[SCM] live-manual branch, debian-next, updated. debian/3.0_a12-1-24-g665b405
chals at altorricon.com
Sun Jun 24 18:19:24 UTC 2012
The following commit has been merged in the debian-next branch:
commit 665b40571de90333acd93fb1f8ec43fa96040454
Author: chals <chals at altorricon.com>
Date: Sun Jun 24 20:18:40 2012 +0200
Updating Translation section in 'ca', 'es' and 'fr'.
diff --git a/manual/ca/about_manual.ssi b/manual/ca/about_manual.ssi
index 18efc77..45ea479 100644
--- a/manual/ca/about_manual.ssi
+++ b/manual/ca/about_manual.ssi
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ no és part de l'ordre.
2~ Per als impacients
-Si bé creiem que tot el que hi ha aquest manual és important si més no per
-alguns dels nostres usuaris, ens adonem que hi ha una gran quantitat de
+Si bé creiem que tot el que hi ha en aquest manual és important si més no
+per alguns dels nostres usuaris, ens adonem que hi ha una gran quantitat de
material per cobrir i que és possible que es vulgui experimentar l'èxit amb
el programari aviat, abans d'aprofundir en els detalls. Per tant, us
recomanem llegir en el següent ordre.
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@ Debian Live i motivats per llegir la resta del manual, de principi a fi.
_* *{Sistema viu}*: Un sistema operatiu que pot arrencar sense necessitat
d'instaŀlació en un disc dur. Els sistemes vius no alteren el sistema
operatiu local(s) o els fitxer(s) ja instaŀlats al disc dur de l'ordinador a
-menys que se'ls ho indiqui. Els sistemes vius normalment s'inician des de
-dispositius, com ara CD, DVD o memòries USB. Alguns també poden arrencar des
-de la xarxa.
+menys que així se'ls ho indiqui. Els sistemes vius normalment s'inician des
+de dispositius, com ara CD, DVD o memòries USB. Alguns també poden arrencar
+des de la xarxa.
_* *{Debian Live}*: Un subprojecte de Debian, que manté els paquets
live-boot, live-build, live-config i live-manual.
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ O combinar tot dos, per exemple:
- $ make build FORMATS=html LANGUAGES=it
+ $ make build LANGUAGES=it FORMATS=html
@@ -279,20 +279,23 @@ code{
3~translation Traducció
-Per enviar la traducció d'un idioma nou, seguir aquests tres passos:
+Per començar la traducció d'un idioma nou, seguir aquests passos:
-_* Traduir els fitxers about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot i
-index.html.in.pot a la vostra llengua amb el vostre editor favorit (per
-exemple /{poedit}/). Enviar els fitxers traduïts a la llista de correu. Un
-cop haguem revisat el seu contingut, afegirem el nou idioma al manual
-(mitjançant els fitxers po) i l'activarem al autobuild.
+_* Traduir els fitxers *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}* i
+*{index.html.in.pot}* a la vostra llengua amb el vostre editor favorit (per
+exemple /{poedit}/). Enviar els fitxers #{.po}# traduïts a la llista de
+correu perquè l'equip de traducció pugui comprovar la seva integritat.
-_* Una vegada que s'ha afegit la nova llengua, es pot començar a traduir
-tots els fitxers po dins de #{manual/po/}# a l'atzar.
+_* Per activar una nova llengua al autobuild, només cal afegir els arxius
+inicials traduïts a #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# i executar #{make commit}#. I
+llavors editar #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#.
+_* Una vegada que s'ha afegit la nova llengua, es pot continuar traduint la
+resta de fitxers dins de #{manual/po/}# a l'atzar.
_* No oblidar que es necessari fer #{make commit}# per garantir que els
manuals traduïts s'actualitzen a partir del fitxers po i llavors es poden
revisar els canvis executant #{make build}# abans de #{git add .}#, #{git
commit -a -m "Translating..."}# i #{git push}#.
-*{Nota:}* Recordar que tot i que tant #{make commit}# com #{make build}# esborren el directori de construcció, si es construeix el manual per revisar els canvis tal i com es recomana, és possible que es vulgui netejar l'arbre git abans de fer un push. Per tal de fer això, es pot utilitzar #{make clean}#. Aquest últim pas no és obligatori, gràcies al fitxer .gitignore, però és una bona pràctica per evitar enviar fitxers de forma involuntària.
+*{Nota:}* Es pot utilitzar #{make clean}# per netejar l'arbre git abans de fer un push. Aquest pas no és obligatori, gràcies al fitxer .gitignore, però és una bona pràctica per evitar enviar fitxers de forma involuntària.
diff --git a/manual/de/about_manual.ssi b/manual/de/about_manual.ssi
index bed7b17..43e2db1 100644
--- a/manual/de/about_manual.ssi
+++ b/manual/de/about_manual.ssi
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ Or combine both, e.g:
- $ make build FORMATS=html LANGUAGES=it
+ $ make build LANGUAGES=it FORMATS=html
@@ -273,20 +273,23 @@ code{
3~translation Translation
-To submit a translation for a new language, follow these three steps:
+To start a translation for a new language, follow these steps:
-_* Translate the about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot and
-index.html.in.pot files to your language with your favourite editor (such as
-/{poedit}/). Send translated files to the mailing list. Once we have
-reviewed your submission, we will add the new language to the manual
-(providing the po files) and will enable it in the autobuild.
+_* Translate the *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}* and
+*{index.html.in.pot}* files to your language with your favourite editor
+(such as /{poedit}/). Send the translated #{.po}# files to the mailing list
+so that the translation team can check their integrity.
-_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly start translating all po
-files in #{manual/po/}#.
+_* To enable a new language in the autobuild it is enough to add the initial
+translated files to #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# and run #{make commit}#. And
+then edit #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#.
+_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly continue translating the
+remaining po files in #{manual/po/}#.
_* Don't forget you need #{make commit}# to ensure the translated manuals
are updated from the po files and then you can review your changes launching
#{make build}# before #{git add .}#, #{git commit -a -m "Translating..."}#
and #{git push}#.
-*{Note:}* Please be aware that even though both #{make commit}# and #{make build}# remove your build directory, if you build the manual to review your changes as recommended, you may want to clean your git tree before pushing. In order to do that, you can use #{make clean}#. This last step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.
