[SCM] live-config annotated tag, debian/3.0_a2-1, created. debian/3.0_a2-1

Daniel Baumann daniel at debian.org
Sat Aug 14 18:05:26 UTC 2010

The annotated tag, debian/3.0_a2-1 has been created
        at  807eed7be4261a946551b79129d8bd55bf2ee68b (tag)
   tagging  86c38ceccc551eb9ae99fa0c7a568292be613d05 (commit)
  replaces  debian/3.0_a1-1
 tagged by  Daniel Baumann
        on  Sat Aug 14 20:01:33 2010 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging debian version 3.0_a2-1.

Daniel Baumann (3):
      Only run x-session-manager parts when x-session-manager is set.
      Using dpkg-reconfigure instead of dexconf in xserver-xorg script (Closes: #592510).
      Releasing debian version 3.0~a2-1.

intrigeri (1):
      Removing spurious copy/pasted line in xserver-xorg script.



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