[Debian-olpc-devel] How _should_ we import new changes into git?

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Tue Feb 3 14:48:54 UTC 2009

Hi Sascha,

On Freitag, 16. Januar 2009, Sascha Silbe wrote:
> sugar-datastore got an important bugfix and sugar-toolkit fixes a
> security issue if I've understood that correctly. So they should migrate
> as well, which leaves only sugar-web-activity as non-critical (copyright
> fixes, translation updates).
> With the latest versions (i.e. from unstable), Sugar seems to work fine
> now on my system (only some tracebacks that don't look critical). So I'd
> say "migrate latest versions to lenny" instead of "remove from lenny".

Is that still correct? 

I've added it now at 
which I plan to use this week to document the status of sugar in lenny, so 
that we can write a comprehensive mail to the release team on saturday - 
after the worksession on friday in Brussels.

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