[Debian-live-changes] r2516 - in dists/trunk/live-initramfs: docs scripts

daniel at alioth.debian.org daniel at alioth.debian.org
Wed Jul 18 16:46:40 UTC 2007

Author: daniel
Date: 2007-07-18 16:46:40 +0000 (Wed, 18 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 2516


Modified: dists/trunk/live-initramfs/docs/ChangeLog
--- dists/trunk/live-initramfs/docs/ChangeLog	2007-07-18 15:02:07 UTC (rev 2515)
+++ dists/trunk/live-initramfs/docs/ChangeLog	2007-07-18 16:46:40 UTC (rev 2516)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+2007-07-18  Daniel Baumann  <daniel at debian.org>
+	* docs/parameters.txt:
+	  - Added values for vga parameter.
+	* scripts/live:
+	  - Added patch from Thomas Lange <lange at informatik.uni-koeln.de> to
+	    respect rootserver name from dhcp.
+	* Uploaded 1.91.5-1.
 2007-07-12  Daniel Baumann  <daniel at debian.org>
 	* bin/live-snapshot, scripts/live:

Modified: dists/trunk/live-initramfs/docs/parameters.txt
--- dists/trunk/live-initramfs/docs/parameters.txt	2007-07-18 15:02:07 UTC (rev 2515)
+++ dists/trunk/live-initramfs/docs/parameters.txt	2007-07-18 16:46:40 UTC (rev 2516)
@@ -45,3 +45,23 @@
 live union=unionfs|aufs
 live xdebconf
 live xvideomode=RESOLUTION
+Values for the vga kernel parameter:
+Colours   640x400 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1152x864 1280x1024 1600x1200
+ 4 bits |    ?       ?     0x302      ?        ?        ?         ?
+ 8 bits |  0x300   0x301   0x303    0x305    0x161    0x307     0x31C
+15 bits |    ?     0x310   0x313    0x316    0x162    0x319     0x31D
+16 bits |    ?     0x311   0x314    0x317    0x163    0x31A     0x31E
+24 bits |    ?     0x312   0x315    0x318      ?      0x31B     0x31F
+32 bits |    ?       ?       ?        ?      0x164      ?
+Colours   640x400 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1152x864 1280x1024 1600x1200
+ 4 bits |    ?       ?      770       ?        ?        ?         ?
+ 8 bits |   768     769     771      773      353      775       796
+15 bits |    ?      784     787      790      354      793       797
+16 bits |    ?      758     788      791      355      794       798
+24 bits |    ?      786     789      792       ?       795       799
+32 bits |    ?       ?       ?        ?       356       ?

Modified: dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live
--- dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live	2007-07-18 15:02:07 UTC (rev 2515)
+++ dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live	2007-07-18 16:46:40 UTC (rev 2516)
@@ -397,6 +397,13 @@
+    # source relevant ipconfig output
+    . /tmp/net-${DEVICE}.conf
+    if [ "${NFSROOT#*:}" = "$NFSROOT" ]; then
+    fi
     [ "$quiet" != "y" ] && log_begin_msg "Trying netboot from ${NFSROOT}"
     if [ "${NETBOOT}" != "nfs" ] && do_cifsmount ; then

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