[Debian-l10n-commits] translate-toolkit branch upstream updated. upstream/2.0.0_b2

Stuart Prescott stuart at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Jun 19 07:26:32 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "translate-toolkit".

The branch, upstream has been updated
       via  1d7735f0c22aae3d8fe6fefeab11a7fb30c7574e (commit)
      from  726bc6f3f7cfa9101291292789b0653a375dfa67 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------

Summary of changes:
 docs/conf.py                                       |   2 +-
 docs/releases/{2.0.0b1.rst => 2.0.0b2.rst}         |  40 ++++++++-------------
 docs/releases/index.rst                            |   1 +
 tests/cli/data/test_pofilter_manpage/stdout.txt    |   2 +-
 ...test_inline-test_odf2xliff_inline-reference.xlf |  23 ++++++++++++
 tests/odf_xliff/test_inline.odt                    | Bin 0 -> 7300 bytes
 tests/odf_xliff/test_odf_xliff.py                  |  15 ++++++++
 translate/__version__.py                           |   4 +--
 translate/filters/checks.py                        |  16 ++++++---
 translate/filters/test_checks.py                   |   4 +++
 translate/storage/xml_extract/extract.py           |  15 ++++----
 11 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
 copy docs/releases/{2.0.0b1.rst => 2.0.0b2.rst} (81%)
 create mode 100644 tests/odf_xliff/test_inline-test_odf2xliff_inline-reference.xlf
 create mode 100644 tests/odf_xliff/test_inline.odt

diff --git a/docs/conf.py b/docs/conf.py
index 33058d7..5df7a91 100644
--- a/docs/conf.py
+++ b/docs/conf.py
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ copyright = u'2002-2016, Translate'
 # The short X.Y version.
 version = '2.0.0'
 # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-release = '2.0.0b1'
+release = '2.0.0b2'
 # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
 # for a list of supported languages.
diff --git a/docs/releases/2.0.0b1.rst b/docs/releases/2.0.0b2.rst
similarity index 81%
copy from docs/releases/2.0.0b1.rst
copy to docs/releases/2.0.0b2.rst
index 01a9893..5ee9601 100644
--- a/docs/releases/2.0.0b1.rst
+++ b/docs/releases/2.0.0b2.rst
@@ -1,39 +1,23 @@
-Translate Toolkit 2.0.0b1
+Translate Toolkit 2.0.0b2
-*Released on 5 May 2016*
+*Released on 13 May 2016*
 This release contains many improvements and bug fixes. While it contains many
 general improvements, it also specifically contains needed changes and
 optimizations for the upcoming `Pootle <http://pootle.translatehouse.org/>`_
 2.8.0 and `Virtaal <http://virtaal.translatehouse.org>`_ releases.
-It is just over 2 months since the last release and there are many improvements
+It is just over 8 days since the last release and there are many improvements
 across the board.  A number of people contributed to this release and we've
 tried to credit them wherever possible (sorry if somehow we missed you).
-2.0.0b1 vs 1.14.0-rc1
+2.0.0b2 vs 2.0.0b1
-.. note:: Given the large number of important changes, mostly Python 3 support,
-   it was decided that the next version will be ``2.0.0`` instead of ``1.14.0``
-   as previously planned. So ``1.14.0-rc1`` could be considered to be
-   ``2.0.0b0``.
-- Dropped support for Python 2.6.
-- Dropped ``translate.misc.dictutils.ordereddict``.
-- Expanded Python 3 support to include Python 3.5.
-- Fixed error when writing back to the same file (:issue:`3419`).
-- PO msgid comments are now only parsed in msgid entries.
-- DTD Newlines are now skipped when parsing (:issue:`3390`).
-- JSON Unit ordering is maintained (:issue:`3394`).
-- ``translate.misc.multistring.multistring``:
-  - Fixed list coercion to text
-  - Fixed comparison regression with multistrings (:issue:`3404`).
-  - Re-added ``str`` method (:issue:`3428`).
-  - Fixed ``__hash__`` (:issue:`3434`).
+- ``odf2xliff`` now extracts all the text (:issue:`3239`).
+- LibreOffice validxml check correctly matches self-closing tags.
 Major changes
@@ -80,6 +64,10 @@ Formats and Converters
   - Unknown locales no longer produce failures.
+- ODF
+  - ``odf2xliff`` now extracts all the text (:issue:`3239`).
   - Output now includes a trailing newline.
@@ -97,6 +85,7 @@ Filters and Checks
 - LibreOffice checker no longer checks for Python brace format (:issue:`3303`).
+- LibreOffice validxml check correctly matches self-closing tags.
