[SCM] debian-live/live-initramfs annotated tag, 1.130.1-1, created. 1.130.1-1

Daniel Baumann daniel at debian.org
Wed Apr 16 08:28:42 UTC 2008

The annotated tag, 1.130.1-1 has been created
        at  1d49e2c83b336eb6f43da9828a6a7cf708d8d5dd (tag)
   tagging  9be9e771e7d79deac5489ebd79a0cbb197409f8b (commit)
  replaces  1.128.1-1
 tagged by  Daniel Baumann
        on  Wed Apr 16 10:28:26 2008 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging live-initramfs 1.130.1-1.

Chris Lamb (1):
      Use triggers when calling update-initramfs in postinst and postrm

Daniel Baumann (6):
      Sorting some lines in live hook.
      Restricting counting of installed kernels based on /boot/vmlinuz-* instead of /boot/vmlinuz*.
      Adjusting code formating in maintainer scripts.
      Merging casper 1.129.
      Merging casper 1.130.
      Releasing live-initramfs 1.130.1-1.



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