[SCM] live-initramfs branch, debian-next, updated. debian/1.199.1-1-9-gfe6d99e

Daniel Baumann daniel at debian.org
Sat May 1 10:41:22 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the debian-next branch:
commit fe6d99e926e668c1b43d38916e31f70947491124
Author: Daniel Baumann <daniel at debian.org>
Date:   Sat May 1 12:35:44 2010 +0200

    Merging casper 1.208.

diff --git a/docs/ChangeLog.casper b/docs/ChangeLog.casper
index 89ee394..64a8d81 100644
--- a/docs/ChangeLog.casper
+++ b/docs/ChangeLog.casper
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+casper (1.208) lucid; urgency=low
+  [ Martin Pitt ]
+  * scripts/casper-bottom/25configure_init: sreadahead is no more, disable
+    ureadahead instead.
+  [ Didier Roche ]
+  * scripts/casper-bottom/15autologin: Don't erase /etc/gdm/custom.conf but
+    only append autologin on casper startup if needed. This avoids removing
+    default session set in this file for ubuntu derivatives which use GDM.
+    The script also check if the modification is already there for
+    persistent usb keys. (LP: #498971)
+ -- Martin Pitt <martin.pitt at ubuntu.com>  Mon, 21 Dec 2009 15:54:36 +0100
 casper (1.207) lucid; urgency=low
   * Drop 46_disable_services.  It didn't need to be running on "all" systems
diff --git a/scripts/live-bottom/15autologin b/scripts/live-bottom/15autologin
index 3f85d50..bee8d70 100755
--- a/scripts/live-bottom/15autologin
+++ b/scripts/live-bottom/15autologin
@@ -57,16 +57,24 @@ then
 elif [ -d /root/etc/gdm3 ]
-cat > /root/etc/gdm3/custom.conf << EOF
+	GDMCustomFile=/root/etc/gdm3/custom.conf
+	AutologinParameters="AutomaticLoginEnable=true\n\
+	# Prevent from updating if parameters already present (persistent usb
+	# key)
+	if ! $(grep -qs 'AutomaticLoginEnable' $GDMCustomFile)
+	then
+		if $(grep -qs '\[daemon\]' $GDMCustomFile)
+		then
+			sed -i "s/\[daemon\]/\[daemon\]\n$AutologinParameters/" $GDMCustomFile
+		else
+			echo "[daemon]\n$AutologinParameters" >> $GDMCustomFile
+		fi
+	fi
 if [ -d /root/etc/default/kdm.d/ ]
diff --git a/scripts/live-bottom/25configure_init b/scripts/live-bottom/25configure_init
index 488a1dd..db23f19 100755
--- a/scripts/live-bottom/25configure_init
+++ b/scripts/live-bottom/25configure_init
@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@ then
 	chmod -x /root/sbin/readahead-list
-# Disable sreadahead too since we don't ship a pack file for it anyway, so
-# all we'll end up doing is profiling the live CD boot. sreadahead also
+# Disable ureadahead too since we don't ship a pack file for it anyway, so
+# all we'll end up doing is profiling the live CD boot. ureadahead also
 # breaks partman occasionally by reading from its synchronisation FIFOs.
-rm -f /root/etc/init/sreadahead.conf
+rm -f /root/etc/init/ureadahead.conf


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