+*{Note:}* You can use #{make clean}# to clean your git tree before pushing. This step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.
diff --git a/manual/es/about_manual.ssi b/manual/es/about_manual.ssi
index 8162bb7..b6c20bd 100644
--- a/manual/es/about_manual.ssi
+++ b/manual/es/about_manual.ssi
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ O combinar ambos, por ejemplo:
- $ make build FORMATS=html LANGUAGES=it
+ $ make build LANGUAGES=it FORMATS=html
@@ -299,17 +299,20 @@ code{
3~translation Traducción
-Para enviar una traducción para un nuevo idioma, se deben seguir los
+Para comenzar la traducción de un idioma nuevo, se deben seguir los
siguientes pasos:
-_* Traducir los ficheros about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot e
-index.html.in.pot al idioma deseado con cualquier editor (como puede ser
-/{poedit}/) y enviarlos a la lista de correos. Una vez hayan sido revisados,
-el idioma será añadido al manual, (añadiendo los ficheros .po) y se activará
-en el autobuild.
+_* Traducir los ficheros *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}*
+y *{index.html.in.pot}* al idioma deseado con cualquier editor (como puede
+ser /{poedit}/). Enviar los ficheros #{.po}# traducidos a la lista de correo
+para que el equipo de traducción pueda revisar su integridad.
-_* Una vez que el nuevo idioma haya sido añadido, se puede comenzar la
-traducción de todos los ficheros .po exisitentes en #{manual/po/}# de manera
+_* Para activar una nueva lengua en el autobuild basta con añadir los
+ficheros traducidos inicialmente a #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# y ejecutar
+#{make commit}#. Y entonces editar #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#.
+_* Una vez que el nuevo idioma haya sido añadido, se puede continuar la
+traducción de los ficheros po restantes en #{manual/po/}# de manera
_* No se debe olvidar la ejecución del comando #{make commit}# para asegurar
@@ -318,4 +321,4 @@ que los manuales traducidos son actualizados desde los ficheros
de realizar la entrega mediante #{git add .}#, #{git commit -a -m
"Translating..."}# y #{git push}#.
-*{Nota:}* Tener en cuenta que a pesar de que tanto #{make commit}# como #{make build}# borran el directorio «build», si se crea el manual para revisar los cambios tal y como se recomienda, es posible que se desee limpiar el árbol git antes de enviar los cambios. Para hacer esto, se puede usar #{make clean}#. Este último paso no es obligatorio, gracias al fichero .gitignore, pero es una buena práctica para evitar enviar ficheros involuntariamente.
+*{Nota:}* Se puede utilizar #{make clean}# para limpiar el árbol git antes de enviar los cambios. Este paso no es obligatorio, gracias al fichero .gitignore, pero es una buena práctica para evitar enviar ficheros involuntariamente.
diff --git a/manual/fr/about_manual.ssi b/manual/fr/about_manual.ssi
index 84453ad..3723002 100644
--- a/manual/fr/about_manual.ssi
+++ b/manual/fr/about_manual.ssi
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ Ou combiner les deux, par exemple:
- $ make build FORMATS=html LANGUAGES=it
+ $ make build LANGUAGES=it FORMATS=html
@@ -281,21 +281,23 @@ code{
3~translation Traduction
-Pour soumettre une traduction pour une nouvelle langue, suivez ces trois
+Pour commencer la traduction d'une nouvelle langue, suivez ces étapes:
-_* Traduire les fichiers about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot et
-index.html.in.pot à votre langue avec votre éditeur préféré (comme
-/{poedit}/). Envoyer les fichiers traduits à la liste de diffusion. Une fois
-que nous avons examiné votre livraison, nous allons ajouter une nouvelle
-langue au manuel (avec les fichiers po) et l'activer dans l'autobuild.
+_* Traduire les fichiers *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}*
+et *{index.html.in.pot}* à votre langue avec votre éditeur préféré (comme
+/{poedit}/). Envoyer les fichiers #{.po}# traduits à la liste de diffusion
+afin que l'équipe de traduction puisse vérifier leur intégrité.
-_* Une fois la nouvelle langue est ajoutée, vous pouvez commencer à traduire
-de façon aléatoire tous les fichiers po dans #{manual/po/}#.
+_* Pour activer une nouvelle langue dans l'autobuild il suffit d'ajouter les
+premiers fichiers traduits à #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# et lancer #{make
+commit}#. Et alors modifier #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#.
+_* Une fois la nouvelle langue est ajoutée, vous pouvez continuer avec la
+traduction des fichiers po dans #{manual/po/}# de façon aléatoire.
_* N'oubliez pas que vous devez faire un #{make commit}# pour assurer que la
traduction des manuels est mise à jour à partir des fichiers po, alors vous
pouvez réviser vos modifications avec #{make build}# avant #{git add .}#,
#{git commit -a -m "Translating..."}# et #{git push}#.
-*{Remarque:}* S'il vous plaît soyez conscients que même si les deux #{make commit}# et #{make build}# suppriment votre répertoire de construction, si vous construisez le manuel pour examiner vos modifications comme il est recommandé, et vous voulez nettoyer votre arbre git avant de les envoyer, vous pouvez utiliser #{make clean}#. Cette dernière étape n'est pas obligatoire grâce au fichier .gitignore mais il est une bonne pratique pour éviter d'envoyer certains fichiers involontairement.
+*{Remarque:}* Vous pouvez utiliser #{make clean}# pour nettoyer votre arbre git avant de faire un push. Cette étape n'est pas obligatoire grâce au fichier .gitignore mais c'est une bonne pratique pour éviter d'envoyer certains fichiers involontairement.
diff --git a/manual/it/about_manual.ssi b/manual/it/about_manual.ssi
index babd081..e09dd3c 100644
--- a/manual/it/about_manual.ssi
+++ b/manual/it/about_manual.ssi
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ O entrambi:
- $ make build FORMATS=html LANGUAGES=it
+ $ make build LANGUAGES=it FORMATS=html
@@ -276,22 +276,23 @@ code{
3~translation Traduzione
-Per inviare una traduzione per una nuova lingua, seguire questi tre passi:
+To start a translation for a new language, follow these steps:
-_* Tradurre i file about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot e
-index.html.in.pot nella propria lingua con il proprio editor preferito (tipo
-/{poedit}/). Inviare i file tradotti alla mailing list. Una volta che
-abbiamo ricevuto il contributo, aggiungeremo la nuova lingua al manuale
-(fornendo i file po) e la attiveremo per la procedura di compilazione
+_* Translate the *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}* and
+*{index.html.in.pot}* files to your language with your favourite editor
+(such as /{poedit}/). Send the translated #{.po}# files to the mailing list
+so that the translation team can check their integrity.
