[SCM] live-manual branch, debian-next, updated. debian/3.0_a9-1-21-g2febcfe
Ben Armstrong
synrg at debian.org
Thu Jan 12 13:10:20 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the debian-next branch:
commit 2febcfeb73814f418dca2a1d6c0bade5fbc63695
Author: Ben Armstrong <synrg at debian.org>
Date: Thu Jan 12 09:10:11 2012 -0400
Renaming usb-hdd image type to hdd. (Closes: #655360).
diff --git a/manual/de/live-manual.ssm b/manual/de/live-manual.ssm
index 17882d6..8392343 100644
--- a/manual/de/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/de/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
:license: Dieses Programm ist freie Software. Sie können es unter den Bedingungen der GNU General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation veröffentlicht, weitergeben und/oder modifizieren, entweder gemäss Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Option) jeder späteren Version.<br><br>Die Veröffentlichung dieses Programms erfolgt in der Hoffnung, dass es Ihnen von Nutzen sein wird, aber OHNE IRGENDEINE GARANTIE, sogar ohne die implizite Garantie der MARKTREIFE oder der VERWENDBARKEIT FÜR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. Details finden Sie in der GNU General Public License.<br><br>Sie sollten ein Exemplar der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem Programm erhalten haben. Falls nicht, siehe <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.<br><br>Der komplette Text der GNU General Public License kann in der Datei /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 gefunden werden.
- :published: 2012-01-07
+ :published: 2012-01-12
@publisher: Debian Live Projekt <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/de/user_basics.ssi b/manual/de/user_basics.ssi
index 4c42960..2eee04a 100644
--- a/manual/de/user_basics.ssi
+++ b/manual/de/user_basics.ssi
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ This chapter contains a brief overview of the build process and instructions
for using the three most commonly used image types. The most versatile image
type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, optical media or USB
portable storage device. In certain special cases, such as the use of
-persistence, #{usb-hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter
+persistence, #{hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter
finishes with instructions for building and using a #{net}# type image,
which is a bit more involved due to the setup required on the server. This
is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not familiar already with
@@ -229,16 +229,16 @@ code{
-2~building-usb-hdd Building a USB/HDD image
+2~building-hdd Building an HDD image
-Building a USB/HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you
-specify #{-b usb-hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which
-cannot be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB
-sticks, USB hard drives, and various other portable storage
-devices. Normally, an ISO hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead,
-but if you have a BIOS which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want
-to use the remaining space on the media for some purpose, such as a
-persistence partition, you need a USB/HDD image.
+Building an HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you
+specify #{-b hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which cannot
+be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB sticks, USB
+hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. Normally, an ISO
+hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if you have a BIOS
+which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use the remaining
+space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence partition, you
+need an HDD image.
Note: if you created an ISO hybrid image with the previous example, you will
need to clean up your working directory with the #{lb clean}# command (see
@@ -250,12 +250,12 @@ code{
-Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the
-USB/HDD image type:
+Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the HDD
+image type:
- $ lb config -b usb-hdd
+ $ lb config -b hdd
@@ -270,15 +270,15 @@ code{
When the build finishes, a #{binary.img}# file should be present in the
current directory.
-2~using-usb-hdd-image Using a USB/HDD image
+2~using-hdd-image Using an HDD image
The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux
-bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using a
-USB/HDD image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the
-instructions in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except
-use the filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#.
+bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using an HDD
+image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the instructions
+in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except use the
+filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#.
-3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Testing a USB/HDD image with Qemu
+3~testing-hdd-with-qemu Testing an HDD image with Qemu
First, install QEMU as described above in {Testing an ISO image with
QEMU}#testing-iso-with-qemu. Then run #{kvm}# or #{qemu}#, depending on
@@ -345,12 +345,12 @@ code{
-In contrast with the ISO and USB/HDD images, netbooting does not, itself,
-serve the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via
-NFS. The #{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the
-location and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem
-image will be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable
-values for your network and server.
+In contrast with the ISO and HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, serve
+the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via NFS. The
+#{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the location
+and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem image will
+be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable values for your
+network and server.
Now build the image with the #{lb build}# command:
diff --git a/manual/en/live-manual.ssm b/manual/en/live-manual.ssm
index 6a94955..2adb202 100644
--- a/manual/en/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/en/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
:license: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.<br><br>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.<br><br>You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br>The complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
- :published: 2012-01-07
+ :published: 2012-01-12
@publisher: Debian Live Project <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/en/user_basics.ssi b/manual/en/user_basics.ssi
index ba065ea..e835b61 100644
--- a/manual/en/user_basics.ssi
+++ b/manual/en/user_basics.ssi
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
1~the-basics The basics
-This chapter contains a brief overview of the build process and instructions for using the three most commonly used image types. The most versatile image type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, optical media or USB portable storage device. In certain special cases, such as the use of persistence, #{usb-hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter finishes with instructions for building and using a #{net}# type image, which is a bit more involved due to the setup required on the server. This is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not familiar already with netbooting, but is included here because once the setup is done, it is a very convenient way to test and deploy images for booting on the local network without the hassle of dealing with image media.
+This chapter contains a brief overview of the build process and instructions for using the three most commonly used image types. The most versatile image type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, optical media or USB portable storage device. In certain special cases, such as the use of persistence, #{hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter finishes with instructions for building and using a #{net}# type image, which is a bit more involved due to the setup required on the server. This is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not familiar already with netbooting, but is included here because once the setup is done, it is a very convenient way to test and deploy images for booting on the local network without the hassle of dealing with image media.
Throughout the chapter, we will often refer to the default filenames produced by live-build. If you are downloading a prebuilt image instead, the actual filenames may vary.
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@ code{
-2~building-usb-hdd Building a USB/HDD image
+2~building-hdd Building an HDD image
-Building a USB/HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you specify #{-b usb-hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which cannot be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB sticks, USB hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. Normally, an ISO hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if you have a BIOS which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use the remaining space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence partition, you need a USB/HDD image.
+Building an HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you specify #{-b hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which cannot be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB sticks, USB hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. Normally, an ISO hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if you have a BIOS which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use the remaining space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence partition, you need an HDD image.
Note: if you created an ISO hybrid image with the previous example, you will need to clean up your working directory with the #{lb clean}# command (see {The lb clean command}#lb-clean):
@@ -154,11 +154,11 @@ code{
-Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the USB/HDD image type:
+Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the HDD image type:
- $ lb config -b usb-hdd
+ $ lb config -b hdd
@@ -172,11 +172,11 @@ code{
When the build finishes, a #{binary.img}# file should be present in the current directory.
-2~using-usb-hdd-image Using a USB/HDD image
+2~using-hdd-image Using an HDD image
-The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using a USB/HDD image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the instructions in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except use the filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#.
+The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using an HDD image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the instructions in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except use the filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#.
-3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Testing a USB/HDD image with Qemu
+3~testing-hdd-with-qemu Testing an HDD image with Qemu
First, install QEMU as described above in {Testing an ISO image with QEMU}#testing-iso-with-qemu. Then run #{kvm}# or #{qemu}#, depending on which version your host system needs, specifying #{binary.img}# as the first hard drive.
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ code{
-In contrast with the ISO and USB/HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, serve the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via NFS. The #{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the location and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem image will be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable values for your network and server.
+In contrast with the ISO and HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, serve the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via NFS. The #{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the location and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem image will be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable values for your network and server.
Now build the image with the #{lb build}# command:
diff --git a/manual/es/live-manual.ssm b/manual/es/live-manual.ssm
index 3a07492..8d9c5f8 100644
--- a/manual/es/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/es/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
:license: Este programa es software libre: puede ser redistribuido y/o modificado bajo los términos de la GNU General Public License publicada por la Free Software Foundation, bien de la versión 3 de la Licencia, o (a su elección) cualquier versión posterior. <br><br> Este programa se distribuye con la esperanza de que sea útil, pero SIN NINGUNA GARANTÍA, incluso sin la garantía implícita de COMERCIALIZACIÓN o IDONEIDAD PARA UN PROPÓSITO PARTICULAR. Consulte la GNU General Public License para más detalles. <br><br> Debería haber recibido una copia de la General Public License GNU junto con este programa. Si no, vea http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br> El texto completo de la GNU Licencia Pública General se pueden encontrar en /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3
- :published: 2012-01-07
+ :published: 2012-01-12
@publisher: Debian Live Project <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/es/user_basics.ssi b/manual/es/user_basics.ssi
index 072ff4c..dc063a5 100644
--- a/manual/es/user_basics.ssi
+++ b/manual/es/user_basics.ssi
@@ -2,20 +2,17 @@
1~the-basics Conceptos básicos
-Este capítulo contiene una breve descripción del proceso de creación de las
-imágenes en vivo y las instrucciones para el uso de los tres tipos de
-imágenes más utilizadas. El tipo de imagen más versátil, #{iso-hybrid}#, se
-puede utilizar en una máquina virtual, en medios ópticos u otros dispositivo
-de almacenamiento USB. En ciertos casos especiales, como para el uso de la
-persistencia («persistence» N. del T.) las imágenes #{usb-hdd}#, pueden ser
-las más adecuadas para dispositivos USB. El capítulo termina con
-instrucciones para crear y usar una imagen de tipo #{red}#, que es un poco
-más complicado debido a la configuración necesaria en el servidor. Es un
-tema ligeramente avanzado para cualquier persona que no esté familiarizada
-con el arranque en red, pero se incluye aquí porque una vez que se realiza
-la instalación, es una forma muy conveniente para probar y desplegar
-imágenes de arranque en red local sin la molestia de tratar con los
-dispositivos de almacenamiento de la imagen.
+This chapter contains a brief overview of the build process and instructions
+for using the three most commonly used image types. The most versatile image
+type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, optical media or USB
+portable storage device. In certain special cases, such as the use of
+persistence, #{hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter
+finishes with instructions for building and using a #{net}# type image,
+which is a bit more involved due to the setup required on the server. This
+is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not familiar already with
+netbooting, but is included here because once the setup is done, it is a
+very convenient way to test and deploy images for booting on the local
+network without the hassle of dealing with image media.
A lo largo de todo el capítulo se hace a menudo referencia al nombre de las
imágenes producidas por defecto por live-build. Si se descarga una imagen ya
@@ -252,16 +249,16 @@ code{
-2~building-usb-hdd Crear una imagen USB/HDD
+2~building-hdd Building an HDD image
-La siguiente secuencia de comandos creará una imagen USB/HDD básica que
-contendrá sólo el sistema estándar de Debian sin X.org. Es adecuada para el
-arranque desde dispositivos USB, discos duros USB y otros dispositivos de
-almacenamiento portátil. Normalmente, se puede utilizar para este propósito
-una imagen ISO híbrida, pero es posible que la BIOS no maneje adecuadamente
-las imágenes híbridas. También es interesante una imagen USB/HDD si se desea
-utilizar el espacio restante en los medios de almacenamiento para una
-partición con persistencia.
+Building an HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you
+specify #{-b hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which cannot
+be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB sticks, USB
+hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. Normally, an ISO
+hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if you have a BIOS
+which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use the remaining
+space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence partition, you
+need an HDD image.
