[Debian-ports-devel] buildd.debian-ports.org merged onto buildd.debian.org

Aurelien Jarno aurel32 at debian.org
Thu Aug 20 08:48:15 UTC 2015

Hi all,

We have almost completed the move of the wanna-build part of
debian-ports onto the buildd.debian.org machine, the machine used for
official architectures and adminstrated by DSA. We did our best to keep
the database and the log history during the transfer. The machine has
the following host key fingerprints:

  ssh-rsa f5:28:f4:33:5b:36:be:03:05:bd:fa:cf:17:fc:4b:f7
  ssh-ed25519 b3:41:87:1c:58:de:53:28:8e:f0:a0:9e:34:ca:ae:53

Debian Developers should be able to log onto the machine and access the
wanna-build database for the architectures they maintain. Non DD will
be contacted soon to get an account on this machine.

On the build daemons side, we have also transfered the SSH keys, but
the configuration need some small changes for the following
configuration entries:

    wanna_build_ssh_host => "buildd.debian.org",
    wanna_build_ssh_user => "wb-buildd",
    wanna_build_ssh_socket => 'buildd.debian.org.ssh',
    wanna_build_db_user => "buildd_ARCH-BUILDD",
    logs_mailed_to => 'logs at buildd.debian.org',

Please replace ARCH and BUILDD by the architecture and the name of the
buildd, for example buildd_sh4-akagi. Don't forgot that you need to get
the new SSH host fingerprint to be accepted, you can do that by running
"ssh wb-buildd at buildd.debian.org" and checking the above fingerprint.

The web interface has been updated to reflect the release and
non-release architectures thanks to Mehdi Dogguy. We are going to
continue improving it in the next days, including missing informations
like the graph stats.

Don't hesitate to ask questions on the mailing list if you have issues
or difficulties with this new setup.

For the debian wanna-build team and the debian-ports team,

Aurelien Jarno                          GPG: 4096R/1DDD8C9B
aurelien at aurel32.net                 http://www.aurel32.net
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