[Debian-l10n-commits] r2859 - in /dl10n/trunk: Changelog doc/ doc/dl10n-spider_add-new-language.txt

nekral-guest at users.alioth.debian.org nekral-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Feb 12 13:14:14 UTC 2012

Author: nekral-guest
Date: Sun Feb 12 13:14:12 2012
New Revision: 2859

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=2859
	* doc/dl10n-spider_add-new-language.txt: Added.


Modified: dl10n/trunk/Changelog
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dl10n/trunk/Changelog?rev=2859&op=diff
--- dl10n/trunk/Changelog (original)
+++ dl10n/trunk/Changelog Sun Feb 12 13:14:12 2012
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+2012-02-12  Nicolas François  <nicolas.francois at centraliens.net>
+	* doc/dl10n-spider_add-new-language.txt: Added.
 2012-02-11  Nicolas François  <nicolas.francois at centraliens.net>
 	* dl10n-pts: Fix footer string.

Added: dl10n/trunk/doc/dl10n-spider_add-new-language.txt
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/dl10n/trunk/doc/dl10n-spider_add-new-language.txt?rev=2859&op=file
--- dl10n/trunk/doc/dl10n-spider_add-new-language.txt (added)
+++ dl10n/trunk/doc/dl10n-spider_add-new-language.txt Sun Feb 12 13:14:12 2012
@@ -1,0 +1,64 @@
+0. Request support for new language
+1. Add support for the new language in the dl10n tools
+  * dl10n-html
+    Add the new language to %Language
+  * lib/Debian/L10n/Html.pm
+    Add the new language to %LanguageList and %Language
+  * lib/Debian/L10n/Utils.pm
+    Add the new language to %LanguageList and %Language
+  * Changelog
+    Document the above
+2. Commit
+3. Update the i18n.d.o working copy (/srv/dl10n-stuff/svn/dl10n)
+   svn up
+4. Initialize the database
+   There are 2 options (a and b below)
+   You need to check the year (YYYY below) and month (MM or M below) when
+   pseudo URLs started to be used.
+   Notye that the tool does not support gaps (i.e. when no messages are
+   received in a month)
+   a. Initialize the database with dl10n-spider
+   In /srv/dl10n-stuff/svn/dl10n
+   PERLLIB=lib ./dl10n-spider --year=YYYY --month=M --message=0 <ll>
+   b. Create data/status.<ll>
+== 8< ===============================================================
+Date: YYYY-MM-01
+Year: YYYY
+Month: M
+Message: 0
+Page: 1
+== 8< ===============================================================
+5. Set the permission to the database
+   sudo chown debian-i18n-robots: data/status.<ll>
+6. Add support for the language in the cron job (/srv/dl10n-stuff/bin/spiderbts)
+   mkdir -p html/{...}
+   for language in ...
+   cp -r html/{...}
+   Apply the same to spiderhourly2 (no more used, but ...)
+7. Add db initialization to spiderinit
+   spiderinit.2006 with the date of initial usage of pseudourl
+   spiderinit with the date of craetion of the mailing list
+   Multiple lines are needed if there are gaps.
+   (spiderinit is useful in case of db corruption; spiderinit.2006 speeds
+   the process by focusing to the period with pseudourl usage)
+8. Check
+   spiderbts is run every hour
+   logs are present in /srv/dl10n-stuff/log/spiderbts.cron.<date-hour>
+9. Update /srv/i18n.debian.net/www/index.html

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