[Debian-live-changes] r2525 - dists/trunk/live-initramfs/manpages
daniel at alioth.debian.org
daniel at alioth.debian.org
Thu Jul 19 18:14:02 UTC 2007
Author: daniel
Date: 2007-07-19 18:14:02 +0000 (Thu, 19 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 2525
Modified: dists/trunk/live-initramfs/manpages/live-initramfs.en.7
--- dists/trunk/live-initramfs/manpages/live-initramfs.en.7 2007-07-19 18:10:03 UTC (rev 2524)
+++ dists/trunk/live-initramfs/manpages/live-initramfs.en.7 2007-07-19 18:14:02 UTC (rev 2525)
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@
Adding this parameter, live\-initramfs will try to copy the whole read\-only media to the computer's RAM before mounting the root filesystem. This could need a lot of ram, according to the space used by the read\-only media.
.IP "\fBunion=\fRunionfs|aufs" 4
By default, live-initramfs uses unionfs. With this parameter, you can switch to aufs.
+.IP "\fButc=\fRyes|no" 4
+By default, Debian systems do assume that the hardware clock is set to UTC. You can change or explicitly set it with this parameter.
.IP "\fBxdebconf\fR" 4
uses xdebconfigurator, if present on the rootfs, to configure X instead of the standard procedure (experimental).
.IP "\fBxvideomode=\fR\fIRESOLUTION\fR" 4
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