[SCM] live-boot branch, debian-old-2.0, updated. debian/2.0.6-1-2-gb00a077
Daniel Baumann
daniel at debian.org
Wed Sep 29 08:41:53 UTC 2010
The following commit has been merged in the debian-old-2.0 branch:
commit b00a077e73253ea4f73db9de6cd4a72a1aa53d52
Author: Marco Amadori <amadorim at vdavda.com>
Date: Wed Sep 29 10:41:46 2010 +0200
Included a note about persistent-subtext (Helps: #536728).
Signed-off-by: Marco Amadori <amadorim at vdavda.com>
diff --git a/manpages/en/live-boot.7 b/manpages/en/live-boot.7
index 04d46bf..c82d887 100644
--- a/manpages/en/live-boot.7
+++ b/manpages/en/live-boot.7
@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ This parameter enables usage of local swap partitions.
live\-boot will look for persistent and snapshot partitions or files labeled "live\-rw", "home\-rw", and files called "live\-sn*", "home\-sn*" and will try to, in order: mount as /cow the first, mount the second in /home, and just copy the contents of the latter in appropriate locations (snapshots). Snapshots will be tried to be updated on reboot/shutdown. Look at live\-snapshot(1) for more informations. If "nofiles" is specified, only filesystems with matching labels will be searched; no filesystems will be traversed looking for archives or image files. This results in shorter boot times.
.IP "\fBpersistent\-path\fR=\fIPATH\fR" 4
live\-boot will look for persistency files in the root directory of a partition, with this parameter, the path can be configured so that you can have multiple directories on the same partition to store persistency files.
+.IP "\fBpersistent\-subtext\fR=\fISUFFIX\fR" 4
+Add a suffix when searching for the image filenames or partition labels to use for the above mentioned persistent feature, the SUFFIX will be added after a dash (e.g.: "live-sn" would transform to "live-sn-SUFFIX"). This is handy to test multiple live-boot based live-systems with different persistent storage choices.
.IP "{\fBpreseed/file\fR|\fBfile\fR}=\fIFILE\fR" 4
A path to a file present on the rootfs could be used to preseed debconf database.
.IP "\fBpackage/question\fR=\fIVALUE\fR" 4
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