[Debian-olpc-devel] sugar 0.86 for Debian Edu lenny?

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Tue Oct 20 12:02:01 UTC 2009

[Holger Levsen]
> This would increase the (ease of) availability of those packages and
> that new UI concept, while it shouldnt mean any additional risk and
> little burden for Debian Edu, as the packages are indepent of the
> "normal" Debian Edu UI and since we can rely on the fine work of
> their maintainers.

One problem I experienced with the old packages, is that there is no
way to select sugar as a desktop when logging in using kdm, and it is
not possible to select sugar as a replacement desktop manager the way
one can select between gdm and kdm.  This make it hard to get the
sugar desktop started after installation.  Are these issues fixed?
How are users supposed to get sugar started after installation now?

If we upgrade the sugar packages, I expect we will need to update the
education-sugar tasks as well.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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