Nota: si se ha creado una imagen ISO híbrida con el ejemplo anterior, se
tendrá que limpiar el directorio de trabajo con el comando #{lb clean}# (ver
@@ -273,12 +270,12 @@ code{
-Ejecutar el comando #{lb config}# como antes pero esta vez especificando el
-tipo de imagen USB/HDD:
+Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the HDD
+image type:
- $ lb config -b usb-hdd
+ $ lb config -b hdd
@@ -293,16 +290,15 @@ code{
Cuando termine el proceso de creación, debe haber un fichero llamado
#{binary.img}# en el directorio actual .
-2~using-usb-hdd-image Utilizar una imágen USB/HDD
+2~using-hdd-image Using an HDD image
-La imagen binaria generada contiene una partición VFAT y el gestor de
-arranque syslinux, lista para ser copiada directamente en un dispositivo
-USB. Dado que utilizar una imagen USB/HDD es igual a usar una imagen ISO
-híbrida en un USB, seguir las instrucciones de {Usar una imagen ISO
-híbrida}#using-iso-hybrid con la diferencia de usar el nombre #{binary.img}#
-en lugar de #{binary-hybrid.iso}#.
+The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux
+bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using an HDD
+image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the instructions
+in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except use the
+filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#.
-3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Probar una imágen USB/HDD con Qemu
+3~testing-hdd-with-qemu Testing an HDD image with Qemu
En primer lugar, instalar QEMU como se describe más arriba en {Probar una
imágen ISO con QEMU}#testing-iso-with-qemu A continuación, ejecutar #{kvm}#
@@ -369,13 +365,12 @@ code{
-A diferencia de las imágenes ISO y USB/HDD, el sistema de arranque en red en
-sí mismo no envía la imagen del sistema de ficheros al cliente, por eso los
-ficheros se deben enviar mediante NFS. Las opciones #{--net-root-path}# y
-#{--net-root-server}# especifican la ubicación y el servidor,
-respectivamente, del servidor NFS en el que se encuentra la imagen del
-sistema de ficheros en el arranque. Se debe asegurar que estos se ajustan a
-los valores adecuados para la red y el servidor deseados.
+In contrast with the ISO and HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, serve
+the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via NFS. The
+#{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the location
+and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem image will
+be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable values for your
+network and server.
Crear ahora la imagen con el comando #{lb build}#:
diff --git a/manual/fr/live-manual.ssm b/manual/fr/live-manual.ssm
index c8ff380..97e33ea 100644
--- a/manual/fr/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/fr/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
:license: Ce programme est un logiciel libre; vous pouvez le redistribuer ou le modifier suivant les termes de la Licence Générale Publique GNU telle que publiée par la Free Software Foundation: soit la version 3 de cette licence, soit (à votre gré) toute version ultérieure.<br><br>Ce programme est distribué dans l’espoir qu’il vous sera utile, mais SANS AUCUNE GARANTIE: sans même la garantie implicite de COMMERCIALISABILITÉ ni d’ADÉQUATION À UN OBJECTIF PARTICULIER. Consultez la Licence Générale Publique GNU pour plus de détails.<br><br>Vous devriez avoir reçu une copie de la Licence Générale Publique GNU avec ce programme ; si ce n’est pas le cas, consultez http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br>Le texte complet de la Licence Générale Publique GNU peut être trouvé dans le fichier / usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3
- :published: 2012-01-07
+ :published: 2012-01-12
@publisher: Debian Live Project <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/fr/user_basics.ssi b/manual/fr/user_basics.ssi
index d1d62e8..9f5c470 100644
--- a/manual/fr/user_basics.ssi
+++ b/manual/fr/user_basics.ssi
@@ -2,20 +2,17 @@
1~the-basics Les bases
-Ce chapitre contient un bref aperçu du procès de construction et des
-instructions pour utiliser les trois types d'images les plus couramment
-utilisées. Le type d'image le plus polyvalent, #{iso-hybrid}#, peut être
-utilisé sur une machine virtuelle, supports optiques ou un périphérique USB
-de stockage portable. Dans certains cas particuliers, tels que l'utilisation
-de la persistance, le type #{usb-hdd}# peut être plus approprié pour les
-périphériques USB. Le chapitre se termine avec des instructions pour la
-construction et l'utilisation d'une image #{net}# , qui est un peu plus
-compliqué en raison de la configuration requise sur le serveur. C'est un
-sujet un peu avancée pour tous ceux qui ne connaissent pas déjà le démarrage
-par le réseau, mais est inclus ici car une fois la configuration est
-terminée, il est un moyen très pratique pour tester et déployer des images
-pour le démarrage sur le réseau local sans le tracas des supports de
+This chapter contains a brief overview of the build process and instructions
+for using the three most commonly used image types. The most versatile image
+type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, optical media or USB
+portable storage device. In certain special cases, such as the use of
+persistence, #{hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter
+finishes with instructions for building and using a #{net}# type image,
+which is a bit more involved due to the setup required on the server. This
+is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not familiar already with
+netbooting, but is included here because once the setup is done, it is a
+very convenient way to test and deploy images for booting on the local
+network without the hassle of dealing with image media.
Tout au long du chapitre, nous ferons souvent référence à la valeur par
défaut des noms de fichiers produits par live-build. Si vous téléchargez une
@@ -249,17 +246,16 @@ code{
-2~building-usb-hdd Construction d'une image USB/HDD
+2~building-hdd Building an HDD image
-La construction d'une image USB/HDD est similaire à une ISO hybride à tous
-les égards, sauf que vous spécifiez #{-b usb-hdd}# et le nom du fichier
-résultant est #{binary.img}# qui ne peut être brûlé sur des supports
-optiques. Il convient pour le démarrage à partir de clés USB, disques durs
-USB, et divers autres dispositifs de stockage portables. Normalement, une
-image ISO hybride peut être utilisé à cette fin au lieu, mais si vous avez
-un BIOS qui ne gère pas correctement des images hybrides, ou si vous voulez
-utiliser l'espace disponible sur le support à certaines fins, tel que la
-persistance d'une partition, vous devez utiliser une image USB/HDD.
+Building an HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you
+specify #{-b hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which cannot
+be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB sticks, USB
+hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. Normally, an ISO
+hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if you have a BIOS
+which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use the remaining
+space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence partition, you
+need an HDD image.
Remarque: si vous avez créé une image ISO hybride avec l'exemple précédent,
vous devrez nettoyer votre répertoire de travail avec la commande #{lb
@@ -271,12 +267,12 @@ code{
-Exécutez la commande #{lb config}# comme avant, sauf que cette fois en
-spécifiant le type d'image USB/HDD:
+Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the HDD
+image type:
- $ lb config -b usb-hdd
+ $ lb config -b hdd
@@ -291,16 +287,15 @@ code{
Quand la création de l'image est finie, un fichier #{binary.img}# doit être
présent dans le répertoire courant.
-2~using-usb-hdd-image Utiliser une image USB/HDD
+2~using-hdd-image Using an HDD image
-L'image binaire générée contient une partition VFAT et le chargeur de
-démarrage syslinux, prêtes à être écrites directement sur une clé USB. Comme
-l'utilisation d'une image USB/HDD est juste comme l'utilisation d'une image
-ISO hybride sur USB, suivez les instructions {Utiliser une image live ISO
-hybride}#using-iso-hybrid, à l'exception du nom de fichier #{binary.img}# en
-lieu de #{binary-hybrid.iso}#.
+The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux
+bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using an HDD
+image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the instructions
+in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except use the
+filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#.
-3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Test d'une image USB/HDD avec Qemu
+3~testing-hdd-with-qemu Testing an HDD image with Qemu
D'abord, installer QEMU comme décrit ci-dessus dans {Test d'une image ISO
avec QEMU}#testing-iso-with-qemu. Ensuite, exécutez #{kvm}# ou #{qemu}#,
@@ -369,13 +364,12 @@ code{
-Contrairement à les images ISO et USB/HDD netbooting ne serve pas l'image du
-système de fichiers pour le client, afin que les fichiers doivent être
-servis via NFS. Les options #{--net-root-path}# et #{--net-root-server}#
-spécifien l'emplacement et le serveur, respectivement, du serveur NFS sur
-lequel l'image système de fichiers sera situé au moment du
-démarrage. Assurez-vous que ce sont mis à des valeurs appropriées pour votre
-réseau et serveur.
+In contrast with the ISO and HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, serve
+the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via NFS. The
+#{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the location
+and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem image will
+be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable values for your
+network and server.
Maintenant construire l'image avec la commande #{lb build}#
diff --git a/manual/it/live-manual.ssm b/manual/it/live-manual.ssm
index 55f4bad..4fd19df 100644
--- a/manual/it/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/it/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
:license: Questo programma è software libero: è possibile ridistribuirlo e modificarlo secondo i termini della GNU General Public License come pubblicata dalla Free Software Foundation, sia la versione 3 della licenza o (a scelta) una versione successiva.<br><br>Questo programma è distribuito nella speranza che possa essere utile, ma SENZA ALCUNA GARANZIA, nemmeno la garanzia implicita di COMMERCIABILITÀ o IDONEITÀ PER UN PARTICOLARE SCOPO. Vedere la GNU General Public License per ulteriori dettagli.<br><br>Si dovrebbe aver ricevuto una copia della GNU General Public License con questo programma. In caso contrario, vedere http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br>Il testo completo della GNU General Public License può essere trovato nel file /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3.
- :published: 2012-01-07
+ :published: 2012-01-12
@publisher: Debian Live Project <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/it/user_basics.ssi b/manual/it/user_basics.ssi
index 8652ce2..d0479e9 100644
--- a/manual/it/user_basics.ssi
+++ b/manual/it/user_basics.ssi
@@ -2,19 +2,17 @@
1~the-basics Nozioni di base
-Questo capitolo contiene una breve panoramica del processo di generazione e
-le istruzioni per utilizzare i tre tipi di immagine più comunemente
-utilizzati. La tipologia di immagine più versatile, #{iso-hybrid}#, può
-essere usata su una macchina virtuale, supporto ottico o dispositivo di
-archiviazione portatile USB. In alcuni casi particolari, come l'utilizzo
-della persistenza, la #{usb-hdd}# potrebbe essere più adatta per i
-dispositivi USB. Il capitolo termina con le istruzioni per costruire e usare
-un'immagine di tipo #{net}#, che è un poco più complessa a causa del setup
-richiesto sul server. Si tratta di un argomento leggermente avanzato per chi
-non ha familiarità con l'avvio da rete, ma è incluso qui perché, una volta
-che il setup è stato fatto, è un modo molto comodo per collaudare e
-distribuire immagini facendo il boot nella rete locale senza la seccatura di
-doversi occupare dei mezzi di divulgazione dell'immagine.
