r2651 - people/bmsleight/autotesting

bmsleight-guest at alioth.debian.org bmsleight-guest at alioth.debian.org
Mon Jul 30 16:49:03 UTC 2007

Author: bmsleight-guest
Date: 2007-07-30 16:49:03 +0000 (Mon, 30 Jul 2007)
New Revision: 2651

vncserver needs to be forced into the required depth, pixel format and colour map when running from cron rather than ssh with x-forwarding. Minmin geometry -g 1024x768.

Modified: people/bmsleight/autotesting/video-qemu-booting-iso.sh
--- people/bmsleight/autotesting/video-qemu-booting-iso.sh	2007-07-30 06:54:03 UTC (rev 2650)
+++ people/bmsleight/autotesting/video-qemu-booting-iso.sh	2007-07-30 16:49:03 UTC (rev 2651)
@@ -104,11 +104,11 @@
 start_vnc_sessions ()
-vncserver -nocursor -geometry $GEOMETRY  >$TMP_DIR/vncserver.txt 2>&1
+vncserver  -depth 24 -pixelformat rgb888 -cc 4 -nocursor -geometry $GEOMETRY  >$TMP_DIR/vncserver.txt 2>&1
 VNSERVER_QEMU=$(cat $TMP_DIR/vncserver.txt | grep 'New' | awk '{ print $5}' )
 VNCSERVER_QMEU_NUMBER=$(cat $TMP_DIR/vncserver.txt | grep 'New' | cut -d: -f2)
 echo "Launched vncserver $VNSERVER_QEMU"
-vncserver -nocursor -geometry 1600x1200  >$TMP_DIR/vncserver.txt 2>&1
+vncserver  -depth 24 -pixelformat rgb888 -cc 4 -nocursor -geometry 1600x1200  >$TMP_DIR/vncserver.txt 2>&1
 VNSERVER_VNCREC=$(cat $TMP_DIR/vncserver.txt | grep 'New' | awk '{ print $5}' )
 VNCSERVER_VNCREC_NUMBER=$(cat $TMP_DIR/vncserver.txt | grep 'New' | cut -d: -f2)
 echo "Launched vncserver $VNSERVER_VNCREC"
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
 start_qemu ()
-echo "Starting qemu, within Dispaly $VNSERVER_QEMU"
+echo "Starting qemu, within Display $VNSERVER_QEMU"
 $QEMU_BIN -no-kqemu -full-screen  -cdrom $ISO -monitor telnet:$IPADDRESS:$QEMU_MONITOR_PORT,server,nowait &
 sleep 3
@@ -235,6 +235,8 @@
     echo " For every second of running qemu the script it can take up to 12s to compile the video."
     echo " For example using -t 300 will about one hour."
+    echo " Minimum geometry for qemu -g 1024x768"
+    echo 
     echo " Launches a couple of vncserver session, kills other vncrec and qemu sessions running."
     echo " Requires sudo ifconfig"

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