[Debian-NP-Commits] r237 - people/vagrant/simple-cdd

Enrico Zini debian-np-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 18:28:34 -0700

Author: enrico
Date: Wed Nov 24 18:28:31 2004
New Revision: 237

Created a tentative split config file

Added: people/vagrant/simple-cdd/CONF-customization.sh
--- (empty file)
+++ people/vagrant/simple-cdd/CONF-customization.sh	Wed Nov 24 18:28:31 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# This controls branding of the generated CDs
+# Building sarge cd set ...
+export CODENAME=sarge
+# Version number, "2.2 r0", "2.2 r1" etc.
+export DEBVERSION="3.1"
+# Official or non-official set.
+# ON THE OFFICIAL DEBIAN CD WEBSITE http://cdimage.debian.org
+export OFFICIAL="Unofficial"
+#export OFFICIAL="Official"
+#export OFFICIAL="Official Beta"
+# If set, overrides the boot picture used.
+#export SPLASHPNG="$BASEDIR/data/$CODENAME/splash-img.png"
+# And this option will make you 2 copies of CD1 - one with all the
+# non-US packages on it, one with none. Useful if you're likely to
+# need both.
+# If you have a $MIRROR/dists/$CODENAME/local/binary-$ARCH dir with 
+# local packages that you want to put on the CD set then
+# uncomment the following line 
+# export LOCAL=1
+# Do I want to have CONTRIB merged in the CD set
+# export CONTRIB=1
+export CONTRIB=0
+# Do I want to have NONFREE merged in the CD set
+# export NONFREE=1
+export NONFREE=0
+# Do I want to have NONFREE on a separate CD (the last CD of the CD set)
+# WARNING: Don't use NONFREE and EXTRANONFREE at the same time !
+# export EXTRANONFREE=1
+# If you want a <codename>-secured tree with a copy of the signed
+# Release.gpg and files listed by this Release file, then
+# uncomment this line
+# export SECURED=1
+# Sparc only : bootdir (location of cd.b and second.b)
+# export BOOTDIR=/boot
+# ISOLinux support for multiboot on CD1 for i386
+export ISOLINUX=1
+# Set this if the recommended packages should be skipped when adding 
+# package on the CD.  The default is 'false'.
+# Set this if the suggested packages should be skipped when adding 
+# package on the CD.  The default is 'true'.
+#export NOSUGGESTS=1
+# Parameters to pass to kernel when the CD boots. Not currently supported
+# for all architectures.
+export KERNEL_PARAMS="preseed/file=/cdrom/simple-cdd/default.preseed"

