[Debian-np-devel] ola from NL!

Alex de Landgraaf debian-np-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Mon, 14 Jun 2004 00:09:15 +0200

Hi all,

Just wanted to thank you all for the great time in Porto Alegre. Been over a
week, but I'm still recovering from the jetlag and getting used to real life
again :)

Although I didn't make a lot of them, I've placed my photos I made during the
last two days online [1]. Enjoy!

cheers, and good luck with the iso's Zufus. Looking forward to giving Debian-NP
Server 1.0 a spin :)


[1] http://am.xs4all.nl/gallery/album05

| Alex de Landgraaf            | The cure for boredom is curiosity |
| Student AI & CS, VU, A'dam   |  There is no cure for curiosity   |
| Phone: 06-16844084           |                                   |
| GPG: http://am.xs4all.nl/key_alex.asc         /'-'\              |
| www.alextreme.org & www.morphix.org          ( o o )             |