[SCM] debian-live annotated tag, 1.136.2-1, created. 1.136.2-1

Daniel Baumann daniel at debian.org
Tue Jul 15 21:52:01 UTC 2008

The annotated tag, 1.136.2-1 has been created
        at  e68ea708fb0b44597ada44c8a008d8384240d49c (tag)
   tagging  ccfed85d0d662432a5d043bba6d6129f425d9a5c (commit)
  replaces  1.136.1-1
 tagged by  Daniel Baumann
        on  Tue Jul 15 23:44:29 2008 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging debian version 1.136.2-1.

Daniel Baumann (3):
      Correcting httpfs2 inclusion in hook.
      Replacing previous imperfect changes for udevadm with check for udevadm and using old commands when beeing on etch. Also handling udevtrigger with udevadm if available.
      Releasing debian version 1.136.2-1.



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