[Debian-live-changes] r2587 - in dists/trunk/live-initramfs: docs scripts scripts/live-bottom

daniel at alioth.debian.org daniel at alioth.debian.org
Thu Jul 26 18:50:08 UTC 2007

Author: daniel
Date: 2007-07-26 18:50:08 +0000 (Thu, 26 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 2587


Modified: dists/trunk/live-initramfs/docs/ChangeLog
--- dists/trunk/live-initramfs/docs/ChangeLog	2007-07-26 18:25:29 UTC (rev 2586)
+++ dists/trunk/live-initramfs/docs/ChangeLog	2007-07-26 18:50:08 UTC (rev 2587)
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 2007-07-26  Daniel Baumann  <daniel at debian.org>
+	* Merging changes from casper 1.92, 1.93 and 1.94.
+2007-07-26  Daniel Baumann  <daniel at debian.org>
 	* bin/live-md5check:
 	  - Removed, using standard md5sum which makes the md5 check slower,
 	    doesn't integrate well with usplash yet, but it makes live-initramfs

Modified: dists/trunk/live-initramfs/docs/ChangeLog.casper
--- dists/trunk/live-initramfs/docs/ChangeLog.casper	2007-07-26 18:25:29 UTC (rev 2586)
+++ dists/trunk/live-initramfs/docs/ChangeLog.casper	2007-07-26 18:50:08 UTC (rev 2587)
@@ -1,3 +1,44 @@
+casper (1.94) gutsy; urgency=low
+  [ Colin Watson ]
+  * Hack around keyboard configuration not being done until after the keymap
+    is set by having /etc/init.d/usplash reconfigure the console
+    (LP: #68487).
+  * Disable pam_lastlog on the console if doing autologin (LP: #126800).
+  [ Luke Yelavich ]
+  * scripts/casper-bottom/30accessibility &
+    ubiquity-hooks/30accessibility:
+    - Prevent gksu from grabbing keyboard focus for the v2, v3, and m1
+      accessibility profiles. (LP: #67172)
+  * Start Orca when a Braille device is configured from choosing the
+    Braille option in the Accessibility menu. (Partially fixes Launchpad
+    bug #122024)
+  * Re-enable desktop sounds for the blindness accessibility profile, as
+    eSpeak should be able to speak alongside audio playback.
+ -- Colin Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com>  Tue, 24 Jul 2007 16:24:55 +0100
+casper (1.93) gutsy; urgency=low
+  * revert gdm-cdd.conf handling for autologin to the chrooted code
+    as we had it in feisty. not chrooting brings up problems with the
+    alternatives system (dead symlinks) used for gdm-cdd.conf
+ -- Oliver Grawert <ogra at ubuntu.com>  Wed, 18 Jul 2007 15:08:16 +0200
+casper (1.92) gutsy; urgency=low
+  [ Colin Watson ]
+  * Don't bother chrooting just to run test(1).
+  [ Evan Dandrea ]
+  * Added support for URL-based preseeding.
+  * Added 'noninteractive' option that starts ubiquity in noninteractive
+    mode on tty1.
+ -- Colin Watson <cjwatson at ubuntu.com>  Mon, 09 Jul 2007 15:23:51 +0100
 casper (1.91) gutsy; urgency=low
   * Fix Maintainer field (ubuntu-devel-discuss, not ubuntu-devel).

Modified: dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live
--- dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live	2007-07-26 18:25:29 UTC (rev 2586)
+++ dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live	2007-07-26 18:50:08 UTC (rev 2587)
@@ -201,6 +201,25 @@
 				export LOCATION
+			url=*)
+				LOCATION="${x#url=}"
+				mount -n -o bind /sys /root/sys
+				mount -n -o bind /proc /root/proc
+				mount -n -o bind /dev /root/dev
+				mkdir -p /root/var/run/network
+				chroot /root ifup -a
+				chroot /root wget -P /tmp "$location"
+				chroot /root ifdown -a
+				umount /root/sys
+				umount /root/proc
+				umount /root/dev
+				LOCATION="/tmp/$(basename "$location")"
+				;;

Modified: dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live-bottom/15autologin
--- dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live-bottom/15autologin	2007-07-26 18:25:29 UTC (rev 2586)
+++ dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live-bottom/15autologin	2007-07-26 18:50:08 UTC (rev 2587)
@@ -29,12 +29,14 @@
 if [ -z "${NOXAUTOLOGIN}" ]
+# chroot needed to handle symlinks correctly
 if chroot /root [ -f /etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf ]; then
+# chroot needed to handle symlinks correctly
 if chroot /root [ -f ${GDMCONF} ]; then
     if [ "${BUILD_SYSTEM}" = "Debian" ]; then
         # true hack ! -- nohar