Added: people/vagrant/simple-cdd/CONF-enrico.sh
--- (empty file)
+++ people/vagrant/simple-cdd/CONF-enrico.sh	Wed Nov 24 18:28:31 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# This file will have to be sourced where needed
+# The initial part of the file should not be touched
+# Unset all optional variables first to start from a clean state
+unset TASK              || true
+unset SIZELIMIT         || true
+unset NONUS             || true
+unset FORCENONUSONCD1   || true
+unset NONFREE           || true
+unset CONTRIB           || true
+unset EXTRANONFREE      || true
+unset LOCAL             || true
+unset LOCALDEBS         || true
+unset SECURED           || true
+unset SECURITY          || true
+unset BOOTDIR           || true
+unset BOOTDISKS         || true
+unset SYMLINK           || true
+unset COPYLINK          || true
+unset MKISOFS           || true
+unset MKISOFS_OPTS      || true
+unset ISOLINUX          || true
+unset EXCLUDE           || true
+unset SRCEXCLUDE        || true
+unset NORECOMMENDS      || true
+unset NOSUGGESTS        || true
+unset DOJIGDO           || true
+unset JIGDOCMD          || true
+unset JIGDOTEMPLATEURL  || true
+unset JIGDOINCLUDEURLS  || true
+unset JIGDOSCRIPT       || true
+unset DEFBINSIZE        || true
+unset DEFSRCSIZE        || true
+unset FASTSUMS          || true
+unset PUBLISH_URL       || true
+unset PUBLISH_NONUS_URL || true
+unset PUBLISH_PATH      || true
+unset UDEB_INCLUDE      || true
+unset UDEB_EXCLUDE      || true
+unset BASE_INCLUDE      || true
+unset BASE_EXCLUDE      || true
+unset INSTALLER_CD      || true
+unset DI_CODENAME       || true
+unset MAXCDS            || true
+unset SPLASHPNG         || true
+# The debian-cd dir
+# Where I am (hoping I'm in the debian-cd dir)
+export BASEDIR=/usr/share/debian-cd
+. CONF-workspace.sh
+. CONF-customization.sh
+# By default use Debian installer packages from $CODENAME
+if [ ! "$DI_CODENAME" ]
+# If set, controls where the d-i components are downloaded from.
+# This may be an url, or "default", which will make it use the default url
+# for the daily d-i builds. If not set, uses the official d-i images from
+# the Debian mirror.
+#export DI_WWW_HOME=default
+# ... for arch  
+export ARCH=`dpkg --print-installation-architecture`
+##### Sensible defaults for almost everyone
+# uncomment this to if you want to see more of what the Makefile is doing
+#export VERBOSE_MAKE=1
+# uncoment this to make build_all.sh try to build a simple CD image if
+# the proper official CD run does not work
+# Set your disk size here in MB. Used in calculating package and
+# source file layouts in build.sh and build_all.sh. Defaults are for
+# CD-R, try ~4600 for DVD-R.
+export DEFBINSIZE=630
+export DEFSRCSIZE=635
+# increase the size limit if debian-cd tries to make more CDs than you
+# want, and the generated CDs are smaller than 650MB.
+export SIZELIMIT=739631360
+# If set, use the md5sums from the main archive, rather than calculating
+# them locally
+#export FASTSUMS=1
+# Only put the installer onto the cd (set NORECOMMENDS,... as well).
+# INSTALLER_CD=0: nothing special (default)
+# INSTALLER_CD=1: just add debian-installer (use TASK=tasks/debian-installer)
+# INSTALLER_CD=2: add d-i and base (use TASK=tasks/debian-installer+kernel)
+#export INSTALLER_CD=0
+export INSTALLER_CD=2
+##### User configurable parts start from here
+# We don't want certain packages to take up space on CD1...
+#export EXCLUDE="$BASEDIR"/tasks/exclude-sarge
+# ...but they are okay for other CDs (UNEXCLUDEx == may be included on CD >= x)
+#export UNEXCLUDE2="$BASEDIR"/tasks/unexclude-CD2-sarge
+# Any packages listed in EXCLUDE but not in any UNEXCLUDE will be
+# excluded completely.
+# We also exclude some source packages
+#export SRCEXCLUDE="$BASEDIR"/tasks/exclude-src-potato
+# If set, limits the number of binary CDs to produce.
+#export MAXCDS=1
+export MAXCDS=1
+# Used by build.sh to determine what to build, this is the name of a target
+# in the Makefile. Use bin-official_images to build only binary CDs. The
+# default, official_images, builds everything.
+# additional debconf pre-seeding files (suitable for use with
+# debconf-set-selections)
+# these are generally debian-cd files which should get included
+includes="$BASEDIR/tasks/debian-installer+kernel $BASEDIR/tasks/debian-installer $BASEDIR/tasks/base-$CODENAME"
+# files which contain lists of packages
+package_files="simple-cdd-packages.list simple-cdd-downloads.list"
+# list of packages to mirror
+#export http_proxy=http://localhost:3128
+# download a specific codename branch, such as sid.
+# download a specific installer release, such as 20041118 or rc2
+# debpartial-mirror.conf files variable
+debpartial_files="README doc/ tools/ indices/ $debian_installer_dir"
+# debpartial-mirror server variable

