[SCM] live-build branch, debian, updated. debian/3.0_a48-1-17-g6e10198

Ben Armstrong synrg at debian.org
Mon Jun 4 10:16:04 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the debian branch:
commit 5de395751e94af55925a40ccf8c303af9ab9ed66
Author: Ben Armstrong <synrg at debian.org>
Date:   Sun Jun 3 10:50:25 2012 -0300

    Adding default for --debian-installer-preseedfile.

diff --git a/manpages/en/lb_config.1 b/manpages/en/lb_config.1
index 1d8ac5d..414d3f2 100644
--- a/manpages/en/lb_config.1
+++ b/manpages/en/lb_config.1
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ using a user specified alternative configuration file in addition to the normall
 .IP "\fB\-\-debconf\-frontend\fR dialog|editor|noninteractive|readline" 4
 defines what value the debconf frontend should be set to inside the chroot. Note that setting it to anything by noninteractive, which is the default, makes your build asking questions during the build.
 .IP "\fB\-\-debconf\-nowarnings\fR true|false" 4
-defines if warnings of debconf should be displayed or not. Warnings from debconf are generally very rare and by default, we skipp them, if any, in order to keep the build process entirely non interactive.
+defines if warnings of debconf should be displayed or not. Warnings from debconf are generally very rare and by default, we skip them, if any, in order to keep the build process entirely non interactive.
 .IP "\fB\-\-debconf\-priority\fR low|medium|high|critical" 4
 defines what value the debconf priority shoul dbe set to inside the chroot. By default, it is set to critical, which means that almost no questions are displayed. Note that this only has an effect if you use any debconf frontend different from noninteractive.
 .IP "\fB\-\-debian\-installer\fR true|cdrom|netinst|netboot|businesscard|live|false" 4
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ defines which type, if any, of the debian\-installer should be included in the r
 .IP "\fB\-\-debian\-installer\-distribution\fR daily|\fICODENAME\fR" 4
 defines the distribution where the debian\-installer files should be taken out from. Normally, this should be set to the same distribution as the live system. However, some times, one wants to use a newer or even daily built installer.
 .IP "\fB\-\-debian\-installer\-preseedfile\fR \fIFILE\fR|\fIURL\fR" 4
-sets the filename or URL for an optionally used and included preseeding file for debian\-installer.
+sets the filename or URL for an optionally used and included preseeding file for debian\-installer. If config/binary_debian\-installer/preseed.cfg exists, it will be used by default. 
 .IP "\fB\-\-debian\-installer\-gui\fR true|false" 4
 defines if the debian\-installer graphical GTK interface should be true or not. In Debian mode and for most versions of Ubuntu, this option is true, whereas otherwise false, by default.
 .IP "\fB\-\-debug\fR" 4


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