsminne: %(database_language_code)sar
Poedit settingsإعدادات Poeditsv
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Utilizzare Ctrl+Pgsù o Ctrl+Pggiù per spostarsi a grossi intervalli tra le traduzioni.af
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useGee asb. die aantal naamwoordvorme (meervoude) om te gebruikde
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sTranslation Memory von KBabel: %(database_language_code)sne
show program's version number and exitकार्यक्रमको संस्करण संख्या देखाउनुहोस् र निस्कनुहोस्ne
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.à¤
नुवादहरूको विचमा लैजान Ctrl+Up वा Ctrl+Down लाई प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् ।eu
Placeholders (Python)Leku-markak (Python)it
_Navigation: _Navigazione: eu
CONFIGKONFIGca at valencia
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sБаза памяти переводов Poedit: %(database_language_code)snl
Use _Default Fonts_Standaard lettertypes gebruikenca at valencia
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.El codi de llengua cal que tinga com a mínim dos caràcters.es
Please enter your team's informationPor favor, digite as informações de sua equipede
Error opening fileخطأ أثناء فتح الÙ
_New Language Pair..._Nuova coppia di lingue...ca at valencia
Please enter your e-mail addressIntroduïu la vostra adreça de correu electrònicit
%s option requires %d argumentsL'opzione %s richiede %d argomentibn_IN
Please enter your nameà¦
নুগ্রহ করে নিজের নাম লিখুনeu
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangesv
Currently open fileAktuellt öppnad filar
Wordfast Translation Memoryذاكرة ترجÙ
Ø© Wordfastgl
Translation MemoryMemoria de traduciónde
Local TMLokale TMpt_BR
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.executa o perfilamento, armazenando o resultado no arquivo informado.af
Placeholders (printf)Plekhouers (printf)fr
_Page DownPa_ge vers le basca at valencia
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
+Prova att spara den på någon annan plats.af
File NamesLêernameit
Source text:Ausgangstext:ru
long integerдлинное целоеeu
ISO code:ISO kodea:de
Terminology HelpTerminologiehilfear
Apertium Machine TranslationترجÙ
ة Apertium الآليةes
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.hacer perfilado, guardando el resultado en el nombre de archivo indicado.ar
_Add Missing Language...أ_ضف لغة ناقصة...eu
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURLak, ostalari-izenak eta IP helbideakbn_IN
Automatically correct text while you typeটাইপ করার সময় স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে লেখা সংশোধন করা হবেit
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Impossibile aprire file di profilo '%(filename)s'sv
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sKBabels översättningsminne: %(database_language_code)sca
We thank our donors:Agraïm la donació de:ar
Poedit settingsإعدادات Poeditsv
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Usare Ctrl+PgSù o Ctrl+PgGiù per spostarsi attraverso segmenti di traduzione più grandi.af
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useGee asb. die aantal naamwoordvorme (meervoude) om te gebruikde
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sTranslation Memory von KBabel: %(database_language_code)sne
show program's version number and exitकार्यक्रमको संस्करण संख्या देखाउनुहोस् र निस्कनुहोस्ne
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.à¤
नुवादहरूको विचमा लैजान Ctrl+Up वा Ctrl+Down लाई प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् ।eu
Placeholders (Python)Leku-markak (Python)eu
CONFIGKONFIGca at valencia
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sБаза памяти переводов Poedit: %(database_language_code)snl
Use _Default Fonts_Standaard lettertypes gebruikenca at valencia
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.El codi de llengua cal que tinga com a mínim dos caràcters.ca at valencia
Entity references, such as & and ©Referències d'entitats, com ara & i ©es
Please enter your team's informationPor favor, digite as informações de sua equipede
Error opening fileخطأ أثناء فتح الÙ
Add TermAfegeix un termeit
_New Language Pair..._Nuova coppia linguistica...ca at valencia
Please enter your e-mail addressIntroduïu la vostra adreça de correu electrònicit
%s option requires %d argumentsl'opzione %s necessita %d argomentiit
_Next Placeable_Elemento placeable successivobn_IN
Please enter your nameà¦
নুগ্রহ করে নিজের নাম লিখুনsv
Currently open fileAktuellt öppnad fileu
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangear
Wordfast Translation Memoryذاكرة ترجÙ
Ø© Wordfastgl
Translation MemoryMemoria de traduciónde
Local TMLokale TMpt_BR
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.executa o perfilamento, armazenando o resultado no arquivo informado.af
Placeholders (printf)Plekhouers (printf)fr
_Page DownPa_ge vers le basca at valencia
The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also called the source language.
 If you are translating from English to French then English would be your original or source language.L'<b>original</b> és la llengua a partir de la qual esteu traduint, que també rep el nom de llengua d'origen.
-Si esteu traduint de l'anglés al francés, l'anglés seria llavors la llengua original o d'origen.ru
Translation Memory eXchangeБаза переводов eXchangefr
Translation _Suggestions_Suggestions de traductionnl
Translation ToolVertaalprogrammaaf
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" ليس Ù
لفا Ù
New Language PairNuova copia di lingueru
show this help message and exitvisa detta hjälpmeddelande och avslutaaf
Please enter your team's informationGee asb. u span se inligtinges
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Placeable voor "alt" attributen (zoals gebruikt in HTML)ru
Source text:ИсÑ
одный текст:pt_BR
_Next Placeable_Próximo objeto colocávelru
_Case sensitive_Чувствителен к региструaf
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sLocalizza memoria di traduzione: %(database_name)saf
Language name:Taalnaam:nl
Number of plurals:Aantal meervouden:ca
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)opció ambígua: %s (%s?)ne
AutoCompletorस्वत:पूरा गर्नेca at valencia
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Voleu que el Virtaal prove d'importar els paràmetres i les dades d'altres aplicacions?gl
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Попытаться импортировать установки и данные от другиÑ
 программ перевода?ru
Name:Имя:ca at valencia
JavaScript error message fileFitxer de missatges d'error de JavaScriptgl
Language code must be an ASCII string.Код языка должен быть строкой ASCII.fr
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsZenbaki osoko eta hamartarrakit
Number of plurals:Numero di plurali:pt_BR
Command Line OptionsOpções da linha de comandogl
Please enter the plural equation to useIntroduza a ecuación de plurais que usaránl
Error opening fileErro ao abrir o arquivoru
_Regular expression_Reguliere expressiear
_Tutorialدرس _تعليÙ
Translation MemoryMemòria de traducciófr
Local Translation MemoryMémoire de traduction localear
Add Filesأضِف Ù
All FilesFitxategi guztiakar
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Não foi possível abrir o arquivo de log "%(filename)s"es
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?¿Recargar archivo de la última copia guardada y perder todos los cambios?es
VirtaalVirtaalca at valencia
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemòria de traducció del Poedit: %(database_language_code)sru
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareПредыдущие переводы свободного ПОnl
_Case sensitiveHoofd_lettergevoeligbn_IN
Please enter your e-mail addressPor favor, digite seu endereço de e-mailde
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.slå på loggning, lagrar resultatet till det angivna filnamnet.nl
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>XML-tags zoals <b> en </i>ru
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Настройки миграции с KBabel, Lokalize и/или Poedit в Virtaal.pt_BR
Translated units from the current fileUnidades traduzidas do arquivo atuales
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemoria de traducción de Poedit: %(database_language_code)sca at valencia
C++ RC FileFitxer RC de C++fr
%s option requires an argumentoptie %s vereist een argumentit
Translation MemoryMemoria di traduzionees
Placeholders (Python)Platzhalter (Python)pt_BR
The name stored in the file headerO nome armazenado no cabeçalho do arquivonl
Could not open file.
+Si esteu traduint de l'anglés al francés, l'anglés seria llavors la llengua original o d'origen.ru
Translation Memory eXchangeБаза переводов eXchangefr
Translation _Suggestions_Suggestions de traductionnl
Translation ToolVertaalprogrammaaf
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" ليس Ù
لفا Ù
New Language PairNuova coppia linguisticaru
show this help message and exitvisa detta hjälpmeddelande och avslutaaf
Please enter your team's informationGee asb. u span se inligtingca at valencia
Unable to load %(filename)s:
+%(errormsg)sNo s'ha pogut carregar %(filename)s:
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Placeable voor "alt" attributen (zoals gebruikt in HTML)ru
Source text:ИсÑ
одный текст:pt_BR
_Next Placeable_Próximo objeto colocávelru
_Case sensitive_Чувствителен к региструaf
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sMemoria di traduzione di Lokalize: %(database_name)saf
Language name:Taalnaam:nl
Number of plurals:Aantal meervouden:ca
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)opció ambígua: %s (%s?)ca at valencia
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Voleu que el Virtaal prove d'importar els paràmetres i les dades d'altres aplicacions?ne
AutoCompletorस्वत:पूरा गर्नेgl
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Попытаться импортировать установки и данные от другиÑ
 программ перевода?ru
Name:Имя:ca at valencia
JavaScript error message fileFitxer de missatges d'error de JavaScriptgl
Language code must be an ASCII string.Код языка должен быть строкой ASCII.ca
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsNombres enters i fraccions decimalsfr
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsZenbaki osoko eta hamartarrakit
Number of plurals:Numero di plurali:pt_BR
Command Line OptionsOpções da linha de comandogl
Please enter the plural equation to useIntroduza a ecuación de plurais que usaránl
Error opening fileErro ao abrir o arquivoru
_Regular expression_Reguliere expressiear
_Tutorialدرس _تعليÙ
Translation MemoryMemòria de traducciófr
Local Translation MemoryMémoire de traduction localear
Add Filesأضِف Ù
All FilesFitxategi guztiakar
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'Não foi possível abrir o arquivo de log "%(filename)s"es
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?¿Recargar archivo de la última copia guardada y perder todos los cambios?es
VirtaalVirtaalca at valencia
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemòria de traducció del Poedit: %(database_language_code)sru
Previous translations for Free and Open Source SoftwareПредыдущие переводы свободного ПОnl
_Case sensitiveHoofd_lettergevoeligbn_IN
Please enter your e-mail addressPor favor, digite seu endereço de e-mailde
Local fileস্থানীয় ফাইলsv
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.slå på loggning, lagrar resultatet till det angivna filnamnet.ca at valencia
Remote TMMT remotanl
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>XML-tags zoals <b> en </i>ru
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Настройки миграции с KBabel, Lokalize и/или Poedit в Virtaal.pt_BR
Translated units from the current fileUnidades traduzidas do arquivo atuales
Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMemoria de traducción de Poedit: %(database_language_code)sca at valencia
C++ RC FileFitxer RC de C++fr
%s option requires an argumentoptie %s vereist een argumentit
Translation MemoryMemoria di traduzionees
Placeholders (Python)Platzhalter (Python)pt_BR
The name stored in the file headerO nome armazenado no cabeçalho do arquivonl
Could not open file.
@@ -502,11 +518,27 @@
-Probeer een ander bestand te openen.it
_Missing Language..._Lingua mancante...ar
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.Ù
ات الفريق التي تُحفظ في ترويسة الÙ
لف. ÙŠÙ
كن أن يكون عنوان بريد إلكتروني أو Ù
سارا إلى Ù
وقع وب.ca
%prog [options]%prog [opcions]ru
Language name:Название языка:ca
Source text:Texto da fonte:fr
PlaceablesObjets insérableseu
Terminology suggestionsTerminologia-gomendioakbn_IN
TM SourceTM-bronne
Trados Tag Editorट्राडोस ट्याग सम्पादकne
%prog [options]%prog [विकल्पहरू]ca
Number of plurals:Nombre de plurals:it
Translated units from the current fileÉléments traduits du fichier en coursbn_IN
enable debugging featuresডিবাগ ব্যবস্থা সক্রিয় করা হবেit
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).Zunächst kümmern wir uns zwar hauptsächlich um die Übersetzung von Software (Lokalisierung oder l10n), aber wir möchten auf jeden Fall, dass unser Programm als allgemeines Tool zur computergestützten Übersetzung (CAT) hilfreich ist.af
Nothing migratedNiets gemigreerdne
New Language Pairनयाँ भाषा जोडाgl
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memorySeleccionar orixes que deberían consultarse procurando memorias de traduciónnl
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaaleu
Choose a Translation FileAukeratu itzulpen-fitxategiane
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.वीरताल à¤
नुवाद गरीरहनको लागि एउटा कार्यक्रम हो ।ca
The file "%s" does not exist.Filen "%s" finns inte.ar
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.استخدÙ
لف الإعدادات الÙ
Resource CompilerCompilateur de ressourcesfr
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)option %s : choix non valable : %r (choisi depuis %s)ar
The following items were migrated:نُقِلت هذه العناصر:es
floating-pointcoma flotantefr
_Localization GuideGuide de _localisationnl
The e-mail address stored in the file headerHet in de bestandsheader opgeslagen e-mailadresfr
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Utilisez <Ctrl+PgHaut> ou <Ctrl+PgBas> pour naviguer entre les traductions.ca at valencia
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'No s'ha pogut llegir el fitxer de configuració «%(filename)s»sv
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.använd konfigurationsfilen som angetts av filnamnet.nl
PunctuationInterpunctieca at valencia
Reload FileRecharger le fichiergl
Local TMMT localzu
Currently open fileIfayela elivuliwe manjees
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchange (intercambio de base de términos)it
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)opzione ambigua: %s (%s?)gl
INI FileArchivo INIde
%s option does not take a value%s বিকল্প দ্বারা কোনো মান গ্রহণ করা হয় নাeu
Translation ToolItzulpen-tresnasv
P_revious PlaceableObjeto colocable _anterioraf
long integerlang heelgetalde
Could not save file.
+Probeer een ander bestand te openen.ar
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.Ù
ات الفريق التي تُحفظ في ترويسة الÙ
لف. ÙŠÙ
كن أن يكون عنوان بريد إلكتروني أو Ù
سارا إلى Ù
وقع وب.ca
%prog [options]%prog [opcions]ru
Language name:Название языка:ca
Source text:Texto da fonte:fr
PlaceablesObjets insérableseu
Terminology suggestionsTerminologia-gomendioakbn_IN
TM SourceTM-bronne
Trados Tag Editorट्राडोस ट्याग सम्पादकne
%prog [options]%prog [विकल्पहरू]ca
Number of plurals:Nombre de plurals:it
Translated units from the current fileÉléments traduits du fichier en coursbn_IN
enable debugging featuresডিবাগ ব্যবস্থা সক্রিয় করা হবেit
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).Zunächst kümmern wir uns zwar hauptsächlich um die Übersetzung von Software (Lokalisierung oder l10n), aber wir möchten auf jeden Fall, dass unser Programm als allgemeines Tool zur computergestützten Übersetzung (CAT) hilfreich ist.af
Nothing migratedNiets gemigreerdne
New Language Pairनयाँ भाषा जोडाgl
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memorySeleccionar orixes que deberían consultarse procurando memorias de traduciónnl
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaalca at valencia
XML TagsEtiquetes XMLeu
Choose a Translation FileAukeratu itzulpen-fitxategiaca
Command Line OptionsOpcions de la línia d'ordresne
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.वीरताल à¤
नुवाद गरीरहनको लागि एउटा कार्यक्रम हो ।ca
Add FilesAggiungi filesv
The file "%s" does not exist.Filen "%s" finns inte.ca at valencia
Could not save file.
+Try saving to a different location.No s'ha pogut alçar el fitxer.
+Proveu d'alçar-lo en una altra ubicació.ar
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.استخدÙ
لف الإعدادات الÙ
Resource CompilerCompilateur de ressourcesfr
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)option %s : choix non valable : %r (choisi depuis %s)ar
The following items were migrated:نُقِلت هذه العناصر:es
floating-pointcoma flotantefr
_Localization GuideGuide de _localisationnl
The e-mail address stored in the file headerHet in de bestandsheader opgeslagen e-mailadresfr
Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations.Utilisez <Ctrl+PgHaut> ou <Ctrl+PgBas> pour naviguer entre les traductions.ca at valencia
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'No s'ha pogut llegir el fitxer de configuració «%(filename)s»sv
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.använd konfigurationsfilen som angetts av filnamnet.nl
PunctuationInterpunctieca at valencia
Reload FileRecharger le fichierit
Local translation filesFile di traduzione localigl
Local TMMT localzu
Currently open fileIfayela elivuliwe manjees
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchange (intercambio de base de términos)it
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)opzione ambigua: %s (%s?)gl
Terms from Open-Tran.euOpen-Tran.eu থেকে প্রাপ্ত à¦
INI FileArchivo INIde
%s option does not take a value%s বিকল্প দ্বারা কোনো মান গ্রহণ করা হয় নাeu
Translation ToolItzulpen-tresnabn_IN
Select Terminology Sourcesপরিভাষার উৎস নির্বাচন করুনsv
P_revious PlaceableObjeto colocable _anterioraf
long integerlang heelgetalde
Could not save file.
 %(error_message)sDie Datei konnte nicht gespeichert werden.
Target text:Teikenteks:gl
_Recent FilesFicheiros _recentesaf
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsZuriune bikoitzak eta espero gabeko tokietako zuriuneakes
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).La meta inicial se centra en la traducción de programas (localización o l10n), pero tenemos la intención de que también sirva como herramienta de uso general para la Traducción asistida por ordenador (TAO).fr
Please enter your nameVeuillez indiquer votre nomeu
PlaceablesElementu bereziakar
Local TMÙ
Terms from Open-Tran.euÙ
صطلحات Ù
Ù† Open-Tran.euru
The name stored in the file headerИмя соÑ
ранено в заголовке файлаeu
Import data from other applications?Thutha ukwaziswa kwamaprogramu amanye?ca
Import data from other applications?Voleu importar dades d'altres aplicacions?ru
option %s: invalid %s value: %rопция %s: неверное %s значение: %rsv
Reload FileLäs om filar
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesUma ferramenta de tradução para ajudar tradutores humanos a traduzir arquivos para outros idiomasru
Nothing migratedНичего не импортированоzu
The file "%s" does not exist.Ifayela "%s" ayikho.pt_BR
Placeholders in Python stringsPlekhouers in Python-stringeit
Migration completedMigrazione completataru
The file "%s" does not exist.Файл "%s" не существует.gl
Could not save file.
Target text:Teikenteks:gl
_Recent FilesFicheiros _recentesaf
Configure...Opstelling...ca at valencia
Choose a Translation FileTrieu un fitxer de traduccióeu
Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positionsZuriune bikoitzak eta espero gabeko tokietako zuriuneakes
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).La meta inicial se centra en la traducción de programas (localización o l10n), pero tenemos la intención de que también sirva como herramienta de uso general para la Traducción asistida por ordenador (TAO).bn_IN
_Next Placeableপরবর্তী সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তু (_N)fr
Please enter your nameVeuillez indiquer votre nomeu
PlaceablesElementu bereziakar
Local TMÙ
Terms from Open-Tran.euÙ
صطلحات Ù
Ù† Open-Tran.euru
The name stored in the file headerИмя соÑ
ранено в заголовке файлаeu
Import data from other applications?Thutha ukwaziswa kwamaprogramu amanye?ca
Import data from other applications?Voleu importar dades d'altres aplicacions?ru
option %s: invalid %s value: %rопция %s: неверное %s значение: %rsv
Reload FileLäs om filar
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesUma ferramenta de tradução para ajudar tradutores humanos a traduzir arquivos para outros idiomasru
Nothing migratedНичего не импортированоzu
The file "%s" does not exist.Ifayela "%s" ayikho.ca
PlaceablesObjectes col·locablespt_BR
Placeholders in Python stringsPlekhouers in Python-stringeit
Migration completedMigrazione completataru
The file "%s" does not exist.Файл "%s" не существует.gl
Could not save file.
+Try saving to a different location.ফাইল সংরক্ষণ করতে ব্যর্থ।
নুগ্রহ করে পৃথক à¦
বস্থানে সংরক্ষণের প্রচেষ্টা করুন।es
Could not save file.
@@ -524,32 +556,26 @@
 %(errormsg)sНевозможно загрузить %(filename)s:
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsNúmeros inteiros e frações decimaisca at valencia
Could not open file.
-Try opening a different file.No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer.
-Proveu d'obrir un altre fitxer.pt_BR
Usage: %s
Integer numbers and decimal fractionsNúmeros inteiros e frações decimaispt_BR
Usage: %s
 Uso: %s
Migration completedमाईग्रेसन पूराभयोpt_BR
Previous translations you have madeVertalingen die u eerder gemaakt hebtbn_IN
<b>Original</b><b>মূল ভাষা</b>nl
File NamesBestandsnamennl
show this help message and exitdeze hulpboodschap tonen en stoppenit
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationru
%s option requires %d arguments%s операции требуется %d аргументsv
The following items were migrated:Följande objekt migrerades:ne
_New Language Pair..._नयाँ भाषा जोडा...pt_BR
_Online HelpAjuda _onlineca at valencia
Open-Tran.euOpen-Tran.euca at valencia
show program's version number and exitmostra el número de versió del programa i ixeu
_New Language Pair...Hizku_ntza pare berria...af
Source text:Bronteks:es
Import data from other applications?¿Importar datos desde otras aplicaciones?sv
Remote serverFjärrserverzu
New Language PairIzilimi ezibhangqwa ezintshafr
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Information sur le traducteur</b>de
_Case sensitive_Groß-/Kleinschreibung berücksichtigennl
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangeca at valencia
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.La información del equipo almacenada en la cabecera del archivo. Por ejemplo, ésta puede ser una dirección de correo electrónico o un enlace URL.ne
Qt Phrase BookQt वाक्यांश पुस्तिकाbn_IN
show this help message and exitবর্তমান বার্তা প্রদর্শন করে প্রস্থান করা হবেnl
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.ভাষার কোড à¦
ন্তত ২ à¦
ক্ষর বিশিষ্ট হওয়া আবশ্যক।fr
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMémoire de traduction de KBabel : %(database_language_code)sca at valencia
Qt Message FileFitxer de missatges de QTar
Terminology HelpÙ
ساعدة الÙ
Virtaal websiteVirtaal ওয়েব-সাইটde
New Language PairNeues Sprachenpaarpt_BR
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Intraducíbel por atributos "alt" (como os de HTML)nl
_Page DownPagina om_laagru
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.При окончании перевода, просто нажмите <Enter> для перевода следующего блока.eu
Remote TMUrruneko IMnl
Placeholders (printf)Tijdelijke aanduidingen (printf)fr
Local Translation MemoryItzulpen-memoria lokalaar
_Update to Template_حدث Ù
ن القالبit
LanguageLinguaca at valencia
Trados Tag EditorEditor d'etiquetes del Tradosfr
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useVeuillez indiquer le nombre de formes plurielles à utiliserfr
Language code must be an ASCII string.Le code de la langue doit être une chaîne ASCII.ar
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.لنسخ النص الأصلي في خانة النص الÙ
 اضغط <Alt+Down>.ne
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'कन्फिगरेसन फाइल '%(filename)s'पढ्न सकेनes
Plural expression:Expresión de plurales:sv
Header informationRubrikinformationnl
XLIFF Translation FileFile di traduzione XLIFFde
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)Option %s: ungültige Wahl: %r (auswählen aus %s)de
XLIFF Translation FileXLIFF Ãœbersetzungsdateibn_IN
Saveসংরক্ষণ করুনca at valencia
%s option requires %d argumentsl'opció %s requereix %d argumentsar
Language code must be an ASCII string.رÙ
ز اللغة يجب أن يكون في نطاق أسكي.ru
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sKBabel se vertaalgeheue: %(database_language_code)seu
This fileEste arquivobn_IN
All Filesসর্বধরনের ফাইলru
A TinyTM translation memory serverСервер памяти переводов TinyTMsv
Virtaal PreferencesInställningar för Virtaalbn_IN
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'লগ ফাইল '%(filename)s' খোলা সম্ভব হয়নিru
File NamesИмена файловfr
Remote TMMT distantede
Java Properties FileFitxer de propietats de Javaes
Add Missing LanguageAñadir idioma ausentebn_IN
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.bn_IN
_Page Downএক পৃষ্ঠা নীচে (_P)ne
The current file has been modified.
EnabledActiefca at valencia
Mozilla CorporationMozilla Corporationne
Migration completedमाईग्रेसन पूराभयोpt_BR
E-mailCorreu electrònicnl
Previous translations you have madeVertalingen die u eerder gemaakt hebtbn_IN
<b>Original</b><b>মূল ভাষা</b>nl
File NamesBestandsnamennl
show this help message and exitdeze hulpboodschap tonen en stoppenit
Copyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software FoundationCopyright © 2007-2009 Zuza Software Foundationru
%s option requires %d arguments%s операции требуется %d аргументsv
The following items were migrated:Följande objekt migrerades:ne
_New Language Pair..._नयाँ भाषा जोडा...pt_BR
_Online HelpAjuda _onlineca at valencia
Open-Tran.euOpen-Tran.euca at valencia
show program's version number and exitmostra el número de versió del programa i ixeu
_New Language Pair...Hizku_ntza pare berria...af
Source text:Bronteks:sv
Remote serverFjärrserveres
Import data from other applications?¿Importar datos desde otras aplicaciones?zu
New Language PairIzilimi ezibhangqwa ezintshafr
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Information sur le traducteur</b>de
_Case sensitive_Groß-/Kleinschreibung berücksichtigenbn_IN
E-mail addressesই-মেইল ঠিকানাnl
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangeca at valencia
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.La información del equipo almacenada en la cabecera del archivo. Por ejemplo, ésta puede ser una dirección de correo electrónico o un enlace URL.ne
Qt Phrase BookQt वाक्यांश पुस्तिकाbn_IN
show this help message and exitবর্তমান বার্তা প্রদর্শন করে প্রস্থান করা হবেnl
Language code must be at least 2 characters long.ভাষার কোড à¦
ন্তত ২ à¦
ক্ষর বিশিষ্ট হওয়া আবশ্যক।fr
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sMémoire de traduction de KBabel : %(database_language_code)sca at valencia
Qt Message FileFitxer de missatges de QTbn_IN
Use _Default Fontsডিফল্ট ফন্ট ব্যবহার করা হবে (_D)ar
Terminology HelpÙ
ساعدة الÙ
Virtaal websiteVirtaal ওয়েব-সাইটde
New Language PairNeues Sprachenpaarpt_BR
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Intraducíbel por atributos "alt" (como os de HTML)nl
_Page DownPagina om_laagru
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.При окончании перевода, просто нажмите <Enter> для перевода следующего блока.eu
Remote TMUrruneko IMnl
Placeholders (printf)Tijdelijke aanduidingen (printf)fr
Local Translation MemoryItzulpen-memoria lokalaar
_Update to Template_حدث Ù
ن القالبit
LanguageLinguaggioca at valencia
Trados Tag EditorEditor d'etiquetes del Tradosfr
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to useVeuillez indiquer le nombre de formes plurielles à utiliserfr
Language code must be an ASCII string.Le code de la langue doit être une chaîne ASCII.ar
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.لنسخ النص الأصلي في خانة النص الÙ
 اضغط <Alt+Down>.ne
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'कन्फिगरेसन फाइल '%(filename)s'पढ्न सकेनes
Plural expression:Expresión de plurales:it
XML EntitiesEntità XMLca at valencia
_Add Missing Language..._Afig una llengua absent…sv
Header informationRubrikinformationnl
XLIFF Translation FileFile di traduzione XLIFFde
option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)Option %s: ungültige Wahl: %r (auswählen aus %s)de
XLIFF Translation FileXLIFF Ãœbersetzungsdateibn_IN
Saveসংরক্ষণ করুনca at valencia
%s option requires %d argumentsl'opció %s requereix %d argumentsar
Language code must be an ASCII string.رÙ
ز اللغة يجب أن يكون في نطاق أسكي.ru
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sKBabel se vertaalgeheue: %(database_language_code)seu
This fileEste arquivobn_IN
All Filesসর্বধরনের ফাইলru
A TinyTM translation memory serverСервер памяти переводов TinyTMsv
Virtaal PreferencesInställningar för Virtaalbn_IN
Could not open log file '%(filename)s'লগ ফাইল '%(filename)s' খোলা সম্ভব হয়নিru
File NamesИмена файловfr
Remote TMMT distanteca
Java Properties FileFitxer de propietats de Javaes
Add Missing LanguageAñadir idioma ausentebn_IN
turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename.bn_IN
_Page Downএক পৃষ্ঠা নীচে (_P)ne
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?हालको फाइल परिमार्जित छ ।
-तपाइँको परिवर्तनहरू बचत गर्न चाहानुहुन्छ ?ne
ISO code:ISO कोड:af
E-mail address:E-posadres:af
Unreviewed machine translationsOngekontroleerde masjienvertalingsde
Machine Translation with libtranslateTraduction automatique avec libtranslatefr
