[SCM] debian-live/live-helper annotated tag, 1.0_a29-1, created. 1.0_a29-1

Daniel Baumann daniel at debian.org
Thu Oct 4 20:13:49 UTC 2007

The annotated tag, 1.0_a29-1 has been created
        at  e354764ff28186b1ddb353ead0b64546014a0d52 (tag)
   tagging  50f4075d70cdcfc04b6789505a6f757da54ff43a (commit)
  replaces  1.0_a28-1
 tagged by  Daniel Baumann
        on  Thu Oct 4 22:12:58 2007 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging live-helper 1.0~a29-1.

Daniel Baumann (14):
      Preparing live-helper 1.0~a29-1.
      Passing live bootappends to debian-installer.
      Added graph-helpers.py from Chris Lamb <chris at chris-lamb.co.uk>.
      Adding contrib/graph-helpers/*.
      Adding preinst to take care about package upgrades with respect to directories that are symlinks now (Closes: #442408, #442922).
      Fixing typing error in lh_binary_syslinux, thanks to Jean Pierre LeJacq <jp.lejacq at quoininc.com> (Closes: #443099).
      Adding local udeb_exclude file functionality.
      Restoring file permissions.
      Adding check for 'none', not just 'disabled'.
      Handling case when memtest is disabled.
      Respecting LH_QUIET for wget calls, thanks to Justin Pryzby <pryzbyj at justinpryzby.com>.
      Respecting LH_QUIET for genisoimage/mkisofs calls, thanks to Justin Pryzby <pryzbyj at justinpryzby.com>.
      Re-enabling live-initscripts and live-webhelper.
      Releasing live-helper 1.0~a29-1.



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