Added: people/vagrant/simple-cdd/CONF-workspace.sh
--- (empty file)
+++ people/vagrant/simple-cdd/CONF-workspace.sh	Wed Nov 24 18:28:31 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# Configure the workspace used to build the CDs
+# IMPORTANT : The 4 following paths must be on the same partition/device.
+#	      If they aren't then you must set COPYLINK below to 1. This
+#	      takes a lot of extra room to create the sandbox for the ISO
+#	      images, however. Also, if you are using an NFS partition for
+#	      some part of this, you must use this option.
+# Paths to the mirrors
+export MIRROR="$WORKDIR/debian"
+# Comment the following line if you don't have/want non-US
+#export NONUS="$WORKDIR/debian-non-US"
+# Path of the temporary directory
+export TDIR="$WORKDIR/tmp"
+# Path where the images will be written
+export OUT=/rack/debian-cd
+# Where we keep the temporary apt stuff.
+# This cannot reside on an NFS mount.
+export APTTMP="$WORKDIR/tmp/apt"
+# If your local packages are not under $MIRROR, but somewhere else, 
+# you can uncomment this line and edit to to point to a directory
+# containing dists/$CODENAME/local/binary-$ARCH
+# export LOCALDEBS=/home/joey/debian/va/debian
+# Where to find the security patches.  This directory should be the
+# top directory of a security.debian.org mirror.
+#export SECURITY="$TOPDIR"/debian/debian-security
+# Symlink farmers should uncomment this line :
+# export SYMLINK=1
+# Use this to force copying the files instead of symlinking or hardlinking
+# them. This is useful if your destination directories are on a different
+# partition than your source files.
+# export COPYLINK=1
+# Options
+# export MKISOFS=/usr/bin/mkisofs
+# export MKISOFS_OPTS="-r"		#For normal users
+# export MKISOFS_OPTS="-r -F ."	#For symlink farmers
+# Produce jigdo files:
+# 0/unset = Don't do jigdo at all, produce only the full iso image.
+# 1 = Produce both the iso image and jigdo stuff.
+# 2 = Produce ONLY jigdo stuff by piping mkisofs directly into jigdo-file,
+#     no temporary iso image is created (saves lots of disk space).
+#     NOTE: The no-temp-iso will not work for (at least) alpha and powerpc
+#     since they need the actual .iso to make it bootable. For these archs,
+#     the temp-iso will be generated, but deleted again immediately after the
+#     jigdo stuff is made; needs temporary space as big as the biggest image.
+#export DOJIGDO=2
+# jigdo-file command & options
+# Note: building the cache takes hours, so keep it around for the next run
+#export JIGDOCMD="/usr/local/bin/jigdo-file --cache=$HOME/jigdo-cache.db"
+# HTTP/FTP URL for directory where you intend to make the templates
+# available. You should not need to change this; the default value ""
+# means "template in same dir as the .jigdo file", which is usually
+# correct. If it is non-empty, it needs a trailing slash. "%ARCH%"
+# will be substituted by the current architecture.
+# Name of a directory on disc to create data for a fallback server in. 
+# Should later be made available by you at the URL given in
+# JIGDOFALLBACKURLS. In the directory, two subdirs named "Debian" and
+# "Non-US" will be created, and filled with hard links to the actual
+# files in your FTP archive. Because of the hard links, the dir must
+# be on the same partition as the FTP archive! If unset, no fallback
+# data is created, which may cause problems - see README.
+#export JIGDOFALLBACKPATH="$(OUT)/snapshot/"
+# Space-separated list of label->URL mappings for "jigdo fallback
+# server(s)" to add to .jigdo file. If unset, no fallback URL is
+# added, which may cause problems - see README.
+#export JIGDOFALLBACKURLS="Debian=http://myserver/snapshot/Debian/ Non-US=http://myserver/snapshot/Non-US/"
+# Space-separated list of "include URLs" to add to the .jigdo file. 
+# The included files are used to provide an up-to-date list of Debian
+# mirrors to the jigdo _GUI_application_ (_jigdo-lite_ doesn't support
+# "[Include ...]").
+export JIGDOINCLUDEURLS="http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/debian-servers.jigdo"
+# "tools/jigdo_header", which is used by default to generate the
+# [Image] and [Servers] sections of the .jigdo file. You can provide
+# your own script if you need the .jigdo file to contain different
+# data.
+#export JIGDOSCRIPT="myscript"
+# A couple of things used only by publish_cds, so it can tweak the
+# jigdo files, and knows where to put the results.
+# You need to run publish_cds manually, it is not run by the Makefile.
+export PUBLISH_URL="http://cdimage.debian.org/jigdo-area"
+export PUBLISH_NONUS_URL="http://non-US.cdimage.debian.org/jigdo-area"
+export PUBLISH_PATH="/home/jigdo-area/"
+# Where to find the boot disks
+#export BOOTDISKS=$TOPDIR/ftp/skolelinux/boot-floppies
+# File with list of packages to include when fetching modules for the
+# first stage installer (debian-installer). One package per line.
+# Lines starting with '#' are comments.  The package order is
+# important, as the packages will be installed in the given order.
+#export UDEB_INCLUDE="$BASEDIR"/data/$CODENAME/udeb_include
+# File with list of packages to exclude as above.
+#export UDEB_EXCLUDE="$BASEDIR"/data/$CODENAME/udeb_exclude
+# File with list of packages to include when running debootstrap from
+# the first stage installer (currently only supported in
+# debian-installer). One package per line.  Lines starting with '#'
+# are comments.  The package order is important, as the packages will
+# be installed in the given order.
+#export BASE_INCLUDE="$BASEDIR"/data/$CODENAME/base_include
+# File with list of packages to exclude as above.
+#export BASE_EXCLUDE="$BASEDIR"/data/$CODENAME/base_exclude
+# path to simple-cdd stuff
+export MIRROR=$simple_cdd_path/mirror/
+export TDIR=$simple_cdd_path/tmp/
+export OUT=$simple_cdd_path/images/
+export APTTMP=$simple_cdd_path/tmp/apt/
+export TASK=$simple_cdd_path/simple-cdd.task
+# files which contain lists of packages
+package_files="simple-cdd-packages.list simple-cdd-downloads.list"