Previous translations you have madePrécédentes traductions réaliséesit
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Impossibile leggere file di configurazione "%(filename)s"sv
Java Properties FileJava-egenskapsfilar
_Case sensitive_حسّاس لحالة الحرفca
Header informationInformació de la capçalerait
Plural expression:Espressione plurale:ar
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesأداة لترجÙ
Ø© الÙ
لفات Ù
ن لغة إلى أخرىpt_BR
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSímbolos e pontuação incomumar
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Format (formato de ficheiros de intercambio de localización XML)ru
Terminology HelpПомощь по терминологииde
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.Verwenden der mit Namen angegebenen Konfigurationsdatei.nl
Terminology _file:Terminologie_bestand:gl
_Regular expression_Expresión regulareu
XML Localization Interchange File FormatLokalizazioak trukatzeko XML fitxategi-formatuaar
Migration was successfully completedتÙ
 الانتقال بنجاحeu
_Recent Files_Azken fitxategiakne
INI FileINI Dateiru
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Не могу открыть файл профиля '%(filename)s'gl
enable debugging featuresactivar funcións de depuraciónbn_IN
Report a _Bugবাগ সংক্রান্ত তথ্য দায়ের করুন (_B)ca at valencia
Could not save file.
+तपाइँको परिवर्तनहरू बचत गर्न चाहानुहुन्छ ?ne
ISO code:ISO कोड:af
E-mail address:E-posadres:af
Unreviewed machine translationsOngekontroleerde masjienvertalingsca at valencia
A translation memory serverUn servidor de memòria de traduccióde
E-mail address:Indirizzo e-mail:fr
Machine Translation with libtranslateTraduction automatique avec libtranslatefr
Previous translations you have madePrécédentes traductions réaliséesit
Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'Impossibile leggere file di configurazione '%(filename)s'sv
Java Properties FileJava-egenskapsfilar
_Case sensitive_حسّاس لحالة الحرفca
Header informationInformació de la capçalerait
Plural expression:Espressione plurale:ar
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesأداة لترجÙ
Ø© الÙ
لفات Ù
ن لغة إلى أخرىbn_IN
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তু রূপে চিহ্নিত লেখার à¦
ংশগুলি স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে উজ্জ্বল করা যাবে ও à¦
নুবাদের মধ্যে সংযোজন করা যাবে।pt_BR
Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marksSímbolos e pontuação incomumar
XML Localization Interchange File FormatXML Localization Interchange File Format (formato de ficheiros de intercambio de localización XML)bn_IN
We thank our donors:আমাদের দাতাদের প্রতি আমরা কৃতজ্ঞ:ru
Terminology HelpПомощь по терминологииde
use the configuration file given by the supplied filename.Verwenden der mit Namen angegebenen Konfigurationsdatei.nl
Terminology _file:Terminologie_bestand:gl
_Regular expression_Expresión regulareu
XML Localization Interchange File FormatLokalizazioak trukatzeko XML fitxategi-formatuaar
Migration was successfully completedتÙ
 الانتقال بنجاحeu
_Recent Files_Azken fitxategiakne
INI FileINI Dateiru
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Не могу открыть файл профиля '%(filename)s'gl
enable debugging featuresactivar funcións de depuraciónbn_IN
Report a _Bugবাগ সংক্রান্ত তথ্য দায়ের করুন (_B)ca at valencia
Could not save file.
 %(error_message)sफाइल बचत गर्न सकेन ।
Use _Default FontsUsar _tipos de letra predeterminadosgl
Terminology HelpTerminologia-laguntzaca
Placeholders (printf)Conteneurs (printf)pt_BR
Add _Term...Adicional _termo...ar
Placeholders (Python)حافظات الÙ
كان (بيثون)bn_IN
Number of plurals:বহুবচনের সংখ্যা:ru
_Missing Language...Sa_knat språk...nl
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [opties] [vertaalbestand]af
Terminology FilesTerminologielêersde
Previous translations you have madeBereits ausgeführte Übersetzungenne
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Vertalerinligting</b>ru
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsМетки-заполнители, используемые в строкаÑ
JavaScript error message fileजाभास्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि संन्देश फाइलde
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Platzierbares Element für "alt"-Attribute (wie in HTML vorhanden)ar
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.انقل الإعدادات Ù
ن بابل‌ك، لوكالايز و/أو Poedit إلى فرتال.fr
A TinyTM translation memory serverUn serveur de mémoire de traduction TinyTMaf
Remote TMAfgeleë TMbn_IN
Usageব্যবহার পদ্ধতিca
Please enter your team's informationIntroduïu la informació del vostre equipfr
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Après avoir terminé une traduction, veuillez appuyer sur la touche <Entrée> pour passer à la suivante.de
International Development and Research CentreInternational Development and Research Centresv
no such option: %singen sådan flagga: %szu
The current file has been modified.
Use _Default FontsUsar _tipos de letra predeterminadosgl
Terminology HelpTerminologia-laguntzaca
Placeholders (printf)Conteneurs (printf)ca at valencia
Add _Term...Adicional _termo...ar
Placeholders (Python)حافظات الÙ
كان (بيثون)bn_IN
Number of plurals:বহুবচনের সংখ্যা:ru
_Missing Language...Sa_knat språk...nl
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [opties] [vertaalbestand]af
Terminology FilesTerminologielêersde
Previous translations you have madeBereits ausgeführte Übersetzungenne
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Vertalerinligting</b>ru
Placeholders used in "printf" stringsМетки-заполнители, используемые в строкаÑ
JavaScript error message fileजाभास्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि संन्देश फाइलde
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Platzierbares Element für "alt"-Attribute (wie in HTML vorhanden)ar
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.انقل الإعدادات Ù
ن بابل‌ك، لوكالايز و/أو Poedit إلى فرتال.fr
A TinyTM translation memory serverUn serveur de mémoire de traduction TinyTMit
Paths referring to file locationsPercorsi che si riferiscono alle ubicazioni dei fileaf
Remote TMAfgeleë TMbn_IN
Usageব্যবহার পদ্ধতিca
Please enter your team's informationIntroduïu la informació del vostre equipfr
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Après avoir terminé une traduction, veuillez appuyer sur la touche <Entrée> pour passer à la suivante.de
International Development and Research CentreInternational Development and Research Centresv
no such option: %singen sådan flagga: %szu
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?Il file corrente è stato modificato.
-Salvare le modifiche?gl
Automatically complete long words while you typeCompletar automaticamente as palabras grandes mentres escribebn_IN
New Language Pairভাষার নতুন জুটিaf
Unable to load %(filename)s:
+Salvare le modifiche?ca at valencia
The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail address or a URL, for example.La informació de l'equip emmagatzemada a la capçalera del fitxer. Pot ser una adreça de correu electrònic, o bé un URL.gl
Automatically complete long words while you typeCompletar automaticamente as palabras grandes mentres escribebn_IN
New Language Pairভাষার নতুন জুটিaf
Unable to load %(filename)s:
 %(errormsg)sKan nie %(filename)s laai nie:
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal n'a pu migrer aucun réglage ou donnéept_BR
Translation memory suggestionsSugestões de memória de traduçãopt_BR
Translation MemoryMemória de traduçãode
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Pour copier le message d'origine dans le champ de traduction, utilisez <Alt+Flèche Bas>it
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).La funzione principale del software è il suo utilizzo per la traduzione di software (localizzazione o l10n), ma desideriamo che venga utilizzato come uno strumento CAT generico per la traduzione.gl
_Full Screen_Pantalla completaes
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'No se pudo abrir el archivo de perfil '%(filename)s'ru
Paths referring to file locationsПути, относящиеся к месторасположениям файловsv
Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)sVirtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)ses
Please enter the plural equation to useVoer de te gebruiken meervoudsvergelijking in, a.u.b.ne
OpenOffice.org Translation Fileओपनà¤
र्ग à¤
नुवाद फाइलit
Words containing uppercase letters onlyPalabras con letras mayúsculas solamenteaf
TMX Translation MemoryMemória de tradução em TMXnl
show program's version number and exitversienummer van het programma tonen en stoppeneu
XML TagsXML etiketakfr
Migration was successfully completedLa migration a été effectuée correctementzu
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?لقد اخترت الÙ
لف الÙ
فتوح حاليا لفتحه. أتريد إعادة تحÙ
يل الÙ
enable debugging featuresaktiveer ontfoutfunksiesfr
enable debugging featuresActiver les options de débogageeu
TBXTBXca at valencia
floating-pointcoma flotantes
%prog [options]%prog [opciones]eu
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Ezin da '%(filename)s' profil fitxategia irekinl
Local translation filesLokaal vertaalbestandbn_IN
Local Translation Memoryস্থানীয় à¦
নুবাদ সংকলনpt_BR
Number of plurals:Número de plurais:ar
Capitalsالحروف الكبيرةru
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangede
_Localization Guide_Lokalisierungshandbuches
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesEnlaces URL, nombres de máquinas y direcciones IPgl
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sMemoria de tradución de Lokalize: %(database_name)spt_BR
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Os objetos colocáveis são partes especiais do texto que podem ser destacada automaticamente e inserido facilmente na tradução.eu
Error opening fileErrorea fitxategia irekitzeanes
Virtaal websiteSitio web de Virtaalru
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Информация о переводчике</b>es
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?¿Debería Virtaal tratar de importar configuraciones y datos desde otras aplicaciones?de
Command Line OptionsBefehlszeilenparametergl
XML EntitiesEntidades XMLes
Trados Tag EditorEditor de etiquetas Tradospt_BR
File NamesNomes de arquivosnl
Import data from other applications?Gegevens importeren uit andere toepassingen?sw
_Update to template_Sasisha kwenye templetica
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sMemòria de traducció del Lokalize: %(database_name)saf
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaaleu
%s option requires %d argumentsيتطلب الخيار %s عدد %d Ù
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesUn programma per la traduzione che aiuta un traduttore umano a tradurre file in altre linguene
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sस्थानीकरणको à¤
नुवादस्मृति: %(database_name)sru
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataФиртаал не смог импортировать никакие настройки и данныеca at valencia
TBX GlossaryGlossari del TBXeu
Please enter your e-mail addressIdatzi zure e-posta helbideanl
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangees
TMX Translation MemoryMemoria de traducción TMXaf
Qt Linguist Translation FileQt Linguist-vertaallêerca at valencia
"%s" is not a usable file.«%s» no és un fitxer usable.ca at valencia
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).L'objectiu inicial és la traducció de programari (localització o l10n), però també pretenem que puga ser útil com a eina d'ús general per a la traducció assistida per ordinador (CAT).de
Gettext Translation TemplateGettext-Ãœbersetzungsvorlageca
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Al final de la traducció, premeu simplement <Retorn> per a continuar amb la següent.de
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.<Alt+U> drücken, um das aktuelle Segment der Übersetzung als fuzzy zu markieren.es
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to usePor favor, introduzca la cantidad de formas nominales (plurales) a usaraf
We thank our donors:O noso agracedemento aos doadores:ru
INI FileINI файлnl
<b>Language Information</b><b>Informatie over de taal</b>ar
Translation Memory eXchangeتبادل ذاكرة الترجÙ
_Online Help_Online hulpbn_IN
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" ফাইলটি ব্যবহারযোগ্য নয়।ne
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.परिपूर्ति गरीएको फाइल नाममा परिणाम भण्डारण गर्दा प्रोफाइल प्रस्तुत गर्नुहोस् ।fr
Please enter the plural equation to useVeuillez indiquer l'équation de forme plurielle à utilisereu
TM SourceFuente de memoria de traducción [TM]pt_BR
Poedit settingsConfigurações do Poeditgl
New Language PairNova parella de idiomasca at valencia
%s option does not take a valuel'opció %s no pren cap valorfr
invalid number of argumentsnumero di argomenti non validiru
Migration assistantমাইগ্রেশন সহায়ক ব্যবস্থাes
Wordfast Translation MemoryMemoria de traducción Wordfastne
All Filesसबै फाइलbn_IN
Reload Fileফাইল পুনরায় লোড করুনeu
The following items were migrated:Ondorengo elementuak migratu dira:ca
New Language PairNou parell de llengüespt_BR
Remote TMTM remotoar
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sذاكرة ترجÙ
ة بابل‌ك: %(database_language_code)sne
_Missing Language...हराइरहेको भाषा...ne
Translation Toolà¤
नुवाद उपकरणde
Java Properties FileJava Properties Dateine
Could not open file.
+%(errormsg)sca at valencia
Command Line OptionsOpcions de la línia d'ordesca at valencia
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.Migra la configuració del KBabel, el Lokalize i/o el Poedit al Virtaal.de
_Add Missing Language..._Aggiungi lingua mancante...fr
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataVirtaal n'a pu migrer aucun réglage ou donnéept_BR
Translation memory suggestionsSugestões de memória de traduçãopt_BR
Translation MemoryMemória de traduçãode
To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>.Pour copier le message d'origine dans le champ de traduction, utilisez <Alt+Flèche Bas>it
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).Il programma è stato creato inizialmente per la traduzione dei software (localizzazione o l10n), ma desideriamo fermamente che venga utilizzato come programma CAT generico.gl
_Full Screen_Pantalla completaes
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'No se pudo abrir el archivo de perfil '%(filename)s'sv
Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)sVirtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)sru
Paths referring to file locationsПути, относящиеся к месторасположениям файловes
Please enter the plural equation to useVoer de te gebruiken meervoudsvergelijking in, a.u.b.ne
OpenOffice.org Translation Fileओपनà¤
र्ग à¤
नुवाद फाइलit
Words containing uppercase letters onlyPalabras con letras mayúsculas solamenteaf
TMX Translation MemoryMemória de tradução em TMXnl
show program's version number and exitversienummer van het programma tonen en stoppeneu
XML TagsXML etiketakfr
Migration was successfully completedLa migration a été effectuée correctementzu
You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the file?لقد اخترت الÙ
لف الÙ
فتوح حاليا لفتحه. أتريد إعادة تحÙ
يل الÙ
TM SourceFont de la MT (memòria de traducció)af
enable debugging featuresaktiveer ontfoutfunksiesfr
enable debugging featuresActiver les options de débogageeu
TBXTBXca at valencia
floating-pointcoma flotantes
%prog [options]%prog [opciones]eu
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Ezin da '%(filename)s' profil fitxategia irekinl
Local translation filesLokaal vertaalbestandit
Local Translation Memoryস্থানীয় à¦
নুবাদ সংকলনpt_BR
Number of plurals:Número de plurais:ar
Capitalsالحروف الكبيرةru
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangede
_Localization Guide_Lokalisierungshandbuches
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesEnlaces URL, nombres de máquinas y direcciones IPca at valencia
_Update to TemplateAct_ualitza amb la plantillagl
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sMemoria de tradución de Lokalize: %(database_name)spt_BR
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Os objetos colocáveis são partes especiais do texto que podem ser destacada automaticamente e inserido facilmente na tradução.eu
Error opening fileErrorea fitxategia irekitzeanes
Virtaal websiteSitio web de Virtaalru
<b>Translator Information</b><b>Информация о переводчике</b>es
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?¿Debería Virtaal tratar de importar configuraciones y datos desde otras aplicaciones?de
Command Line OptionsBefehlszeilenparametergl
XML EntitiesEntidades XMLes
Trados Tag EditorEditor de etiquetas Tradospt_BR
File NamesNomes de arquivosnl
Import data from other applications?Gegevens importeren uit andere toepassingen?sw
_Update to template_Sasisha kwenye templetica
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sMemòria de traducció del Lokalize: %(database_name)saf
%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaaleu
%s option requires %d argumentsيتطلب الخيار %s عدد %d Ù
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesUn programma per la traduzione che aiuta un traduttore a tradurre file in altre linguene
Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)sस्थानीकरणको à¤
नुवादस्मृति: %(database_name)sca
Translation _Suggestions_Suggeriments de traduccióru
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataФиртаал не смог импортировать никакие настройки и данныеca at valencia
TBX GlossaryGlossari del TBXeu
Please enter your e-mail addressIdatzi zure e-posta helbideait
TermBase eXchangeTermBase eXchangees
TMX Translation MemoryMemoria de traducción TMXaf
Qt Linguist Translation FileQt Linguist-vertaallêerca at valencia
"%s" is not a usable file.«%s» no és un fitxer usable.ca at valencia
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).L'objectiu inicial és la traducció de programari (localització o l10n), però també pretenem que puga ser útil com a eina d'ús general per a la traducció assistida per ordinador (CAT).de
Gettext Translation TemplateGettext-Ãœbersetzungsvorlageca
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.Al final de la traducció, premeu simplement <Retorn> per a continuar amb la següent.de
To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>.<Alt+U> drücken, um das aktuelle Segment der Übersetzung als fuzzy zu markieren.es
Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to usePor favor, introduzca la cantidad de formas nominales (plurales) a usaraf
We thank our donors:O noso agracedemento aos doadores:ru
INI FileINI файлca
_Source term — %(langname)sTerme d'_origen - %(langname)snl
<b>Language Information</b><b>Informatie over de taal</b>ar
Translation Memory eXchangeتبادل ذاكرة الترجÙ
_Online Help_Online hulpca
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>Etiquetes XML, com ara <b> i </i>bn_IN
"%s" is not a usable file."%s" ফাইলটি ব্যবহারযোগ্য নয়।ne
perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename.परिपूर्ति गरीएको फाइल नाममा परिणाम भण्डारण गर्दा प्रोफाइल प्रस्तुत गर्नुहोस् ।fr
Please enter the plural equation to useVeuillez indiquer l'équation de forme plurielle à utilisereu
TM SourceFuente de memoria de traducción [TM]pt_BR
Poedit settingsConfigurações do Poeditgl
New Language PairNova parella de idiomasca at valencia
%s option does not take a valuel'opció %s no pren cap valorfr
invalid number of argumentsnumero invalido di argomentiru
Wordfast Translation MemoryMemoria de traducción Wordfastne
Entity references, such as & and ©Referències d'entitats, com ara & i ©ne
All Filesसबै फाइलbn_IN
Reload Fileফাইল পুনরায় লোড করুনeu
The following items were migrated:Ondorengo elementuak migratu dira:ca
New Language PairNou parell de llengüespt_BR
Remote TMTM remotoar
KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)sذاكرة ترجÙ
ة بابل‌ك: %(database_language_code)sne
_Missing Language...हराइरहेको भाषा...ne
Translation Toolà¤
नुवाद उपकरणde
Java Properties FileJava Properties Dateine
Could not open file.
 Try opening a different file.फाइल खुल्न सकेन ।
-भिन्न प्रकारको फाइल खोल्न प्रयास गर्दैछ ।ne
Terms from Open-Tran.euTermes d'Open-Tran.eues
Migration was successfully completedMigración completada con éxitonl
Tcl Translation FileTcl vertaalbestandde
The e-mail address stored in the file headerDie im Dateikopf gespeicherte E-Mail-Adressene
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.à¤
नुवादनको à¤
न्त्यमा, निरन्तर गर्नका लगि à¤
घिल्लो एउटा सँगै साधारण प्रेस गर्नुहोस्<Enter>bn_IN
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?ফাইলের সর্বশেষ সংরক্ষিত সংস্করণ থেকে লোড করে, বর্তমান পরিবর্তনগুলি বর্জন করা হবে কি?ar
Translation memory suggestionsاقتراحات ذاكرة الترجÙ
Reload FileRicarica filezu
TBX GlossaryÙ
سرد TBXit
show this help message and exitmostra questo messaggio di aiuto ed escifr
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)unklare Option: %s (%s?)bn_IN
Plug-insবিবিধ প্লাগ-ইনeu
Language code must be an ASCII string.Hizkuntza-kodeak ASCII karaktere-katea izen behar du.pt_BR
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryEscolher as fontes que deverão ser consultadas para memoria de traducaopt_BR
Entity references, such as & and ©Referências a entidades, como & e ©ar
Migration completedتÙ
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal ("Para idiomas") é un programa para facer traducións.gl
OpenOffice.org Translation FileFicheiro de tradución de OpenOffice.orgbn_IN
long integerলং ইন্টিজারaf
Placeholders (printf)Espaços reservados (printf)eu
Replace _AllOrdezkatu g_uztiakaf
Select sources of Translation MemoryKies die bronne van vertaalgeheuede
Poedit settingsPoedit-Einstellungenfr
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Dependendo da tarefa de tradução, as informações de plural podem ser opcionais.eu
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Erabili Ktrl+Gora edo Ktrl+Behera itzulpenen artean mugitzeko.gl
Poedit settingsPreferencias de Poeditnl
_Source term — %(langname)sالأ_صل — %(langname)sca
The current file has been modified.
+भिन्न प्रकारको फाइल खोल्न प्रयास गर्दैछ ।ne
Terms from Open-Tran.euTermes d'Open-Tran.eues
Migration was successfully completedMigración completada con éxitonl
Tcl Translation FileTcl vertaalbestandde
The e-mail address stored in the file headerDie im Dateikopf gespeicherte E-Mail-Adressene
At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next one.à¤
नुवादनको à¤
न्त्यमा, निरन्तर गर्नका लगि à¤
घिल्लो एउटा सँगै साधारण प्रेस गर्नुहोस्<Enter>bn_IN
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?ফাইলের সর্বশেষ সংরক্ষিত সংস্করণ থেকে লোড করে, বর্তমান পরিবর্তনগুলি বর্জন করা হবে কি?ar
Translation memory suggestionsاقتراحات ذاكرة الترجÙ
Reload FileRicarica filezu
TBX GlossaryÙ
سرد TBXit
show this help message and exitmostra questo messaggio di aiuto ed escifr
ambiguous option: %s (%s?)unklare Option: %s (%s?)bn_IN
Add Filesফাইল যোগ করুনbn_IN
Plug-insবিবিধ প্লাগ-ইনeu
Language code must be an ASCII string.Hizkuntza-kodeak ASCII karaktere-katea izen behar du.pt_BR
Select the sources that should be queried for translation memoryEscolher as fontes que deverão ser consultadas para memoria de traducaopt_BR
Entity references, such as & and ©Referências a entidades, como & e ©ar
Migration completedتÙ
Virtaal is a program for doing translation.Virtaal ("Para idiomas") é un programa para facer traducións.gl
OpenOffice.org Translation FileFicheiro de tradución de OpenOffice.orgbn_IN
long integerলং ইন্টিজারaf
Placeholders (printf)Espaços reservados (printf)it
File NamesNomi dei fileeu
Replace _AllOrdezkatu g_uztiakaf
Select sources of Translation MemoryKies die bronne van vertaalgeheuede
Poedit settingsPoedit-Einstellungenfr
Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional.Dependendo da tarefa de tradução, as informações de plural podem ser opcionais.eu
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Erabili Ktrl+Gora edo Ktrl+Behera itzulpenen artean mugitzeko.gl
Poedit settingsPreferencias de Poeditca at valencia
_Source term — %(langname)sالأ_صل — %(langname)sca
The current file has been modified.
 Do you want to save your changes?Ifayela lamanje lishintshiwe.
-Ufuna ukugcina ushintsho lwakho?eu
TM SourceIMren iturburuanl
Add FilesBestanden toevoegenpt_BR
Use _Default FontsUsar fontes _padrãobn_IN
Please enter the plural equation to useà¦
নুগ্রহ করে বহুবচনের (plural) জন্য ব্যবহারযোগ্য সমীকরণ লিখুনde
Translation ToolÃœbersetzungstoolnl
C++ RC FileC++ RC-bestandde
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Mit Strg+Hoch oder Strg+Unten bewegt man sich zwischen den übersetzten Segmenten hin- und her.bn_IN
Missing LanguageLlengua absentru
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).Эта программа фокусируется, в основном, на локализации ПО (l10n), но мы полагаем, что она будет полезна и как инструмент компьютерного перевода (CAT).nl
All FilesAlle bestandenbn_IN
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Virtaal দ্বারা à¦
ন্যান্য à¦
্যাপ্লিকেশন থেকে বিবিধ বৈশিষ্ট্যের মান ও তথ্য ইম্পোর্ট করার প্রচেষ্টা করা হবে কি?fr
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de profilage « %(filename)s »ar
New Language PairNytt språkpares
Remote TMTM remotogl
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataEl Virtaal no ha pogut migrar cap paràmetre o dadade
Terminology FilesTerminologiedateienar
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Ù
ُدْرج لخصائص "alt" (في Ù
لفات HTML)it
Report a _BugRiporta un _buggl
Header informationInformación de cabeceirafr
XML EntitiesEntités XMLbn_IN
নুবাদের ভাষা</b>af
Terms from Open-Tran.euTermos de Open-Tran.eugl
JavaScript error message fileFicheiro de mensaxes de erro de JavaScriptde
Add Missing LanguageNeue Sprache eingebenes
Remote serverУдалённый серверde
Unreviewed machine translationsNicht korrekturgelesene Maschinenübersetzungenaf
Entity references, such as & and ©Entiteitverwysings, soos & en ©ru
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Спецобъекты — это специальные части в тексте, которые могут быть автоматически выделены и легко вставлены в перевод.es
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesUna herramienta de traducción para ayudar a un traductor humano a traducir archivos a otros idiomasca
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [opcions] [fitxer_traducció]fr
The e-mail address stored in the file headerAdresse électronique utilisée dans les en-têtes de fichierssv
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Läs om filen från senaste sparade kopia och förlora alla ändringar?ca
Currently open fileFitxer obert actualmentfr
_Online HelpAide en li_gneca at valencia
Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)sVirtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)sde
%s option requires %d arguments%s-Option erfordert %d Argumentenl
Local Translation MemoryLokaal vertaalgeheugen
+Ufuna ukugcina ushintsho lwakho?eu
TM SourceIMren iturburuanl
Add FilesBestanden toevoegenpt_BR
Use _Default FontsUsar fontes _padrãobn_IN
Please enter the plural equation to useà¦
নুগ্রহ করে বহুবচনের (plural) জন্য ব্যবহারযোগ্য সমীকরণ লিখুনde
Translation ToolÃœbersetzungstoolnl
C++ RC FileC++ RC-bestandit
Migration AssistantAssistente per la migrazionede
Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations.Mit Strg+Hoch oder Strg+Unten bewegt man sich zwischen den übersetzten Segmenten hin- und her.bn_IN
The initial focus is on software translation (localization or l10n), but we definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer Aided Translation (CAT).Эта программа фокусируется, в основном, на локализации ПО (l10n), но мы полагаем, что она будет полезна и как инструмент компьютерного перевода (CAT).ca
URLs, hostnames and IP addressesURL, noms de servidor i adreces IPnl
All FilesAlle bestandenit
Terminology HelpAiuto terminologicobn_IN
Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?Virtaal দ্বারা à¦
ন্যান্য à¦
্যাপ্লিকেশন থেকে বিবিধ বৈশিষ্ট্যের মান ও তথ্য ইম্পোর্ট করার প্রচেষ্টা করা হবে কি?fr
Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier de profilage « %(filename)s »ar
New Language PairNytt språkpares
Remote TMTM remotogl
Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or dataEl Virtaal no ha pogut migrar cap paràmetre o dadade
Terminology FilesTerminologiedateienca at valencia
XML tags, such as <b> and </i>Etiquetes XML, com ara <b> i </i>ar
Placeable for "alt" attributes (as found in HTML)Ù
ُدْرج لخصائص "alt" (في Ù
لفات HTML)it
Report a _BugSegnala _erroregl
Header informationInformación de cabeceirafr
XML EntitiesEntités XMLbn_IN
নুবাদের ভাষা</b>af
Terms from Open-Tran.euTermos de Open-Tran.eugl
JavaScript error message fileFicheiro de mensaxes de erro de JavaScriptde
Add Missing LanguageNeue Sprache eingebenes
Remote serverУдалённый серверde
Unreviewed machine translationsNicht korrekturgelesene Maschinenübersetzungenaf
Entity references, such as & and ©Entiteitverwysings, soos & en ©ru
Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically highlighted and easily inserted into the translation.Спецобъекты — это специальные части в тексте, которые могут быть автоматически выделены и легко вставлены в перевод.es
A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other languagesUna herramienta de traducción para ayudar a un traductor humano a traducir archivos a otros idiomasca
%prog [options] [translation_file]%prog [opcions] [fitxer_traducció]fr
The e-mail address stored in the file headerAdresse électronique utilisée dans les en-têtes de fichierssv
Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?Läs om filen från senaste sparade kopia och förlora alla ändringar?ca at valencia
Automatically complete long words while you typeLes paraules llargues es completen automàticament mentre escriviubn_IN
Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal.KBabel, Lokalize এবং/à¦
থবা Poedit থেকে বিবিধ বৈশিষ্ট্যের মান Virtaal-এ মাইগ্রেট করুন।ca
Currently open fileFitxer obert actualmentfr
_Online HelpAide en li_gnede
%s option requires %d arguments%s-Option erfordert %d Argumentenl
Local Translation MemoryLokaal vertaalgeheugen

