[SCM] live-build annotated tag, debian/3.0_a53-1, created. debian/3.0_a53-1

Daniel Baumann daniel at debian.org
Thu Jul 19 02:17:40 UTC 2012

The annotated tag, debian/3.0_a53-1 has been created
        at  e71d1c18c4bf921575ba750b65b349b69d567d8f (tag)
   tagging  d4999431b82024681b4be74ea6c9160f80e59c03 (commit)
  replaces  debian/3.0_a52-1
 tagged by  Daniel Baumann
        on  Thu Jul 19 04:18:14 2012 +0200

- Shortlog ------------------------------------------------------------
Tagging debian version 3.0_a53-1.

Daniel Baumann (27):
      Removing leftover creation of /var/log in toplevel makefile from the cron removals.
      Moving main executables away from scripts subdirectory.
      Moving scripts from /usr/share/live to /usr/lib/live for consistency with all debian-live packages.
      Renaming example hooks to the newer filename patter that is required by live-build since a while.
      Removing debian-installer-banner.binary example hook, this can be done through config/includes.binary_debian-installer directly.
      Removing hal-automount.chroot example hook, not needed anymore.
      Removing linux-modules.chroot example hook, this can be done by kmods conf.d directories directly.
      Removing live-build-inclusion.binary example hook, too broken way to do it.
      Removing okular-nodrm.chroot example hook, would need update for recent kde4 versions and I don't care about that.
      Removing rt2570-modules.chroot example hook, obsoleted out-of-tree module.
      Removing sun-java6.chroot example hook, obsoleted by openjdk.
      Removing udev-generators.chroot example hook, obsoleted by live-builds own hacks.
      Removing update-initramfs.chroot example hook, obsoleted by live-builds own hacks.
      Removing virtualbox.chroot example hook, not required anymore with current virtualbox versions.
      Removing sysvinit.chroot example hook, not useful on modern systems anymore.
      Removing losetup-lukshome.chroot example hook, obsoleted by live-boots new persistence implementation.
      Removing kernel-purge.chroot example hook, not usefull anymore.
      Removing localepurge.chroot example hook, should be done solely through preseeding.
      Removing debian-live-pxe-server.chroot example hook, not usefull in this way.
      Installing examples into the correct location in /usr/share/doc.
      Removing debian-science package list, there's science-tasks and #513296 to do this in proper.
      Removing warning from minimal package list about minimal hook, which isn't the case anymore.
      Removing ubuntu-cloud and ubuntu-cloud-desktop package lists.
      Adding missing copyright fields in copyright file.
      Correcting spelling typo in 3.0~a52-1 changelog entry.
      Removing leftover maintainer scripts from cron removals.
      Releasing debian version 3.0~a53-1.



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