[SCM] live-helper annotated tag, debian/2.0_a3-1, created. debian/2.0_a3-1

Daniel Baumann daniel at debian.org
Sun Dec 13 20:44:39 UTC 2009

The annotated tag, debian/2.0_a3-1 has been created
        at  a5f55c5ba92d98bde9fa14aa637c6deffeedb91d (tag)
   tagging  2d48616da710641da3331f9eb8381767150eebd0 (commit)
  replaces  debian/2.0_a2-1
 tagged by  Daniel Baumann
        on  Sun Dec 13 21:42:00 2009 +0100

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging debian version 2.0_a3-1.

Daniel Baumann (9):
      Updating icedove-l10n packagename handling for post-lenny, thanks to intrigeri <intrigeri at boum.org>.
      Adding a 'sleep 1' before removing the loopdevice when creating usb-hdd images.
      Don't try to install parameters.txt for casper in ubuntu mode (Closes: #560109).
      Removing lpia support, this architecture is dead.
      Setting win32-loader to disabled in ubuntu mode.
      Adding explicit debian source version 1.0 until switch to 3.0.
      For consistency, using true|false instead of enabled|disabled in configuration options.
      Adding experimental support for isohybrid (Closes: #558688).
      Releasing debian version 2.0~a3-1.



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