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/af.po
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/af.po?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/af.po (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/af.po Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
 #: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:60
 msgid "_View"
-msgstr "_Aansig"
+msgstr "Aan_sig"
 #: ../virtaal/tips.py:27
 msgid ""

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/bn_IN.po
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/bn_IN.po?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/bn_IN.po (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/bn_IN.po Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-# translation of virtaal.po to Bengali INDIA
+# translation of virtaal-04.po to Bengali INDIA
 # Copyright (C) 2009 Zuza Software Foundation (Translate.org.za)
 # This file is distributed under the same license as the virtaal package.
 # Runa Bhattacharjee <runab at fedoraproject.org>, 2009.
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: virtaal\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: virtaal-04\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translate-devel at lists.sourceforge.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-01-30 15:39+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-02-05 16:37+0530\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-15 18:41+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-27 14:32+0530\n"
 "Last-Translator: Runa Bhattacharjee <runab at fedoraproject.org>\n"
-"Language-Team: Bengali INDIA <discuss at lists.ankur.org.in>\n"
-"Language: bn_IN\n"
+"Language-Team: Bengali INDIA <anubad at lists.ankur.org.in>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
+"Language: bn_IN\n"
 "X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
@@ -29,75 +29,129 @@
 msgstr "à¦
নুবাদ ব্যবস্থা"
 #: ../share/applications/virtaal.desktop.in.h:3
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:23
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:45
 msgid "Virtaal"
 msgstr "Virtaal"
 #: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Language information</b>"
+msgid "<b>Fonts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>ফন্ট</b>"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Language Information</b>"
 msgstr "<b>ভাষা সংক্রান্ত তথ্য</b>"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:2
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:3
 msgid "<b>Original</b>"
 msgstr "<b>মূল ভাষা</b>"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:3
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:4
 msgid "<b>Translation</b>"
 msgstr "<b>à¦
নুবাদের ভাষা</b>"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:4
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Translator Information</b>"
+msgstr "<b>à¦
নুবাদক সংক্রান্ত তথ্য</b>"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:6
+msgid "Add Missing Language"
+msgstr "à¦
নুপস্থিত ভাষা যোগ করুন"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:7
+msgid "Add Term"
+msgstr "à¦
ভিব্যক্তি যোগ করুন"
+#. l10n: This label refers to comments about a new term that is added
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:9
+msgid "C_omments"
+msgstr "মন্তব্য (_o)"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:10
 msgid "Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional."
 msgstr "বহুবচনের (plural) ব্যবহার, à¦
নুবাদের জন্য চিহ্নিত তথ্যের উপর নির্ভর করে।"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:5
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:11
+msgid "E-mail address:"
+msgstr "ই-মেইল ঠিকানা:"
+#. l10n: This tab label refers to the general preferences
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:13
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "সাধারণ"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:6
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:14
 msgid "ISO code:"
 msgstr "ISO কোড:"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:7
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:15
 msgid "Language name:"
 msgstr "ভাষা:"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:8
-msgid "Languages"
-msgstr "ভাষা"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:9
-msgid "Missing Language"
-msgstr "à¦
নুপস্থিত ভাষা"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:10
+#. l10n: This label is for the name of the translator
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:17
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "নাম:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:18
 msgid "New Language Pair"
 msgstr "ভাষার নতুন জুটি"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:11
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:19
 msgid "Number of plurals:"
 msgstr "বহুবচনের সংখ্যা:"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:12
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:20
 msgid "P_age Up"
 msgstr "এক পৃষ্ঠা উপরে (_a)"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:13
-msgid "Personal Information"
-msgstr "ব্যক্তিগত তথ্য"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:14
+#. l10n: More information about placeables: http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/virtaal/placeables
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:22
+msgid "P_revious Placeable"
+msgstr "পূর্ববর্তী সন্নিবেশযোগ্য লেখা (_r)"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:23
+msgid "Placeables"
+msgstr "সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তু"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:24
+msgid ""
+"Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically "
+"highlighted and easily inserted into the translation."
+msgstr "সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তু রূপে চিহ্নিত লেখার à¦
ংশগুলি স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে উজ্জ্বল করা যাবে ও à¦
নুবাদের মধ্যে সংযোজন করা যাবে।"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:25
 msgid "Plug-ins"
 msgstr "বিবিধ প্লাগ-ইন"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:15
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:26
 msgid "Plural expression:"
 msgstr "বহুবচনের জন্য ব্যবহৃত এক্সপ্রেশন (plural expression):"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:16
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:27
 msgid "Report a _Bug"
 msgstr "বাগ সংক্রান্ত তথ্য দায়ের করুন (_B)"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:17
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:28
+msgid "Source text:"
+msgstr "উৎসের লেখা:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:29
+msgid "Target text:"
+msgstr "উদ্দিষ্ট লেখা:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:30
+msgid "Team:"
+msgstr "দল:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:31
+msgid "Terminology Files"
+msgstr "পরিভাষার ফাইল যোগ করুন"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:32
+msgid "Terminology _file:"
+msgstr "পরিভাষার ফাইল: (_f)"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:33
 msgid ""
 "The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also "
 "called the source language.\n"
@@ -109,7 +163,7 @@
 "ইংরাজি থেকে বাংলায় à¦
নুবাদ করার সময়, মূল ভাষা রূপে ইংরাজি চিহ্নিত হবে।"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:20
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:36
 msgid ""
 "The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also "
 "called the target language.\n"
@@ -121,59 +175,86 @@
 "ইংরাজি থেকে বাংলায় à¦
নুবাদ করার সময়, à¦
নুবাদের ভাষা রূপে বাংলা চিহ্নিত হবে।"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:24
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:39
+msgid "The e-mail address stored in the file header"
+msgstr "ফাইলের হেডারের মধ্যে সংরক্ষিত ই-মেইল ঠিকানা"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:40
+msgid "The name stored in the file header"
+msgstr "ফাইলের হেডারের মধ্যে সংরক্ষিত নাম"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:41
+msgid ""
+"The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail "
+"address or a URL, for example."
+msgstr "ফাইলের হেডারের মধ্যে সংরক্ষিত দল সংক্রান্ত তথ্য। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, এই ক্ষেত্রে কোনো ই-মেইল ঠিকানা à¦
থবা URL উল্লেখ করা যেতে পারে।"
+#. l10n: Activating this menu item copies the whole source (or part thereof) to the target. The "copy" is not necessarily the same as the source: terminology placeables are translated when copied and language-specific punctionation changes are made automatically.
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:43
+msgid "Transfer From Source"
+msgstr "উৎস থেকে à¦
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:44
+msgid "Use _Default Fonts"
+msgstr "ডিফল্ট ফন্ট ব্যবহার করা হবে (_D)"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:46
 msgid "Virtaal Preferences"
 msgstr "Virtaal সংক্রান্ত পছন্দ"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:25
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:47
+msgid "_Add Missing Language..."
+msgstr "à¦
নুপস্থিত ভাষা যোগ করুন...(_A)"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:48
 msgid "_Edit"
 msgstr "সম্পাদনা (_E)"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:26
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:49
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "ফাইল (_F)"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:27
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:50
 msgid "_Full Screen"
 msgstr "সম্পূর্ণ পর্দায় প্রদর্শন (_F)"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:28
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:51
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "সাহায্য (_H)"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:29
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:52
 msgid "_Localization Guide"
 msgstr "à¦
নুবাদ সহায়িকা (_L)"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:31
-msgid "_Missing Language..."
-msgstr "à¦
নুপস্থিত ভাষা...(_M)"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:32
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:53
 msgid "_Navigation"
 msgstr "পরিদর্শন (_N)"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:33
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:54
+msgid "_Next Placeable"
+msgstr "পরবর্তী সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তু (_N)"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:55
 msgid "_Online Help"
 msgstr "à¦
ন-লাইন সাহায্য (_O)"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:34
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:56
 msgid "_Page Down"
 msgstr "এক পৃষ্ঠা নীচে (_P)"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:35
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:57
 msgid "_Recent Files"
 msgstr "সম্প্রতি ব্যবহৃত ফাইল (_R)"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:36
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:58
 msgid "_Tutorial"
 msgstr "সহায়িকা (_T)"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:37
-msgid "_Update to template"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:59
+msgid "_Update to Template"
 msgstr "টেমপ্লেট রূপে আপডেট করা হবে (_U)"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:38
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:60
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "প্রদর্শন (_V)"
@@ -200,53 +281,58 @@
 msgid "Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations."
 msgstr "পংক্তিগুলির মধ্যে এক পৃষ্ঠা চলাচলের জন্য Ctrl+PgUp à¦
থবা Ctrl+PgDown টিপুন।"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:62
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:71
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:80
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:69
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:78
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:87
 msgid "Header information"
 msgstr "হেডারের তথ্য"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:63
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:70
 msgid "Please enter your name"
 msgstr "à¦
নুগ্রহ করে নিজের নাম লিখুন"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:72
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:79
 msgid "Please enter your e-mail address"
 msgstr "à¦
নুগ্রহ করে নিজের ই-মেইল ঠিকানা লিখুন"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:81
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:88
 msgid "Please enter your team's information"
 msgstr "à¦
নুগ্রহ করে নিজের দলের তথ্য লিখুন"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:149
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:194
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:163
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:217
 msgid ""
 "You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the "
-msgstr "প্রদর্শনের জন্য চিহ্নিত ফাইলটি বর্তমানে খোলা রয়েছে। আপনি কি ফাইলটি পুনরায় লোড করতে ইচ্ছুক?"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:160
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:205
+msgstr ""
+"প্রদর্শনের জন্য চিহ্নিত ফাইলটি বর্তমানে খোলা রয়েছে। আপনি কি ফাইলটি পুনরায় লোড করতে "
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:174
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:202
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:228
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not open file.\n"
 "Try opening a different file."
 msgstr ""
 "ফাইল খুলতে ব্যর্থ।\n"
 "একটি পৃথক ফাইল খোলার প্রচেষ্টা করুন।"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:169
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:183
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not save file.\n"
-"Try saving at a different location."
+"Try saving to a different location."
 msgstr ""
 "ফাইল সংরক্ষণ করতে ব্যর্থ।\n"
@@ -254,7 +340,7 @@
নুগ্রহ করে পৃথক à¦
বস্থানে সংরক্ষণের প্রচেষ্টা করুন।"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:174
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not save file.\n"
@@ -265,15 +351,139 @@
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:178
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:192
 msgid "Reload File"
 msgstr "ফাইল পুনরায় লোড করুন"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:178
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:192
 msgid "Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?"
 msgstr "ফাইলের সর্বশেষ সংরক্ষিত সংস্করণ থেকে লোড করে, বর্তমান পরিবর্তনগুলি বর্জন করা হবে কি?"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/storecontroller.py:110
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:81
+msgid "\"alt\" Attributes"
+msgstr "\"alt\" বৈশিষ্ট্য"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:82
+msgid "Placeable for \"alt\" attributes (as found in HTML)"
+msgstr "\"alt\" বৈশিষ্ট্যের ক্ষেত্রে সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তু (HTML à¦
নুযায়ী প্রাপ্ত)"
+#. l10n: See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CamelCase
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:86
+msgid "CamelCase"
+msgstr "CamelCase (ক্যামেল-কেস)"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:87
+msgid "Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWords"
+msgstr "মধ্যে বড় ছাঁদের à¦
ক্ষরবিশিষ্ট শব্দ, যেমন কোনো ব্র্যান্ডের নাম à¦
থবা WikiWords"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:90
+msgid "Capitals"
+msgstr "বড় ছাঁদের à¦
+#. l10n: this refers to "UPPERCASE" / "CAPITAL" letters
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:92
+msgid "Words containing uppercase letters only"
+msgstr "শুধুমাত্র বড় ছাঁদের à¦
ক্ষর বিশিষ্ট শব্দ"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:95
+msgid "Command Line Options"
+msgstr "কমান্ড-লাইন থেকে ব্যবহারযোগ্য বিকল্প"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:96
+msgid "Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -I"
+msgstr "à¦
্যাপ্লিকেশনের কমান্ড-লাইন থেকে ব্যবহারযোগ্য বিকল্প, যেমন --help, -h ও -I"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:99
+msgid "E-mail"
+msgstr "ই-মেইল"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:100
+msgid "E-mail addresses"
+msgstr "ই-মেইল ঠিকানা"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:103
+msgid "File Names"
+msgstr "ফাইলের নাম"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:104
+msgid "Paths referring to file locations"
+msgstr "ফাইলের à¦
বস্থান চিহ্নকারী পাথ"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:107
+msgid "Placeholders (printf)"
+msgstr "সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তু (printf)"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:108
+msgid "Placeholders used in \"printf\" strings"
+msgstr "\"printf\" বিশিষ্ট পংক্তির মধ্যে ব্যবহৃত সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তু"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:111
+msgid "Placeholders (Python)"
+msgstr "সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তু (Python)"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:112
+msgid "Placeholders in Python strings"
+msgstr "Python পংক্তির মধ্যে সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তু"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:115
+msgid "Placeholders (Java)"
+msgstr "সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তু (Java)"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:116
+msgid "Placeholders in Java strings"
+msgstr "Java পংক্তির মধ্যে সন্নিবেশযোগ্য বস্তু"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:119
+msgid "Numbers"
+msgstr "সংখ্যা"
+#. l10n: 'decimal fractions' refer to numbers like 0.2 or 499,99
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:121
+msgid "Integer numbers and decimal fractions"
+msgstr "পূর্ণসংখ্যা ও দশমিক ভাগাংশ"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:124
+msgid "Punctuation"
+msgstr "যতিচিহ্ন"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:125
+msgid "Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marks"
+msgstr "সংকেতচিহ্ন ও স্বল্প ব্যবহৃত যতিচিহ্ন"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:128
+msgid "URLs"
+msgstr "URL"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:129
+msgid "URLs, hostnames and IP addresses"
+msgstr "URL, হোস্ট-নেম ও IP ঠিকানা"
+#. l10n: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_entity_reference
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:133
+msgid "XML Entities"
+msgstr "XML এনটিটি"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:134
+msgid "Entity references, such as & and ©"
+msgstr "এনটিটির রেফারেন্স যেমন & ও ©"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:137
+msgid "XML Tags"
+msgstr "XML ট্যাগ"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:138
+msgid "XML tags, such as <b> and </i>"
+msgstr "XML ট্যাগ, যেমন <b> ও </i>"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:148
+msgid "Spaces"
+msgstr "শূণ্যস্থান"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:149
+msgid "Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positions"
+msgstr "দ্বৈত শূণ্যস্থান ও à¦
প্রত্যাশিত স্থানে শূণ্যস্থান"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/storecontroller.py:114
 msgid "The file contains nothing to translate."
 msgstr "à¦
নুবাদ করার যোগ্য কোনো তথ্য ফাইলের মধ্যে উপস্থিত নেই।"
@@ -293,169 +503,338 @@
 msgid "_Case sensitive"
 msgstr "হরফের ছাঁদ সম্পর্কে সচেতন (_C)"
-#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:68
+#. l10n: To read about what regular expressions are, see
+#. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression
+#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:70
 msgid "_Regular expression"
 msgstr "রেগুলার এক্সপ্রেশন (_R)"
-#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:72
+#. l10n: This text label shows in front of the text box where the replacement
+#. text is typed. Keep in mind that the text box will appear after this text.
+#. If this sentence construction is hard to use, consdider translating this as
+#. "Replacement"
+#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:78
 msgid "Replace with"
 msgstr "উল্লিখিত তথ্য সহ প্রতিস্থাপন"
-#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:74
+#. l10n: Button text
+#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:81
 msgid "Replace"
 msgstr "প্রতিস্থাপন"
-#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:76
+#. l10n: Check box
+#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:84
 msgid "Replace _All"
 msgstr "সমগ্র প্রতিস্থাপন করুন (_A)"
-#: ../virtaal/views/prefsview.py:65
-msgid "Enabled"
-msgstr "সক্রিয়"
-#: ../virtaal/views/prefsview.py:66
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "নাম"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocompletor.py:321
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocompletor.py:218
+msgid "Automatically complete long words while you type"
+msgstr "লম্বা শব্দ টাইপ করার সময় স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে তা পূরণ করা হবে"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocompletor.py:219
 msgid "AutoCompletor"
 msgstr "AutoCompletor"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocorrector.py:246
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocorrector.py:258
+msgid "Automatically correct text while you type"
+msgstr "টাইপ করার সময় স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে লেখা সংশোধন করা হবে"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocorrector.py:259
 msgid "AutoCorrector"
 msgstr "AutoCorrector"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:56
-msgid "Migration assistant"
+msgid "Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal."
+msgstr "KBabel, Lokalize এবং/à¦
থবা Poedit থেকে বিবিধ বৈশিষ্ট্যের মান Virtaal-এ মাইগ্রেট করুন।"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:57
+msgid "Migration Assistant"
 msgstr "মাইগ্রেশন সহায়ক ব্যবস্থা"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:70
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:71
 msgid "Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?"
-msgstr "Virtaal দ্বারা à¦
ন্যান্য à¦
্যাপ্লিকেশন থেকে বিবিধ বৈশিষ্ট্যের মান ও তথ্য ইম্পোর্ট করার প্রচেষ্টা করা হবে কি?"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:71
+msgstr ""
+"Virtaal দ্বারা à¦
ন্যান্য à¦
্যাপ্লিকেশন থেকে বিবিধ বৈশিষ্ট্যের মান ও তথ্য ইম্পোর্ট করার "
+"প্রচেষ্টা করা হবে কি?"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:72
 msgid "Import data from other applications?"
 msgstr "à¦
ন্যান্য à¦
্যাপ্লিকেশন থেকে তথ্য ইম্পোর্ট করা হবে কি?"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:96
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:97
 msgid "Migration was successfully completed"
 msgstr "সাফল্যের সাথে তথ্য মাইগ্রেট করা হয়েছে"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:97
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:98
 msgid "The following items were migrated:"
 msgstr "নিম্নলিখিত সামগ্রী মাইগ্রেট করা হয়েছে:"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:102
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:103
 msgid "Migration completed"
 msgstr "মাইগ্রেশন সমাপ্ত হয়েছে"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:104
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:105
 msgid "Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or data"
 msgstr "Virtaal দ্বারা কোনো বৈশিষ্ট্যের মান à¦
থবা তথ্য মাইগ্রেট করা সম্ভব হয়নি"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:105
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:106
 msgid "Nothing migrated"
 msgstr "কোনো তথ্য মাইগ্রেট করা হয়নি"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:158
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:159
 msgid "Poedit settings"
 msgstr "Poedit সংক্রান্ত বৈশিষ্ট্য"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:187
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid "Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)s"
 msgstr "Poedit-র à¦
নুবাদ সংকলন: %(database_language_code)s"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:212
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:213
 #, python-format
 msgid "KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)s"
 msgstr "KBabel-র à¦
নুবাদ সংকলন: %(database_language_code)s"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:230
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:231
 msgid "Lokalize settings"
 msgstr "Lokalize সংক্রান্ত বৈশিষ্ট্য"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:254
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:255
 #, python-format
 msgid "Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)s"
 msgstr "Lokalize-র à¦
নুবাদ সংকলন: %(database_name)s"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/__init__.py:27
+msgid "Terminology Help"
+msgstr "পরিভাষা সংক্রান্ত সহায়তা"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/__init__.py:28
+msgid "Terminology suggestions"
+msgstr "পরিভাষা সম্বন্ধীয় প্রস্তাব"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/__init__.py:41
+msgid "Local file"
+msgstr "স্থানীয় ফাইল"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/__init__.py:42
+msgid "Local translation files"
+msgstr "à¦
নুবাদের স্থানীয় ফাইল"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:52
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:54
+msgid "Terminology _Files..."
+msgstr "পরিভাষা সম্বন্ধীয় ফাইল...(_F)"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:60
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:62
+msgid "Add _Term..."
+msgstr "à¦
ভিব্যক্তি যোগ করুন...(_T)"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:130
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "ফাইল"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:139
+msgid "Extendable"
+msgstr "প্রসারণযোগ্য"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:163
+msgid "Add Files"
+msgstr "ফাইল যোগ করুন"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:170
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:223
+msgid "All Supported Files"
+msgstr "সর্বধরনের সমর্থিত ফাইল"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:196
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:249
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "সর্বধরনের ফাইল"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:240
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to load %(filename)s:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"%(filename)s লোড করতে ব্যর্থ:\n"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:241
+msgid "Error opening file"
+msgstr "ফাইল খুলতে ব্যর্থ"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:368
+#, python-format
+msgid "_Source term — %(langname)s"
+msgstr "মূল à¦
ভিব্যক্তি — %(langname)s (_S)"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:369
+#, python-format
+msgid "_Target term — %(langname)s"
+msgstr "উদ্দিষ্ট à¦
ভিব্যক্তি — %(langname)s (_T)"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/opentran.py:46
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:32
+msgid "Open-Tran.eu"
+msgstr "Open-Tran.eu"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/opentran.py:47
+msgid "Terms from Open-Tran.eu"
+msgstr "Open-Tran.eu থেকে প্রাপ্ত à¦
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/termview.py:144
+msgid "Select Terminology Sources"
+msgstr "পরিভাষার উৎস নির্বাচন করুন"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/termview.py:145
+msgid "Select the sources of terminology suggestions"
+msgstr "পরিভাষার প্রস্তাবনার উৎসগুলি নির্বাচন করুন"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/__init__.py:27
 msgid "Translation Memory"
 msgstr "à¦
নুবাদ সংকলন"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/__init__.py:28
+msgid "Translation memory suggestions"
+msgstr "à¦
নুবাদের মেমরি থেকে প্রাপ্ত প্রস্তাব"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/currentfile.py:32
 msgid "Currently open file"
 msgstr "বর্তমানে খোলা ফাইল"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/libtranslate.py:41
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/currentfile.py:33
+msgid "Translated units from the current file"
+msgstr "বর্তমান ফাইলের à¦
নুবাদ করা à¦
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/currentfile.py:82
+msgid "This file"
+msgstr "বর্তমান ফাইল"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/libtranslate.py:44
 msgid "Machine Translation with libtranslate"
 msgstr "libtranslate সহযোগে মেশিনের মাধ্যমে à¦
নুবাদ ব্যবস্থা"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/libtranslate.py:45
+msgid "Unreviewed machine translations"
+msgstr "পর্যালোচনা না করা মেশিন দ্বারা সঞ্চালিত à¦
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible. Feel free to transliterate in CJK languages for vertical display optimization.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/libtranslate.py:97
+msgid "libtranslate"
+msgstr "libtranslate"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/localtm.py:37
 msgid "Local Translation Memory"
 msgstr "স্থানীয় à¦
নুবাদ সংকলন"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:32
-msgid "Open-Tran.eu"
-msgstr "Open-Tran.eu"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/localtm.py:38
+msgid "Previous translations you have made"
+msgstr "পূর্বে করা à¦
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/localtm.py:40
+msgid "Local TM"
+msgstr "স্থানীয় TM"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:33
+msgid "Previous translations for Free and Open Source Software"
+msgstr "মুক্ত ও ওপেন সোর্স সফ্টওয়্যারের জন্য করা পূর্ববর্তী à¦
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible. Feel free to transliterate in CJK languages for vertical display optimization.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:69
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:71
+msgid "OpenTran"
+msgstr "OpenTran"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/remotetm.py:30
 msgid "Remote server"
 msgstr "দূরবর্তী সার্ভার"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/remotetm.py:31
+msgid "A translation memory server"
+msgstr "à¦
নুবাদ মেমরির সার্ভার"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/remotetm.py:33
+msgid "Remote TM"
+msgstr "দূরবর্তী TM"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/tinytm.py:34
 msgid "TinyTM"
 msgstr "TinyTM"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:94
-msgid "Available _Suggestions"
-msgstr "উপলব্ধ প্রস্তাব (_S)"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:150
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/tinytm.py:35
+msgid "A TinyTM translation memory server"
+msgstr "TinyTM à¦
নুবাদ মেমরির সার্ভার"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible. Feel free to transliterate in CJK languages for optimal vertical display.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/apertium.py:35
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/apertium.py:94
+msgid "Apertium"
+msgstr "Apertium"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/apertium.py:36
+msgid "Apertium Machine Translation"
+msgstr "Apertium মেশিন à¦
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:99
+msgid "Translation _Suggestions"
+msgstr "à¦
নুবাদের প্রস্তাব (_S)"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:156
 #, python-format
 msgid "Ctrl+%(number_key)d"
 msgstr "Ctrl+%(number_key)d"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:177
+msgid "Select sources of Translation Memory"
+msgstr "à¦
নুবাদ মেমরির উৎস নির্বাচন করুন"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:178
+msgid "Select the sources that should be queried for translation memory"
+msgstr "à¦
নুবাদের মেমরির জন্য à¦
নুসন্ধানযোগ্য উৎস নির্বাচন করুন"
 #. l10n: match quality column label
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:63
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:64
 msgid "%"
 msgstr "%"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:65
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:66
 msgid "Matches"
 msgstr "মিল"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:120
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:67
+msgid "TM Source"
+msgstr "TM-র উৎস"
+#. l10n: This message allows you to customize the appearance of the match percentage. Most languages can probably leave it unchanged.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:124
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(match_quality)s%%"
 msgstr "%(match_quality)s%%"
-#: ../virtaal/views/langview.py:66
+#: ../virtaal/views/langview.py:65
 msgid "_New Language Pair..."
 msgstr "ভাষা নতুন জুটি...(_N)"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:198
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:200
 msgid "Error"
 msgstr "ত্রুটি"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:214
-msgid "Choose a translation file"
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:216
+msgid "Choose a Translation File"
 msgstr "একটি à¦
নুবাদের ফাইল নির্বাচন করুন"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:221
-msgid "All Supported Files"
-msgstr "সর্বধরনের সমর্থিত ফাইল"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:247
-msgid "All Files"
-msgstr "সর্বধরনের ফাইল"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:252
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:254
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr "সংরক্ষণ করুন"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:266
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:268
 msgid ""
 "The current file has been modified.\n"
 "Do you want to save your changes?"
@@ -463,30 +842,34 @@
 "বর্তমান ফাইল পরিবর্তন করা হয়েছে।\n"
 "আপনার করার পরিবর্তনগুলি সংরক্ষণ করতে ইচ্ছুক কি?"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:269
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:271
 msgid "_Discard"
 msgstr "বর্জন করুন (_D)"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:295
-#, python-format
-msgid "Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)s"
-msgstr "Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)s"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:320
+#. l10n: This is the title of the main window of Virtaal
+#. %(modified_marker)s is a star that is displayed if the file is modified, and should be at the start of the window title
+#. %(current_file)s is the file name of the current file
+#. most languages will not need to change this
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:301
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal"
+msgstr "%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal"
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:326
 msgid "Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to use"
 msgstr "à¦
নুগ্রহ করে, ব্যবহারযোগ্য বহুবচনের(plurals) সংখ্যা লিখুন।"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:326
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:332
 msgid "Please enter the plural equation to use"
 msgstr "à¦
নুগ্রহ করে বহুবচনের (plural) জন্য ব্যবহারযোগ্য সমীকরণ লিখুন"
 #. l10n: This refers to the 'mode' that determines how Virtaal moves
 #. between units.
 #: ../virtaal/views/modeview.py:62
-msgid "_Navigation: "
-msgstr "পরিদর্শন: (_N)"
-#: ../virtaal/views/unitview.py:498
+msgid "N_avigation:"
+msgstr "পরিদর্শন: (_a)"
+#: ../virtaal/views/unitview.py:588
 msgid "F_uzzy"
 msgstr "ফাজি: (_u)"
@@ -506,43 +889,68 @@
 "definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer "
 "Aided Translation (CAT)."
 msgstr ""
-"প্রথমে প্রধানত সফ্টওয়্যার à¦
নুবাদের (localization or l10n) উদ্দেশ্যে নির্মাণ করা হলেও, বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্রে à¦
নুবাদের জন্য ব্যবহারযোগ্য Computer "
-"Aided Translation (CAT) à¦
র্থাৎ কম্পিউটার সহযোগে à¦
নুবাদ ব্যবস্থা রূপে এটি বিস্তার করতে আমরা ইচ্ছুক।"
+"প্রথমে প্রধানত সফ্টওয়্যার à¦
নুবাদের (localization or l10n) উদ্দেশ্যে নির্মাণ করা "
+"হলেও, বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্রে à¦
নুবাদের জন্য ব্যবহারযোগ্য Computer Aided Translation (CAT) "
র্থাৎ কম্পিউটার সহযোগে à¦
নুবাদ ব্যবস্থা রূপে এটি বিস্তার করতে আমরা ইচ্ছুক।"
 #: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:53
 msgid "Virtaal website"
 msgstr "Virtaal ওয়েব-সাইট"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:62
+msgid "We thank our donors:"
+msgstr "আমাদের দাতাদের প্রতি আমরা কৃতজ্ঞ:"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:63
+msgid "International Development and Research Centre"
+msgstr "ইন্টারনেশনেল ডিভেলপমেন্ট ও রিসার্চ সেন্টার"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:65
+msgid "Mozilla Corporation"
+msgstr "Mozilla Corporation"
 #. l10n: Rather than translating, fill in the names of the translators
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:62
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:69
 msgid "translator-credits"
 msgstr "রুণা ভট্টাচার্য্য (runab at fedoraproject.org)"
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langadddialog.py:102
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langadddialog.py:103
 msgid "Language code must be an ASCII string."
 msgstr "ভাষার কোড লেখার জন্য ASCII স্ট্রিং ব্যবহার করা আবশ্যক।"
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langadddialog.py:105
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langadddialog.py:106
 msgid "Language code must be at least 2 characters long."
 msgstr "ভাষার কোড à¦
ন্তত ২ à¦
ক্ষর বিশিষ্ট হওয়া আবশ্যক।"
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:73
 #: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:79
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:86
 msgid "Language"
 msgstr "ভাষা"
 #. l10n: This is the column heading for the language code
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:86
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:92
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:94
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:101
 msgid "Code"
 msgstr "কোড"
-#: ../virtaal/models/storemodel.py:121
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/selectview.py:67
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "সক্রিয়"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/selectview.py:75
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "নাম"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/selectview.py:113
+msgid "Configure..."
+msgstr "কনফিগার করুন..."
+#: ../virtaal/models/storemodel.py:105
 #, python-format
 msgid "The file \"%s\" does not exist."
 msgstr "\"%s\" ফাইলটি উপস্থিত নেই।"
-#: ../virtaal/models/storemodel.py:123
+#: ../virtaal/models/storemodel.py:107
 #, python-format
 msgid "\"%s\" is not a usable file."
 msgstr "\"%s\" ফাইলটি ব্যবহারযোগ্য নয়।"
@@ -647,54 +1055,54 @@
 msgid "XML Localization Interchange File Format"
 msgstr "XML Localization Interchange File Format"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:36
+#: ../bin/virtaal:70
 #, c-format
 msgid "%prog [options] [translation_file]"
 msgstr "%prog [options] [translation_file]"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:39
+#: ../bin/virtaal:73
 msgid "PROFILE"
 msgstr "PROFILE"
 # leaving this untranslated as it is a terminal option
-#: ../bin/virtaal:41
+#: ../bin/virtaal:75
 msgid "perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename."
 msgstr "perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename."
-#: ../bin/virtaal:43
+#: ../bin/virtaal:77
 msgid "LOG"
 msgstr "LOG"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:44
+#: ../bin/virtaal:78
 msgid "turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename."
 msgstr "turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename."
-#: ../bin/virtaal:46
+#: ../bin/virtaal:80
 msgid "CONFIG"
 msgstr "CONFIG"
 # leaving this untranslated as it is a terminal option
-#: ../bin/virtaal:47
+#: ../bin/virtaal:81
 msgid "use the configuration file given by the supplied filename."
 msgstr "use the configuration file given by the supplied filename."
-#: ../bin/virtaal:50
+#: ../bin/virtaal:84
 msgid "enable debugging features"
 msgstr "ডিবাগ ব্যবস্থা সক্রিয় করা হবে"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:71
+#: ../bin/virtaal:109
 msgid "Could not open log file '%(filename)s'"
 msgstr "লগ ফাইল '%(filename)s' খোলা সম্ভব হয়নি"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:79
+#: ../bin/virtaal:117
 msgid "Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'"
 msgstr "কনফিগারেশন ফাইল '%(filename)s' পড়া যায়নি"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:83
+#: ../bin/virtaal:121
 msgid "invalid number of arguments"
 msgstr "উল্লিখিত আর্গুমেন্ট সংখ্যা সঠিক নয়"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:112
+#: ../bin/virtaal:150
 msgid "Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'"
 msgstr "প্রোফাইল ফাইল '%(filename)s' খোলা সম্ভব হয়নি"

