[SCM] debian-live/autotesting branch, master, updated. bc9f3e828ab1ad92f319c54f9c604145d3fbf548

Brendan M. Sleight bms.debian at barwap.com
Mon Jul 14 22:44:19 UTC 2008

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit bc9f3e828ab1ad92f319c54f9c604145d3fbf548
Author: Brendan M. Sleight <bms.debian at barwap.com>
Date:   Mon Jul 14 22:43:55 2008 +0000

    Adding run-batch-autotesting.sh

diff --git a/run-batch-autotesting.sh b/run-batch-autotesting.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f372984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/run-batch-autotesting.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# run-batch-autotesting.sh                                #
+#                                                         #
+# Copyleft (c) 2008 Brendan M. Sleight                    #
+#              <bmsleight at barwap._REMOVE_SPAM_TRAP.com>   #
+#                                                         #
+# This script is licensed under the GNU GPL v2 or later.  #
+#                                                         #
+# On Debian systems, this license can be obtained via     #
+# /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL                          #
+# Download the list of images and run video-qemu-booting against each download.
+# Usage: run-batch-autotesting.sh filelist.txt isolocation videos
+#   e.g: run-batch-autotesting.sh dailylist.txt daily/ video/daily/
+# Hence can be run Daily, weekly or month using different lists
+# Another script can do the tidy up.
+#   We make be downloading an iso on the 21st Jan, built on the
+# 20th or even the 1st Jan. This needs to be identified in the
+# someway - mayeb the filename. 
+# iso-file-name_Built_02-Apr-2008_tested_03-Apr-2008.ogg
+# 0 - Check lockfile
+# 1 - For each iso [each file in in Auotest-iso-urls.lst]
+# 1a -  Remove the old iso
+# 1b -  if file does not exist or datestamp local iso iso is before today:
+# 1b -    Download the new-current-iso and related md5sum-file
+# 1c -  check md5sum, if md5sum ok:
+# 1d -    Video-qemu-booting-iso iso-name date-iso-name.ogg/.jpg
+# 1e -    ????
+# 2  -  Profit
+if [ -z "$1" -a -z "$2" -a -z "$3" ]
+    echo "usage: $0 directory/ "
+    echo
+    echo " e.g: run-batch-autotesting.sh dailylist.txt iso/daily/ video/daily/"
+    exit
+if [ -f /tmp/run-batch-autotesting.lock ]
+   echo "Lock file /tmp/run-batch-autotesting.lock present indicating $0 is already running"
+   exit
+echo "Lock file present indicating $0 is running" >/tmp/run-batch-autotesting.lock
+cat $URLLIST | while read URL; do
+    BASE_NAME=$(echo $URL |  rev | cut -d"/" -f 1 | rev)
+    PART_URL=$(echo $URL |  rev | cut -d"/" -f 2- | rev)
+    HAS_FILE_UPDATED_TODAY=$(find $DIRECTORY/ -ctime -1 \! -type d | grep "$BASE_NAME")
+    if [ -n "$HAS_FILE_UPDATED_TODAY" ]
+    then
+        echo "$BASE_NAME already downloaded today "
+        echo " - skipping download and testing. To retest please remove file or set ctime>1 day"
+    else
+        echo "Downloading $URL"
+        rm $DIRECTORY/$BASE_NAME 2>/dev/null
+        rm $DIRECTORY/MD5SUMS 2>/dev/null
+        wget --no-verbose --tries=3 --timeout=60 --directory-prefix=$DIRECTORY $URL
+        wget --no-verbose --tries=3 --timeout=60 --directory-prefix=$DIRECTORY $MD5SUMS
+        MD5SUM_LOCAL=$(md5sum $DIRECTORY/$BASE_NAME | cut --fields=1 --delimiter=\  )
+        MD5SUM_REMOTE=$(cat $DIRECTORY/MD5SUMS | grep "$BASE_NAME" | head -n 1 | cut --fields=1 --delimiter=\  )
+        if [[ $MD5SUM_LOCAL != $MD5SUM_REMOTE ]]
+        then
+            echo "$BASE_NAME - md5sums different, remote: $MD5SUM_REMOTE, local: $MD5SUM_LOCAL. "
+            echo "    Skip testing."
+        else
+            DATE_IMAGE_BUILT=$(ls -lh --time-style long-iso $DIRECTORY/$BASE_NAME |tr -s " "|cut -d" " -f6)
+            DATE_DOWNLOADED=$(ls -lc --time-style long-iso $DIRECTORY/$BASE_NAME |tr -s " "|cut -d" " -f6)
+            LOG_FILE="${VIDEO_NAME}.log"
+            $VIDEO_QEMU_BOOTING -g 1024x768  -t 300 -v 5  $DIRECTORY/$BASE_NAME $VIDEO_NAME >$LOG_FILE 2>&1
+        fi
+    fi
+rm /tmp/run-batch-autotesting.lock


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