-_* Una volta che la nuova lingua è stata aggiunta, si può iniziare a
-tradurre tutti i file po situati in #{manual/po/}#, nell'ordine che si
+_* To enable a new language in the autobuild it is enough to add the initial
+translated files to #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# and run #{make commit}#. And
+then edit #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#.
+_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly continue translating the
+remaining po files in #{manual/po/}#.
_* Non dimenticare che è necessario usare #{make commit}# per assicurarsi
che i manuali tradotti siano aggiornati partendo dai file po, quindi si
possono verificare le modifiche con #{make build}# prima di #{git add .}#,
#{git commit -a -m "Translating..."}# e #{git push}#.
-*{Nota:}* anche se #{make commit}# e #{make build}# rimuovono entrambi la directory di compilazione, se si compila il manuale per rivedere le modifiche come consigliato, si consiglia di pulire l'albero git prima del push; per fare ciò si puà usare il comando #{make clean}#. Grazie al file .gitignore, quest'ultimo passaggio non è obbligatorio ma è una buona abitudine che evita di fare involontariamente il commit di certi file.
+*{Note:}* You can use #{make clean}# to clean your git tree before pushing. This step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.
diff --git a/manual/po/ca/about_manual.ssi.po b/manual/po/ca/about_manual.ssi.po
index c7bf3ee..7cc33af 100644
--- a/manual/po/ca/about_manual.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/ca/about_manual.ssi.po
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-18 19:35+0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-16 19:52+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-24 19:21+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-24 19:41+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Carlos Zuferri <chals at altorricon.com>\n"
"Language-Team: <debian-live at lists.debian.org>\n"
"Language: Catalan\n"
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ msgid ""
"may wish to experience early success using the software before delving into "
"the details. Therefore, we suggest reading in the following order."
msgstr ""
-"Si bé creiem que tot el que hi ha aquest manual és important si més no per "
-"alguns dels nostres usuaris, ens adonem que hi ha una gran quantitat de "
+"Si bé creiem que tot el que hi ha en aquest manual és important si més no "
+"per alguns dels nostres usuaris, ens adonem que hi ha una gran quantitat de "
"material per cobrir i que és possible que es vulgui experimentar l'èxit amb "
"el programari aviat, abans d'aprofundir en els detalls. Per tant, us "
"recomanem llegir en el següent ordre."
@@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ msgstr ""
"_* *{Sistema viu}*: Un sistema operatiu que pot arrencar sense necessitat "
"d'instaŀlació en un disc dur. Els sistemes vius no alteren el sistema "
"operatiu local(s) o els fitxer(s) ja instaŀlats al disc dur de l'ordinador a "
-"menys que se'ls ho indiqui. Els sistemes vius normalment s'inician des de "
-"dispositius, com ara CD, DVD o memòries USB. Alguns també poden arrencar des "
-"de la xarxa."
+"menys que així se'ls ho indiqui. Els sistemes vius normalment s'inician des "
+"de dispositius, com ara CD, DVD o memòries USB. Alguns també poden arrencar "
+"des de la xarxa."
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:24
@@ -458,8 +458,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:130 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145
#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83
#: en/user_examples.ssi:93 en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117
@@ -533,8 +533,8 @@ msgstr "$ git clone git://live.debian.net/git/live-manual.git"
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:135 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:152
#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
#: en/user_examples.ssi:61 en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89
#: en/user_examples.ssi:103 en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121
@@ -624,8 +624,8 @@ msgstr "O combinar tot dos, per exemple:"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:130
#, no-wrap
-msgid " $ make build FORMATS=html LANGUAGES=it\n"
-msgstr " $ make build FORMATS=html LANGUAGES=it\n"
+msgid " $ make build LANGUAGES=it FORMATS=html\n"
+msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:134
@@ -765,36 +765,45 @@ msgstr "3~translation Traducció"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:195
-msgid "To submit a translation for a new language, follow these three steps:"
-msgstr "Per enviar la traducció d'un idioma nou, seguir aquests tres passos:"
+msgid "To start a translation for a new language, follow these steps:"
+msgstr "Per començar la traducció d'un idioma nou, seguir aquests passos:"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:197
msgid ""
-"_* Translate the about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot and index.html."
-"in.pot files to your language with your favourite editor (such as /"
-"{poedit}/). Send translated files to the mailing list. Once we have reviewed "
-"your submission, we will add the new language to the manual (providing the "
-"po files) and will enable it in the autobuild."
+"_* Translate the *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}* and *"
+"{index.html.in.pot}* files to your language with your favourite editor (such "
+"as /{poedit}/). Send the translated #{.po}# files to the mailing list so "
+"that the translation team can check their integrity."
msgstr ""
-"_* Traduir els fitxers about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot i index."
-"html.in.pot a la vostra llengua amb el vostre editor favorit (per exemple /"
-"{poedit}/). Enviar els fitxers traduïts a la llista de correu. Un cop haguem "
-"revisat el seu contingut, afegirem el nou idioma al manual (mitjançant els "
-"fitxers po) i l'activarem al autobuild."
+"_* Traduir els fitxers *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}* i "
+"*{index.html.in.pot}* a la vostra llengua amb el vostre editor favorit (per "
+"exemple /{poedit}/). Enviar els fitxers #{.po}# traduïts a la llista de "
+"correu perquè l'equip de traducció pugui comprovar la seva integritat."
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:199
msgid ""
-"_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly start translating all po "
-"files in #{manual/po/}#."
+"_* To enable a new language in the autobuild it is enough to add the initial "
+"translated files to #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# and run #{make commit}#. And "
+"then edit #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#."
msgstr ""
-"_* Una vegada que s'ha afegit la nova llengua, es pot començar a traduir "
-"tots els fitxers po dins de #{manual/po/}# a l'atzar."