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/ca.po
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/ca.po?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/ca.po (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/ca.po Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Virtaal 0.3beta1\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translate-devel at lists.sourceforge.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-01-30 15:39+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-02-18 21:05+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher at softcatala.cat>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-15 18:41+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-26 00:52+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher at softcatala.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Softcatalà\n"
 "Language: ca\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.3.0\n"
+"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.4.0-rc1\n"
 #: ../share/applications/virtaal.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid ""
@@ -30,78 +30,134 @@
 msgstr "Eina de traducció"
 #: ../share/applications/virtaal.desktop.in.h:3
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:23
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:45
 msgid "Virtaal"
 msgstr "Virtaal"
 #: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Language information</b>"
+msgid "<b>Fonts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tipus de lletra</b>"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Language Information</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Informació de la llengua</b>"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:2
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:3
 msgid "<b>Original</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Original</b>"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:3
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:4
 msgid "<b>Translation</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Traducció</b>"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:4
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Translator Information</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Informació del traductor</b>"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:6
+msgid "Add Missing Language"
+msgstr "Afegeix una llengua absent"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:7
+msgid "Add Term"
+msgstr "Afegeix un terme"
+#. l10n: This label refers to comments about a new term that is added
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:9
+msgid "C_omments"
+msgstr "C_omentaris"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:10
 msgid ""
 "Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional."
 msgstr ""
 "Depenenent de la tasca de traducció, la informació del plural pot ser "
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:5
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:11
+msgid "E-mail address:"
+msgstr "Adreça de correu electrònic:"
+#. l10n: This tab label refers to the general preferences
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:13
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "General"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:6
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:14
 msgid "ISO code:"
 msgstr "Codi ISO:"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:7
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:15
 msgid "Language name:"
 msgstr "Nom de la llengua:"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:8
-msgid "Languages"
-msgstr "Llengües"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:9
-msgid "Missing Language"
-msgstr "Llengua absent"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:10
+#. l10n: This label is for the name of the translator
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:17
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nom:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:18
 msgid "New Language Pair"
 msgstr "Nou parell de llengües"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:11
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:19
 msgid "Number of plurals:"
 msgstr "Nombre de plurals:"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:12
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:20
 msgid "P_age Up"
 msgstr "Pàgin_a amunt"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:13
-msgid "Personal Information"
-msgstr "Informació personal"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:14
+#. l10n: More information about placeables: http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/virtaal/placeables
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:22
+msgid "P_revious Placeable"
+msgstr "Objecte col·locable ante_rior"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:23
+msgid "Placeables"
+msgstr "Objectes col·locables"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:24
+msgid ""
+"Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically "
+"highlighted and easily inserted into the translation."
+msgstr ""
+"Els objectes col·locables són parts especials d'un text que poden ressaltar-"
+"se automàticament i inserir-se fàcilment en una traducció."
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:25
 msgid "Plug-ins"
 msgstr "Connectors"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:15
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:26
 msgid "Plural expression:"
 msgstr "Expressió del plural:"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:16
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:27
 msgid "Report a _Bug"
 msgstr "_Informa d'un error"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:17
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:28
+msgid "Source text:"
+msgstr "Text d'origen:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:29
+msgid "Target text:"
+msgstr "Text de destinació:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:30
+msgid "Team:"
+msgstr "Equip:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:31
+msgid "Terminology Files"
+msgstr "Fitxers de terminologia"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:32
+msgid "Terminology _file:"
+msgstr "_Fitxer de terminologia:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:33
 msgid ""
 "The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also "
 "called the source language.\n"
@@ -115,7 +171,7 @@
 "Si esteu traduint de l'anglès al francès, l'anglès seria llavors la llengua "
 "original o d'origen."
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:20
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:36
 msgid ""
 "The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also "
 "called the target language.\n"
@@ -129,59 +185,88 @@
 "Si esteu traduint de l'anglès al francès, el francès seria llavors la "
 "llengua de destinació."
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:24
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:39
+msgid "The e-mail address stored in the file header"
+msgstr "L'adreça de correu electrònic emmagatzemada en la capçalera del fitxer"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:40
+msgid "The name stored in the file header"
+msgstr "El nom emmagatzemat en la capçalera del fitxer"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:41
+msgid ""
+"The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail "
+"address or a URL, for example."
+msgstr ""
+"La informació de l'equip emmagatzemada a la capçalera del fitxer. Pot ser "
+"una adreça de correu electrònic, o bé un URL."
+#. l10n: Activating this menu item copies the whole source (or part thereof) to the target. The "copy" is not necessarily the same as the source: terminology placeables are translated when copied and language-specific punctionation changes are made automatically.
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:43
+msgid "Transfer From Source"
+msgstr "Transfereix de la font"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:44
+msgid "Use _Default Fonts"
+msgstr "Utilitza els tipus de lletra per _defecte"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:46
 msgid "Virtaal Preferences"
 msgstr "Preferències del Virtaal"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:25
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:47
+msgid "_Add Missing Language..."
+msgstr "_Afegeix una llengua absent…"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:48
 msgid "_Edit"
 msgstr "_Edita"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:26
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:49
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "_Fitxer"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:27
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:50
 msgid "_Full Screen"
 msgstr "_Pantalla completa"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:28
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:51
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "A_juda"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:29
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:52
 msgid "_Localization Guide"
 msgstr "Guia de _localització"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:31
-msgid "_Missing Language..."
-msgstr "Llengua a_bsent…"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:32
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:53
 msgid "_Navigation"
 msgstr "_Navegació"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:33
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:54
+msgid "_Next Placeable"
+msgstr "Objecte col·locable següe_nt"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:55
 msgid "_Online Help"
 msgstr "Ajuda en lí_nia"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:34
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:56
 msgid "_Page Down"
 msgstr "_Pàgina avall"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:35
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:57
 msgid "_Recent Files"
 msgstr "Fitxers _recents"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:36
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:58
 msgid "_Tutorial"
 msgstr "_Guia d'aprenentatge"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:37
-msgid "_Update to template"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:59
+msgid "_Update to Template"
 msgstr "Act_ualitza amb la plantilla"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:38
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:60
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "_Visualitza"
@@ -197,14 +282,14 @@
 msgid ""
 "To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>."
 msgstr ""
-"Per a copiar la cadena original al camp de destinació, premeu simplement "
+"Per a copiar la cadena original al camp de destinació, premeu simplement <Alt"
 #. l10n: Refer to the translation of "Fuzzy" to find the appropriate shortcut key to recommend
 #: ../virtaal/tips.py:31
 msgid "To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>."
 msgstr ""
-"Per a marcar la traducció actual com a dubtosa, premeu simplement <Alt+U>"
+"Per a marcar la traducció actual com a dubtosa, premeu simplement <Alt+U>."
 #: ../virtaal/tips.py:32
 msgid "Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations."
@@ -218,26 +303,26 @@
 "Feu servir Ctrl+PàgAmunt o Ctrl+PàgAvall per a moure-vos a grans passos al "
 "llarg de la traducció."
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:62
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:71
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:80
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:69
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:78
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:87
 msgid "Header information"
 msgstr "Informació de la capçalera"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:63
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:70
 msgid "Please enter your name"
 msgstr "Introduïu el vostre nom"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:72
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:79
 msgid "Please enter your e-mail address"
 msgstr "Introduïu la vostra adreça de correu electrònic"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:81
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:88
 msgid "Please enter your team's information"
 msgstr "Introduïu la informació del vostre equip"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:149
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:194
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:163
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:217
 msgid ""
 "You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the "
@@ -245,35 +330,39 @@
 "Heu seleccionat obrir el fitxer que ja està obert actualment. Voleu tornar a "
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:160
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:205
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:174
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:202
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:228
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not open file.\n"
 "Try opening a different file."
 msgstr ""
 "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer.\n"
 "Proveu d'obrir un altre fitxer."
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:169
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:183
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not save file.\n"
-"Try saving at a different location."
+"Try saving to a different location."
 msgstr ""
 "No s'ha pogut desar el fitxer.\n"
 "Proveu de desar-lo en una altra ubicació."
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:174
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not save file.\n"
@@ -284,17 +373,143 @@
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:178
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:192
 msgid "Reload File"
 msgstr "Torna a carregar el fitxer"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:178
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:192
 msgid "Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?"
 msgstr ""
 "Voleu tornar a carregar el fitxer des de la darrera còpia desada i perdre "
 "tots els canvis?"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/storecontroller.py:110
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:81
+msgid "\"alt\" Attributes"
+msgstr "Atributs «alt»"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:82
+msgid "Placeable for \"alt\" attributes (as found in HTML)"
+msgstr "Objecte col·locable per als atributs «alt» (tal com es troba a l'HTML)"
+#. l10n: See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CamelCase
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:86
+msgid "CamelCase"
+msgstr "CamelCase"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:87
+msgid ""
+"Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWords"
+msgstr ""
+"Paraules amb majúscules dins, com ara alguns noms de marques i WikiWords"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:90
+msgid "Capitals"
+msgstr "Majúscules"
+#. l10n: this refers to "UPPERCASE" / "CAPITAL" letters
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:92
+msgid "Words containing uppercase letters only"
+msgstr "Paraules que contenen només majúscules"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:95
+msgid "Command Line Options"
+msgstr "Opcions de la línia d'ordres"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:96
+msgid "Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -I"
+msgstr "Opcions de la línia d'ordres de l'aplicació, com ara --help, -h i -I"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:99
+msgid "E-mail"
+msgstr "Correu electrònic"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:100
+msgid "E-mail addresses"
+msgstr "Adreces de correu electrònic"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:103
+msgid "File Names"
+msgstr "Noms de fitxer"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:104
+msgid "Paths referring to file locations"
+msgstr "Camins que fan referència a ubicacions de fitxer"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:107
+msgid "Placeholders (printf)"
+msgstr "Textos variables (printf)"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:108
+msgid "Placeholders used in \"printf\" strings"
+msgstr "Textos variables en les cadenes de «printf»"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:111
+msgid "Placeholders (Python)"
+msgstr "Textos variables (Python)"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:112
+msgid "Placeholders in Python strings"
+msgstr "Textos variables en les cadenes de Python"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:115
+msgid "Placeholders (Java)"
+msgstr "Textos variables (Java)"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:116
+msgid "Placeholders in Java strings"
+msgstr "Textos variables en les cadenes de Java"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:119
+msgid "Numbers"
+msgstr "Nombres"
+#. l10n: 'decimal fractions' refer to numbers like 0.2 or 499,99
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:121
+msgid "Integer numbers and decimal fractions"
+msgstr "Nombres enters i fraccions decimals"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:124
+msgid "Punctuation"
+msgstr "Puntuació"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:125
+msgid "Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marks"
+msgstr "Símbols i puntuació menys freqüent"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:128
+msgid "URLs"
+msgstr "URL"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:129
+msgid "URLs, hostnames and IP addresses"
+msgstr "URL, noms de servidor i adreces IP"
+#. l10n: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_entity_reference
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:133
+msgid "XML Entities"
+msgstr "Entitats XML"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:134
+msgid "Entity references, such as & and ©"
+msgstr "Referències d'entitats, com ara & i ©"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:137
+msgid "XML Tags"
+msgstr "Etiquetes XML"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:138
+msgid "XML tags, such as <b> and </i>"
+msgstr "Etiquetes XML, com ara <b> i </i>"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:148
+msgid "Spaces"
+msgstr "Espais"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:149
+msgid "Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positions"
+msgstr "Dobles espais i espais en posicions no esperades"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/storecontroller.py:114
 msgid "The file contains nothing to translate."
 msgstr "El fitxer no té res per traduir."
@@ -314,171 +529,338 @@
 msgid "_Case sensitive"
 msgstr "Sensible a les majús_cules"
-#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:68
+#. l10n: To read about what regular expressions are, see
+#. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression
+#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:70
 msgid "_Regular expression"
 msgstr "Expressió _regular"
-#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:72
+#. l10n: This text label shows in front of the text box where the replacement
+#. text is typed. Keep in mind that the text box will appear after this text.
+#. If this sentence construction is hard to use, consdider translating this as
+#. "Replacement"
+#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:78
 msgid "Replace with"
 msgstr "Reemplaça amb"
-#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:74
+#. l10n: Button text
+#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:81
 msgid "Replace"
 msgstr "Reemplaça"
-#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:76
+#. l10n: Check box
+#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:84
 msgid "Replace _All"
 msgstr "Reempl_aça-ho tot"
-#: ../virtaal/views/prefsview.py:65
-msgid "Enabled"
-msgstr "Habilitat"
-#: ../virtaal/views/prefsview.py:66
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nom"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocompletor.py:321
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocompletor.py:218
+msgid "Automatically complete long words while you type"
+msgstr "Les paraules llargues es completen automàticament mentre escriviu"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocompletor.py:219
 msgid "AutoCompletor"
-msgstr "Completador automàtic"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocorrector.py:246
+msgstr "Compleció automàtica"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocorrector.py:258
+msgid "Automatically correct text while you type"
+msgstr "Corregeix automàticament el text mentre escriviu"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocorrector.py:259
 msgid "AutoCorrector"
 msgstr "Corrector automàtic"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:56
-msgid "Migration assistant"
+msgid "Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal."
+msgstr "Migra la configuració del KBabel, el Lokalize i/o el Poedit al Virtaal."
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:57
+msgid "Migration Assistant"
 msgstr "Auxiliar de migració"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:70
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:71
 msgid "Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?"
 msgstr ""
 "Voleu que el Virtaal provi d'importar els paràmetres i les dades d'altres "
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:71
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:72
 msgid "Import data from other applications?"
 msgstr "Voleu importar dades d'altres aplicacions?"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:96
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:97
 msgid "Migration was successfully completed"
 msgstr "La migració s'ha completat amb èxit"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:97
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:98
 msgid "The following items were migrated:"
 msgstr "S'han migrat els elements següents:"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:102
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:103
 msgid "Migration completed"
 msgstr "S'ha completat la migració"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:104
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:105
 msgid "Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or data"
 msgstr "El Virtaal no ha pogut migrar cap paràmetre o dada"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:105
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:106
 msgid "Nothing migrated"
 msgstr "No s'ha migrat res"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:158
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:159
 msgid "Poedit settings"
 msgstr "Paràmetres del Poedit"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:187
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid "Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)s"
 msgstr "Memòria de traducció del Poedit: %(database_language_code)s"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:212
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:213
 #, python-format
 msgid "KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)s"
 msgstr "Memòria de traducció del KBabel: %(database_language_code)s"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:230
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:231
 msgid "Lokalize settings"
 msgstr "Paràmetres del Lokalize"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:254
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:255
 #, python-format
 msgid "Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)s"
 msgstr "Memòria de traducció del Lokalize: %(database_name)s"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/__init__.py:27
+msgid "Terminology Help"
+msgstr "Ajuda de terminologia"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/__init__.py:28
+msgid "Terminology suggestions"
+msgstr "Suggeriments de terminologia"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/__init__.py:41
+msgid "Local file"
+msgstr "Fitxer local"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/__init__.py:42
+msgid "Local translation files"
+msgstr "Fitxers de traducció locals"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:52
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:54
+msgid "Terminology _Files..."
+msgstr "_Fitxers de terminologia…"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:60
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:62
+msgid "Add _Term..."
+msgstr "Afegeix un _terme…"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:130
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Fitxer"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:139
+msgid "Extendable"
+msgstr "Es pot estendre"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:163
+msgid "Add Files"
+msgstr "Afegeix fitxers"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:170
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:223
+msgid "All Supported Files"
+msgstr "Tots els fitxers permesos"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:196
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:249
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Tots els fitxers"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:240
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to load %(filename)s:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"No s'ha pogut carregar %(filename)s:\n"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:241
+msgid "Error opening file"
+msgstr "S'ha produït un error en obrir el fitxer"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:368
+#, python-format
+msgid "_Source term — %(langname)s"
+msgstr "Terme d'_origen - %(langname)s"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:369
+#, python-format
+msgid "_Target term — %(langname)s"
+msgstr "Terme de des_tinació — %(langname)s"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/opentran.py:46
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:32
+msgid "Open-Tran.eu"
+msgstr "Open-Tran.eu"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/opentran.py:47
+msgid "Terms from Open-Tran.eu"
+msgstr "Termes de l'Open-Tran.eu"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/termview.py:144
+msgid "Select Terminology Sources"
+msgstr "Seleccioneu les fonts de terminologia"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/termview.py:145
+msgid "Select the sources of terminology suggestions"
+msgstr "Seleccioneu les fonts dels suggeriments de terminologia"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/__init__.py:27
 msgid "Translation Memory"
 msgstr "Memòria de traducció"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/__init__.py:28
+msgid "Translation memory suggestions"
+msgstr "Suggeriments de la memòria de traducció"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/currentfile.py:32
 msgid "Currently open file"
 msgstr "Fitxer obert actualment"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/libtranslate.py:41
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/currentfile.py:33
+msgid "Translated units from the current file"
+msgstr "Unitats traduïdes del fitxer actual"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/currentfile.py:82
+msgid "This file"
+msgstr "Aquest fitxer"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/libtranslate.py:44
 msgid "Machine Translation with libtranslate"
 msgstr "Tradueix automàticament amb libtranslate"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/libtranslate.py:45
+msgid "Unreviewed machine translations"
+msgstr "Traduccions automàtiques per revisar"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible. Feel free to transliterate in CJK languages for vertical display optimization.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/libtranslate.py:97
+msgid "libtranslate"
+msgstr "libtranslate"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/localtm.py:37
 msgid "Local Translation Memory"
 msgstr "Memòria de traducció local"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:32
-msgid "Open-Tran.eu"
-msgstr "Open-Tran.eu"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/localtm.py:38
+msgid "Previous translations you have made"
+msgstr "Traduccions que heu fet anteriorment"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/localtm.py:40
+msgid "Local TM"
+msgstr "MT local"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:33
+msgid "Previous translations for Free and Open Source Software"
+msgstr "Traduccions anteriors per a programari lliure i de codi obert"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible. Feel free to transliterate in CJK languages for vertical display optimization.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:69
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:71
+msgid "OpenTran"
+msgstr "OpenTran"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/remotetm.py:30
 msgid "Remote server"
 msgstr "Servidor remot"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/remotetm.py:31
+msgid "A translation memory server"
+msgstr "Un servidor de memòria de traducció"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/remotetm.py:33
+msgid "Remote TM"
+msgstr "MT remota"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/tinytm.py:34
 msgid "TinyTM"
 msgstr "TinyTM"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:94
-msgid "Available _Suggestions"
-msgstr "_Suggeriments disponibles"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:150
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/tinytm.py:35
+msgid "A TinyTM translation memory server"
+msgstr "Un servidor de memòria de traducció TinyTM"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible. Feel free to transliterate in CJK languages for optimal vertical display.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/apertium.py:35
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/apertium.py:94
+msgid "Apertium"
+msgstr "Apertium"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/apertium.py:36
+msgid "Apertium Machine Translation"
+msgstr "Traducció automàtica d'Apertium"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:99
+msgid "Translation _Suggestions"
+msgstr "_Suggeriments de traducció"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:156
 #, python-format
 msgid "Ctrl+%(number_key)d"
 msgstr "Ctrl+%(number_key)d"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:177
+msgid "Select sources of Translation Memory"
+msgstr "Seleccioneu les fonts de la memòria de traducció"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:178
+msgid "Select the sources that should be queried for translation memory"
+msgstr "Seleccioneu les fonts que voleu consultar per a la memòria de traducció"
 #. l10n: match quality column label
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:63
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:64
 msgid "%"
 msgstr "%"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:65
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:66
 msgid "Matches"
 msgstr "Coincidències"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:120
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:67
+msgid "TM Source"
+msgstr "Font de la MT (memòria de traducció)"
+#. l10n: This message allows you to customize the appearance of the match percentage. Most languages can probably leave it unchanged.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:124
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(match_quality)s%%"
 msgstr "%(match_quality)s%%"
-#: ../virtaal/views/langview.py:66
+#: ../virtaal/views/langview.py:65
 msgid "_New Language Pair..."
 msgstr "_Nou parell de llengües…"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:198
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:200
 msgid "Error"
 msgstr "Error"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:214
-msgid "Choose a translation file"
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:216
+msgid "Choose a Translation File"
 msgstr "Trieu un fitxer de traducció"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:221
-msgid "All Supported Files"
-msgstr "Tots els fitxers permesos"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:247
-msgid "All Files"
-msgstr "Tots els fitxers"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:252
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:254
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr "Desa"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:266
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:268
 msgid ""
 "The current file has been modified.\n"
 "Do you want to save your changes?"
@@ -486,30 +868,35 @@
 "S'ha modificat el fitxer actual.\n"
 "Voleu desar els vostres canvis?"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:269
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:271
 msgid "_Discard"
 msgstr "_Descarta-ho"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:295
-#, python-format
-msgid "Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)s"
-msgstr "Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)s"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:320
+#. l10n: This is the title of the main window of Virtaal
+#. %(modified_marker)s is a star that is displayed if the file is modified, and should be at the start of the window title
+#. %(current_file)s is the file name of the current file
+#. most languages will not need to change this
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:301
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal"
+msgstr "%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal"
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:326
 msgid "Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to use"
-msgstr "Introduïu el nombre de formes de substantius (plurals) que s'utilitzarà"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:326
+msgstr ""
+"Introduïu el nombre de formes de substantius (plurals) que s'utilitzarà"
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:332
 msgid "Please enter the plural equation to use"
 msgstr "Introduïu l'equació de plural que s'utilitzarà"
 #. l10n: This refers to the 'mode' that determines how Virtaal moves
 #. between units.
 #: ../virtaal/views/modeview.py:62
-msgid "_Navigation: "
+msgid "N_avigation:"
 msgstr "_Navegació:"
-#: ../virtaal/views/unitview.py:498
+#: ../virtaal/views/unitview.py:588
 msgid "F_uzzy"
 msgstr "D_ubtosa"
@@ -530,43 +917,67 @@
 "Aided Translation (CAT)."
 msgstr ""
 "L'objectiu inicial és la traducció de programari (localització o l10n), però "
-"també pretenem que pugui ser útil com a eina d'ús general per a la "
-"traducció assistida per ordinador (CAT)."
+"també pretenem que pugui ser útil com a eina d'ús general per a la traducció "
+"assistida per ordinador (CAT)."
 #: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:53
 msgid "Virtaal website"
 msgstr "Lloc web del Virtaal"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:62
+msgid "We thank our donors:"
+msgstr "Agraïm la donació de:"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:63
+msgid "International Development and Research Centre"
+msgstr "International Development and Research Centre"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:65
+msgid "Mozilla Corporation"
+msgstr "Mozilla Corporation"
 #. l10n: Rather than translating, fill in the names of the translators
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:62
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:69
 msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr "Crèdits de traducció"
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langadddialog.py:102
+msgstr "Toni Hermoso Pulido - Softcatalà"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langadddialog.py:103
 msgid "Language code must be an ASCII string."
 msgstr "El codi de llengua cal que sigui una cadena ASCII"
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langadddialog.py:105
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langadddialog.py:106
 msgid "Language code must be at least 2 characters long."
 msgstr "El codi de llengua cal que tingui com a mínim dos caràcters."
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:73
 #: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:79
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:86
 msgid "Language"
 msgstr "Llengua"
 #. l10n: This is the column heading for the language code
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:86
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:92
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:94
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:101
 msgid "Code"
 msgstr "Codi"
-#: ../virtaal/models/storemodel.py:121
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/selectview.py:67
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Habilitat"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/selectview.py:75
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nom"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/selectview.py:113
+msgid "Configure..."
+msgstr "Configura…"
+#: ../virtaal/models/storemodel.py:105
 #, python-format
 msgid "The file \"%s\" does not exist."
 msgstr "El fitxer «%s» no existeix."
-#: ../virtaal/models/storemodel.py:123
+#: ../virtaal/models/storemodel.py:107
 #, python-format
 msgid "\"%s\" is not a usable file."
 msgstr "«%s» no és un fitxer usable."
@@ -645,7 +1056,7 @@
 #: ../share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml.in.h:19
 msgid "TermBase eXchange"
-msgstr "TermBase exChange"
+msgstr "TermBase eXchange"
 #: ../share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml.in.h:20
 msgid "Trados Tag Editor"
@@ -671,55 +1082,55 @@
 msgid "XML Localization Interchange File Format"
 msgstr "Format de fitxer d'intercanvi de localització XML"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:36
+#: ../bin/virtaal:70
 #, c-format
 msgid "%prog [options] [translation_file]"
 msgstr "%prog [opcions] [fitxer_traducció]"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:39
+#: ../bin/virtaal:73
 msgid "PROFILE"
 msgstr "PERFIL"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:41
+#: ../bin/virtaal:75
 msgid "perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename."
 msgstr ""
-"s'habiliten els perfils, el result s'emmagatzema al fitxer que es "
+"s'habiliten els perfils, el resultat s'emmagatzema al fitxer que es "
-#: ../bin/virtaal:43
+#: ../bin/virtaal:77
 msgid "LOG"
 msgstr "REGISTRE"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:44
+#: ../bin/virtaal:78
 msgid "turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename."
 msgstr ""
 "activa el registre, el resultat s'emmagatzema al fitxer que es proporciona."
-#: ../bin/virtaal:46
+#: ../bin/virtaal:80
 msgid "CONFIG"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:47
+#: ../bin/virtaal:81
 msgid "use the configuration file given by the supplied filename."
 msgstr "utilitza el fitxer de configuració que es proporciona."
-#: ../bin/virtaal:50
+#: ../bin/virtaal:84
 msgid "enable debugging features"
 msgstr "habilita les característiques de depuració"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:71
+#: ../bin/virtaal:109
 msgid "Could not open log file '%(filename)s'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer de registre «%(filename)s»"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:79
+#: ../bin/virtaal:117
 msgid "Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut llegir el fitxer de configuració «%(filename)s»"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:83
+#: ../bin/virtaal:121
 msgid "invalid number of arguments"
 msgstr "el nombre d'arguments no és vàlid"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:112
+#: ../bin/virtaal:150
 msgid "Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer de perfil «%(filename)s»"
@@ -798,3 +1209,12 @@
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:1612
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Opcions"
+#~ msgid "Languages"
+#~ msgstr "Llengües"
+#~ msgid "Personal Information"
+#~ msgstr "Informació personal"
+#~ msgid "Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)s"
+#~ msgstr "Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)s"

