[SCM] live-studio branch, master, updated. 100a0064334102e5c4eab98709e1609f4cbb576b

Chris Lamb lamby at debian.org
Sun Aug 1 19:57:15 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 100a0064334102e5c4eab98709e1609f4cbb576b
Author: Chris Lamb <lamby at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Aug 1 15:39:27 2010 -0400

    Tidy configuration view page

diff --git a/templates/config/view.html b/templates/config/view.html
index 55054f8..e9e8bdd 100644
--- a/templates/config/view.html
+++ b/templates/config/view.html
@@ -19,50 +19,58 @@
 <div style="clear: both"></div>
 {% if config.builds.exists %}
-<h3>Build history</h3>
-<table cellpadding="5">
-  <th>#</th>
-  <th>Enqueued/Built</th>
-  <th>Status</th>
+<h2>Build history</h2>
+<table class="vendors" summary=""> 
+  <th>Build #</th> 
+  <th>Enqueued</th> 
+  <th>Status</th> 
+  <th>&nbsp;</th> 
+  <th>&nbsp;</th> 
+  <th>&nbsp;</th> 
 {% for build in config.builds.all %}
+<tr class="{{ build.status }}">
   <td>{{ build.pk }}</td>
-  <td>
-    {% if build.status == "waiting" or build.status == "building" %}
-      {{ build.enqueued|timesince }} ago
-    {% else %}
-      {{ build.finished|timesince }} ago
-    {% endif %}
-  </td>
-  <td>
-    {% if build.status == "waiting" %}
-      <em>Waiting for builder to become available..</em>
-    {% endif %}
-    {% if build.status == "building" %}
-      <em>Building...</em> ({{ build.started|timesince }})
-      <a href="{{ build.log_url}}">Log</a>
-    {% endif %}
-    {% if build.status == "failure" %}
-      <strong>Build failed!</strong> 
-      <a href="{{ build.log_url}}">Log</a>
-    {% endif %}
-    {% if build.status == "success" %}
-      <strong>Finished.</strong>
-      <a href="{{ build.result_url}}">Download</a>
-      <a href="{{ build.log_url}}">Log</a>
-    {% endif %}
-  </td>
+  <td><abbr title="{{ build.enqueued }}">{{ build.enqueued|timesince }} ago</abbr></td>
+  {% if build.status == "waiting" %}
+  <td><em>Waiting for builder to become available..</em></td>
+  <td colspan="2"><small>Waiting for {{ build.enqueued|timesince }}</small><td>
+  {% endif %}
+  {% if build.status == "building" %}
+  <td><em>Building...</em></td>
+  <td><small>Building for {{ build.started|timesince }}</small></td>
+  <td colspan="2"><a href="{{ build.log_url }}">Log</a></td>
+  {% endif %}
+  {% if build.status == "failure" %}
+  <td><span style="color: red; font-weight: bold">Failed</span></td>
+  <td><small>Build time: {{ build.started|timesince:build.finished }}</small></td>
+  <td colspan="2"><a href="{{ build.log_url}}">Log</a></td>
+  {% endif %}
+  {% if build.status == "success" %}
+  <td><span style="color: green; font-weight: bold">Build successful</span></td>
+  <td><small>Build time: {{ build.started|timesince:build.finished }}</small></td>
+  <td><a href="{{ build.log_url}}">Log</a></td>
+  <td><a href="{{ build.result_url}}">Download</a></td>
+  {% endif %}
 {% endfor %}
+{% else %}
+<p><em>You have not built this configuration yet. Click "Build" above to begin.</em></p>
 {% endif %}
+<h2><tt>live-build</tt> equivalent command</h2>
 <p style="font-family: monospace">$ lh config {{ config.options|command_line_options }} &amp;&amp; sudo lh build</tt></p>
 {% endblock %}


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