[SCM] live-manual branch, debian-next, updated. debian/3.0_a14-1-49-gdce4ab4

chals chals at altorricon.com
Fri Aug 10 12:15:20 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the debian-next branch:
commit dce4ab4937c9ede45e9b1f8c2e8c7f767ddf6839
Author: chals <chals at altorricon.com>
Date:   Fri Aug 10 14:14:59 2012 +0200

    Re-adding packages left out by 'apt-recommends false' to make the images work properly in the examples.

diff --git a/manual/en/user_customization-packages.ssi b/manual/en/user_customization-packages.ssi
index cdb67ce..5e1a7c9 100644
--- a/manual/en/user_customization-packages.ssi
+++ b/manual/en/user_customization-packages.ssi
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ code{
-3~ Tweaking APT to save space
+3~tweaking-apt-to-save-space Tweaking APT to save space
 You may find yourself needing to save some space on the image media, in which case one or the other or both of the following options may be of interest.
diff --git a/manual/en/user_examples.ssi b/manual/en/user_examples.ssi
index 4b42f4d..caf6ef4 100644
--- a/manual/en/user_examples.ssi
+++ b/manual/en/user_examples.ssi
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ We've come to the end of our tutorial series. While many more kinds of customiza
 *{Use case:}* Create an image with live-build to boot directly to a VNC server.
-Make a build directory and create an skeletal configuration inside it, disabling recommends to make a minimal system. And then create two package lists: the first one generated with a script provided by live-build named #{Packages}# (see {Generated package lists}#generated-package-lists), and the second one including /{xorg}/, /{gdm3}/, /{metacity}/ and /{xvnc4viewer}/.
+Make a build directory and create an skeletal configuration inside it, disabling recommends to make a minimal system. And then create two initial package lists: the first one generated with a script provided by live-build named #{Packages}# (see {Generated package lists}#generated-package-lists), and the second one including /{xorg}/, /{gdm3}/, /{metacity}/ and /{xvnc4viewer}/.
@@ -193,6 +193,24 @@ code{
+As explained in {Tweaking APT to save space}#tweaking-apt-to-save-space you may need to re-add some recommended packages to make your image work properly.
+An easy way to list recommends is using /{apt-cache}/. For example:
+ $ apt-cache depends live-config live-boot
+In this example we found out that we had to re-include several packages recommended by live-config and live-boot: #{user-setup}# to make autologin work and #{sudo}# as an essential program to shutdown the system. Besides, it could be handy to add #{live-tools}# to be able to copy the image to RAM and #{eject}# to eventually eject the live media, So:
+$ echo "live-tools user-setup sudo eject" > config/package-lists/recommends.list.chroot
 Create the directory #{/etc/skel}# in #{config/includes.chroot}# and put a custom #{.xsession}# in it for the default user that will launch /{metacity}/ and start /{xvncviewer}/, connecting to port #{5901}# on a server at #{}#:
@@ -232,6 +250,14 @@ code{
+To make the image work properly, we must re-add, at least, two recommended packages which are left out by the #{--apt-recommends false}# option. See {Tweaking APT to save space}#tweaking-apt-to-save-space
+ $ echo "user-setup sudo" > config/package-lists/recommends.list.chroot
 Now, build the image in the usual way:
@@ -242,7 +268,7 @@ code{
 On the author's system at the time of writing this, the above configuration produced a 95Mbyte image. This compares favourably with the 182Mbyte image produced by the default configuration in {Tutorial 1}#tutorial-1.
-The biggest space-saver here, compared to building a standard image on an #{i386}# architecture system, is to select only the #{486}# kernel flavour instead of the default #{-k "486 686-pae"}#. Leaving off APT's indices with #{--apt-indices false}# also saves a fair amount of space, the tradeoff being that you need to #{apt-get update}# before using apt in the live system. Dropping recommended packages with #{--apt-recommends false}# saves some additional space, at the expense of omitting some packages you might otherwise expect to be there, such as /{firmware-linux-free}/ which may be needed to support certain hardware. #{--memtest none}# prevents the installation of a memory tester. And finally, the execution of the #{minimal}# hook removes some unused packages and files.
+The biggest space-saver here, compared to building a standard image on an #{i386}# architecture system, is to select only the #{486}# kernel flavour instead of the default #{-k "486 686-pae"}#. Leaving off APT's indices with #{--apt-indices false}# also saves a fair amount of space, the tradeoff being that you need to #{apt-get update}# before using apt in the live system. Dropping recommended packages with #{--apt-recommends false}# saves some additional space, at the expense of omitting some packages you might otherwise expect to be there, such as /{firmware-linux-free}/ which may be needed to support certain hardware. #{--memtest none}# prevents the installation of a memory tester. And finally, the execution of the #{minimal.chroot}# hook removes some unused packages and files.
 Using other hooks, like for example the #{stripped.chroot}# hook found in #{/usr/share/doc/live-build/examples/hooks}#, may shave off additional small amounts of space and produce an image of 76MB. But it is up to you to decide if the functionality that is sacrificed with each size optimization is worth the loss of functionality.


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