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/ca at valencia.po
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/ca%40valencia.po?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/ca at valencia.po (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/ca at valencia.po Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: Virtaal 0.3beta1\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translate-devel at lists.sourceforge.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-01-30 15:39+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-02-18 21:05+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher at softcatala.cat>\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-15 18:41+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-26 00:52+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: Toni Hermoso Pulido <toniher at softcatala.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: Softcatalà\n"
 "Language: ca at valencia\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.3.0\n"
+"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.4.0-rc1\n"
 #: ../share/applications/virtaal.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid ""
@@ -30,78 +30,134 @@
 msgstr "Eina de traducció"
 #: ../share/applications/virtaal.desktop.in.h:3
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:23
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:45
 msgid "Virtaal"
 msgstr "Virtaal"
 #: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Language information</b>"
+msgid "<b>Fonts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tipus de lletra</b>"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Language Information</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Informació de la llengua</b>"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:2
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:3
 msgid "<b>Original</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Original</b>"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:3
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:4
 msgid "<b>Translation</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Traducció</b>"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:4
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Translator Information</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Informació del traductor</b>"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:6
+msgid "Add Missing Language"
+msgstr "Afig una llengua absent"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:7
+msgid "Add Term"
+msgstr "Afig un terme"
+#. l10n: This label refers to comments about a new term that is added
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:9
+msgid "C_omments"
+msgstr "C_omentaris"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:10
 msgid ""
 "Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional."
 msgstr ""
 "Depenenent de la tasca de traducció, la informació del plural pot ser "
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:5
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:11
+msgid "E-mail address:"
+msgstr "Adreça de correu electrònic:"
+#. l10n: This tab label refers to the general preferences
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:13
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "General"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:6
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:14
 msgid "ISO code:"
 msgstr "Codi ISO:"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:7
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:15
 msgid "Language name:"
 msgstr "Nom de la llengua:"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:8
-msgid "Languages"
-msgstr "Llengües"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:9
-msgid "Missing Language"
-msgstr "Llengua absent"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:10
+#. l10n: This label is for the name of the translator
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:17
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nom:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:18
 msgid "New Language Pair"
 msgstr "Nou parell de llengües"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:11
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:19
 msgid "Number of plurals:"
 msgstr "Nombre de plurals:"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:12
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:20
 msgid "P_age Up"
 msgstr "Pàgin_a amunt"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:13
-msgid "Personal Information"
-msgstr "Informació personal"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:14
+#. l10n: More information about placeables: http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/virtaal/placeables
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:22
+msgid "P_revious Placeable"
+msgstr "Objecte col·locable ante_rior"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:23
+msgid "Placeables"
+msgstr "Objectes col·locables"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:24
+msgid ""
+"Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically "
+"highlighted and easily inserted into the translation."
+msgstr ""
+"Els objectes col·locables són parts especials d'un text que poden ressaltar-"
+"se automàticament i inserir-se fàcilment en una traducció."
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:25
 msgid "Plug-ins"
 msgstr "Connectors"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:15
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:26
 msgid "Plural expression:"
 msgstr "Expressió del plural:"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:16
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:27
 msgid "Report a _Bug"
 msgstr "_Informa d'un error"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:17
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:28
+msgid "Source text:"
+msgstr "Text d'origen:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:29
+msgid "Target text:"
+msgstr "Text de destinació:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:30
+msgid "Team:"
+msgstr "Equip:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:31
+msgid "Terminology Files"
+msgstr "Fitxers de terminologia"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:32
+msgid "Terminology _file:"
+msgstr "_Fitxer de terminologia:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:33
 msgid ""
 "The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also "
 "called the source language.\n"
@@ -115,7 +171,7 @@
 "Si esteu traduint de l'anglés al francés, l'anglés seria llavors la llengua "
 "original o d'origen."
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:20
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:36
 msgid ""
 "The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also "
 "called the target language.\n"
@@ -129,59 +185,88 @@
 "Si esteu traduint de l'anglés al francés, el francés seria llavors la "
 "llengua de destinació."
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:24
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:39
+msgid "The e-mail address stored in the file header"
+msgstr "L'adreça de correu electrònic emmagatzemada en la capçalera del fitxer"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:40
+msgid "The name stored in the file header"
+msgstr "El nom emmagatzemat en la capçalera del fitxer"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:41
+msgid ""
+"The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail "
+"address or a URL, for example."
+msgstr ""
+"La informació de l'equip emmagatzemada a la capçalera del fitxer. Pot ser "
+"una adreça de correu electrònic, o bé un URL."
+#. l10n: Activating this menu item copies the whole source (or part thereof) to the target. The "copy" is not necessarily the same as the source: terminology placeables are translated when copied and language-specific punctionation changes are made automatically.
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:43
+msgid "Transfer From Source"
+msgstr "Transfereix de la font"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:44
+msgid "Use _Default Fonts"
+msgstr "Utilitza els tipus de lletra per _defecte"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:46
 msgid "Virtaal Preferences"
 msgstr "Preferències del Virtaal"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:25
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:47
+msgid "_Add Missing Language..."
+msgstr "_Afig una llengua absent…"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:48
 msgid "_Edit"
 msgstr "_Edita"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:26
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:49
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "_Fitxer"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:27
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:50
 msgid "_Full Screen"
 msgstr "_Pantalla completa"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:28
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:51
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "A_juda"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:29
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:52
 msgid "_Localization Guide"
 msgstr "Guia de _localització"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:31
-msgid "_Missing Language..."
-msgstr "Llengua a_bsent…"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:32
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:53
 msgid "_Navigation"
 msgstr "_Navegació"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:33
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:54
+msgid "_Next Placeable"
+msgstr "Objecte col·locable següe_nt"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:55
 msgid "_Online Help"
 msgstr "Ajuda en lí_nia"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:34
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:56
 msgid "_Page Down"
 msgstr "_Pàgina avall"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:35
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:57
 msgid "_Recent Files"
 msgstr "Fitxers _recents"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:36
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:58
 msgid "_Tutorial"
 msgstr "_Guia d'aprenentatge"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:37
-msgid "_Update to template"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:59
+msgid "_Update to Template"
 msgstr "Act_ualitza amb la plantilla"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:38
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:60
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "_Visualitza"
@@ -197,14 +282,14 @@
 msgid ""
 "To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>."
 msgstr ""
-"Per a copiar la cadena original al camp de destinació, premeu simplement "
+"Per a copiar la cadena original al camp de destinació, premeu simplement <Alt"
 #. l10n: Refer to the translation of "Fuzzy" to find the appropriate shortcut key to recommend
 #: ../virtaal/tips.py:31
 msgid "To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>."
 msgstr ""
-"Per a marcar la traducció actual com a dubtosa, premeu simplement <Alt+U>"
+"Per a marcar la traducció actual com a dubtosa, premeu simplement <Alt+U>."
 #: ../virtaal/tips.py:32
 msgid "Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations."
@@ -218,26 +303,26 @@
 "Feu servir Ctrl+PàgAmunt o Ctrl+PàgAvall per a moure-vos a grans passos al "
 "llarg de la traducció."
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:62
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:71
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:80
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:69
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:78
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:87
 msgid "Header information"
 msgstr "Informació de la capçalera"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:63
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:70
 msgid "Please enter your name"
 msgstr "Introduïu el vostre nom"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:72
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:79
 msgid "Please enter your e-mail address"
 msgstr "Introduïu la vostra adreça de correu electrònic"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:81
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:88
 msgid "Please enter your team's information"
 msgstr "Introduïu la informació del vostre equip"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:149
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:194
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:163
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:217
 msgid ""
 "You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the "
@@ -245,35 +330,39 @@
 "Heu seleccionat obrir el fitxer que ja està obert actualment. Voleu tornar a "
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:160
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:205
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:174
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:202
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:228
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not open file.\n"
 "Try opening a different file."
 msgstr ""
 "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer.\n"
 "Proveu d'obrir un altre fitxer."
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:169
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:183
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not save file.\n"
-"Try saving at a different location."
+"Try saving to a different location."
 msgstr ""
 "No s'ha pogut alçar el fitxer.\n"
 "Proveu d'alçar-lo en una altra ubicació."
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:174
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not save file.\n"
@@ -284,17 +373,143 @@
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:178
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:192
 msgid "Reload File"
 msgstr "Torna a carregar el fitxer"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:178
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:192
 msgid "Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?"
 msgstr ""
 "Voleu tornar a carregar el fitxer des de la darrera còpia alçada i perdre "
 "tots els canvis?"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/storecontroller.py:110
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:81
+msgid "\"alt\" Attributes"
+msgstr "Atributs «alt»"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:82
+msgid "Placeable for \"alt\" attributes (as found in HTML)"
+msgstr "Objecte col·locable per als atributs «alt» (tal com es troba a l'HTML)"
+#. l10n: See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CamelCase
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:86
+msgid "CamelCase"
+msgstr "CamelCase"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:87
+msgid ""
+"Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWords"
+msgstr ""
+"Paraules amb majúscules dins, com ara alguns noms de marques i WikiWords"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:90
+msgid "Capitals"
+msgstr "Majúscules"
+#. l10n: this refers to "UPPERCASE" / "CAPITAL" letters
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:92
+msgid "Words containing uppercase letters only"
+msgstr "Paraules que contenen només majúscules"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:95
+msgid "Command Line Options"
+msgstr "Opcions de la línia d'ordes"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:96
+msgid "Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -I"
+msgstr "Opcions de la línia d'ordes de l'aplicació, com ara --help, -h i -I"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:99
+msgid "E-mail"
+msgstr "Correu electrònic"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:100
+msgid "E-mail addresses"
+msgstr "Adreces de correu electrònic"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:103
+msgid "File Names"
+msgstr "Noms de fitxer"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:104
+msgid "Paths referring to file locations"
+msgstr "Camins que fan referència a ubicacions de fitxer"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:107
+msgid "Placeholders (printf)"
+msgstr "Textos variables (printf)"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:108
+msgid "Placeholders used in \"printf\" strings"
+msgstr "Textos variables en les cadenes de «printf»"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:111
+msgid "Placeholders (Python)"
+msgstr "Textos variables (Python)"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:112
+msgid "Placeholders in Python strings"
+msgstr "Textos variables en les cadenes de Python"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:115
+msgid "Placeholders (Java)"
+msgstr "Textos variables (Java)"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:116
+msgid "Placeholders in Java strings"
+msgstr "Textos variables en les cadenes de Java"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:119
+msgid "Numbers"
+msgstr "Nombres"
+#. l10n: 'decimal fractions' refer to numbers like 0.2 or 499,99
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:121
+msgid "Integer numbers and decimal fractions"
+msgstr "Nombres enters i fraccions decimals"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:124
+msgid "Punctuation"
+msgstr "Puntuació"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:125
+msgid "Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marks"
+msgstr "Símbols i puntuació menys freqüent"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:128
+msgid "URLs"
+msgstr "URL"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:129
+msgid "URLs, hostnames and IP addresses"
+msgstr "URL, noms de servidor i adreces IP"
+#. l10n: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_entity_reference
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:133
+msgid "XML Entities"
+msgstr "Entitats XML"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:134
+msgid "Entity references, such as & and ©"
+msgstr "Referències d'entitats, com ara & i ©"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:137
+msgid "XML Tags"
+msgstr "Etiquetes XML"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:138
+msgid "XML tags, such as <b> and </i>"
+msgstr "Etiquetes XML, com ara <b> i </i>"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:148
+msgid "Spaces"
+msgstr "Espais"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:149
+msgid "Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positions"
+msgstr "Dobles espais i espais en posicions no esperades"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/storecontroller.py:114
 msgid "The file contains nothing to translate."
 msgstr "El fitxer no té res per traduir."
@@ -314,171 +529,338 @@
 msgid "_Case sensitive"
 msgstr "Sensible a les majús_cules"
-#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:68
+#. l10n: To read about what regular expressions are, see
+#. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression
+#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:70
 msgid "_Regular expression"
 msgstr "Expressió _regular"
-#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:72
+#. l10n: This text label shows in front of the text box where the replacement
+#. text is typed. Keep in mind that the text box will appear after this text.
+#. If this sentence construction is hard to use, consdider translating this as
+#. "Replacement"
+#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:78
 msgid "Replace with"
 msgstr "Reemplaça amb"
-#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:74
+#. l10n: Button text
+#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:81
 msgid "Replace"
 msgstr "Reemplaça"
-#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:76
+#. l10n: Check box
+#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:84
 msgid "Replace _All"
 msgstr "Reempl_aça-ho tot"
-#: ../virtaal/views/prefsview.py:65
-msgid "Enabled"
-msgstr "Habilitat"
-#: ../virtaal/views/prefsview.py:66
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nom"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocompletor.py:321
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocompletor.py:218
+msgid "Automatically complete long words while you type"
+msgstr "Les paraules llargues es completen automàticament mentre escriviu"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocompletor.py:219
 msgid "AutoCompletor"
-msgstr "Completador automàtic"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocorrector.py:246
+msgstr "Compleció automàtica"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocorrector.py:258
+msgid "Automatically correct text while you type"
+msgstr "Corregeix automàticament el text mentre escriviu"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocorrector.py:259
 msgid "AutoCorrector"
 msgstr "Corrector automàtic"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:56
-msgid "Migration assistant"
+msgid "Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal."
+msgstr "Migra la configuració del KBabel, el Lokalize i/o el Poedit al Virtaal."
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:57
+msgid "Migration Assistant"
 msgstr "Auxiliar de migració"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:70
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:71
 msgid "Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?"
 msgstr ""
 "Voleu que el Virtaal prove d'importar els paràmetres i les dades d'altres "
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:71
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:72
 msgid "Import data from other applications?"
 msgstr "Voleu importar dades d'altres aplicacions?"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:96
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:97
 msgid "Migration was successfully completed"
 msgstr "La migració s'ha completat amb èxit"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:97
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:98
 msgid "The following items were migrated:"
 msgstr "S'han migrat els elements següents:"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:102
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:103
 msgid "Migration completed"
 msgstr "S'ha completat la migració"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:104
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:105
 msgid "Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or data"
 msgstr "El Virtaal no ha pogut migrar cap paràmetre o dada"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:105
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:106
 msgid "Nothing migrated"
 msgstr "No s'ha migrat res"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:158
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:159
 msgid "Poedit settings"
 msgstr "Paràmetres del Poedit"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:187
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid "Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)s"
 msgstr "Memòria de traducció del Poedit: %(database_language_code)s"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:212
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:213
 #, python-format
 msgid "KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)s"
 msgstr "Memòria de traducció del KBabel: %(database_language_code)s"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:230
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:231
 msgid "Lokalize settings"
 msgstr "Paràmetres del Lokalize"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:254
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:255
 #, python-format
 msgid "Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)s"
 msgstr "Memòria de traducció del Lokalize: %(database_name)s"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/__init__.py:27
+msgid "Terminology Help"
+msgstr "Ajuda de terminologia"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/__init__.py:28
+msgid "Terminology suggestions"
+msgstr "Suggeriments de terminologia"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/__init__.py:41
+msgid "Local file"
+msgstr "Fitxer local"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/__init__.py:42
+msgid "Local translation files"
+msgstr "Fitxers de traducció locals"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:52
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:54
+msgid "Terminology _Files..."
+msgstr "_Fitxers de terminologia…"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:60
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:62
+msgid "Add _Term..."
+msgstr "Afig un _terme…"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:130
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "Fitxer"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:139
+msgid "Extendable"
+msgstr "Es pot estendre"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:163
+msgid "Add Files"
+msgstr "Afig fitxers"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:170
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:223
+msgid "All Supported Files"
+msgstr "Tots els fitxers permesos"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:196
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:249
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Tots els fitxers"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:240
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to load %(filename)s:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"No s'ha pogut carregar %(filename)s:\n"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:241
+msgid "Error opening file"
+msgstr "S'ha produït un error en obrir el fitxer"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:368
+#, python-format
+msgid "_Source term — %(langname)s"
+msgstr "Terme d'_origen - %(langname)s"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:369
+#, python-format
+msgid "_Target term — %(langname)s"
+msgstr "Terme de des_tinació — %(langname)s"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/opentran.py:46
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:32
+msgid "Open-Tran.eu"
+msgstr "Open-Tran.eu"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/opentran.py:47
+msgid "Terms from Open-Tran.eu"
+msgstr "Termes de l'Open-Tran.eu"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/termview.py:144
+msgid "Select Terminology Sources"
+msgstr "Seleccioneu les fonts de terminologia"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/termview.py:145
+msgid "Select the sources of terminology suggestions"
+msgstr "Seleccioneu les fonts dels suggeriments de terminologia"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/__init__.py:27
 msgid "Translation Memory"
 msgstr "Memòria de traducció"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/__init__.py:28
+msgid "Translation memory suggestions"
+msgstr "Suggeriments de la memòria de traducció"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/currentfile.py:32
 msgid "Currently open file"
 msgstr "Fitxer obert actualment"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/libtranslate.py:41
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/currentfile.py:33
+msgid "Translated units from the current file"
+msgstr "Unitats traduïdes del fitxer actual"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/currentfile.py:82
+msgid "This file"
+msgstr "Este fitxer"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/libtranslate.py:44
 msgid "Machine Translation with libtranslate"
 msgstr "Tradueix automàticament amb libtranslate"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/libtranslate.py:45
+msgid "Unreviewed machine translations"
+msgstr "Traduccions automàtiques per revisar"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible. Feel free to transliterate in CJK languages for vertical display optimization.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/libtranslate.py:97
+msgid "libtranslate"
+msgstr "libtranslate"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/localtm.py:37
 msgid "Local Translation Memory"
 msgstr "Memòria de traducció local"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:32
-msgid "Open-Tran.eu"
-msgstr "Open-Tran.eu"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/localtm.py:38
+msgid "Previous translations you have made"
+msgstr "Traduccions que heu fet anteriorment"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/localtm.py:40
+msgid "Local TM"
+msgstr "MT local"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:33
+msgid "Previous translations for Free and Open Source Software"
+msgstr "Traduccions anteriors per a programari lliure i de codi obert"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible. Feel free to transliterate in CJK languages for vertical display optimization.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:69
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:71
+msgid "OpenTran"
+msgstr "OpenTran"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/remotetm.py:30
 msgid "Remote server"
 msgstr "Servidor remot"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/remotetm.py:31
+msgid "A translation memory server"
+msgstr "Un servidor de memòria de traducció"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/remotetm.py:33
+msgid "Remote TM"
+msgstr "MT remota"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/tinytm.py:34
 msgid "TinyTM"
 msgstr "TinyTM"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:94
-msgid "Available _Suggestions"
-msgstr "_Suggeriments disponibles"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:150
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/tinytm.py:35
+msgid "A TinyTM translation memory server"
+msgstr "Un servidor de memòria de traducció TinyTM"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible. Feel free to transliterate in CJK languages for optimal vertical display.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/apertium.py:35
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/apertium.py:94
+msgid "Apertium"
+msgstr "Apertium"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/apertium.py:36
+msgid "Apertium Machine Translation"
+msgstr "Traducció automàtica d'Apertium"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:99
+msgid "Translation _Suggestions"
+msgstr "_Suggeriments de traducció"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:156
 #, python-format
 msgid "Ctrl+%(number_key)d"
 msgstr "Ctrl+%(number_key)d"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:177
+msgid "Select sources of Translation Memory"
+msgstr "Seleccioneu les fonts de la memòria de traducció"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:178
+msgid "Select the sources that should be queried for translation memory"
+msgstr "Seleccioneu les fonts que voleu consultar per a la memòria de traducció"
 #. l10n: match quality column label
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:63
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:64
 msgid "%"
 msgstr "%"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:65
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:66
 msgid "Matches"
 msgstr "Coincidències"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:120
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:67
+msgid "TM Source"
+msgstr "Font de la MT (memòria de traducció)"
+#. l10n: This message allows you to customize the appearance of the match percentage. Most languages can probably leave it unchanged.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:124
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(match_quality)s%%"
 msgstr "%(match_quality)s%%"
-#: ../virtaal/views/langview.py:66
+#: ../virtaal/views/langview.py:65
 msgid "_New Language Pair..."
 msgstr "_Nou parell de llengües…"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:198
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:200
 msgid "Error"
 msgstr "Error"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:214
-msgid "Choose a translation file"
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:216
+msgid "Choose a Translation File"
 msgstr "Trieu un fitxer de traducció"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:221
-msgid "All Supported Files"
-msgstr "Tots els fitxers permesos"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:247
-msgid "All Files"
-msgstr "Tots els fitxers"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:252
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:254
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr "Alça"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:266
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:268
 msgid ""
 "The current file has been modified.\n"
 "Do you want to save your changes?"
@@ -486,30 +868,35 @@
 "S'ha modificat el fitxer actual.\n"
 "Voleu alçar els vostres canvis?"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:269
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:271
 msgid "_Discard"
 msgstr "_Descarta-ho"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:295
-#, python-format
-msgid "Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)s"
-msgstr "Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)s"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:320
+#. l10n: This is the title of the main window of Virtaal
+#. %(modified_marker)s is a star that is displayed if the file is modified, and should be at the start of the window title
+#. %(current_file)s is the file name of the current file
+#. most languages will not need to change this
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:301
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal"
+msgstr "%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal"
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:326
 msgid "Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to use"
-msgstr "Introduïu el nombre de formes de substantius (plurals) que s'utilitzarà"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:326
+msgstr ""
+"Introduïu el nombre de formes de substantius (plurals) que s'utilitzarà"
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:332
 msgid "Please enter the plural equation to use"
 msgstr "Introduïu l'equació de plural que s'utilitzarà"
 #. l10n: This refers to the 'mode' that determines how Virtaal moves
 #. between units.
 #: ../virtaal/views/modeview.py:62
-msgid "_Navigation: "
+msgid "N_avigation:"
 msgstr "_Navegació:"
-#: ../virtaal/views/unitview.py:498
+#: ../virtaal/views/unitview.py:588
 msgid "F_uzzy"
 msgstr "D_ubtosa"
@@ -530,43 +917,67 @@
 "Aided Translation (CAT)."
 msgstr ""
 "L'objectiu inicial és la traducció de programari (localització o l10n), però "
-"també pretenem que puga ser útil com a eina d'ús general per a la "
-"traducció assistida per ordinador (CAT)."
+"també pretenem que puga ser útil com a eina d'ús general per a la traducció "
+"assistida per ordinador (CAT)."
 #: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:53
 msgid "Virtaal website"
 msgstr "Lloc web del Virtaal"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:62
+msgid "We thank our donors:"
+msgstr "Agraïm la donació de:"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:63
+msgid "International Development and Research Centre"
+msgstr "International Development and Research Centre"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:65
+msgid "Mozilla Corporation"
+msgstr "Mozilla Corporation"
 #. l10n: Rather than translating, fill in the names of the translators
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:62
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:69
 msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr "Crèdits de traducció"
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langadddialog.py:102
+msgstr "Toni Hermoso Pulido - Softcatalà"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langadddialog.py:103
 msgid "Language code must be an ASCII string."
 msgstr "El codi de llengua cal que siga una cadena ASCII"
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langadddialog.py:105
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langadddialog.py:106
 msgid "Language code must be at least 2 characters long."
 msgstr "El codi de llengua cal que tinga com a mínim dos caràcters."
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:73
 #: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:79
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:86
 msgid "Language"
 msgstr "Llengua"
 #. l10n: This is the column heading for the language code
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:86
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:92
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:94
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:101
 msgid "Code"
 msgstr "Codi"
-#: ../virtaal/models/storemodel.py:121
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/selectview.py:67
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Habilitat"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/selectview.py:75
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nom"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/selectview.py:113
+msgid "Configure..."
+msgstr "Configura…"
+#: ../virtaal/models/storemodel.py:105
 #, python-format
 msgid "The file \"%s\" does not exist."
 msgstr "El fitxer «%s» no existeix."
-#: ../virtaal/models/storemodel.py:123
+#: ../virtaal/models/storemodel.py:107
 #, python-format
 msgid "\"%s\" is not a usable file."
 msgstr "«%s» no és un fitxer usable."
@@ -645,7 +1056,7 @@
 #: ../share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml.in.h:19
 msgid "TermBase eXchange"
-msgstr "TermBase exChange"
+msgstr "TermBase eXchange"
 #: ../share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml.in.h:20
 msgid "Trados Tag Editor"
@@ -671,55 +1082,55 @@
 msgid "XML Localization Interchange File Format"
 msgstr "Format de fitxer d'intercanvi de localització XML"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:36
+#: ../bin/virtaal:70
 #, c-format
 msgid "%prog [options] [translation_file]"
 msgstr "%prog [opcions] [fitxer_traducció]"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:39
+#: ../bin/virtaal:73
 msgid "PROFILE"
 msgstr "PERFIL"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:41
+#: ../bin/virtaal:75
 msgid "perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename."
 msgstr ""
-"s'habiliten els perfils, el result s'emmagatzema al fitxer que es "
+"s'habiliten els perfils, el resultat s'emmagatzema al fitxer que es "
-#: ../bin/virtaal:43
+#: ../bin/virtaal:77
 msgid "LOG"
 msgstr "REGISTRE"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:44
+#: ../bin/virtaal:78
 msgid "turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename."
 msgstr ""
 "activa el registre, el resultat s'emmagatzema al fitxer que es proporciona."
-#: ../bin/virtaal:46
+#: ../bin/virtaal:80
 msgid "CONFIG"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:47
+#: ../bin/virtaal:81
 msgid "use the configuration file given by the supplied filename."
 msgstr "utilitza el fitxer de configuració que es proporciona."
-#: ../bin/virtaal:50
+#: ../bin/virtaal:84
 msgid "enable debugging features"
 msgstr "habilita les característiques de depuració"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:71
+#: ../bin/virtaal:109
 msgid "Could not open log file '%(filename)s'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer de registre «%(filename)s»"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:79
+#: ../bin/virtaal:117
 msgid "Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut llegir el fitxer de configuració «%(filename)s»"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:83
+#: ../bin/virtaal:121
 msgid "invalid number of arguments"
 msgstr "el nombre d'arguments no és vàlid"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:112
+#: ../bin/virtaal:150
 msgid "Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'"
 msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir el fitxer de perfil «%(filename)s»"
@@ -798,3 +1209,12 @@
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:1612
 msgid "Options"
 msgstr "Opcions"
+#~ msgid "Languages"
+#~ msgstr "Llengües"
+#~ msgid "Personal Information"
+#~ msgstr "Informació personal"
+#~ msgid "Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)s"
+#~ msgstr "Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)s"

