[SCM] live-build annotated tag, debian/2.0_a22-1, created. debian/2.0_a22-1

Daniel Baumann daniel at debian.org
Tue Aug 10 02:44:58 UTC 2010

The annotated tag, debian/2.0_a22-1 has been created
        at  af5f6b7a0862f531195acccbcf477397915a8399 (tag)
   tagging  a4e4e977c84b7e45c793b1c3aeb95e54c088977c (commit)
  replaces  debian/2.0_a21-1
 tagged by  Daniel Baumann
        on  Tue Aug 10 04:29:00 2010 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging debian version 2.0_a22-1.

Chris Lamb (3):
      Fixing spelling typo.
      Run chroot stage with /var/lib/dpkg mounted as a tmpfs
      Fix LH_INTERACTIVE switch statement.

Daniel Baumann (5):
      Making cp calls for syslinux templates recursive, thanks to Tiago Bortoletto Vaz <tiago at debian.org>.
      Marking ndiff as lenny only in rescue list (Closes: #591469).
      Updating debian-cd data.
      Setting default desktop for tasksel when installing package tasks to avoid ending up with a pulled in gnome in all cases, thanks a lot to Ben Armstrong <synrg at debian.org> for finding this solution.
      Releasing debian version 2.0~a22-1.

Richard Nelson (2):
      Correct typo on build.html.
      Update to change in location and name of /live-helper.sh to /scripts/build.sh.

Tiago Bortoletto Vaz (3):
      Adding curly braces to LH_MEDIA in syslinux template.
      Fixing all LH_MEDIA related stuff in syslinux templates.
      Adding Brazilian Portuguese templates for syslinux.



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