+This chapter contains a brief overview of the build process and instructions
+for using the three most commonly used image types. The most versatile image
+type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, optical media or USB
+portable storage device. In certain special cases, such as the use of
+persistence, #{hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter
+finishes with instructions for building and using a #{net}# type image,
+which is a bit more involved due to the setup required on the server. This
+is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not familiar already with
+netbooting, but is included here because once the setup is done, it is a
+very convenient way to test and deploy images for booting on the local
+network without the hassle of dealing with image media.
Throughout the chapter, we will often refer to the default filenames
produced by live-build. If you are downloading a prebuilt image instead, the
@@ -242,17 +240,16 @@ code{
-2~building-usb-hdd Creare un'immagine USB/HDD
+2~building-hdd Building an HDD image
-La creazione di un'immagine USB/HDD è simile alla ISO ibrida sotto tutti gli
-aspetti ad eccezione della necessità di specificare l'opzione #{-b usb-hdd}#
-e che il nome del file risultante è #{binary.img}# e non può essere
-masterizzato. È adatta per avviarsi da chiavette USB, dischi rigidi USB, e
-da svariati altri dispositivi di archiviazione portatili. In genere per
-questo scopo può essere usata un'immagine ISO ibrida, ma se si ha un BIOS
-che non supporta le immagini ibride, o si vuole usare lo spazio rimanente
-sul supporto per altri scopi, come una partizione persistente, allora
-occorre un'immagine USB/HDD.
+Building an HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you
+specify #{-b hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which cannot
+be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB sticks, USB
+hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. Normally, an ISO
+hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if you have a BIOS
+which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use the remaining
+space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence partition, you
+need an HDD image.
Nota: se si è creata un'immagine ISO ibrida con gli esempi precedenti,
occorre pulire la directory di lavoro con il comando #{lb clean}# (vedere
@@ -264,12 +261,12 @@ code{
-Eseguire il comando #{lb config}# come prima, questa volta specificando però
-il tipo di immagine USB/HDD:
+Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the HDD
+image type:
- $ lb config -b usb-hdd
+ $ lb config -b hdd
@@ -284,16 +281,15 @@ code{
Quando la costruzione è terminata dovrebbe essere presente un file
#{binary.img}# nella directory corrente.
-2~using-usb-hdd-image Utilizzare un'immagine USB/HDD
+2~using-hdd-image Using an HDD image
-L'immagine binaria generata contiene una partizione VFAT e il bootloader
-syslinux, pronti per essere scritti direttamente su una penna USB. Dal
-momento che utilizzare un'immagine USB/HDD è come utilizzare un'immagine ISO
-ibrida via USB, seguire le istruzioni contenute in {Utilizzare un'immagine
-live ISO ibrida}#using-iso-hybrid tenendo però conto che il nome del file
-sarà #{binary.img}# invece di #{binary-hybrid.iso}#.
+The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux
+bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using an HDD
+image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the instructions
+in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except use the
+filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#.
-3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Provare un'immagine USB/HDD con Qemu
+3~testing-hdd-with-qemu Testing an HDD image with Qemu
Installare QEMU come descritto in {Provare un'immagine ISO con
QEMU}#testing-iso-with-qemu; quindi eseguire #{kvm}# o #{qemu}#, a seconda
@@ -360,12 +356,12 @@ code{
-Diversamente dalle immagini ISO e USB/HDD, il boot via rete non fornisce
-un'immagine del filesytem al client, perciò i file devono essere forniti via
-NFS. Le opzioni net-root-path e net-root-server specificano,
-rispettivamente, il percorso e il server del server NFS dove l'immagine del
-filesystem sarà situata all'avvio. Accertarsi che questi siano impostati su
-valori adeguati alla propria rete.
+In contrast with the ISO and HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, serve
+the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via NFS. The
+#{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the location
+and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem image will
+be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable values for your
+network and server.
Si crei ora l'immagine con il comando #{lb build}#:
diff --git a/manual/po/de/live-manual.ssm.po b/manual/po/de/live-manual.ssm.po
index 553e448..9129633 100644
--- a/manual/po/de/live-manual.ssm.po
+++ b/manual/po/de/live-manual.ssm.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-07 15:40+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-12 08:28-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-23 14:15+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
-" :published: 2012-01-07\n"
+" :published: 2012-01-12\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/po/de/user_basics.ssi.po b/manual/po/de/user_basics.ssi.po
index b9830a3..2f218d4 100644
--- a/manual/po/de/user_basics.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/de/user_basics.ssi.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-02 12:23-0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-12 08:28-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-23 14:15+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/about_manual.ssi:84 en/about_manual.ssi:92 en/about_manual.ssi:100
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-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:320
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:337
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-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:119 en/user_examples.ssi:14
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#: en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
#: en/user_examples.ssi:141 en/user_examples.ssi:149 en/user_examples.ssi:157
#: en/user_examples.ssi:165 en/user_examples.ssi:181 en/user_examples.ssi:193
#: en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:223 en/user_examples.ssi:232
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:271
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:286 en/user_installation.ssi:38
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:267
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:277 en/user_installation.ssi:38
#: en/user_installation.ssi:46 en/user_installation.ssi:56
#: en/user_installation.ssi:64 en/user_installation.ssi:74
#: en/user_installation.ssi:82 en/user_installation.ssi:90
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:35
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:47
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:56 en/user_overview.ssi:36
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:80 en/user_overview.ssi:88
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:48 en/user_overview.ssi:56
msgid "code{"
msgstr ""
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/about_manual.ssi:88 en/about_manual.ssi:96 en/about_manual.ssi:104
#: en/about_manual.ssi:112 en/about_manual.ssi:129 en/about_manual.ssi:142
#: en/about_manual.ssi:151 en/about_manual.ssi:161 en/about_manual.ssi:169
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/about_manual.ssi:185 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:34 en/project_coding-style.ssi:45
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:57 en/project_coding-style.ssi:68
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:96 en/project_coding-style.ssi:104
@@ -107,33 +107,33 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:46 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:59
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:71 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:85
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:105
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-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:150
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:160
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:170
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:180
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-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:208
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:220
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:284
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:296
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:306
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:333
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:341
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-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:28 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:48
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:59 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:67
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:76 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:85
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:105 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:115
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:124 en/user_examples.ssi:20
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:132
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:146
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:156
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:166
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:176
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:189
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:207
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:216
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:280
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:292
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:302
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:329
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:337
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:346 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:21
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:20
#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:61
#: en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89 en/user_examples.ssi:103
#: en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121 en/user_examples.ssi:133
#: en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153 en/user_examples.ssi:161
#: en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189 en/user_examples.ssi:205
#: en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228 en/user_examples.ssi:236
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:267 en/user_examples.ssi:282
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:300 en/user_installation.ssi:42
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263 en/user_examples.ssi:273
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:291 en/user_installation.ssi:42
#: en/user_installation.ssi:50 en/user_installation.ssi:60
#: en/user_installation.ssi:70 en/user_installation.ssi:78
#: en/user_installation.ssi:86 en/user_installation.ssi:94
@@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_installation.ssi:149 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:43
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:52
-#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:74
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:84 en/user_overview.ssi:92
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:42
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:52 en/user_overview.ssi:60
msgid "}code"
msgstr ""
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ msgid ""
"for using the three most commonly used image types. The most versatile image "
"type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, optical media or USB "
"portable storage device. In certain special cases, such as the use of "
-"persistence, #{usb-hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter "
+"persistence, #{hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter "
"finishes with instructions for building and using a #{net}# type image, "
"which is a bit more involved due to the setup required on the server. This "
"is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not familiar already with "
@@ -552,20 +552,20 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:146
-msgid "2~building-usb-hdd Building a USB/HDD image"
+msgid "2~building-hdd Building an HDD image"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:148
msgid ""
-"Building a USB/HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you "
-"specify #{-b usb-hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which "
-"cannot be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB "
-"sticks, USB hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. "
-"Normally, an ISO hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if "
-"you have a BIOS which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use "
-"the remaining space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence "
-"partition, you need a USB/HDD image."
+"Building an HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you "
+"specify #{-b hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which cannot "
+"be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB sticks, USB "
+"hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. Normally, an ISO "
+"hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if you have a BIOS "
+"which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use the remaining "
+"space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence partition, you "
+"need an HDD image."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -585,14 +585,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:158
msgid ""
-"Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the USB/"
-"HDD image type:"
+"Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the HDD "
+"image type:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:162
#, no-wrap
-msgid " $ lb config -b usb-hdd\n"
+msgid " $ lb config -b hdd\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -609,22 +609,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:176
-msgid "2~using-usb-hdd-image Using a USB/HDD image"
+msgid "2~using-hdd-image Using an HDD image"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:178
msgid ""
"The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux "
-"bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using a USB/"
-"HDD image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the "
-"instructions in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except "
-"use the filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
+"bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using an HDD "
+"image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the instructions "
+"in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except use the "
+"filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:180
-msgid "3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Testing a USB/HDD image with Qemu"
+msgid "3~testing-hdd-with-qemu Testing an HDD image with Qemu"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -727,12 +727,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:232
msgid ""
-"In contrast with the ISO and USB/HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, "
-"serve the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via "
-"NFS. The #{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the "
-"location and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem "
-"image will be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable "
-"values for your network and server."