 - Numbers check now handles non latin numbers. Support for non latin numbers
   has been added for Arabic, Assamese, Bengali and Persian languages.
 - Fixed issue that prevented standard checks from being used in Pootle with
@@ -185,7 +174,8 @@ Contributors
 This release was made possible by the following people:
-Dwayne Bailey, Leandro Regueiro, Friedel Wolff, Claude Paroz, Julen Ruiz
-Aizpuru, Ryan Northey.
+Claude Paroz, Dwayne Bailey, Leandro Regueiro, Michal Čihař, Ryan Northey,
+Friedel Wolff, Julen Ruiz Aizpuru, Hiroshi Miura, Melvi Ts, Jerome Leclanche,
+Yann Diorcet, yann.diorcet, Nick Shaforostoff, Christian Lohmaier, beernarrd.
 And to all our bug finders and testers, a Very BIG Thank You.
diff --git a/docs/releases/index.rst b/docs/releases/index.rst
index d410779..a35ac70 100644
--- a/docs/releases/index.rst
+++ b/docs/releases/index.rst
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ The following are release notes for Translate Toolkit:
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
+   2.0.0b2 <2.0.0b2>
    2.0.0b1 <2.0.0b1>
    1.14.0-rc1 <1.14.0-rc1>
    1.13.0 <1.13.0>
diff --git a/tests/cli/data/test_pofilter_manpage/stdout.txt b/tests/cli/data/test_pofilter_manpage/stdout.txt
index a46884e..a30fc5b 100644
--- a/tests/cli/data/test_pofilter_manpage/stdout.txt
+++ b/tests/cli/data/test_pofilter_manpage/stdout.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 .\" Autogenerated manpage
-.TH pofilter 1 "Translate Toolkit 2.0.0b1" "" "Translate Toolkit 2.0.0b1"
+.TH pofilter 1 "Translate Toolkit 2.0.0b2" "" "Translate Toolkit 2.0.0b2"
 pofilter \- Perform quality checks on Gettext PO, XLIFF and TMX localization files.
diff --git a/tests/odf_xliff/test_inline-test_odf2xliff_inline-reference.xlf b/tests/odf_xliff/test_inline-test_odf2xliff_inline-reference.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e744632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/odf_xliff/test_inline-test_odf2xliff_inline-reference.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.1" version="1.1">
+  <file original="t.odt" source-language="en" datatype="plaintext">
+    <body>
+      <trans-unit xml:space="preserve" id="office:document-content[0]/office:body[0]/office:text[0]/text:p[0]">
+        <source>A partir de ahora se detallan las actividades llevadas a cabo en 2014, comenzando a describir la nueva dirección del proyecto a la que se hace referencia en la tabla 4. En este 2014
+                <g id="0">
+                    <g id="1"> el trabajo de los investigadores ha sido el siguiente:</g>
+                </g>
+            </source>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit xml:space="preserve" id="office:document-content[0]/office:body[0]/office:text[0]/text:p[1]">
+        <source>Partiendo <g id="2"/>del estado actual del proyecto en enero de 2014 (Fin Fase V) comenzar con la Fase VI y Fase VII del proyecto. Estas fases son nuevas, debidas al cambio del proyecto. </source>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit xml:space="preserve" id="office:document-content[0]/office:body[0]/office:text[0]/text:h[0]/text:span[0]/text:span[0]">
+        <source>Nueva dirección del proyecto</source>
+      </trans-unit>
+      <trans-unit xml:space="preserve" id="office:document-content[0]/office:body[0]/office:text[0]/text:p[2]">
+        <source>A finales de 2013 el equipo de investigación de X detectó una necesidad de cambio en el prototipo desarrollado, a raíz de la realización de las pruebas de Safe-Health, al probar con personas <g id="3"/>físicas el proyecto (Subfase “pruebas con Personal Hospitalario”), y vio que el proyecto original del test no iba a ser posible porque el nuevo prototipo no encajaba dentro del “Workflow” o sistema de trabajo de un hospital. </source>
+      </trans-unit>
+    </body>
+  </file>
diff --git a/tests/odf_xliff/test_inline.odt b/tests/odf_xliff/test_inline.odt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abc9cd0
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/odf_xliff/test_inline.odt differ
diff --git a/tests/odf_xliff/test_odf_xliff.py b/tests/odf_xliff/test_odf_xliff.py
index 4bfbbff..3b219ad 100644
--- a/tests/odf_xliff/test_odf_xliff.py
+++ b/tests/odf_xliff/test_odf_xliff.py
@@ -76,6 +76,10 @@ TARGET_XLF = u'test_2-test_roundtrip.xlf'
 REFERENCE_ODF = u'test_2.odt'
 GENERATED_ODF = u'test_2-test_roundtrip-generated.odt'
+SOURCE_ODF_INLINE = u'test_inline.odt'
+REFERENCE_XLF_INLINE = u'test_inline-test_odf2xliff_inline-reference.xlf'
+GENERATED_XLF_TOOLKIT_INLINE = u'test_inline-test_odf2xliff_inline-toolkit.xlf'
 def test_odf2xliff():
     reference_xlf = factory.getobject(REFERENCE_XLF)
@@ -150,6 +154,16 @@ def test_roundtrip():
     assert reference_odf == generated_odf
+def test_odf2xliff2_inline():
+    """Test for issue #3239."""