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/eu.po
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/eu.po?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/eu.po (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/eu.po Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
 "highlighted and easily inserted into the translation."
 msgstr ""
 "Elementu bereziak testuaren zati ezohikoak dira eta automatikoki nabarmen "
-"daitezke modu errazean txertatzeko itzulpenean."
+"daitezke, itzulpenean modu errazean txertatzeko."
 #: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:25
 msgid "Plug-ins"

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/fr.po
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/fr.po?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/fr.po (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/fr.po Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 "Project-Id-Version: virtaal-fr\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translate-devel at lists.sourceforge.net\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-15 18:41+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-19 08:32+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-25 16:55+0200\n"
 "Last-Translator: Christian Perrier <bubulle at debian.org>\n"
 "Language-Team: French <debian-l10n-french at lists.debian.org>\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@
 "address or a URL, for example."
 msgstr ""
 "Information relative à l'équipe de traduction, conservée dans l'en-tête du "
-"fichier. Cela peut êtr eune adresse de courrier électronique ou un URL, par "
+"fichier. Cela peut être une adresse de courrier électronique ou une URL, par "
 #. l10n: Activating this menu item copies the whole source (or part thereof) to the target. The "copy" is not necessarily the same as the source: terminology placeables are translated when copied and language-specific punctionation changes are made automatically.
@@ -505,7 +505,7 @@
 #: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:129
 msgid "URLs, hostnames and IP addresses"
-msgstr "URL, noms d'hôtes and adresses IP"
+msgstr "URL, noms d'hôtes et adresses IP"
 #. l10n: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_entity_reference
 #: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:133

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/it.po
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/it.po?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/it.po (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/po/it.po Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -4,104 +4,160 @@
 # Diego Donati <diegodonati at yahoo.it>, 2009
 msgid ""
 msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: Virtaal 0.3beta1\n"
+"Project-Id-Version: Virtaal 0.4.0\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: translate-devel at lists.sourceforge.net\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-01-30 15:39+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-02-08 21:35+0200\n"
-"Last-Translator: Diego Donati <diegodonati at yahoo.it>\n"
-"Language-Team: DiegoDonatiTranslations, Italy\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-07-15 18:41+0200\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-07-27 14:41+0200\n"
+"Last-Translator: diego <diegodonati at yahoo.it>\n"
+"Language-Team: Diego Donati\n"
 "Language: it\n"
 "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
 "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
-"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.3.0\n"
+"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.3.1\n"
 #: ../share/applications/virtaal.desktop.in.h:1
 msgid ""
 "A translation tool to help a human translator translate files into other "
 msgstr ""
-"Un programma per la traduzione che aiuta un traduttore umano a tradurre file "
-"in altre lingue"
+"Un programma per la traduzione che aiuta un traduttore a tradurre file in "
+"altre lingue"
 #: ../share/applications/virtaal.desktop.in.h:2
 msgid "Translation Tool"
-msgstr "Programma per traduzione"
+msgstr "Programma per la traduzione"
 #: ../share/applications/virtaal.desktop.in.h:3
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:23
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:45
 msgid "Virtaal"
 msgstr "Virtaal"
 #: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:1
-msgid "<b>Language information</b>"
+msgid "<b>Fonts</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Tipi di carattere</b>"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:2
+msgid "<b>Language Information</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Informazioni sulla lingua</b>"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:2
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:3
 msgid "<b>Original</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Originale</b>"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:3
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:4
 msgid "<b>Translation</b>"
 msgstr "<b>Traduzione</b>"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:4
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:5
+msgid "<b>Translator Information</b>"
+msgstr "<b>Informazioni sul traduttore</b>"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:6
+msgid "Add Missing Language"
+msgstr "Aggiungi lingua mancante"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:7
+msgid "Add Term"
+msgstr "Aggiungi termine"
+#. l10n: This label refers to comments about a new term that is added
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:9
+msgid "C_omments"
+msgstr "C_ommenti"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:10
 msgid ""
 "Depending on the translation task, the plural information might be optional."
 msgstr ""
-"Le informazioni sul plurale, in funzione della traduzione, potrebbero essere "
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:5
+"In base al tipo di traduzione, le informazioni riguardanti i plurali "
+"potrebbero risultare opzionali."
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:11
+msgid "E-mail address:"
+msgstr "Indirizzo e-mail:"
+#. l10n: This tab label refers to the general preferences
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:13
 msgid "General"
 msgstr "Generale"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:6
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:14
 msgid "ISO code:"
 msgstr "Codice ISO:"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:7
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:15
 msgid "Language name:"
-msgstr "Nome lingua:"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:8
-msgid "Languages"
-msgstr "Lingue"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:9
-msgid "Missing Language"
-msgstr "Lingue mancanti"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:10
+msgstr "Nome della lingua:"
+#. l10n: This label is for the name of the translator
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:17
+msgid "Name:"
+msgstr "Nome:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:18
 msgid "New Language Pair"
-msgstr "Nuova copia di lingue"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:11
+msgstr "Nuova coppia linguistica"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:19
 msgid "Number of plurals:"
 msgstr "Numero di plurali:"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:12
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:20
 msgid "P_age Up"
-msgstr "P_agina superiore"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:13
-msgid "Personal Information"
-msgstr "Informazioni personali"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:14
+msgstr "P_agina Su"
+#. l10n: More information about placeables: http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/virtaal/placeables
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:22
+msgid "P_revious Placeable"
+msgstr "Placeable _precedente"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:23
+msgid "Placeables"
+msgstr "Elementi placeable"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:24
+msgid ""
+"Placeables are special parts of the text that can be automatically "
+"highlighted and easily inserted into the translation."
+msgstr ""
+"Gli elementi placeable sono parti speciali del testo che possono essere "
+"evidenziate automaticamente e facilmente inserite nella traduzione."
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:25
 msgid "Plug-ins"
-msgstr "Plug-in"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:15
+msgstr "Plugin"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:26
 msgid "Plural expression:"
 msgstr "Espressione plurale:"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:16
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:27
 msgid "Report a _Bug"
-msgstr "Riporta un _bug"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:17
+msgstr "Segnala _errore"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:28
+msgid "Source text:"
+msgstr "Testo sorgente:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:29
+msgid "Target text:"
+msgstr "Testo tradotto:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:30
+msgid "Team:"
+msgstr "Gruppo di traduzione:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:31
+msgid "Terminology Files"
+msgstr "File di terminologia"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:32
+msgid "Terminology _file:"
+msgstr "_File di terminologia:"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:33
 msgid ""
 "The <b>Original</b> is the language from which you are translating, also "
 "called the source language.\n"
@@ -109,13 +165,13 @@
 "If you are translating from English to French then English would be your "
 "original or source language."
 msgstr ""
-"L'<b>originale</b> è la lingua dalla quale si sta traducendo, anche "
-"conosciuta come lingua sorgente.\n"
-"Se si sta traducendo dall'inglese al francese allora l'inglese è la lingua "
-"originale o lingua sorgente."
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:20
+"L'<b>Originale</b> è la lingua dalla quale si sta traducendo, anche definita "
+"la lingua di origine.\n"
+"Se si sta traducendo dall'inglese al francese allora l'inglese è l'originale "
+"o lingua di origine."
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:36
 msgid ""
 "The <b>Translation</b> is the language into which you are translating, also "
 "called the target language.\n"
@@ -123,65 +179,95 @@
 "If you are translating from English to French then French would be your "
 "translation or target language."
 msgstr ""
-"La <b>traduzione</b> è la lingua verso la quale si sta traducendo, anche "
-"conosciuta come lingua meta.\n"
-"Se si sta traducendo dall'inglese al francese allora il francese è la "
+"La <b>Traduzione</b> è la lingua verso la quale si traduce, anche definita "
+"la lingua meta.\n"
+"Se si sta traducendo dall'inglese al francese, allora il francese è la "
 "traduzione o lingua meta."
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:24
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:39
+msgid "The e-mail address stored in the file header"
+msgstr "L'indirizzo e-mail è salvato all'inizio del file"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:40
+msgid "The name stored in the file header"
+msgstr "Il nome è conservato all'inizio del file"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:41
+msgid ""
+"The team information stored in the file header. This can be an e-mail "
+"address or a URL, for example."
+msgstr ""
+"Le informazioni riguardanti il gruppo di traduzione sono conservate "
+"all'inizio del file. Questo può essere un indirizzo e-mail o una URL, per "
+#. l10n: Activating this menu item copies the whole source (or part thereof) to the target. The "copy" is not necessarily the same as the source: terminology placeables are translated when copied and language-specific punctionation changes are made automatically.
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:43
+msgid "Transfer From Source"
+msgstr "Trasferisci dal testo fonte"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:44
+msgid "Use _Default Fonts"
+msgstr "Usa il carattere _predefinito"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:46
 msgid "Virtaal Preferences"
-msgstr "Preferenze Virtaal"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:25
+msgstr "Preferenze di Virtaal"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:47
+msgid "_Add Missing Language..."
+msgstr "_Aggiungi lingua mancante..."
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:48
 msgid "_Edit"
 msgstr "_Modifica"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:26
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:49
 msgid "_File"
 msgstr "_File"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:27
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:50
 msgid "_Full Screen"
 msgstr "_Schermo intero"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:28
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:51
 msgid "_Help"
 msgstr "_Aiuto"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:29
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:52
 msgid "_Localization Guide"
-msgstr "_Guida sulla localizzazione"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:31
-msgid "_Missing Language..."
-msgstr "_Lingua mancante..."
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:32
+msgstr "_Guida alla localizzazione"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:53
 msgid "_Navigation"
 msgstr "_Navigazione"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:33
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:54
+msgid "_Next Placeable"
+msgstr "_Elemento placeable successivo"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:55
 msgid "_Online Help"
-msgstr "_Aiuto online"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:34
+msgstr "_Aiuto in linea"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:56
 msgid "_Page Down"
-msgstr "_Pagina inferiore"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:35
+msgstr "_Pagina Giù"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:57
 msgid "_Recent Files"
 msgstr "_File recenti"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:36
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:58
 msgid "_Tutorial"
-msgstr "_Corso"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:37
-msgid "_Update to template"
-msgstr "_Aggiorna template"
-#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:38
+msgstr "_Esercitazione"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:59
+msgid "_Update to Template"
+msgstr "_Aggiorna modello"
+#: ../share/virtaal/virtaal.glade.h:60
 msgid "_View"
 msgstr "_Visualizza"
@@ -190,106 +276,239 @@
 "At the end of a translation, simply press <Enter> to continue with the next "
 msgstr ""
-"Alla fine di una traduzione, premere <Invio> per continuare con la "
+"Alla fine della traduzione, premere semplicemente <Invio> per continuare con "
+"la successiva."
 #: ../virtaal/tips.py:28
 msgid ""
 "To copy the original string into the target field, simply press <Alt+Down>."
 msgstr ""
-"Per copiare la stringa originale nel campo della lingua meta, premere "
+"Per copiare la stringa originale nell'area di traduzione, basta premere "
 #. l10n: Refer to the translation of "Fuzzy" to find the appropriate shortcut key to recommend
 #: ../virtaal/tips.py:31
 msgid "To mark the current translation as fuzzy, simply press <Alt+U>."
-msgstr "Per segnare la traduzione corrente come fuzzy, premere <Alt+U>."
+msgstr "Per segnare la presente traduzione come \"fuzzy\", basta premere <Alt+U>."
 #: ../virtaal/tips.py:32
 msgid "Use Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down to move between translations."
-msgstr "Utilizzare Ctrl+sù o Ctrl+giù per spostarsi tra le traduzioni."
+msgstr "Usare Ctrl+ Sù o Ctrl+ Giù per spostarsi tra le diverse traduzioni."
 #: ../virtaal/tips.py:33
 msgid ""
 "Use Ctrl+PgUp or Ctrl+PgDown to move in large steps between translations."
 msgstr ""
-"Utilizzare Ctrl+Pgsù o Ctrl+Pggiù per spostarsi a grossi intervalli tra le "
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:62
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:71
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:80
+"Usare Ctrl+PgSù o Ctrl+PgGiù per spostarsi attraverso segmenti di traduzione "
+"più grandi."
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:69
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:78
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:87
 msgid "Header information"
 msgstr "Informazioni di testata"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:63
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:70
 msgid "Please enter your name"
-msgstr "Inserire nome"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:72
+msgstr "Inserire il proprio nome"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:79
 msgid "Please enter your e-mail address"
-msgstr "Inserire email"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:81
+msgstr "Inserire il proprio indirizzo e-mail"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:88
 msgid "Please enter your team's information"
-msgstr "Inserire informazioni sulla squadra di traduzione"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:149
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:194
+msgstr "Inserire le informazioni riguardanti il proprio gruppo di traduzione"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:163
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:217
 msgid ""
 "You selected the currently open file for opening. Do you want to reload the "
-msgstr "File attualmente aperto selezionato per apertura. Ricaricare il file?"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:160
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:205
+msgstr ""
+"Si è deciso di aprire il file che è già attualmente aperto. Si vuole "
+"caricare nuovamente il file?"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:174
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:202
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:228
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not open file.\n"
 "Try opening a different file."
 msgstr ""
-"Impossibile aprire file.\n"
+"Impossibile aprire il file.\n"
-"Provare ad aprire un file differente."
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:169
+"Cercare di aprire un file diverso."
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:183
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not save file.\n"
-"Try saving at a different location."
-msgstr ""
-"Impossibile salvare file.\n"
+"Try saving to a different location."
+msgstr ""
+"Impossibile salvare il file.\n"
-"Provare a salvare in un percorso diverso."
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:174
+"Provare a salvare in un luogo diverso."
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid ""
 "Could not save file.\n"
 msgstr ""
-"Impossibile salvare file.\n"
+"Impossibile salvare il file.\n"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:178
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:192
 msgid "Reload File"
 msgstr "Ricarica file"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:178
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/maincontroller.py:192
 msgid "Reload file from last saved copy and lose all changes?"
-msgstr "Ricaricare file dall'ultima copia salvata e perdere tutte le modifiche?"
-#: ../virtaal/controllers/storecontroller.py:110
+msgstr "Ricaricare file dall'ultima copia salvata e perdere ogni modifica?"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:81
+msgid "\"alt\" Attributes"
+msgstr "Attributi \"alt\""
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:82
+msgid "Placeable for \"alt\" attributes (as found in HTML)"
+msgstr "Placeable per attributi \"alt\" (come nel linguaggio HTML)"
+#. l10n: See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CamelCase
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:86
+msgid "CamelCase"
+msgstr "CarattereCammello"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:87
+msgid ""
+"Words with internal capitalisation, such as some brand names and WikiWords"
+msgstr ""
+"Parole con lettere maiuscole all'interno, come alcuni termini nuovi e le "
+"WikiWords (parole Wiki)"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:90
+msgid "Capitals"
+msgstr "Lettere maiuscole"
+#. l10n: this refers to "UPPERCASE" / "CAPITAL" letters
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:92
+msgid "Words containing uppercase letters only"
+msgstr "Parole che contengono solo lettere maiuscole"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:95
+msgid "Command Line Options"
+msgstr "Opzioni dalla riga di comando"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:96
+msgid "Application command line options, such as --help, -h and -I"
+msgstr ""
+"Opzioni applicative dalla riga di comando, come il comando --help, -h ed -I"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:99
+msgid "E-mail"
+msgstr "E-mail"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:100
+msgid "E-mail addresses"
+msgstr "Indirizzo e-mail"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:103
+msgid "File Names"
+msgstr "Nomi dei file"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:104
+msgid "Paths referring to file locations"
+msgstr "Percorsi che si riferiscono alle ubicazioni dei file"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:107
+msgid "Placeholders (printf)"
+msgstr "Placeholder (printf)"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:108
+msgid "Placeholders used in \"printf\" strings"
+msgstr "Placeholder in stringhe \"printf\""
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:111
+msgid "Placeholders (Python)"
+msgstr "Placeholder (Python)"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:112
+msgid "Placeholders in Python strings"
+msgstr "Placeholder in stringhe Python"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:115
+msgid "Placeholders (Java)"
+msgstr "Placeholder (Java)"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:116
+msgid "Placeholders in Java strings"
+msgstr "Placeholder in stringhe Java"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:119
+msgid "Numbers"
+msgstr "Numeri"
+#. l10n: 'decimal fractions' refer to numbers like 0.2 or 499,99
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:121
+msgid "Integer numbers and decimal fractions"
+msgstr "Numeri interi e funzioni decimali"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:124
+msgid "Punctuation"
+msgstr "Punteggiatura"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:125
+msgid "Symbols and less frequently used punctuation marks"
+msgstr "Simboli e segni di punteggiatura meno frequenti"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:128
+msgid "URLs"
+msgstr "URL"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:129
+msgid "URLs, hostnames and IP addresses"
+msgstr "URL, nome dell'host ed indirizzi IP"
+#. l10n: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_entity_reference
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:133
+msgid "XML Entities"
+msgstr "Entità XML"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:134
+msgid "Entity references, such as & and ©"
+msgstr "Riferimenti di entità, come & e ©"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:137
+msgid "XML Tags"
+msgstr "Tag XML"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:138
+msgid "XML tags, such as <b> and </i>"
+msgstr "Tag XML, come <b> ed </i>"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:148
+msgid "Spaces"
+msgstr "Spazi"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/placeablescontroller.py:149
+msgid "Double spaces and spaces in unexpected positions"
+msgstr "Spazi doppi e spazi in posizioni inaspettate"
+#: ../virtaal/controllers/storecontroller.py:114
 msgid "The file contains nothing to translate."
 msgstr "Il file non contiene materiale da tradurre."
@@ -307,171 +526,338 @@
 #: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:66
 msgid "_Case sensitive"
-msgstr "_Case sensitive"
-#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:68
+msgstr "_Sensibile al carattere"
+#. l10n: To read about what regular expressions are, see
+#. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression
+#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:70
 msgid "_Regular expression"
 msgstr "_Espressione regolare"
-#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:72
+#. l10n: This text label shows in front of the text box where the replacement
+#. text is typed. Keep in mind that the text box will appear after this text.
+#. If this sentence construction is hard to use, consdider translating this as
+#. "Replacement"
+#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:78
 msgid "Replace with"
 msgstr "Sostituisci con"
-#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:74
+#. l10n: Button text
+#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:81
 msgid "Replace"
 msgstr "Sostituisci"
-#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:76
+#. l10n: Check box
+#: ../virtaal/modes/searchmode.py:84
 msgid "Replace _All"
-msgstr "Sostituisci_tutto"
-#: ../virtaal/views/prefsview.py:65
-msgid "Enabled"
-msgstr "Abilitato"
-#: ../virtaal/views/prefsview.py:66
-msgid "Name"
-msgstr "Nome"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocompletor.py:321
+msgstr "Sostituisci _tutto"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocompletor.py:218
+msgid "Automatically complete long words while you type"
+msgstr "Completa automaticamente parole lunghe quando si scrive"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocompletor.py:219
 msgid "AutoCompletor"
-msgstr "Autocompletamento"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocorrector.py:246
+msgstr "Completamento automatico"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocorrector.py:258
+msgid "Automatically correct text while you type"
+msgstr "Correzione automatica del testo mentre si scrive"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/autocorrector.py:259
 msgid "AutoCorrector"
-msgstr "Autocorrettore"
+msgstr "Correzione automatica"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:56
-msgid "Migration assistant"
-msgstr "Assistente di migrazione"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:70
+msgid "Migrate settings from KBabel, Lokalize and/or Poedit to Virtaal."
+msgstr "Migrazione impostazioni da KBabel, Lokalize o Poedit a Virtaal."
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:57
+msgid "Migration Assistant"
+msgstr "Assistente per la migrazione"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:71
 msgid "Should Virtaal try to import settings and data from other applications?"
-msgstr "Importare impostazioni e dati da altri programmi?"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:71
+msgstr "Importare impostazioni e dati da altri applicativi?"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:72
 msgid "Import data from other applications?"
-msgstr "Importare dati da altri programmi?"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:96
+msgstr "Importare dati da altri applicativi?"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:97
 msgid "Migration was successfully completed"
-msgstr "Migrazione eseguita con successo"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:97
+msgstr "Migrazione completata con successo"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:98
 msgid "The following items were migrated:"
-msgstr "I seguenti elementi sono stati migrati:"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:102
+msgstr "I seguenti elementi sono stati trasferiti:"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:103
 msgid "Migration completed"
 msgstr "Migrazione completata"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:104
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:105
 msgid "Virtaal was not able to migrate any settings or data"
-msgstr "Impossibile importare impostazioni o dati"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:105
+msgstr "Impossibile migrare impostazioni o dati"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:106
 msgid "Nothing migrated"
-msgstr "Nulla è stato migrato"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:158
+msgstr "Non è stato trasferito nulla"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:159
 msgid "Poedit settings"
 msgstr "Impostazioni di Poedit"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:187
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:188
 #, python-format
 msgid "Poedit's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)s"
 msgstr "Memoria di traduzione di Poedit: %(database_language_code)s"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:212
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:213
 #, python-format
 msgid "KBabel's Translation Memory: %(database_language_code)s"
 msgstr "Memoria di traduzione di KBabel: %(database_language_code)s"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:230
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:231
 msgid "Lokalize settings"
-msgstr "Localizza impostazioni"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:254
+msgstr "Impostazioni di Lokalize"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/migration.py:255
 #, python-format
 msgid "Lokalize's Translation Memory: %(database_name)s"
-msgstr "Localizza memoria di traduzione: %(database_name)s"
+msgstr "Memoria di traduzione di Lokalize: %(database_name)s"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/__init__.py:27
+msgid "Terminology Help"
+msgstr "Aiuto terminologico"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/__init__.py:28
+msgid "Terminology suggestions"
+msgstr "Suggerimenti terminologici"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/__init__.py:41
+msgid "Local file"
+msgstr "File locale"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/__init__.py:42
+msgid "Local translation files"
+msgstr "File di traduzione locali"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:52
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:54
+msgid "Terminology _Files..."
+msgstr "_File di terminologia..."
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:60
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:62
+msgid "Add _Term..."
+msgstr "Aggiungi _termine..."
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:130
+msgid "File"
+msgstr "File"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:139
+msgid "Extendable"
+msgstr "Estensibile"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:163
+msgid "Add Files"
+msgstr "Aggiungi file"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:170
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:223
+msgid "All Supported Files"
+msgstr "Tutti i file supportati"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:196
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:249
+msgid "All Files"
+msgstr "Tutti i file"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:240
+#, python-format
+msgid ""
+"Unable to load %(filename)s:\n"
+msgstr ""
+"Impossibile caricare %(filename)s:\n"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:241
+msgid "Error opening file"
+msgstr "Errore apertura file"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:368
+#, python-format
+msgid "_Source term — %(langname)s"
+msgstr "Termine _lingua di origine - %(langname)s"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/localfileview.py:369
+#, python-format
+msgid "_Target term — %(langname)s"
+msgstr "Termine _lingua meta - %(langname)s"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/opentran.py:46
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:32
+msgid "Open-Tran.eu"
+msgstr "Open-Tran.eu"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/opentran.py:47
+msgid "Terms from Open-Tran.eu"
+msgstr "Termini da Open-Tran.eu"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/termview.py:144
+msgid "Select Terminology Sources"
+msgstr "Seleziona fonti terminologiche"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/terminology/termview.py:145
+msgid "Select the sources of terminology suggestions"
+msgstr "Seleziona le fonti dei suggerimenti terminologici"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/__init__.py:27
 msgid "Translation Memory"
 msgstr "Memoria di traduzione"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/__init__.py:28
+msgid "Translation memory suggestions"
+msgstr "Suggerimenti da memoria di traduzione"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/currentfile.py:32
 msgid "Currently open file"
 msgstr "File attualmente aperto"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/libtranslate.py:41
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/currentfile.py:33
+msgid "Translated units from the current file"
+msgstr "Unità tradotte dal file corrente"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/currentfile.py:82
+msgid "This file"
+msgstr "Questo file"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/libtranslate.py:44
 msgid "Machine Translation with libtranslate"
-msgstr "Traduzione automatica con libtranslate"
+msgstr "Traduzione automatizzata con libtranslate"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/libtranslate.py:45
+msgid "Unreviewed machine translations"
+msgstr "Traduzioni automatizzate non revisionate"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible. Feel free to transliterate in CJK languages for vertical display optimization.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/libtranslate.py:97
+msgid "libtranslate"
+msgstr "libtranslate"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/localtm.py:37
 msgid "Local Translation Memory"
 msgstr "Memoria di traduzione locale"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:32
-msgid "Open-Tran.eu"
-msgstr "Open-Tran.eu"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/localtm.py:38
+msgid "Previous translations you have made"
+msgstr "Traduzioni effettuate precedentemente"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/localtm.py:40
+msgid "Local TM"
+msgstr "TM locale"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:33
+msgid "Previous translations for Free and Open Source Software"
+msgstr "Traduzioni precedenti per software libero ed Open Source"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible. Feel free to transliterate in CJK languages for vertical display optimization.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:69
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/opentran.py:71
+msgid "OpenTran"
+msgstr "OpenTran"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/remotetm.py:30
 msgid "Remote server"
 msgstr "Server remoto"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/remotetm.py:31
+msgid "A translation memory server"
+msgstr "Un server di memoria di traduzione"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/remotetm.py:33
+msgid "Remote TM"
+msgstr "TM remota"
 #: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/tinytm.py:34
 msgid "TinyTM"
 msgstr "TinyTM"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:94
-msgid "Available _Suggestions"
-msgstr "_Suggerimenti disponibili"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:150
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/tinytm.py:35
+msgid "A TinyTM translation memory server"
+msgstr "Un server di memoria di traduzione TinyTM"
+#. l10n: Try to keep this as short as possible. Feel free to transliterate in CJK languages for optimal vertical display.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/apertium.py:35
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/apertium.py:94
+msgid "Apertium"
+msgstr "Apertium"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/models/apertium.py:36
+msgid "Apertium Machine Translation"
+msgstr "Traduzione automatizzata Apertium"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:99
+msgid "Translation _Suggestions"
+msgstr "_Suggerimenti di traduzione"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:156
 #, python-format
 msgid "Ctrl+%(number_key)d"
 msgstr "Ctrl+%(number_key)d"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:177
+msgid "Select sources of Translation Memory"
+msgstr "Selezionare fonti della Memoria di Traduzione (TM)"
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmview.py:178
+msgid "Select the sources that should be queried for translation memory"
+msgstr "Selezionare fonti che saranno interrogate per la memoria di traduzione"
 #. l10n: match quality column label
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:63
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:64
 msgid "%"
 msgstr "%"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:65
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:66
 msgid "Matches"
 msgstr "Corrispondenze"
-#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:120
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:67
+msgid "TM Source"
+msgstr "Fonti TM"
+#. l10n: This message allows you to customize the appearance of the match percentage. Most languages can probably leave it unchanged.
+#: ../virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py:124
 #, python-format
 msgid "%(match_quality)s%%"
 msgstr "%(match_quality)s%%"
-#: ../virtaal/views/langview.py:66
+#: ../virtaal/views/langview.py:65
 msgid "_New Language Pair..."
-msgstr "_Nuova coppia di lingue..."
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:198
+msgstr "_Nuova coppia linguistica..."
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:200
 msgid "Error"
 msgstr "Errore"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:214
-msgid "Choose a translation file"
-msgstr "Scegli un file di traduzione"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:221
-msgid "All Supported Files"
-msgstr "Tutti i file supportati"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:247
-msgid "All Files"
-msgstr "Tutti i file"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:252
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:216
+msgid "Choose a Translation File"
+msgstr "Scegliere un file da tradurre"
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:254
 msgid "Save"
 msgstr "Salva"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:266
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:268
 msgid ""
 "The current file has been modified.\n"
 "Do you want to save your changes?"
@@ -479,30 +865,34 @@
 "Il file corrente è stato modificato.\n"
 "Salvare le modifiche?"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:269
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:271
 msgid "_Discard"
 msgstr "_Scarta"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:295
-#, python-format
-msgid "Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)s"
-msgstr "Virtaal - %(current_file)s %(modified_marker)s"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:320
+#. l10n: This is the title of the main window of Virtaal
+#. %(modified_marker)s is a star that is displayed if the file is modified, and should be at the start of the window title
+#. %(current_file)s is the file name of the current file
+#. most languages will not need to change this
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:301
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal"
+msgstr "%(modified_marker)s%(current_file)s - Virtaal"
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:326
 msgid "Please enter the number of noun forms (plurals) to use"
 msgstr "Inserire il numero di forme sostantivate (plurali) da utilizzare"
-#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:326
+#: ../virtaal/views/mainview.py:332
 msgid "Please enter the plural equation to use"
-msgstr "Inserire l'equazione plurale da usare"
+msgstr "Inserire l'equazione plurale da utilizzare"
 #. l10n: This refers to the 'mode' that determines how Virtaal moves
 #. between units.
 #: ../virtaal/views/modeview.py:62
-msgid "_Navigation: "
-msgstr "_Navigazione: "
-#: ../virtaal/views/unitview.py:498
+msgid "N_avigation:"
+msgstr "N_avigazione:"
+#: ../virtaal/views/unitview.py:588
 msgid "F_uzzy"
 msgstr "F_uzzy"
@@ -514,7 +904,7 @@
 #. additionally transliterate the name and to add a translation of "For Language", which is what the name means.
 #: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:38
 msgid "Virtaal is a program for doing translation."
-msgstr "Virtaal è un programa che serve per tradurre."
+msgstr "Virtaal è un programma per la traduzione."
 #: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:39
 msgid ""
@@ -522,55 +912,80 @@
 "definitely intend it to be useful as a general purpose tool for Computer "
 "Aided Translation (CAT)."
 msgstr ""
-"La funzione principale del software è il suo utilizzo per la traduzione di "
-"software (localizzazione o l10n), ma desideriamo che venga utilizzato come "
-"uno strumento CAT generico per la traduzione."
+"Il programma è stato creato inizialmente per la traduzione dei software "
+"(localizzazione o l10n), ma desideriamo fermamente che venga utilizzato come "
+"programma CAT generico."
 #: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:53
 msgid "Virtaal website"
 msgstr "Sito web di Virtaal"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:62
+msgid "We thank our donors:"
+msgstr "Si ringraziano le persone che hanno contribuito al progetto:"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:63
+msgid "International Development and Research Centre"
+msgstr "International Development and Research Centre"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:65
+msgid "Mozilla Corporation"
+msgstr "Mozilla Corporation"
 #. l10n: Rather than translating, fill in the names of the translators
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:62
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/aboutdialog.py:69
 msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr "Diego Donati <diegodonati [at] yahoo [dot] it>"
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langadddialog.py:102
+msgstr "Diego Donati, freelance translator, Italy"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langadddialog.py:103
 msgid "Language code must be an ASCII string."
-msgstr "Il codice della lingua deve essere una stringa ASCII."
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langadddialog.py:105
+msgstr "Il linguaggio del codice deve essere in forma di stringa ASCII."
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langadddialog.py:106
 msgid "Language code must be at least 2 characters long."
-msgstr "Il codice della lingua deve essere di almeno 2 caratteri."
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:73
+msgstr ""
+"Il linguaggio del codice deve avere una lunghezza di almeno 2 caratteri."
 #: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:79
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:86
 msgid "Language"
-msgstr "Lingua"
+msgstr "Linguaggio"
 #. l10n: This is the column heading for the language code
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:86
-#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:92
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:94
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/langselectdialog.py:101
 msgid "Code"
 msgstr "Codice"
-#: ../virtaal/models/storemodel.py:121
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/selectview.py:67
+msgid "Enabled"
+msgstr "Abilitato"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/selectview.py:75
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Nome"
+#: ../virtaal/views/widgets/selectview.py:113
+msgid "Configure..."
+msgstr "Configura..."
+#: ../virtaal/models/storemodel.py:105
 #, python-format
 msgid "The file \"%s\" does not exist."
 msgstr "Il file \"%s\" non esiste."
-#: ../virtaal/models/storemodel.py:123
+#: ../virtaal/models/storemodel.py:107
 #, python-format
 msgid "\"%s\" is not a usable file."
 msgstr "\"%s\" non è un file utilizzabile."
 #: ../share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml.in.h:1
 msgid "C++ RC File"
-msgstr "C++ RC File"
+msgstr "File C++ RC"
 #: ../share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml.in.h:2
 msgid "Gettext Translation Template"
-msgstr "Formato di traduzione Gettext"
+msgstr "Modello di traduzione Gettext"
 #: ../share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml.in.h:3
 msgid "INI"
@@ -586,11 +1001,11 @@
 #: ../share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml.in.h:6
 msgid "Java Properties File"
-msgstr "File proprietà Java"
+msgstr "File Java Properties"
 #: ../share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml.in.h:7
 msgid "JavaScript error message file"
-msgstr "File di errore JavaScript"
+msgstr "File del messaggio di errore JavaScript"
 #: ../share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml.in.h:8
 msgid "OpenOffice.org Translation File"
@@ -602,7 +1017,7 @@
 #: ../share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml.in.h:10
 msgid "Qt Message File"
-msgstr "File di messaggio Qt"
+msgstr "File QT Message"
 #: ../share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml.in.h:11
 msgid "Qt Phrase Book"
@@ -614,7 +1029,7 @@
 #: ../share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml.in.h:13
 msgid "Resource Compiler"
-msgstr "Compilatore delle risorse"
+msgstr "Compilatore di risorse"
 #: ../share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml.in.h:14
 msgid "TBX"
@@ -662,63 +1077,61 @@
 #: ../share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml.in.h:25
 msgid "XML Localization Interchange File Format"
-msgstr "XML Formato file di intercambio localizzazione"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:36
+msgstr "XML Localization Interchange File Format"
+#: ../bin/virtaal:70
 #, c-format
 msgid "%prog [options] [translation_file]"
-msgstr "%prog [options] [translation_file]"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:39
+msgstr "%prog [opzioni] [_file di traduzione]"
+#: ../bin/virtaal:73
 msgid "PROFILE"
 msgstr "PROFILO"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:41
+#: ../bin/virtaal:75
 msgid "perform profiling, storing the result to the supplied filename."
-msgstr "profilamento eseguito, salvataggio risultato al nome di file fornito."
-#: ../bin/virtaal:43
+msgstr "creare il profilo, salvando il risultato nel nome del file fornito."
+#: ../bin/virtaal:77
 msgid "LOG"
 msgstr "LOG"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:44
+#: ../bin/virtaal:78
 msgid "turn on logging, storing the result to the supplied filename."
-msgstr ""
-"abilitazione registrazione cronologica, salvataggio risultato al nome di "
-"file fornito."
-#: ../bin/virtaal:46
+msgstr "attivare il logging, salvando il risultato nel nome del file fornito."
+#: ../bin/virtaal:80
 msgid "CONFIG"
 msgstr "CONFIG"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:47
+#: ../bin/virtaal:81
 msgid "use the configuration file given by the supplied filename."
-msgstr "utilizzare il file di configurazione dato dal file che è stato fornito."
-#: ../bin/virtaal:50
+msgstr "utilizzare il file di configurazione dato dal nome del file fornito."
+#: ../bin/virtaal:84
 msgid "enable debugging features"
-msgstr "abilita funzioni di debugging"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:71
+msgstr "abilitare funzionalità di collaudo di programmi"
+#: ../bin/virtaal:109
 msgid "Could not open log file '%(filename)s'"
-msgstr "Impossibile aprire file di log \"%(filename)s\""
-#: ../bin/virtaal:79
+msgstr "Impossibile aprire file di log '%(filename)s'"
+#: ../bin/virtaal:117
 msgid "Could not read configuration file '%(filename)s'"
-msgstr "Impossibile leggere file di configurazione \"%(filename)s\""
-#: ../bin/virtaal:83
+msgstr "Impossibile leggere file di configurazione '%(filename)s'"
+#: ../bin/virtaal:121
 msgid "invalid number of arguments"
-msgstr "numero di argomenti non validi"
-#: ../bin/virtaal:112
+msgstr "numero invalido di argomenti"
+#: ../bin/virtaal:150
 msgid "Could not open profile file '%(filename)s'"
-msgstr "Impossibile aprire file di profilo \"%(filename)s\""
+msgstr "Impossibile aprire file di profilo '%(filename)s'"
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:134
 #, python-format
 msgid "no such option: %s"
-msgstr "non esiste questa opzione: %s"
+msgstr "opzione non disponibile: %s"
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:145
 #, python-format
@@ -728,7 +1141,7 @@
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:368
 #, python-format
 msgid "Usage: %s\n"
-msgstr "Utilizzo: %s\n"
+msgstr "Uso: %s\n"
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:387
 msgid "Usage"
@@ -740,11 +1153,11 @@
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:413
 msgid "long integer"
-msgstr "numero intero lungo"
+msgstr "Numero intero lungo"
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:414
 msgid "floating-point"
-msgstr "punto-galleggiante"
+msgstr "floating-point"
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:415
 msgid "complex"
@@ -758,7 +1171,7 @@
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:431
 #, python-format
 msgid "option %s: invalid choice: %r (choose from %s)"
-msgstr "opzione %s: scelta non valida: %r (scegliere da %s)"
+msgstr "opzione %s: scelta non valida: %r (scegli da %s)"
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:1246
 msgid "show this help message and exit"
@@ -766,26 +1179,26 @@
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:1251
 msgid "show program's version number and exit"
-msgstr "mostra numero versione del programma ed esci"
+msgstr "mostra numero di versione del programma ed esci"
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:1274
 msgid "%prog [options]"
-msgstr "%prog [options]"
+msgstr "%prog [opzioni]"
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:1484 ../devsupport/optparse.py:1523
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s option requires an argument"
-msgstr "L'opzione %s richiede un argomento"
+msgstr "l'opzione %s necessita di un argomento"
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:1486 ../devsupport/optparse.py:1525
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s option requires %d arguments"
-msgstr "L'opzione %s richiede %d argomenti"
+msgstr "l'opzione %s necessita %d argomenti"
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:1495
 #, python-format
 msgid "%s option does not take a value"
-msgstr "L'opzione %s non prende un valore"
+msgstr "l'opzione %s non prende un valore"
 #: ../devsupport/optparse.py:1612
 msgid "Options"