+"In contrast with the ISO and HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, serve "
+"the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via NFS. The "
+"#{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the location "
+"and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem image will "
+"be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable values for your "
+"network and server."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/po/es/live-manual.ssm.po b/manual/po/es/live-manual.ssm.po
index 189a3b4..a46b33f 100644
--- a/manual/po/es/live-manual.ssm.po
+++ b/manual/po/es/live-manual.ssm.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-07 15:40+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-12 08:28-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-12 08:00-0000\n"
"Last-Translator: José Luis Zabalza and Carlos Zuferri «chals» "
"<jlz.3008 at gmail.com> <chals at altorricon.com\n"
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
-" :published: 2012-01-07\n"
+" :published: 2012-01-12\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/po/es/user_basics.ssi.po b/manual/po/es/user_basics.ssi.po
index cbe6b4f..927b47f 100644
--- a/manual/po/es/user_basics.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/es/user_basics.ssi.po
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-02 12:23-0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-12 08:28-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-02 20:28+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: José Luis Zabalza and Carlos Zuferri «chals» "
"<jlz.3008 at gmail.com> <chals at altorricon.com>\n"
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/about_manual.ssi:84 en/about_manual.ssi:92 en/about_manual.ssi:100
#: en/about_manual.ssi:108 en/about_manual.ssi:120 en/about_manual.ssi:133
#: en/about_manual.ssi:146 en/about_manual.ssi:157 en/about_manual.ssi:165
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:173 en/project_bugs.ssi:60
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:173 en/about_manual.ssi:181 en/project_bugs.ssi:60
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:28 en/project_coding-style.ssi:38
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:51 en/project_coding-style.ssi:61
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:92 en/project_coding-style.ssi:100
@@ -47,33 +47,33 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:40 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:54
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:67 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:81
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:101
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:131
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:144
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:154
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:164
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:174
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:188
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:204
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:216
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:280
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:292
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:302
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:320
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:337
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:345 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:14
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:24 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:44
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:54 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:63
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:71 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:80
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:101 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:111
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:119 en/user_examples.ssi:14
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:127
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:140
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:150
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:160
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:170
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:184
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:201
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:211
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:276
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:288
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:298
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:316
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:333
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:341 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:14
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_examples.ssi:14
#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
#: en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83 en/user_examples.ssi:93
#: en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
#: en/user_examples.ssi:141 en/user_examples.ssi:149 en/user_examples.ssi:157
#: en/user_examples.ssi:165 en/user_examples.ssi:181 en/user_examples.ssi:193
#: en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:223 en/user_examples.ssi:232
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:271
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:286 en/user_installation.ssi:38
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:267
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:277 en/user_installation.ssi:38
#: en/user_installation.ssi:46 en/user_installation.ssi:56
#: en/user_installation.ssi:64 en/user_installation.ssi:74
#: en/user_installation.ssi:82 en/user_installation.ssi:90
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:35
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:47
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:56 en/user_overview.ssi:36
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:80 en/user_overview.ssi:88
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:48 en/user_overview.ssi:56
msgid "code{"
msgstr "code{"
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ msgstr "code{"
#: en/about_manual.ssi:88 en/about_manual.ssi:96 en/about_manual.ssi:104
#: en/about_manual.ssi:112 en/about_manual.ssi:129 en/about_manual.ssi:142
#: en/about_manual.ssi:151 en/about_manual.ssi:161 en/about_manual.ssi:169
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/about_manual.ssi:185 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:34 en/project_coding-style.ssi:45
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:57 en/project_coding-style.ssi:68
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:96 en/project_coding-style.ssi:104
@@ -112,33 +112,33 @@ msgstr "code{"
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:46 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:59
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:71 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:85
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:105
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:150
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:160
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:170
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:180
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:192
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:208
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:220
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:284
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:296
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:306
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:333
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:341
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:350 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:18
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:28 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:48
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:59 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:67
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:76 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:85
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:105 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:115
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:124 en/user_examples.ssi:20
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:132
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:146
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:156
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:166
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:176
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:189
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:207
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:216
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:280
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:292
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:302
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:329
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:337
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:346 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:21
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:20
#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:61
#: en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89 en/user_examples.ssi:103
#: en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121 en/user_examples.ssi:133
#: en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153 en/user_examples.ssi:161
#: en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189 en/user_examples.ssi:205
#: en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228 en/user_examples.ssi:236
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:267 en/user_examples.ssi:282
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:300 en/user_installation.ssi:42
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263 en/user_examples.ssi:273
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:291 en/user_installation.ssi:42
#: en/user_installation.ssi:50 en/user_installation.ssi:60
#: en/user_installation.ssi:70 en/user_installation.ssi:78
#: en/user_installation.ssi:86 en/user_installation.ssi:94
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ msgstr "code{"
#: en/user_installation.ssi:149 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:43
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:52
-#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:74
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:84 en/user_overview.ssi:92
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:42
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:52 en/user_overview.ssi:60
msgid "}code"
msgstr "}code"
@@ -163,12 +163,26 @@ msgstr "1~the-basics Conceptos básicos"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:6
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "This chapter contains a brief overview of the build process and "
+#| "instructions for using the three most commonly used image types. The most "
+#| "versatile image type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, "
+#| "optical media or USB portable storage device. In certain special cases, "
+#| "such as the use of persistence, #{usb-hdd}# may be more suitable for USB "
+#| "devices. The chapter finishes with instructions for building and using a #"
+#| "{net}# type image, which is a bit more involved due to the setup required "
+#| "on the server. This is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not "
+#| "familiar already with netbooting, but is included here because once the "
+#| "setup is done, it is a very convenient way to test and deploy images for "
+#| "booting on the local network without the hassle of dealing with image "
+#| "media."
msgid ""
"This chapter contains a brief overview of the build process and instructions "
"for using the three most commonly used image types. The most versatile image "
"type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, optical media or USB "
"portable storage device. In certain special cases, such as the use of "
-"persistence, #{usb-hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter "
+"persistence, #{hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter "
"finishes with instructions for building and using a #{net}# type image, "
"which is a bit more involved due to the setup required on the server. This "
"is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not familiar already with "
@@ -701,20 +715,32 @@ msgstr " $ echo virtualbox-ose-guest-x11 >> config/package-lists/my.list.chroot\
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:146
-msgid "2~building-usb-hdd Building a USB/HDD image"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "2~building-usb-hdd Building a USB/HDD image"
+msgid "2~building-hdd Building an HDD image"
msgstr "2~building-usb-hdd Crear una imagen USB/HDD"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:148
-msgid ""
-"Building a USB/HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you "
-"specify #{-b usb-hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which "
-"cannot be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB "
-"sticks, USB hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. "
-"Normally, an ISO hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if "
-"you have a BIOS which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use "
-"the remaining space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence "
-"partition, you need a USB/HDD image."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Building a USB/HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except "
+#| "you specify #{-b usb-hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# "
+#| "which cannot be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from "
+#| "USB sticks, USB hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. "
+#| "Normally, an ISO hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but "
+#| "if you have a BIOS which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want "
+#| "to use the remaining space on the media for some purpose, such as a "
+#| "persistence partition, you need a USB/HDD image."
+msgid ""
+"Building an HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you "
+"specify #{-b hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which cannot "
+"be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB sticks, USB "
+"hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. Normally, an ISO "
+"hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if you have a BIOS "
+"which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use the remaining "
+"space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence partition, you "
+"need an HDD image."
msgstr ""
"La siguiente secuencia de comandos creará una imagen USB/HDD básica que "
"contendrá sólo el sistema estándar de Debian sin X.org. Es adecuada para el "
@@ -744,17 +770,22 @@ msgstr " # lb clean --binary\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:158
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the "
+#| "USB/HDD image type:"
msgid ""
-"Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the USB/"
-"HDD image type:"
+"Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the HDD "
+"image type:"
msgstr ""
"Ejecutar el comando #{lb config}# como antes pero esta vez especificando el "
"tipo de imagen USB/HDD:"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:162
-#, no-wrap
-msgid " $ lb config -b usb-hdd\n"
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid " $ lb config -b usb-hdd\n"
+msgid " $ lb config -b hdd\n"
msgstr " $ lb config -b usb-hdd\n"
#. type: Plain text
@@ -773,17 +804,26 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:176
-msgid "2~using-usb-hdd-image Using a USB/HDD image"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "2~using-usb-hdd-image Using a USB/HDD image"
+msgid "2~using-hdd-image Using an HDD image"
msgstr "2~using-usb-hdd-image Utilizar una imágen USB/HDD"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:178
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux "
+#| "bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using a "
+#| "USB/HDD image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the "
+#| "instructions in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except "
+#| "use the filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
msgid ""
"The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux "
-"bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using a USB/"
-"HDD image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the "
-"instructions in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except "
-"use the filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
+"bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using an HDD "
+"image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the instructions "
+"in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except use the "
+"filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
msgstr ""
"La imagen binaria generada contiene una partición VFAT y el gestor de "
"arranque syslinux, lista para ser copiada directamente en un dispositivo "
@@ -794,7 +834,9 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:180
-msgid "3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Testing a USB/HDD image with Qemu"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Testing a USB/HDD image with Qemu"
+msgid "3~testing-hdd-with-qemu Testing an HDD image with Qemu"
msgstr "3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Probar una imágen USB/HDD con Qemu"
#. type: Plain text
@@ -918,13 +960,21 @@ msgstr " $ lb config -b net --net-root-path \"/srv/debian-live\" --net-root-serv
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:232
-msgid ""
-"In contrast with the ISO and USB/HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, "
-"serve the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via "
-"NFS. The #{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the "
-"location and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem "
-"image will be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable "
-"values for your network and server."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "In contrast with the ISO and USB/HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, "
+#| "serve the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via "
+#| "NFS. The #{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify "
+#| "the location and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the "
+#| "filesytem image will be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to "
+#| "suitable values for your network and server."
+msgid ""
+"In contrast with the ISO and HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, serve "
+"the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via NFS. The "
+"#{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the location "
+"and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem image will "
+"be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable values for your "
+"network and server."
msgstr ""
"A diferencia de las imágenes ISO y USB/HDD, el sistema de arranque en red en "
"sí mismo no envía la imagen del sistema de ficheros al cliente, por eso los "
diff --git a/manual/po/fr/live-manual.ssm.po b/manual/po/fr/live-manual.ssm.po
index 8a581e1..069b9b4 100644
--- a/manual/po/fr/live-manual.ssm.po
+++ b/manual/po/fr/live-manual.ssm.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual 2.0.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-07 15:40+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-12 08:28-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-19 16:32+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Carlos Zuferri «chals» <chals at altorricon.com>\n"
"Language-Team: <debian-live at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
-" :published: 2012-01-07\n"
+" :published: 2012-01-12\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/po/fr/user_basics.ssi.po b/manual/po/fr/user_basics.ssi.po
index 8fa18db..9ba471c 100644
--- a/manual/po/fr/user_basics.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/fr/user_basics.ssi.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual 2.0.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-02 12:23-0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-12 08:28-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-06-26 20:10+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Carlos Zuferri «chals» <chals at altorricon.com>\n"
"Language-Team: <debian-live at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/about_manual.ssi:84 en/about_manual.ssi:92 en/about_manual.ssi:100
#: en/about_manual.ssi:108 en/about_manual.ssi:120 en/about_manual.ssi:133
#: en/about_manual.ssi:146 en/about_manual.ssi:157 en/about_manual.ssi:165
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:173 en/project_bugs.ssi:60
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:173 en/about_manual.ssi:181 en/project_bugs.ssi:60
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:28 en/project_coding-style.ssi:38
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:51 en/project_coding-style.ssi:61
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:92 en/project_coding-style.ssi:100
@@ -43,33 +43,33 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:40 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:54
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:67 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:81
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:101
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:131
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:144
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:154
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:164
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:174
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:188
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:204
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:216
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:280
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:292
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:302
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:320
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:337
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:345 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:14
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:24 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:44
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:54 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:63
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:71 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:80
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:101 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:111
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:119 en/user_examples.ssi:14
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:127
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:140
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:150
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:160
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:170
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:184
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:201
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:211
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:276
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:288
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:298
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:316
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:333
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:341 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:14
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_examples.ssi:14
#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
#: en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83 en/user_examples.ssi:93
#: en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
#: en/user_examples.ssi:141 en/user_examples.ssi:149 en/user_examples.ssi:157
#: en/user_examples.ssi:165 en/user_examples.ssi:181 en/user_examples.ssi:193
#: en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:223 en/user_examples.ssi:232
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:271
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:286 en/user_installation.ssi:38
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:267
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:277 en/user_installation.ssi:38
#: en/user_installation.ssi:46 en/user_installation.ssi:56
#: en/user_installation.ssi:64 en/user_installation.ssi:74
#: en/user_installation.ssi:82 en/user_installation.ssi:90
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:35
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:47
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:56 en/user_overview.ssi:36
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:80 en/user_overview.ssi:88
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:48 en/user_overview.ssi:56
msgid "code{"
msgstr "code{"
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ msgstr "code{"
#: en/about_manual.ssi:88 en/about_manual.ssi:96 en/about_manual.ssi:104
#: en/about_manual.ssi:112 en/about_manual.ssi:129 en/about_manual.ssi:142
#: en/about_manual.ssi:151 en/about_manual.ssi:161 en/about_manual.ssi:169
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/about_manual.ssi:185 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:34 en/project_coding-style.ssi:45
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:57 en/project_coding-style.ssi:68
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:96 en/project_coding-style.ssi:104
@@ -108,33 +108,33 @@ msgstr "code{"
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:46 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:59
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:71 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:85
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:105
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:150
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:160
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:170
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:180
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:192
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:208
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:220
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:284
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:296
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:306
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:333
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:341
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:350 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:18
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:28 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:48
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:59 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:67
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:76 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:85
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:105 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:115
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:124 en/user_examples.ssi:20
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:132
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:146
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:156
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:166
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:176
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:189
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:207
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:216
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:280
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:292
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:302
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:329
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:337
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:346 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:21
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:20
#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:61
#: en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89 en/user_examples.ssi:103
#: en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121 en/user_examples.ssi:133
#: en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153 en/user_examples.ssi:161
#: en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189 en/user_examples.ssi:205
#: en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228 en/user_examples.ssi:236
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:267 en/user_examples.ssi:282
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:300 en/user_installation.ssi:42
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263 en/user_examples.ssi:273
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:291 en/user_installation.ssi:42
#: en/user_installation.ssi:50 en/user_installation.ssi:60
#: en/user_installation.ssi:70 en/user_installation.ssi:78
#: en/user_installation.ssi:86 en/user_installation.ssi:94
@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ msgstr "code{"
#: en/user_installation.ssi:149 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:43
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:52
-#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:74
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:84 en/user_overview.ssi:92
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:42
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:52 en/user_overview.ssi:60
msgid "}code"
msgstr "}code"
@@ -159,12 +159,26 @@ msgstr "1~the-basics Les bases"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:6
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "This chapter contains a brief overview of the build process and "
+#| "instructions for using the three most commonly used image types. The most "
+#| "versatile image type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, "
+#| "optical media or USB portable storage device. In certain special cases, "
+#| "such as the use of persistence, #{usb-hdd}# may be more suitable for USB "
+#| "devices. The chapter finishes with instructions for building and using a #"
+#| "{net}# type image, which is a bit more involved due to the setup required "
+#| "on the server. This is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not "
+#| "familiar already with netbooting, but is included here because once the "
+#| "setup is done, it is a very convenient way to test and deploy images for "
+#| "booting on the local network without the hassle of dealing with image "
+#| "media."
