[SCM] debian-live/live-initramfs annotated tag, 1.107.1-1, created. 1.107.1-1

Daniel Baumann daniel at debian.org
Thu Oct 4 06:52:14 UTC 2007

The annotated tag, 1.107.1-1 has been created
        at  4c5744501fc07f98e6ece252a38ed4107f4c570e (tag)
   tagging  d398a6a8f55c659928ef15f8c9d2bdab86383bac (commit)
  replaces  1.104.1-1
 tagged by  Daniel Baumann
        on  Thu Oct 4 08:48:59 2007 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging live-initramfs 1.107.1-1.

Daniel Baumann (16):
      Preparing live-initramfs 1.102.4-2.
      Replacing backticks with POSIX expression.
      Consistently using curly brackets for variables.
      Fixing bashism.
      Merging casper 1.105.
      Adjusting to live-initramfs.
      Bumping version to 1.105.1-1.
      Applied patch from Jesse W. Hathaway <jesse at mbuki-mvuki.org> to move cow mount rather than binding it on /live/cow. This prevents the /cow mount showing up in /proc/mounts.
      Merging casper 1.106.
      Adjusting to live-initramfs.
      Bumping version to 1.106.1-1.
      Fixing wrong homepage field.
      Fixing typing error.
      Merging casper 1.107.
      Bumping version to 1.107.1-1.
      Releasing live-initramfs 1.107.1-1.



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