[SCM] live-debconfig annotated tag, debian/4.0_a4-1, created. debian/4.0_a4-1

Daniel Baumann daniel at debian.org
Fri Aug 17 14:54:20 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/4.0_a4-1 has been created
        at  ac0329c7596cd684951f3f4e49930e83f65ff8d3 (tag)
   tagging  951d0dc9d4d1af102ca847b4bc5dd6704278644d (commit)
  replaces  debian/4.0_a3-1
 tagged by  Daniel Baumann
        on  Fri Aug 17 16:54:05 2012 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging debian version 4.0_a4-1.

Daniel Baumann (18):
      Harmonizing script descriptions in live-debconfig manpage.
      Harmonizing po file headers.
      Correcting spelling typo in db_get call of the ifupdown script.
      Correcting /etc/default/hwclock handling in util-linux script for cases where it was locally removed.
      Correcting version check of util-linux in util-linux script.
      Adding whitespace seperaters in generated resolv.conf in ifupdown script.
      Only reading existing nameserver settings in ifupdown script from /etc/resolv.conf if the file is existing.
      Prepeding scripts execution with custom debconf systemrc to avoid needing to export the variable to make it work.
      Removing default values from debconf templates since defaults are derived from scripts automatically and independently.
      Adding a workaround in ifupdown script when reading defaults for nameserver addresses from resolv.conf to get rid of newlines as debconf can not handle multiline return values in assignments.
      Evening out whitespace seperation in ifupdown script when generating /etc/network/interfaces.
      Correcting db_setttile typo in ifupdown script.
      Correcting db_input typo in ifupdown script.
      Also removing /var/lib/live on purge if empty.
      Replacing /bin/true symlinks with an empty initscript to fake LSB headers in sysvinit script.
      Replacing test for stop links in sysvinit script with ls to match on wildcards.
      Completing insserv and update-rc.d silencing in sysvinit script.
      Releasing debian version 4.0~a4-1.

chals (3):
      Updating the Spanish translation of two strings.
      Adding initial French translation for the current version.
      Adding initial Catalan translation for the current version.



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