[SCM] live-manual branch, debian, updated. debian/3.0_a13-1

chals chals at altorricon.com
Wed Jun 27 13:07:59 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the debian branch:
commit a948f35d1a837bff5dddaee3b3e4d971ca48c026
Author: chals <chals at altorricon.com>
Date:   Sat Jun 9 19:07:48 2012 +0200

    Updating persistence: first draft, deleting snapshots and changing labels.

diff --git a/manual/en/user_customization-runtime.ssi b/manual/en/user_customization-runtime.ssi
index 7e455f1..f355aab 100644
--- a/manual/en/user_customization-runtime.ssi
+++ b/manual/en/user_customization-runtime.ssi
@@ -92,35 +92,25 @@ A live cd paradigm is a pre-installed system which runs from read-only media, li
 A Debian Live system is a generalization of this paradigm and thus supports other media in addition to CDs; but still, in its default behaviour, it should be considered read-only and all the run-time evolutions of the system are lost at shutdown.
-'Persistence' is a common name for different kinds of solutions for saving across reboots some, or all, of this run-time evolution of the system. To understand how it could work it could be handy to know that even if the system is booted and run from read-only media, modification to the files and directories are written on writable media, typically a ram disk (tmpfs) and ram disks' data do not survive reboots.
+'Persistence' is a common name for different kinds of solutions for saving across reboots some, or all, of this run-time evolution of the system. To understand how it works it would be handy to know that even if the system is booted and run from read-only media, modifications to the files and directories are written on writable media, typically a ram disk (tmpfs) and ram disks' data do not survive reboots.
 The data stored on this ramdisk should be saved on a writable persistent medium like local storage media, a network share or even a session of a multisession (re)writable CD/DVD. All these media are supported in Debian Live in different ways, and all but the last one require a special boot parameter to be specified at boot time: #{persistence}#.
-If the boot parameter #{persistence}# is set (and #{nopersistence}# is not set), local storage media (e.g. hard disks, USB drives) will be probed for persistence volumes during boot. A persistence volume is any of the following:
+If the boot parameter #{persistence}# is set (and #{nopersistence}# is not set), local storage media (e.g. hard disks, USB drives) will be probed for persistence volumes during boot. It is possible to restrict which types of persistence volumes to use by specifying certain boot parameters described in the live-boot(7) man page. A persistence volume is any of the following:
 _* a partition, identified by its GPT name.
 _* a filesystem, identified by its filesystem label.
-_* an image/archive file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file extension, e.g. "<label>.ext4".
+_* an image file located on the root of any readable filesystem (even an NTFS partition of a foreign OS), identified by its file name. In this case the file name must also use the containing filesystem as the file extension, e.g. "persistence.ext4".
-It is possible to restrict which types of persistence volumes to use by specifying certain boot parameters described in the live-boot(7) man page. The "identifying labels" referred to above can be any of the following:
+The volume label for overlays must be #{persistence}#. And in order to fully customize the volume's persistence there must be a file named #{live-persistence.conf}#. See {The live-persistence.conf file}#live-persistence-conf
-_* #{full-ov}# for full persistence overlays.
-_* #{custom-ov}# for custom overlays.
-_* #{live-sn}# for full system snapshots.
-_* #{home-sn}# for /home snapshots.
-3~ Full persistence overlays
-By 'full persistence' it is meant that instead of using a tmpfs for storing modifications to the read-only media (with the copy-on-write, COW, system) a persistence volume is used. For this type of persistence the volume label must be #{full-ov}#. This could, for instance, be an ext4 partition on a hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:
+Here are some examples of how to prepare a volume to be used for persistence. It can be, for instance, an ext4 partition on a hard disk or on a usb key created with, e.g.:
- # mkfs.ext4 -L full-ov /dev/sdb1
+ # mkfs.ext4 -L persistence /dev/sdb1
@@ -130,52 +120,40 @@ If you already have a partition on your device, you could just change the label
- $ tune2fs -L full-ov /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems
+ $ tune2fs -L persistence /dev/sdb1 # for ext2,3,4 filesystems
-Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file used for full persistence:
+Here's an example of how to create an ext4-based image file used for persistence:
- $ dd if=/dev/null of=full-ov bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file
- $ /sbin/mkfs.ext4 -F full-ov
+ $ dd if=/dev/null of=persistence bs=1G seek=1 # for a 1GB sized image file
+ $ /sbin/mkfs.ext4 -F persistence
-Then copy the #{full-ov}# file to the root of a writable partition and reboot.