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/setup.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/setup.py?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/setup.py (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/setup.py Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
+        "virtaal.support.libi18n",
@@ -196,6 +197,7 @@
 ;AppCopyright=Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Zuza Software Foundation
@@ -324,13 +326,70 @@
     def strip_leading_path(leadingPath, p):
         return p[len(leadingPath) + 1:]
+    def wanted(data_file):
+        """We don't want all the GTK files for the installer. Let's strip out a
+        few ones that are taking too much space."""
+        name = os.path.basename(data_file)
+        if name in no_package_names_dict:
+            return False
+        _base, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
+        if ext in no_package_extensions_dict:
+            return False
+        return True
+    #file names that we don't want
+    no_package_names = [
+            #We want some .mo files, but we won't use these ones
+            'libiconv.mo',
+            'iso_15924.mo',
+            'iso_3166_2.mo',
+            'iso_4217.mo',
+            'iso_639_3.mo',
+            'gtk20-properties.mo',
+            'glib20.mo',
+            'gettext-tools.mo',
+            'gettext-runtime.mo',
+    ]
+    #extensions of files we don't want
+    no_package_extensions = [
+            '.log',
+            '.m4',
+            #package config
+            '.pc',
+            #man pages
+            '.1',
+            '.3',
+            '.5',
+            #source code
+            '.h',
+            '.c',
+            '.tcl',
+            #library files
+            '.a',
+            '.def',
+            '.lib',
+            #emacs files
+            '.el',
+            '.elc',
+    ]
+    #Let's make some dictionaries so that we are not too slow
+    no_package_names_dict = {}
+    no_package_extensions_dict = {}
+    for name in no_package_names:
+        no_package_names_dict[name] = None
+    for extension in no_package_extensions:
+        no_package_extensions_dict[extension] = None
     data_files = []
     gtk_path = parent(find_gtk_bin_directory())
     for dir_path in [path.join(gtk_path, p) for p in ('etc', 'share', 'lib')]:
         for dir_name, _, files in os.walk(dir_path):
-            files = [path.abspath(path.join(dir_name, f)) for f in files]
+            files = [path.abspath(path.join(dir_name, f)) for f in files if wanted(f)]
             if len(files) > 0:
                 data_files.append((strip_leading_path(gtk_path, dir_name), files))
     return data_files
 def add_win32_options(options):

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/share/applications/virtaal.desktop
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/share/applications/virtaal.desktop?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/share/applications/virtaal.desktop (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/share/applications/virtaal.desktop Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 GenericName[fr]=Outil de traduction
 GenericName[gl]=Ferramenta de tradución
-GenericName[it]=Programma per traduzione
+GenericName[it]=Programma per la traduzione
नुवाद उपकरण
 GenericName[pt_BR]=Ferramenta de tradução
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 Comment[eu]=Gizakiei fitxategiak itzultzen laguntzeko itzulpen-tresna
 Comment[fr]=Outil d'aide à la traduction de fichiers dans d'autres langues
 Comment[gl]=Unha ferramenta de tradución para axudar a un tradutor humano a traducir ficheiros a outros idiomas
-Comment[it]=Un programma per la traduzione che aiuta un traduttore umano a tradurre file in altre lingue
+Comment[it]=Un programma per la traduzione che aiuta un traduttore a tradurre file in altre lingue
न्य भाषामा फाइलहरूको à¤
नुवाद गर्न मद्दत गर्ने मानबिय à¤
नुवादक उपकरण
 Comment[nl]=Een vertaalprogramma dat vertalers helpt bestanden naar andere talen te vertalen
 Comment[pt_BR]=Uma ferramenta de tradução para ajudar tradutores humanos a traduzir arquivos para outros idiomas

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/share/mime/packages/virtaal-mimetype.xml Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -104,8 +104,8 @@
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="af">TermBase eXchange</expanded-acronym>
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="ar">TermBase eXchange</expanded-acronym>
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="bn_IN">TermBase eXchange</expanded-acronym>
-    <expanded-acronym xml:lang="ca">TermBase exChange</expanded-acronym>
-    <expanded-acronym xml:lang="ca at valencia">TermBase exChange</expanded-acronym>
+    <expanded-acronym xml:lang="ca">TermBase eXchange</expanded-acronym>
+    <expanded-acronym xml:lang="ca at valencia">TermBase eXchange</expanded-acronym>
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="de">TermBase eXchange</expanded-acronym>
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="es">TermBase eXchange (intercambio de base de términos)</expanded-acronym>
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="eu">TermBase eXchange</expanded-acronym>
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
     <comment xml:lang="eu">Qt mezu-fitxategia</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="fr">Fichier de messages de Qt</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="gl">Ficheiro de mensaxes de Qt</comment>
-    <comment xml:lang="it">File di messaggio Qt</comment>
+    <comment xml:lang="it">File QT Message</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="ne">Qt संन्देश फाइल</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="nl">Qt message-bestand</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="pt_BR">Arquivo de mensagem do Qt</comment>
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@
     <comment xml:lang="eu">Java properties fitxategia</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="fr">Fichier de propriétés Java</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="gl">Ficheiro Properties de Java</comment>
-    <comment xml:lang="it">File proprietà Java</comment>
+    <comment xml:lang="it">File Java Properties</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="ne">जाभा गुण फाइल</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="nl">Java properties-bestand</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="pt_BR">Arquivo de propriedades do Java</comment>
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="eu">Lokalizazioak trukatzeko XML fitxategi-formatua</expanded-acronym>
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="fr">XML Localization Interchange File Format</expanded-acronym>
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="gl">XML Localization Interchange File Format (formato de ficheiros de intercambio de localización XML)</expanded-acronym>
-    <expanded-acronym xml:lang="it">XML Formato file di intercambio localizzazione</expanded-acronym>
+    <expanded-acronym xml:lang="it">XML Localization Interchange File Format</expanded-acronym>
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="ne">XML स्थानीकरण इन्टर एक्सचेन्ज फाइल ढाँचा</expanded-acronym>
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="nl">XML Localization Interchange File Format</expanded-acronym>
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="pt_BR">XML Localization Interchange File Format</expanded-acronym>
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
     <comment xml:lang="eu">C++ RC fitxategia</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="fr">Fichier de ressources C++</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="gl">Ficheiro RC de C++</comment>
-    <comment xml:lang="it">C++ RC File</comment>
+    <comment xml:lang="it">File C++ RC</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="ne">C++ RC फाइल</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="nl">C++ RC-bestand</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="pt_BR">Arquivo RC do C++</comment>
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="eu">Baliabide-konpilatzailea</expanded-acronym>
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="fr">Compilateur de ressources</expanded-acronym>
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="gl">Compilador de recursos</expanded-acronym>
-    <expanded-acronym xml:lang="it">Compilatore delle risorse</expanded-acronym>
+    <expanded-acronym xml:lang="it">Compilatore di risorse</expanded-acronym>
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="ne">स्रोत कम्पाइलर</expanded-acronym>
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="nl">Resource Compiler</expanded-acronym>
     <expanded-acronym xml:lang="pt_BR">Compilador de recursos</expanded-acronym>
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@
     <comment xml:lang="eu">JavaScript errore-mezu fitxategia</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="fr">Fichier de messages d'erreur Java</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="gl">Ficheiro de mensaxes de erro de JavaScript</comment>
-    <comment xml:lang="it">File di errore JavaScript</comment>
+    <comment xml:lang="it">File del messaggio di errore JavaScript</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="ne">जाभास्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि संन्देश फाइल</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="nl">JavaScript foutmelding-bestand</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="pt_BR">Arquivo de mensagens de erro do JavaScript</comment>
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@
     <comment xml:lang="eu">Gettext itzulpen txantiloia</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="fr">Mode gettext</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="gl">Modelo de tradución gettext</comment>
-    <comment xml:lang="it">Formato di traduzione Gettext</comment>
+    <comment xml:lang="it">Modello di traduzione Gettext</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="ne">गेट टेक्स्ट à¤
नुवाद टेम्प्लेट</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="nl">Gettext vertaalsjabloon</comment>
     <comment xml:lang="pt_BR">Modelo de tradução do Gettext</comment>

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/share/virtaal/tutorial.pot
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/share/virtaal/tutorial.pot?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/share/virtaal/tutorial.pot (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/share/virtaal/tutorial.pot Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 msgid "Welcome"
 msgstr ""
-#. Translate this slightly longer message. Spelling mistakes are indicated similarly to word processors. Make sure the correct language is selected in the bottom right of the window.
+#. Translate this slightly longer message. If a spell checker is available, spelling mistakes are indicated similarly to word processors. Make sure the correct language is selected in the bottom right of the window.
 msgid "With this file you can learn about translation using Virtaal"
 msgstr ""

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/__version__.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/__version__.py?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/__version__.py (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/__version__.py Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@
 # along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 """This file contains the version."""
-ver = "0.4.0-rc1"
+ver = "0.4.0-rc2"

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/controllers/undocontroller.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/controllers/undocontroller.py?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/controllers/undocontroller.py (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/controllers/undocontroller.py Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -163,8 +163,12 @@
         textbox = self.unit_controller.view.targets[self.unit_controller.view.focused_target_n]
-        gobject.idle_add(lambda: textbox.refresh(cursor_pos=undo_info['cursorpos']))
+        def refresh():
+            textbox.refresh_cursor_pos = undo_info['cursorpos']
+            textbox.refresh()
+        gobject.idle_add(refresh)
     def _select_unit(self, unit):
         """Select the given unit in the store view.
@@ -191,7 +195,7 @@
-    def _on_unit_delete_text(self, unit_controller, unit, start_offset, end_offset, deleted, parent, cursor_pos, elem, target_num):
+    def _on_unit_delete_text(self, unit_controller, unit, start_offset, end_offset, deleted, parent, offset, elem, target_num):
         if self._paste_undo_info:
             self._paste_undo_info = None
@@ -205,17 +209,18 @@
                 elem.sub = deleted.sub
             if isinstance(deleted, StringElem):
-                parent_offset = elem.elem_offset(parent)
-                prel_offset = elem.gui_info.gui_to_tree_index(start_offset) - parent_offset
-                parent.insert(prel_offset, deleted)
-                parent.prune()
-            elif isinstance(deleted, list):
-                parent.sub = deleted
-        desc = 'offsets=(%d, %d), deleted="%s", elem=%s' % (start_offset, end_offset, deleted, repr(elem))
+                parent.insert(offset, deleted)
+                elem.prune()
+        if hasattr(deleted, 'gui_info'):
+            del_length = deleted.gui_info.length()
+        else:
+            del_length = len(deleted)
+        desc = 'offsets=(%d, %d), offset=%d, deleted="%s", parent=%s, elem=%s' % (start_offset, end_offset, offset, repr(deleted), repr(parent), repr(elem))
             'action': undo_action,
-            'cursorpos': cursor_pos,
+            'cursorpos': start_offset + del_length,
             'desc': desc,
             'targetn': target_num,
             'unit': unit,

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/autocorrector.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/autocorrector.py?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/autocorrector.py (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/autocorrector.py Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -227,15 +227,22 @@
                 # gobject.idle_add for that.
                 def correct_text():
                     buffer = textbox.buffer
-                    repr_iters = [buffer.get_iter_at_offset(i) for i in reprange]
+                    repr_iters = []
+                    for i in reprange:
+                        repr_iters.append(buffer.get_iter_at_offset(
+                            elem.gui_info.tree_to_gui_index(i)
+                        ))
                     buffer.insert(repr_iters[0], unicode(replacement))
-                    newcursorpos = reprange[0] + len(replacement) + len(text)
-                    gobject.idle_add(textbox.refresh, newcursorpos)
+                    newcursorpos = elem.gui_info.tree_to_gui_index(reprange[0]) + len(replacement) + len(text)
+                    def refresh():
+                        textbox.refresh_cursor_pos = newcursorpos
+                        textbox.refresh()
+                    gobject.idle_add(refresh)
                     return False

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/__init__.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/__init__.py?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/__init__.py (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/terminology/models/localfile/__init__.py Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 from translate.storage.placeables.terminology import TerminologyPlaceable
 from translate.storage import factory
+from virtaal.common import pan_app
     from virtaal.plugins.terminology.models.basetermmodel import BaseTerminologyModel
 except ImportError:
@@ -41,7 +42,10 @@
     display_name = _('Local file')
     description = _('Local translation files')
-    default_config = { 'files': '' }
+    default_config = {
+        'extendfile': os.path.join(pan_app.get_config_dir(), 'terminology.po'),
+        'files': ''
+    }
     def __init__(self, internal_name, controller):
@@ -81,6 +85,9 @@
         super(TerminologyModel, self).load_config()
         self.config['files'] = self.config['files'].split(',')
+        if not self.config['extendfile'] in self.config['files']:
+            self.config['files'].append(self.config['extendfile'])
     def load_files(self):
         if self.matcher in TerminologyPlaceable.matchers:
@@ -91,7 +98,6 @@
             if not os.path.isfile(filename):
                 logging.debug('Not a file: "%s"' % (filename))
-                continue
         self.matcher = terminologymatcher(self.stores)

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/terminology/termview.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/terminology/termview.py?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/terminology/termview.py (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/terminology/termview.py Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@
     def __init__(self, elem):
         super(TerminologyCombo, self).__init__()
-        self.anchor = None
         self.elem = elem
         self.insert_iter = None
         self.selected_string = None
@@ -94,8 +93,7 @@
     # METHODS #
     def inserted(self, insert_iter, anchor):
-        self.anchor = anchor
-        self.insert_iter = insert_iter
+        self.insert_offset = insert_iter.get_offset()
@@ -109,13 +107,15 @@
         buffer = self.parent.get_buffer()
-        if self.insert_iter:
-            iternext = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(self.insert_iter.get_offset() + 1)
+        if self.insert_offset >= 0:
+            iterins  = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(self.insert_offset)
+            iternext = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(self.insert_offset + 1)
             if iternext:
-                buffer.delete(self.insert_iter, iternext)
+                buffer.delete(iterins, iternext)
-        if self.selected_string:
-            buffer.insert_at_cursor(self.selected_string)
+            iterins  = buffer.get_iter_at_offset(self.insert_offset)
+            if self.selected_string:
+                buffer.insert(iterins, self.selected_string)

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/tm/tmcontroller.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/tm/tmcontroller.py?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/tm/tmcontroller.py (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/tm/tmcontroller.py Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@
         unit_controller = self.main_controller.unit_controller
         target_n = unit_controller.view.focused_target_n
         old_text = unit_controller.view.get_target_n(target_n)
+        textbox =  unit_controller.view.targets[target_n]
+        self.main_controller.undo_controller.push_current_text(textbox)
         unit_controller.set_unit_target(target_n, forceunicode(match_data['target']))
-        if len(old_text) > 0:
-            self.main_controller.undo_controller.remove_blank_undo()
     def send_tm_query(self, unit=None):
         """Send a new query to the TM engine.