+"_* Per activar una nova llengua al autobuild, només cal afegir els arxius "
+"inicials traduïts a #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# i executar #{make commit}#. I "
+"llavors editar #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#."
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:201
msgid ""
+"_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly continue translating the "
+"remaining po files in #{manual/po/}#."
+msgstr ""
+"_* Una vegada que s'ha afegit la nova llengua, es pot continuar traduint la "
+"resta de fitxers dins de #{manual/po/}# a l'atzar."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:203
+msgid ""
"_* Don't forget you need #{make commit}# to ensure the translated manuals "
"are updated from the po files and then you can review your changes launching "
"#{make build}# before #{git add .}#, #{git commit -a -m \"Translating...\"}# "
@@ -806,7 +815,7 @@ msgstr ""
"commit -a -m \"Translating...\"}# i #{git push}#."
#. type: Plain text
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:202
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:204
#, no-wrap
-msgid "*{Note:}* Please be aware that even though both #{make commit}# and #{make build}# remove your build directory, if you build the manual to review your changes as recommended, you may want to clean your git tree before pushing. In order to do that, you can use #{make clean}#. This last step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
-msgstr "*{Nota:}* Recordar que tot i que tant #{make commit}# com #{make build}# esborren el directori de construcció, si es construeix el manual per revisar els canvis tal i com es recomana, és possible que es vulgui netejar l'arbre git abans de fer un push. Per tal de fer això, es pot utilitzar #{make clean}#. Aquest últim pas no és obligatori, gràcies al fitxer .gitignore, però és una bona pràctica per evitar enviar fitxers de forma involuntària.\n"
+msgid "*{Note:}* You can use #{make clean}# to clean your git tree before pushing. This step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
+msgstr "*{Nota:}* Es pot utilitzar #{make clean}# per netejar l'arbre git abans de fer un push. Aquest pas no és obligatori, gràcies al fitxer .gitignore, però és una bona pràctica per evitar enviar fitxers de forma involuntària.\n"
diff --git a/manual/po/de/about_manual.ssi.po b/manual/po/de/about_manual.ssi.po
index 2e70288..6f5281f 100644
--- a/manual/po/de/about_manual.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/de/about_manual.ssi.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-18 19:35+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-24 19:21+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-04-23 14:15+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n"
"Language-Team: none\n"
@@ -387,8 +387,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:130 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145
#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83
#: en/user_examples.ssi:93 en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117
@@ -462,8 +462,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:135 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:152
#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
#: en/user_examples.ssi:61 en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89
#: en/user_examples.ssi:103 en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:130
#, no-wrap
-msgid " $ make build FORMATS=html LANGUAGES=it\n"
+msgid " $ make build LANGUAGES=it FORMATS=html\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -657,29 +657,36 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:195
-msgid "To submit a translation for a new language, follow these three steps:"
+msgid "To start a translation for a new language, follow these steps:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:197
msgid ""
-"_* Translate the about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot and index.html."
-"in.pot files to your language with your favourite editor (such as /"
-"{poedit}/). Send translated files to the mailing list. Once we have reviewed "
-"your submission, we will add the new language to the manual (providing the "
-"po files) and will enable it in the autobuild."
+"_* Translate the *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}* and *"
+"{index.html.in.pot}* files to your language with your favourite editor (such "
+"as /{poedit}/). Send the translated #{.po}# files to the mailing list so "
+"that the translation team can check their integrity."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:199
msgid ""
-"_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly start translating all po "
-"files in #{manual/po/}#."
+"_* To enable a new language in the autobuild it is enough to add the initial "
+"translated files to #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# and run #{make commit}#. And "
+"then edit #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:201
msgid ""
+"_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly continue translating the "
+"remaining po files in #{manual/po/}#."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:203
+msgid ""
"_* Don't forget you need #{make commit}# to ensure the translated manuals "
"are updated from the po files and then you can review your changes launching "
"#{make build}# before #{git add .}#, #{git commit -a -m \"Translating...\"}# "
@@ -687,7 +694,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:202
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:204
#, no-wrap
-msgid "*{Note:}* Please be aware that even though both #{make commit}# and #{make build}# remove your build directory, if you build the manual to review your changes as recommended, you may want to clean your git tree before pushing. In order to do that, you can use #{make clean}#. This last step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
+msgid "*{Note:}* You can use #{make clean}# to clean your git tree before pushing. This step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/manual/po/es/about_manual.ssi.po b/manual/po/es/about_manual.ssi.po
index 0cb3adc..10bcc9d 100644
--- a/manual/po/es/about_manual.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/es/about_manual.ssi.po
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-18 19:35+0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-23 20:31+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-24 19:21+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-24 19:49+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: José Luis Zabalza and Carlos Zuferri «chals» "
"<jlz.3008 at gmail.com> <chals at altorricon.com>\n"
"Language-Team: <debian-live at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -485,8 +485,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:130 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145
#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83
#: en/user_examples.ssi:93 en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117
@@ -560,8 +560,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:135 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:152
#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
#: en/user_examples.ssi:61 en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89
#: en/user_examples.ssi:103 en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121
@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ msgstr "O combinar ambos, por ejemplo:"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:130
#, no-wrap
-msgid " $ make build FORMATS=html LANGUAGES=it\n"
+msgid " $ make build LANGUAGES=it FORMATS=html\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -782,39 +782,48 @@ msgstr "3~translation Traducción"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:195
-msgid "To submit a translation for a new language, follow these three steps:"
+msgid "To start a translation for a new language, follow these steps:"
msgstr ""
-"Para enviar una traducción para un nuevo idioma, se deben seguir los "
+"Para comenzar la traducción de un idioma nuevo, se deben seguir los "
"siguientes pasos:"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:197
msgid ""
-"_* Translate the about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot and index.html."
-"in.pot files to your language with your favourite editor (such as /"
-"{poedit}/). Send translated files to the mailing list. Once we have reviewed "
-"your submission, we will add the new language to the manual (providing the "
-"po files) and will enable it in the autobuild."
+"_* Translate the *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}* and *"
+"{index.html.in.pot}* files to your language with your favourite editor (such "
+"as /{poedit}/). Send the translated #{.po}# files to the mailing list so "
+"that the translation team can check their integrity."
msgstr ""
-"_* Traducir los ficheros about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot e index."