msgid ""
"This chapter contains a brief overview of the build process and instructions "
"for using the three most commonly used image types. The most versatile image "
"type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, optical media or USB "
"portable storage device. In certain special cases, such as the use of "
-"persistence, #{usb-hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter "
+"persistence, #{hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter "
"finishes with instructions for building and using a #{net}# type image, "
"which is a bit more involved due to the setup required on the server. This "
"is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not familiar already with "
@@ -693,20 +707,32 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:146
-msgid "2~building-usb-hdd Building a USB/HDD image"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "2~building-usb-hdd Building a USB/HDD image"
+msgid "2~building-hdd Building an HDD image"
msgstr "2~building-usb-hdd Construction d'une image USB/HDD"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:148
-msgid ""
-"Building a USB/HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you "
-"specify #{-b usb-hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which "
-"cannot be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB "
-"sticks, USB hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. "
-"Normally, an ISO hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if "
-"you have a BIOS which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use "
-"the remaining space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence "
-"partition, you need a USB/HDD image."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Building a USB/HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except "
+#| "you specify #{-b usb-hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# "
+#| "which cannot be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from "
+#| "USB sticks, USB hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. "
+#| "Normally, an ISO hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but "
+#| "if you have a BIOS which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want "
+#| "to use the remaining space on the media for some purpose, such as a "
+#| "persistence partition, you need a USB/HDD image."
+msgid ""
+"Building an HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you "
+"specify #{-b hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which cannot "
+"be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB sticks, USB "
+"hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. Normally, an ISO "
+"hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if you have a BIOS "
+"which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use the remaining "
+"space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence partition, you "
+"need an HDD image."
msgstr ""
"La construction d'une image USB/HDD est similaire à une ISO hybride à tous "
"les égards, sauf que vous spécifiez #{-b usb-hdd}# et le nom du fichier "
@@ -737,18 +763,23 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:158
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the "
+#| "USB/HDD image type:"
msgid ""
-"Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the USB/"
-"HDD image type:"
+"Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the HDD "
+"image type:"
msgstr ""
"Exécutez la commande #{lb config}# comme avant, sauf que cette fois en "
"spécifiant le type d'image USB/HDD:"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:162
-#, no-wrap
-msgid " $ lb config -b usb-hdd\n"
-msgstr ""
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid " $ lb config\n"
+msgid " $ lb config -b hdd\n"
+msgstr " $ lb config\n"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:166 en/user_basics.ssi:234
@@ -766,17 +797,26 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:176
-msgid "2~using-usb-hdd-image Using a USB/HDD image"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "2~using-usb-hdd-image Using a USB/HDD image"
+msgid "2~using-hdd-image Using an HDD image"
msgstr "2~using-usb-hdd-image Utiliser une image USB/HDD"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:178
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux "
+#| "bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using a "
+#| "USB/HDD image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the "
+#| "instructions in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except "
+#| "use the filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
msgid ""
"The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux "
-"bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using a USB/"
-"HDD image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the "
-"instructions in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except "
-"use the filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
+"bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using an HDD "
+"image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the instructions "
+"in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except use the "
+"filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
msgstr ""
"L'image binaire générée contient une partition VFAT et le chargeur de "
"démarrage syslinux, prêtes à être écrites directement sur une clé USB. Comme "
@@ -787,7 +827,9 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:180
-msgid "3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Testing a USB/HDD image with Qemu"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Testing a USB/HDD image with Qemu"
+msgid "3~testing-hdd-with-qemu Testing an HDD image with Qemu"
msgstr "3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Test d'une image USB/HDD avec Qemu"
#. type: Plain text
@@ -913,13 +955,21 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:232
-msgid ""
-"In contrast with the ISO and USB/HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, "
-"serve the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via "
-"NFS. The #{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the "
-"location and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem "
-"image will be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable "
-"values for your network and server."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "In contrast with the ISO and USB/HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, "
+#| "serve the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via "
+#| "NFS. The #{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify "
+#| "the location and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the "
+#| "filesytem image will be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to "
+#| "suitable values for your network and server."
+msgid ""
+"In contrast with the ISO and HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, serve "
+"the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via NFS. The "
+"#{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the location "
+"and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem image will "
+"be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable values for your "
+"network and server."
msgstr ""
"Contrairement à les images ISO et USB/HDD netbooting ne serve pas l'image du "
"système de fichiers pour le client, afin que les fichiers doivent être "
diff --git a/manual/po/it/live-manual.ssm.po b/manual/po/it/live-manual.ssm.po
index 66d2a2c..d71477f 100644
--- a/manual/po/it/live-manual.ssm.po
+++ b/manual/po/it/live-manual.ssm.po
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual 2.0.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-07 15:40+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-12 08:28-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-11 10:33+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: skizzhg <skizzhg at gmx.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian <tp at lists.linux.it>\n"
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
-" :published: 2012-01-07\n"
+" :published: 2012-01-12\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/po/it/user_basics.ssi.po b/manual/po/it/user_basics.ssi.po
index ffbd9bd..46e5e3c 100644
--- a/manual/po/it/user_basics.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/it/user_basics.ssi.po
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual 2.0.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-02 12:23-0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-12 08:28-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-16 03:29+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: skizzhg <skizzhg at gmx.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian <tp at lists.linux.it>\n"
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/about_manual.ssi:84 en/about_manual.ssi:92 en/about_manual.ssi:100
#: en/about_manual.ssi:108 en/about_manual.ssi:120 en/about_manual.ssi:133
#: en/about_manual.ssi:146 en/about_manual.ssi:157 en/about_manual.ssi:165
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#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:51 en/project_coding-style.ssi:61
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:92 en/project_coding-style.ssi:100
@@ -44,33 +44,33 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:40 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:54
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:67 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:81
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:101
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:131
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:144
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:154
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:164
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:174
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:188
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:204
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:216
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:280
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:292
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:302
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:320
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:337
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:345 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:14
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:24 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:44
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:54 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:63
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:71 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:80
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:101 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:111
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:119 en/user_examples.ssi:14
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+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:140
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:150
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:160
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:170
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:184
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:201
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:211
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:276
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:288
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:298
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:316
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:333
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:341 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:14
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_examples.ssi:14
#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
#: en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83 en/user_examples.ssi:93
#: en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
#: en/user_examples.ssi:141 en/user_examples.ssi:149 en/user_examples.ssi:157
#: en/user_examples.ssi:165 en/user_examples.ssi:181 en/user_examples.ssi:193
#: en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:223 en/user_examples.ssi:232
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:271
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:286 en/user_installation.ssi:38
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:267
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:277 en/user_installation.ssi:38
#: en/user_installation.ssi:46 en/user_installation.ssi:56
#: en/user_installation.ssi:64 en/user_installation.ssi:74
#: en/user_installation.ssi:82 en/user_installation.ssi:90
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:35
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:47
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:56 en/user_overview.ssi:36
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:80 en/user_overview.ssi:88
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:48 en/user_overview.ssi:56
msgid "code{"
msgstr "code{"
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ msgstr "code{"
#: en/about_manual.ssi:88 en/about_manual.ssi:96 en/about_manual.ssi:104
#: en/about_manual.ssi:112 en/about_manual.ssi:129 en/about_manual.ssi:142
#: en/about_manual.ssi:151 en/about_manual.ssi:161 en/about_manual.ssi:169
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/about_manual.ssi:185 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:34 en/project_coding-style.ssi:45
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:57 en/project_coding-style.ssi:68
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:96 en/project_coding-style.ssi:104
@@ -109,33 +109,33 @@ msgstr "code{"
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:46 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:59
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:71 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:85
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:105
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:150
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:160
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:170
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:180
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:192
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:208
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:220
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:284
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:296
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:306
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:333
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:341
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:350 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:18
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:28 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:48
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:59 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:67
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:76 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:85
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:105 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:115
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:124 en/user_examples.ssi:20
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:132
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:146
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:156
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:166
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:176
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:189
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:207
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:216
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:280
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:292
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:302
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:329
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:337
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:346 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:21
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:20
#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:61
#: en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89 en/user_examples.ssi:103
#: en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121 en/user_examples.ssi:133
#: en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153 en/user_examples.ssi:161
#: en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189 en/user_examples.ssi:205
#: en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228 en/user_examples.ssi:236
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:267 en/user_examples.ssi:282
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:300 en/user_installation.ssi:42
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263 en/user_examples.ssi:273
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:291 en/user_installation.ssi:42
#: en/user_installation.ssi:50 en/user_installation.ssi:60
#: en/user_installation.ssi:70 en/user_installation.ssi:78
#: en/user_installation.ssi:86 en/user_installation.ssi:94
@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@ msgstr "code{"
#: en/user_installation.ssi:149 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:43
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:52
-#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:74
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:84 en/user_overview.ssi:92
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:42
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:52 en/user_overview.ssi:60
msgid "}code"
msgstr "}code"
@@ -160,12 +160,26 @@ msgstr "1~the-basics Nozioni di base"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:6
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "This chapter contains a brief overview of the build process and "
+#| "instructions for using the three most commonly used image types. The most "
+#| "versatile image type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, "
+#| "optical media or USB portable storage device. In certain special cases, "
+#| "such as the use of persistence, #{usb-hdd}# may be more suitable for USB "
+#| "devices. The chapter finishes with instructions for building and using a #"
+#| "{net}# type image, which is a bit more involved due to the setup required "
+#| "on the server. This is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not "
+#| "familiar already with netbooting, but is included here because once the "
+#| "setup is done, it is a very convenient way to test and deploy images for "
+#| "booting on the local network without the hassle of dealing with image "
+#| "media."