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/plugins/tm/tmwidgets.py Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -185,7 +185,10 @@
         label = gtk.Label()
         label.set_markup(u'<small>%s</small>' % self.matchdata['tmsource'])
-        label.set_angle(270)
+        if widget.get_direction() == gtk.TEXT_DIR_RTL:
+            label.set_angle(90)
+        else:
+            label.set_angle(270)
         label.set_alignment(0.5, 0.5)
         widget.get_style().paint_layout(window, gtk.STATE_NORMAL, False,
                 cell_area, widget, '', x, y, label.get_layout())

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/support/depcheck.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/support/depcheck.py?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/support/depcheck.py (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/support/depcheck.py Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -48,10 +48,11 @@
     return False
 def test_translate_toolkit_version():
         from translate.__version__ import ver
-        return ver >= (1, 4, 0)
+        return ver >= MIN_TRANSLATE_VERSION
     except Exception:
     return False

Added: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/support/libi18n/__init__.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/support/libi18n/__init__.py?rev=1847&op=file
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/support/libi18n/__init__.py (added)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/support/libi18n/__init__.py Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python

Added: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/support/libi18n/locale.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/support/libi18n/locale.py?rev=1847&op=file
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/support/libi18n/locale.py (added)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/support/libi18n/locale.py Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -1,0 +1,311 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Dieter Verfaillie <dieterv at optionexplicit.be>
+# Copyright 2009 Zuza Software Foundation
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the
+# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+import os
+import sys
+def _isofromlangid(langid):
+    # ISO 639-1
+    #    http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/
+    # List of existing mui packs:
+    #    http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/win2k/setup/Langid.mspx
+    # List of known id's
+    #    http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/lcid-all.mspx
+    lcid = {1078:    'af',    # Afrikaans - South Africa
+            1052:    'sq',    # Albanian - Albania
+            1118:    'am',    # Amharic - Ethiopia
+            1025:    'ar',    # Arabic - Saudi Arabia
+            5121:    'ar',    # Arabic - Algeria
+            15361:   'ar',    # Arabic - Bahrain
+            3073:    'ar',    # Arabic - Egypt
+            2049:    'ar',    # Arabic - Iraq
+            11265:   'ar',    # Arabic - Jordan
+            13313:   'ar',    # Arabic - Kuwait
+            12289:   'ar',    # Arabic - Lebanon
+            4097:    'ar',    # Arabic - Libya
+            6145:    'ar',    # Arabic - Morocco
+            8193:    'ar',    # Arabic - Oman
+            16385:   'ar',    # Arabic - Qatar
+            10241:   'ar',    # Arabic - Syria
+            7169:    'ar',    # Arabic - Tunisia
+            14337:   'ar',    # Arabic - U.A.E.
+            9217:    'ar',    # Arabic - Yemen
+            1067:    'hy',    # Armenian - Armenia
+            1101:    'as',    # Assamese
+            2092:    'az',    # Azeri (Cyrillic)
+            1068:    'az',    # Azeri (Latin)
+            1069:    'eu',    # Basque
+            1059:    'be',    # Belarusian
+            1093:    'bn_IN', # Bengali (India)
+            2117:    'bn',    # Bengali (Bangladesh)
+            5146:    'bs',    # Bosnian (Bosnia/Herzegovina)
+            1026:    'bg',    # Bulgarian
+            1109:    'my',    # Burmese
+            1027:    'ca',    # Catalan
+            1116:    None,    # Cherokee - United States
+            2052:    'zh_CN', # Chinese - People's Republic of China
+            4100:    'zh',    # Chinese - Singapore
+            1028:    'zh_TW', # Chinese - Taiwan
+            3076:    'zh_HK', # Chinese - Hong Kong SAR
+            5124:    'zh',    # Chinese - Macao SAR
+            1050:    'hr',    # Croatian
+            4122:    'hr',    # Croatian (Bosnia/Herzegovina)
+            1029:    'cs',    # Czech
+            1030:    'da',    # Danish
+            1125:    'dv',    # Divehi
+            1043:    'nl',    # Dutch - Netherlands
+            2067:    'nl',    # Dutch - Belgium
+            1126:    None,    # Edo
+            1033:    'en',    # English - United States
+            2057:    'en_UK', # English - United Kingdom
+            3081:    'en',    # English - Australia
+            10249:   'en',    # English - Belize
+            4105:    'en_CA', # English - Canada
+            9225:    'en',    # English - Caribbean
+            15369:   'en',    # English - Hong Kong SAR
+            16393:   'en',    # English - India
+            14345:   'en',    # English - Indonesia
+            6153:    'en',    # English - Ireland
+            8201:    'en',    # English - Jamaica
+            17417:   'en',    # English - Malaysia
+            5129:    'en',    # English - New Zealand
+            13321:   'en',    # English - Philippines
+            18441:   'en',    # English - Singapore
+            7177:    'en_ZA', # English - South Africa
+            11273:   'en',    # English - Trinidad
+            12297:   'en',    # English - Zimbabwe
+            1061:    'et',    # Estonian
+            1080:    'fo',    # Faroese
+            1065:    'fa',    # Persian
+            1124:    'fil',   # Filipino #XXX: GTK uses Tagalog (tl)
+            1035:    'fi',    # Finnish
+            1036:    'fr',    # French - France
+            2060:    'fr',    # French - Belgium
+            11276:   'fr',    # French - Cameroon
+            3084:    'fr',    # French - Canada
+            9228:    'fr',    # French - Democratic Rep. of Congo
+            12300:   'fr',    # French - Cote d'Ivoire
+            15372:   'fr',    # French - Haiti
+            5132:    'fr',    # French - Luxembourg
+            13324:   'fr',    # French - Mali
+            6156:    'fr',    # French - Monaco
+            14348:   'fr',    # French - Morocco
+            58380:   'fr',    # French - North Africa
+            8204:    'fr',    # French - Reunion
+            10252:   'fr',    # French - Senegal
+            4108:    'fr',    # French - Switzerland
+            7180:    'fr',    # French - West Indies
+            1122:    'fy',    # Frisian - Netherlands
+            1127:    'fub',   # Fulfulde - Nigeria
+            1071:    'mk',    # FYRO Macedonian
+            2108:    'ga',    # Gaelic (Ireland)
+            1084:    'gd',    # Gaelic (Scotland)
+            1110:    'gl',    # Galician
+            1079:    'ka',    # Georgian
+            1031:    'de',    # German - Germany
+            3079:    'de',    # German - Austria
+            5127:    'de',    # German - Liechtenstein
+            4103:    'de',    # German - Luxembourg
+            2055:    'de',    # German - Switzerland
+            1032:    'el',    # Greek
+            1140:    'gn',    # Guarani - Paraguay
+            1095:    'gu',    # Gujarati
+            1128:    'ha',    # Hausa - Nigeria
+            1141:    None,    # Hawaiian - United States
+            1037:    'he',    # Hebrew
+            1081:    'hi',    # Hindi
+            1038:    'hu',    # Hungarian
+            1129:    'ibb',    # Ibibio - Nigeria
+            1039:    'is',    # Icelandic
+            1136:    'ig',    # Igbo - Nigeria
+            1057:    'id',    # Indonesian
+            1117:    'iu',    # Inuktitut
+            1040:    'it',    # Italian - Italy
+            2064:    'it',    # Italian - Switzerland
+            1041:    'ja',    # Japanese
+            1099:    'kn',    # Kannada
+            1137:    'kr',    # Kanuri - Nigeria
+            2144:    'ks',    # Kashmiri
+            1120:    'ks',    # Kashmiri (Arabic)
+            1087:    'kk',    # Kazakh
+            1107:    'km',    # Khmer
+            1111:    'knn',   # Konkani
+            1042:    'ko',    # Korean
+            1088:    'ky',    # Kyrgyz (Cyrillic)
+            1108:    'lo',    # Lao
+            1142:    'la',    # Latin
+            1062:    'lv',    # Latvian
+            1063:    'lt',    # Lithuanian
+            1086:    'ms',    # Malay - Malaysia
+            2110:    'ms',    # Malay - Brunei Darussalam
+            1100:    'ml',    # Malayalam
+            1082:    'mt',    # Maltese
+            1112:    'mni',   # Manipuri
+            1153:    'mi',    # Maori - New Zealand
+            1102:    'mr',    # Marathi
+            1104:    'mn',    # Mongolian (Cyrillic)
+            2128:    'mn',    # Mongolian (Mongolian)
+            1121:    'ne',    # Nepali
+            2145:    'ne',    # Nepali - India
+            1044:    'no',    # Norwegian (Bokmᅢᆬl)
+            2068:    'no',    # Norwegian (Nynorsk)
+            1096:    'or',    # Oriya
+            1138:    'om',    # Oromo
+            1145:    'pap',   # Papiamentu
+            1123:    'ps',    # Pashto
+            1045:    'pl',    # Polish
+            1046:    'pt_BR', # Portuguese - Brazil
+            2070:    'pt',    # Portuguese - Portugal
+            1094:    'pa',    # Punjabi
+            2118:    'pa',    # Punjabi (Pakistan)
+            1131:    'qu',    # Quecha - Bolivia
+            2155:    'qu',    # Quecha - Ecuador
+            3179:    'qu',    # Quecha - Peru
+            1047:    'rm',    # Rhaeto-Romanic
+            1048:    'ro',    # Romanian
+            2072:    'ro',    # Romanian - Moldava
+            1049:    'ru',    # Russian
+            2073:    'ru',    # Russian - Moldava
+            1083:    None,    # Sami (Lappish)
+            1103:    'sa',    # Sanskrit
+            1132:    'nso',   # Northern Sotho
+            3098:    'sr',    # Serbian (Cyrillic)
+            2074:    'sr at latin',# Serbian (Latin)
+            1113:    'sd',    # Sindhi - India
+            2137:    'sd',    # Sindhi - Pakistan
+            1115:    'si',    # Sinhalese - Sri Lanka
+            1051:    'sk',    # Slovak
+            1060:    'sl',    # Slovenian
+            1143:    'so',    # Somali
+            1070:    None,    # Sorbian
+            3082:    'es',    # Spanish - Spain (Modern Sort)
+            1034:    'es',    # Spanish - Spain (Traditional Sort)
+            11274:   'es',    # Spanish - Argentina
+            16394:   'es',    # Spanish - Bolivia
+            13322:   'es',    # Spanish - Chile
+            9226:    'es',    # Spanish - Colombia
+            5130:    'es',    # Spanish - Costa Rica
+            7178:    'es',    # Spanish - Dominican Republic
+            12298:   'es',    # Spanish - Ecuador
+            17418:   'es',    # Spanish - El Salvador
+            4106:    'es',    # Spanish - Guatemala
+            18442:   'es',    # Spanish - Honduras
+            58378:   'es',    # Spanish - Latin America
+            2058:    'es',    # Spanish - Mexico
+            19466:   'es',    # Spanish - Nicaragua
+            6154:    'es',    # Spanish - Panama
+            15370:   'es',    # Spanish - Paraguay
+            10250:   'es',    # Spanish - Peru
+            20490:   'es',    # Spanish - Puerto Rico
+            21514:   'es',    # Spanish - United States
+            14346:   'es',    # Spanish - Uruguay
+            8202:    'es',    # Spanish - Venezuela
+            1072:    'st',    # Sutu
+            1089:    'sw',    # Swahili
+            1053:    'sv',    # Swedish
+            2077:    'sv',    # Swedish - Finland
+            1114:    'syc',   # Syriac
+            1064:    'tg',    # Tajik
+            1119:    None,    # Tamazight (Arabic)
+            2143:    None,    # Tamazight (Latin)
+            1097:    'ta',    # Tamil
+            1092:    'tt',    # Tatar
+            1098:    'te',    # Telugu
+            1054:    'th',    # Thai
+            2129:    'bo',    # Tibetan - Bhutan
+            1105:    'bo',    # Tibetan - People's Republic of China
+            2163:    'ti',    # Tigrigna - Eritrea
+            1139:    'ti',    # Tigrigna - Ethiopia
+            1073:    'ts',    # Tsonga
+            1074:    'tn',    # Tswana
+            1055:    'tr',    # Turkish
+            1090:    'tk',    # Turkmen
+            1152:    'ug',    # Uighur - China
+            1058:    'uk',    # Ukrainian
+            1056:    'ur',    # Urdu
+            2080:    'ur',    # Urdu - India
+            2115:    'uz at cyrillic',    # Uzbek (Cyrillic)
+            1091:    'uz',    # Uzbek (Latin)
+            1075:    've',    # Venda
+            1066:    'vi',    # Vietnamese
+            1106:    'cy',    # Welsh
+            1076:    'xh',    # Xhosa
+            1144:    None,    # Yi
+            1085:    'yi',    # Yiddish
+            1130:    'yo',    # Yoruba
+            1077:    'zu',    # Zulu
+    }
+    return lcid.get(langid, None)
+def _getlang():
+    # Start with nothing
+    lang = None
+    # Try to detect language with GetUserDefaultUILanguage().
+    # This supports windows MUI language packs and will return
+    # the windows installation language if not available or
+    # if the language has not been changed by the user.
+    # Works on win2k and up.
+    # Environment always overrides this for debugging purposes.
+    lang = os.getenv('LANG')
+    if lang is None:
+        from ctypes import windll
+        #windll.kernel32.GetUserDefaultUILanguage() - Windows UI language
+        #windll.kernel32.GetUserDefaultLangID() - User's locale
+        langid = windll.kernel32.GetUserDefaultLangID()
+        if not langid == 0:
+            lang = _isofromlangid(langid) or 'C'
+        else:
+            lang = 'C'
+    return lang
+def _putenv(name, value):
+    # From python 2.4 on, os.environ changes only
+    # work within python and no longer apply to low level
+    # c stuff on win32. Lets force LANG so it works with
+    # gtk+ etc
+    from ctypes import windll
+    kernel32 = windll.kernel32
+    result = kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW(name, value)
+    del kernel32
+    if result == 0:
+        raise
+    from ctypes import cdll
+    msvcrt = cdll.msvcrt
+    result = msvcrt._putenv('%s=%s' % (name, value))
+    del msvcrt
+def fix_locale():
+    if sys.platform == 'win32':
+        lang = _getlang()
+        os.environ['LANG'] = lang
+        _putenv('LANG', lang)
+        os.environ['LC_ALL'] = lang
+        _putenv('LC_ALL', lang)

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/views/unitview.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/views/unitview.py?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/views/unitview.py (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/views/unitview.py Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@
-        translation_start = self._get_editing_start_pos(textbox.elem)
-        textbox.refresh(cursor_pos=translation_start)
+        textbox.refresh_cursor_pos = self._get_editing_start_pos(textbox.elem)
+        textbox.refresh()
         return False
@@ -576,7 +576,9 @@
         for i in range(self.MAX_TARGETS):
             if i < nplurals:
                 # plural forms already in file
-                targetstr = (i < rich_target_len) and rich_target[i] or u''
+                targetstr = u''
+                if (i < rich_target_len) or not targetstr[i] is None:
+                    targetstr = rich_target[i]

Modified: virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/views/widgets/textbox.py
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/views/widgets/textbox.py?rev=1847&op=diff
--- virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/views/widgets/textbox.py (original)
+++ virtaal/branches/upstream/current/virtaal/views/widgets/textbox.py Sun Aug  2 22:14:52 2009
@@ -70,14 +70,22 @@
         self.buffer = self.get_buffer()
         self.elem = None
         self.main_controller = main_controller
+        self.placeables_controller = main_controller.placeables_controller
+        self.refresh_actions = []
+        self.refresh_cursor_pos = -1
         self.role = role
         self.selector_textbox = selector_textbox or self
         self.selected_elem = None
         self.selected_elem_index = None
         self._suggestion = None
+        self.undo_controller = main_controller.undo_controller
-        self.placeables_controller = main_controller.placeables_controller
-        if self.placeables_controller is None:
+        if self.placeables_controller is None or self.undo_controller is None:
+            # This should always happen, because the text boxes are created
+            # when the unit controller is created, which happens before the
+            # creation of the placeables- and undo controllers.
             self.__controller_connect_id = main_controller.connect('controller-registered', self.__on_controller_register)
         if text:
@@ -89,6 +97,8 @@
         self.connect('move-cursor', self._on_event_remove_suggestion)
         self.buffer.connect('insert-text', self._on_insert_text)
         self.buffer.connect('delete-range', self._on_delete_range)
+        self.buffer.connect('begin-user-action', self._on_begin_user_action)
+        self.buffer.connect('end-user-action', self._on_end_user_action)
     def _get_suggestion(self):
@@ -254,21 +264,27 @@
         cursor_pos = self.buffer.props.cursor_position
         widget = elem.gui_info.get_insert_widget()
         if widget:
-            cursor_iter = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(cursor_pos)
-            anchor = self.buffer.create_child_anchor(cursor_iter)
-            # It is necessary to recreate cursor_iter becuase, for some inexplicable reason,
-            # the Gtk guys thought it acceptable to have create_child_anchor() above CHANGE
-            # THE PARAMETER ITER'S VALUE! But only in some cases, while the moon is 73.8% full
-            # and it's after 16:33. Documenting this is obviously also too much to ask.
-            # Nevermind the fact that there isn't simply a gtk.TextBuffer.remove_anchor() method
-            # or something similar. Why would you want to remove anything from a TextView that
-            # you have added anyway!?
-            # It's crap like this that'll make me ditch Gtk.
-            cursor_iter = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(cursor_pos)
-            self.add_child_at_anchor(widget, anchor)
-            widget.show_all()
-            if callable(getattr(widget, 'inserted', None)):
-                widget.inserted(cursor_iter, anchor)
+            def show_widget():
+                cursor_iter = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(cursor_pos)
+                anchor = self.buffer.create_child_anchor(cursor_iter)
+                # It is necessary to recreate cursor_iter becuase, for some inexplicable reason,
+                # the Gtk guys thought it acceptable to have create_child_anchor() above CHANGE
+                # THE PARAMETER ITER'S VALUE! But only in some cases, while the moon is 73.8% full
+                # and it's after 16:33. Documenting this is obviously also too much to ask.
+                # Nevermind the fact that there isn't simply a gtk.TextBuffer.remove_anchor() method
+                # or something similar. Why would you want to remove anything from a TextView that
+                # you have added anyway!?
+                # It's crap like this that'll make me ditch Gtk.
+                cursor_iter = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(cursor_pos)
+                self.add_child_at_anchor(widget, anchor)
+                widget.show_all()
+                if callable(getattr(widget, 'inserted', None)):
+                    widget.inserted(cursor_iter, anchor)
+            # show_widget() must be deferred until the refresh() following this
+            # signal's completion. Otherwise the changes made by show_widget()
+            # and those made by the refresh() will wage war on each other and
+            # leave Virtaal as one of the casualties thereof.
+            self.refresh_actions.append(show_widget)
             translation = elem.translate()
             if isinstance(translation, StringElem):
@@ -276,13 +292,18 @@
                 insert_offset = self.elem.gui_info.gui_to_tree_index(cursor_pos)
                 self.elem.insert(insert_offset, translation)
-                self.__delayed_refresh(cursor_pos + translation.gui_info.length())
                 self.emit('text-inserted', translation, cursor_pos, self.elem)
+                if hasattr(translation, 'gui_info'):
+                    cursor_pos += translation.gui_info.length()
+                else:
+                    cursor_pos += len(translation)
                 cursor_pos += len(translation)
-            self.refresh(cursor_pos=cursor_pos)
+        self.refresh_cursor_pos = cursor_pos
+        self.refresh()
     @accepts(Self(), [int])
     def move_elem_selection(self, offset):
@@ -294,8 +315,19 @@
             self.selector_textbox.select_elem(offset=self.selector_textbox.selected_elem_index + offset)
-    def refresh(self, cursor_pos=-1, preserve_selection=True):
+    def place_cursor(self, cursor_pos):
+        cursor_iter = self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(cursor_pos)
+        if not cursor_iter:
+            raise ValueError('Could not get TextIter for position %d (%d)' % (cursor_pos, len(self.get_text())))
+        #logging.debug('setting cursor to position %d' % (cursor_pos))
+        self.buffer.place_cursor(self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(cursor_pos))
+    def refresh(self, preserve_selection=True):
         """Refresh the text box by setting its text to the current text."""
+        #logging.debug('self.refresh_cursor_pos = %d' % (self.refresh_cursor_pos))
+        if self.refresh_cursor_pos < 0:
+            self.refresh_cursor_pos = self.buffer.props.cursor_position
         selection = [itr.get_offset() for itr in self.buffer.get_selection_bounds()]
         if self.elem is not None:
@@ -304,18 +336,20 @@
-        if type(cursor_pos) is int and cursor_pos >= 0:
-            if not self.buffer.get_selection_bounds():
-                self.buffer.place_cursor(self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(cursor_pos))
-        elif type(cursor_pos) is gtk.TreeIter:
-            if not self.buffer.get_selection_bounds():
-                self.buffer.place_cursor(cursor_pos)
         if preserve_selection and selection:
+        if self.refresh_cursor_pos >= 0:
+            self.place_cursor(self.refresh_cursor_pos)
+        self.refresh_cursor_pos = -1
+        for action in self.refresh_actions:
+            if callable(action):
+                action()
+        self.refresh_actions = []
     @accepts(Self(), [[StringElem, None], [int, None]])
     def select_elem(self, elem=None, offset=None):
@@ -364,7 +398,7 @@
         self.apply_gui_info(elem, include_subtree=False)
         cursor_offset = self.elem.find(self.selected_elem) + len(self.selected_elem)
-        self.buffer.place_cursor(self.buffer.get_iter_at_offset(cursor_offset))
+        self.place_cursor(cursor_offset)
         self.emit('element-selected', self.selected_elem)
     def show_suggestion(self, suggestion=None):
@@ -425,30 +459,39 @@
         # At this point we have a tree of string elements with GUI info.
-    def __delayed_refresh(self, cursor_pos=-1):
-        if cursor_pos < 0:
-            cursor_pos = self.buffer.props.cursor_position
-        gobject.idle_add(self.refresh, cursor_pos)
     def __on_controller_register(self, main_controller, controller):
         if controller is main_controller.placeables_controller:
             self.placeables_controller = controller
+        elif controller is main_controller.undo_controller:
+            self.undo_controller = controller
+        if self.placeables_controller is not None and \
+                self.undo_controller is not None:
+    def _on_begin_user_action(self, buffer):
+        if not self.undo_controller.model.recording:
+            self.undo_controller.record_start()
+    def _on_end_user_action(self, buffer):
+        if self.undo_controller.model.recording:
+            self.undo_controller.record_stop()
+        self.refresh()
     def _on_delete_range(self, buffer, start_iter, end_iter):
         if self.elem is None:
-        cursor_pos = self.buffer.props.cursor_position
+        cursor_pos = self.refresh_cursor_pos
+        if cursor_pos < 0:
+            cursor_pos = self.buffer.props.cursor_position
         text = buffer.get_text(buffer.get_start_iter(), buffer.get_end_iter())
         text = data.forceunicode(text)
         start_offset = start_iter.get_offset()
         end_offset = end_iter.get_offset()
-        if text[start_offset:end_offset] == u'\n' and text[:start_offset].endswith(u'\\n'):
-            start_iter.set_offset(start_offset-2)
         start_elem = self.elem.gui_info.elem_at_offset(start_offset)
         if start_elem is None:
@@ -470,56 +513,130 @@
         #logging.debug('start_elem_len   = %d\tend_elem_len   = %d' % (start_elem_len, end_elem_len))
         #logging.debug('start_offset     = %d\tend_offset     = %d' % (start_offset, end_offset))
-        if end_offset - start_offset == 1 and type(start_elem) is not StringElem:
-            deleted = None
-            parent = None
-            if cursor_pos in (start_elem_offset, (start_elem_offset + start_elem_len)):
-                anchor = start_iter.get_child_anchor()
-                if anchor:
-                    widgets = anchor.get_widgets()
-                    if widgets and start_elem.gui_info.widgets and \
-                            widgets[0] in start_elem.gui_info.widgets:
-                        deleted = start_elem
-                        parent = self.elem.get_parent_elem(deleted)
+        # Per definition of a selection, cursor_pos must be at either
+        # start_offset or end_offset
+        key_is_delete = cursor_pos == start_offset
+        done = False
+        deleted, parent, index = None, None, None
+        if start_offset+1 == end_offset:
+            position = None
+            #################################
+            #  Placeable:  |<<|content|>>|  #
+            #  Cursor:     a  b       c  d  #
+            #===============================#
+            #           Editable            #
+            #===============================#
+            #   |  Backspace  |  Delete     #
+            #---|-------------|-------------#
+            # a |  N/A        |  Placeable  #
+            # b |  Nothing    | @Delete "c" #
+            # c | @Delete "t" |  Nothing    #
+            # d |  Placeable  |  N/A        #
+            #===============================#
+            #         Non-Editable          #
+            #===============================#
+            # a |  N/A        |  Placeable  #
+            # b | *Nothing    | *Nothing    #
+            # c | *Nothing    | *Nothing    #
+            # d |  Placeable  |  N/A        #
+            #################################
+            # The table above specifies what should be deleted for editable and
+            # non-editable placeables when the cursor is at a specific boundry
+            # position (a, b, c, d) and a specified key is pressed (backspace or
+            # delete).
+            #
+            # @ It is unnecessary to handle these cases, as long as control drops
+            #   through to a place where it is handled below.
+            # * Or "Placeable" depending on the value of the XXX flag in the
+            #   placeable's GUI info object
+            # First we check if we fall in any of the situations represented by
+            # the table above.
+            has_open_widget = has_close_widget = False
+            if hasattr(start_elem, 'gui_info'):
+                widgets = start_elem.gui_info.widgets
+                has_open_widget  = len(widgets) >= 1 and widgets[0]
+                has_close_widget = len(widgets) >= 2 and widgets[1]
+            if has_open_widget and cursor_pos == start_elem_offset:
+                position = 'a'
+            elif (has_open_widget and cursor_pos == start_elem_offset+1) or \
+                    (not has_open_widget and cursor_pos == start_elem_offset):
+                position = 'b'
+            elif (has_close_widget and cursor_pos == start_elem_offset + start_elem_len - 1) or \
+                    (not has_close_widget and cursor_pos == start_elem_offset + start_elem_len):
+                position = 'c'
+            elif has_close_widget and cursor_pos == start_elem_offset + start_elem_len:
+                position = 'd'
+            # If the current state is in the table, handle it
+            if position:
+                #logging.debug('(a)<<(b)content(c)>>(d)   pos=%s' % (position))
+                if (position == 'a' and not key_is_delete) or (position == 'd' and key_is_delete):
+                    # "N/A" fields in table
+                    pass
+                elif (position == 'a' and key_is_delete) or (position == 'd' and not key_is_delete):
+                    # "Placeable" fields
+                    if hasattr(start_elem, 'gui_info') and start_elem.gui_info.widgets and start_elem.gui_info.widgets[0]:
+                        deleted = start_elem.copy()
+                        parent = self.elem.get_parent_elem(start_elem)
+                        index = parent.elem_offset(start_elem)
-            #logging.debug('deleted %s from parent %s with cursor pos %d' % (repr(deleted), repr(parent), cursor_pos))
-            if deleted is not None and parent is not None:
-                self.emit(
-                    'text-deleted', start_elem_offset, end_offset,
-                    deleted, parent, cursor_pos, self.elem
-                )
-                self.__delayed_refresh(start_elem_offset)
-                self.buffer.stop_emission('delete-range')
-                return
-        if start_elem is not None and not start_elem.iseditable:
-            if start_offset+1 == end_offset:
-                # A single character delete on non-editable placeables are only valid at the head or tail.
-                if start_offset == start_elem_offset:
-                    # Delete the first character of a non-editable placeable. This is most likely because the
-                    # user pressed delete with the cursor before the placeable.
-                    end_iter.set_offset(start_elem_offset + start_elem_len)
-                elif start_elem_offset + start_elem_len == end_offset:
-                    # Backspace was pressed with the cursor positioned right after the placeable.
-                    start_iter.set_offset(start_elem_offset)
-            elif start_elem_offset + start_elem_len <= end_elem_offset:
-                start_iter.set_offset(start_elem_offset)
-        if end_elem is not None and not end_elem.iseditable:
-            if start_elem_offset + start_elem_len < end_offset:
-                end_iter.set_offset(end_elem_offset + end_elem_len)
-        #logging.debug('%s[%d] >===> %s[%d]' % (repr(start_elem), start_iter.get_offset(), repr(end_elem), end_iter.get_offset()))
-        start_tree_offset = self.elem.gui_info.gui_to_tree_index(start_iter.get_offset())
-        end_tree_offset = self.elem.gui_info.gui_to_tree_index(end_iter.get_offset())
-        deleted, parent = self.elem.delete_range(start_tree_offset, end_tree_offset)
-        self.emit(
-            'text-deleted', start_iter.get_offset(), end_iter.get_offset(),
-            deleted, parent, cursor_pos, self.elem
-        )
-        self.__delayed_refresh(start_iter.get_offset())
-        self.buffer.stop_emission('delete-range')
+                        self.refresh_cursor_pos = start_elem_offset
+                        start_offset = start_elem_offset
+                        end_offset = start_elem_offset + start_elem_len
+                        done = True
+                elif not start_elem.iseditable and position in ('b', 'c'):
+                    # "*Nothing" fields
+                    if start_elem.isfragile:
+                        deleted = start_elem.copy()
+                        parent = self.elem.get_parent_elem(start_elem)
+                        index = parent.elem_offset(start_elem)
+                        self.elem.delete_elem(start_elem)
+                        self.refresh_cursor_pos = start_elem_offset
+                        start_offset = start_elem_offset
+                        end_offset = start_elem_offset + start_elem_len
+                    done = True
+                # At this point we have checked for all cases except where
+                # position in ('b', 'c') for editable elements.
+                elif (position == 'c' and not key_is_delete) or (position == 'b' and key_is_delete):
+                    # '@Delete "t"' and '@Delete "c"' fields; handled normally below
+                    pass
+                elif (position == 'b' and not key_is_delete) or (position == 'c' and key_is_delete):
+                    done = True
+                else:
+                    raise Exception('Unreachable code reached. Please close the black hole nearby.')
+        #logging.debug('%s[%d] >===> %s[%d]' % (repr(start_elem), start_offset, repr(end_elem), end_offset))
+        if not done:
+            start_tree_offset = self.elem.gui_info.gui_to_tree_index(start_offset)
+            end_tree_offset = self.elem.gui_info.gui_to_tree_index(end_offset)
+            deleted, parent, index = self.elem.delete_range(start_tree_offset, end_tree_offset)
+            if index is not None:
+                parent_offset = self.elem.gui_info.index(parent)
+                if hasattr(deleted, 'gui_info'):
+                    length = deleted.gui_info.length()
+                else:
+                    length = len(deleted)
+                start_offset = parent_offset + index
+                end_offset = parent_offset + index + length
+            self.refresh_cursor_pos = start_offset
+        if index is None:
+            index = start_offset
+        if deleted:
+            self.elem.prune()
+            self.emit(
+                'text-deleted', start_offset, end_offset,
+                deleted, parent, index, self.elem
+            )
     def _on_insert_text(self, buffer, iter, ins_text, length):
         if self.elem is None:
@@ -531,7 +648,14 @@
         left = gui_info.elem_at_offset(buff_offset-1)
         right = gui_info.elem_at_offset(buff_offset)
-        #logging.debug('%s |"%s"| %s  ||| %s[%d]' % (repr(left), ins_text, repr(right), repr(self.elem), buff_offset))
+        #logging.debug('"%s[[%s]]%s" | elem=%s[%d] | left=%s right=%s' % (
+        #    buffer.get_text(buffer.get_start_iter(), iter),
+        #    ins_text,
+        #    buffer.get_text(iter, buffer.get_end_iter()),
+        #    repr(self.elem), buff_offset,
+        #    repr(left), repr(right)
+        #))
         succeeded = False
         if not (left is None and right is None) and (left is not right or not unicode(left)):
             succeeded = self.elem.insert_between(left, right, ins_text)
@@ -561,11 +685,13 @@
         if succeeded:
-            self.__delayed_refresh(self.buffer.props.cursor_position+len(ins_text))
+            cursor_pos = self.refresh_cursor_pos
+            if cursor_pos < 0:
+                cursor_pos = self.buffer.props.cursor_position
+            cursor_pos += len(ins_text)
+            self.refresh_cursor_pos = cursor_pos
             #logging.debug('text-inserted: %s@%d of %s' % (ins_text, iter.get_offset(), repr(self.elem)))
             self.emit('text-inserted', ins_text, buff_offset, self.elem)
-        else:
-            self.buffer.stop_emission('insert-text')
     def _on_key_pressed(self, widget, event, *args):
         evname = None

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