-"html.in.pot al idioma deseado con cualquier editor (como puede ser /"
-"{poedit}/) y enviarlos a la lista de correos. Una vez hayan sido revisados, "
-"el idioma será añadido al manual, (añadiendo los ficheros .po) y se activará "
-"en el autobuild."
+"_* Traducir los ficheros *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}* "
+"y *{index.html.in.pot}* al idioma deseado con cualquier editor (como puede "
+"ser /{poedit}/). Enviar los ficheros #{.po}# traducidos a la lista de correo "
+"para que el equipo de traducción pueda revisar su integridad."
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:199
msgid ""
-"_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly start translating all po "
-"files in #{manual/po/}#."
+"_* To enable a new language in the autobuild it is enough to add the initial "
+"translated files to #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# and run #{make commit}#. And "
+"then edit #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#."
msgstr ""
-"_* Una vez que el nuevo idioma haya sido añadido, se puede comenzar la "
-"traducción de todos los ficheros .po exisitentes en #{manual/po/}# de manera "
+"_* Para activar una nueva lengua en el autobuild basta con añadir los "
+"ficheros traducidos inicialmente a #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# y ejecutar #"
+"{make commit}#. Y entonces editar #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#."
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:201
msgid ""
+"_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly continue translating the "
+"remaining po files in #{manual/po/}#."
+msgstr ""
+"_* Una vez que el nuevo idioma haya sido añadido, se puede continuar la "
+"traducción de los ficheros po restantes en #{manual/po/}# de manera "
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:203
+msgid ""
"_* Don't forget you need #{make commit}# to ensure the translated manuals "
"are updated from the po files and then you can review your changes launching "
"#{make build}# before #{git add .}#, #{git commit -a -m \"Translating...\"}# "
@@ -827,7 +836,7 @@ msgstr ""
"\"Translating...\"}# y #{git push}#."
#. type: Plain text
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:202
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:204
#, no-wrap
-msgid "*{Note:}* Please be aware that even though both #{make commit}# and #{make build}# remove your build directory, if you build the manual to review your changes as recommended, you may want to clean your git tree before pushing. In order to do that, you can use #{make clean}#. This last step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
-msgstr "*{Nota:}* Tener en cuenta que a pesar de que tanto #{make commit}# como #{make build}# borran el directorio «build», si se crea el manual para revisar los cambios tal y como se recomienda, es posible que se desee limpiar el árbol git antes de enviar los cambios. Para hacer esto, se puede usar #{make clean}#. Este último paso no es obligatorio, gracias al fichero .gitignore, pero es una buena práctica para evitar enviar ficheros involuntariamente.\n"
+msgid "*{Note:}* You can use #{make clean}# to clean your git tree before pushing. This step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
+msgstr "*{Nota:}* Se puede utilizar #{make clean}# para limpiar el árbol git antes de enviar los cambios. Este paso no es obligatorio, gracias al fichero .gitignore, pero es una buena práctica para evitar enviar ficheros involuntariamente.\n"
diff --git a/manual/po/fr/about_manual.ssi.po b/manual/po/fr/about_manual.ssi.po
index cbadb12..187f0b6 100644
--- a/manual/po/fr/about_manual.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/fr/about_manual.ssi.po
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-18 19:35+0300\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-18 19:53+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-24 19:21+0300\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-24 20:12+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Carlos Zuferri «chals» <chals at altorricon.com>\n"
"Language-Team: <debian-live at lists.debian.org>\n"
"Language: fr\n"
@@ -464,8 +464,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:130 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145
#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83
#: en/user_examples.ssi:93 en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117
@@ -539,8 +539,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:135 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:152
#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
#: en/user_examples.ssi:61 en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89
#: en/user_examples.ssi:103 en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ msgstr "Ou combiner les deux, par exemple:"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:130
#, no-wrap
-msgid " $ make build FORMATS=html LANGUAGES=it\n"
+msgid " $ make build LANGUAGES=it FORMATS=html\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -757,38 +757,45 @@ msgstr "3~translation Traduction"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:195
-msgid "To submit a translation for a new language, follow these three steps:"
-msgstr ""
-"Pour soumettre une traduction pour une nouvelle langue, suivez ces trois "
+msgid "To start a translation for a new language, follow these steps:"
+msgstr "Pour commencer la traduction d'une nouvelle langue, suivez ces étapes:"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:197
msgid ""
-"_* Translate the about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot and index.html."
-"in.pot files to your language with your favourite editor (such as /"
-"{poedit}/). Send translated files to the mailing list. Once we have reviewed "
-"your submission, we will add the new language to the manual (providing the "
-"po files) and will enable it in the autobuild."
+"_* Translate the *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}* and *"
+"{index.html.in.pot}* files to your language with your favourite editor (such "
+"as /{poedit}/). Send the translated #{.po}# files to the mailing list so "
+"that the translation team can check their integrity."
msgstr ""
-"_* Traduire les fichiers about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot et "
-"index.html.in.pot à votre langue avec votre éditeur préféré (comme /"
-"{poedit}/). Envoyer les fichiers traduits à la liste de diffusion. Une fois "
-"que nous avons examiné votre livraison, nous allons ajouter une nouvelle "
-"langue au manuel (avec les fichiers po) et l'activer dans l'autobuild."
+"_* Traduire les fichiers *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}* "
+"et *{index.html.in.pot}* à votre langue avec votre éditeur préféré (comme /"
+"{poedit}/). Envoyer les fichiers #{.po}# traduits à la liste de diffusion "
+"afin que l'équipe de traduction puisse vérifier leur intégrité."
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:199
msgid ""
-"_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly start translating all po "
-"files in #{manual/po/}#."
+"_* To enable a new language in the autobuild it is enough to add the initial "
+"translated files to #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# and run #{make commit}#. And "
+"then edit #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#."
msgstr ""
-"_* Une fois la nouvelle langue est ajoutée, vous pouvez commencer à traduire "
-"de façon aléatoire tous les fichiers po dans #{manual/po/}#."
+"_* Pour activer une nouvelle langue dans l'autobuild il suffit d'ajouter les "
+"premiers fichiers traduits à #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# et lancer #{make "
+"commit}#. Et alors modifier #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#."