msgid ""
"This chapter contains a brief overview of the build process and instructions "
"for using the three most commonly used image types. The most versatile image "
"type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, optical media or USB "
"portable storage device. In certain special cases, such as the use of "
-"persistence, #{usb-hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter "
+"persistence, #{hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter "
"finishes with instructions for building and using a #{net}# type image, "
"which is a bit more involved due to the setup required on the server. This "
"is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not familiar already with "
@@ -681,20 +695,32 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:146
-msgid "2~building-usb-hdd Building a USB/HDD image"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "2~building-usb-hdd Building a USB/HDD image"
+msgid "2~building-hdd Building an HDD image"
msgstr "2~building-usb-hdd Creare un'immagine USB/HDD"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:148
-msgid ""
-"Building a USB/HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you "
-"specify #{-b usb-hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which "
-"cannot be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB "
-"sticks, USB hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. "
-"Normally, an ISO hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if "
-"you have a BIOS which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use "
-"the remaining space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence "
-"partition, you need a USB/HDD image."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Building a USB/HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except "
+#| "you specify #{-b usb-hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# "
+#| "which cannot be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from "
+#| "USB sticks, USB hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. "
+#| "Normally, an ISO hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but "
+#| "if you have a BIOS which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want "
+#| "to use the remaining space on the media for some purpose, such as a "
+#| "persistence partition, you need a USB/HDD image."
+msgid ""
+"Building an HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you "
+"specify #{-b hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which cannot "
+"be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB sticks, USB "
+"hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. Normally, an ISO "
+"hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if you have a BIOS "
+"which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use the remaining "
+"space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence partition, you "
+"need an HDD image."
msgstr ""
"La creazione di un'immagine USB/HDD è simile alla ISO ibrida sotto tutti gli "
"aspetti ad eccezione della necessità di specificare l'opzione #{-b usb-hdd}# "
@@ -725,9 +751,13 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:158
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the "
+#| "USB/HDD image type:"
msgid ""
-"Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the USB/"
-"HDD image type:"
+"Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the HDD "
+"image type:"
msgstr ""
"Eseguire il comando #{lb config}# come prima, questa volta specificando però "
"il tipo di immagine USB/HDD:"
@@ -735,7 +765,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:162
#, no-wrap
-msgid " $ lb config -b usb-hdd\n"
+msgid " $ lb config -b hdd\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -754,17 +784,26 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:176
-msgid "2~using-usb-hdd-image Using a USB/HDD image"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "2~using-usb-hdd-image Using a USB/HDD image"
+msgid "2~using-hdd-image Using an HDD image"
msgstr "2~using-usb-hdd-image Utilizzare un'immagine USB/HDD"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:178
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux "
+#| "bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using a "
+#| "USB/HDD image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the "
+#| "instructions in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except "
+#| "use the filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
msgid ""
"The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux "
-"bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using a USB/"
-"HDD image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the "
-"instructions in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except "
-"use the filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
+"bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using an HDD "
+"image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the instructions "
+"in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except use the "
+"filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
msgstr ""
"L'immagine binaria generata contiene una partizione VFAT e il bootloader "
"syslinux, pronti per essere scritti direttamente su una penna USB. Dal "
@@ -775,7 +814,9 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:180
-msgid "3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Testing a USB/HDD image with Qemu"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid "3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Testing a USB/HDD image with Qemu"
+msgid "3~testing-hdd-with-qemu Testing an HDD image with Qemu"
msgstr "3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Provare un'immagine USB/HDD con Qemu"
#. type: Plain text
@@ -899,13 +940,21 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:232
-msgid ""
-"In contrast with the ISO and USB/HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, "
-"serve the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via "
-"NFS. The #{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the "
-"location and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem "
-"image will be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable "
-"values for your network and server."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "In contrast with the ISO and USB/HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, "
+#| "serve the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via "
+#| "NFS. The #{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify "
+#| "the location and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the "
+#| "filesytem image will be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to "
+#| "suitable values for your network and server."
+msgid ""
+"In contrast with the ISO and HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, serve "
+"the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via NFS. The "
+"#{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the location "
+"and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem image will "
+"be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable values for your "
+"network and server."
msgstr ""
"Diversamente dalle immagini ISO e USB/HDD, il boot via rete non fornisce "
"un'immagine del filesytem al client, perciò i file devono essere forniti via "
diff --git a/manual/po/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm.po b/manual/po/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm.po
index e0b6afb..ebe1f93 100644
--- a/manual/po/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm.po
+++ b/manual/po/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual 2.0.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-07 15:40+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-12 08:28-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-22 07:52-0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
-" :published: 2012-01-07\n"
+" :published: 2012-01-12\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/po/pt_BR/user_basics.ssi.po b/manual/po/pt_BR/user_basics.ssi.po
index 3ed9064..e8d7712 100644
--- a/manual/po/pt_BR/user_basics.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/pt_BR/user_basics.ssi.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual 2.0.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-02 12:23-0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-12 08:28-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-20 06:53-0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/about_manual.ssi:84 en/about_manual.ssi:92 en/about_manual.ssi:100
#: en/about_manual.ssi:108 en/about_manual.ssi:120 en/about_manual.ssi:133
#: en/about_manual.ssi:146 en/about_manual.ssi:157 en/about_manual.ssi:165
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:173 en/project_bugs.ssi:60
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:173 en/about_manual.ssi:181 en/project_bugs.ssi:60
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#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:51 en/project_coding-style.ssi:61
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:92 en/project_coding-style.ssi:100
@@ -42,33 +42,33 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:40 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:54
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:67 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:81
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:101
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:131
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:144
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:154
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:164
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:174
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:188
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:204
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:216
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:280
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:292
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:302
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:320
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:337
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:345 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:14
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:24 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:44
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:54 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:63
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:71 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:80
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:101 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:111
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:119 en/user_examples.ssi:14
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:127
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:140
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:150
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:160
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:170
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:184
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:201
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:211
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:276
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:288
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:298
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:316
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:333
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:341 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:14
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_examples.ssi:14
#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
#: en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83 en/user_examples.ssi:93
#: en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
#: en/user_examples.ssi:141 en/user_examples.ssi:149 en/user_examples.ssi:157
#: en/user_examples.ssi:165 en/user_examples.ssi:181 en/user_examples.ssi:193
#: en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:223 en/user_examples.ssi:232
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:271
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:286 en/user_installation.ssi:38
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:267
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:277 en/user_installation.ssi:38
#: en/user_installation.ssi:46 en/user_installation.ssi:56
#: en/user_installation.ssi:64 en/user_installation.ssi:74
#: en/user_installation.ssi:82 en/user_installation.ssi:90
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:35
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:47
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:56 en/user_overview.ssi:36
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:80 en/user_overview.ssi:88
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:48 en/user_overview.ssi:56
msgid "code{"
msgstr "code{"
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ msgstr "code{"
#: en/about_manual.ssi:88 en/about_manual.ssi:96 en/about_manual.ssi:104
#: en/about_manual.ssi:112 en/about_manual.ssi:129 en/about_manual.ssi:142
#: en/about_manual.ssi:151 en/about_manual.ssi:161 en/about_manual.ssi:169
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/about_manual.ssi:185 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:34 en/project_coding-style.ssi:45
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:57 en/project_coding-style.ssi:68
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:96 en/project_coding-style.ssi:104
@@ -107,33 +107,33 @@ msgstr "code{"
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:46 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:59
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:71 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:85
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:105
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:150
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:160
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:170
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:180
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:192
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:208
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:220
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:284
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:296
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:306
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:333
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:341
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:350 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:18
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:28 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:48
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:59 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:67
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:76 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:85
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:105 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:115
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:124 en/user_examples.ssi:20
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:132
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:146
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:156
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:166
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:176
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:189
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:207
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:216
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:280
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:292
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:302
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:329
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:337
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:346 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:21
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:20
#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:61
#: en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89 en/user_examples.ssi:103
#: en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121 en/user_examples.ssi:133
#: en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153 en/user_examples.ssi:161
#: en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189 en/user_examples.ssi:205
#: en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228 en/user_examples.ssi:236
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:267 en/user_examples.ssi:282
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:300 en/user_installation.ssi:42
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263 en/user_examples.ssi:273
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:291 en/user_installation.ssi:42
#: en/user_installation.ssi:50 en/user_installation.ssi:60
#: en/user_installation.ssi:70 en/user_installation.ssi:78
#: en/user_installation.ssi:86 en/user_installation.ssi:94
@@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ msgstr "code{"
#: en/user_installation.ssi:149 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:43
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:52
-#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:74
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:84 en/user_overview.ssi:92
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:42
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:52 en/user_overview.ssi:60
msgid "}code"
msgstr "}code"
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ msgid ""
"for using the three most commonly used image types. The most versatile image "
"type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, optical media or USB "
"portable storage device. In certain special cases, such as the use of "
-"persistence, #{usb-hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter "
+"persistence, #{hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter "
"finishes with instructions for building and using a #{net}# type image, "
"which is a bit more involved due to the setup required on the server. This "
"is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not familiar already with "
@@ -552,20 +552,20 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:146
-msgid "2~building-usb-hdd Building a USB/HDD image"
+msgid "2~building-hdd Building an HDD image"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:148
msgid ""
-"Building a USB/HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you "
-"specify #{-b usb-hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which "
-"cannot be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB "
-"sticks, USB hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. "
-"Normally, an ISO hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if "
-"you have a BIOS which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use "
-"the remaining space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence "
-"partition, you need a USB/HDD image."
