[Debian-live-changes] r2336 - dists/trunk/live-initramfs/manpages

daniel at alioth.debian.org daniel at alioth.debian.org
Sun Jul 1 18:40:13 UTC 2007

Author: daniel
Date: 2007-07-01 18:40:13 +0000 (Sun, 01 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 2336


Modified: dists/trunk/live-initramfs/manpages/live-initramfs.en.7
--- dists/trunk/live-initramfs/manpages/live-initramfs.en.7	2007-07-01 18:31:58 UTC (rev 2335)
+++ dists/trunk/live-initramfs/manpages/live-initramfs.en.7	2007-07-01 18:40:13 UTC (rev 2336)
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
 Those parameters lets you override values read from the config file.
 .IP "\fBintegrity\-check\fR" 4
 If specified, an MD5 sum is calculated on the live media during boot and compared to the value found in md5sum.txt found in the root directory of the live media.
-Let you specify the name(s) and the options of the interface(s) that should be configured at boot time. Do not specify this if you want to use dhcp (default). It will be changed in a future release to mimick official kernel boot param specification. E.g.:  ip=,:::::eth1:dhcp
+Let you specify the name(s) and the options of the interface(s) that should be configured at boot time. Do not specify this if you want to use dhcp (default). It will be changed in a future release to mimick official kernel boot param specification (e.g. ip=,:::::eth1:dhcp).
 .IP "\fBip\fR[=frommedia]" 4
 If this variable is set, dhcp and static configuration are just skipped and the system will use the (must be) media\-preconfigured /etc/network/interfaces instead.
 .IP "\fB{keyb|kbd\-chooser/method}=\fR\fIKEYBOARD\fR, \fB{klayout|console\-setup/layoutcode}=\fR\fILAYOUT\fR, \fB{kvariant|console\-setup/variantcode}=\fR\fIVARIANT\fR, \fB{kmodel|console\-setup/modelcode}=\fR\fICODE\fR, \fBkoptions=\fR\fIOPTIONS\fR" 4
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 Adding this parameter, live\-initramfs will try to copy the entire read\-only media to the specified device before mounting the root filesystem. It probably needs a lot of free space. Subsequent boots should then skip this step and just specify the "live\-media=DEVICE" boot parameter with the same DEVICE used this time.
 .IP "\fBtoram\fR" 4
 Adding this parameter, live\-initramfs will try to copy the whole read\-only media to the computer's RAM before mounting the root filesystem. This could need a lot of ram, according to the space used by the read\-only media.
-.IP "\fBunion=\fR\fIunionfs|aufs\fR" 4
+.IP "\fBunion=\fRunionfs|aufs" 4
 By default, live-initramfs uses unionfs. With this parameter, you can switch to aufs.
 .IP "\fBxdebconf\fR" 4
 uses xdebconfigurator, if present on the rootfs, to configure X instead of the standard procedure (experimental).

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