[SCM] debian-live/live-helper annotated tag, 1.0_a32-1, created. 1.0_a32-1

Daniel Baumann daniel at debian.org
Thu Oct 18 20:47:13 UTC 2007

The annotated tag, 1.0_a32-1 has been created
        at  e513a63c401faac8a578ebfe3e85c3e79e6679f3 (tag)
   tagging  ef6b9c5d76d6388c00f96caf18d512e1544cad3b (commit)
  replaces  1.0_a31-1
 tagged by  Daniel Baumann
        on  Thu Oct 18 22:47:05 2007 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging live-helper 1.0~a32-1.

Daniel Baumann (12):
      Preparing live-helper 1.0~a32-1.
      Fixing consistency error.
      Adding sudo and fakeroot to suggests.
      Adding check to fail if a cross build is started (Closes: #444669, #444670).
      Not interpreting LH_UNION_FILESYSTEM, so that it gets set with an actual value at build-time (Closes: #446306).
      Adding support for a local /etc/apt/preferences file in config/chroot_apt/preferences.
      Adjusting error message: debootstrap is default, hence listed first.
      Setting union filesystem default to aufs since default distribution is lenny.
      Fixing typing error, thanks to Peter Skogström <peter.skogstrom at bitrunner.com>.
      Updating Debian stable release number, thanks to Peter Skogström <peter.skogstrom at bitrunner.com>.
      Adding lh_binary_local-packageslists.
      Releasing live-helper 1.0~a32-1.

Jesse Hathaway (3):
      Unify syslinux code, so that pxelinux isolinux & usb-hdd
      readd support for booting etch via syslinux
      lh_binary_syslinux: fix usb-hdd etch images

Otavio Salvador (2):
      lh_binary_syslinux: check for ${INITFS} and not ${LH_INITRAMFS} to detect wrong path
      lh_binary_syslinux: always put splash image as splash.{rle,png} to avoid filename issues



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