+"Building an HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you "
+"specify #{-b hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which cannot "
+"be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB sticks, USB "
+"hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. Normally, an ISO "
+"hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if you have a BIOS "
+"which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use the remaining "
+"space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence partition, you "
+"need an HDD image."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -585,14 +585,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:158
msgid ""
-"Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the USB/"
-"HDD image type:"
+"Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the HDD "
+"image type:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:162
#, no-wrap
-msgid " $ lb config -b usb-hdd\n"
+msgid " $ lb config -b hdd\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -609,22 +609,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:176
-msgid "2~using-usb-hdd-image Using a USB/HDD image"
+msgid "2~using-hdd-image Using an HDD image"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:178
msgid ""
"The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux "
-"bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using a USB/"
-"HDD image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the "
-"instructions in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except "
-"use the filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
+"bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using an HDD "
+"image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the instructions "
+"in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except use the "
+"filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:180
-msgid "3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Testing a USB/HDD image with Qemu"
+msgid "3~testing-hdd-with-qemu Testing an HDD image with Qemu"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -727,12 +727,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:232
msgid ""
-"In contrast with the ISO and USB/HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, "
-"serve the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via "
-"NFS. The #{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the "
-"location and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem "
-"image will be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable "
-"values for your network and server."
+"In contrast with the ISO and HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, serve "
+"the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via NFS. The "
+"#{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the location "
+"and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem image will "
+"be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable values for your "
+"network and server."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/po/ro/live-manual.ssm.po b/manual/po/ro/live-manual.ssm.po
index 71e983f..089fac8 100644
--- a/manual/po/ro/live-manual.ssm.po
+++ b/manual/po/ro/live-manual.ssm.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual 2.0.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-07 15:40+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-12 08:28-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-23 00:04+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
-" :published: 2012-01-07\n"
+" :published: 2012-01-12\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/po/ro/user_basics.ssi.po b/manual/po/ro/user_basics.ssi.po
index 94812d3..dd059e7 100644
--- a/manual/po/ro/user_basics.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/ro/user_basics.ssi.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual 2.0.0\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-02 12:23-0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-12 08:28-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2010-10-23 16:43+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/about_manual.ssi:84 en/about_manual.ssi:92 en/about_manual.ssi:100
#: en/about_manual.ssi:108 en/about_manual.ssi:120 en/about_manual.ssi:133
#: en/about_manual.ssi:146 en/about_manual.ssi:157 en/about_manual.ssi:165
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:173 en/project_bugs.ssi:60
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:173 en/about_manual.ssi:181 en/project_bugs.ssi:60
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:28 en/project_coding-style.ssi:38
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:51 en/project_coding-style.ssi:61
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:92 en/project_coding-style.ssi:100
@@ -43,33 +43,33 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:40 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:54
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:67 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:81
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:101
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:131
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:144
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:154
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:164
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:174
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:188
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:204
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:216
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:280
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:292
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:302
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:320
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:337
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:345 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:14
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:24 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:44
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:54 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:63
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:71 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:80
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:101 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:111
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:119 en/user_examples.ssi:14
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:127
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:140
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:150
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:160
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:170
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:184
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:201
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:211
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:276
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:288
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:298
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:316
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:333
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:341 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:14
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_examples.ssi:14
#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
#: en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83 en/user_examples.ssi:93
#: en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
#: en/user_examples.ssi:141 en/user_examples.ssi:149 en/user_examples.ssi:157
#: en/user_examples.ssi:165 en/user_examples.ssi:181 en/user_examples.ssi:193
#: en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:223 en/user_examples.ssi:232
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:271
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:286 en/user_installation.ssi:38
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:267
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:277 en/user_installation.ssi:38
#: en/user_installation.ssi:46 en/user_installation.ssi:56
#: en/user_installation.ssi:64 en/user_installation.ssi:74
#: en/user_installation.ssi:82 en/user_installation.ssi:90
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:35
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:47
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:56 en/user_overview.ssi:36
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:80 en/user_overview.ssi:88
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:48 en/user_overview.ssi:56
msgid "code{"
msgstr "code{"
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ msgstr "code{"
#: en/about_manual.ssi:88 en/about_manual.ssi:96 en/about_manual.ssi:104
#: en/about_manual.ssi:112 en/about_manual.ssi:129 en/about_manual.ssi:142
#: en/about_manual.ssi:151 en/about_manual.ssi:161 en/about_manual.ssi:169
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/about_manual.ssi:185 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:34 en/project_coding-style.ssi:45
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:57 en/project_coding-style.ssi:68
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:96 en/project_coding-style.ssi:104
@@ -108,33 +108,33 @@ msgstr "code{"
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:46 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:59
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:71 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:85
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:105
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:150
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:160
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:170
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:180
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:192
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:208
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:220
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:284
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:296
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:306
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:333
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:341
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:350 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:18
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:28 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:48
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:59 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:67
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:76 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:85
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:105 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:115
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:124 en/user_examples.ssi:20
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:132
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:146
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:156
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:166
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:176
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:189
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:207
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:216
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:280
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:292
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:302
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:329
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:337
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:346 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:21
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:20
#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:61
#: en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89 en/user_examples.ssi:103
#: en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121 en/user_examples.ssi:133
#: en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153 en/user_examples.ssi:161
#: en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189 en/user_examples.ssi:205
#: en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228 en/user_examples.ssi:236
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:267 en/user_examples.ssi:282
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:300 en/user_installation.ssi:42
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263 en/user_examples.ssi:273
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:291 en/user_installation.ssi:42
#: en/user_installation.ssi:50 en/user_installation.ssi:60
#: en/user_installation.ssi:70 en/user_installation.ssi:78
#: en/user_installation.ssi:86 en/user_installation.ssi:94
@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ msgstr "code{"
#: en/user_installation.ssi:149 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:43
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:52
-#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:74
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:84 en/user_overview.ssi:92
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:42
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:52 en/user_overview.ssi:60
msgid "}code"
msgstr "}code"
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ msgid ""
"for using the three most commonly used image types. The most versatile image "
"type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, optical media or USB "
"portable storage device. In certain special cases, such as the use of "
-"persistence, #{usb-hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter "
+"persistence, #{hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter "
"finishes with instructions for building and using a #{net}# type image, "
"which is a bit more involved due to the setup required on the server. This "
"is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not familiar already with "
@@ -553,20 +553,20 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:146
-msgid "2~building-usb-hdd Building a USB/HDD image"
+msgid "2~building-hdd Building an HDD image"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:148
msgid ""
-"Building a USB/HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you "
-"specify #{-b usb-hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which "
-"cannot be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB "
-"sticks, USB hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. "
-"Normally, an ISO hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if "
-"you have a BIOS which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use "
-"the remaining space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence "
-"partition, you need a USB/HDD image."
+"Building an HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you "
+"specify #{-b hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which cannot "
+"be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB sticks, USB "
+"hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. Normally, an ISO "
+"hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if you have a BIOS "
+"which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use the remaining "
+"space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence partition, you "
+"need an HDD image."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -586,14 +586,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:158
msgid ""
-"Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the USB/"
-"HDD image type:"
+"Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the HDD "
+"image type:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:162
#, no-wrap
-msgid " $ lb config -b usb-hdd\n"
+msgid " $ lb config -b hdd\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -610,22 +610,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:176
-msgid "2~using-usb-hdd-image Using a USB/HDD image"
+msgid "2~using-hdd-image Using an HDD image"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:178
msgid ""
"The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux "
-"bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using a USB/"
-"HDD image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the "
-"instructions in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except "
-"use the filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
+"bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using an HDD "
+"image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the instructions "
+"in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except use the "
+"filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:180
-msgid "3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Testing a USB/HDD image with Qemu"
+msgid "3~testing-hdd-with-qemu Testing an HDD image with Qemu"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -728,12 +728,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:232
msgid ""
-"In contrast with the ISO and USB/HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, "
-"serve the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via "
-"NFS. The #{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the "
-"location and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem "
-"image will be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable "
-"values for your network and server."
+"In contrast with the ISO and HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, serve "
+"the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via NFS. The "
+"#{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the location "
+"and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem image will "
+"be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable values for your "
+"network and server."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/pot/live-manual.ssm.pot b/manual/pot/live-manual.ssm.pot
index d67217b..998a752 100644
--- a/manual/pot/live-manual.ssm.pot
+++ b/manual/pot/live-manual.ssm.pot
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-07 15:40+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-12 08:28-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ msgstr ""
#, no-wrap
msgid ""
-" :published: 2012-01-07\n"
+" :published: 2012-01-12\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/pot/user_basics.ssi.pot b/manual/pot/user_basics.ssi.pot
index dbed8ee..0cd1d12 100644
--- a/manual/pot/user_basics.ssi.pot
+++ b/manual/pot/user_basics.ssi.pot
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-02 12:23-0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-12 08:28-0400\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/about_manual.ssi:84 en/about_manual.ssi:92 en/about_manual.ssi:100
#: en/about_manual.ssi:108 en/about_manual.ssi:120 en/about_manual.ssi:133
#: en/about_manual.ssi:146 en/about_manual.ssi:157 en/about_manual.ssi:165
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:173 en/project_bugs.ssi:60
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:173 en/about_manual.ssi:181 en/project_bugs.ssi:60
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:28 en/project_coding-style.ssi:38
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:51 en/project_coding-style.ssi:61
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:92 en/project_coding-style.ssi:100
@@ -42,33 +42,33 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:40 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:54
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:67 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:81
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:101
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:131
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:144
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:154
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:164
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:174
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:188
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:204
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:216
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:280
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:292
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:302
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:320
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:337
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:345 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:14
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:24 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:44
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:54 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:63
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:71 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:80
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:101 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:111
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:119 en/user_examples.ssi:14
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:127
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:140
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:150
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:160
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:170
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:184
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:201
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:211
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:276
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:288
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:298
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:316
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:333
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:341 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:14
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:104 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:114
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#: en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40 en/user_examples.ssi:54
#: en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83 en/user_examples.ssi:93
#: en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117 en/user_examples.ssi:127
#: en/user_examples.ssi:141 en/user_examples.ssi:149 en/user_examples.ssi:157
#: en/user_examples.ssi:165 en/user_examples.ssi:181 en/user_examples.ssi:193
#: en/user_examples.ssi:209 en/user_examples.ssi:223 en/user_examples.ssi:232
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:271
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:286 en/user_installation.ssi:38
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:250 en/user_examples.ssi:258 en/user_examples.ssi:267
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:277 en/user_installation.ssi:38
#: en/user_installation.ssi:46 en/user_installation.ssi:56
#: en/user_installation.ssi:64 en/user_installation.ssi:74
#: en/user_installation.ssi:82 en/user_installation.ssi:90
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:35
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:47
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:56 en/user_overview.ssi:36
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:80 en/user_overview.ssi:88
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:48 en/user_overview.ssi:56
msgid "code{"
msgstr ""
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/about_manual.ssi:88 en/about_manual.ssi:96 en/about_manual.ssi:104
#: en/about_manual.ssi:112 en/about_manual.ssi:129 en/about_manual.ssi:142
#: en/about_manual.ssi:151 en/about_manual.ssi:161 en/about_manual.ssi:169
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:177 en/about_manual.ssi:185 en/project_bugs.ssi:64
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:34 en/project_coding-style.ssi:45
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:57 en/project_coding-style.ssi:68
#: en/project_coding-style.ssi:96 en/project_coding-style.ssi:104
@@ -107,33 +107,33 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:46 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:59
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:71 en/user_customization-packages.ssi:85
#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:105
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:150
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:160
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:170
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:180
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:192
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:208
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:220
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:284
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:296
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:306
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:333
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:341
-#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:350 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:18
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:28 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:48
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:59 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:67
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:76 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:85
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:105 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:115
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:124 en/user_examples.ssi:20
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:132
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:146
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:156
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:166
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:176
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:189
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:207
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:216
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:280
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:292
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:302
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:329
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:337
+#: en/user_customization-packages.ssi:346 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:21
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:108 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:118
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:127 en/user_examples.ssi:20
#: en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44 en/user_examples.ssi:61
#: en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89 en/user_examples.ssi:103
#: en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121 en/user_examples.ssi:133
#: en/user_examples.ssi:145 en/user_examples.ssi:153 en/user_examples.ssi:161
#: en/user_examples.ssi:169 en/user_examples.ssi:189 en/user_examples.ssi:205
#: en/user_examples.ssi:213 en/user_examples.ssi:228 en/user_examples.ssi:236
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:267 en/user_examples.ssi:282
-#: en/user_examples.ssi:300 en/user_installation.ssi:42
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:254 en/user_examples.ssi:263 en/user_examples.ssi:273
+#: en/user_examples.ssi:291 en/user_installation.ssi:42
#: en/user_installation.ssi:50 en/user_installation.ssi:60
#: en/user_installation.ssi:70 en/user_installation.ssi:78
#: en/user_installation.ssi:86 en/user_installation.ssi:94
@@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_installation.ssi:149 en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:31
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:43
#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:52
-#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:74
-#: en/user_overview.ssi:84 en/user_overview.ssi:92
+#: en/user_managing_a_configuration.ssi:60 en/user_overview.ssi:42
+#: en/user_overview.ssi:52 en/user_overview.ssi:60
msgid "}code"
msgstr ""
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ msgid ""
"for using the three most commonly used image types. The most versatile image "
"type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, optical media or USB "
"portable storage device. In certain special cases, such as the use of "
-"persistence, #{usb-hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter "
+"persistence, #{hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter "
"finishes with instructions for building and using a #{net}# type image, "
"which is a bit more involved due to the setup required on the server. This "
"is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not familiar already with "
@@ -552,20 +552,20 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:146
-msgid "2~building-usb-hdd Building a USB/HDD image"
+msgid "2~building-hdd Building an HDD image"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:148
msgid ""
-"Building a USB/HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you "
-"specify #{-b usb-hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which "
-"cannot be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB "
-"sticks, USB hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. "
-"Normally, an ISO hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if "
-"you have a BIOS which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use "
-"the remaining space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence "
-"partition, you need a USB/HDD image."