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:201
msgid ""
+"_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly continue translating the "
+"remaining po files in #{manual/po/}#."
+msgstr ""
+"_* Une fois la nouvelle langue est ajoutée, vous pouvez continuer avec la "
+"traduction des fichiers po dans #{manual/po/}# de façon aléatoire."
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:203
+msgid ""
"_* Don't forget you need #{make commit}# to ensure the translated manuals "
"are updated from the po files and then you can review your changes launching "
"#{make build}# before #{git add .}#, #{git commit -a -m \"Translating...\"}# "
@@ -800,7 +807,7 @@ msgstr ""
"{git commit -a -m \"Translating...\"}# et #{git push}#."
#. type: Plain text
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:202
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:204
#, no-wrap
-msgid "*{Note:}* Please be aware that even though both #{make commit}# and #{make build}# remove your build directory, if you build the manual to review your changes as recommended, you may want to clean your git tree before pushing. In order to do that, you can use #{make clean}#. This last step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
-msgstr "*{Remarque:}* S'il vous plaît soyez conscients que même si les deux #{make commit}# et #{make build}# suppriment votre répertoire de construction, si vous construisez le manuel pour examiner vos modifications comme il est recommandé, et vous voulez nettoyer votre arbre git avant de les envoyer, vous pouvez utiliser #{make clean}#. Cette dernière étape n'est pas obligatoire grâce au fichier .gitignore mais il est une bonne pratique pour éviter d'envoyer certains fichiers involontairement.\n"
+msgid "*{Note:}* You can use #{make clean}# to clean your git tree before pushing. This step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
+msgstr "*{Remarque:}* Vous pouvez utiliser #{make clean}# pour nettoyer votre arbre git avant de faire un push. Cette étape n'est pas obligatoire grâce au fichier .gitignore mais c'est une bonne pratique pour éviter d'envoyer certains fichiers involontairement.\n"
diff --git a/manual/po/it/about_manual.ssi.po b/manual/po/it/about_manual.ssi.po
index cae15f1..1d717db 100644
--- a/manual/po/it/about_manual.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/it/about_manual.ssi.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-18 19:35+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-24 19:21+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-06-07 07:01+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: skizzhg <skizzhg at gmx.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian <tp at lists.linux.it>\n"
@@ -455,8 +455,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:130 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145
#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83
#: en/user_examples.ssi:93 en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117
@@ -530,8 +530,8 @@ msgstr "$ git clone git://live.debian.net/git/live-manual.git"
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:135 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:152
#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
#: en/user_examples.ssi:61 en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89
#: en/user_examples.ssi:103 en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ msgstr "O entrambi:"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:130
#, no-wrap
-msgid " $ make build FORMATS=html LANGUAGES=it\n"
+msgid " $ make build LANGUAGES=it FORMATS=html\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -751,18 +751,27 @@ msgstr "3~translation Traduzione"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:195
-msgid "To submit a translation for a new language, follow these three steps:"
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "To submit a translation for a new language, follow these three steps:"
+msgid "To start a translation for a new language, follow these steps:"
msgstr ""
"Per inviare una traduzione per una nuova lingua, seguire questi tre passi:"
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:197
-msgid ""
-"_* Translate the about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot and index.html."
-"in.pot files to your language with your favourite editor (such as /"
-"{poedit}/). Send translated files to the mailing list. Once we have reviewed "
-"your submission, we will add the new language to the manual (providing the "
-"po files) and will enable it in the autobuild."
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "_* Translate the about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot and index."
+#| "html.in.pot files to your language with your favourite editor (such as /"
+#| "{poedit}/). Send translated files to the mailing list. Once we have "
+#| "reviewed your submission, we will add the new language to the manual "
+#| "(providing the po files) and will enable it in the autobuild."
+msgid ""
+"_* Translate the *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}* and *"
+"{index.html.in.pot}* files to your language with your favourite editor (such "
+"as /{poedit}/). Send the translated #{.po}# files to the mailing list so "
+"that the translation team can check their integrity."
msgstr ""
"_* Tradurre i file about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot e index.html."
"in.pot nella propria lingua con il proprio editor preferito (tipo /"
@@ -773,15 +782,27 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:199
msgid ""
-"_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly start translating all po "
-"files in #{manual/po/}#."
+"_* To enable a new language in the autobuild it is enough to add the initial "
+"translated files to #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# and run #{make commit}#. And "
+"then edit #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:201
+#, fuzzy
+#| msgid ""
+#| "_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly start translating all "
+#| "po files in #{manual/po/}#."
+msgid ""
+"_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly continue translating the "
+"remaining po files in #{manual/po/}#."
msgstr ""
"_* Una volta che la nuova lingua è stata aggiunta, si può iniziare a "
"tradurre tutti i file po situati in #{manual/po/}#, nell'ordine che si "
#. type: Plain text
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:201
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:203
msgid ""
"_* Don't forget you need #{make commit}# to ensure the translated manuals "
"are updated from the po files and then you can review your changes launching "
@@ -794,7 +815,8 @@ msgstr ""
"{git commit -a -m \"Translating...\"}# e #{git push}#."