Modified: dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live-bottom/19keyboard
--- dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live-bottom/19keyboard	2007-07-26 18:25:29 UTC (rev 2586)
+++ dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live-bottom/19keyboard	2007-07-26 18:50:08 UTC (rev 2587)
@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@
                 live-preseed /root console-setup/variantcode '' false
                 live-preseed /root console-setup/modelcode '' false
+	sed -i 's/CONSOLE_SCREEN=$/CONSOLE_SCREEN=setupcon/; t END; b; : END; n; b END' /root/etc/init.d/usplash
         chroot /root /usr/sbin/install-keymap $kbd
         live-preseed /root debian-installer/keymap "$kbd"

Modified: dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live-bottom/25configure_init
--- dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live-bottom/25configure_init	2007-07-26 18:25:29 UTC (rev 2586)
+++ dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live-bottom/25configure_init	2007-07-26 18:50:08 UTC (rev 2587)
@@ -66,8 +66,23 @@
             for f in /root/etc/event.d/tty*; do
                 sed -i -e "s|^respawn.*|respawn /bin/login -f $USERNAME </dev/$(basename $f) > /dev/$(basename $f) 2>\&1|" $f
+	    if [ "${BUILD_SYSTEM}" = "Ubuntu" ]; then
+	    	for x in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do
+		    case $x in
+			noninteractive)
+			    sed -i -e "s|^exec.*|exec /usr/bin/ubiquity noninteractive </dev/tty1 > /dev/tty1 2>\&1|" /root/etc/event.d/tty1
+			    rm -f /root/etc/rc?.d/[SK]??gdm
+			    rm -f /root/etc/rc?.d/[SK]??kdm
+			;;
+		    esac
+		done
+	    fi
+    # Since we use autologin, lastlog doesn't make sense on the console.
+    sed -i '/^[^#].*pam_lastlog\.so/s/^/# /' /root/etc/pam.d/login

Modified: dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live-bottom/30accessibility
--- dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live-bottom/30accessibility	2007-07-26 18:25:29 UTC (rev 2586)
+++ dists/trunk/live-initramfs/scripts/live-bottom/30accessibility	2007-07-26 18:50:08 UTC (rev 2587)
@@ -68,14 +68,26 @@
                         if [ -e /root/usr/share/pycentral/gnome-orca/site-packages/orca/settings.py ]; then
                             sed -i '/^enableSpeech\W/ s/True/False/;/^enableMagnifier/ s/False/True/' /root/usr/share/pycentral/gnome-orca/site-packages/orca/settings.py
+                        gct -s -t bool /apps/gksu/disable-grab true
                         kderc_addtoprefixes /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/lesser-visual-impairment/,/usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/moderate-visual-impairment/
                         # Blindness
-                        gct -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/sound/enable_esd false
+                        # Disabled for now, until we know eSpeak works.
+                        #gct -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/sound/enable_esd false
                         gct -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility true
                         gct -s -t list --list-type=string /desktop/gnome/accessibility/startup/exec_ats [orca]
+                        gct -s -t bool /apps/gksu/disable-grab true
+                        # Braille
+                        braille=ask)
+                        gct -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/interface/accessibility true
+                        gct -s -t list --list-type=string /desktop/gnome/accessibility/startup/exec_ats [orca]
+                        if [ -e /root/usr/share/pycentral/gnome-orca/site-packages/orca/settings.py ]; then
+                            sed -i '/^enableSpeech\W/ s/True/False/;/^enableBraille/ s/False/True/' /root/usr/share/pycentral/gnome-orca/site-packages/orca/settings.py
+                        fi
+                        gct -s -t bool /apps/gksu/disable-grab true
+                        ;;
                         # Minor Motor Difficulties
                         gct -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/accessibility/keyboard/enable true
@@ -86,7 +98,7 @@
                         gct -s -t bool /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/repeat true
                         gct -s -t int /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/delay 700
                         gct -s -t int /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/rate 10
+                        gct -s -t bool /apps/gksu/disable-grab true
                         kderc_addtoprefixes /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/minor-motor-difficulties/
                         if [ -e /root/etc/xdg/xfce4/mcs_settings/keyboard.xml ]; then
                             sed -i 's/0/1/' /root/etc/xdg/xfce4/mcs_settings/keyboard.xml

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