+"Building an HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you "
+"specify #{-b hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which cannot "
+"be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB sticks, USB "
+"hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. Normally, an ISO "
+"hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if you have a BIOS "
+"which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use the remaining "
+"space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence partition, you "
+"need an HDD image."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -585,14 +585,14 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:158
msgid ""
-"Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the USB/"
-"HDD image type:"
+"Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the HDD "
+"image type:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:162
#, no-wrap
-msgid " $ lb config -b usb-hdd\n"
+msgid " $ lb config -b hdd\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -609,22 +609,22 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:176
-msgid "2~using-usb-hdd-image Using a USB/HDD image"
+msgid "2~using-hdd-image Using an HDD image"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:178
msgid ""
"The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux "
-"bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using a USB/"
-"HDD image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the "
-"instructions in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except "
-"use the filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
+"bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using an HDD "
+"image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the instructions "
+"in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except use the "
+"filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:180
-msgid "3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Testing a USB/HDD image with Qemu"
+msgid "3~testing-hdd-with-qemu Testing an HDD image with Qemu"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -727,12 +727,12 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/user_basics.ssi:232
msgid ""
-"In contrast with the ISO and USB/HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, "
-"serve the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via "
-"NFS. The #{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the "
-"location and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem "
-"image will be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable "
-"values for your network and server."
+"In contrast with the ISO and HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, serve "
+"the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via NFS. The "
+"#{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the location "
+"and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem image will "
+"be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable values for your "
+"network and server."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
diff --git a/manual/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm b/manual/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm
index 6a94955..2adb202 100644
--- a/manual/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/pt_BR/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
:license: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.<br><br>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.<br><br>You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br>The complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
- :published: 2012-01-07
+ :published: 2012-01-12
@publisher: Debian Live Project <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/pt_BR/user_basics.ssi b/manual/pt_BR/user_basics.ssi
index 4c42960..2eee04a 100644
--- a/manual/pt_BR/user_basics.ssi
+++ b/manual/pt_BR/user_basics.ssi
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ This chapter contains a brief overview of the build process and instructions
for using the three most commonly used image types. The most versatile image
type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, optical media or USB
portable storage device. In certain special cases, such as the use of
-persistence, #{usb-hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter
+persistence, #{hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter
finishes with instructions for building and using a #{net}# type image,
which is a bit more involved due to the setup required on the server. This
is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not familiar already with
@@ -229,16 +229,16 @@ code{
-2~building-usb-hdd Building a USB/HDD image
+2~building-hdd Building an HDD image
-Building a USB/HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you
-specify #{-b usb-hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which
-cannot be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB
-sticks, USB hard drives, and various other portable storage
-devices. Normally, an ISO hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead,
-but if you have a BIOS which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want
-to use the remaining space on the media for some purpose, such as a
-persistence partition, you need a USB/HDD image.
+Building an HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you
+specify #{-b hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which cannot
+be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB sticks, USB
+hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. Normally, an ISO
+hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if you have a BIOS
+which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use the remaining
+space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence partition, you
+need an HDD image.
Note: if you created an ISO hybrid image with the previous example, you will
need to clean up your working directory with the #{lb clean}# command (see
@@ -250,12 +250,12 @@ code{
-Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the
-USB/HDD image type:
+Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the HDD
+image type:
- $ lb config -b usb-hdd
+ $ lb config -b hdd
@@ -270,15 +270,15 @@ code{
When the build finishes, a #{binary.img}# file should be present in the
current directory.
-2~using-usb-hdd-image Using a USB/HDD image
+2~using-hdd-image Using an HDD image
The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux
-bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using a
-USB/HDD image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the
-instructions in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except
-use the filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#.
+bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using an HDD
+image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the instructions
+in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except use the
+filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#.
-3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Testing a USB/HDD image with Qemu
+3~testing-hdd-with-qemu Testing an HDD image with Qemu
First, install QEMU as described above in {Testing an ISO image with
QEMU}#testing-iso-with-qemu. Then run #{kvm}# or #{qemu}#, depending on
@@ -345,12 +345,12 @@ code{
-In contrast with the ISO and USB/HDD images, netbooting does not, itself,
-serve the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via
-NFS. The #{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the
-location and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem
-image will be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable
-values for your network and server.
+In contrast with the ISO and HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, serve
+the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via NFS. The
+#{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the location
+and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem image will
+be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable values for your
+network and server.
Now build the image with the #{lb build}# command:
diff --git a/manual/ro/live-manual.ssm b/manual/ro/live-manual.ssm
index 6a94955..2adb202 100644
--- a/manual/ro/live-manual.ssm
+++ b/manual/ro/live-manual.ssm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
:license: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.<br><br>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.<br><br>You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. <br><br>The complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-3 file.
- :published: 2012-01-07
+ :published: 2012-01-12
@publisher: Debian Live Project <debian-live at lists.debian.org>
diff --git a/manual/ro/user_basics.ssi b/manual/ro/user_basics.ssi
index 4c42960..2eee04a 100644
--- a/manual/ro/user_basics.ssi
+++ b/manual/ro/user_basics.ssi
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ This chapter contains a brief overview of the build process and instructions
for using the three most commonly used image types. The most versatile image
type, #{iso-hybrid}#, may be used on a virtual machine, optical media or USB
portable storage device. In certain special cases, such as the use of
-persistence, #{usb-hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter
+persistence, #{hdd}# may be more suitable for USB devices. The chapter
finishes with instructions for building and using a #{net}# type image,
which is a bit more involved due to the setup required on the server. This
is a slightly advanced topic for anyone who is not familiar already with
@@ -229,16 +229,16 @@ code{
-2~building-usb-hdd Building a USB/HDD image
+2~building-hdd Building an HDD image
-Building a USB/HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you
-specify #{-b usb-hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which
-cannot be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB
-sticks, USB hard drives, and various other portable storage
-devices. Normally, an ISO hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead,
-but if you have a BIOS which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want
-to use the remaining space on the media for some purpose, such as a
-persistence partition, you need a USB/HDD image.
+Building an HDD image is similar to ISO hybrid in all respects except you
+specify #{-b hdd}# and the resulting filename is #{binary.img}# which cannot
+be burnt to optical media. It is suitable for booting from USB sticks, USB
+hard drives, and various other portable storage devices. Normally, an ISO
+hybrid image can be used for this purpose instead, but if you have a BIOS
+which does not handle hybrid images properly, or want to use the remaining
+space on the media for some purpose, such as a persistence partition, you
+need an HDD image.
Note: if you created an ISO hybrid image with the previous example, you will
need to clean up your working directory with the #{lb clean}# command (see
@@ -250,12 +250,12 @@ code{
-Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the
-USB/HDD image type:
+Run the #{lb config}# command as before, except this time specifying the HDD
+image type:
- $ lb config -b usb-hdd
+ $ lb config -b hdd
@@ -270,15 +270,15 @@ code{
When the build finishes, a #{binary.img}# file should be present in the
current directory.
-2~using-usb-hdd-image Using a USB/HDD image
+2~using-hdd-image Using an HDD image
The generated binary image contains a VFAT partition and the syslinux
-bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using a
-USB/HDD image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the
-instructions in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except
-use the filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#.
+bootloader, ready to be directly written on a USB stick. Since using an HDD
+image is just like using an ISO hybrid image on USB, follow the instructions
+in {Using an ISO hybrid live image}#using-iso-hybrid, except use the
+filename #{binary.img}# instead of #{binary-hybrid.iso}#.
-3~testing-usb-hdd-with-qemu Testing a USB/HDD image with Qemu
+3~testing-hdd-with-qemu Testing an HDD image with Qemu
First, install QEMU as described above in {Testing an ISO image with
QEMU}#testing-iso-with-qemu. Then run #{kvm}# or #{qemu}#, depending on
@@ -345,12 +345,12 @@ code{
-In contrast with the ISO and USB/HDD images, netbooting does not, itself,
-serve the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via
-NFS. The #{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the
-location and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem
-image will be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable
-values for your network and server.
+In contrast with the ISO and HDD images, netbooting does not, itself, serve
+the filesystem image to the client, so the files must be served via NFS. The
+#{--net-root-path}# and #{--net-root-server}# options specify the location
+and server, respectively, of the NFS server where the filesytem image will
+be located at boot time. Make sure these are set to suitable values for your
+network and server.
Now build the image with the #{lb build}# command:
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