#. type: Plain text
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:202
-#, no-wrap
-msgid "*{Note:}* Please be aware that even though both #{make commit}# and #{make build}# remove your build directory, if you build the manual to review your changes as recommended, you may want to clean your git tree before pushing. In order to do that, you can use #{make clean}#. This last step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:204
+#, fuzzy, no-wrap
+#| msgid "*{Note:}* Please be aware that even though both #{make commit}# and #{make build}# remove your build directory, if you build the manual to review your changes as recommended, you may want to clean your git tree before pushing. In order to do that, you can use #{make clean}#. This last step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
+msgid "*{Note:}* You can use #{make clean}# to clean your git tree before pushing. This step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
msgstr "*{Nota:}* anche se #{make commit}# e #{make build}# rimuovono entrambi la directory di compilazione, se si compila il manuale per rivedere le modifiche come consigliato, si consiglia di pulire l'albero git prima del push; per fare ciò si puà usare il comando #{make clean}#. Grazie al file .gitignore, quest'ultimo passaggio non è obbligatorio ma è una buona abitudine che evita di fare involontariamente il commit di certi file.\n"
diff --git a/manual/po/pt_BR/about_manual.ssi.po b/manual/po/pt_BR/about_manual.ssi.po
index 6fd7ede..11a0032 100644
--- a/manual/po/pt_BR/about_manual.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/pt_BR/about_manual.ssi.po
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-18 19:35+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-24 19:21+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-14 22:31+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Carlos Zuferri «chals» <chals at altorricon.com>\n"
"Language-Team: <debian-live at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -426,8 +426,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:130 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145
#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83
#: en/user_examples.ssi:93 en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117
@@ -501,8 +501,8 @@ msgstr "$ git clone git://live.debian.net/git/live-manual.git"
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:135 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:152
#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
#: en/user_examples.ssi:61 en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89
#: en/user_examples.ssi:103 en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:130
#, no-wrap
-msgid " $ make build FORMATS=html LANGUAGES=it\n"
+msgid " $ make build LANGUAGES=it FORMATS=html\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -719,29 +719,36 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:195
-msgid "To submit a translation for a new language, follow these three steps:"
+msgid "To start a translation for a new language, follow these steps:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:197
msgid ""
-"_* Translate the about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot and index.html."
-"in.pot files to your language with your favourite editor (such as /"
-"{poedit}/). Send translated files to the mailing list. Once we have reviewed "
-"your submission, we will add the new language to the manual (providing the "
-"po files) and will enable it in the autobuild."
+"_* Translate the *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}* and *"
+"{index.html.in.pot}* files to your language with your favourite editor (such "
+"as /{poedit}/). Send the translated #{.po}# files to the mailing list so "
+"that the translation team can check their integrity."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:199
msgid ""
-"_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly start translating all po "
-"files in #{manual/po/}#."
+"_* To enable a new language in the autobuild it is enough to add the initial "
+"translated files to #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# and run #{make commit}#. And "
+"then edit #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:201
msgid ""
+"_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly continue translating the "
+"remaining po files in #{manual/po/}#."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:203
+msgid ""
"_* Don't forget you need #{make commit}# to ensure the translated manuals "
"are updated from the po files and then you can review your changes launching "
"#{make build}# before #{git add .}#, #{git commit -a -m \"Translating...\"}# "
@@ -749,7 +756,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:202
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:204
#, no-wrap
-msgid "*{Note:}* Please be aware that even though both #{make commit}# and #{make build}# remove your build directory, if you build the manual to review your changes as recommended, you may want to clean your git tree before pushing. In order to do that, you can use #{make clean}#. This last step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
+msgid "*{Note:}* You can use #{make clean}# to clean your git tree before pushing. This step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/manual/po/ro/about_manual.ssi.po b/manual/po/ro/about_manual.ssi.po
index 3eac295..5e7e64b 100644
--- a/manual/po/ro/about_manual.ssi.po
+++ b/manual/po/ro/about_manual.ssi.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-18 19:35+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-24 19:21+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-04-14 22:32+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Carlos Zuferri «chals» <chals at altorricon.com>\n"
"Language-Team: <debian-live at lists.debian.org>\n"
@@ -426,8 +426,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:130 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145
#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83
#: en/user_examples.ssi:93 en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117
@@ -501,8 +501,8 @@ msgstr "$ git clone git://live.debian.net/git/live-manual.git"
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:135 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:152
#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
#: en/user_examples.ssi:61 en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89
#: en/user_examples.ssi:103 en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:130
#, no-wrap
-msgid " $ make build FORMATS=html LANGUAGES=it\n"
+msgid " $ make build LANGUAGES=it FORMATS=html\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -717,29 +717,36 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:195
-msgid "To submit a translation for a new language, follow these three steps:"
+msgid "To start a translation for a new language, follow these steps:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:197
msgid ""
-"_* Translate the about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot and index.html."
-"in.pot files to your language with your favourite editor (such as /"
-"{poedit}/). Send translated files to the mailing list. Once we have reviewed "
-"your submission, we will add the new language to the manual (providing the "
-"po files) and will enable it in the autobuild."
+"_* Translate the *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}* and *"
+"{index.html.in.pot}* files to your language with your favourite editor (such "
+"as /{poedit}/). Send the translated #{.po}# files to the mailing list so "
+"that the translation team can check their integrity."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:199
msgid ""
-"_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly start translating all po "
-"files in #{manual/po/}#."
+"_* To enable a new language in the autobuild it is enough to add the initial "
+"translated files to #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# and run #{make commit}#. And "
+"then edit #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:201
msgid ""
+"_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly continue translating the "
+"remaining po files in #{manual/po/}#."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:203
+msgid ""
"_* Don't forget you need #{make commit}# to ensure the translated manuals "
"are updated from the po files and then you can review your changes launching "
"#{make build}# before #{git add .}#, #{git commit -a -m \"Translating...\"}# "
@@ -747,7 +754,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:202
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:204
#, no-wrap
-msgid "*{Note:}* Please be aware that even though both #{make commit}# and #{make build}# remove your build directory, if you build the manual to review your changes as recommended, you may want to clean your git tree before pushing. In order to do that, you can use #{make clean}#. This last step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
+msgid "*{Note:}* You can use #{make clean}# to clean your git tree before pushing. This step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/manual/pot/about_manual.ssi.pot b/manual/pot/about_manual.ssi.pot
index a18e6ff..f7258f4 100644
--- a/manual/pot/about_manual.ssi.pot
+++ b/manual/pot/about_manual.ssi.pot
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: live-manual VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-04-18 19:35+0300\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-06-24 19:21+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL at ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL at li.org>\n"
@@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:27 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:47
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:57 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:66
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:74 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:83
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:132
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:140 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:155
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:112 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:122
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:130 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145
#: en/user_examples.ssi:14 en/user_examples.ssi:30 en/user_examples.ssi:40
#: en/user_examples.ssi:54 en/user_examples.ssi:67 en/user_examples.ssi:83
#: en/user_examples.ssi:93 en/user_examples.ssi:107 en/user_examples.ssi:117
@@ -440,8 +440,8 @@ msgstr ""
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:31 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:51
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:62 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:70
#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:79 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:88
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:136
-#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:145 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:162
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:116 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:126
+#: en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:135 en/user_customization-runtime.ssi:152
#: en/user_examples.ssi:20 en/user_examples.ssi:34 en/user_examples.ssi:44
#: en/user_examples.ssi:61 en/user_examples.ssi:71 en/user_examples.ssi:89
#: en/user_examples.ssi:103 en/user_examples.ssi:111 en/user_examples.ssi:121
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:130
#, no-wrap
-msgid " $ make build FORMATS=html LANGUAGES=it\n"
+msgid " $ make build LANGUAGES=it FORMATS=html\n"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
@@ -635,29 +635,36 @@ msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:195
-msgid "To submit a translation for a new language, follow these three steps:"
+msgid "To start a translation for a new language, follow these steps:"
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:197
msgid ""
-"_* Translate the about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot and index.html."
