[Debian-live-changes] r2382 - dists/trunk/live-helper/docs

daniel at alioth.debian.org daniel at alioth.debian.org
Tue Jul 3 10:10:30 UTC 2007

Author: daniel
Date: 2007-07-03 10:10:30 +0000 (Tue, 03 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 2382


Modified: dists/trunk/live-helper/docs/BUGS
--- dists/trunk/live-helper/docs/BUGS	2007-07-03 10:03:56 UTC (rev 2381)
+++ dists/trunk/live-helper/docs/BUGS	2007-07-03 10:10:30 UTC (rev 2382)
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
 debootstrap(8). Depending on both cdebootstrap/debootstrap and the Debian
 distribution it is bootstrapping, it runs sucessful or not. If a bug appears
 here, check if the error is related to a specific Debian package (most likely),
-or if it is related to cdebootstrap/debootstrap itself.
+or if it is related to cdebootstrap/debootstrap itself. Running lh_bootstrap
+with --debug gives you more information.
 In both cases, this is not a bug in Debian Live, but rather in Debian itself. We
 can not fix this directly. Instead, report such a bug against the cdebootstrap
@@ -39,7 +40,8 @@
 ...at run time?
 If a package was successfully installed, but fails while actually running the
-Live system, this is probably a bug in Debian Live.
+Live system, this is probably a bug in Debian Live and you are welcome to report
+it to us.
 2. Where to send the bug report?
@@ -49,3 +51,15 @@
 live-initramfs in the Debian Bug Tracking System. If you are unsure or need more
 help before submitting a bug report, you can always send a message to
 <debian-devel-live at lists.alioth.debian.org>. We will help you to figure it out.
+To make the most out of your bug report, we require at least the following
+	* Architecture of the host system
+	* Version of live-helper on the host system
+	* Version of live-initramfs on the live system
+	* Version of cdebootstrap and/or debootstrap on the host system
+	* Architecture of the live system
+	* Distribution of the live system
+	* Version of the kernel on the live system

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