[Debian-live-changes] r2397 - in dists/trunk/live-helper: helpers includes/sid/live

daniel at alioth.debian.org daniel at alioth.debian.org
Wed Jul 4 09:48:10 UTC 2007

Author: daniel
Date: 2007-07-04 09:48:10 +0000 (Wed, 04 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 2397


Modified: dists/trunk/live-helper/helpers/lh_binary_hacks
--- dists/trunk/live-helper/helpers/lh_binary_hacks	2007-07-04 09:31:46 UTC (rev 2396)
+++ dists/trunk/live-helper/helpers/lh_binary_hacks	2007-07-04 09:48:10 UTC (rev 2397)
@@ -47,10 +47,8 @@
 Create_lockfile .lock
 # Removing live-initramfs docs
-if [ "${LH_INITRAMFS}" = "casper" ]
-	rm -f binary/parameters.txt
+mv binary/parameters.txt.${LH_INITRAMFS} binary/parameters.txt
+rm -f binary/parameters.txt.*
 # Creating stage file
 Create_stagefile .stage/binary_hacks

Deleted: dists/trunk/live-helper/includes/sid/live/parameters.txt
--- dists/trunk/live-helper/includes/sid/live/parameters.txt	2007-07-04 09:31:46 UTC (rev 2396)
+++ dists/trunk/live-helper/includes/sid/live/parameters.txt	2007-07-04 09:48:10 UTC (rev 2397)
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-Boot Parameters for Debian Live
-Updated for live-initramfs 1.90.1-1 on 2007-06-11.
-These options (can be combined) work from the ISOLINUX bootprompt:
-live access=v1|v2|v3|m1|m2		specify accessibility level
-live console=TTY,SPEED			setting default console for live-getty
-live hostname=HOSTNAME			override hostname value
-live integrity-check			check media data integrity and md5sums
-live ip=IFACE,ADDRESS,NETMASK,GATEWAY	specify network interface(s)
-live ip[=frommedia]			skips dhcp/static, uses preconfiguration
-live keyb|kbd-chooser/method=KEYBOARD
-live klayout|console-setup/layoutcode=LAYOUT
-live kvariant|console-setup/variantcode=VARIANT
-live kmodel|console-setup/modelcode=CODE
-live koptions=OPTIONS
-live live-getty
-live live-media|bootfrom=DEVICE
-live live-media-encryption|encryption=TYPE
-live live-media-offset=BYTES
-live live-media-timeout=SECONDS
-live locale|debian-installer/local=LOCALE
-live module=NAME
-live netboot[=nfs|cifs]
-live noautologin
-live noxautologin
-live nopersistent
-live nosudo
-live noswap
-live persistent
-live quickreboot
-live showmounts
-live todisk=DEVICE
-live toram				copy media to RAM and run from there
-live preseed/file|file=FILE
-live package/question=VALUE
-live xdebconf
-live xvideomode=RESOLUTION

Added: dists/trunk/live-helper/includes/sid/live/parameters.txt.casper
--- dists/trunk/live-helper/includes/sid/live/parameters.txt.casper	                        (rev 0)
+++ dists/trunk/live-helper/includes/sid/live/parameters.txt.casper	2007-07-04 09:48:10 UTC (rev 2397)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Boot Parameters for Debian Live
+Updated for live-initramfs 1.90.1-1 on 2007-06-11.
+These options (can be combined) work from the ISOLINUX bootprompt:
+live access=v1|v2|v3|m1|m2		specify accessibility level
+live console=TTY,SPEED			setting default console for live-getty
+live hostname=HOSTNAME			override hostname value
+live integrity-check			check media data integrity and md5sums
+live ip=IFACE,ADDRESS,NETMASK,GATEWAY	specify network interface(s)
+live ip[=frommedia]			skips dhcp/static, uses preconfiguration
+live keyb|kbd-chooser/method=KEYBOARD
+live klayout|console-setup/layoutcode=LAYOUT
+live kvariant|console-setup/variantcode=VARIANT
+live kmodel|console-setup/modelcode=CODE
+live koptions=OPTIONS
+live live-getty
+live live-media|bootfrom=DEVICE
+live live-media-encryption|encryption=TYPE
+live live-media-offset=BYTES
+live live-media-timeout=SECONDS
+live locale|debian-installer/local=LOCALE
+live module=NAME
+live netboot[=nfs|cifs]
+live noautologin
+live noxautologin
+live nopersistent
+live nosudo
+live noswap
+live persistent
+live quickreboot
+live showmounts
+live todisk=DEVICE
+live toram				copy media to RAM and run from there
+live preseed/file|file=FILE
+live package/question=VALUE
+live xdebconf
+live xvideomode=RESOLUTION

Added: dists/trunk/live-helper/includes/sid/live/parameters.txt.live-initramfs
--- dists/trunk/live-helper/includes/sid/live/parameters.txt.live-initramfs	                        (rev 0)
+++ dists/trunk/live-helper/includes/sid/live/parameters.txt.live-initramfs	2007-07-04 09:48:10 UTC (rev 2397)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Boot Parameters for Debian Live
+Updated for live-initramfs 1.90.1-1 on 2007-06-11.
+These options (can be combined) work from the ISOLINUX bootprompt:
+live access=v1|v2|v3|m1|m2		specify accessibility level
+live console=TTY,SPEED			setting default console for live-getty
+live hostname=HOSTNAME			override hostname value
+live integrity-check			check media data integrity and md5sums
+live ip=IFACE,ADDRESS,NETMASK,GATEWAY	specify network interface(s)
+live ip[=frommedia]			skips dhcp/static, uses preconfiguration
+live keyb|kbd-chooser/method=KEYBOARD
+live klayout|console-setup/layoutcode=LAYOUT
+live kvariant|console-setup/variantcode=VARIANT
+live kmodel|console-setup/modelcode=CODE
+live koptions=OPTIONS
+live live-getty
+live live-media|bootfrom=DEVICE
+live live-media-encryption|encryption=TYPE
+live live-media-offset=BYTES
+live live-media-timeout=SECONDS
+live locale|debian-installer/local=LOCALE
+live module=NAME
+live netboot[=nfs|cifs]
+live noautologin
+live noxautologin
+live nopersistent
+live nosudo
+live noswap
+live persistent
+live quickreboot
+live showmounts
+live todisk=DEVICE
+live toram				copy media to RAM and run from there
+live preseed/file|file=FILE
+live package/question=VALUE
+live xdebconf
+live xvideomode=RESOLUTION

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