-"in.pot files to your language with your favourite editor (such as /"
-"{poedit}/). Send translated files to the mailing list. Once we have reviewed "
-"your submission, we will add the new language to the manual (providing the "
-"po files) and will enable it in the autobuild."
+"_* Translate the *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}* and *"
+"{index.html.in.pot}* files to your language with your favourite editor (such "
+"as /{poedit}/). Send the translated #{.po}# files to the mailing list so "
+"that the translation team can check their integrity."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:199
msgid ""
-"_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly start translating all po "
-"files in #{manual/po/}#."
+"_* To enable a new language in the autobuild it is enough to add the initial "
+"translated files to #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# and run #{make commit}#. And "
+"then edit #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#."
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
#: en/about_manual.ssi:201
msgid ""
+"_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly continue translating the "
+"remaining po files in #{manual/po/}#."
+msgstr ""
+#. type: Plain text
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:203
+msgid ""
"_* Don't forget you need #{make commit}# to ensure the translated manuals "
"are updated from the po files and then you can review your changes launching "
"#{make build}# before #{git add .}#, #{git commit -a -m \"Translating...\"}# "
@@ -665,7 +672,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. type: Plain text
-#: en/about_manual.ssi:202
+#: en/about_manual.ssi:204
#, no-wrap
-msgid "*{Note:}* Please be aware that even though both #{make commit}# and #{make build}# remove your build directory, if you build the manual to review your changes as recommended, you may want to clean your git tree before pushing. In order to do that, you can use #{make clean}#. This last step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
+msgid "*{Note:}* You can use #{make clean}# to clean your git tree before pushing. This step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.\n"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/manual/pt_BR/about_manual.ssi b/manual/pt_BR/about_manual.ssi
index 31e38bc..612f894 100644
--- a/manual/pt_BR/about_manual.ssi
+++ b/manual/pt_BR/about_manual.ssi
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ Or combine both, e.g:
- $ make build FORMATS=html LANGUAGES=it
+ $ make build LANGUAGES=it FORMATS=html
@@ -273,20 +273,23 @@ code{
3~translation Translation
-To submit a translation for a new language, follow these three steps:
+To start a translation for a new language, follow these steps:
-_* Translate the about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot and
-index.html.in.pot files to your language with your favourite editor (such as
-/{poedit}/). Send translated files to the mailing list. Once we have
-reviewed your submission, we will add the new language to the manual
-(providing the po files) and will enable it in the autobuild.
+_* Translate the *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}* and
+*{index.html.in.pot}* files to your language with your favourite editor
+(such as /{poedit}/). Send the translated #{.po}# files to the mailing list
+so that the translation team can check their integrity.
-_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly start translating all po
-files in #{manual/po/}#.
+_* To enable a new language in the autobuild it is enough to add the initial
+translated files to #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# and run #{make commit}#. And
+then edit #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#.
+_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly continue translating the
+remaining po files in #{manual/po/}#.
_* Don't forget you need #{make commit}# to ensure the translated manuals
are updated from the po files and then you can review your changes launching
#{make build}# before #{git add .}#, #{git commit -a -m "Translating..."}#
and #{git push}#.
-*{Note:}* Please be aware that even though both #{make commit}# and #{make build}# remove your build directory, if you build the manual to review your changes as recommended, you may want to clean your git tree before pushing. In order to do that, you can use #{make clean}#. This last step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.
+*{Note:}* You can use #{make clean}# to clean your git tree before pushing. This step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.
diff --git a/manual/ro/about_manual.ssi b/manual/ro/about_manual.ssi
index 9155256..2470e22 100644
--- a/manual/ro/about_manual.ssi
+++ b/manual/ro/about_manual.ssi
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ Or combine both, e.g:
- $ make build FORMATS=html LANGUAGES=it
+ $ make build LANGUAGES=it FORMATS=html
@@ -269,20 +269,23 @@ code{
3~translation Translation
-To submit a translation for a new language, follow these three steps:
+To start a translation for a new language, follow these steps:
-_* Translate the about_manual.ssi.pot, about_project.ssi.pot and
-index.html.in.pot files to your language with your favourite editor (such as
-/{poedit}/). Send translated files to the mailing list. Once we have
-reviewed your submission, we will add the new language to the manual
-(providing the po files) and will enable it in the autobuild.
+_* Translate the *{about_manual.ssi.pot}*, *{about_project.ssi.pot}* and
+*{index.html.in.pot}* files to your language with your favourite editor
+(such as /{poedit}/). Send the translated #{.po}# files to the mailing list
+so that the translation team can check their integrity.
-_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly start translating all po
-files in #{manual/po/}#.
+_* To enable a new language in the autobuild it is enough to add the initial
+translated files to #{manual/po/${LANGUAGE}/}# and run #{make commit}#. And
+then edit #{manual/_sisu/home/index.html}#.
+_* Once the new language is added, you can randomly continue translating the
+remaining po files in #{manual/po/}#.
_* Don't forget you need #{make commit}# to ensure the translated manuals
are updated from the po files and then you can review your changes launching
#{make build}# before #{git add .}#, #{git commit -a -m "Translating..."}#
and #{git push}#.
-*{Note:}* Please be aware that even though both #{make commit}# and #{make build}# remove your build directory, if you build the manual to review your changes as recommended, you may want to clean your git tree before pushing. In order to do that, you can use #{make clean}#. This last step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.
+*{Note:}* You can use #{make clean}# to clean your git tree before pushing. This step is not compulsory thanks to the .gitignore file but it is a good practice to avoid committing files involuntarily.
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