+    reference_xlf = factory.getobject(REFERENCE_XLF_INLINE)
+    generated_xlf_toolkit = factory.getobject(GENERATED_XLF_TOOLKIT_INLINE)
+    print_diff(reference_xlf, generated_xlf_toolkit)
+    assert reference_xlf == generated_xlf_toolkit
 def remove(filename):
     """Removes the file if it exists."""
     if os.path.exists(filename):
@@ -157,6 +171,7 @@ def remove(filename):
 def teardown_module(module):
diff --git a/translate/__version__.py b/translate/__version__.py
index 24e55bd..5d60ba5 100644
--- a/translate/__version__.py
+++ b/translate/__version__.py
@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@
 """This file contains the version of the Translate Toolkit."""
-build = 20000
+build = 20001
 """The build number is used by external users of the Translate Toolkit to
 trigger refreshes.  Thus increase the build number whenever changes are made to
 code touching stats or quality checks.  An increased build number will force a
 toolkit user, like Pootle, to regenerate it's stored stats and check
-sver = "2.0.0b1"
+sver = "2.0.0b2"
 """Human readable version number. Used for version number display."""
 ver = (2, 0, 0)
diff --git a/translate/filters/checks.py b/translate/filters/checks.py
index 9f93a3d..14a4c78 100644
--- a/translate/filters/checks.py
+++ b/translate/filters/checks.py
@@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ tag_re = re.compile("<[^>]+>")
 gconf_attribute_re = re.compile('"[a-z_]+?"')
 # XML/HTML tags in LibreOffice help and readme, exclude short tags
-lo_tag_re = re.compile('''<[/]??[a-z][a-z_\-]+?(?:| +[a-z]+?=".*?") *>''')
+lo_tag_re = re.compile('''</?(?P<tag>[a-z][a-z_-]+)(?: +[a-z]+="[^"]+")* */?>''')
+lo_emptytags = frozenset(['br', 'embed', 'embedvar', 'object', 'help-id-missing'])
 def tagname(string):
@@ -2000,18 +2001,25 @@ class LibreOfficeChecker(StandardChecker):
                 while match:
                     acttag = match.group(0)
                     if acttag.startswith("</"):
+                        if match.group('tag') in lo_emptytags:
+                            raise FilterFailure(u"»%s« should be self-closing/empty"
+                                                % acttag)
                         if len(opentags) == 0:
-                            raise FilterFailure(u"There is no open tag for %s" % (acttag))
+                            raise FilterFailure(u"There is no open tag for »%s«" % acttag)
                         opentag = opentags.pop()
                         if tagname(acttag) != "/" + tagname(opentag):
-                            raise FilterFailure(u"Open tag %s and close tag %s "
+                            raise FilterFailure(u"Open tag »%s« and close tag »%s« "
                                                 "don't match" % (opentag, acttag))
+                    elif acttag.endswith("/>"):
+                        if match.group('tag') not in lo_emptytags:
+                            raise FilterFailure(u"»%s« should not be self-closing/empty"
+                                                % acttag)
                     str2 = str2[match.end(0):]
                     match = re.search(lo_tag_re, str2)
                 if len(opentags) != 0:
-                    raise FilterFailure(u"There is no close tag for %s" % (opentags.pop()))
+                    raise FilterFailure(u"There is no close tag for »%s«" % opentags.pop())
         return True
diff --git a/translate/filters/test_checks.py b/translate/filters/test_checks.py
index 314940e..98d2ce6 100644
--- a/translate/filters/test_checks.py
+++ b/translate/filters/test_checks.py
@@ -1299,12 +1299,16 @@ def test_validxml():
     assert passes(lochecker.validxml, "", "A <emph> well formed expression </emph>")
     assert fails(lochecker.validxml, "", "Missing <emph> close tag <emph>")
     assert fails(lochecker.validxml, "", "Missing open tag </emph>")
+    assert fails(lochecker.validxml, "", "<emph/> is not a valid self-closing tag")
     assert fails(lochecker.validxml, "", "<ahelp hid=\".\"> open tag not match with close tag</link>")
     assert passes(lochecker.validxml, "", "Skip <IMG> because it is with capitalization so it is part of the text")
     assert passes(lochecker.validxml, "", "Skip the capitalized <Empty>, because it is just a pseudo tag not a real one")
     assert passes(lochecker.validxml, "", "Skip <br/> short tag, because no need to close it.")