+Then copy the #{persistence}# file to the root of a writable partition.
-3~ Custom overlays
+3~live-persistence-conf The live-persistence.conf file
-A volume with the label #{custom-ov}# can be configured to make arbitrary directories persistent. The file #{live-persistence.conf}#, located on the volume's filesystem root, controls which directories it makes persistent, and in which way.
+A volume with the label #{persistence}# can be configured to make arbitrary directories persistent. The file #{live-persistence.conf}#, located on the volume's filesystem root, controls which directories it makes persistent, and in which way.
 How custom overlay mounts are configured is described in full detail in the live-persistence.conf(5) man page, but a simple example should be sufficient for most uses. Let's say we want to make our home directory and APT cache persistent in an ext4 filesystem on the /dev/sdb1 partition:
- $ mkfs.ext4 -L custom-ov /dev/sdb1
+ $ mkfs.ext4 -L persistence /dev/sdb1
  $ mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /mnt
  $ echo "/home" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf
  $ echo "/var/cache/apt" >> /mnt/live-persistence.conf
-Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of #{/home}# and #{/var/cache/apt}# will be copied into the persistence volume, and from then on all changes to these directories will live in the persistence volume. Please note that any paths listed in the #{live-persistence.conf}# file cannot contain white spaces or the special #{.}# and #{..}# path components. Also, neither #{/live}# (or any of its sub-directories) nor #{/}# can be made persistent using custom mounts (for the latter, use the #{full-ov}# type persistence described above).
+Then we reboot. During the first boot the contents of #{/home}# and #{/var/cache/apt}# will be copied into the persistence volume, and from then on all changes to these directories will live in the persistence volume. Please note that any paths listed in the #{live-persistence.conf}# file cannot contain white spaces or the special #{.}# and #{..}# path components. Also, neither #{/live}# (or any of its sub-directories) nor #{/}# can be made persistent using custom mounts.
 Several different custom overlay volumes (with their own #{live-persistence.conf}# files) can be used at the same time, but if several volumes make the same directory persistent, only one of them will be used. If any two mounts are "nested" (i.e. one is a sub-directory of the other) the parent will be mounted before the child so no mount will be hidden by the other. Nested custom mounts are problematic if they are listed in the same #{live-persistence.conf}# file. See the live-persistence.conf(5) man page for how to handle that case if you really need it (hint: you usually don't).
-3~ Snapshots
-Snapshots are collections of files and directories which are not mounted while running but which are copied from a persistence volume to the system (tmpfs) at boot and which are resynced at reboot/shutdown of the system. The volume must be labeled #{live-sn}#, and it defaults to a simple cpio archive named #{live-sn.cpio.gz}#. A power interruption during run time could lead to data loss, hence, if you have important changes, invoke #{live-snapshot --refresh}# as often as needed. This type of persistence, since it does not write continuously to the persistence media, is the most flash-based device friendly and the fastest of all the persistence systems, but it occupies as much RAM as the size of the uncompressed snapshot.
-A /home version of snapshot exists too and its label is #{home-sn.*}#; it works the same as the main snapshot but it is only applied to /home.
-Snapshots cannot currently handle file deletion.
 3~ Persistence SubText
-If a user would need multiple persistence storage of the same type for different locations or testing, such as #{full-ov-nonwork}# and #{full-ov-work}#, the boot parameter #{persistence-subtext}# used in conjunction with the boot parameter #{persistence}# will allow for multiple but unique persistence media. An example would be if a user wanted to use a persistence partition labeled #{live-sn-subText}# they would use the boot parameters of: #{persistence}# #{persistence-subtext=subText}#.
-3~ Partial remastering
-The run-time modification of the tmpfs could be collected using live-snapshot in a squashfs and added to the cd by remastering the iso in the case of cd-r or adding a session to multisession cd/dvd(rw); live-boot mounts all /live filesystem in order or with the module boot parameter.
+If a user would need multiple persistence storage of the same type for different locations or testing, such as #{persistence-nonwork}# and #{persistence-work}#, the boot parameter #{persistence-subtext}# used in conjunction with the boot parameter #{persistence}# will allow for multiple but unique persistence media. An example would be if a user wanted to use a persistence partition labeled #{persistence-subText}# they would use the boot parameters of: #{persistence}# #{persistence-subtext=subText}#.


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