[Debian-ports-devel] New debian-ports archive signing key (2016)

Aurelien Jarno aurel32 at debian.org
Mon Jan 25 14:47:32 UTC 2016


The 2015 debian-ports archive signing key will expire in the next
days (sorry for the late change). I've created the 2016 one,
uploaded it to the keyservers, and uploaded a new version of the
debian-ports-archive-keyring package. This key is already used to
sign the archive in addition to the 2015 one, which will be 
deactivated when expiring.

The key is:

  pub   4096R/705A2CE1 2016-01-24 [expires: 2017-02-01]
        Key fingerprint = 69DD B056 0EA8 6E87 E835  99B3 B4C8 6482 705A 2CE1
  uid                  Debian Ports Archive Automatic Signing Key (2016) <ftpmaster at debian-ports.org>

It can be found as well on: 


Or attached to this mail.


Aurelien Jarno	                        GPG: 1024D/F1BCDB73
aurelien at aurel32.net                 http://www.aurel32.net
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URL: <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/debian-ports-devel/attachments/20160125/2f39d8e9/attachment.key>
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