+    assert fails(lochecker.validxml, "", "<br></br> invalid, since should be self-closing tag")
     # Larger tests
     assert passes(lochecker.validxml, "", "<bookmark_value>yazdırma; çizim varsayılanları</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>çizimler; yazdırma varsayılanları</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>sayfalar;sunumlarda sayfa adı yazdırma</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>yazdırma; sunumlarda tarihler</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>tarihler; sunumlarda  yazdırma</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>zamanlar; sunumları yazdırırken ekleme</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>yazdırma; sunumların gizli sayfaları</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>gizli sayfalar; sunumlarda yazdırma</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>yazdırma; sunumlarda ölçeklendirme olmadan</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>ölçekleme; sunumlar yazdırılırken</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>yazdırma; sunumlarda sayfalara sığdırma</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>sayfalara sığdırma; sunumlarda yazdırma ayarları</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>yazdırma; sunumlarda kapak sayfası</bookmark_value>")
+    # self-closing tag amongst other tag is valid
+    assert passes(lochecker.validxml, "", "<link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#average\">MITTELWERT</link>, <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#averagea\">MITTELWERTA</link>, <embedvar href=\"text/scalc/01/func_averageifs.xhp#averageifs_head\"/>, <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#max\">MAX</link>, <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060184.xhp#min\">MIN</link>, <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060183.xhp#large\">KGRÖSSTE</link>, <link href=\"text/scalc/01/04060183.xhp#small\">KKLEINSTE</link>")
     assert fails(lochecker.validxml, "", "Kullanıcı etkileşimi verisinin kaydedilmesini ve bu verilerin gönderilmesini dilediğiniz zaman etkinleştirebilir veya devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz.  <item type=\"menuitem\"><switchinline select=\"sys\"><caseinline select=\"MAC\">%PRODUCTNAME - Tercihler</caseinline><defaultinline>Araçlar - Seçenekler</defaultinline></switchinline> - %PRODUCTNAME - Gelişim Programı</item>'nı seçin. Daha fazla bilgi için web sitesinde gezinmek için <defaultinline>Bilgi</emph> simgesine tıklayın.")
     assert fails(lochecker.validxml, "", "<caseinline select=\"DRAW\">Bir sayfanın içerik menüsünde ek komutlar vardır:</caseinline><caseinline select=\"IMPRESS\">Bir sayfanın içerik menüsünde ek komutlar vardır:</caseinline></switchinline>")
     assert fails(lochecker.validxml, "", "<bookmark_value>sunum; sihirbazı başlatmak<bookmark_value>nesneler; her zaman taşınabilir (Impress/Draw)</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>çizimleri eğriltme</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>aralama; sunumdaki sekmeler</bookmark_value><bookmark_value>metin nesneleri; sunumlarda ve çizimlerde</bookmark_value>")
diff --git a/translate/storage/xml_extract/extract.py b/translate/storage/xml_extract/extract.py
index 4b2714b..869834a 100644
--- a/translate/storage/xml_extract/extract.py
+++ b/translate/storage/xml_extract/extract.py
@@ -366,20 +366,21 @@ def _walk_idml_translatable_tree(translatables, store_adder,
-def _walk_translatable_tree(translatables, store_adder, parent_translatable):
+def _walk_translatable_tree(translatables, store_adder, parent_translatable,
+                            stored_by_parent=False):
     """Traverse all the found translatables and add them to the Store.
     Inline translatables are not added to the Store.
     for translatable in translatables:
-        if translatable.has_translatable_text and not translatable.is_inline:
+        store_here = (translatable.has_translatable_text and
+                      (not translatable.is_inline or not stored_by_parent))
+        if store_here:
             store_adder(parent_translatable, translatable)
-            new_parent_translatable = parent_translatable
-        else:
-            new_parent_translatable = parent_translatable
+        new_parent_translatable = parent_translatable
         _walk_translatable_tree(translatable.placeables, store_adder,
-                                new_parent_translatable)
+                                new_parent_translatable,
+                                store_here or stored_by_parent)
 def reverse_map(a_map):


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